Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott have been together on-and-off since 2017. Kylie welcomed Stormi in 2018, then they broke up in 2019, then they got back together and welcomed the Baby Formerly Known As Wolf earlier this year. Kylie has spoken out about how her second pregnancy was a lot harder on her, and she dealt with postpartum depression for a while. I’ve heard rumors that during the 2019 split, Kylie was seeing other men. I never really heard anything specific about Travis, but… he’s a huge musical star, I figured that he has a lot of sexual options. I should also note that it’s always been widely rumored that Kylie and Travis have some kind of open relationship. They’ve never confirmed it either way, but it’s just a vibe of “as long as everyone is discreet, you can do what you want” on both sides.
Well, everything has gotten a lot less discreet. There’s this woman, Rojean Kar aka Yungsweetro, who showed up at Travis’s music video shoot. It was a closed set and suddenly there were photos of her on the set and a lot of online gossip. Kar even posted something on her own social media. There were rumors about Travis and Rojean Kar as far back as 2013, and some outlets have called her “Travis’s ex.” People who follow Kar’s social media say that ever since Travis got with Kylie in 2017, Kar has been doing shady “indirect jabs” and subtweets about Kylie.
So, it probably would have just been a relatively niche gossip story – Travis’s ex was on the closed set of his music video shoot, it’s not the end of the world, surely. But Travis then posted a strange denial on his IG Stories, claiming that Kar was “an uninvited person” and that “I don’t know this person.” He got people to back him up. That’s when Kar went on HER IG Stories and said that she and Travis have been hooking up for a while and she has all kinds of receipts, including photos and videos. Yeah… it’s a mess. Kylie’s posting subtweets too, like she’s aware of what’s happening and she’s got her eye on what Kar is posting. Here’s some of the sh-t Kar posted:
oh??? kylie told him to make that post and it just made it worse cause she finally spoke 😭 there’s so much proof too, they’re stupid for that
— t (@ANTlOVO) October 23, 2022
Here’s what Travis posted:
Photos courtesy of Instagram,Backgrid.
- New York, NY – Rapper Travis Scott checks out of the Greenwich hotel this evening but greets fans before jetting back to Los Angeles. He had an assortment of luxury luggage including Louis Viotton and Dior. Pictured: Travis Scott BACKGRID USA 28 SEPTEMBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- West Hollywood, CA – Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott hold hands as they arrive for a night out at Craig’s in West Hollywood. Pictured: Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott BACKGRID USA 13 OCTOBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: Shotgetter / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- West Hollywood, CA – Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott walk hand in hand leaving after dinner at Craigs in West Hollywood Pictured: Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott BACKGRID USA 13 OCTOBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: 1 / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
All the money in world can’t buy self esteem or self respect. Please tell me these women are not fighting over this POS.
I don’t think they are or ever were together. But I do hope that Kar has the receipts because it’s so disgusting that he’s totally denying knowing her/being with her if it is true. As always, Kylie is the least interesting part of this story.
There are some deep dives though on ro and Travis and they’re pretty damning as far as evidence goes.
I was hoping this would be covered here!! As Best said above, i just read a v v long deep dive with all the receipts and there is no way Travis has never been with her. All the receipts (and there’s a LOT) point to an almost 10 yr on and off relationship that wasnt public, and that she was the reason for the 2019 break up
Where do I see all the receipts?!
Their relationship is weird. Feels like they got back “together” so that both her kids had the same father and then, when the disaster at Astroworld happened, their arrangement got extended for PR purposes.
Can it even be called cheating when the relationship seems to be more transactional than based on romantic feelings?
This relationship is giving messy Khloe vibes, at this point. Going after the ex (one with receipts!) is never a good idea.
It’s a good (?) storyline, though. What else do they have to film until some of the kids reach high school. Then they can be sucked in like Kylie and Kendal back in the day.
This creator (devotedly.yours) outlines the evidence on Social that Ro, Kylie and Travis left..
Kylie is the side chick
Travis and Kylie were always a fake PR couple and nothing more. Kylie wanted a high achieving musician to legitimize her image the way Kanye did for Kim, and Travis wanted to boost his profile by dating someone super famous.
