Prince William will keep calm, carry on & pretend royal racism doesn’t exist

Here are some more photos of the Prince and Princess of Wales on Day 2 of their Boston Flop Tour. They were doing something at Boston Harbour and both of them looked like they were freezing their nards off. Welcome to Boston in December, knuckleheads. William’s teeth were chattering as he (I assume) muttered something racist.

Anyway, the story continues to be how this Boston trip is a flop, just like their Caribbean tour was in March. I suspect this trip was always going to flop, just because William and Kate are incompetent, but there’s an added dimension to it because of the Susan Hussey-racism mess, plus the Sussexes’s Netflix trailer dropping on Thursday. So what can we expect from William? During the Caribbean Flop Tour, he and Kate were completely unable to change their staid, colonialist plans and imagery, and all that happened post-tour is that William threw a tantrum and blamed his staff. He is incapable of doing something genuine and unscripted without coming across like what he is: a lazy, incurious bully constantly on the knife’s edge of being incandescent with rage. The Daily Beast’s Royalist column had a lengthy op-ed about how William is reacting to the Hussey debacle and the Sussexes’ docuseries. Here’s the most interesting part:

A family friend of the prince told The Daily Beast that William would likely now be trying to figure out the best way to continue his trip to the U.S…. and not to be diverted by the latest royal racism scandal back home.

“William ultimately subscribes to his grandmother’s ‘keep calm and carry on’ school of thinking, and that is what he will be doing, trying to get the focus back on the award,” the friend said.

Asked if this meant he would risk being seen as effectively pretending the comments by Lady Susan Hussey hadn’t happened, or confronting their consequences and significance for the royal family, the friend said, “He condemned the remarks in no uncertain terms. He just won’t be going on Oprah to talk about it.”

A spokesperson for the prince declined to comment further on the remarks Wednesday evening, with his team known to be determined to avoid being “distracted” by issues not related to the Earthshot prize.

Their high-profile visit to America this week was meant to be part of William and Kate’s fightback, making it clear the monarchy is not going to cede America to Harry and Meghan without a fight. However, the scandal—and the deeply offensive way that Hussey addressed Fulani—also focuses attention on not only what Harry and Meghan claimed were the attitudes they faced within the institution, but why they are receiving the award Sunday at the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation Ripple of Hope Gala in New York.

If anything, the scandal shows why the Ripple of Hope award is—damningly for the royal family—well-merited, and why “keeping calm and carrying on” is perhaps the very opposite of how William should be approaching the fallout from Hussey’s remarks.

[From The Daily Beast]

Exactly – it’s one thing to not want to be distracted from your big shiny Earthshot keenery and it’s another thing entirely to be so utterly tone-deaf and blind to your own privilege that you think ignoring racism will make it go away. Susan Hussey is William’s godmother and Hussey was one of Queen Elizabeth’s closest ladies-in-waiting. Susan Hussey was appointed to some high-up emeritus position within Buckingham Palace by William’s father. Susan Hussey is a racist whose abusive behavior made a Black activist feel unwelcome, disrespected and hopeless inside Buckingham Palace. William’s silence is complicity, and his inability to improvise is one of his most significant faults.

Also: William didn’t “condemn” Hussey in “no uncertain terms.” His spokesperson merely signed off on the palace’s statement. The Oprah crack comes across poorly too. But it shows that Harry still lives rent-free in William’s head.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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113 Responses to “Prince William will keep calm, carry on & pretend royal racism doesn’t exist”

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  1. Seaflower says:

    Kate’s smile is screaming “I don’t want to be near the peasants, they make me nervous.”

    • Linda says:

      That’s her “LeBron James is touching me” smile. So sincere.

    • San Diego says:

      @seaflower.. it’s giving grin and bear it, rinse and repeat.

    • Nic919 says:

      And if this is a visit about the environment why did she have to change again this time in a dress from the suit she had in earlier that day. There was literally no need to do this. It is so wasteful and the new outfit was less suited to the windy weather too.

      Adults don’t change their clothes like this if they want to be taken seriously.

