Herschel Walker is running as a Republican in the Senate race in Georgia. It’s been up in the air – in my mind – how many of Walker’s hard-right conservative opinions are his own, and how many have been talking points issued to him by the national party (which he’s merely parroting). In any case, Walker is a trainwreck, and his campaign has been going through things for months. Over the years, Walker fathered an as-yet-unknown number of children, children who keep popping up throughout the campaign. And now this: Walker paid for a lover’s abortion. This is especially disgusting because, oh right, Walker has taken a far-right wing position that America needs a complete federal abortion ban with no exceptions. The Daily Beast got their hands on the literal receipts:
Herschel Walker, the football legend now running for Senate in Georgia, says he wants to completely ban abortion, likening it to murder and claiming there should be “no exception” for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. But the Republican candidate has supported at least one exception—for himself.
A woman who asked not to be identified out of privacy concerns told The Daily Beast that after she and Walker conceived a child while they were dating in 2009 he urged her to get an abortion. The woman said she had the procedure and that Walker reimbursed her for it. She supported these claims with a $575 receipt from the abortion clinic, a “get well” card from Walker, and a bank deposit receipt that included an image of a signed $700 personal check from Walker.
The woman said there was a $125 difference because she “ball-parked” the cost of an abortion after Googling the procedure and added on expenses such as travel and recovery costs.
Additionally, The Daily Beast independently corroborated details of the woman’s claims with a close friend she told at the time and who, according to the woman and the friend, took care of her in the days after the procedure.
The woman said Walker, who was not married at the time, told her it would be more convenient to terminate the pregnancy, saying it was “not the right time” for him to have a child. It was a feeling she shared, but what she didn’t know was that Walker had an out-of-wedlock child with another woman earlier that same year.
Asked if Walker ever expressed regret for the decision, the woman said Walker never had. Asked why she came forward, the woman pointed to Walker’s hardline anti-abortion position.
“I just can’t with the hypocrisy anymore,” she said. “We all deserve better.”
After The Daily Beast reached out to the Walker campaign for comment, Robert Ingram, a lawyer representing both the campaign and Walker in his personal capacity, responded. “This is a false story,” Ingram said in a phone call, adding that he based that conclusion on anonymous sources. “All you want to do is run with stories to target Black conservatives. You focus on Black conservatives.”
Ingram asked The Daily Beast to disclose the identity of the woman, but we declined. After the story published, Walker released a statement in which he called the story a “flat-out lie” and said he denied it in the “strongest possible terms. I’m not taking this anymore. I planning [sic] to sue the Daily Beast for this defamatory lie. It will be filed tomorrow morning.”
Walker’s son Christian also “lashed out” at his father, writing that the entire family told Walker not to run for office because none of them knew what would pop up (his tweets are below). What a complete mess. Let’s say it for the cheap seats: there’s nothing wrong with seeking an abortion, nor is there anything wrong with paying for someone else’s abortion. The problem here is that Walker is running for a Senate seat on the issue of “no abortions for anyone at any time.” Incidentally, in the polling done last week, Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock already had a two-point lead over Walker. I wonder what the polling will look like post-abortion story.
Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew (some of) his past. Every single one. He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it.
I’m done.
— Christian Walker (@ChristianWalk1r) October 4, 2022
I don’t care about someone who has a bad past and takes accountability. But how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you’re some “moral, Christian, upright man.” You’ve lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives. How dare you.
— Christian Walker (@ChristianWalk1r) October 4, 2022
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Getty.
- Former NFL running back and and mixed martial artist Herschel Walker makes remarks at a press conference to discuss the observational study on the brain health of active and retired professional fighters on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on Tuesday, April 26, 2016. The study, led by researchers from the Cleveland Clinic, is designed to better identify, prevent and treat Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE.),Image: 530406617, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Photoshot – sales@photoshot.com London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Ron Sachs / Avalon
- Footbal great, Herschel Walker, at age 47, announces at a press conference in New York on 13 January 2010, that he has joined the “Strikeforce” organization, with whom he will launch his latest career as a mixed martial arts fighter. Picture by Dennis Van Tine,Image: 548877600, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Photoshot – sales@photoshot.com London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Florida: +1 239 689 1883 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Dennis Van Tine / Avalon
The card is what sent me. (A teacup!)
