The Guardian has obtained a copy of Prince Harry’s Spare. It is not known if they “obtained” a copy from the publisher, Penguin Random House, or if a bookseller sold a copy to the Guardian before the book is released next week. Given the anticipation around Spare, I think it’s remarkable that this is the first real leak of the text and it’s only coming less than a week before the book comes out. The Guardian notes in its first article about the book leak: “Amid stringent pre-launch security around the book, the Guardian obtained a copy.”
Once you read the Guardian’s first piece about Spare, you understand why the newspaper decided to risk the publisher’s code of omerta to publish some of the text. What Harry describes is not only newsworthy, it is a constitutional issue for Britain. Harry describes a 2019 incident in which the current heir to the throne, the new Prince of Wales, violently assaulted Harry in his London home, Nottingham Cottage. From The Guardian:
In his highly anticipated autobiography, Spare, Prince Harry recounts what he says was a physical attack by his brother, William, now Prince of Wales, as their relationship fell apart over the younger prince’s marriage to the actor Meghan Markle. Describing a confrontation at his London home in 2019, Harry says William called Meghan “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive”, which Harry calls a “parrot[ing of] the press narrative” about his American wife. The confrontation escalated, Harry writes, until William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and … knocked me to the floor”.
Harry writes that William wanted to talk about “the whole rolling catastrophe” of their relationship and struggles with the press. But when William arrived at Nottingham Cottage – where Harry was then living, in the grounds of Kensington Palace and known as “Nott Cott” – he was, Harry says, already “piping hot”.
After William complained about Meghan, Harry writes, Harry told him he was repeating the press narrative and that he expected better. But William, Harry says, was not being rational, leading to the two men shouting over each other. Harry then accused his brother of acting like an heir, unable to understand why his younger brother was not content to be a spare. Insults were exchanged, before William claimed he was trying to help.
Harry said: “Are you serious? Help me? Sorry – is that what you call this? Helping me?”
That comment, Harry says, angered his brother, who swore while stepping towards him. Now scared, Harry writes, he went to the kitchen, his furious brother following.
Harry writes that he gave his brother a glass of water and said: “Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’re like this.”
He writes: “He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”
Harry writes that William urged him to hit back, citing fights they had as children. Harry says he refused to do so. William left, Harry says, then returned “looking regretful, and apologised”.
When William left again, his brother writes, he “turned and called back: ‘You don’t need to tell Meg about this.’
“‘You mean that you attacked me?’
“‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’”
Harry says he didn’t immediately tell his wife – but did call his therapist.
When Meghan later noticed “scrapes and bruises” on his back, and he therefore told her of the attack, Harry says she “wasn’t that surprised, and wasn’t all that angry. She was terribly sad.”
William wanted to “talk” about how Meghan was “difficult, rude and abrasive,” and William thought the best way to make his point about Meghan was to violently assault his younger brother. As we’ve covered extensively here at Celebitchy, the British media has left a trail of breadcrumbs about William’s rage and anger issues for years. “Incandescent with rage” was first used by a British outlet sympathetic to William. It’s been widely reported that William screamed at and raged at his father, his mother and his staff. This is the first time we’ve heard of a violent assault committed by William as an adult. What I keep thinking is: it took Harry more than three years to report this. He had to leave that island and deal with the aftermath of his brother’s assault privately for more three years before he was ready to speak about it publicly.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Cover Images and Backgrid.
- The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex meeting members of the public at Windsor Castle in Berkshire following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. Picture date: Saturday September 10, 2022.,Image: 721656879, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- The body of Queen Elizabeth II is carried to the Palace of Westminster, London followed by His Majesty King Charles III his sons Prince William and Prince Harry as well as Prince Edward, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew, September 14 2022. Thousands have turned out to watch the spectacleafter which the former monarch will Lie in State in Westminster Hall. There will be a short service upon the Coffin’s arrival at Westminster Hall, which will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.,Image: 722721858, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -, Model Release: no, Credit line: Tony Kershaw / SWNS / Avalon
- Prince William of Wales and Prince Harry follow the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth II as it makes its way along the Mall, London, UK on September 19, 2022,Image: 724183784, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: James Shaw / Avalon
- WINDSOR, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 19: Prince William, Prince of Wales and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex join the Procession following the State Hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II towards St George’s Chapel on September 19, 2022 in Windsor, England. The committal service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, took place following the state funeral at Westminster Abbey. A private burial in The King George VI Memorial Chapel followed. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III.,Image: 724210501, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -, Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Setterfield / Avalon
- The Prince of Wales, Lord Linley, Prince Harry and Princess Anne await the arrival of the coffin containing HM The Queen.,Image: 724267926, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Camera Press Rota, Model Release: no, Credit line: David Dyson / Avalon
- ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are pictured leaving Westminster Abbey after attending the service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving on Anzac Day in London. Pictured: Prince Harry, Prince William BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: Trevor Adams/Matrix/MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are pictured leaving Westminster Abbey after attending the service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving on Anzac Day in London. Pictured: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: Trevor Adams/Matrix/MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: ONLY UNITED STATES, BRAZIL, CANADA ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Pictured: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: ONLY UNITED STATES, BRAZIL, CANADA ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Pictured: Prince Harry, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the London Bridge Jobcentre and speak to people looking for work in London. Pictured: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge BACKGRID USA 15 SEPTEMBER 2020 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince William of Wales and Prince Harry Duke of Sussex follow Her Majesty the Queen’s coffin on foot as it is transported during a procession to St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle during Queen’s state funeral in the Centre of London. Featuring: Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 19 Sep 2022 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- 09-03-2020 Commonwealth Day Celebrations Westminster Abbey 2020
File this under shocking accounts of William that shouldn’t really be shocking. The press has been telling the world that he is a rageaholic for years. Now, watch those same reporters scramble to try to walk that narrative back. William is a liability – as a brother, as a son, as a father, as a husband and as an heir.
