Prince Harry’s ITV interview: ‘They’ve shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile’

I told y’all that the promotion for Prince Harry’s Spare would be FIRE and here we are. ITV and 60 Minutes have now dropped clips and teasers from their respective interviews with Prince Harry. Both interviews will air next Sunday. Tom Bradby’s sit-down with Harry is apparently a 90-minute long piece and here’s the first teaser:

“I want a family, not an institution.” “The leaking and the planting” and “They feel as though it’s better, somehow, to keep us as the villains.” But the best quote: “They’ve shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile.” I believe that – for all of the talk about “King Charles is keeping the lines of communication open” or “Kate the keen peacemaker is trying to help the brothers reconcile,” there has been no real effort from the Windsors. Because they’re happy to have Harry “out in the cold.” They thought they could kick him out and he would come crawling back. He’s literally saying: Bitch, you thought. Speaking of, this clip from 60 Minutes:

An “endless” amount of complaining and explaining, tell ‘em KING!! Harry is exactly right – Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace blatantly and openly briefs against Harry on a daily basis but they’re never “on the record,” so they believe it’s not complaining or explaining. Harry is saying: I f–king see you, and that’s why I’m speaking out now. “There comes a point when silence is betrayal.” THAT’S MY KING.

Screencap courtesy of ‘60 Minutes’, additional photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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120 Responses to “Prince Harry’s ITV interview: ‘They’ve shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile’”

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  1. Linder says:

    The Windsors have closed ranks because they don’t trust that anything they say or do won’t be broadcast somewhere. Harry has broken the code of silence.

    • Seaflower says:

      The Windsors have closed ranks because they need to keep on Chuck and Will’s good side if they want to keep getting money and “grace and favour” housing.

      • aftershocks says:

        Harry has long since woken up to the unforgivable betrayals of his father, brother, and the firm against him and his wife and children. Harry and Meghan gave of themselves with enthusiasm in their concerted effort to represent the firm in providing universal service to others in need. The royal firm and Harry’s closest family members rejected him and Meg due to jealousy and racism. So Harry made the difficult decision to leave the toxic firm behind in order to protect his family’s happiness and survival.

        Once the Sussexes left, neither the firm nor the BM, and not even the country, will let them go and leave them be. Especially the tabloids will not stop attacking the Sussexes. And Harry’s family refuses to “call off the dogs,” as Harry explicitly informed us in the Oprah interview. H&M made the decision to finally speak out to Oprah about why they left in order to send a message to the firm: “Leave us alone! Call off the dogs.”

        Since then, the firm and the BM have simply doubled down with ferocious venom and insane gaslighting. Still H&M have been extremely gracious in fighting back. They haven’t spilled all the beans yet. But the royal firm and BM keep acting out and trying to frame H&M as the villains. In that group pic of the hastily arranged walkabout after Betty’s death, look at Khate’s wide-legged aggressive stance directed toward Meghan. Enough already! We all know who the real bullies are. It’s FAFO time!!!!

    • First comment says:

      It’s no wonder that the comments under the trailer accuse Harry for betrayal… their bots have this line of defense: Harry is not trustworthy because he keeps revealing things about the royal “family”. His crime for them is worse than Andrew’s or king Charles’s shady deals.

      • Case says:

        It seems to me the people who think Harry is horrible for “betraying” his family, walking away to protect his wife and children, and working to expose the toxicity within the royal family have not experienced their own toxic families.

        I’m quite familiar with the painful experience of having to remove yourself from toxic family members, and so I’ve never had anything but immense respect for Harry protecting himself and the little family he’s built with Meghan. But I certainly know (toxic) people who believe you stick by your family at all costs.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Case, me too. My husband’s family and one particular member that years of covering up went on. Until that person went after other people after my DH said no more to us being the targets. Now, we see them trying to rewrite history and act like they knew that the wrong doer was wrong. Gaslighting. We don’t let it slide in a very civil way.