Last year they did a fluffy joint interview that made it obvious they do not know ANYTHING about each other beyond the most superficial stuff. Kylie didn’t know his songs, and Travis didn’t know what Kylie Cosmetics sold. They’re not a real couple or even friends, and I genuinely believe Kris keeps encouraging Kylie to procreate and stay “together” with this guy who doesn’t give one shit about her, because Kris likes having complete control over her biggest moneymaker (now that Kim’s matured a bit and is becoming more independent).
Yep ITA. It still amazes me though that Kar/Jenner women seem to use their fame & influence to attract men (who would benefit from it) and then act devastated when they realise the men are only with them for the fame & influence and really don’t care about them that much outside of that.
I think they choose men they believe they can control – Mentally vulnerable and/or less famous/desperate for attention. None of this is ever based on emotion.
Rumour is that Kylie is a lesbian with her best friend? They’ve been together for four years. There are photos of her and her friend kissing. I though Kendall was the one most likely to be gay. People just reaching on gaytok.
I think that if that were true, it would be a story line.
I would believe this — but she started with the surgery and injectables so early that she was literally created for the male gaze — neither she nor Kendall had a chance at exploring (at least publically) another type of sexuality.
I feel like we had nothing for months! Now celebrities are performing their mandated role to provide us with drama, mess, and intrigue! I’m living!
But something’s really off with how the Kardashian women conduct their relationships. I need someone who studies toxic familial and relationship patterns to explain to me why they keep procreating with men who do not like them. This rumour has been around for years. Why is Kylie settling for this?
These forced relationships where the KarJenner women totally debase and embarrass themselves for these non-committal men is SUCH a blind spot for Kris. I can’t decide if it’s an antiquated obsession with monogamy or a shrewd business move for storylines, but what a miserable way to live. (And tragic for those poor kids.)
Ummm, Kris is an admitted cheater. So unless that cheating traumatized the girls, it’s nothing to do with antiquated beliefs about monogamy.
I think Kris wants to keep them all under her umbrella and she knows that if they had functional, whole, adult relationships with another person, they would start to splinter off and live their lives. As grown adults are supposed to do. Kris doesn’t want her kids to spin off into their own nuclear units because it would dilute the potency of her “brand” and there’s high likelihood that at least one of the kids’ partners would be completely opposed to living life on camera. She’s groomed them to choose to maintain the status quo vs. becoming independent adults.
I am close as can be with my mom, but in a normal, healthy, adult way. I have my home with my spouse and kids (which she is always welcome in and visits frequently) and she and my dad have their own home (which we are always welcome to visit as well.) She doesn’t dictate my day-to-day, and while I talk to her daily (via text) and share a lot with her, she isn’t overly involved in our daily lives.
@Steph- Oh, I definitely know all about Kris and her cross-over relationships. (The courtroom with her ex-husband, current husband, AND side-piece is pretty legendary.)
But all these women seem to be determined to have their kids come from the same father. Often to the detriment of their happiness, reputation, and in extreme cases like Kayne, safety! It seemed to work out for Kourtney and Scott, mostly because he was more than happy to play the game and didn’t seem to have much else going on, but these other men clearly aren’t as controllable.
It’s almost 2023. If you want to have full sibling kids, just have the kids! Stop trying to make monogamy happen with these men!
It’s not just the relationships, though. They debase themselves for a living. They are not the only ones, but they do seem to be the ones to go the furthest and to use anything and anyone to get there.
The kids will grow up to be just as vapid , status obsessed, arrogant and as cruel as their parents.Those biracial ones are are even more screwd the girls in particular. They ate growing up in a seriously anti-black environment that is articurly hostile toward BW.
Can’t believe I’m typing this- but there is a new account on the clock app called yungsweetroisafake. Just created yesterday and it’s doing a pretty credible job of establishing her as pursuing men in the circles of multiple men in the industry to create the appearance that she’s with the big name.
So what, groupies have always existed. If we’re allowing anonymous references, check out Celeb Deep Dives social media timeline of their relationship.
I would expect nothing less than the full weight of the KarJenners wealth and media connections to come out and completely discredit and steamroll this woman. Hope she has some good people around her.
Just saw a repost/analysis of this post you mentioned and if it’s true, she’s at the very least doctored some photos and used her travel with another person (Chaun_don) who runs in similar circles to create a narrative that she is connected with Travis. The internet sleuths are on it so I guess we will find out soon enough!