You’re right! And to think this family drama/trauma is being exposed because the royal family did not accept Harry’s biracial wife! The royals are a bunch of buttholes.
Complaining about aggression while physicaly attacking your brother, claiming you didn’t attack him.
And the RF wonders why the rest of the world laughs at them. Their brains are so musdled from centuries of inbreeding, that they can’t think clearly. That, and literally being raised in palaces has them so far removed from the common people, they’re completely dellusional. Harry & Meghan got out in time.
This is way more damaging to William than the exposure of an affair.
This might be the toned-down version? Harry finished this (in August, if I remember correctly) before his grandmother passed away in September.
I think an affair would be way worse. Men being abusive and violent (especially to other men) is very normalized.
@Escondista – The royal men having affairs is very normalized, too.
And I don’t think this is the only assault by Willy in the book. Likely the last.
Violence is a criminal offence and thus a constitutional issue. Especially if William is also violent towards Kate.
And I think that will be the even more intressting discussion that will follow. If William acts this violently against his brother, what is he doing at home? Is that the reason why kate is seen so rarely in public and only with heavy makeup? And always looks miserable?
The RF can survive an affair, as long as all participants are consenting adult, nobody will really care, domestic violence is a completly different topic and this might be the opening the RR need to talk about it.
Siblings get in physical fights. I don’t think this will be a big deal. It’s common. It would be bad if Harry had to go to the hospital or something but other than that it’s a sibling spat. William shouldn’t have done it but I get it happens.
@ fabiola-
yes, siblings fight as young children- elementary and middle school- NOT as adults.
AND he is heir to the potty and clearly as temperamentally unfit to hover over it as kavanaugh was shown to be during hearings.
It is absolutely NOT common for adult siblings to get into physical fights like this. If it is happening there is some massive dysfunction going on.
@Fabiola, this wasn’t a fight, or “boys being boys” like you seem to be trying to allude to, this was an adult man physically assaulting his adult sibling. Harry didn’t put his hands on William, so to refer to it as a “fight” is incorrect, it was assault.
Where is it acceptable for an adult man to enter his adult brother’s home, proceed to complain about the latter’s wife and then physically assault his brother in his own home? This was a one-sided attack precipitated by William. No way is that not a big deal or a common occurrence. Think about it. This is violent abusive behavior by William and it’s inexcusable.
Had this occurred between two working-class brothers, the police would have been involved.
Adult siblings do NOT get into physical fights, sorry, that’s just not common or normal.
William has been portrayed as a petulant brat who throws temper tantrums. Criminal assault is an entirely different class of behavior. Harry should have pressed charges because William needs to be held accountable. I hope he and Kate really are separated and that she and the kids are safe.
Yes, but considering how the press always portray William in the best possible light, if the very best they can say is that he is always enraged and lashing out, common sense tells me it is way worse than that in reality. That’s why I was surprised at how much finding out he physically attacked his brother surprised me. It all fits in retrospect.
Tacky I agree with you. My comment meant that she should not have been nasty to Kate. Nobody deserves abuse. Meghan did not certainly. If Kate had been smart she would have been kind to Meghan. Meghan could have been a friend to her.
Meant to say nasty to meghan.
William enjoys so many layers of protection from the press, the government and the police that I bet pressing charges would’ve resulted in nothing. I think on top of wishing to protect his brother, Harry knew that William would get off scot free. Also, if he even attempted to physically retaliate, leaks would’ve emerged of him “violently assaulting” William while defending Meghan. Harry could not safely tell this story until he was free. Bully reports be damned; try to explain this, Buckingham Palace.
