Cele|bitchy | “Fox News worries that President Biden is too Christmas-y” Thanksgiving links

“Fox News worries that President Biden is too Christmas-y” Thanksgiving links

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates! We’ll be off tomorrow but we’ll have a light day on Friday, come back when you’re online shopping and catch up on some gossip! XOXO

Fox News is mad at Joe Biden for being too Christmas-y. PS… President Biden pardoned two turkeys this week and their names are Chocolate and Chip. [Towleroad]
Charles Barkley hasn’t spoken to Michael Jordan in a decade. [Just Jared]
I love “wholesome vandalism,” although I laugh every time I pass by the “curved road” sign by my house and someone painted balls on the arrow. [OMG Blog]
Iggy Azalea sold some of her masters and now she never has to work again? [Dlisted]
Review of Welcome to Chippendales. [LaineyGossip]
Review of She Said, which is apparently a bad movie. [Pajiba]
The White House press corps is so stupidly salty about Naomi Biden’s wedding. [Jezebel]
Balmain’s Resort collection was…interesting. [Go Fug Yourself]
An interview with Will Sheff. [Gawker]
Will there be a third season of Indian Matchmaking? [Starcasm]
People are crushing on Simona Tabasco in The White Lotus. [Egotastic]
There was a mass shooting in a Virginia Walmart. [Buzzfeed]

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48 Responses to ““Fox News worries that President Biden is too Christmas-y” Thanksgiving links”

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  1. Becks1 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to Celebitchy, Kaiser, Hecate and Peridot, and all the other CBers who celebrate!

    • ThatIsTheThing says:

      Who geeves a fawk about Christmas?
      – Former Flotus Melania Trump

      • Haylie says:

        It’s always amazing to watch how pro-Christmas Fox News ignored that story. But then again, they show they will turn their back on Christ favor of Trump White Supremacy.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Happy Thanksgiving to all, however you choose to celebrate 😊. And good luck to all of us shopping on Friday 😄

      ThatIsTheThingToSay, it is brilliant that you remembered that! Lol.

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    I love that top photo – dark Brandon and his recently pardoned turkey body guard.

    Happy thanksgiving to all US celebitches from London.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I love that photo, too! To me it looks like the turkey is sizing him up & Biden’s stepped to the right so that he can more easily pivot to his left to keep his eye on that turkey. And nobody does aviators better than Dark Brandon!
      Happy Pardoned Turkey Day, CBers! And thank you to all the writers & commenters, y’all make my day each & every day!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      That is a great photo. If only it could be balanced with Larry the Cat on the other side and his Fox Off.

  3. Zazzoo says:

    Faux news is a minion without a demagogue, lost and confused.

  4. Joanne says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful writers and to the whole Celebitchy family!

  5. Lucky Charm says:

    TOO Christmas?! But, but, what about the alleged War on Christmas?! Which one is it, FOX?

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hopefully everyone stays warm and dry, too.

  6. LightPurple says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • antipodean says:

      Is there, by chance, anything arranged on the veranda this year LightPurple? I think we all deserve lots of tasty cocktails, and I could bring my signature pavlova, with a side dish of saveloys (it’s a thing)! Happy Thanksgiving to all, and many thanks to every CB writer and commenter, you have kept me informed, amused, and sane in a time of madness.

  7. HeyKay says:

    I’m gonna jump in and wish everybody a safe, relaxing holiday. 😀

    I do not do anything Christmas before 12/20. I am of the “Christmas is for little kids and visiting for the grownups” mindset. I give to 2 fav charities and eat Xmas cookies but we all stopped holiday shopping except for the under 18’s years ago.

    Btw, home repairs IRL for me lately.
    Folks ask “What are you getting for Xmas?” a new furnace, plumbing repairs, stove. Serious cost over the next time period, grateful for financing.