    • Slippers4life says:

      Abusers love codes of silence so that they can control and coerce their victims. The Windsors are high level colonizing abusers who have gained power and riches from this behaviour. They didnt close rank because of some noble code of silence to be revered that he betrayed them by breaking. They are sending a message that their silence remains intentional violence just as it did when they supported slavery, residential schools etc. They see nothing wrong with leaving their own to die as long as they get to keep their dirty Russian slave money and stolen jewels. The BRF is pure evil. Harry is a cycle breaker. England needs to reconcile with the fact they don’t run the planet and their way of life isn’t the end all be all and no matter how much Megan’s “,Americanness” annoys you,…and I know this is hard for British people to understand, but murder is wrong. It’s a bad thing, you guys, to end another person’s life because they make you feel things that nobody organized for you as a child so now every unpleasant emotion turns into rage because it’s the only thing you socially accept. It’s sick to defend such evil

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Well said, Slippers4life! + a million to everything you wrote. Speak!! 👏🏽🙌🏽

      • Lola09 says:

        The British tabloids have been completely vile, but I don’t think that means it’s ok to trash an entire country? I would never call America Trump/MAGA country because I am well aware how diverse it is. Yes, the UK is a relatively small island but we have a huge amount of diversity like any other country.

      • aftershocks says:

        Thank you @Slippers4Life!!! 💯 🎯 ITA with everything you said so eloquently!

        @LOLA09, no person is perfect, and no country is perfect, especially not the former colonizing empire of Great Britain, which exported its systemic racism and classism around the world. This reality does not negate nor condemn everything about Britain and its uniquely different citizens.

        No one has trashed the entire country. There are plenty of British citizens who have spoken out against and continue to decry the terrible shenanigans of the royal firm and the British tabloids. That’s the point. There’s no need to be on the defensive. I would personally never defend the ills and wrongdoing of bad leadership and evil groups in my country.

      • Lola09 says:

        No one has trashed the entire country?! The comment literally said ‘I know this is hard for British people to understand but murder is wrong’

        Also I did not and never will defend bad leadership/evil groups in my country so not even sure why you would imply that’s what I’m doing? Weird.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Again, there’s no need to take a defensive stance, if you understand what the Sussexes are fighting for, and what support for them is about. You seem to be taking undue offense because of the phrasing, “British people,” rather than, “British firm and tabloid media.” I think that’s a bit of nitpicking.

        If you are British and in support of H&M, then you would seemingly understand the true intent of what @Slippers4Life is saying. There does exist such a thing as British superiority, venality, and snobbishness, chiefly coming from the Upstairs royals/ aristo set, but also quite often strangely condoned and willingly accepted by some of the royal fantasy-loving Downstairs commoners.

      • Christine says:

        I totally agree with you, Slippers4life.

        Every single person who has watched any sort of British television or movie knows that British superiority is a very real thing, and it’s directed towards the U.S and France, usually. It’s not something that everyone in England agrees with, I hope, but it is a very real thing. FFS, the French get it worse than the Nazis, in British pop culture reference.

        The most benign example I can think of off the top of my head is in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Giles, who is English, and arguably the best character in the entire series, says, “I still think of you lot as bloody colonials!”, after Spike goes off on a rant about conquering nations. Yes, that’s American television, I direct you to Downton Abbey for many, MANY references looking down on Americans, even though the one American in the family is the only reason Crawley family still has their home and titles.

        My God, I have gotten myself into full on rant territory, I’ll step back.

      • Cessily says:


    • Nic919 says:

      Jason Knauf was permitted by William to volunteer texts to assist a tabloid in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the family but was between Meghan and her father and the tabloid who published it.

      That is breaking the code of silence because no other courtier has ever volunteered to publicly assist a tabloid against a member of the family.

    • Alexandria says:

      Yes that’s right. Code of silence for racism, abuse, corruption , paedophilia, disinformation, bullying. Grand values.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      “Code of silence” is a really weird way of describing constant briefing in the press against H&M by the Windsors. Guess the code means everyone BUT H&M get to talk to the press.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      What code of silence. Charles and William haven’t shut up since Harry & Meaghan left. They just hide behind other people when they do it. Harry is the only grown up who says it in person. And doesn’t cower behind others.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Word! @Robert Phillips! Harry’s and Meghan’s grace and patience in the face of these continued vicious attacks has been incredible! The BM and the royals and courtiers thought they could break this couple apart. They all thought they could destroy Meghan. They expected they could scare Harry into crawling back when they pulled his security on Vancouver Island. They never imagined he would have the balls and the enormous courage to leave the monarchy behind. This means they never knew Harry. They forgot that he’s a soldier.

        Harry’s true family and friends in Botswana and Lesotho know and care about the Harry his own relatives never bothered to understand. As Prince Seeiso said in the Netflix doc, “We named Harry, ‘Mahali.'” They recognize that Harry is indeed a ‘Warrior.’ He was born to be a fighter and a leader.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yes @Robert Phillips. The “code of silence” is a misnomer. I appreciate Peter Hunt’s casual mention of that and some responders freak out is enlightening.

