Elon Musk’s fanboys and supporters are in a serious pickle. They desperately want to believe that Musk is a next-level genius executing some brilliant plan for Twitter. They don’t want to admit that Musk is a shady, broke-ass idiot who was legally forced to purchase an over-valued product (Twitter) using borrowed money. They don’t want to admit that Musk is actually a terrible businessman with poor impulse control and he’s destroying Twitter because he doesn’t know what the f–k he’s doing. While Musk has gone on a firing spree within Twitter, it’s looking like advertisers are going on a firing spree of their own:
Twitter is facing an exodus of executives and skittish advertisers as Elon Musk and his advisers take control of the social media company, prepare to lay off employees and make changes to the product.
At least five top Twitter executives — including the chief marketing officer, the chief customer officer, the head of people and diversity, and the head of product — have departed the company in recent days, according to seven people with knowledge of the matter and public statements. Two announced their departures on Twitter on Tuesday; they did not say why they had quit. More executives may leave, the people said.
At the same time, advertisers — which provide about 90 percent of Twitter’s revenue — are increasingly grappling with Mr. Musk’s ownership of the platform. The billionaire, who is meeting advertising executives in New York this week, has spooked some advertisers because he has said he would loosen Twitter’s content rules, which could lead to a surge in misinformation and other toxic content.
IPG, one of the world’s largest advertising companies, issued a recommendation on Monday through its media agencies for clients to temporarily pause their spending on Twitter because of moderation concerns, three people with knowledge of the communication said. The Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a coalition of platforms, advertisers and industry groups that is fighting harmful content on social media, also said this week that it was monitoring how Twitter planned to deal with content moderation.
Yeah, the advertiser issue will come to a head within the next week. A lot of people (myself included) are holding their breath to see what happens on Twitter ahead of the midterm elections, what happens on election night and what happens in the 48 hours after the midterms. Please remember that on election night in 2020, that’s when Twitter finally began censoring Donald Trump’s account. Twitter didn’t permanently suspend Trump until the January 6th insurrection, but on Election Night, Twitter was finally stepping up to moderate Trump’s deranged tweets. What will happen on election night this year? What will happen when Republicans use the platform to call for violence and terrorism against their enemies? If sh-t goes down (how could it not), advertisers will pull the plug.
It’s also funny that Musk thinks he can make up the advertisers’ income by simply charging $20 a month for Twitter Blue, the “verified Twitter.” When Stephen King said “f–k that,” Musk begged him to sign up for it and then lowered the price to $8 a month.
The funniest thing about this is that Elon Musk thinks the issue is that Stephen King is balking at the $20 per month fee. pic.twitter.com/BB5rnmaKKb
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 1, 2022
Photos of Musk looking like an idiot at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party, courtesy of Cover Images.
- Heidi Klum’s 21st Annual Halloween Party Presented By Now Screaming x Prime Video And Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur At Sake No Hana At Moxy Lower East Side Featuring: Elon Musk Where: New York, New York, United States When: 31 Oct 2022 Credit: BauerGriffin/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images
- Heidi Klum’s 21st Annual Halloween Party Presented By Now Screaming x Prime Video And Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur At Sake No Hana At Moxy Lower East Side Featuring: Elon Musk Where: New York, New York, United States When: 31 Oct 2022 Credit: ROGER WONG/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images
- Heidi Klum’s 21st Annual Halloween Party Presented By Now Screaming x Prime Video And Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur At Sake No Hana At Moxy Lower East Side Featuring: Elon Musk Where: New York, New York, United States When: 31 Oct 2022 Credit: ROGER WONG/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images
Glad to hear advertisers are pulling out, I have been blocking all promoted tweets I see. I am sticking around until the election is over then I plan to leave. I just hope there is another sm forum to go to.
Oh that’s a great idea. Have been wondering how to protest in a more potent way than just quitting. Blocking promoted tweets is something that can get noticed.
I haven’t seen any ads for a few days now.
A good site to check out is Counter Social. A lot of people I “talk” to on Twitter (I’m pretty political there #BlueAndStaying lol) are signing up there “just in case” but are staying on the bird for now.
