Yesterday, we discussed the reports that Jeremy Renner had been hospitalized on New Year’s Day following a snow plow accident around Renner’s Lake Tahoe home. While the tabloids have been reporting on increasingly gruesome details from the accident, I’m going to try to keep it relatively simple and above-board. From what we can gather, the snow plow ran over part of Renner’s body, and one of Renner’s neighbors (a doctor) applied a tourniquet to Renner’s leg. The sheriff’s deputies coordinated an airlift to the closest hospital. Reportedly, Renner’s injuries are quite extensive. Renner’s rep released a statement saying that Jeremy had two surgeries on Monday and that he remains in critical condition.
Jeremy Renner underwent surgery Monday after a snowplow accident. After sustaining injuries on his property in Reno, Nevada, on New Year’s Day, the actor was taken into surgery on Monday.
In a statement sent to PEOPLE, Renner’s representative says, “We can confirm that Jeremy has suffered blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries and has undergone surgery today, January 2nd 2023. He has returned from surgery and remains in the intensive care unit in critical but stable condition.”
The statement adds, “Jeremy’s family would like to express their gratitude to the incredible doctors and nurses looking after him, Truckee Meadows Fire and Rescue, Washoe County Sheriff, Reno City Mayor Hillary Schieve and the Carano and Murdock families. They are also tremendously overwhelmed and appreciative of the outpouring of love and support from his fans.”
“Blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries”- holy yikes. I take that to mean multiple broken bones, blood loss and just… pain and tragedy all around. What an incredibly scary accident. He’s apparently in stable condition but it also sounds like there are some serious concerns.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
- Jeremy Renner ,in between takes, filming “Hawkeye” in midtown on December 7, 2020 in New York city.,Image: 574667906, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Darla Khazei / Avalon
- Jeremy Renner ,in between takes, filming “Hawkeye” in midtown on December 7, 2020 in New York city.,Image: 574667919, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Darla Khazei / Avalon
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Celebrities seen at the ‘Hawkeye’ TV series screening, London, UK. Pictured: Jeremy Renner BACKGRID USA 11 NOVEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Celebrities seen at the ‘Hawkeye’ TV series screening, London, UK. Pictured: Jeremy Renner BACKGRID USA 11 NOVEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Prayers for him and his life. Thankfully his neighbor knew what to do. So scary.
Very scary. Prayers for him and his family.
Prayers for his life. Omg I’m scared of getting updates for this one. This is going to be a shocker Im not ready for.
Renner’s accident, Martina Navratilova’s cancer news, Dahmar Hamlin’s collapse; yesterday was a horrific day from beginning to end.
Prayers for all.
It really was. 2023 is not off to a good start.
That’s exactly what I said. Crossing my fingers for better luck for all
And it was only Day 2 of the new year. As @lucy2 stated, 2023 is not getting off to a very good start. Here’s hoping this horrible trend doesn’t continue for much longer.
Not to mention iconic rally car driver Ken Block passed.
Yes! My husband and I spent much of the evening watching footage of his amazing feats. What a legend.
I just found out about Martina thanks to your post. ICYMI, Martina was diagnosed with cancer in two different sites: throat and breast. The good news is that they were both caught early.
Renner and Hamlin, on the other hand, are deep in the woods. Thoughts and prayers-truly-for both of them.
His rep not being clear has led to a lot of speculation. Sounds like the Snowcat flipped up and landed on his chest then drove over him? But who knows. Why wasn’t he in the vehicle? And was he plowing for a neighbor or not plowing his own driveway? So many rumors. Bottom line, how horrible. I hope he recovers. Critical condition is no joke.
I don’t think the public need any further information than what the publicist has provided, particularly while Renner is in and out of emergency surgery. Sometimes we don’t need the whole story – it’s not our story to know.
Although I agree with you that we don’t need to know the gory details of this horrible freak accident, when a celebrity like Anne Heche had a horrible automobile accident many people were taking some kind of sick pleasure in describing her demise in detail because she was intoxicated.
Heche’s final autopsy report stated that she was NOT intoxicated at the time of the crash.
@K, the public doesn’t *need* any further information, but the reality is that without it, the public will continue to speculate and spread wild rumors about the accident. I saw people online speculating that he had lost limbs, people sharing a video of an airlift (that wasn’t Jeremy) and passing it off as him, stuff like that. I know personally it would drive me absolutely crazy to have the world at large spreading bs about me, especially when a simple statement could put it all to rest. Unfortunately, his staff and family obviously have bigger things to worry about right now, and so the speculation train has already left the station.
Yes, the speculation about Heche and the accusations were horrible but there was also a legal issue with Heche that is not present in the Renner situation. Heche was driving erratically on a public street, endangering others, AND drove into someone’s house, destroying it in the fire that claimed her. Renner’s plow tipped over on his own property, nobody else involved, no danger or harm to others.
@Lightpurple – Yes, to what you say, mostly. If there’s something about the machinery itself that makes it unsafe (e.g., prone to flipping), then definitely, that’s something that should be known.
@Lucy — she tested positive for cocaine and fentanyl in her bloodstream. Intoxication isn’t just being drunk.
If he was alone they may not know much yet. He’s reportedly conscious, at least sometimes as I imagine there’s a LOT of pain medication, but who knows how much he’s shared.
This isn’t a crime, it is a one vehicle accident on his own property. He is in and out of emergency surgery. People need to realise that life is not always an investigative true crime podcast and we don’t NEED to know all the details right away. Even if they did provide more information, people would speculate about that too. If there is a safety issue with the plow it needs to be investigated but not by internet sleuths.
Hey Jaded, they found traces of cocaine, not enough to impair her. She had enough problems.
