It’s been a relatively quiet autumn for the Toxic White Markles. Thomas Markle faked some health issues early in the summer, then his former business partner Jeff Rayner got a restraining order against Toxic Tom after Tom threatened to kill him. It’s been suspiciously quiet around Toxic Tom for months, and I kind of wonder if the British tabloids view him as a loose cannon who could blurt out the whole sordid business arrangement at any moment. Samantha Grant has also been quiet for months, having been kicked off social media. Suddenly, she couldn’t book any TV appearances either. Something strange was happening behind-the-scenes, I’m sure. Well, here’s a terrible update: the suspension has been lifted on Samantha’s Twitter account. Or one of her accounts, at least.
The Duchess of Sussex can expect more barbs from her elder half-sister, Samantha Markle, who’s been allowed back on Twitter after Elon Musk took over the social network. Samantha claims she was ‘unjustly targeted and shut down by bots and trolls falsely reporting my account’.
Speaking to the Steeple Times website, she enthuses: ‘I believe that this will be a historically positive change for our social and economic world.’
She also sings the praises of the Tesla billionaire: ‘I’m glad that Elon Musk is going to save free speech . . . We can all have our opinions, and disagree. Elon Musk wants to make it fair for both the Right and the Left equally. Differing opinions and controversy make people think and grow.’ Let’s hope Meghan agrees.
Earlier this year, Buzzfeed did an exhaustive look at how Samantha had been one of the chief “Twitter trolls” when it came to the coordinated hate campaign against the Duchess of Sussex. Samantha was in direct contact with the for-profit hate operation, and no surprise, Samantha was making money off her hate campaign too. Buzzfeed also found that Samantha has/had multiple Twitter handles and that as soon as one account was suspended, she picked up with another one. I have the same question I’ve always had: was this coordinated at a palace-level? Were there people within one of the communications offices (or multiple offices) helping to coordinate and “script” the hate from Thomas Markle, Samantha and the hate campaign? Anyway, it f–king sucks that Samantha is back on Twitter officially. But it makes perfect sense considering there’s been a significant uptick of royalist bot accounts and hate-accounts in recent months. To me, it all looks connected.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
- Samantha Markle talks to the panel about paparazzi shots of her father and not being invited to the wedding of her sister Meghan and Prince Harry on ‘Loose Women’. Broadcast on ITV1 Featuring: Samantha Markle, Samantha Grant When: 14 May 2018 Credit: Supplied by WENN **WENN does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright, License in attached material. Fees charged by WENN are for WENN’s services only, do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright, License in material. By publishing this material you expressly agree to indemnify, to hold WENN, its directors, shareholders, employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), any causes of action, allegation against WENN arising out of, connected in any way with publication of the material.**
- Samantha Markle talks about her sister Megan and is coy when asked about her upcoming appearance on Big Brother ‘Good Morning Britain’. Broadcast on ITV1 Featuring: Samantha Markle When: 23 Jul 2018 Credit: Supplied by WENN **WENN does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright, License in attached material. Fees charged by WENN are for WENN’s services only, do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright, License in material. By publishing this material you expressly agree to indemnify, to hold WENN, its directors, shareholders, employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), any causes of action, allegation against WENN arising out of, connected in any way with publication of the material.**
- Meghan Markle’s step sister Samantha Markle & guests at The Ray Darcy Show, RTE, Dublin, Ireland – 13.10.18. Featuring: Samantha Markle Where: Dublin, Ireland When: 13 Oct 2018 Credit: **Not available for publication in Ireland**
The more people leave Twitter, the less they have power.
Wouldn’t be the first big migration away from a platform.
Exactly. A mass exodus is the only way to neutralize this situation. If they lose their ability to make money, Twitter will die.
Agreed. I deleted my account earlier this year when he put his bid in.
Megan, Samantha, and basically their whole family are a dysfunctional lying toxic bunch.
There were so many nicer kinder and gentler people for for Prince Harry to marry but he apparently was not the brightest guy in the royal family and he definitely did NOT do his homework.
It’s like he wants all the worst swamp creatures back.
EDIT: I think they’re going to reinstate all the Megsh!t trolls. Horrible.
Like pumping raw sewage into the town water supply.
Yes. She is nothing but a lying, attention-seeking, vile malignant growth.
“I have the same question I’ve always had: was this coordinated at a palace-level? Were there people within one of the communications offices (or multiple offices) helping to coordinate and “script” the hate from Thomas Markle, Samantha and the hate campaign?”
I 100% believe it is coordinated in consort with the British tabloid press. Will we ever get hard evidence of it? I doubt it. This thing has layers and if the palace is in charge, it’s behind multiple layers of other players. People like Scammy are just pawns.
