Princess Diana scared the bejesus out of the Windsors. They didn’t understand how this young aristocratic girl had such good PR instincts, nor did they understand why the public loved her so much. Diana studied the media and she would have made one hell of a publicist, especially given that she often ran her own media operations most of the time. She simply had good instincts when it came to imagery, pageantry and visual messaging – she instinctively knew how things would play in the British media, she knew her angles, she knew how to be photographed and how to send messages through her appearances.
One of the most famous examples of this was the infamous “revenge dress.” In 1994, Prince Charles gave a television interview to Jonathan Dimbleby. Diana had the good luck to have a previous engagement on her schedule for the night the interview aired – a cocktail/black-tie party at the Serpentine Gallery. Instead of wearing something conservative or demure, Diana wore a provocative black dress by Christina Stambolian. The piece had been in her closet for years and Diana chose the slinky number for the night Charles confessed he had cheated on her throughout their marriage. Vanity Fair had a piece about the history of the dress and Diana’s introduction of “Revenge Dressing” to the fashion lexicon.
The dress: In an exclusive photo shared with Vanity Fair, Elizabeth Debicki, who takes over for Emma Corrin to portray Diana this season, channels Diana’s iconic look—a slinky black silk dress with asymmetrical hemline and chiffon train made by the Greek designer Christina Stambolian. As the story of the real-life dress goes, Diana had kept the look in her wardrobe for three years, concerned that the piece, with its off-the-shoulder neckline, might be too daring. But in June 1994, the princess was alerted that Prince Charles had given an interview confirming his extramarital affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. (Charles and Diana separated in 1992 but were not officially divorced until 1996.) The evening the interview aired, Diana attended a Vanity Fair party at the Serpentine Gallery in London. Having heard the news about Charles’s interview, Diana decided to make her own statement—ditching the Valentino number she had previously planned on wearing, donning the Stambolian dress, and in doing so, effectively upstaging her husband, even with his televised bombshell admission.
The Crown’s costume designer: In an interview with Vanity Fair, The Crown’s Emmy-winning costume designer Amy Roberts said that it was a daring fashion choice for Diana considering that “royalty aren’t really ever encouraged to wear black. It’s considered funereal. And the dress is very décolleté—bare shoulders. It was a sensation.” Speaking about Diana’s motivation for going public in the look, she said, “Every woman must feel [that way if they were in that position]: ‘Hey, you betrayed me. Up yours.’ And I think everybody went, ‘Yes, good for you.’ You can survive and look absolutely sensational.” (Diana’s former stylist has said of the wardrobe decision, “She wanted to look a million dollars, and she did.”)
Elizabeth Debicki’s recreation: To recreate the dress, Roberts’s team got permission from Stambolian—and when it came to filming the scene, the designer recalls that “Elizabeth got out of the car and there was a palpable ‘wowza’ moment on set, like when Emma Corrin was revealed in her wedding dress. Film sets are noisy and there’s lots of tinkering going on but nobody had to say, ‘Right, quiet, action.’ Everybody just went quiet on both occasions. It shows you how important those two dresses are.”
Debicki’s dress is slightly different: The Crown recreated the dress almost exactly, but the designer says it looks slightly different because of Diana and Debicki’s different body types. “Diana had a very gym-toned body. That was the fashion—that kind of James Bond–esque fitness. And Elizabeth is a different shape. She’s tall and slender. So it was made to fit Elizabeth. But it’s different on her because she has a different body shape.”
When you go back and look at the photos, what strikes me is that the dress wasn’t actually that daring in and of itself. It’s a pretty simple black cocktail dress, and there were tons of similarly-designed cocktail dresses at the time. What made it special, daring and iconic was the woman and the moment – Diana choosing the slinky, off-the-shoulder look for the night her estranged husband told the world that Prince Philip forced Charles to marry a teenager and treat her like a broodmare. The night Charles confessed to a years-long adulterous affair with Camilla.
PS… What’s also hilarious is that The Crown recreates the moment when Camilla tried to copy Diana’s revenge-dress look too.
Photos courtesy of Netflix, Backgrid, VF’s Instagram.