It’s already bad with many comments. If it gets worse it will be unbearable for anyone with a functioning brain cell.
The supportive comments about Musk are near identical to those for Kanye West’s business…..debacle. That all of this is going to exactly to plan and we just don’t understand business and genius at work and this shit’s chess, it ain’t checkers.
I guess time will tell on that.
I read an interesting article about Musk’s Twitter takeover and it was actually scary. The goal is to treat social media as private rather than public so they’re not beholden to Wall Street and stock holders. And they’re not truly concerned about advertising revenue but unleashing disinformation and causing chaos. According to the conspiracy theory, the 1% true aim is to destabilize democracies worldwide because democracy is a threat to them.
I’ve been trying to explain to his fanboys what it means to be private v public company and how unmoderated “free speech” is actually violence (see: Germany etc) but they are a cult just like Trump supporters.
Wow that article is sinister
Yes, I believe this article is correct — unfortunately. The point isn’t short-term money, but long-term control of discourse.
absolutely makes sense give Musk’s relationship with Putin & Medevev, him “looking into” people who got into trouble for TOS violations for Jenna Ellis & the fact the Saudi’s are the 2nd largest stakeholder
I don’t believe it. Not that there aren’t people who want to destabilize the world, but that destabilization is expensive and also needs the complicity of a lot more people than just a group of conspirators. The best method is what’s happening right now, with people thinking they’re getting a service for free, when actually they’re being indoctrinated and paying for it at the same time through constant advertising.
He isn’t destroying Twitter because he doesn’t know what he is doing. He is destroying it because Twitter is a place where more people than not don’t like him and will call him out on his stupidity.
EM already spread misinformation since acquiring Twitter. It makes me feel sick that he has control over it, but I’m hoping that Capitalists of all people, will force EM to regret this decision. Quickly.
It’s the begging I love. Please consider paying for things I tell you to so I won’t look like an idiot.
Almost all social media has turned out to be a terrible thing. Everyone should have deleted Facebook nearly a decade ago (but today isn’t too late), and now Twitter has flown the coop. If we are a democracy of the people, the people must speak with what power they have and force change. Today’s battle will be very easy to fight: just delete the app.
He doesn’t care. He and Dorsey have plans.
And it’s terrifying.
If Elon is publicly begging Stephen King to pay to be on Twitter, I can only imagine that he’ll be going cap in hand to the meeting with advertisers in NY lol. They’ll tell him the truth–no one cares about your weird billionaire bro crypto/longtermerism ideas. Keep reasonable content moderation, or we stop paying for ads. My guess is Elon will fold like he did after failing to get out of purchasing Twitter in the first place. My other guess is Elon will get bored with his new toy quickly.
I told my husband yesterday that although we’ve been wanting (and saving for) a Tesla for years, I don’t want anything to do with the brand unless Elon exits that company. There are other electric cars out there. I realize Tesla has paved the way, but I don’t want to put any more money in his pocket.
I have a twitter account but don’t use it much. It is suprising to me how I actually care about Twitter. Like if Musk took over Snapchat, or TikTok, big whoop. I don’t care. But I really used to use Twitter a lot early on, and the curated lists of accounts I follow are still valuable to me. It’s disheartening to watch him trash the company and also allowing people to be terrible on it. Why couldn’t he have just bought Parler? or TruthSocial?
There are a lot of electrics out there that aren’t as overpriced as Tesla, IMO, and that you’ll have an easier time getting serviced. Right now we have a Toyota hybrid and love it.
I love my Toyota hybrid as well. It has run really well for the last 14 years.
Tesla cars have terrible engineering. They’re made of smoke and badly-placed mirrors. There are plenty of good electric cars on the market — Tesla should go out of business.
We’ve had a Civic hybrid for 15 years and it has never given us trouble. When we get the money for an upgrade, we’re going Honda again. But really, pretty much anything’s better than Tesla.