And if they can connect the dots and expose them, what can Meghan do legally to put a stop to it and punish them? Any legal eagles out here with some insight?
That’s a shame. The bright side is the defamation case is still going. Any stupid, vicious, dangerous thing Scammy tweets can be used against her in court. You bet Meghan’s lawyers will monitor Twitter and Scammy is too dumb to restrain herself.
@aquarius64: Someone is apparently hearing those voices again.
Good…cause I’ma drag her for ABSOLUTE filth….and SussexSquad gone have a FIELD DAY…
Turning bitter…deplorable lemons 🍋 into lemonade…
People like Samantha like any kind of attention. The more you fight her, the better she’ll feel. Also it will only up her profile.
The best thing is to ignore her. And, for good measure, delete Twitter — maybe after showing advertisers some of her tweets.
I think you should follow your advice & I’ma do me…
Ergo balance…
She’s ALREADY being elevated which is why we’re talking about her now…
Yeah, but it’s not on a site where she or her defenders are welcome.
Twitter has always monetized outrage, and now under Musk they’re gonna do it even more. I feel like bringing all these terrible people back is part of the business plan — get a lot of people there to yell at each other.
Emily_C is exactly right. There’s no such thing as negative attention on Twitter. Any and every time people start dunking on a person/tweet, it only helps elevate that person/tweet to an even wider audience. The algorithm DGAF whether you’re for or against the person, they just see you tweeting at Sammy and take that as a cue that her account is engaging and should be promoted in searches, comments, etc.
Screenshot and reference her by pseudonyms, sure, but actually replying or quote tweeting to drag her (or anyone) is honestly the worst thing you could do if you actually really care about Meghan or whatever subject you’re trying to defend. Not to mention it’ll ruin your own feed because the algorithm will think you want to see that bile and will start inserting deranger tweets and follows in your main timeline. Drag her all you want, just do it without actually engaging with her account in any way.
So she was lying about her connection to those accounts then. When the buzzfeed article came out, she claimed she wasn’t connected to those accounts and she was hacked. I’m still waiting for Meghan to sue this woman and slap her with a restraining order.
She’s been exposed by messaging those hate accounts and has publicly spoken to them. People like her take advantage of Meghan not giving her the time of day.
Imagine paying millions of dollars to empower this person. She looks inebriated in all these photos.
but don’t you know that Scammy’s ability to post of SM will have not only a positive social impact on the world, it will help the global economy!
At least that’s what Scammy says:
“I believe that this will be a historically positive change for our social and economic world.”
I absolutely think this was coordinated at the palace level. Who else would have the motivation and funding to spread these lies and hate about H&M on a daily basis? Sure, maybe we can say its someone just trying to create chaos or whatever, but this is too coordinated and targeted IMO to be anything but palace-sanctioned.
Samantha coming back to Twitter is just…..ugh.
IMO the coordination was proven once TT went on that Australian show and mentioned Jason Knauf by name. And there was that tabloid reporter (Daily Fail I think) who went as far as to move in next to TT in Mexico. We already know that KP 100% collaborates with the tabloids, so to me it makes sense that it was all part of the same plan. The tabloids got a gold mine of dirt to run while KP (and maybe CH) got to weaponize TT and Scammy to embarrass Meghan on the world stage in an attempt to stop the wedding.
The hate campaign is still ongoing because their original plan failed, so to KP the options are to concede that they failed (which they’ll never do) or to double/triple/quadruple down (which is what they’re doing IMO). Hence the continuation of bots.
I think there are extraneous grifters who have seen how profitable hate channels against Meghan can be and just jumped on the bandwagon, but I do think that at some level there was some palace coordination, particularly with TT, Scammy, and the actual obviously-paid-for reply bots.
Of course they are going to double down. Bower said the quiet part out loud. They are still after Meghan so that PH will return. And sad that her own supposed family participates and don’t care if she comes out of it alive as long as they come out richer.
I think it’s hilarious that the tabloid reporter who was in business with Terrible Tom now has a restraining order against him for threats. Lie down with dogs, don’t be surprised if you wake up with fleas. He found out.
Agree Becks and sunday that it was palace sanctioned, particularly by KP. The dots are all there but never connected by the BM and not really even by the American media. Kaiser is asking all the right questions. My dream is for this to be exposed but these people are terrible and protected. But still I hope.
I think Harry and Meghan being able to speak out whenever they want has served to neutralize the white Markles. They were able to flourish in Harry and Meghan’s silence but not anymore.