No one should be surprised by William’s rage and anger. Genetics explain a lot about this sad little family.
His great grandfather, George VI, had a legendary vuolent temper, as who wouldn’t have been, being raised as he was. It is believed that only Queen Elizabeth, his wife, could temper his anger and calm him down. There were knock downs with his brother David as well
Now onto Charles III, whose temper is also legendary, and also addresses only by his wife, Camilla. I don’t know why she was so shocked by Williams reputed violence and anger. The apple doesn’t fall far the tree. William’s had had that violent temper since he was a little boy. (I know, I’ve been watching since they we’re born)
Speaking of apples falling far from trees, lets move onto George I, II, III, IV. All of them with interesting ways of coping with anger and mental illness. Poor III has porphyria which left him sadly disabled.
Victoria gets a pass because her anger was controlled by Albert’s formidable intelligence and sanity. But her kids sure got the short stick.
So altogether the Honoverians exemplify a rather unstable genetic pattern. Harry was so smart to get the heck out of Dodge and avoid that German curse. Well done Henry.
And Harry noted there was no dealing with William when he’s “like this.” That means the guy has been consistently losing it for years–and everyone has had to work around him/cool him off. 🙄🙄
Patricia, if you couple heredity with William’s childhood injury, his behavior (and the TF coverup) makes right scary sense. 😳😳😳
Patticia, The porphyria diagnosis of George III has become widely disputed because those how claimed this didn’t use a sound method. Among more reputable historians, George III is thought to have been bi-polar.
Camilla Twominey was already on British television this morning, making it all about Meghan.
Oh, no! Meghan’s behavior caused William to violently assault his brother. The spin that works better (sadly) is ‘brothers will be brothers.” Another one is to ridicule Harry for falling on the dog bowl and whining about his broken necklace.
Of course, both reactions are typical of abusers – in this case, the press is abusing the Sussexes by proxy for William.
All of the reactions to this I am seeing that are anti-Harry are so typical of abusers its kind of mind blowing.
~Private family matters should stay private
~Brothers fight, so what
~this is all “alleged,” harry’s word against william who cant’ defend himself (lol)
~Harry probably just fell
~what kind of man wears a necklace anyway
and finally, IF this did happen the way Harry is describing, its what he deserved for letting Meghan act that way.
I’m really hoping some experts in domestic violence step forward to address these reactions.
Camilla Tominey is being dragged all over Twitter as a pathological liar. You’d think she would have the sense to STFU.
The only shocking about this is the fact that a paper dared to write about it. I expected every UK paper to push this under the rug, and howl something about Meghan, following orders from BC and KP. The Guardian is in for a rough ride with the Palaces and tories.
The Guardian has been anti-monarchy and anti-conservative for over 200 years. It is more than ready for a rough ride with the Palace and Tories.
I think it’s the other way round.
The Guardian are reading the room and seeing the pendulum swing politically to the center left and they know they can print this now bc Harry is putting his neck on the line and doing the work. Also Charles ascending the Throne makes the BRF easy fodder. They are looking really weak right about now. The Rota Rats can’t really comment because what can you PR away when someone is physically violent to their sibling – “they deserved it?”
Most of all I am glad that William’s real face is now on show for the world to see. No more squeaky clean Mr Nice Guy. If mental health and DV charities have any bawls they will hastily distance themselves from this shockingly violent dysfunctional family bc they’re 100% trash.
Harry’s book is going to blow a hole through the Monarchy the likes of which they have never seen before, even with Diana. And even people that don’t like him talking will understand why he left because to be psychologically, spiritually and physically abused by your family in this way is not on. No one except abusers and their enablers can legitimately and respectably agree with his treatment.
The realisation that in this day and age William felt so entitled to control every aspect of his brothers life and tried to repeatedly harm his wife and child is unconscionable. The Rota Rats can write all the nasty columns they want but this will stick in peoples minds, the idea that William expected his brother to sacrifice so much incl himself and exist solely for his benefit is weird in this day and age. Normal human beings do not need that level of fluffing.
I am glad that Harry went full force take down and did not leave anything out.
Burn it down to the ground Harry.
@Flower +1 I think this moment in time is a real turning point for BRF and the media. Now that the Queen is gone, the BRF can’t hide behind her/her image and the media can take the gloves off. The pro-Royalist media will keep on smearing, but everything they say will be carry less weight because they KEEP PROVING HARRY RIGHT. And more people are seeing that and making the connection.
As the kids say, Diana walked so Harry could run.
This may help Harry as it gives some time before the Palace has their PR up for people to really see this story.
Kiri has it right – the Guardian and its readers are not known fans of monarchy or Tories.
I wonder how William is going to *comsplain* ™ all this.