I’m not ready to convert to electric only. I’m concerned about range and also how long it will take to “fill up” on long trips. You can refill my 10-gallon tank Prius in 10 minutes, vs my daughter’s Tesla in 10 hours. My Prius is from 2010 and it’s still running perfectly, but I’m sure that won’t last forever. When it dies, I’m gonna go for another hybrid.
Truthfully, Teslas are not that great. There are cheaper EVs out there that are far better.
They are hard to service and if you get in a wreck you could be without your vehicle for months.
That happened to a friend of a friend last week when his Tesla got it. They have to haul it 2 states away (and I note we all live in CA) for repairs for months. Blech.
What brands do you recommend?
We are a Ford family, and probably will get the Ford Explorer hybrid next. I would buy an all electric Explorer in a heartbeat.
My husband is looking at the Rivian SUV because he likes the look, but it feels too untested to me just yet.
@Abby I would recommend Toyota or Honda for the easiest and most reliable hybrid or electric options. They have many different types of hybrid or electric cars/trucks/SUVs/Vans to choose from. And they have been in the market longer and improved their products as the years have gone by.
I have had a great experience with my Toyota Prius (14 years and going strong) and I have heard the same from other Honda electric owners.
Abby – How about a Mustang Mach E?
It’s a compact SUV and both Car and Driver and a few friends who have them love them.
@goofpuff My Prius is 14 and still going also.
@Abby there are soooo many electric cars.
Mustang Mach E
Cadillac Lyriq
Mercedes’ Benz has a fleet of E vehicles out for 2023
Hyundai Ioniq
Hyundai Nexo
Toyota RAV4 hybrid for cheaper pricing
Honda will have 30 E vehicles in 2030
Tesla sells well especially in China, but competition is coming. Part of the reason why the stock is falling. And since he still doesn’t have auto drive or the Tesla semi trucks out, stock will continue to fall
If Tesla were the last car on earth I’d get a horse.
Why is he dressed like the top of the Sims 2 criminal career?
Anyway, apartheid blood money and other people’s work have propped up this moron his whole life. I hope to see it come crashing down on him, but I guess we’ll see.
“Why is he dressed like the top of the Sims 2 criminal career?”
Lololol for ever
Why is he dressed Iike a lobster?
King made the same argument (much better) I made here yesterday in reply to some Elon supporter – verified w/ a bit of a following are providing free content.
YouTube pays content creators, so does TikTok apparently. But Elon wants to charge us for the privilege of free work.
He is truly an egomaniac.
People don’t react well to having something for free being taken away. Especially something this petty.
Much like advertisers are pulling away from Twitter, Elon Musk’s parents should have pulled away from each other the night he was conceived. I am just staying put on Twitter and waiting to see what is going to happen. If it gets out of control I will pull away too.
Musk has a billion dollar year debt to finance.
He bought a company whose real asset was the people using that platform.
It was never free, income was due due adverts.
Making silly moves for marketing purposes will do the following…..
Meanwhile, some one else is moving on to the next best thing.
“If it gets out of control” There’s doubt?
I hope no one finds this offensive, but I want to stick around long enough to see Twitter crash and burn. I want the repercussions to broadly affect Tesla stock and earnings — and EM’s personal fortune. I want him to risk the ire of all the shady investors he got to back his buy and see him sweat rainfalls trying to recoup those losses. Then I want him to struggle to put together another business deal that will fall flat because no one will want to work or invest in any of his projects. He is not a genius. He’s a cretin, a tool, a troll, and, worst off, a mediocre, unethical business man. He and orange blob should marry each other.
@Mireille – you can watch it from afar. Staying on the platform gives Twitter management a “user base” number to prop themselves up with.
I never like to be derogatory on someone’s looks, but damn, all the money in the world can’t make this douche attractive. I can’t tell which one induces me to violently vomit first — him or the orange blob.
Personally, I’m sticking with Twitter for the time being — I have a few #bluewave followers who asked that I stay. But we’ll see. My inclination is to leave. Professionally, I’ve already warned my company that we may have to delete our account. Outside of EM being reckless and unpredictable, we have not seen a significant ROI on our Twitter activity that warrants staying — not unlike our other SM accounts. I am the head left progressive liberal at a company of moderate (and fortunately non-MAGA) Republicans, who are mostly ignorant on how SM works. So they generally listen and do what I say — as long as I don’t spew any vitriolic hatred against EM. I generally reserve that hate for him on my personal Twitter account.