I can’t believe I’m actually following any of this because I could not care less about any of these people but as I posted further down, why wouldn’t she just post photos of her with him if she actually had those photos?
It doesn’t make any sense. Random photos of yourself in places where he already posted he was, are not receipts. People kept saying she had receipts and I was like “???”
And now this girl is apparently being outed as a liar and a fraud. If they were actually sleeping together for years, she could post one selfie of them together. She hasn’t.
She not being out as a liar and a fraud this new account that was created yesterday was made by the Kardashian. Khloe Did the same thing made a fake account pretending to be the women saying it was all untrue made up by the media.
What exactly are the receipts she has? All I’ve seen is like random photos of places that don’t show anything and people texting her that aren’t Travis. She is claiming to have photos and video, has she posted one of them actually together or looking romantic?
First of all, Travis definetely has a type.. Is all I’m going to say about that. Second, well, if it’s true he cheats on Kylie every night-kinda thing then I do believe they relationship must be all pr brcause no matter what open relationship they have, this is really low and humiliating – as much as Khloe’s messy situation.
I swear these women have no self respect and always chose cheaters pos men.
I’ve always separated the way Kylie interacts and displays her relationship to the complete opposite of her sister’s Khloe. They’ve never said they were exclusive and they’ve always behaved like two separate entities online. Sure they’ll post pictures where they support each other and love on each other but there isn’t an air of desperation that Khloe’s has because Travis keeps his side relationships on the low. This sounds like they were a thing and he never committed to the girl from back home. It’s not nice to either of them but in the alternate universe of Kylie never getting together with Travis – it doesn’t mean he would default to the original supporter/girlfriend. He’s not that into you girl. It sucks but if it wasn’t going to be Kylie – it was going to be someone else.
I wonder if he has a child, or children with Ro?
Wouldn’t be surprised.
Either way, I don’t believe Kylie even gives a sh*t.
This relationship never looked authentic to me.
Oh I think she very much cares in the sense that this girl being around Travis makes people think he’s cheating and that damages her image of sexpot – it’s all about the image with that klan
Out of the sisters I think Kourtney has the most “real” relationship. Kim and Kanye were barely living together, khloe and Tristan..well we all know about that one. Kendall and Devin are barely together . Kylie and Travis don’t live together. It seems like the men only show up for “contractual” events,, I find it ironic that they tried to destroy Jordyn Woods and she is out there living her life in what
Seems to be a respectful loving relationship. And Kylie’s best friend basically went to a surgeon and said give me all what Kylie had done. She’s broken both ankles cause her frame was not made to support that ass. It’s creepy
Whether it is real or no, this sweet roe girl truly genius of keeping name in circulation wow! I think all of Kylie and Travis relationship, we are hearing about her.
Karjean looks like a prettier Kylie. I’d dump him, of course, despite the two kids, but Pimp Mama Kris wouldn’t like that. It’s all for PR. But surely Kylie can do what she wants?
JustMe, Maybe as the oldest Khloe does just what she likes and chooses love, reciprocal love? Good for her. The rest, not so much. I think Kim and Kylie are similar in that they pick men for clout, Kim especially. I think Kourtney is addicted to her own pain (a paraphrase of the late, great Toni Morrison) and is set with Tristan for the long haul. I also have no doubt that Travis is a cheater (he doesn’t even LIVE with Kylie and their two children) and has definitely been with Karjean and probably dozens of others. Kylie doesn’t need him and should just cut him loose.
Khloe isn’t the oldest; Kourtney is. Khloe is the youngest of the Kardashian sisters.
This story has actually been out for years, but it’s just blowing up in public now. There has been subtle drama between Kylie and Ro on Snapchat and Insta, and the rumours that Ro has been Travis’s “main girlfriend” for a very long time. I’m so interested to see how this plays out!
The only difference between Tristan and Travis is that Travis puts a condom on it and Tristan doesn’t. The only difference between Kourtney and Kylie, is that Kourtney admits she’s been cheated on while Kylie won’t even do that. Yet she’s “dating” the father of her two children, a man who lives in a separate house from his “family.” Yeah, he’s cheating alright and always has.
Khloe, not Kourtney