    • New.Here says:

      Breaking the code of silence removes the BRF’s power to bully and abuse him. Silence = violence.

      Tyler Perry was exactly right when he said the BRF used the weapons of abusers. H took away their power when he (and M) started talking.

    • Liz Version 700k says:

      Abusers always honk breaking the code of silence is betrayal. Being open makes it so much harder to kee abusing people.

    • Nonya says:

      @Linder..You must lack comprehension skills,because Prince Harry literally says that his family leaks against them lo!..are you dense…also, they close ranks against pedophiles and traffickers, so good luck with that…

    • DK says:

      And since in pretty much any situation, “codes of silence” are used to protect those in power against those with less power, and to cover up and perpetuate all manners of abuse, I say:
      Good for you Harry, for breaking the code of silence!

    • Formerly Lithe says:

      @Linder, clearly telling the truth is not on your list of resolutions for 2023 because this:

      “The Windsors have closed ranks because they don’t trust that anything they say or do won’t be broadcast somewhere. Harry has broken the code of silence.”

      is COMPLETELY disingenuous.

      Why? Because it implies that EVERYONE involved will be silent. Instead Harry and Meghan are the only ones who are supposed to keep their mouths closed. Their family not only wants to abuse them but also lie about it to the public–to maximize the hurt. While Harry and Meghan get even more abuse for not enduring in silence.

      If their family truly had a “code of silence” there would be NO LEAKS against Harry or Meghan. and certainly NO BRIEFINGS AGAINST THEM in the press.

      I challenge you to go tally up the number of times Harry and Meghan have spoken out about the mistreatment (or authorized others to do so) versus the number of times their family has allowed Knauf and others to brief against them or plant lies in the media.

      2023 isn’t even 3 days old. Please stop with the lies. Oh, and have someone explain “code of silence” to Camilla. Thanks.

    • Tan says:

      Nah dude, the Windsors have lost all their leaks on the Sussexes and are trying to prevent all their sh*tty secrets from going to main stream press. Nice try though D for both thought and effort

  2. TeamAwesome says:

    This has been brewing since the Institution made this 12 year old grieving little boy walk behind his dead mother’s casket for all the world to watch. He wanted a family then, needed a family, and instead he got put on walkabout duty. All he and Meghan have gone through just brought the simmer to a boil.

    • Joy says:

      I think you’re right. And then he was told “yeah your biracial baby will never have security.” And he was like peace out.

  3. Noki says:

    When he says they have shown ‘no willingness to reconcile’i truly hope Harry is not begging them for it. Let them kick rocks!

    • Ginger says:

      He isn’t. He is showing how those stories that the RF were leaking are not true. Kate isn’t the peacemaker, William hasn’t been trying to put his arm around his brother, and Charles is still a crap dad. Harry is being very strategic with this. I know the squad is losing it over the part where Harry said he would love to have his father and brother back but it was cut off at that point for a reason. We have no idea how his sentence ends and that’s the point.

      • Kingston says:

        Exactly! It was cut off for a reason. Theres a big BUT right at the point of the cutoff. In my mind, after the BUT, comes “…..but not at the expense of my wife and family.”

      • Snuffles says:

        I’m a Squaddie and I’m not losing it. This falls perfectly in line with what I’ve been saying all along. Harry want a FAMILY not and institution. I’ve always believed that Harry would be willing to reconcile on some level, if he can just be a son to his father, a brother to William and a nephew/cousin/uncle to the rest of the family. His wish is to no longer be a cog in the institutional machine. Not to be used as a scapegoat and human shield.

        Harry could have exposed ENDLESS scandals on them by now, but he’s kept his mouth shut. Mainly because if it doesn’t directly involve him, it’s not his story to tell. The royals should be on their knees thanking Harry for his restraint.

        If Charles and William and their courtiers have a lick of sense, they would concede that Harry has a point. They would adjust their relationship with the Sussex’s as simply FAMILY and stop briefing against them. That’s the LEAST they can do even if they refuse to apologize.

        These people aren’t my family but I can easily imagine Harry not wanting to be in an eternal fight with them.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ @Snuffles: “The royals should be on their knees thanking Harry for his restraint.”

        ^^ Exactly! 💯 Unfortunately, the courtiers, handlers, Chuck, W&K, Camzilla, rotten BM/ rota, and Tory government are none too bright. Quite dumb and overly full of themselves, in fact.