      • Sue E Generis says:

        Because I think this the only pleasure she gets from these trips and events. Being able to go shopping for new outfits and then to show them off.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Right, she just needed to swap out her shoes for her boots, throw on a scarf, then that coat (love that coat!). It looks like Will just added a scarf & overcoat to his earlier ensemble (yeah, I’m calling it that!); she could have done the same. Or worn that sweater & skirt combo in the AM; that would have worked, too.

    • SpankyB says:

      They look so cold and miserable. LOL I think their faces are frozen. I bet they head to a warm island vacation after this.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Do they have time to fit one in? Kate’s got to practice her chopstick skills because they’ve committed her to another carol service this year.

  2. BUBS says:

    I’ve heard somewhere that this trip was supposed to be a “victory lap” for Billy and Kate. Now, here, they say it was supposed to be a “fight back”! At what point for this trip become about the actual environmental activists they’re supposed to be celebrating at their award?

    • Chloe says:

      This trip was never about that lol. In fact, none of their tours and charity visits are ever about the charity or the community they are visiting.

      • Moxylady says:

        The city councilman also talked about all the childcare businesses that won’t be accessible today. Everyone is going on about the grocery store but these two dim chumps just put hundreds of working parents into an incredibly difficult position with no notice. Good job early years.

    • Becks1 says:

      Also, this bit about how they won’t “cede” the US to H&M is SO annoying

      Two things:

      1) the US is a really big country, we have lots of celebrities, we have the room in our hearts (lol) to love lots of famous people, if we want to. We can, if we want to, love Harry and Meghan AND William and Kate. But many of us just don’t want to love W&K.

      2) you’re british royals!!! Go back to the UK!!! There’s nothing to “win” here! We kicked your butts in a war 250 years ago! Worry about your own country first.

      • dee(2) says:

        I’m happy someone else found that to be bizarre. They care more about the US than they do their own country and the Commonwealth’s view of them, because they are toddlers and angry that Harry and Meghan have something they don’t. I can’t imagine blowing off my job, to wine and dine my sibling’s boss.

      • Shoshone says:

        Two wars. Let us not forget that we were forced to kick their colonialist butts a second time when they came back around in 1812 and thought that they could just move back in.

      • Soapboxpudding says:

        @shoshone The War of 1812 was actually started by the US because the Brits were opposed to US colonial expansion into Indigenous territory. The US invaded British Canada first and burnt down the Parliament buildings in York (now Toronto) in 1813 then the British burned down the White House in retaliation. The war ended in a military draw in 1814, definitely not a rout by the Americans. (I’m an American living in Canada). We don’t learn much about this war in school because we kinda lost and were the aggressors.

      • Nic919 says:

        Canadian here and I have to pop in about 1812. It was the reverse that happened. Americans tried to invade Canada and the local Canadians with the British army kept them out. And the White House was burned after the town of York, now toronto was raided and burned way more extensively.

        The war ended up being considered a draw as no territory was ceded by either side.

        I also need to include that Canadians worked with indigenous people for this to happen. Tecumseh is a well known name to this day especially in southern Ontario because he helped keep Americans out. ( check out the battle at fort Detroit) unfortunately as with any colonial power the indigenous people were betrayed after helping.

        Anyway I don’t disagree why Americans would have no interest in the British royals. You kicked them out in 1776.

      • Feeshalori says:

        This insinuation that America is like a bone to be fought over and a land to be reconquered is highly offensive. All because of a popularity contest where William and Kate are the only participants. They turn their noses up at Americans and deride us, but come swanning here on their offensive charm trip thinking we’re going to conveniently forget what they did to our American sweetheart. They have enough problems in their own country and the CW to waste our time here and they need to be back home to address some serious issues. And I haven’t heard one promo about Earthsnot or the participants since they’ve been here. Just go home already before we have another battle to oust your butts.

      • Jaded says:

        Canada was the closest British colony, and Americans were eager to attack the British in Canada because they suspected them of arming indigenous American tribes that were standing in the way of America’s westward expansion. Many Americans also believed that the invasion would be a cakewalk, and that ordinary Canadians were keen to shake off their British overlords. The “acquisition of Canada,” predicted former President Thomas Jefferson, “will be a mere matter of marching.” Not so much!

