Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a UK charity which provides bereavement support to children whose parents served and died in the British armed forces. Prince Harry has done special videos for the charity and his aim is always to help kids who have lost their parents. Since he lost a parent as a child and since he served in combat, Harry has a special interest in these kids. You can read more about Scotty’s Little Soldiers and/or donate here.
This year, Harry recorded a special message for Scotty’s Little Soldiers and of course he wore a Spiderman costume. I would imagine that Archie is very into Spiderman, right? Archie is that age, and there’s something about Tom Holland – apparently, kids just adore him. Did Harry rent the Spiderman costume or does he own it? How does Meghan feel about it? These are important questions because I need to know if Harry ever mentions his Spidey Sense. The message from Harry is lovely:
“Christmas is a time when we miss our loved ones really, really badly, and that’s OK, but at the same time, it can be possible to feel guilty for having fun without our parents. But I’m here to assure you that our parents always want us to have fun, so don’t feel guilty. You’re allowed to have the best time ever, especially with this Scotty’s Little Soldiers community.”
A wonderful message, especially for kids – you don’t have to feel guilty on top of missing your parents. You can miss them and have fun. He’s so lovely and natural.
Guess who is behind this costume and has recorded a very special message for Scotty's members.
Click here to find out:
— Scotty's L Soldiers (@CorporalScotty) December 3, 2022
Photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid, Scotty’s Little Soldiers.
- Netherlands and France Out – The Hague, Netherlands -20220421- Prince Harry watches the Powerlifting contest during the 5th Invictus Games at Zuiderpark -PICTURED: Prince Harry -PHOTO by: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images/ -51438049.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- North America Rights Only – The Hague, Netherlands -20220416-Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attending the Jaguar Land Rover Driving Challenge during the Invictus Games at Zuiderpark the Hague, Netherlands -PICTURED: Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: Aaron Chown/PA Image/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
- NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE – The Hague, The Netherlands -20220422-King Willem-Alexander and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex watch the finals of wheelchair basketball during the Invictus Games -PICTURED: Prince Harry -PHOTO by: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images/ -51441053.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- The Hague, NETHERLANDS – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Jaguar Land Rover Driving Challenge during the Invictus Games at Zuiderpark the Hague, Netherlands. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex BACKGRID USA 16 APRIL 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hofbad, NETHERLANDS – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex visits swimming matches at the 5th the Invictus Games at Hofbad in The Hague. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 19 APRIL 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Those little range rover photos are so precious. They will forever remind me of TOB and Keen in their colonist cosplay. Those two will never get it.
IKR??! Watching this video makes me feel like this…🥰 I’m so proud of them!
How *anyone* can meet these two and NOT fall in love with them? Means you don’t have a soul. Period.
Harry is absolutely correct: he *IS* his mother’s son. As always, I wish only the best for H&M.
How did his charm, empathy and just genuine thoughtfulness not rub off his on brother!? Such a good guy.
Unfortunately, genetics handed William a cruel blow. He inherited none of his mother’s warm personality, charm and empathy. It is not really William’s fault that he is a stuffy uppity snob. He is who is and that’s that.
^^ I think it’s more a huge difference in personality (which Diana apparently understood about both her sons). But she was not there to help Will navigate the toxic shoals of the firm, nor to guide him to the better angels of his nature, nor to advise him against coming under the sway of grifters. Sadly, Will never learned from his youthful mistakes because he was overly coddled and placed on a pedestal by the firm. He was made to believe that Harry was and would always be his spare fall guy and his idea man. Nope!
It’s up to Will at this point, to recognize his faults and to decide to change his ways. To stop raging and projecting bitterness outward. To humble himself and apologize to those he has jealously wronged. Failing that, Will is truly stuck and hoist by his own petard.
This guy … It’s obvious to anyone he’s dedicated to helping others. Yes, he is Diana’s Good King Harry. Evidently the charity has been harassed by royalists, the pigs. Also donations came in after his message. See, Willy and Chuck this is how it’s done.
Chuck and Baldimort don’t do “charity” unless it benefits their “charities” where they have full access to the funds. Why are we still believing that those two are capable of change? Please, Baldy didn’t even invite the “winners” of his Earth Sh*t prize to be honored in person! FFS. Harry is genuinely adorable, funny, kind and sincere. One can learn to become all of those things but one has to want to change first.
He’s the son of his mother.
This is so lovely.
Truly! 💗
Hmmm whilst I am sure Meghan loves it I don’t know why what she thinks matters? This is Harry’s thing and everyone drags Meg’s name into every situation. And he bought it, I’m sure.. And he probably wore it for Halloween
I agree with you! My British friends have been very eager to experience American Halloween, they were all in for that 🙂
Our friends from overseas really embrace Halloween too. We lived across the street from a couple from India (she moved to the US after she got married while he had been here since college) who did all the American holidays. She was an observant Hindu but she also had a blazing Christmas tree in the front window and pulled out all the stops for Halloween. They were such lovely, fun neighbors.