      • Isa says:

        Harry would love to have his father and brother back….if they would act right.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yep, yep, yep. The cutoff was for a reason. (I hope at least). I would love it if both 60 minutes and ITV did a thing showing what was said in the trailers was completely printed as misinformation in the British Media/RR’s without all the information/context.

  4. aquarius64 says:

    Did Bradby go to Montecito?

    • Nic919 says:

      I don’t think either interview is filmed at their home, but I suspect they were both done the same day nearby.

      • Snuffles says:

        Harry and Meghan seem OK with allowing external shots of their estate. A driveway, a garden, the chicken coop, etc. But they severely restrict showing the inside of their home. It’s mainly the home office and the living room.

        They also know the press will analyze the hell out of every inch of the room they are sitting in. So they choose another location for the sit down interviews.

    • Jan says:

      You’re right, I thinking it’s a sitting room/den, not their main living room.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    It benefits William and Charles to not reconcile. The press’ obsession with Harry and Meghan means the Royal Family doesn’t get scrutinized.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Exactly this! 👆

      • Mimi says:

        I think that what people fail to understand is that the press are too deep in the pockets of KC and Wills. Even if KC snd Wills wanted to stop briefing againt H&M, they can’t. Even if they wanted to make a statement regarding Meghan and Clarkson, they can’t. The press KNOWS all their dirty little secrets and once the BRF stops cooperating, all bets are off.

    • Shawna says:

      Honest question (since I love your comments in this site): then is there any hope Harry will ever stop being the scapegoat? H&M can get their story out and practice mindfulness/DGAF-ness, but will anything get Charles and William using him as a shield if they can spin everything, even spin them leaving, as a shield?

      • Amy Bee says:

        I don’t think so. It doesn’t help the Royal Family to see Harry’s side of things. As he said in the docuseries the Royal Family are in a partnership with the press and they will do what the press tells them to do.

      • Eurydice says:

        Well, it’s not going to happen while Harry’s book is launched and picked over and criticized. And it’s not going to happen at Charles’ coronation, when everyone will be fixated on whether or not H&M attend. And the BM will always want to compare Meghan with Kate. But, eventually, everyone will go on their own way, do their own thing and be judged for it separately.

      • Shawna says:

        It’s just so depressing. H&M (and A&L) will forever be used as sock puppets that “palace insiders” are playacting.

      • Kingston says:

        what will change is the global response to H&M. This is why the britshidtrags sre panicking at some of Harry’s revelations just from the clips. We already saw the many 180 degree turn that many people hv made since the H&M docu.

        Calling these interviews BOMBSHELLS is the most apt use of that word ive see from the clickbait nature of media these days.

      • AuntRara says:

        Sadly, I think that the tabloid-buying public will eventually get sick of hearing about how awful the Sussexes are. And at that point, the papers will dive right into stories about “naughty” Louis. It’s completely awful, but predictable.

    • Couch potato says:

      It benefits them in the UK right now, because of the rota, but it certainly doesn’t benefit their reputation abroad, and I don’t think it’ll benefit them in the UK either, not in the long run. Despite the rota’s “british people won’t watch the documentary” headlines, millions have watched it. A lot of british people will watch the ITV interview, and read “Spare”. The queen is gone, C3 isn’t popular and Willnot isn’t “the handsom young blond prince” anymore. The younger generations are more likely to get their info from social media than the rota rags. They are also more aware of mental health, racisme, false news, gaslighting and bad family relationships. The more they keep attacking H&M through the rota after people have seen the interviews and docu, the more they’ll see that H&M are telling the truth,

      • Nic919 says:

        Steve Schmidt wrote an article about this showing how Morgan has been an unhealthy stalker and it was outlining things discussed about how the British media needs access and they protect the senior in rank because of it.

        It is a well written article but what is surprising is that he used to be part of the Lincoln Project and prior to that was the guy who ran John McCain’s campaign. The docu series has reached unexpected audiences at least on the US side and made them supporters.

      • Laura D says:

        @Nic919 – I really rate Steve Schmidt. So, if he has come out saying this then the BRF and their hacks should be concerned. He’s a heavyweight imho and although I’m left of centre I always like to listen to what he has to say. Do you have a link?

  6. Snuffles says:

    It’s been fascinating and sad watching Harry slowly come to the realization that the people in his family will put the institution over family EVERY time. Harry has said he had many happy memories growing up in a big family, but he must be second guessing EVERYTHING now. Was any of it real? Was their love conditional only? I hope he expresses that in the book.