Absolutely horrible. I hope the surgeries are successful and he’s able to make a full recovery.
I hope he didn’t lose a limb.
Unfortunately, it sounds really serious and like there will be lasting damage.
Keeping him and his family in my thoughts.
This is where I am afraid things are headed. Gah, I get the shivers, I cannot imagine the trauma of this kind of injury. I’m not a religious person, but my best thoughts are headed his way.
Well unfortunately stable just means unchanged. Obviously anyone correct me if I’m wrong, but when my dad was dying in the ICU, most days he was “stable” meaning his heart rate, blood pressure, etc were the same. Not worse, but not better. That being said, the fact that he was “stable” enough to undergo surgery is a positive sign. I hope.
As long as he is in the ICU he’s still in danger.
been following this on reddit, and I know it’s just unsourced gossip, but there’s rumors that his leg was completely mangled and he’ll lose it if they haven’t taken it off in one of the initial surgeries already. He’s lucky to be alive, but man, whatever the case, his recovery is going to be really hard.
I don’t think we should publicly speculate about his injuries. It’s in poor taste and insensitive to his loved ones. If they want the public to know something they will release the info.
It does sound like he might lose a leg. I hope he recovers and has a flourishing career.
It sounds like his property is fairly remote and a neighbor might not be within hearing distance so, not knowing all the details, I’m so glad that help was close by or this could have ended quite differently.
How terrible. He has a young daughter.
I agree, his condition should be revealed only as his family decides.
Critical condition is enough for the public to know.
I was dating an ER doc in Reno until this summer. I’ll say this. They get A lot of gruesome snow related injuries. Bad ones. Skiing. Snowboarding from Tahoe. They always brace themselves when it snows heavily. They have good procedures and response. A lot of the ER docs came out of Denver emergency med. so he was in the best hands he could have been.
If it’s the hospital I think it is in Reno, they are are very good. My dad was there twenty years ago after a heart attack (he was also airlifted from the Tahoe area) and I firmly believe they saved his life.
The hospital (if you can call it that) in Tahoe proper was underwhelming. Granted, I was seeing it through the haze of shock and grief, but it very much felt like a glorified first aid station. An aspirin and ace bandage sort of place. My dad was there just long enough for them to make sure he was stable and to call the air ambulance that transferred him to Reno.
Ivana Trump died from blunt chest injuries. Very serious, wishing him a good recovery.
God, this sounds so bad. I hope he lives and doesn’t lose his leg. He’s very active and that would be hard for him. I think back to when Ashley Judd almost lost her leg and really it was a miracle that she didn’t so I’m praying that Jeremy pulls through intact as well.🙏
Dr. Albert Yu-Min Lin is a Research Scientist at the University of California, San Diego and an Emerging Explorer of the National Geographic Society in the field of technology enabled exploration.
He also has a prosthetic leg.
“Lin lost his leg after shattering his leg bone in an off-road accident which required amputation. He eventually decided on a prosthetic replacement but this hasn’t limited his continued participation in sports or in precarious exploration. You can see him scuba diving, rock climbing, desert trekking and hacking through vicious jungle vegetation with no noticeable difference to his companions, until a shot of his leg comes into view. Regardless, it doesn’t seem to have slowed him down at all.“
My kids and I watch his shows on Disney+. He’s amazing. I hope Jeremy Renner makes a full recovery but a loss of a limb doesn’t have to mean a loss of physical activity.
This. When they remove a limb now, they do it in a way that facilitates being able to wear a functional prosthetic. Still hope it doesn’t come to that.
The technology that is available now for replacement limbs is amazing, I don’t know if everyone’s insurance supports it, though. There used to be a young woman in my neighborhood with a very futuristic looking prosthetic leg, like a Paralympic athlete would have, and I would be trudging on my daily walk while she would sail by running with the appearance of utter effortlessness.
We absolutely love his show and how inspiring he is. You forget about his prosthetic leg until he mentions switching his gear for a different terrain. He has such a great voice and hosting style, so much fun to watch.
Better wording would be “critical AND stable” rather than “critical but stable”. The latter gives the impression that it’s a positive and that is not the case. Stable means unchanged – neither improving nor worsening. It seems like a good thing, but in medical terms, it is not necessarily so. He’s likely in excellent hands with skilled medical staff and technological advances on his side. Great luck that his neighbor on the scene is a doctor. Hoping for the best, of course!
I live in MN my entire life, we are again under a blizzard warning for today and tomorrow, possible 10″ of ice + snow before Thursday. 2 hours ago, I could see out my windows, now a complete white out condition.
I despise winter weather. So many traffic accidents, cardiac events, stranded, etc.
I keep checking the news hoping to hear some good news on Jeremy Renners condition.
Saw that he has now undergone 2 surgeries, still in critical but stable condition. I totally support his family in keeping info as private as they can, it is their call to make.
He is only 51, his daughter only 9.
Prayers to all in need, near and far. I hope this is OK to post.
HeyKay – man, I hear you about MN weather. I’m from there and spent the first 31 years of my life there, but now live in the Southwest. People joke about the winter weather up there but as you point out it’s actually quite a scary time of year when the weather does what it’s doing now. I hope you stay safe and warm!
Best wishes to Renner – I hope he can make a full recovery.
Thanks G!
So much can go wrong, so quickly in bad winter weather.
Everybody be careful!
My husband grew up in Maine, when he heard about this, he said the biggest issue with driving a snow plow is that you can be rocking along and hit something completely hidden in the snow. A boulder that’s normally readily avoided, a huge hole, all kinds of stuff you wouldn’t think of. I hope he comes out healthy.
Apparently, he was helping another motorist who was stranded in the snow when the accident happened, according to the mayor of Reno. Poor man…I hope he has a speedy recovery.