      • AmB says:

        @Feeshalori: +1,000. Very well put.

      • Feeshalori says:

        AmB, thank you.☺️

    • Harper says:

      So someone finally said out loud what was obvious from the beginning: Burger King came to America to prove to his brother that he was more popular with Americans. Establishing EarthFlop as a global awards ceremony was just a convenient excuse.

      The good news is that there are zero iconic images coming out of this fight; images that were supposed to be used in the future to prove that Americans think Bill & Cathy are the best. Instead it’s all been rain, gloom, and some actual recorded boos. I think the only lasting, iconic image will be that of a catatonic Kate whose robot batteries wound down on camera as she was attempting a clap at the Celtics game, or “match” as the dum Brits called it.

    • Couch potato says:

      That’s the way to make it the biggest prize ever. Proclame it once in a press release and don’t bother with it again. Have we even heard anything about the winners?

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I can only hope Charles doesn’t send us Edward and Sophie next, to make up for William and Kate’s failure to win over America. We didn’t invite these people.

    • Lorelei says:

      A victory lap? For what victory, exactly? Lmao

  3. JW says:

    Of course William isn’t going to sit down with a powerful Black woman and allow her to ask him questions about racism. Can you even imagine?

    Oh, “friend” of William. In the same week when Buckingham Palace didn’t even bother to contact Ngozi Fulani before claiming they had apologized to her, this is not at all the flex you think it is.

    • Lux says:

      Right?? Unless Bully is going to apologize, there is no reason for him to go on Oprah, so referencing her show is really not the burn that friend thinks it is.

      And yes, the person who SHOULD go on Oprah is Ngozi Fulani. I want to hear her account in great detail, all the macro and microaggressions she’s had to deal with as a “guest” of Buckingham Palace.

    • Nic919 says:

      Way to try to pretend to not be racist by snarking on one of the most powerful black women in the world. Oprah is a well respected interviewer and business woman and William’s friend would never snark like this about a white male British interviewer.

      They still don’t get it. Americans for the most part understand the power of Oprah, I mean they wanted her to run for president. She is someone who started with nothing and created a billion dollar empire through her own hard work. She was not at age 40 still learning how to be an adult.

      Until they realize this, they will never understand why they are so wrong.

      • Debbie says:

        Yeah, that was just an odd thing to say, bringing Oprah Winfrey into William’s royal mess. All she’s doing is minding her own business and both Howard Stern and William’s people are trying to use her for their own purposes within one week. Then, the “going on Oprah” bit of snideness was also a shot at the Sussexes — who, again, minding their business. I just don’t get these people.

  4. C-Shell says:

    That’s Bulliam’s MO, ignore racism or make a namby-pamby snarky remark and believe it will get fixed on its own. Granted, even if he became an ally, spoke out in a compelling manner, it’s a huge problem for the Firm, in the UK, globally, but that’ll never happen and the Titanic steams ahead.

    • Debbie says:

      After the disastrous Caribbean tour, wasn’t there an article from KP stating that (after all the blame to the Caribbean countries themselves, and their incompetent staff) that William was going to be different from his grandmother and be more modern instead of the “Keep Calm and Carry On” mantra they used during the last world war?

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        I think they meant they’re dropping the “never complain” part, so William can criticize other people. But they’re keeping the never explain” part so he doesn’t have to be held accountable for anything.

      • Jais says:


  5. Brit says:

    In a way, I actually pity them because they’re in a mess of their own making because of jealousy/ racism and even their media lackeys are getting tired of it. That press and palace have been trying to make them mega stars and it’s not working at all. I mean at all. Some of these people were already looking crestfallen and disappointed.They already declared the tour over. They’ve admitted since last week they can’t compete with the Sussexes and it feels like the press is tired of pretending anymore. William and Kate are truly losers and it’s become apparent to many including their own media supporters. Or maybe they already knew and were trying to force the Cambridge’s to become who they really want and to have access to: Harry and Meghan.