Exactly. Also the Sussexes aren’t interested in engaging with these fools, no matter how much they bark. People who can’t stand sister troll will just report and block her. The Sussexes are so far removed from this and have a huge platform and voice. Scammy griping and lying will either harm her lawsuit ( is that still happening?) or turn back into the witches sabbath with her conspiracy spouting trolls. Don’t care. Looking for Twitter alternatives but not in a panic. If the Sussexes/Archewell were to open an account on another platform, there would be a mass exodus from Twitter and I’d join that stampede for real, lol.
It is so odd that Scamantha just couldn’t resist mentioning Meghan’s name in her tweet. That chick is obsessed.
It’s odd that Scammy’s lawyers are letting her run amok on Twitter while having an active lawsuit, knowing her Tweets can be used as evidence in court. Look at another set of lawyers dumping her.
@Aquarius64- regarding Scammy’s lawsuit; I actually think that the purpose of it is not to actually successfully sue Meghan. Because the lawsuit is SO unwinnable, I think it’s purpose to create negative associations with Meghan. In a nutshell, I think Sammy’s suit is one small arm of a broad, multi pronged campaign on the part of C3 to change how Americans view Harry&Meghan. C3 knows he needs US investment and US interest, and thinks that the way to change his villian status in the US, is to make H&M lose favor in the US. The lawsuit is to hopefully make Americans associate Meghan with negative things, ex. Meghan=lawsuits, Meghan=family strife,etc etc
Maybe I’m wrong, but to me it’s the only way the lawsuit makes sense. Also how would broke Scammy be paying her lawyers otherwise?
This… person is someone who is still angry at her sister because, as a baby, her sister threw bluebuerries around the kitchen. Samantha resented Meghan for that at the time, though Samantha is so much older than Meghan, and she still resents her for it and acts like Meghan committed a high crime.
In other words, Samantha Markle is batshit.
Deactivated my accounts one day after Elon’s purchase went through.
Same here. I have no interest in being part of Musk’s hatred and insanity. If enough of us leave the value of his $44 billion investment will plummet. Good!
Well we already knew that Elon is a racist trashbag. That’s not exactly breaking news. This is so unfortunate. I’m sure the fail is thrilled.
The tabloids have a mutually beneficial interaction with the bots, but I don’t think they are the drivers of it. They compete with each other and we’d see some sort of differences in bot behavior based on what paper was running stories. My recollection of the research into the anti/Sussex bots is that that wasn’t the case.
What they are is of a type with the bots stirring up racist discontent around the world. In the US it’s BLM, CRT, homelessness and urban crime. In the UK it is the Sussexes (and presumably crime and other outrage). Although it sounds conspiracy theory to say “Russians,” the truth is, oligarchs and Saudis were major early investors in a the social media platforms. There is too much money sloshing around, too much of it in the hands of bad actors. Some of them think it’s really fun to stir up trouble on social media. The trouble is a mix of someone causing trouble and the platforms making the active choice to not spend money on moderation, claiming they are defending “free speech.” Of course they are shutting down the speech of the sorts of people their investors disapprove of, but they have ideological cover to do so.
I’m done with Twitter, I was just waiting until the election. It’s time for Twitter to tank.
Ugh barf 🤢 of course it got lifted. Smdh
Peace out with your anti Meghan propaganda, Scammy.
Wait, she’s a MAGAt too? I didn’t even guess that. She both-sided and praised Musk. 🤢🤢🤢
Before Harry and Meghan’s wedding, when Samantha was still hoping for an invite, she pretended to be liberal. As soon as the wedding happened and she realized Meghan was not going to cave and welcome her family members into her inner circle, Samantha revealed all and went batsh*t MAGA crazy.
I don’t get the position to stay on Twitter until the elections, until 48 hours after the election, until whatever. When Black people boycotted buses in Montgomery in the 60s, they ALL stopped using a system they desperately needed but that abused and disrespected them.
Their lives were made much worse. Walking in the dark through streets that housed people who wanted to beat and kill them just so they could get breakfast on the table at 7 am for someone else’s children. It took months to get the carpools going. It took months to recreate the carpools after whites broke them up. Some still lost their jobs. Other losses just don’t get mentioned. It took two years for the boycott to pay off with a little respect.
What are you losing by getting off Twitter now? All Elon needs is your account. Doesn’t matter if you use it selectively or block others or fight back or lurk.
This is Montgomery 2.0. How much more damage by misinformation do you need to get off the Twitter bus? This isn’t running away. This is taking a stand.
Well put.
100% agree. If we can’t “sacrifice” (because not being on Twitter is not a sacrifice) small things, what makes us think we’ll step up for big things. Hell, there’s big things all around and we still support while raging about it. Myself included. I’m boycotting beloved vacation spots, stores, and brands. Even now I get the urge to visit and say well….but then it’s NOPE. And these aren’t things that are really inconveniences. There are a million places to visit, stores and brands to patronize. We were fine without Twitter before. We’ll be fine without it again.
