Prince Edward and the Countess of Wessex are currently in Scotland, visiting the Queen at Balmoral. All of the Queen’s children are expected to schlep up to Balmoral every damn summer. Most of them enjoy it, I think, although it’s got to be tiresome at some point, right? Prince Edward and Prince Charles were photographed going to church in separate cars on Sunday. This actually means that Charles, Edward and Andrew are all in or around Balmoral at the same time, which is kind of interesting. Which brings me to this: at least one “royal biographer” is really trying to claim that Edward has always been the Queen’s “favorite.” No.
Prince Andrew is not the Queen’s favourite child, with the honour going to Prince Edward, a biographer has claimed in a new book. And although it has long been speculated that the Queen has the softest spot for Andrew, royal biographer Matthew Dennison claims that it is Edward who has always been the family favourite.
In his lengthy biography of the monarch, Mr Dennison wrote: “Prince Edward, seemingly a bit wet and a tad irritating to the rest of us, was always his parents’ favourite. That became apparent in 1987 when Edward, aged 22, opted out of the Royal Marines when he was just a third of the way through his 12-month basic training course. To the surprise of some, Prince Philip (Captain-General of the Royal Marines) did not come down on his son like a ton of bricks. He accepted that the Marines ‘wasn’t right for Edward’ – and to this day Edward is grateful for that.”
Royal expert Ingrid Seward also claimed the Duke of Edinburgh was very understanding about Edward’s decision to quit the Marines. Writing in the Daily Mail, she said: “Given his action-man image and his well-earned reputation for irascibility, many people assumed he was outraged. Stories soon spread that harsh words had been exchanged between father and son; even that Edward had been reduced to tears by his father’s anger.”
But she added: “The truth was quite the opposite: of all the Royal Family, Philip was in fact the most sympathetic. He understood his son’s decision, which he considered a brave one, and supported him fully.”
No. I mean, maybe it was the case that Philip babied Edward or that Philip had a soft spot for Edward, but it doesn’t follow that Edward was his parents’ favorite child. Philip AND the Queen were both exceptionally close to their only daughter, Anne. I also think the Queen prefers Countess Sophie’s company rather than Edward’s company. And yes, the Queen does prefer Andrew above all of her other children. That much has always been clear. It was also clear that Charles was neither parent’s favorite. The Queen Mum adored Charles, as did Lord Mountbatten.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Instar.
- North America Rights Only – Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia -20220428- Prince Edward and Sophie Countess of Wessex meet staff and students from a number of St Lucian schools, at Camille Henry Memorial school in St Lucia, as they continue their visit to the Caribbean, to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. -PICTURED: Prince Edward, Sophie Countess Of Wessex -PHOTO by: PA Images/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 20: Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Sophie Countess of Wessex at the Queen‚Äôs Green Canopy Garden, which highlights the importance of trees and woodlands to the environment during a visit to the Autumn RHS Chelsea Flower Show on September 20, 2021 in London, England. This year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show was delayed from its usual spring dates due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which also prompted its cancellation last year. Previously, only two World Wars had caused the event’s suspension.,Image: 633044422, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Chris Jackson / Avalon
- LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 20: Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex at the Queen‚Äôs Green Canopy Garden, which highlights the importance of trees and woodlands to the environment during a visit to the Autumn RHS Chelsea Flower Show on September 20, 2021 in London, England. This year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show was delayed from its usual spring dates due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which also prompted its cancellation last year. Previously, only two World Wars had caused the event’s suspension.,Image: 633044475, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Chris Jackson / Avalon
- Queen Elizabeth II and the Earl of Wessex at the launch of the Queen’s Baton Relay for Birmingham 2022 – the XXII Commonwealth Games, on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in London. Picture date: Thursday October 7, 2021. The Queen will place her message in the baton before Paralympic gold medallist Kadeena Cox carries the symbol on the first leg of its journey. The relay of 7,500 bearers will take the baton on a 90,000-mile journey to all 72 nations and territories of the Commonwealth over 294 days.,Image: 637021522, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- The Queen and the Earl of Wessex watching double Paralympic gold medallist Kadeena Cox, the first Batonbearer, marking the start of the 16th Queen’s Baton Relay, at Buckingham Palace, London, on 7 October 2021 Camera Press Rota,Image: 637047786, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Camera Press Rota, Model Release: no, Credit line: Giles Anderson / Avalon
- HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex departs a Service of Thanksgiving for HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Westminster Abbey, London, England, UK on Tuesday 29 March, 2022.,Image: 673801219, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Queen Elizabeth II with The Earl of Wessex at Paddington station in London, to mark the completion of London’s Crossrail project.,Image: 692028458, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Andrew Matthews / Avalon
- Sophie, Countess of Wessex and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex at Trooping The Colour – The Queen’s Birthday Parade, London, UK – 02 Jun 2022,Image: 696318445, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Tim Rooke/Shutterstock / Avalon
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Queen Elizabeth II at Day Two of the Royal Windsor Horse Show 2022, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Sophie, Countess of Wessex BACKGRID USA 13 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Hasn’t it always been said that Edward was Philip’s favorite, Andrew was the Queen’s favorite, Anne sort of has a special place bc she’s the only daughter (and I think always got along the best with Philip) and Charles was the favorite of the QM.
