In the immediate wake of the 2022 midterms, the media began referring to Donald Trump’s political career in the past tense. As in, there’s no hope of resuscitating the gold-plated Insurrection Express in time for 2024, and the future is Ron DeSantis. Trump was described as “livid, fuming, screaming” and apparently he’s very unhappy with Melania for some reason. Parallel to those reports, Trump has apparently been calling people to say that the Sad Bigly Election Night was all a lie, that he’s fine and please don’t report that he’s fuming. Interestingly enough, a lot of the worst reporting about Trump this week is coming from the Murdoch-owned press: the New York Post, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. The Post even ran this cover, above, calling him Trumpty Dumpty. The WSJ editors are leaning into the “DeSantis is the GOP’s great white (supremacist) hope now” narrative, combined with “Trump is the GOP’s biggest loser” headlines, which indicates a larger falling out between the Murdochs and the Trumps, an interesting story on its own. All of this means that Trump is trying to do damage control and it’s kind of funny/sad/pathetic/terrifying.
Donald Trump took to Truth Social on Thursday morning to declare that he is absolutely not mad about the midterms. Do not believe the fake news media, he is a very stable genius who is not — we repeat, NOT— mad.
“For those many people that are being fed the fake narrative from the corrupt media that I am Angry about the Midterms, don’t believe it,” Trump wrote. “I am not at all angry, did a great job (I wasn’t the one running!), and am very busy looking into the future. Remember, I am a “Stable Genius.”
Following a tweet from New York Times reporter Maggie Habberman claiming that Trump was privately fuming at advisors – including former First Lady Melania Trump – for encouraging him to back Dr. Mehmet Oz in his failed bid for the Senate, Trump responded with characteristic, extremely public rage.
They “had NOTHING to do with it,” wrote Trump. In a follow-up post, he apologized to his wife and favorite Fox News host, Sean Hannity, for “all of the Fake News and fictional stories… being dumped on you by reporters and “News” Organizations who know these stories are not true.”
Ah, the Stable Genius rage-posting on Truth Social, the Nazi platform he has to use because he was banned from Twitter after he incited an armed insurrection and then continued to agitate for terrorism in the wake of the insurrection. Memories. Anyway, of course Trump is freaked out and he’s the most UNstable idiot ever. Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Trumpty Dumpty slipped on his puddle of hamberder & ketchup juice, Trumpty Dumpty had a big fall, and all Dark Brandon’s horses and all of Dark Brandon’s men couldn’t put Trumpty Dumpty back together again… because they were too busy laughing.
and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 10, 2022
Trump is having a meltdown on Truth Social
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 10, 2022
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
- Washington, DC – United States President Donald J. Trump, joined by First Lady Melania Trump, pardons Corn, the National Thanksgiving Turkey, during a ceremony in the Rose Garden at the White House. Pictured: United States President Donald J. Trump BACKGRID USA 24 NOVEMBER 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- United States President Donald J. Trump answers reporter’s questions as he departs the White House in Washington, DC for a trip to Texas and Ohio before continuing to New York to attend the opening of the United Nations on Sunday, September 22, 2019. Credit: Ron Sachs / Pool via CNP | usage worldwide
- United States President Donald J. Trump speaks to the media on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, as he departs for a day trip to Austin, Texas. Credit: Stefani Reynolds / CNP | usage worldwide
- United States President Donald J. Trump speaks during a meeting with Klaus Iohannis, Romanias president, not pictured, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019. Trump said today he’s “not ready to make a deal with China,” but adds Beijing wants an agreement and something could happen soon. Credit: Andrew Harrer / Pool via CNP | usage worldwide
- United States President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks as he departs the White House to visit a Whirlpool corporation manufacturing plant in Ohio, on Thursday, August 6, 2020, in Washington, DC. Credit: Kevin Dietsch / Pool via CNP | usage worldwide
Not impressed that Murdoch (late to the game) finally deems DT unstable. It is a hopeful sign that the repubs are looking to ditch him though.
I mean, it did take the R’s underperforming in the midterms to make it happen but still positive, I guess?
Ron DeSantis is a bigly bigot too, just a smarter one. Everything Florida has done to the lgbt community is horrific and don’t get me started on how this clown talks about immigration and the recent stunt he pulled. Upside is if this is the sunset on Trump’s political career, his ego will not allow DeSantis to thrive. And the party has invested so much in Trump’s personality and his scary base that he might really hamstring the Republicans on his way out the door.
That’s the hope that DT will be vengeful and declare an independent ticket to split the vote.
I wouldn’t trust DeSantis around a glass corner. He’s as bad as Trump and unfortunately he’s a lot smarter.
He is also violently anti-abortion. That will not play well in a general election!
When is the turkey pardoning this year?
Poor Tiffany! She thought Daddy would finally pay attention to her at her wedding.
And Hurricane Nicole! Bless her heart
Tiffany is probably breathing a HUGE sigh of relief that she’s ignored. Marla Maples may be alot of things, but she was very smart with keeping Tiffany (mostly) away from that dumpster fire of a family
I just wonder if daddy will try to start using her for “good” publicity
And I actually (can’t believe I am saying this) think the Post got it dead on the money.