  6. Grace says:

    Are royal men not allowed to wear gloves when it’s cold? It’d look better when met by crowds than walking hunched, too lightly dressed and hands deep in your pockets looking grumpy?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Their super-duper superior genes will protect them from the cold, or so they want you to think.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Not sure if that was a joke. Of course they’re allowed to wear gloves, just like they’re allowed to wear wedding rings but William chooses not to. Never even had one made. Philip never wore gloves because he considered them a sign of weakness or something. I can see William being weak-enough in the head to follow that example.

      • Jen says:

        Whoa, my father doesn’t wear his wedding ring (or any jewellery,) but it exists, and it was part of the wedding ceremony! Gonna have to digest this fact that William doesn’t even have one.

      • paintergal says:

        Neither my husband or myself ever had a wedding ring. Married 27 years, just didn’t care about the ring tradition.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Has your husband cheated on you for 20 years? Because William cheated with Kate and has cheated on Kate quite publicly for 20 years. I see the lack of wedding ring for William as one more message to the Kate and the Middletons. He’s going to live as a single man regardless of marriage vows.

  7. Eurydice says:

    There’s an old Greek saying which is hard to translate, but basically:

    ” The pooping bird brings its ass with it to the new nest.”

    W&K can’t reinvent themselves just by visiting another country – they are who they are.

    • Brit says:

      And blaming everyone including your family who have been vindicated immensely for the last week, is not going to make you sympathetic or better. William and Kate are dull, bland and uninteresting. America, the U.K. and everyone else knows it. Which is why they keep obsessing over the other couple.

    • Christine says:

      This comment , and leaning this saying, has made my day Thank you.

    • dina says:

      Haha I love that – I’m greek and had never heard the saying, gonna start using it loll

      • Eurydice says:

        I don’t have Greek font on my phone, but transliterated it’s something like this:
        To koutsouliariko pouli pairnei ton kolo tou mazi tou.

        I think it’s from my grandparents generation.

    • SarahCS says:

      That’s a wonderful phrase/saying, thank you for sharing with us.

  8. MoBiMom says:

    Hilarious commentary in the Boston Globe this morning, regarding Kate’s phony grinning:

  9. Christine says:

    Well, he addresses things when he wants to, like rumors about him sleeping with Rose. And it is an extremely privileged statement to say that he wont be distracted by a palace insider being incredibly racist to a member of the public. Like….he has zero empathy and emotional intelligence. Zero.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      They both address things when they want to – she has address on a few occasions reports of her use of wiglets and botox. But yet she refused to address cry gate.

      • Annalise says:

        Too true! After the Catherine the Great article came out, with bitchiness and shade in spades, despite the article putting me personally in an absolute state of rapture, Kate apparently found HERSELF in a state of humiliation. And she/her mom/the Palaces proceeded to DIRECTLY dispute the claims in the article, and dispute VIGOROUSLY at that, for what seemed like weeks. I mean, even Buckingham Palace got in on the disputing! And so it is RICH when people try to claim that she “can’t” dispute any mean things Meghan says about her.

    • Debbie says:

      So, William won’t be distracted by small things like racism in his own family and castles. Instead, he’ll just focus on the environment (like never before), and he’ll thoroughly ignore the words of the Chief of Engineering who told him to his face that colonialism (and its aftermath) is linked to environmental degradation. He’ll ignore that, you know, because he truly cares about the environment.

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    The royals want to pretend that this one person is the only racist who is royal adjacent and now the problem is fixed. But, of course, the racism runs much deeper. It’s inherent in the institution. Susan Hussey has been an important cog in the royal machine for decades. It’s not possible that this is the first time she has said or done something racist. Nor is it possible that she is the only royal adjacent person who is racist (Harry and Meghan would like a word). So the racism is baked in, so to speak, and William, like an ostrich, just doesn’t want to see it. This particular institution cannot be reformed. It’s built on the lie that some people are inherently superior to others and that white people, especially, are superior to all others. Abolish all monarchies but especially this one.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I should add that it’s not just that William doesn’t want to see the racism in The Firm. He doesn’t even care that it’s there.

      • Christine says:

        Your comment was a lightbulb moment for me. THAT is really why they dont want to admit the RF is racist, it is built on the racist idea that some are inherently better than others. I feel so dumb for not getting this sooner. Thank you.