There will be a ‘no comment’ from KP. He never takes responsibility for his own behaviour, ever.
How about…”I am very much NOT a violent person” as he stomps off with clenched fists and steam coming out his ears.
Very much not a basher
I hope he had his interior house cameras on . If I were them or their security team, I would video cameras everywhere.
By all accounts, if we get the record straight,
– William should be serving jail time for assault and battery, and attending anger management classes upon his release,
– Andrew should be in jail for abusing trafficked underage, underprivileged girls unable to give consent in such circumstances,
– Charles should be wearing an electronic device for embezzlement, if not serving a life-long jail sentence for 🔪🔪🔪 his ex wife.
– Mike Tindall should be paying damages for sexual assault.
I don’t mean to upset anyone, but let’s face it: except for the Wessexes, Beatrice, Eugenie and the children on all parts, a good fucking 85% of the Royals belong in prison. They got away with everything you and I couldn’t, and they’re still whinging that Henry and Meghan are damaging their reputation. Hello?
I can’t help but wonder what kind of funeral due to a ruptured spinal cord we would have been watching on television, had Prince Henry landed on a harder surface like a marble table, or hit the back of his head. And now Brutewilly, the latest caveman specimen sold to us as a king in the making, howls on every media rooftop he is the one who’ll never ve able to forgive? Hello, again.
Harry could have sunk in a coma, ended up in a wheelchair or simply died of a commotion to the head. Not only is Brutewilly is a menace to marital happiness -his own and his brother’s- but a personal safety hazard. Not my definition of a future king. Prince William strikes me as a living advertisement for abolishing the monarshit.
@Sugarhere this👆👆all of this!!
Right?? We’re not talking about a slap here, or even a shove. (Not that those would have been at all acceptable.) We’re talking about grabbing someone by the neck and throwing them to the ground hard enough to break a ceramic bowl when they hit it. If Harry’s back was covered in bruises after, just think what might have happened if he’d struck the ground that hard with his head. He could have been *seriously* hurt.
Amen @Sugarhere! Everything you just said. He is unfit to be king. His own mother said his temperament was not suited for it. His own mum. Pretty rich that he calls someone else “difficult” as he violently assaults his brother. Project much?
The more Harry talks, the more I love him. He has been through some sh** with this trash family. I believe they are the ones who leaked his location in Afghanistan. And when they pulled his security detail with almost no notice and leaked his location in Canada they basically told the crazies they unleashed “come get him”.
Thank God for Meghan’s connections. Thank you Tyler Perry.
The only problem I have so far is the details Harry gave about the number of people he shot in Afghanistan. If I had been involved in an advisory role that bit would have come out, as it seems to serve no purpose, unless it was taken out of context.
Speaking of Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffe’s gag clause expires next month.
It makes me wonder now that Harry’s assault story is out there… WHO BROKE GUY’S LEGS?
My question exactly
I have seen a few references to KP staff accidentally hitting him with a car, but that hasn’t been confirmed anywhere.
Exactly this. That poor dog didn’t have a hapless accident, someone DID THAT to him as a threat to Meghan. Would an incandescent Will have violently kicked a little dog on his way out of the cottage? I say yes.
What happened to that dog sounds like a warning straight out of The Godfather.
That’s one of the questions I will forever want answered – what happened to sweet Guy. I also really want to know what that night nanny did that caused her to be fired on the spot.
I always had a horrible feeling about what happened to Guy. What kind of monster does this to a defenseless animal. Omg I hate these people.
I’d like to know that too.
Guy was Meghan’s dog before she met Harry, right? Or at least she had dogs when they met. In Toronto. In the US and Canada right now, at least in the urban and most suburban areas, there are pretty strict leash laws. Meghan would not have let that dog be running around in an area where there might be traffic, not even family or staff behind the wheel.
It’s suspicious AF.
He’s not fit. He must recuse himself from the line of succession. THAT’s why the press and British establishment are hysterical.
Because that would mean Prince Harry as a possible regent until George comes of age. That’s why this war is coming from Kensington palace. William is unfit for any role in the royal family.
If only impeachment was a possible scenario by statute…
Sussex squad members on Twitter are dropping receipts left and right.
@bookedbusy on Twitter posted a photo that may help shine a light on the timeline of the attacked on Prince Harry.
JFC, the bruises on his hand!!!!!
Speculation is also exploding on Twitter about Will’s demand that Harry hit him back – was he trying to incite Harry to hit back so he could then raise the specter of Harry attacking the heir, and being mentally unstable. Harry was really smart in not retaliating, because that could have mushroomed into possible charges of treason or worse. William is obviously out of control, and I cannot admire Harry enough for not taking any of his brother’s bait and for taking Meg, Archie, and the dogs out of that hideous situation.