    ETA: It will be fascinating to see both interviews. One through an American lense and one through a British lense.
    Does anyone know how we can see it live outside the UK?

  7. Truthiness says:

    Good King Harry.

    I’m expecting DARVO from Charles and Will. Cue the media complaining about the constant attacks.

  8. Carnivalbaby says:

    Hmph. All goes to show that they used the same playbook for Diana. They may not have killed her – and that’s a big MAY NOT – but they certainly didn’t push back against the circumstances that brought about the outcome that it did, in fact they used the circumstances to destroy her – and that’s certainly what’s happening here. If Harry and Meghan don’t speak up they will be destroyed. I am even more sympathetic to them and their children.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Speaking out gives them protection.

      • Carnivalbaby says:

        It does, and they will need it – for them and their kids. That institution is not going to stop.

    • NYC212 says:

      @Carnivalbaby Diana predicted exactly how she would die and why. She said some sort of accident would be staged to kill her so that Charles could marry Camilla which is exactly what happened. I never believed Diana’s death was an accident. So many victims of homicide by a current or former intimate partner tell people, “If something ever happens to me, X did it.” These victims know what the other person is capable of and that they are living on borrowed time.

      And, if I were Harry, there is no way in hell I would go see Charles be crowned king and Camilla crowned queen consort just a few feet from where my mother’s casket rested. William has no respect or love for his mother so it wouldn’t bother him.

  9. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Harry himself has admitted he put institution over family when Meghan was suicidal. His thoughts were, well how will it look if we don’t go to this engagement. The difference is, he is reflective and capable of growth and change. This stodgy institution with its emotionally stunted heirs all with mommy issues is not. And the heirs are not. And I love that for them, lol.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, that part in the series really stood out to me. How he admits he even then cared more about how it would look and was acting more as a part of the institution and not as a husband. If he hadn’t had that moment of reflection, the papers and the RF might have won. Meghan could have hurt herself or she could have left Harry. That’s what they wanted.

    • AnneL says:

      And that is part (only a part) of what Harry so much more credible and sympathetic. He has been on a journey. He was a little obtuse about his family and the institution, misread the situation, prioritized the wrong things. He failed his wife when she needed him, and he admits it. He’s capable of growth and self-reflection. They’re not.

    • PrincessK says:

      Charles and William are always going to choose the ‘institution’ over ‘family’ but the really damning thing is that they have been willing to protect other family members but not Harry because they are afraid of his star power on the international stage, they want the Sussexes to dim their light so they can shine and are not eclipsed.

  10. Lola says:

    The family have it coming. It’s not like y’all ain’t gonna be rich just because “the institution” evolves. What are they so afraid of? Moreover if the King is the one in charge that means he has the power to, I don’t know, CHANGE IT. Not doing so is a choice

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly @Lola. It’s a choice. That’s what I wanted to say in response to @Mimi’s comments upthread. But it’s also complicated on a number of levels, because the firm made the huge mistake of ‘feeding M to the wolves,’ instead of recognizing that she was an asset to rally around and protect. They chose jealousy instead of ‘closing ranks’ and presenting a unified front, if nothing else but to support Harry who had been loyal and supportive to them, despite his grief and unhappiness.

      Ever since the BM was given carte blanche against Meg, things quickly got out of control among the BM and tabloids. The smearing took on a life of its own and the profit margins grew exponentially. The schemers at KP didn’t care because their aim was to destroy Meghan. Charles was willing to twiddle his thumbs. He even signalled that M could ‘take it,’ when he publicized that he calls her, ‘Tungsten.’ The Queen and Prince Philip had long since checked out and ceded control to Chuck and his handlers. That’s why Harry never blamed his grandparents.

      The main reason for Chuck & the firm’s choice to not reign in Will & KP, and to allow the smearing of M to continue, is because they all have way too many skeletons in the closet! Meanwhile, Harry’s youthful misdeeds had been regularly put out there as a shield and distraction. That turned out to be a good thing because Harry learned from his mistakes. More importantly, the BM/ rota have absolutely no leverage over Harry. That can’t be said about the rest of the royals!

  11. Nan says:

    I hope he gets what he’s asking for…

    His father and his brother back.
    He wants his family! Ffffffff…I hope this happens for him. I’m very doubtful, but he ultimately wants his immediate family back.

    Ffff! I wish KC and PW would wake TF up.

    The Royals are losing out on a helluva family!