@Cassandra OMG THANK YOU!!! Yes. A million times this.
Hopefully, NASA is working with other innovative companies on spacecraft and other advanced technologies… so they can eventually yank that space contract, with Musk/Tesla away. And give it to a company or companies who believe in American Democracy.
Yank it now and use the money going to unneeded space travel to make life better here on earth.
Elon gave Ukraine all those spacelink satellites, got them ingrained as part of their defense and is now going to pull the plug unless the DOD or a NATO government equivalent starts paying hundreds of millions.
We all knew eventually that Samantha will crawl out for under the rock she been hiding under soon or later . I hope Meghan lawyer are watching and paying attention to her Twitter accounts so they use it as evidence of Samantha behavior toward Meghan and show the courts that Samantha has been the one engaging in harassment of Meghan and slander then I hope Meghan sues her and take everything from that she got for the British media and the royal family to slander Meghan . Hopefully Samantha will be left with just her scooter.
Bill Maher was kissing up to Elon last Friday so isn’t just the right wing has his back.Maher,”we shouldn’t piss off genius”
Maher didn’t used to be right wing. He is now. He pretends otherwise — and true, he’s not full MAGA. But he’s very much a conservative.
Bill Maher has always been a libertarian douchebag and a hardcore misogynist. He just said a few of the right things for a few years, so people didn’t notice. The first big hint was his everlasting adoration for Ann Coulter, through all her racism.
This sentient turd gets her account back? While my leftist ass got banned two years ago bc “Karen” was in my handle?? #KIsForKompromat /TooManyKarens!
Ignore her.
Just saw this on Twitter so who knows: “Musk now says no currently banned accounts will return to Twitter until a committee is formed and a system implemented. If you perceive Musk to be more compliant, it’s because he’s been told The Global Alliance for Responsible Media has him by the short hairs.” I think
the fact that Twitter will descend into 4chan when all the “ free speech” fascists run amok and will lose advertisers and valuation has an impact. People are already leaving. Hope Scammy stays banned.
She’s back under MAGASammyMarkle (@SammyMarkleReal). Time to deactivate. EM is as big a liar as SM. Why wouldn’t he let other liars back?
Musk let the election denier back on? Sad. FYI her lawyers in the lawsuit represent Trump.
Has it occurred to anyone that Harry could come after the Markles in his memoir? The RRs think they know everything about their useful idiots, but Harry may bring out a few things that wrecks the narrative they have been selling with the BM. An Australian channel is being sued because it used Bad Dad to target Meghan again and it blew up in its face. Harry may have receipts of who the Monsters in Law have been working with in the press and palace. Another reason for the BM and BRF to be scared; the Markles could take them all down.
The royals are treating Harry’s book like a criminal trying to cover up a crime scene. They are terrified by what he could say. I remember when Diana’s book came out. I don’t recall the “she must cancel the book IMMEDIATELY” nonsense we’re getting from the royals now. The royals braced for what she could say, but she was ultimately talking about a bad relationship and a shitty husband. She wasn’t talking about potential crimes. A neighbor had the book and I remember paging through it when I babysat the kids. I don’t remember her talking about the functionings of the palace beyond the immediate effects on her.
I’m starting to think that the royals did some serious bad stuff. Their reaction is making all of us realize that there’s something that harry knows, and could talk about, that they desperately want to remain hidden. I hope he does talk about the royal family’s connection to the Markles. I hope he talks about Jason Knauf paying off Tom to disrupt the wedding, and paying for bots. I’m surprised that the Markles themselves haven’t talked. Tom could become a sympathetic (sort of) person again if he confesses that he was lied to and manipulated by the royals. Samantha is too far gone–her hatred has curdled her brain.
When Scammy was busted by Buzzfeed for her multiple hate accounts she went after the writer and threatened to sue and get the writer for harassment. The writer published an email supposedly from Scam. It said she (?) will go to the royal reporters and Kensington Palace if the writer didn’t stop. This was brought up in the Twitterverse. Why would KP care about what Scam does? That email implicated a royal household in a smear campaign. Needless to say, there’s no lawsuit from Scam.
I deleted both Twitter accounts on Sunday. Fuck Elon
There’s no way her suspension is lifted. She created a new route, and it will not be long before Bot Sentinel reports her. Considering her court case is pending, how stupid can it be to come on a public account to attack the person you’re suing? Musk is beginning to feel the impact of the mass departure, and the excessive use of the N-word weighs heavy on his advertisers. He gambled and lost.
I deactivated my Twitter account today and I have no regrets. I only really used it for breaking news but from now on I’m using Google News. I hope this ends in disaster for Elon. He 100% deserves to have the death of Twitter happen to him.