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Australian actress Elizabeth Debicki pictured on set filming scenes as Princess Diana for the new series of The Crown in London. Pictured: Elizabeth Debicki BACKGRID USA 20 JANUARY 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: COBRA / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Australian actress Elizabeth Debicki pictured on set filming scenes as Princess Diana for the new series of The Crown in London. Pictured: Elizabeth Debicki BACKGRID USA 20 JANUARY 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: COBRA / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I remember that entire event and it unfolding and my male friends saying: Damn, he gave that up for Camilla????? What an idiot. Diana played it and the BaRF wonderfully and that’s what Henry is doing right now. LOVE IT.
I am so here for this season. Casting is great. And it’s like an early Christmas present.
We’ve all thought that (“he gave that up for Camilla?”) for decades now.
One very powerful detail they failed to mention is that she had the car stop 50m away from the red carpet, and she walked towards the waiting press: it was a powerful moment, and she had all eyes on her: she was in control, and it worked.
I remember that moment very well. Having the car let her out so far away so she had a long walk in front of the crowd was a masterstroke on Diana’s part.
Absolute masterstroke, Margaret! It was the most powerful thing she could do. I remember it so well….
Camilla’s attempt to copy the look was laughably pathetic with her slouchy, horse faced ass.
I did not know this happened and when I searched for pictures…Seeing the side-by-side comparison is hilarious because Camilla looks awful. I think about all of the women who were in his orbit and he ended up with Camilla…No wonder Philip was so disappointed in him.
@Snuffles and @Lemon, I was also blissfully unaware of QCC swf-ing Diana’s look. The side-by-side comparison is both hysterically funny and deeply creepy.
I had to look:
@Lemons, I didn’t know either, and now I’m lmfao. What was Camilla THINKING?? Why would she purposely want to invite yet another— let alone such a specific— comparison to Diana? That is bizarreAF
Thank you for the link, Jennifer!
ETA now I’m kind of dying to know how I totally missed this when it happened, because it is absolutely hilarious
I remember Diana’s dress but not Camilla copying it. Even a similar necklace. What was she thinking?
Ok I just googled that and WOW is all I have. What on earth made her think that was a good idea?? I agree with the comments about Diana’s instinct for good PR and yet again this is C&C showing the absolute opposite.
Exactly, instead of recognizing good PR moments (or staying out of bad ones), it’s like they actively work to show themselves being as petty as possible. The audacity is baffling and seems to be what they lean into, even to this day.
Like Lemons, I never knew about this, and after seeing the photos…yeahhh, that was a CHOICE. She looks like the worst-case scenario of a delusional woman who tries to dress like her teenaged daughter and makes a point of telling every teenaged boy who comes over that she and her daughter are totally mistaken for sisters, like, alll the time.
LOL, Miranda, exactly this.
Diana looked stunning. Camilla looked stuffed into her copycat dress.
You just know Charles was drooling over it and telling her she wore it so much better than Diana. Lol.
I just googled this. WOW I never knew Camilla did that. WOW. Not a choice I would have made if I was Camilla.
Just Googled too! AND it was on her first public appearance as Charles’ “girlfriend.” What on earth was she thinking? Do you suppose Charles requested she dress that way? Either way, it makes her look foolish.
Camilla tried to copy Diana a _lot._ Man, she and Kate are just sad. 🙄🙄
I wasn’t aware Camilla did this either, copied Diana’s revenge dress. To me, it’s more than just pathetic, there’s an absolute arrogance to it that really drives home what a stone cold b!tch Camilla was (is), and the hugely damaging part she played from the outset in the failure of Charles and Diana’s relationship. Charles being who he is (with other factors like the age gap and how old Diana was when they married) the chances of an ultimately successful marriage were probably not high, but Camilla looks like the black widow spider, just lying in wait. I hope it’s true she didn’t want to end her own marriage, or end up with Charles. Too bad – you break it, you buy it…
Omg that’s so sad. What was she thinking? I love her nowadays style; particularly her casual and gala wear. But the revenge dress is totally not her, and this is not about who’s prettier or younger. Back then, Diana was sort of a modest dresser; so even she wouldn’t have carried it with such panache hadn’t she been infuriated by the interview.
The recreation attempt of Camillas is the Wish version. Reminds me of what i ordered vs what i got.
I hope that at the time, there was a “Who Wore it Better” published someplace. Just to make sure Camilla knew how ridiculous she looked.
I started watching the crown late, and finally have finished the previous season. I haven’t been this excited to see a new season of any show ever. I remember the reporting they were horrible to Princess Diana, she deserved so much better.