“Everyone drags Meg’s name into every situation”?
You just dragged her name into a conversation.
A conversation where Harry is helping kids who have lost a parent in battle.
Tears in my eyes, those poor kids
What a great video
Thanks Harry
Not me tearing up over this story for no reason!! I didn’t even know about this organization. What a good guy. ❤️ Such a sweet and heartfelt message.
I cried a little bit
This is a great video – Harry gives off such big kid energy which is why kids just love him (same goes for Tom Holland). Am sure Meghan feels like she has 3 children sometimes, LOL.
Don’t forget the three dogs, Meghan do have a sense of humor also, I’ve seen videos of her letting loose.
It was a really sweet message.
He just gets it so right.
He really does. I can’t get over how impressive his natural instincts are.
Super cute.
That was so sweet. Someone upthread says the charity is getting hassle. Is it really bad? I hope the donations outweigh the bad stuff going on. Why penalise a charity?
Because these “royalists “ are some sick weirdos. Or they are being paid to troll. Or both.
Wow hassling a charity helping orphaned children, is this an all time low?
Harry has the biggest heart and I just love that about him
What a lovely holiday message! BDE for sure!
TOB must be drawing his own blood, his fingernails biting into his tightly clenched fists. This is gonna be a great ride.
This was such a sweet and important message. Holiday times is where the guilt of celebrating while also missing someone can really hit hardest.
Dang, he’s just adorable, and always, always hits the right notes for his charities beneficiaries. This is such a feel-good moment, I refuse to even mention TOBB.
This was adorable and a great way to connect to kids who’ve lost a parent. I bet Harry chose Spidey because of Tom Holland and Zendaya. <3
The charity’s theme for the party was Super heroes.
So goofy and sweet – I hope the kids have a happy Christmas.
This guy might be the sexiest man alive. What a sweet thing to tell the kids.
What a lovely video with a great sentiment!
While watching the video I kept asking myself who does his voice he remind me of? And the answer is a non sweary, unanimated (not in a bad way!), slower paced Gordon Ramsay! I asked OH and he said the same thing too.
Such a great video. And haha that he said there are five villains trying to ruin Christmas. That tracks.
Pitch perfect. That’s how it’s done, y’all. He really is his mother’s son.
I love the message Harry gave the little kids. Love all these photos.
Good Prince Harry!
In 2021, Prince Harry sent a message to the kids dressed as Santa Claus.
Scotty’s Little Soldiers is an amazing organization if you’re able to donate please donate to them.
@Lu-O’Reilley posted on Twitter the effect of this video on her and her grandchild.
“THAT video helped ME explain to my darling 5 yr old Kate today, that it’s OK for her to be happy this Christmas, bc her Daddy..MY SON..died June 5th. She adores Harry, and she believed it when I showed her. She said, Nana, Pwince Hawwy said it was ok to be happy, so it’s alright?”
I have a lump in my throat now … that’s lovely, Petra. Harry is just the best.
^^ Awww, thanks for sharing @Petra. I was tearing up before. Now, I’m crying. 😭 Harry is a special, lovely human being. God has blessed him in many ways, but Harry is the one who navigated his personal travails with heart, hope, and courage.
Harry has himself, as a child and a teenager, endured enormous grief and anguish. But he never forgot the good things his mother taught him. Also, caring mentors helped him through difficult passages to the point where he began to see the light on the other side of misery. He came through by the strength of his inner being, by realizing how his status could enable him to help others, especially suffering children in need.
By helping the children of Lesotho and Botswana through co-creating Sentebale, young Harry slowly began to heal. He took the first steps toward becoming the man he is today — a caring, loving giver and a warrior for what’s right. He’s a man his mother is surely so proud of. Carrying on her legacy has been a huge motivator. Moreover, Harry evolved into the loving husband and father his soulmate, Meghan, believed in, and is so proud of. 💓
I just discovered this is not a legitimate story. @Lu-O’Reilley lied (also known as Lu-O’Reilley-McGavin,) she was looking for clout. Her story is not true. I apologize for posting her false story here.
Who is cutting onions up in this here place!!!! Pwince Hawwy says it’s okay. My heart breaks for this sweet baby.
Delightful, especially for the intended audience.
I kinda feel like when he looks off to the side for a sec he’s either checking w Meghan or she’s doing the videoing. This labor of love slayed me. As these Archewell founders just keep doing, slaying w their incredibly civic community love! I can’t w this it’s too sweet and I bet so buoyant 🛟 for all of those kids & grown folks at Scotty’s. Great work Soldier Harry 💕 💯 😭