Cue the “William Batters Kate” stories. I would believe them.
Jesus. Thank God thank God thank God Harry and our Duchess and their children are out of there and I’m even relieved for Kate and her children that she and Willy are (allegedly) separated.
I can’t remember exactly when, but sometime in the past year on here I wondered if Kate was a DV victim. I’m not wanting to center her in this, I just remember thinking it would fit with some of the weirdness around late cancellations and having long breaks from public view.
I would believe that he batters her, I also believe that she has twisted herself into accepting it, and enjoys using whatever power she has to make others miserable.
I saw Kate’s personality shift for sure. I dont want to analyze her weight, but that has to be a symptom of something also. I remember when she would always naturally joke, and then one day, polite hellos, smiles, jazz hands and she lost confidence. That was all gone the minute William lost his hair at the same time, lost his confidence. She made a joke about his balding hairline, and then, the cold shoulders, announcing they would do events separately, and then arriving separately, rose bushing during the pandemic with the helicopter, and then moving out, then Kate not being around to go to the queen’s death bed, and xmas cards with pictures that seems to be from family vacations and never from the righ period…. Very sad for her if she was abused. She probably is a mean girl, but william would not hesitate to throw her under the bus if he needed anything.
I completely believe this story. Wasn’t there stories of Will pushing Diana around the time of that infamous interview? He’s probably pushed Charles too. This might explain why nobody stands up to him- he uses physical intimidation. I feel for Harry. He’s been so abused by his family.
And Will telling Harry not to tell Meghan– Wtf?
Notice the line about how Harry didn’t tell M right away – but told his therapist. That’s telling the world that there are receipts out there for this.
It’s also very telling that he called his therapist right away – he has been working very hard to get to where he is now.
Oooh @Becks, that’s such a good point. He’ll have contemporaneous ‘evidence’ from a third party.
Becks1, that’s what I first noticed, too. The second thing I notice is this isn’t being reported by the media in other articles that I’ve only seen on twitter or IG. I’m sure Fails is very aware of the fact that someone else knows about this immediately after it happened.
There also have to be photos. There is no way Meghan said, “what’s on your back?” with the result that there are no photos. She’s not a stupid woman.
It has always been well known he is a a raging monster.
I am glad Harry is speaking, and I can’t believe I am writing this, but I feel bad for Kate ans for the kids.
I know Kate is no saint, but I wonder what kind of abusive mess her marriage must be.
I feel sorry for the innocent children not Kate .she enabled William in his treatment of Meghan. Her behavior with Meghan to me is inexcusable. Imagine her seeing the headlines that Meghan made her cry and knowing she could have denied the story. She didn’t. And her confrontational pose at the walkabout was vile. Harry had to lead Meghan away from Kate.
@Tessa I don’t care what Kate has done, nothing would justify William physically abusing her.
@Tessa abusive relationship are complicated,and there is no such a thing like the perfect victim.
Kate was raised by her mother to marry and become rich. She ended up landing The Prince. Who happens to be an abusive monster. No one deserves to be abused.
I hope they live their lives separates.
Tacky I agree with you. I meant that Kate should have been nice to Meghan not that she deserved abuse
Nobody deserves abuse. Meghan didn’t surely. Kate could have had an ally in Meghan. Kate could have married a good person and hopefully if the marriage breaks up she still can
Eleanor see my reply to tacky. Nobody deserves abuse i never said Kate does And. Meghan doesnt either. Kate can get an official separation and remove herself and the children from the danger Harry and Meghan had to leave the abuse.but my post was that Kate should have helped Meghan.
@Tessa – Domestic abuse is so difficult. The thing is that William has the power, not Meghan.
This is a story about Harry being assaulted with nothing relating to Kate. We need to stop centering Kate as a victim when stuff doesn’t even involve her. If she wants to talk about being assaulted she can, but the focus should be Harry being victimized and in defence of Meghan, who William was insulting.
I cannot stand Kate, she is horrible. I have no respect for her. But I won’t stand for her being assaulted.
I agree with Nic919. This story is about Harry being assaulted, partially because he was defending his mixed-race wife. So why peoples’ minds immediately go to how Kate, the white woman, must be a victim too, is very illuminating. Personally, I think Kate has bizarrely sociopathic tendencies and she and William are birds of a feather and exhibit similar behavioral patterns.
William physically assaulting his brother is a very big deal and extremely concerning that such behavior may extend to his wife, his children, his elderly father, his staff, and anyone else in close proximity to him. IDGAF what his title is, this is criminal behavior and he needs to be held accountable.
There’s an argument to be made (given these revelations) that William’s wife is a victim of “coercive control,” which is just as bad and always worse than physical violence.
Something about him telling H to not tell M is so sinister to me.