      • Becks1 says:

        @BrassyRebel yes, I think that’s hitting the nail on the head. William doesn’t see the racism in the firm because he doesn’t care about the racism in the Firm. Why should he? It doesn’t affect him. He doesn’t seem to care about anything that doesnt directly impact him. If the POC who work in the palaces or interact with people in the Firm feel like they are victims of racism……oh well, he’s the next king, his position is secure, so whatever. I genuinely think thats what he thinks.

      • Badgerette says:

        POC work in the palace? Cmon. We all know W&K don’t have any. Why else just flatly refuse to release the numbers…

    • notasugarhere says:

      Or William and Kate see the racism in the firm (and world), fully approve of it, and benefit from it all the time. Neither of them sees racism as ‘a problem’ but rather the way the world is set up and should continue to function. With the 100% white royals and aristocracy at the top. It shows in the very few POC they’ve hired through the years, and when they do, it is in a subservient (ie ‘servant’) position like the Maori valet who packs their luggage.

      Remember Kate’s choices of racist artwork for their 50 room KP apartment, her racist reaction to LeBron James, the ‘oh how interesting’ comment to maimed children in India. William alternately fetishshizing the open lands of ‘Africa’ while telling brown people they have too many children. W&K are both deeply racist, not just ignorant people who cannot see their own biases, but deeply intrinsically racist people.

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes it has to be said that you have to be pretty racist to be born in 1982 and when you get a chance to pick from the royal collection you go with a painting called the Negro Page, which is both racist and classist. And it only becomes a potential concern when the first black president comes to visit.

      • Becks1 says:

        And they didn’t remove the painting, just the name, like that made it better.

      • windyriver says:

        They didn’t remove the name; even if they wanted to probably couldn’t take off the name plate for historical reasons. Instead, they put a bushy green plant in front that covered it. Problem solved!

  11. Flowerlake says:

    That woman isn’t just staff they rented to help with catering for an evening, but seems about as senior in the palaces as one can get without being actually royal.

    Her actions have totally worked in M&H’s favor, which is probably not what she intended.

  12. Janey says:

    I suspect he’s already bored of the racism in the RF just like he was bored with racism in football.

  13. Polo says:

    Yeah this little “racism” problem isn’t going away. nightly news had ngozi on to talk about her experience and I saw so many programs like BBC Question having discussions about this last night on their programs. Even CNN and MSNBC were doing this same. All this AFTER Harry and Meghan’s trailer was dropped.
    It’s for sure validated everything H&M said. Almost every article I’ve seen about this has said the same when referencing Meghan’s experience…and these are not just tabloid articles. This is every major news organization.
    So yes they have a problem. This has completely overshadowed their tour along with the Netflix doc and no amount of black photo ops will fix it.

    It’s inevitable that another racist encounter will happen again that will show they refuse to change.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Susan Hussey had no idea how much she was helping Harry and Meghan when she embarked on her racist 💩 show the other day.

      • Jaded says:

        Sometimes the universe sends us a gift, a perfectly timed and pointedly revealing gift that just keeps giving. May there be many more.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        When she said the Sussexes will end in tears, I don’t don’t think she envisioned it’d be tears of laughter lol! 😂

  14. Annalise says:

    FINALLY people are admitting that the Queen’s way of “handling” things was ridiculously antiquated, does not work for SHIT in today’s world, and in fact creates WAY more problems than it started out with.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Excellent point!

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Elizabeth spent 70 years kicking various cans down the road. No one should be surprised that the road is now littered with clanking cans.

      • SarahCS says:

        I’m picturing whichever cartoon it was with all the garden rakes on the ground and the character stands on them and gets hit in the face whichever way they turn. That’s what’s happening now and I’m delighted for them. It’s what they deserve.

      • Bellaluna McKenzie says:

        Sarah, the Simpsons, with the Bob character trying to kill Bart

  15. Tessa says:

    But will you don’t keep calm and carry on.

  16. Jais says:

    Obv, this tour is not the success they want it to be but this time the media will spin them as the victims, which is how they like things. Poor Will and Kate ambushed by the documentary and Hussy gate are just soldiering on in cold Boston despite these difficult circumstances which were beyond their control. William already made a statement. What more could the poor lamb possibly do?