  8. TIFFANY says:

    I like the character of Lucia and how Simona plays her. There really is a bit of mystery to her. If it was any other show, I would say she is underwritten but that is not the feel here. And yes, she is absolutely beautiful.

  9. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Happy Thanksgiving y’all!

  10. Jessica says:

    I also love Lucia!! She is so beautiful!!

    Ok, don’t burn down my house, hear me out. Let’s say Tiffany Trump got married at the White House and said no press and then showed up in Vogue. People would have lots to say. And not just trumps, one of the Obama girls, or Chelsea Clinton. That all being said, do I care, no. Does it matter??? Nope. Are there LOTs more important things going on to get upset over YES!!!

    Also, I just finished watching from scratch. If anyone is looking for something to binge as they ignore their guests, do it. It is so good and sad and based on a true story and all the things.

    • TIFFANY says:

      The difference is, we would have known that the Clintons and Obamas would have foot the bill and made sure everyone got paid.

    • LightPurple says:

      The issue of who could attend Tricia Nixon’s White House wedding and who was banned was a huge issue that is touched upon in the film The Post. The Bidens avoided all that and this was the much cleaner way to go.

    • fritanga says:

      If it doesn’t matter, why bring it up? Tr**p weddings and events are often ignored or nor talked about negatively because the family is tacky, classless and nouveau riche in the extreme. The Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden families are NOT tacky, classless and nouveau riche, so they get a pass for little gaffes. The Biden wedding deserved to be featured in Vogue because it was beautiful, tasteful, suffused with love and affection, full of lovely, thoughtful details, and generally a joy to see. The recent Tr**p wedding at Mar-A-Lago looked like something out of Real Housewives/The Kardashians episodes and might as well have taken place in a cheesy Las Vegas casino ballroom. That’s the reason it was covered in People, Us (both slaves to PR flacks) and various tabloids (including the New York Times, which still loves Tr**p). No high-end publication, fashion or otherwise, would touch it.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Tiffany Trump is not a granddaughter. She is his daughter. So that’s a big difference. This was President Biden’s granddaughter.

      The Bidens paid for everything privately.

    • Truthiness says:

      Why would you comment about the Obama girls or Chelsea? They aren’t hateful. The Obama girls never speak to the press, they wouldn’t start now. Chelsea Clinton doesn’t comment on President’s children getting married, she’s said protective things in the past.

    • MsGnomer says:

      If Tiffany Trump had been married in the White House…, what? Her father was impeached TWICE. and corrupt AF. 45 was no servant to the people of the USA. All the members of that family have dictatorship/oligarchy in mind. Thanks for your Russian-bot-farm-styled comment. (Is Tiffany the daughter who 45 disowned? You’ll have to tell me; I cant keep track of the multiple wives and children of this deranged traitorous imbecile.)

  11. HeyKay says:

    What are folks recommending to watch, please?
    I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Paramount+.
    Truly thankful for ideas, I need distraction until Monday. 😀 Thanks CBers!

    • Katie says:

      Netflix recently introduced me to the Australian show Kath and Kim and I’ve already watched the whole thing several times. I completely missed the phenomenon in the early 2000s but the show is just so fun, and it is such a throwback to that time. Kim’s Convenience is another comfort viewing for me.

    • Anners says:

      I love Derry Girls, Happy Valley, Detectorists, Brooklyn 99, and Veronica Mars (just came to Amazon Canada). Hope you find something to lose yourself in!

    • MsGnomer says:

      “Only Murders In the Building” is worth a Hulu subscription. Very smart, creative and hilarious.
      “Wednesday” on Netflix is an incredibly well done horror comedy.

      If you enjoy fantasy :”The Witcher”, “The Magicians” “Locke and Key” and “Sandman.”

      And, if you enjoy scary, on Netflix “Hill house” and “Haunting of Bly Manor”. We didn’t get into the third installment as much which is called “Midnite Mass.”

  12. J. Ferber says:

    If he weren’t “too Christmas-y,” he’d be “not Christmas-y enough.” Obviously, they hate him and will criticize everything. Boo to them.