It will be extremely interesting to see how the DeSantis and Trump followers slaughter each other
Chips and Queso at the ready! 😎
The wedding’s at Mar-al-lago so dump will be around anyway.
Wonder who Marge with her Gazpacho soup will be backing?!?!
Well shit.
Never mind then
Chile con queso is The Breakfast of Champions
Tiffany is getting married at Mar-a-Lago tomorrow. Can you imagine what a sh*tshow that is going to be as Trump rages all day?
I don’t think it was intentional on Marla’s part. I actually think it was part of her settlement that she raise Tiffany elsewhere. Donald’s kids wanted nothing to do with Maples. She has been nothing but obsequious with him. And Tiffany as an adult hot footed right back to try in get into Trump and the kids’ good graces by picking their alma mater, University of Pennsylvania for undergrad, and then stay close by them all in DC for law school at Georgetown.
The Republicans have a big problem here, all of their own making. They have developed such a cult of personality around the 🍊 guy. Will his devoted followers, especially the violent ones, just switch to DeSantis on command?
Speaking of DeSantis, the media is fawning all over him just like their Republican overlords. No mention of Gretchen Whitmer, who had a far more impressive electoral performance Tuesday night than the human trafficker from Florida.
I don’t get the fawning of the overlords. The not questioning of the leaders. The blind following.
They’re not kings.
And the weird thing is that they seem to think Democrats feel the same about Joe. Like we are obsessed with him. Hey, I think Joe seems like a great grandpa, but I’ve literally been voting for the last 6 years just to try to hold on to my rights. I’ve not been excited since… 2012? 2008?
Ah, the good old days. I spent between 2008 – 2012 being thrilled down to my toes with the Obama presidency, and in a low level panic thinking he was going to be assassinated. Truthfully, a president like Trump never entered my wildest dreams.
My sentiments exactly!
Governor Whitmer, is finally going to have a state government that works with her and not against her.
All the DeathSantis stuff aside, I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. The tide is finally turning for this awful mother%**%# and I for one, am elated. Anytime an evil dictator and terrible person is taken out of power, it is a cause for celebration. Even when there’s 10 more around the corner, it’s still a great thing.
Ron DeSantis has enough intelligence to understand government when Trump doesn’t, but the media hype machine is what is going to make him viable in 2024 if we do not push back on this. I have said it once and will say again, the real power and savvy behind him is his wife, who has carried him his entire political career. She has always been the one to control his messaging, media strategy, operations, and helping to build his network of high profile donors. The truth about him is he is an emotionally stunted, awkward, petty, quick to anger man who beyond his ability to have good fluency in government admin and policy, is actually really pathetic. But his team does a good job of insulating him from criticism, making him look more decisive and even-keeled than he is, and shutting out media that will criticize or expose him.
From the people I know who have dealt with him, the man has the personality of a basement dwelling incel. Dangerous, but the perception of savvy is being controlled by others. And unlike Trump, who couldn’t help his ass and just makes a fool of himself all the time, DeSantis displays some restraint, but in a very controlled environment so his flaws are hidden a little better. That said, you can find clips online of him blowing up at people. He lost it on kids who wore masks at a presser earlier this year. And every debate performance of his has been pitiful because he hates the pressure.
But again, the media system, including outside of Murdoch’s, is making him look good. Even NYT, Politico, and other MSM are making him look good with in-depth profiles detailing his rise to power. And don’t get me started on the embiggening of his wife that has just begun. And yes, it is criminal that Gretchmen Whitmer’s resilience and political victories are going unnoticed.
True this 100%.
I completely agree about DeSantis. Unfortunately, the Republicans have shown us that they will overlook glaring personality flaws that SHOULD make a person wholly UN-suited for office.
It’s so frustrating because it doesn’t even matter what we can “prove” about the true character of DeSantis, because even if his followers acknowledge it, they WILL make excuses and justify. And probably make it the Democrats fault, somehow.
He is on record now, especially on abortion. He did the Martha’s Vineyard’s stunt. There are receipts. Many of them.
Rupert Murdoch and his evil empire are a greater danger than Trump ever was. I am not sure what Satanic Rituals that man is performing to cheat death but his media empire is a Kingmaker and was largely responsible for Trump and his kind.
Michael, oh yes, you are completely right. In fact, I blame the Murdoch media for Trump. I have no way of knowing if Russian money was a big part of this (I firmly believe it is), but I keep thinking the Murdoch and media in UK made sure Brexit happen. It’s like they are determined to break the countries who are counter to Russia and China. Isn’t that interesting?
Kaiser love…
“Ah, the Stable Genius rage-posting on Truth Social, the Nazi platform he has to use because he was banned from Twitter after he incited an armed insurrection and then continued to agitate for terrorism in the wake of the insurrection. Memories. Anyway, of course Trump is freaked out and he’s the most UNstable idiot ever. Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Trumpty Dumpty slipped on his puddle of hamberder & ketchup juice, Trumpty Dumpty had a big fall, and all Dark Brandon’s horses and all of Dark Brandon’s men couldn’t put Trumpty Dumpty back together again… because they were too busy laughing.”