  17. equality says:

    Good grief. Nobody expects him to go on a talk show. What KP and BP need to do is acknowledge the problem and actually do what they claimed they were going to do before-get training for themselves and staff. They also need to look deeply into their hiring practices and treatment of employees. That would be admitting that they aren’t perfect and need others’ advice though, so very unlikely.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    The Lady Hussey incident destroyed the press narrative that Harry and Meghan should not get the Ripple of Hope Award. It’s been interesting to see the press now concede that getting award is justified. Plus, KP said they won’t be distracted by Harry and Meghan and now they’re crying in the press about the Netflix promo.

  19. 5pibs says:

    “ Their high-profile visit to America this week was meant to be part of William and Kate’s fightback, making it clear the monarchy is not going to cede America to Harry and Meghan without a fight.”

    This comment alone shows how out of touch the BRF and BM is and why this “tour” was always going to blow up in their faces. The USA made it very clear 250 years ago that we had no interest in being owned by the BRF, and we still have no desire to have them visit and try to lord over us. We are ultimately AlWAYS going to side with our American girl Meghan and have basically adopted Harry as one of our own as well at this point.

    They truly don’t understand American mindsets and how fiercely independent most of us are.

    • Annalise says:

      I think you’re ABSOLUTELY right that the BRF truly does not understand Americans. In fact, it wasn’t until Harry and Meghan escaped, that I truly realized just how different UK and US values are from each other.
      One of the things I’ve come to believe is that Brits and Americans worship two different Gods- for Brits its the God of class, and for Americans it’s the God of money. British people seemed to view Harry as truly rejecting their/his God, and not only embracing another, very different God (lured away from his God by an evil temptress) but the God of a nation for which many Brits carry a deeply rooted distaste. I think that is just one of the reasons for the extreme animosity towards Harry and Meghan, but it’s a big one.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        The British could do a “tour or visit” to America if they did it in the correct context.

        I think it was 30 years ago that Sarah Ferguson made an official visit to Huston, Texas in the context of attending the opening night of the ballet and opening night of the opera as the The Royal Ballet company and The Royal Opera company were giving several performances for charity in conjunction with the Huston Ballet company and Huston Opera company. There was a private reception hosted by Lynn Wyatt to which you could buy a ticket and meet Sarah with all proceeds going to Charity. Sarah’s visit made total sense. Baldy & Wiglet’s visit does not make sense.

        Liz & Phil made a visit to the USA to participate in the celebration of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia. Again, Liz & Phil’s visit made total sense. Baldy & Wiglet’s visit does not make sense.

      • Nadia says:

        I absolutely agree with you. After reading some comments under some of their trash articles, I am absolutely baffled at: 1) the over abundance of the word class, 2) the extreme hatred towards Meghan that no one can put into words why, and 3) their fawning over the royal family for doing absolutely nothing of value.

  20. Inge says:

    “making it clear the monarchy is not going to cede America to Harry and Meghan without a fight.”
    There is nothing to “cede” here the USA very publicly fired the royals centuries ago

  21. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I read a piece yesterday and the author hit the nail on the head, when he wrote “ This trip is not about saving the world, it’s about saving the royal family”.

  22. Steph says:

    This is such a bad piece to put in the press right now. One of their first guest speakers clearly and difficult succinctly pointed out the direct relationship between racism, colonialism, and the destruction of our planet. So now William is just going to ignore that and still act like he’s doing something impactful for climate change?

    • GDubslady says:

      The Royals coming to the US and giving out awards just seems wrong especially in Boston. Its like the UK has designs on the country. Earthshot awards should work with UN ckimate summit or some other kind of international forum but that would be too much work.

  23. Barbara says:

    You know what, maybe at some point William SHOULD be thinking about going on some equivalent of Oprah to condemn racism if he’s so innocent. We all know why he won’t though.

    • Moxylady says:

      Oprah equivalent is right. We know Oprah doesn’t want him. Piers Morgan maybe?
      I doubt any US mainstream talk show host will touch him. The USA – and our legion of entertainment workers -are purely team Harry and Meghan.

