“Khloe Kardashian addressed Kanye West’s anti-Semitic hate speech” links

Khloe Kardashian addresses Kanye West’s anti-Semitic hate speech. [Just Jared]
It sounds like Lana del Rey lost years of work. [OMG Blog]
I think the “Karen” Halloween decoration is clever. It’s hilarious that Karens complained about it and had it removed. [Dlisted]
Lainey’s take on Taylor Swift’s Midnights. [LaineyGossip]
Marion Cotillard & others attend a party for Chanel’s jewelry line. [RCFA]
I remember when Lara Logan was a respected journalist and to see her turn into a fascist lunatic is shocking and disturbing. [Jezebel]
I’m in love with Boris Kodjoe & his hoodie. [Go Fug Yourself]
Has Taylor Swift outgrown Easter eggs? [Gawker]
Recap of Andor, Episode 7 (spoilers). [Pajiba]
Every day is Halloween when you dress up in Balenciaga. [Egotastic]
Liz Cheney talks about whether Donald Trump will testify before the January 6th Committee and whether it will be a circus. [Buzzfeed]
Nancy Pelosi says Donald Trump isn’t man enough to testify. [Towleroad]

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45 Responses to ““Khloe Kardashian addressed Kanye West’s anti-Semitic hate speech” links”

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  1. Lucy says:

    Thank you for talking about antisemitism and how Kanye’s behaviour on his considerable platform is dangerous.

    I wanted to point out that the term is “antisemitism” not “anti-Semitism” – you can learn more here https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/antisemitism/spelling-antisemitism

  2. Concern Fae says:

    George Clooney and Julia Roberts need to make an erotic thriller.

  3. Julia K says:

    Khloe Kardashian doesn’t exist anymore. She has been replaced by a plastic painted talking robot.

  4. [insert_catchy_name] says:

    She looks terrible in that photo. Honestly I despair for the future of the human race.

  5. Lucky Charm says:

    A real Karen had a fake Karen taken down, that just proves she’s a REAL Karen LOL.

  6. ME says:

    I find it extremely hard to believe that Kanye just all of a sudden became anti-semitic. You’re telling me during the whole time he dated and was married to Kim, NO ONE in that family ever heard Kanye say anything remotely troublesome? Yeah sure. Of course now they are all publicly scolding him, but behind closed doors I bet it was a whole different thing. His views didn’t just change overnight. Anyways, f*ck him. I feel bad for his kids.

    • OriginalLeigh says:

      Of course they knew! They are only speaking out about his antisemitism now because he is finally being canceled and it is impacting him financially. They don’t want those consequences to extend to them so they are conveniently going on record. They never had anything to say about the terrible things he said publicly about Black people because the establishment obviously never truly cared about any of that.

    • K says:

      I have family members who say abhorrent things in private. I don’t call them out publicly for it. If they start saying it for others to hear, then I’ll have to publicly let it be known that I don’t approve. People don’t want to air their dirty laundry if they don’t have to.

      • OriginalLeigh says:

        He made a lot of previous public statements about Black people and about his support for Trump. They still didn’t speak up.

      • ME says:

        @ OriginalLeigh

        100% agree with you. I guess his anti-Black comments were fine with the family. Oh and Kim was just spotted this week having a 4 hour dinner with Ivanka Trump ! Now why would she be having dinner with her?

      • Coco says:


        Please let’s be real here these people sale every aspect of their lives so let’s stop with the “ People don’t want to air their dirty laundry if they don’t have to”

      • Bettyrose says:

        Poor Ivanka, banished from New York society, this is her life now. The Drumpfs aren’t one iota classier than the KarJenners but they were high society adjacent in their former life. Now it’s Palm Beach and Hidden Hills for them.

      • OriginalLeigh says:

        Ugh. I just saw the story about Kim and Ivanka having dinner! I guess this disproves the theory people had about her only kissing up to the Trumps for the sake of criminal justice reform…

      • Bettyrose says:

        Seems like the issues Kim has spoken up on are relatively non partisan. We have no reason not to think the KarJenners are republican. We know Caitlin is. Prison reform is an important issue and we know our justice system skews racist. It often follows that social justice minded folks are liberals, but not always, especially not in CA the land of moderate but very wealthy republicans. More likely they’re opportunists who don’t have strong political opinions.

      • Rascalito says:

        Well treason weasel Ivanka Trump should be interested in prison reform since she’ll be spending some time in one if the Justice Department does it’s job right.

      • Bettyrose says:

        @Rascalito – Nailed it!