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Actually, that’s ‘ pie-in-the-sky’ at this point. It’s too late for what could have been. If anything, Harry might be hoping for civility and peace behind-the-scenes, so that it won’t be such a chore just to take his family back to Windsor and Frogmore Cottage for annual visits. So that his children might be able to get to know their first cousins and extended young family members.

      Out of all of this, it’s sad for the division and friction to affect the next generation. But none of this is the Sussexes’ fault. They were enthusiastic about supporting the monarchy and the Commonwealth. Even after all the abuse, they offered to still be ‘half-in.’ That offer was rejected. Even M&H’s willingness to give up their Sussex titles was rejected. Plus, M&H would have remained quiet about major details of why they left, had the BM/ rota been told to stand down and leave them alone.

      Bottom line, Charles and Will are both weak, trapped, flawed, selfish, and apparently incapable of genuine humility, authenticity, and self-examination. Also, I’m not certain whether Harry even knows the full extent of all the closet skeletons, some of which extend back to when his mother was alive. Of course, there are also a lot of old buried historic skeletons, involving long dead relatives.

  12. Becks1 says:

    These interviews…..the British press is in for a rough week/month LOL. Piers Morgan is going to be in full meltdown mode haha.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    The British press got their talking point. It’s how can Harry want to reconcile with his family if he keeps talking the press? The Royal Family is in this mess because they would stop briefing against Harry and Meghan.

  14. Kim says:

    Anyone know if there’s a way to watch the ITV interview in the US?

  15. Miranda says:

    I think the fact that Harry is now saying all of this so explicitly to a British outlet is significant. It took courage for him and Meghan to speak out in the first place, of course, but Americans tended to be more sympathetic to them anyway. I understand that the hatred for the Sussexes is not so universal as the British media would have us believe, but it does appear that for many Brits, the accusations against the royal family seem almost like an attack on their very culture. This is Harry saying, loud and clear, that he doesn’t care whom he pisses off anymore.

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      And I truly don’t understand why British people feel that any negative thing said about the Royal Family is an attack on British culture. People trash the U.S. President and Congress all the time. I’m not taking that as personal attack against American culture.

      • Snuffles says:

        Because everyone in the UK has literally been indoctrinated to worship the royal family since birth. The Queen is on their money, her picture is in every public institution, they are forced to learn about them in schools. Not the real story, the white washed story that only highlights the hood stuff.

        Plus, it’s VERY American to speak your mind about the government and other institutions freely with minimal blowback. Most Americans, whether they agree with Harry or not, will never question Harry’s right to talk.

      • Miranda says:

        I don’t get it, either! And really, it’s not even as serious as Americans trashing our government because we elect them and how they wield their power impacts our everyday life. The monarch has all these duties and powers on paper, but in practice, he/she seems more like a mascot or a national symbol. I guess it was somewhat understandable with QEII, because she came to the throne at such a young age that she didn’t really have time to do anything embarrassing or scandalous, and then stuck around forever and was a blank enough slate that the public could read whatever they wanted into her (in)actions. But Charles has spend his entire life being an weak, embarrassing jackass. He’s often been publicly reviled, and with good cause. How does he inspire that kind of loyalty?!

      • ArtHistorian says:

        That is because the has been made into a national symbol. So if the monarchy is a symbol of the nation, then any criticism of that institution is perceived as an attack on the nation itself. And when you live in a monarchy, even in a constitutional one there is a subtle and almost invisible indoctrination at work from childhood and onwards.

    • Hummingbird says:

      You have that right Miranda. I’m British and the RF is ingrained in the culture. You have to have balls to get into a discussion regarding support of H &M with a large percentage of them.
      They can never admit that the institution they have known all their lives could be flawed. It would be like pulling a metaphorical rug out from under them. It’s cognitive dissonance.
      What are we if they are fallible?
      I have never, even as a young child, bought into the feudalism and forelock tugging mentality that requires deference to some toff in a palace who thinks he is better than I.
      But then I’m Scottish and we bow to no man/ woman.
      I live in an EU country now where there are thousands of Brits who have escaped the UK for whatever reason, yet they are worse than the home- based Brits for allegiance to the RF.
      It’s a hanging offence over here to diss them.

      • Nic919 says:

        That’s funny because in Canada, where Charles is the current monarch, there is not this sense of reverence for any of them. The queen was benign and an old lady but criticizing the monarchy is not forbidden or even viewed negatively. Either they don’t think about them or they want them gone. The small number of monarchists in canada are viewed as weirdos and out of touch with current society. They also tend to be recently from Britain themselves.