I mean, did he pick that up at CVS himself?
I desperately hope the woman keeps her anonymity and remains safe, but what a brave thing to do.
Mostly, I absolutely love a thorough receipt keeper. Figurately and literally.
Of course he did.
There is nothing moral about denying a person the right to medical care and bodily autonomy and I’m sick to death of people using moral and anti-abortion Christianity in the same breath.
What’s “murder” is denying women access to a legal and safe medical procedure so that you can pick your voters!
Even insurance companies are picking up on this: life insurance policies for women of childbearing age are getting more expensive. The actuaries know what anti-abortion states are doing to their women: killing them!
For the repugnants this won’t matter. Battering women and children, securing rights for yourself that you deny others, adultery, violence — it’s all a badge of honor for republicans.
Agreed for most republican men but we may have forgotten one very important detail to the GOP & their base- he’s not white.
My deeply cynical brain thinks it is an attempt to confuse people who don’t pay close attention to politics. As in “here are two candidates who are black and whose last name starts with Wa”, and hope to pick off a few folks.
I wish you were wrong Mimsy.
but he’ll tow the line, and that’s all that matters. for republicans, they’ll take anyone so long as that person votes in lock-step. literally, anyone. there is no bottom, no one they won’t vote for.
yup, for the GOP, those characteristics are a feature, not a bug.
The fact that Senator Warnock only has a two point lead makes me heartsick. He has to win this race you guys, these republicans have no soul and will show no mercy on the rest of us. Walker shouldn’t even be in this race and yet here we are.
Putting Walker forward highlights the naked, cynical cruel streak motivating the GOP now. Walker is in no way qualified & almost certainly has CTE in addition to his troubling history. Yet the party puts him in the running for the Senate just because they CAN. It’s very much a f*ck you to all GA voters, including their own. It’s not even fair to Walker himself, but of course they don’t care.
Live in Ga and I’m heartsick too.
I CANNOT believe that this thoroughly violent THOROUGHLY STUPID person is who they GOP chose, AND I CANNOT believe that the lead is so small.
WTAF, GOP voters? What. The. Actual. F*CK?!!!!!! THIS is who you want representing you, just so you can “own the libs”?!
His candidacy is an insult to the people of Georgia.
Of course. These nutcases are all the same. “I am against all abortion, except for my pregnant mistress and my pregnant daughter.”
He was not selected to run because of his morals, it is to split the vote.
Should he win, he’ll do as he’s told.
Filing the lawsuit today? Is he typing it up himself?
And someone should tell him about discovery. Or maybe not tell him about discovery. That deposition will be hilarious
In addition to proving actual malice when you’re a public figure lol.
Well you see, he didn’t have the abortion, and it’s not really about abortions but shaming and controlling women so it’s all good!
His poor ex and son. Really condolences to anyone who has met that man.
The grossest thing is that he has a pretty good chance of getting elected despite all of this because conservative voters are hypocrites who DON’T CARE or all their so so religious moral high ground selves wouldn’t have elected as President a guy who’s been married three times and admitted to sexually assaulting women.
Man who doesn’t respect women took no responsibility for birth control and then expected woman to make problem go away? Wha? That’s the thing about forced birthers, they know and revel in the convenience abortion is to them personally. They just don’t want women to feel at all empowered by having reproductive choices.
Next step woll be absoving the men from all resposibilities for unwanted children from forced birth.
Otherwise forced birth would be to inconvenient for the men involved.
I’m so sorry for all of you in the US, and worried, that Trumpism is spilling over to Europe.
Here’s what I don’t understand. This will never impact the rich and powerful, but most men are actually neither of those things. But they want easy sex on Tinder and they want reproductive choices for themselves. They might resent women for not needing them any more, but if they want sex without consequences, this is not the way to make that happen. You take away reproductive options and 1. Fewer women will be open to having casual sex with these nasty repugnants and 2. Those who do have sex with you will still expect 18 years of child support when whatever birth control is still legal fails; meanwhile, the law is on the woman’s side on this singular issue, and your wages will be garnished unless you manage to go completely off the grid just to avoid it. I’m really not sure how the courts could justify on any level ending child support.