  7. Liz Version 700k says:

    I wonder when the relationships are fake, the bodies are fake, the words are all lies….how will the Kardashian children ever lean about authentic reality. I’m not even just talking about Kim and Kanye’s kids who have an extra level of awful with their dad’s awful bigoted rants… but all of them. How can you ever understand reality in that family

  8. Alex says:

    Kanye is a manic-pixie contrarian with a god complex.

  9. Dillesca says:

    It’s a shame that story got distilled down to “Karen has Karen scarecrow taken down.” If you read the article and watch the embedded video, or even (gasp) read another article about it, it’s a little more complex. This woman was part of a group of citizens who oppose a proposed bond that would pay for building a new city hall. They expressed concerns about how the land for the new city hall was acquired without citizen input in the location, the cost, or whether a new city hall was needed. Then, according to her, two people within city government engaged in a pattern of harassment that included the scarecrow. This scarecrow is on city property. Even if it was put up for reasons that have nothing to do with her, it is clear that enough people saw a possible connection to realize it should be taken down.

    You can disagree with this woman, you can dislike her, and you can think she is a Karen. But this was inappropriate, and we should want public officials to behave with more decorum.

    • Megs283 says:

      I agree, this isn’t a general mocking of Karens, it’s a pointed “eff you” to an outspoken member of that town.

  10. MaryContrary says:

    Didn’t Lara Logan get attacked physically and sexually attacked covering a story in Egypt? I have to wonder (and believe me this is in NO way to excuse the insane, horrible things she has said) if she has had some kind of physic break because of that experience.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      The trauma from the rape has negatively impacted her mindset but she was a right winger & was blurring the lines of being a journalist & a PR person for the military prior to being raped. I think once she was called out for errors in her Benghazi reporting she decided to just stop hiding her personal political opinions

    • Julia K says:

      I followed this closely at the time because the media were downplaying the assault as “groping”, but the truth started to come out. It was horrific. She has been hospitalized several times for physical issues relating to sodomy with foreign objects, hands and foreign objects vaginally as well as long term effects of her limbs having been twisted. I don’t believe her media associates ever fully acknowledged the extent of her physical and emotional scars. It would not be surprising that she is becoming less able to come to terms with the mental and emotional turmoil she faced. Interesting that none of her crew saved her. She was held and protected by a local woman who managed to free her.

  11. Eurydice says:

    Yeah, I don’t think a retweet is taking a stand against Kanye’s antisemitism.

    • Sparky says:

      Kim actually tweeted a statement about standing with the Jewish community and condemning violence and hateful rhetoric. (I think it showed up in my timeline because of my interest in the topic as I’m a child of Holocaust survivors.)

      • Eurydice says:

        Well, that’s good for Kim. As for Khloe, I just don’t think the equivalent of “what she said” is confronting Kanye on his hate speech. But, who knows, maybe that’s the best she can do.

  12. Erin says:

    I just saw that Leslie Jordan died in a car accident! I gasped out loud, may he Rest In Peace he was such a delight, his lock down posts were such a light in a dark time.

    • Coco says:

      I’m devastated by the news I loved him he had such a Uplifting personality. R.I.P Leslie Jordan aka the one and only Beverly Leslie.

    • Lucy says:

      OH NO! He was such a light in the world.

    • lisa says:

      he was.a precious precious angel, may he rest in power

    • Liz Version 700k says:

      RIP Leslie you were a wonderful light in this world

      • antipodean says:

        I was so shocked and saddened by this news, I gasped. He was such a wonderful person.. Such a bright light, and good heart. They are saying he had a medical emergency and crashed his car into building! He was unique and wonderful, he will be dearly missed.

    • Sunshine Shay says:

      I’m sooooo stunned, I just came to see whether this had been reported because I didn’t want it to be true. Omg how awful, he was such an absolute treasure 🙁

    • ME says:

      Noooooooooo. He was so full of life. He was a pure joy to watch on TV. This is so sad.

  13. Casey says:

    Can’t stand ye’s nasty speech but also can’t stand khloes’ annoying talking so there ya go

  14. BeanieBean says:

    The Lara Logan story made me physically ill. I also thought Newsmax’s response was insufficient. They won’t have her back? Big deal. They disagree with what she stated? Big deal. They allowed her to spew her hateful thoughts in full. What she said was so vile they should have put on some other programming at the time. Just yank that hate speech altogether.

  15. trillion says:

    I sort of blame the Kardashians for Trump’s presidency. I seriously hate what “reality television” has done to our collective society.