  24. Katie says:

    Keep Calm and Carry On is not supposed to mean “ignore serious societal and organizational issues”. If that’s how being used, it’s time to retire that phrase.

  25. Mary Pester says:

    Oh for goodness sake William, just pack up your road show and go home. The world and it’s wife KNOW that this has nothing to do with your earthshot prize and everything to do with your own vanity. Are you so insecure in your ivory tower that it eats away at your frail little ego to see your little brother thriving in another country. A country that doesn’t care about antiquated titles! People can see through you, you said earthshot was named that because of Kennedy! ( funny that you had recently become aware of the award being given to Harry and Megan by a member of the KENNEDY family, then you attend a Basketball game, a year after pictures of harry and meghan appeared at a game. Maybe William you should have remembered the king and his new clothes. Then we have your friends William, saying this is war, and we will destroy Harry and Megan. Be very, very carful with friends like that, because Harry and Megan have a lot of friends as well. I think Ken Wharf your old body guard was spot on when he described you as a petulant child, and Catherine seems to be a Continual nervous wreck, what is she afraid will come out? Racism has long been rife within the Palace walls and its just a pity all the staff have to sign NDAs. Even the people of colour, who were never allowed jobs above stairs until the early 70s

  26. MY3CENTS says:

    The commentor on their behalf “the latest royal racist scandal ”
    Is basically acknowledging:
    1.There is racism in the royal family
    2. Its not the first time -as in latest
    3. Probably something of a routine that happens from time to time, also from latest.

  27. aquarius64 says:

    This is a crisis that has happened during a time the BRF needed to show it is willing to adapt. William is one heartbeat away from becoming head of state and head of nation, a job he supposedly prepared for most of his life and he’s failing miserably. Instead William throws his godmother under the bus and having his minion take a cheap shot and Oprah and not address the issue as a whole. It screams poor leadership and not ready for prime time.

  28. AmelieOriginal says:

    Over on What Kate Wore, I basically lectured on how William and Kate both should have worn hats since it was very clear their noses and ears were red and they looked deeply uncomfortable in Boston’s wind and I’m going to do the same here. Smart Mayor Wu was wearing a hat! We’ve seen Kate wear winter hats before and she easily could have worn earmuffs if she didn’t want to wear one.

    As for the Susan Hussey incident, William did address it, barely, but it isn’t enough. The woman is his own godmother and has been in the royal family circle for decades. It reinforces Meghan and Harry’s claims about Meghan’s experience with the British press and why they are getting an award.

  29. Tessa says:

    Cambridges play victims again

  30. Charlotte says:

    So they went to what? visit the site of the Boston Tea Party? Where we revolted to throw them out the first time?
    This tour is so badly thought out. Looks like someone on their team chose Boston because it’s close to NY, where H&M’s do is happening, and they couldn’t choose DC because Macron is there this week and they wouldn’t be invited to the State Dinner just because they’re in town. But they didn’t take into account the deep streak of anti-Royalism embedded in Bostonians, nor the overwhelming Irish presence, and somehow thought people would GAF that they’d landed?

    As someone said on the thread about Lady Hussey — these people can’t manage themselves out of a paper bag.

  31. Vanessa says:

    William will play victim and the royal reporter will blame Meghan and Harry for the Cambridge’s failed tour . William doesn’t care about happen at Buckingham Palace he knew he had to say something because he in America and honestly is would have been better if kept quiet everyone knows that William doesn’t care about racism he is a racist and allows all sorts of racist people write vile comments about Meghan and Harry on his twitter page.

    • Nadia says:

      I already read that an article today blamed Meghan and Harry for the lambridges being a flop in the US. I think it was written by Eden if I’m not wrong.

  32. Mslove says:

    Right now, in a dusty office room in Buckingham Palace, a man in black is secretly drawing up plans to make George & Charlotte the new faces of the royal family.

  33. HeyKay says:

    William really is trapped in his life. Harry certainly had that correct!
    Neither W or K ever look genuinely happy in public photos. Going thru the motions, towing the company line, smile with dead eyes, wave, repeat.
    Can you imagine the sh*tstorm that would occur if William made a public statement about the complete BS that is The Firm?