I do think Sophie is the favorite in-law though.
Yep, that’s all what I’ve read through the years too.
I think they’re just trying to vainly and weakly distance her from Andrew.
Sophie may be favorite in-law but competition is not fierce…
Good point…
I agree Edward has the favorite wife of the family, but I mean, you got Diana the charmer who did not follow their stupid royal rules, you got cheating womewrecker Camilla, Fergie getting her toes sucked, and Edward with boring Sophie.
It’s a little late for this bs narrative, isn’t it? Makes me wonder what Andrew has done now. Also Charles is no one’s favorite. Except Camilla.
I’m just getting the impression that these children vied for the attention of their parents and they didn’t always get it. They all just sound like a very sad bunch of people. Most parents have favorites but they usually keep that to themselves for the harmony of the family.
I don’t believe it.
Same. I think TQ likes flashy, vibrant personalities. That’s why she chose Philip and why she adores Harry and why she adored her sister.
This is a good point. Philip was also like this in a lot of ways.
I don’t think she really chose Philip – other people chose him for her.
She chose Philip. He was not liked by her family and they wanted her to marry a British peer or someone similar. But she had her heart set on him since she was 13.
He on the other hand was more or less pushed towards her. He had some flings with women in adulthood even while “courting” Elizabeth. But “Uncle Dickie” basically told him he’d never get another chance this good in life, so he should take it.
I agree that the Queen likes lively people, and she is certainly not keen on William but has to be nice to him because of the succession.
“Prince Edward, seemingly a bit wet and a tad irritating to the rest of us”
I’m still laughing.
Yeah, it’s always been said that Eddie was Philip’s favourite – although, given the above, it’s hard to see why. In his recent Jubbly tour he came across like a complete bumbling moron, when faced with local dignitaries raising the colonial/slavery/reparations issue. I was genuinely shocked as to how BADLY he handled that, even when starting from a low base.
I know, I let out a shriek. “A bit wet” is such an all-encompassing description of haplessness, it pretty much explains his behavior on that tour.
I tend to get these people mixed up with one another, but wasn’t Edward also with mummy at the train depot during a ceremony this summer, when Edward put his hands on a worker to push him away from his mummy? From the photos, Edward appeared to be saying to the worker, “Look, we chose you to be in the picture because you happen to fit the (Very-much-not-racist) edict of being photographed near a Black person, but that doesn’t mean you can stand close to my mummy. So, back off when showing her how the machines work.” He’s such a charmer.
Yep. That was him.
Are these people (in their 50s and 60s) still arguing about who mum loves best? What’s sadder is that the BM takes this so seriously, like it’s a point of honor.
It’s like those Smothers Brothers routines from the 60’s – “Mom always like you best!”
LOL! I posted the same thing at the same time – great minds think alike!
Eurydice, that’s exactly what I thought, too. Me thinks some grey men watched the Smother Brothers, too.
This!!! It’s so pathetic … and I am embarrassed for them.
Gawd it’s like the Smothers Brothers all over again…”Mom always liked you best!”. Sniveling bunch of wankers.
Oh, dear, we’re playing the musical chairs favorite children game again.
Lol nice try Sophie
omg, I’m dying.
She always assumes that servile suck-up position where she leans in exaggeratedly to people higher up in ranking than her. She did it to W & K at the last interesting Commonwealth ceremony with H & M too. It’s like she’s magnetically drawn to power. People like Sophie will always be alright because they flatter people in power, so they’ll always land on their feet.