It is a move straight out of the abuser’s playbook – and it makes me wonder whether William has pulled moves like this when they were younger.
‘Don’t tell Meghan’
I find it psychopathic (i don’t know if it is the right word or term) , like in the movies when a man *rap@s a woman and tells her not to tell anyone.
I found that one line chilling and scary.
I am sad for Harry right now.
@S808 I agree. Chilling. This also makes me understand more Harry’s comment about the Sandringham Summit, where he referenced being terrified as his brother screamed at him. At the time, I thought that was a bit odd and somewhat wimpy. Let him rage? What was he going to do? Now, I see it as him likely being triggered by other violent episodes in their past. Makes me wonder if this was the only assault in their lives or if there is more violence that has been covered up.
Also isn’t chilling him saying I DIDN’T attack you Harold! Super pyscho energy and gaslightinhg of victim!
Notice how Harry did tell Meghan (who, to William, was the problem here) and she did not tell anyone from the press for years about this incident, even as they were attacking her before the Oprah interview for being a bully. William does not deserve such grace. I truly despise him.
I think it’s more cowardly than sinister, personally. He can talk trash behind her face, but please don’t tell her he is
Yeah, when I read the article last night in The Guardian that didn’t land right with me either. It still feels sinister, coercive, threatening, and abusive. It also left me wondering how often has this played out across their relationship.
It’s control. Don’t tell the only person who would believe you and has your back – it isolates him.
Maybe it was embarassment and he wanted Meghan’s admiration. W’s hatred of her is because deep down he knows what a catch she is and he can never have someone like her.
@Lucy. You are abso correct! It’s all about isolation and control. ‘Meghan will believe you and that might help you heal…we can’t have that!’
William knew that Meghan didn’t suffer fools. He sounds like a little kid saying don’t tell your mom or dad I beat you up. In some ways, I wonder if Meghan’s adult sense of boundaries triggers a childish response in William. Almost as if he’s craving the discipline she brings to the dynamic but railing against it with his temper tantrums at the same time. Burger King is so effed up.
It felt very sinister to me too – classic abuser-gaslighter behavior, an attempt to force Harry to remain under his control and keep his dirty secrets for him. Without Meghan, nobody is there for Harry. Also, the friend of the family who commented yesterday that the incident was “hardly a violent assault” – hmm – I don’t think Harry, Meghan and their kids are safe in his homeland or with his family if they are going to be normalizing what was very clearly a violent assault. Civil nonviolent behavior doesn’t include going over to someone’s house in a rage, grabbing them, knocking them over, then trying to hush them up and get friends and the press (William’s flying monkeys) to pawn it off as NORMAL. (plus – I also don’t want to center “Catherine” in these happenings but in the funeral week walkabout her body language around Meghan made me flinch – it seemed to have an aggressive air too, also sinister)
William being a violent sociopath, which I believe he is, explains a lot. He holds a great deal of power in that institution and isn’t afraid to wield it. I am disgusted by The Queen and Charles’ weakness but I always held William and Kate responsible for Sussexit.
When you think about it and piece it all together, THIS IS WHY WILLIAM STARTED AND REVEALED THAT BULLYING INVESTIGATION AGAINST MEGHAN. Because he was afraid Harry was going to tell THIS story on Oprah, and William was preemptively trying to justify his actions by “proving” that Meghan was “difficult” and “abrasive,” so he had every right to have committed a felony, and that that would somehow save his reputation. You’re so transparent, William the Worst.
So the bullying allegations were first leaked in 2018, before this incident, but you’re right that it would make sense why those allegations were the “big” ones shared before Oprah. KP was terrified that Harry was going to share this story and had to get ahead of by maligning Meghan. You see William had no choice but to attack Harry, bc Meghan was rude. Obviously. (please note the sarcasm.)
@ThatsNotOkay, OMFG you are exactly right!! He started laying the groundwork then, not knowing what H&M would say or when they would say it.
The, “I didn’t attack you, Harold” is SO fcking creepy to me. What’s with the “Harold?” Clearly it’s meant to be derogatory, but how/why? It’s the same word that pig Clarkson used.
@Lorelei good call on Harold being used as a pejorative by Clarkson as well. To me, that shows that it’s used among the family and their inner circle to ridicule and dismiss Harry and further confirms that Camilla actively briefed Clarkson for his little hate speech. It’s just so demeaning.
We talk about the heir/spare dynamic a lot here, but it’s still somewhat shocking to see just how much of a whipping boy Harry was treated as for the bulk of his life, and as SarahLee said upthread, it makes Harry’s comments about being terrified at the Sandringham summit make a lot more sense. Sure, Harry is fit and a trained soldier and can hold his own in a fight, but it’s very different when someone who has abused you from the time you were a small child continues that abuse years later. It must have been unbelievably triggering for him, and even if it weren’t, as the spare he simply couldn’t fight back against the heir. It would have made everything a thousand times worse. Will would’ve run to the press, Harry would have been the sole perpetrator while Will got off scot-free like he always does, the entire institution would have come down on Harry to protect the heir.