He’ll get just claim he found God and all will be forgiven. Those people believe anything if you say you’ve been saved by jesus.
This. If anything he’ll use it as a talking point of why he now supports abortion because he felt so bad and Jesus forgave him blah blah blah. And it’ll work.
Came here to say the same thing. He’s had a change of heart and he’s forgiven blah blah blah. Super convenient.
except that, right now, he’s calling her a liar and says it never happened.
so, if he wanted to have any moral ground whatsoever, he needed to use that excuse about finding Jesus right away.
If he’s currently denying it completely, and defaming this woman by calling her a liar, and THEN he says “oh, yeah, that actually did happen, but that was a long time ago and I’m with God now”, that won’t track with his initial denial.
so, you’re with God but you LIED about it being true and defamed a person by calling THEM a liar when YOU were the liar? I mean, these people are already hypocrites to the extreme but the level of mental gymnastics it takes to process/explain the above? EGAD.
I can’t even pretend to be shocked or outraged. I am bone weary dealing with this patriarchal dare I say..terrorism? The societal gaslighting..? I don’t even know how to express myself. I wish they would leave us alone. And THIS POS and his cohorts..the hypocrisy is just breath taking.
Yes. When I was going through all of this, I wasn’t rolling eyes or breathing heavy. I just….was. I’m so tired of their blatant hypocrisy which they say is ours. I’m waterlogged. Drowning in political lies, innuendo and misdirection.
This trainwreck of a person is in running against Reverend Warnock says a lot about American politics. The surprise to me is not that there’s one abortion involving Walker, I expect more than one.
HW is one of the worst candidates in recent history and the fact that Rev Warnock is in a competitive race with this guy makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh, I have family members who remember him as a “football hero” (I’m so sorry I’m not joking), and they seem like unable to realize what a travesty HW is. I really hope he doesn’t make it!
Yep, don’t discount the fact that he’s a former UGA football player. Heisman trophy too. God and football is not a joke in this state. They knew what they were doing by choosing him to be the candidate.
There are far too many people here who think, “But he ran the football real good for Gowga,” and happily ignore anything else. It’s awful. Oh, I’m in Georgia.
At this point, every prolife candidate should be asked to waive HIPPA protections on the reproductive medical care for them, their spouse and every sexual partner they’ve had. That is essentially asking of all women.
And every woman should demand men get vasectomies at age 18. I’ll tell my boys now, hang on ….
Here’s one positive trend I’ve noticed, if we’re salvaging threads of hope here: I recently re-entered the dating scene after ending a decade-long relationship, and I have met SO MANY MEN who have recently had vasectomies, and others who are planning on having them in the wake of the Dobbs decision. At least in my liberal part of Georgia, some dudes are stepping up.
Of course he did. He probably wasn’t thinking about it hurting his future career goals. All these republican politicians will find a way to have their own mistresses and family members get abortions. I take that back, I think they will ALWAYS find a way for their MISTRESSES to get one. Because having a child with a mistress could threaten their careers. But for other women — their wives or daughters — they might actually be willing to sacrifice their lives instead of facilitating an abortion. Because republicans hate women, including the women in their family. What is the life of a mere wife or daughter, compared with the money they can get from being in power? I know what their decision will be.
Sadly I don’t think this will make any difference. Forced birth proponents are going to still vote for him because they know he will always vote against abortion rights. With him in the senate this country is one step closer to a national abortion ban and that is all that matters to them.
I just can’t see anyone switching their vote now. If they were fine with the violence against his ex-wife and the multiple children (with multiple women) they are definitely fine with this.
You’d think he’s going to lose by a landslide. But nope.
His entire family asked him NOT to run because they knew
#1. He has a lot of mess in his personal life.
#2. They also know he is NOT qualified to hold office.
Idiot. He is being used by Repubs to split votes.
Is it his ego? Or CTE?
Dammit. This entire country is in a shambles and TPTB are playing games.
We the People, deserve better from both parties. I am at the end of my rope with this garbage.