It’s the way Kaiser writes “memories” in a one word sentence that laid me out. Such good writing on this post.
Fingers crossed trump youngkin and desantis split the votes and annihilate the gop.
I know this means Murdoch is backing DeSantis, but I’m going to enjoy that Post cover. Trump must be having a stroke.
I have to admit Trumpty Dumpty made me cackle.
Great headline.
Yes, it’s finally the perfect comeback to all of those demeaning nicknames Trump is so proud of coining. Mocks him and highlights his failure. No way it doesn’t drive him nuts.
Yeah DeSantis will be the GOP nominee. Trump might be foolish enough to split the vote but the man is just anathema for most people at this point. I mean, even his biggest supporters don’t think he should run at this stage.
DeSantis really is somehow scarier to me. Trump is stupid and evil but DeSantis is smart and evil. Scarier.
I’ve been saying this for a longgggg time–DeSantis is SO MUCH SCARIER! He is the same racist piece of garbage as Trump, but he is smarter. Much smarter. This could get super ugly.
The Republican establishment wants to line up behind DeSantis in 2024 and has for a while now. But their base may have other ideas.
@Ciotog, that will be interesting to watch. It may be hard to control the nomination if the faithful on the ground want Trump.
I agree that he’s smarter (a low bar to jump over, to be fair), and the aura of malevolence is strong. But, I’m wondering whether he has the (sh)It Factor that Trump has – whether he can inspire the fanatical loyalty and droves of voters. Hopefully he’ll come up short there.
This is what hope I’m clinging to. Regardless of whether he deserves it or not Dump does have his cult of personality, who want no one other than him. He’s never been able to confer his following onto others, and honestly I don’t think he would ever truly want to. Fingers crossed that the same failure continues, and his overblown ego takes them all down.
Yeah. I kinda get the feeling that the GOP and Murdoch were playing Despicable Chess while The Dump, 1st of his name, was playing “Where’s the bucket of fried chicken?”
I kind of want to buy that NY Post, frame it, and laugh at it every day, but I don’t want to look at his dumb face.
Put it in the bathroom above the toilet lol.
I was waiting for this turn. I’ve never thought Trump would be the 2024 nominee for many reasons, but DeSantis should be worried about what Trump will do next. When Trump lost in 2020, he literally tried to overthrow the US government, including getting his own VP assassinated.
Donald is furious & Roger Stone is terrified of prison. They’ll release all the damaging information on DeSantis they’ve collected over the years. If they’re willing to stage a coup, they won’t hesitate to damage the GOP.
My guess is Trump will hissy-fit his way into 1) Dividing the GOP base by fighting DeSantis tooth and nail with every dirty bit of info he can throw at him and; 2) Going Independent and taking his worshipers with him. It’s gonna be a dirty, dirty 2024, all Trump wants is to divide and conquer so he stays relevant. To paraphrase Dylan Thomas, “He will not go gentle into that good night.”
Did you all see the Trump rant yesterday where he might have admitted to election tampering for DeSantis and Rick Scott in 2018? I know he is pulling all the stops now to stop DeSantis and will say anything, but a friend in Florida for years bitched about how shady Scott’s win over incumbent Bill Nelson was. I wonder if anything comes from that.
Ooh, just googled that. The Independent (UK paper) just reported on it. Calls for an investigation!! How many does that make currently for trump? Eight or so active investigations?
How is it this guy hasn’t yet been wiped out by legal fees alone? That per diem must be ferocious…
@Deering24 Does he ever pay his legal fees?
Don’t be too happy. I do love a good loser meltdown. But their strategies have only slowed, not stalled. All these f*cking neanderthals are fortifying and playing a long game. I’ve yet to see a decent presidential candidate on the left. The left reacts to the right. And that’s the way the right likes it. Keep doing crap that keeps us busy while the courts go extreme. The right is coercive, hard, driven and they are not afraid of rules, regulations, constitutions or red tape. They are the red tape. I hate saying this, but I’m afraid sanity has left the building until the Democrats can find a worthy candidate with laser like debate skills.
You are so on the money, friend.
Seeing Murdoch turn on him & that Post cover make me very very happy. I plan to enjoy every second of his downfall, no matter what else happens. Show me more people turning on him, it feels good.
President Biden recently said it would be “fun” to watch DeSantis and Trump have at each other. I’m ready for that now. Let the takedowns begin!
Since it’s clear Trump is now desperate and on the verge of revealing every last shady piece of dirt he’s privy to, which is probably a massive hoard dating back generations and implicating many rich and powerful people in shockingly illegal things, do y’all think they will take him out themselves? I hope they don’t because I want him to take them all out, but am I the only one who sees them taking matters into their own hands? Nobody would think anything of someone his age and body type having a massive “coronary event.”
Lola, I think the thought has probably crossed many people’s minds, but it’s a whole different matter to do it. I think it would be discovered in the planning stage (spies everywhere in the mud) and Trump would love it, dining on it for the rest of his natural life (which is bound to be very long). Remember, it’s the good who die young.