As Tyler Perry said, Meghan was abused by that family, and so was Harry.
@Lorelei Yeah, the “Harold” thing was a purposeful dig in some way because that’s not even part of Harry’s full name…it’s Henry.
Yeah, that line was creepy to me, mainly bc I heard it not in William’s adult voice, but his child or teenage voice. Imagine all the things he did to Harry and then would say to him “I didn’t hit you. I didnt break your toy. I didn’t spill your drink. I didn’t pull your hair. I didn’t do whatever it is that you are accusing me of” – in a very calm, controlled voice (which it sounds like it was by that point in the interaction), so Harry could never push back. And if he did push back, no one believed him.
@lorelei Maybe it is a poor attempt at humor – reference to the Battle of Hastings and King Harold II (the last Anglo-Saxon king) ) and William I, Duke of Normandy?
Tessa was very clear, she said “l feel sorry for the innocent kids, not Kate” she wasn’t implying she deserved abuse (if there was one, she alway had her family support) l don’t feel sorry for Khate either, she is more concern in getting the crown and the adoration of the subjects.
There’s a clip going around on Twitter of Charles sitting in a garden with young Harry at his side and young William standing behind him, repeatedly hitting Charles in the back of the head with increasing force. It’s hard to tell ages in the video but it looks like they weren’t quite teens yet, so prior to Diana’s death.
That video, along with the video of William being a brat about not wanting to hold a bunny, but then pitching a fit about wanting it back while Harry held it is another view of what he was like as a child – petulant, demanding, controlling, and he got away with it because it was during a photo op. The assault in 2019 was absolutely not the first episode of William’s horrible treatment of his brother, and I will never believe that it was the first physical assault, either. That man has a dark soul, and is completely unfit to be king. More and more, I’m amazed at the strength Harry had/has to break free and change his life, and I believe it was due to Meghan’s love and belief in him that allowed it to happen.
do you have a link to that video please?
@Babz I totally agree!
@lorelei Maybe its a poor humor reference to King Harold II and William I, Duke of Normandy?
Wooo CHILD! I have a LOT to say!
First off, miss me with that “brothers fight it’s normal” argument. Physical assault is NOT normal. Especially when you are an ADULT. Maybe you get into minor scrapes when you’re a kid because you don’t know how to regulate your emotions yet, but if it’s still happening well into adulthood, you’ve got a problem. I have two older brothers and they NEVER physically assaulted each other. They only argued or just avoided each other if they were mad.
I already see the haters picking the narrative apart trying to prove it’s false. Ignoring the fact that you don’t publish a story like that if your lawyers haven’t fact check that story six ways from Sunday and you’ve got the evidence to back it up. Harry called his therapist immediately afterwards, 1 piece of evidence, he had visible injuries, #2 and probably documented, he probably went to a doctor, #3, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was CCTV as well, or affidavits of staff (like Harry’s security) who overheard or witnessed the argument.
I’d like to see how the British tabloids try to spin this because THEY are the ones who have been telling to public for YEARS how William is always “incandescent with rage”. I’m already seeing multiple receipts of previous articles and books talking about wild temper and his he’s like Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. They’ve been hinting at this ALL ALONG. It’s putting that old story of how he “shoved” Diana after the Bashir interview in a new light. I’m starting to think it was more than just a shove and he probably verbally abused her too that day.
And MY GOD the amount of physical, verbal and emotional abuse Harry must have endured from Will growing up! My heart BREAKS. And it’s clear he’s still trying to process it all. It reminds me of the lyrics from Eminem about an abuser in that song “Love the Way You Lie”.
“You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe when you’re with ’em?
You meet, and neither one of you, even know what hit ’em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah, them chills, used to get ’em
Now you’re getting fucking sick of looking at ’em
You swore you’ve never hit ’em, never do nothing to hurt ’em
Now you’re in each other’s face
Spewing venom in your words when you spit ’em
You push, pull each other’s hair, scratch, claw, bit ’em
Throw ’em down, pin ’em, so lost in the moments when you’re in ’em”
Harry still hopes that William will get help and get better. But at least Harry found the strength to get away from him, create space and put firm boundaries up.
Also, know I understand why Meghan went so easy on Kate even though she was so awful to her. She knows that Kate is probably being abused too and that she was lashing out. Not that I excuse Kate’s behavior AT ALL but I’m starting to feel sorry for her. All this hell for a title, status and money. Woman, all the stolen jewelry in the world ain’t going to make things better!! And her mother Carol probably told her to suck it up and go back to him on multiple occasions.