What stands out to me from those images from 1994 is how much Diana OWNED that dress and that moment. She appeared to be 100% confident and on top. Is that how she really felt? IDK. But she took a slinky black cocktail dress and made it one of the most iconic dresses in fashion history.
Also, I love that the crown is including this – I mean they had to, right? – but it means they are covering the Dimbleby interview, which I think is important because there’s been such press lately over the panorama interview (which I know the Crown is also covering.) But let’s remind people that charles gave his interview FIRST.
My mother was born a few years before Diana and she always says Diana was the blueprint for how she and so many of her colleagues dressed. The Revenge dress was one of those examples of someone with supreme style knowing how to wear clothes without them wearing her.
I think Diana could have worn a potato sack in that moment and made it look high fashion. She really exemplified the importance of confidence when wearing an outfit.
I’d be pissed if the Crown just showed Diana’s interview, and not C3’s. After all the commotion the RF has made about it lately, and especially Willnot’s horrible speach where he bashed his mother, it’s great that the world is reminded that C3 did an interview first where he admitted the affair with Cam.
There is a doc, I think on Prime, by a former worker of hers. He’s completely self indulgent and really tried to make himself the most important person in Diana’s life. It’s pretty gross. But, according to him, when Diana found it about the interview she was going to cancel this event but he wouldn’t let her and he chose the dress for her to wear. Make of that what you will.
Man embeginning himself at a woman’s expense. What else is new?
My guess it’s some creative fiction on his part–people have been making a living talking about Diana for the past 25 years. Even if he did somehow suggest it (and how many women would let a male employee into their closet–I call bs), she had to decide to wear it. She had to style it, and own it, and exist in the dress. No one can take that away from her.
Are you talking about Paul Burrell? He has done nothing but talk about Diana. Diana’s mother despised him as a hanger-on.
@c I think so.
I started watching it last year but gave up 10 minutes in. It’s unwatchable unless you’re a really big Burrell fan.
@C, I was just about to say, I have no idea what documentary is being referred to here, but just going by @Steph’s description of him trying to make himself sound like the most important person in Diana’s life, my immediate guess was Paul Burrell.
Whenever I need a laugh, I look up Camilla in her revenge flop dress. It is truly comical, along with her gaped mouth expression.
Just googled it. Yikes, Camilla!
Don’t understand what she was trying to accomplish here. All she ended up doing was proving Diana’s point. And putting an exclamation point on it.
She even copied the necklace! Epic “Who wore it better?” fail, CAmz.
I remember Diana once saying (I believe it was early in her marriage), “I’m as dumb as a box of rocks.” She may have been poorly educated. She was, after all, a third daughter in a system of male primogeniture so no one saw any need for her to be educated. But she proved again and again that she was very far from “dumb”. During her time in the royal family, she was easily the most intelligent of the bunch. Pretty low bar but she cleared it with plenty of room to spare.
@Brassy Rebel, this I do remember reading about (as opposed to the Campon lbd), and I’ve always found it so sad that she thought about herself that way and was encouraged to continue to think of herself that way. Her emotional IQ was brilliant for everyone but herself. And intellectually she absolutely was smarter than the idiots surrounding her.
@Brassy and ML : sounds a lot like how they all labelled Diana’s second son – and completely missed/suppressed his emotional and strategic intelligence. History is full of interesting and tragic patterns.
This is why the “multiple intelligences” concept exists. She may have been dumb in some respects or at least not into the same stuff that Charles read, but she had fashion/person savvy.
IIRC, she said she was “thick as a plank.” She said so very cheerfully though, so I think she was being ironic. She certainly outsmarted the gormless family she married into.
HAHAHA at the Crown recreating Camilla trying to do the Revenge dress. As they say, “She really thought she did something….”
@C, but what? What did she even think she was trying to do here?
I’m trying to think of ANY scenario in which Camilla dressing up like that doesn’t come across as obsessed and laughable, but coming up with nothing.
It just struck me, could it be that Wails took this picture as her inspiration for bringing him back during their great breakup? As many of her stans say,she showed him what he was missing. Of course Diana had different motives, but knowing Wails she just went with the dressing up part.
Kate has no style or inherent sexiness so her clothes then were cute but not like this, lol. And it only worked because the girls William asked out in the interim said no.
Poor Khate. She really thinks that sexiness is in how much skin you show, rather than an inherent, internal quality. Flash bum, short dress, high slit in skirt, off-shoulder evening gown = sex-AY.