  13. Nanea says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, or whatever else may apply, to everyone here at CB!

  14. Concern Fae says:

    Loved the “vandalism.” In my hometown, it was painting signs so they said NO TURN ON FRED.

    Happy Thanksgiving or a lovely Thursday to those who do not celebrate.

  15. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! Anyone can join in the spirit of the day. For all of the Friday shoppers–be safe.

    • Emily_C says:

      For Friday shoppers: First, stay home. Second, if you absolutely must go shopping that day (why?), treat retail workers with particular care and kindness. You should anyway, but even more so that horrible, heinous day.

  16. Escape says:

    Happy thanksgiving all. Be good to your Sisters.

  17. Emily_C says:

    Please do not shop on Black Friday. Please please please. It is a hell day for retail workers. People treat them like absolute garbage — even more than usual. Stay home and enjoy leftovers. You can shop another time.

    • DeeSea says:

      Heck yeah! I go out of my way to not shop “big retail” any time around Black Friday or Cyber Monday. I don’t want to be part of that feeding frenzy, and I don’t want to validate that (IMO) completely insane “tradition” that’s been shoved down our collective throats. I do, however, go out of my way to support small and local businesses during their slowest seasons (e.g., January and February), and that’s when I try to do a lot of my gift shopping for the coming year.

    • Sass says:

      REI has a campaign called #OptOutside and they are not open on Black Friday. We participate every year usually by going sledding. No snow this year, so likely we will enjoy a very, very easy hike at most.

      When I was much younger – a kid – Black Friday was a vastly different experience. I would go with my nana and we would sit in a line and we would have wonderful conversations with others, then we would go inside respectful of each other and part ways. After we were done my Nana and I would go get breakfast. The last time I went, I went alone while my husband was at work (which made me so salty as he was a mechanic), I had a baby and not only was the experience overwhelming- the deals were underwhelming. That was 13 years ago. Never again. I like our current tradition better.

  18. Lynne says:

    E Jean Carroll is starting her lawsuit against trump this week

    Turns out Herschel Walker is taking a deduction from his primary residence in TEXAS.

    None of the trump appointed judges are doing him any favors.

    Sure…..I can see where FOX news had nothing else to go with lol

    • Julia K says:

      Wouldn’t it be ironic if the E Jean Carroll lawsuit for rape, battery and defamation was what brought Trump down?

  19. Nicegirl says:

    Happy Thanksgiving 🍁 💗 y’all

    Air hugs 🤗 your way amigas.


  20. phaedra7 says:

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING (TURKEY🍗!) DAY to all my fellow Celebitches from all around the globe on this beautiful Planet of ours! 👏

  21. Mrs. Smith says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  22. TheOriginalMia says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Bitches!

  23. Nat says:

    Can we please #boycottbalenciaga and cancel them for what they have done.
    Why are there no posts on celebitchy about it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks

  24. Nicegirl says:

    Thinking of you, Texas 💕

  25. Nicegirl says:

    🎶 IRENE CARA 😭 gutted NGL I’ve loved her music 🎶 and her for 40 years. Wow

    first when there’s nothing but a slow blowing dream💕 💗 🎵 🎧 🥰 dang

    what a feeling 😔
    rest well beautiful songstress 💗 🎧 🎤

  26. Hannah says:

    I’m Jewish and even I don’t think there is such a thing as “too Christmassy” seriously – Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, Christmas food, Christmas pudding, Christmas songs, naff Christmas jersey’s, mulled wine, presents. ALL the Christmas things, I love them all. I might not celebrate it in its intended purpose (my family observe it more as Family Day) and while we may not have a tree or Christmas stocking and opening presents and we do say “Happy Holidays”, we love the spirit of Christmas and everything it represents to the people and families who celebrate it – while we eat our chow mein, peking duck and dim sum and watch Christmas Netflix movies