    The more we learn, the more I gotta give Harry respect. Harry got out while he could, and a damn good thing too! Imagine how Harrys kids will be in 15 years vs. Williams kids are going to be fed into the machine just like a wood chipper.

    William has been brainwashed from birth on, he has little work skills, he seems to have accepted his lot in life, almost like a terminal illness diagnosis. And worse, he is sentencing his children to try to keep The Monarchy going.

    Why? After Liz, and now Charles certainly….are W&K the last ones to accept the clock is ticking on The Monarchy? I’m 61, and I honestly do not think when Charles passes on, any one will be able to be The Firm running. They can turn all the palaces into museums or parks.
    No one at The Firm can rewind public opinions to the 1940s.

  34. Nadia says:

    Didn’t he famously say not only that he was “bored” talking about racism but that his family was “very much not a racist family?” He is a hypocrite. Most of the RF too!

  35. Laura D says:

    Perhaps if they had appointed a “Diversity Tzar” when they said they were going to, a LOT of this mess could have been avoided. It’s ok for William to “Keep Calm and Carry On” but, the truth of the matter is the problem will not go away until a senior royal steps up and addresses the problem head-on. If I remember correctly three people were interviewed for the post but, none were thought to be suitable. I’m now wondering if the candidates (who were most likely experts in their field) asked them uncomfortable questions and the royals decided the environment encouraged by the candidates wasn’t suitable for royal life.

    I found an old article by Omid where it says that less than 10% of Charles staff were people of colour and William refused to release the figures for Kensington Palace. William and Kate don’t want to admit it but, they DO have a problem with people of colour. They might be ok to meet darker skinned people for a quick handshake and a photo-op but, working with them day in and day out is a whole different ballgame. He might not think so but, they are “very much a racist family.”

  36. SueBarbri33 says:

    William has looked so pinched and chapped for this entire trip. Even his photos with Caroline and her children taken this afternoon look…just strained. I think William struggles to read situations and I think he has a lot of trouble relating to anybody outside of his very small inner circle. Although Caroline will (obviously) never be head of state or anything like that, she and her brother (RIP to a real one!) have more in common with William/Harry than almost anybody else on the planet. She’s also impossibly rich, she’s also the product of one of the most famous marriages of the 20th century, she’s also had to deal with press intrusion for most of her life. And yet, in the photos they took at the library today (and at the basketball game the other day), he greeted her with no more warmth or recognition than he greets random people on the rope line. I don’t know exactly what I expect of him, but it’s almost as though his approach to every interaction is that he’s superior to whomever he’s meeting and therefore doesn’t have to even try to forge a connection with them. As if his presence and grimace and limp handshake is enough. Caroline is a well-connected millionaire that he literally met just a few days ago, and he just….I dunno. It’s just so weird and cringey watching him mess up even the simplest things.

    • HeyKay says:

      You make a very good point. William and Caroline Kennedy do have similarities in their lives, living in the public eye, etc.
      Is William just a cold fish? Or has he lived such an isolated life that he can’t see how their circumstances are similar?
      Caroline Kennedy, Bless her, she has lost her birth family in such tragic ways.
      And now for years she is the remaining face of JFKs line.

    • Becks1 says:

      @SueBarbri33, and, to add to your list, she lost her father in a very public and violent way when she was just 6 years old, and mourned him publicly at his funeral.

      If William (and Harry) can connect to anyone, it should be someone like Caroline Kennedy, and also RFK’s children for that matter, bc minus the part about the most famous marriage, their situations were also similar – rich, press intrusion, public death of a parent, etc.

      And yet the clip I saw on twitter looked….cold and awkward.

  37. Jaded says:

    Well, well, well…I see where Willnot got a brief meet and greet with the President — I can’t tell if Kate was there, didn’t see her on any of the video so I assume she went to her *high level* meeting at Harvard and dazzled the intelligencia with her brilliance.

    • Tessa says:

      There was a clip of her in her suit sitting at a table with experts looking concerned. William spoke to Biden but Kate was not with him.

  38. Tessa says:

    There was a clip of her in her suit sitting at a table with experts looking concerned. William spoke to Biden but Kate was not with him.