        Apathy and the complex constitution related issues are the main reason why nothing that been done, not because of any sense of fealty to them.

        Already in Quebec the provincial parliament members no longer need to swear an oath to the king.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Hummingbird, could you provide some evidence of what you’re saying? Not buying into thousands of Brits who have escaped the UK having a allegiance to the RF. People say that without zero proof (youguv polls & whatnot are not proof)

        Thousands, upon thousands of people sing Lizzy’s in a Box at a stadium sports event might be a sign of something else.

  16. Sandra says:

    Dang! Taking no prisoners!

  17. Chaine says:

    I just love that in the clips from both interviews, Harry is wearing a buttondown under a pullover. That is William’s signature look, lol, I bet Harry and Meghan planned this like “look who is copykeening now!” 🤣

  18. Lemons says:

    I’ll wait for the interview…I think they want to show that they are compassionate, but I need more naming of names and receipts being shown. Call out Will and Kate directly.

    That family needs to be exposed to a point where they can no longer hide behind courties and palace sources.

  19. HeyKay says:

    Harry will be in the news doing PR for the release of his book.
    Then all the PR coverage for the coronation will start.

    The PtB will not attempt any reconciliation, likely not allow one either.
    They are in different camps. It will continue to be awful and in the public eye.
    The lines are drawn, and in order the keep the monarchy open no one will be giving an inch.

    It is sad on all sides.

  20. SussexWatcher says:

    I honestly wish he hadn’t said he wants his father and brother back because that’s what the trolls and vile British press will latch onto: Harry wants back in, Harry has regrets, Harry misses his family (and they’ll probably follow that up by blaming Meghan, as usual).

    And even if those comments will make more sense in full context (that he’s never coming back) we know the RRs will just be selective and manipulative in how they report that.

    Oh well…I’ll still be watching. Go Harry!!!!

    • Tessa says:

      I agree the trolls will seize on it. Harry would want them back if will and charles changed and they won’t.

    • Emily_C says:

      His tone of voice has an obvious “BUT” after that comment.

    • PrincessK says:

      Harry said many things but those words in a sentence for obvious reasons were seized upon by the media and used in all the headlines. the whole sentence says something different which is that he wants them to behave towards him as family not as an institution, and why is he being treated differently from others??
      Harry is a kind and decent man and is disgusted with his father and brother, especially.

  21. TangerineTree says:

    I can only imagine the support H has tried to give to his family to help them realize there are ways to stop being owned by the press. I am glad he has the strength to reveal this twisted pact between the royals and the press and to call out the abusers of his wife, children and himself. This is going to help so many people who are dealing with abuse and bullying. All the respect in the world to this courageous man.

  22. HeyKay says:

    The DM has the headline quoting Harry, “I would like to get my Father and Brother back.”
    I understand that grief.
    Many of us mourn the years when we were close to our loved ones. But, when you realize your own family has used and betrayed you, you must separate in order to survive.

    I can not imagine how Harry has the strength, and all in public.
    IMO, the press will never leave H&M alone.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry is the man. Meghan and the children are his family. Charles and William are to blame for alienating harry and meghan.

    • Well Wisher says:

      One has accept that the father and brother that he loves is a figment of his imagination.
      It was an idealized love, intertwined with memories of happier times when this mother was alive.
      They are different individuals, he has been lucky to be clued-in when he did.

      He has the time, talent and opportunity to rebuild, to be with the realization how little his presence and impact meant in this critical moment.

      A wish on my part is that having chosen to be cruel to one of their own, they would stop with the gaslighting and talk about love for, where none exists.
      This observation is based on their actions.

      No matter what the reasons it will hurt.

  23. JMW says:

    The folks in the castles in the UK possibly fully expected Harry and Meghan to come crawling back just like Edward and Sophie did when they tried to break out on their own. It has been common knowledge that Harry really wanted a different life for himself years before he met Meghan. What they did not count on is that Meghan came to that family independently rich and connected on her own. We saw her connections come back into their lives to help and the royal family was not expecting that. Now, Harry and Meghan really don’t need to depend on them – they are independently wealthy on their own, they own their own home, they have an award-winning foundation, they have patronages that chose to stay with them, there’s Invictus and Well-Child, Meghan is a published author and has a top 10 podcast, there are partnerships with World Kitchen, NAACP, Robert F Kennedy Foundation, and more. At every attempt to blow them up, Harry and Meghan have risen higher.

  24. Kimsan says:

    Finally it’s been said out loud. Yes these people complain and explain all of the time they just don’t do it officially.