@Debbie, Sophiesta is certainly willing to carry out favors for those that hold the future purse strings. She is and will always brown nose her way into securing their future.
These changing favourite child narratives make the royal family seem even more childish and petty which I didn’t think was possible.
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha…
from my own experience, there are multiple favorites or favorites in different ways
like I believe Andrew is the favorite but that relationship isnt easy or relaxing. I think for a 100 yr old, being with Edward maybe is more comfortable, he and his family are better companions.
lisa, interesting that we don’t hear about Edward visiting TQ that often, if that’s the case.
We hear about her spending time with Sophie and Louise. Edwards with them then.
Cairidh, we do here about it from time to time. It certainly doesn’t appear that they are spending anywhere as much time as Andrew is with TQ. I keep getting the feeling that PC keeps sidelining them and they pop up again. It’s all a very strange group.
I hope that both of their children go abroad for college. It would the best thing they could do for themselves. Then get a job and not have to beg for crumbs. Can you imagine how KHate would treat either of them?
It’s pretty pathetic this is still being debated now. However I think that Lord Mountbatten, who was a shameless suck up, would of course favour the ‘heir’. He was besties back in the day with the Duke of Windsor when he was still Prince of Wales. After the abdication he switched sides PDQ. As for Queen Mother, I’d like to think she favoured Chuckles as he was a sad little boy. However even to Granny he was the ‘heir’. Horrid people IMHO.
I find it sad and very telling that in this family having one moment of good parenting where they were understanding of their son is seen as picking a favourite child. Oh dad was really nice to you that one and only time well then obviously you must be the favourite. I feel like Edward (and Sophie) is the helper child. Mom is super old and somebody needs to take her to the doctor. That has to do more with who has time and is close by rather than who is the fav. Plus Edward and Sophie still have kids youngish enough that they can say we are going to have dinner with granny and they usually do it. It’s harder to command a 30 year old to say hi to their grandma. At the end of the day in this family I think the standard for favourite child is will mom blow up her reputation to help when everyone finds out you are friends with a pedo (and allegedly one yourself). She sure as hell would NEVER do that for Charles and I low key doubt even for Edward maybe for Anne (but I think everyone sees Anne as the only competent child and assumes she wouldn’t get herself to a point where she would need moms help).
All of her children seem pretty awful.
I’m not a parent. Is having a favourite normal?
It’s certainly not normal — and in fact it’s harmful — to make any preferences for one child above another known.
This family is just so dysfunctional.
I’m not one either, but I think it IS normal, because it’s so often discussed in pop culture, etc.
I am a parent and I don’t have a favorite. I have a favorite for certain things (there’s one child I would rather drive in the car with bc the other one never takes a breath while talking, LOL, and one child I would rather be home alone with bc they’re much better at self entertaining – and ironically the one who is better at self entertaining is the one who won’t shut up in the car LOL) and so on for things like that, but its not that I love one more than the other or absolutely prefer one more than the other.
We joke about my parents having a favorite but they don’t really (and there were four of us.)
DeluxedDarling mine are 4 and 6. The 6 yo is great, the 4 yo is a total a**hole right now. But I do not have a favorite. I’m their mom! My job is to love them exactly as they are, and regardless of where their brain development is or goes I love each of them most in the whole world. As it should be.
No it’s not normal to have a favourite, but the Royals are designed to have favourites, because basically one child is the heir from birth and the others are surplus to requirements, and just there to leech off the heir and blow smoke up their a@# as a result. However, Charles always looked unloved. Maybe he needed more love and attention than usual amo gst the Royals.
I don’t think Phil cared enough about him to come down on him for quitting
This whole article makes me think of the parody trailer for the Crown S4:
That was wonderful! Thanks for the link!
Amazingly, I have a relative who is Royal adjacent and quite plugged in to British society and they’ve always said Edward is actually the favourite. Of course, I refuse to believe that. Lol.
NA, I wonder why it’s such a secret?
It has only come to the forefront as Andrew has famously embarrassed and has drained him Mum of millions of pounds…..
Make no mistake, this is purely optics due to the backlash for Andrew accompanying TQ!!
I found it ironic that the one child not mentioned as anyone’s favorite is the eldest son and heir.
So this is how history is going to be written now facts are being changed all to protect the royal family and future of the establishment.
Edward may have been Philips favourite, because he is clearly his son. Unlike Andrew, who looks nothing like him or any of his siblings. However, Andrew is definitely The Queens son, and has long been said to be her favourite.