Which is exactly why Kate is going to have such a hard time with aging. Moreso than someone like Camilla, who, even though I despise, have to admit has other interests in her life that bring her pleasure— she didn’t make her appearance her entire focus for most of her life.
It seems like Kate is already struggling, and she’s only 40. It would be sad to witness if she wasn’t such a terrible person.
I remember back in the day, when I didn’t know many details, thinking that there was no excuse for how Charles treated Diana, but that I understood love was not about appearances, so it wasn’t that surprising that he fell in love with Camilla instead.
Now I know better. (Though love still isn’t about appearances, of course.) Charles didn’t fall in love; he just wanted a woman who was a nanny/emotional support object. Sexual attraction was likely entirely beside the point — actually a distraction from his preferred constant pity party.
I agree he does want a nanny/emotional support object but it’s not asexual. Read the tampongate transcript. He and Camilla clearly have a ton of sexual chemistry. Ew.
That’s funny, because I feel the absolute opposite about tampongate. I don’t see it as the tiniest bit sexual — which is what makes it so gross. It’s just Chuck wanting to cling to Camilla so she can take care of him and tell him he’s right to pity himself. And then she basically has to beg him for a scrap of affection, and he finally says her greatest achievement is loving him. It is not a sexual conversation at all.
The entire transcript is available and they’re salivating over each other. It’s disgusting, but yeah, it’s very much physical. And them going back and forth about how much they love each other. It’s gross, but they definitely do have a romantic and physical bond.
Nothing romantic about it. Charles is no Shakespeare that’s for sure.
So as I’m reading this particular thread, the words: “mommy issues” came to mind (especially since QE2 is rumored to have been quite detached as a mummy.
And then seeing the tampon gate comment and it was not sexual the lights went off – mommy issues! He was trying to crawl into Cam’s womb due to mommy issues. I always thought wanting to be her tampon was the most crazy AF comment. Now I have a good idea why he said it.
Sure it’s romantic. Plenty of romantic attachments have unhealthy psychological baggage, lol.
@Emily_C, I know, I think about how we’ve always been taught that cheating has nothing to do with appearances— the mistress isn’t necessarily more attractive than the spouse, it’s all about how the mistress makes a man feel about himself.
But man, Camilla/Diana is the one example that still just makes me go, “SERIOUSLY?” It’s just such a, um, stark contrast.
He really believes that the world revolves around him, and Camilla is the lucky one for having his affection, but in return Camila has to emotionally take care of him. He is not able to think about anybody else but himself. That is awful and sad at the same time.
Charles never said to Camilla my greatest achievement is loving you he said her greatest achievement is loving me. He is so self centered.
The casting of Olivia Williams is better than Camilla deserves. Especially when Rottweilers are right there. Oh, not soon enough.
@Tiffany, never soon enough AFAIC
Diana was just so charismatic and elegant, on top of being a natural beauty. That dress fit her absolutely perfectly, and like the designer said, she had a bit more shape to fill out the decollete, as was the fashion. I’m not body shaming Debicki, but she is noticeably much more slender. Also, there’s a small clip of this scene in the trailer and you can see how well Debicki captured Diana’s whole demeanor.
Debicki has Diana’s look down pat: the tucked chin, the eyes looking up from a lowered face, the small smile … it’s actually kind of astonishing, given how many actresses have tried to capture that quality and failed. November 9 can’t come soon enough.
Totally! Can’t wait 🥂
Enma Corrin also nailed it, and Kirsten Stewart didn’t do it so bad. But Naomi Watts just played her King Kong damsel character.
Lipstick on a pig.
Yep, Camilla certainly is a pig. A lying, cheating one who liked to gaslight teenagers.
Beauty has NOTHING to do with someone cheating on you. Charles and Diana were not compatible at all especially with the age difference. Camila and Charles deserve each other.
Charles wanted a young aristo with no past to have heirs with he did not want someone close to his age since chances were she was married or had experience and had relationships
Camilla helped Charles select Diana and she played the safe married friend who invited c and c over to the home she shared with her husband.diana in a sense was compatible since she met the criteria for wife and mother of royal heirs. Charles also wanted to keep his relationship with Camilla. Charles never thought Diana would mind the arrangement imo
Invited c and d over.
I also didnt know Camilla copied Diana’s revenge dress, with dismal results, and actually, it looks like she blatantly copied Diana’s look a number of times! Maybe Camilla is the one who gave Kate the idea.