  25. BeGoneOrangeCheeto says:

    They don’t deserve Harry. They deserve to be shunned and ignored for the rest of their lives. No one owes toxic family members anything. Harry and Eugenie seem to be the only really decent ones in that lot.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’d add P.Anne’s name to that – can’t imagine she’s overly fond of W&K. And P.Margaret’s son and daughter may also not be overly fond of W&K.

      • Alexandria says:

        Anne can be a snob and would 100 percent choose institution over royalty. Her saving grace is she would probably not entertain the rats and the whole rota system and is probably not as dumb as Chuck. But then again she allegedly couldn’t stand Diana’s popularity so who knows if she would play the game.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’d add P.Anne’s name to that – can’t imagine she’s overly fond of W&K. And P.Margaret’s son and daughter David & Sarah may hold similar views, they’re both known as decent people.

  26. tamsin says:

    I was just reading about King Harold of Norway addressing the racism levelled against his future son-in-law. Earlier, when asked why his daughter should still have her title, he said, “She is still my daughter.” While all her patronages were removed and she can no longer represent the royal family, her father, the king protected his daughter. Now, there is no comparison between what Harry does in terms of humanitarian work, and what the Norwegian princess does with her life, but “she is still my daughter” says it all. Charles is not a father to Harry. He does not have the leadership or humanity of King Harold. Charles is such a weak, selfish, pathetic man. He is so lacking in character, honor, and substance. He cowers in front of the vile British tabloid press, and if anyone is led around by the nose by his wife, it would seem it is Charles.

  27. Jess says:

    I’m a paralegal, so words are very important in my line of work. What words someone uses, in what context they use them and what words someone chooses not to use are all very telling. So with that said… “I would like to GET my father back. I would like HAVE my brother back.” This phrasing, combined with what we know about the Sandringham summit where they cut Meg out, leads me to believe that William is the one driving all of this and Charles, weak, feckless, jealous, insecure Charles bought into all of William’s BS.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jess, I’m a retired paralegal and what struct me about his statement is that it’s passive. I think what he says after that is what will be interesting. I suspect that he knows that’s probably not possible. Who knows? C-Rex might surprise us.

  28. bus says:

    Silence is betrayal! DAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNGGGG!

  29. Laura D says:

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot this afternoon. I doubt that William or Charles can do much about the 60 Minutes interview but, is there a chance they might try to control the narrative for the ITV programme. We know William had pieces taken out of the BBC documentary and move the Carol Service over to ITV as “punishment.” We also know that William has banned the BBC from ever showing the Diana interview and that Charles has control about what can be shown regarding TQ’s funeral. It will be VERY interesting to see what articles are “leaked” to the media from now until Saturday.

    On a lighter note. With ITV showing the Oprah and now the Tom Bradby interview do we think William will try and get Netflix to show Kate’s Carol Service next year? 😆 😆 😆

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Laura D, I thought of that, too, but I wonder if one of the conditions of the interview is that it will ALL air without leaks beforehand. I agree that it will be interesting to see if anything leaks.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry is the real deal. He comes across as straightforward and thoughtful, while William comes across as whiny and self-centered.

  31. blunt talker says:

    Some attacks on Anderson Cooper-these UK cunts are stupid and ignorant-they need more Anderson Coopers-Oprah Winfreys-Barbara Walters-or Diane Sawyers-people who get in the middle of the road and will look at both sides of an issue-ask probing questions-use their skills to show how the person being interviewed feels as a human being whether you agree or not-all the Uk media show is meaness, hurtful comments, and downright evil intent-where did these people go to school ?

  32. Hummingbird says:

    @agreatreckoning. I don’t need to supply evidence from polls I live the evidence of the way I see things.
    In the small corner of Europe that I now inhabit, I have not come across a single British person who has a good word to say about H&M. The RF is revered amongst a certain demographic ( over 60s) who get their news from the DM and other rags.
    It’s like peeing in the wind to proffer a different viewpoint.
    I would love nothing more than a decent debate with some balance of thought but such is the loyalty to the crown, any mention of Meghan’s name causes them to snort their wine as they whinny their derision.
    If course I haven’t spoken to everyone in this country but a good indicator to me is that 100% of the ones I have spoken to are anti H&M.

  33. Lily says:

    Harry and Meghan need to go no contact with the royals because they are not going to admit they feed stories to the press and stop the practice.

    All of this talk of reconciliation is laughable. There isn’t going to be a reconciliation.