I took a mental health break from Twitter a few weeks ago because I found myself letting the Meghan hate get to me. As soon as this Musk thing was confirmed, I deactivated my account and I have zero regrets. I can only imagine how bad it’s going to get in the next week or so.
Others will pull in to take their place. I doubt that this will hurt him much, especially if those who step in are right-wing MAGA companies who feel as though their time has come after all the censorship they’ve had to endure.
I don’t know. My Twitter account is private and I unfollow and/or block any account that tweets lies and MAGA shit. I’m weirdly curious to see when the site will crash.
Also, there’s been talk that the feds, or whoever, are thinking of investigating where Elon got the money to buy Twitter.
My tinfoil hat theory: Elon owns Twitter on paper, but the real owners are shady people in the background.
Rice, it would not surprise me if he’s the face for shady investors. How did he get financing for a very overvalued business (Twitter)? I hope the feds are looking into this. Whatever is going on here, I suspect it will turn into a sewer. I wonder if he realizes that MAGAs aren’t going to spend money for social media? Any responsible advertisers better run for the hills. They’ll be called out and people will boycott them whenever they can. This is going to be really interesting to watch.
Oh he totally has shady investors. That’s the only way he is able to afford this without having to sell Tesla or SpaceX.
Are Elon Musk and Kanye having a competition for who can lose the most money fastest?
Why? Just because he responded to Hilary Clinton’s tweet on Mr. Pelosi’s life-threatening assault as a mere homosexual spat ? Thatthe man who hit him in the head with a hammer as THE POLICE WATCHED and planned to break Nancy Pelosi’s knees and kidnap her was the actual LOVER OF MR PELOSI?
On another note, you still look fat in your costume, Elon, you f-cking disastrous mess.
On Friday, October 28th, as soon as Musk owned twitter, I deactivated my account forevah! Honestly, I dislike him with every fiber of my being, I’m so sick of spoiled rich kids, it makes my blood boil. So yeah, later twitter. I’ll miss see you all tweet but I’ll just come here and read. And if someone comes up with a new twitter, whatever that will be I’ll join, like I did twitter in 2009.
Hee. Stephen King will always be a national treasure for his social commentary alone. 🤣🤣😈😈
Elon Musk is supposed to be a brilliant business mogul. Seeing him beg Stephen King gave me a hearty chuckle. Musk has got to be kidding. The user is the product. We supply the content, but EM wants us to pay to be verified? Aw hell naw! King’s response summed it up.
I am happily old and never got into Twitter, so deleting my account was easy and painless. I’m still on Instagram and Facebook (again, old) and I am a lot more active on LinkedIn. I am also a dyed in the wool capitalist and look forward to Musk getting it where it hurts, aka the wallet once advertisers say “nuh-uh” and leave. Also in the market for an EV, also refuse to buy a Tesla.
Twitter is a place I get international news you can’t get anywhere else. Right away boots on the ground information.
But there’s a reason I never had a 4chan account back in the day. It feels like they are wanting to turn it back in the haven that was 4 chan ft them.
How else are we going to find so much about the world in one place?.I follow Iranian journalists, and Australian science fiction writers, and British doctors, and a boy who takes photos of himself petting dogs. I’m gonna miss it.
@Icey – People keep saying “news” is why they use Twitter, but I doubt there is NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD you can get news – maybe not in one place, maybe not for free, but maybe consider supporting the originating news organizations? Rather than supporting … [that person’s] bad business decisions.
By the way, if you want to watch Twitter without having an account, look up Nitter. It’s entirely legal and I’ve been using it for a long time without problems.
Elon Musk, the modern day PT Barnum.
If anyone thought he bought Twitter to use it for good, wrong, wrong.
IMO, is all about his ego, headlines, drama.
If twitter was shut down tomorrow life would still go on.