And the Cambridge kids! If William hasn’t laid hand on them, they gave certainly witnessed his tantrums and verbal abuse towards their mother.
Harry was right to call out this generational trauma.
I have two older brothers. my family was very physically violent growing up (not my parents, my siblings, I also had an older sister who directed the dynamic and as a result of her mental illness, I think we all had a twisted idea of how much “fighting” was normal.)
So what I’m saying is my brothers fought a lot growing up, but they are grown ass adults now, in their early 40s, and I think its been decades since one laid hands on the other. Why would they? They grew up, they learned better how to deal with anger and frustration, and they have wives who would NOT tolerate it. Like I’m pretty sure my one brother’s wife would leave him immediately if he acted like this.
I said a few weeks ago that I was pretty sure Kate was being at least verbally abused and I got attacked for it because “Kate is no shrinking violet” etc. But I think its clear that there is something going on.
I did not see your comment @Becks1, but I can tell you there is always a bigger bully and I have seen the pecking order growing up in school and at work. So I agree that something is off with Kate and Will has a lot to do with it.
The myth that someone has to be weak to be abused, or that it’s okay to abuse someone who’s not a good person themselves, has got to die.
@Becks1 I agree – it’s very likely that Kate has been dealing with this for years and some of her actions could be trying to stay on his good side. Not an excuse, but perhaps some context.
Media narratives like good vs bad, everything clear cut, so it’s hard for people to discuss realities that are always much messier. Kate can be both a victim of abuse and an abuser; in fact the two often (but not always) happen together. (Think of the NXIVM cult, and how the top-tier women were abused by Keith Raniere and themselves abused women “below” them.) There’s a rigid pecking order in the BRF, and it’s clear that Kate bears the brunt of William’s rage. That doesn’t excuse her *at all* from abusing Meghan. It’s a both/and (victim and abuser) not an either/or (victim or abuser) situation.
Meghan’s comment about Kate makes more sense now and there is a photo where it looks like William is scolding kate. But unfortunately she has chosen to take it out on Meghan herself.
This reminds me of my husband and his older brother. My husband and I starting dating in high school and him and his older brother got into it a lot. His older brother was always the one who started with the physical fights though and is that “tough guy” to this day. My husband would try and physically leave the situation but his brother would legit chase him down. There was one fight that was so bad that my husband came and stayed at my house for like a week afterwards because he refused to stay at his house with his abusive brother. My parents let my high school boyfriend stay over for a week, that’s how bad it was. His parents had the “boys will be boys” mentality though and his dad is a toxic masculinity misogynist though so he didn’t even see a big deal and frankly didn’t care but his mom was really upset. They wanted him to come back and continue to be his brothers victim without any resolution though. Anyway, their whole family was toxic even though I didn’t realize back then but thankfully my husband moved out at 18 and never had another physical fight again while his brother still dreams of being a UFC fighter. It’s so crazy how different two people can be growing up in the same house.
Like I said last night and what others have said here, I can’t imagine how hard it has been for Harry to keep all of this basically secret and I’m positive there are many more similar physical fights that have happened throughout his life with W. And they wonder why he wanted out so bad! They let William bully him mentally and physically, it’s sick, really really sick.
Yes Serephina! I was always a very outspoken defender of anyone being wronged. My kids’ dad turned me into a shell of myself. It can start out so small and insidious and suddenly you are in too deep. Like a frog in a pot of boiling water. I recommend all women read Lundy’s Why Does He Do That? It changed my life and I’m finally finding myself again
I said this before as well and was told I was making excuses for her because of her treatment of Meghan. Someone can be a shit person and still be abused.
I agree with you and Emily_C completely. Strong women, imperfect women, and yes even terrible hateful women can be victims of abuse. There is no such thing as a perfect victim, and acknowledging that something is going on with Kate doesn’t excuse her own behavior in any way, it just expands our view of the whole royal dysfunction.
With this confirmation of William’s violent outbursts, I’m now wondering if the Adelaide Cottage thing isn’t so much a separation in the traditional sense but more of a “you contractually agreed to act as the consort to this rage monster so we’re going to put you and the children in separate housing for your own protection as you carry out this contract”? I mean, we know that they already lived apart as much as possible, but with Adelaide even when they are forced to be “together” they can have that bit of separation so that she and the children aren’t underfoot and subjected to his rages?
I know this is Harry’s story and isn’t about Kate right now, but I do think that a large part of it is about William, so this does feel relevant as it’s another symptom of what Harry has experienced his whole life – not only the entire mechanism of the monarchy moving to protect the heir at all costs, no matter how abhorrent his behavior, but how knowing he has that level of protection influences and enables the heir to act worse and worse, and the level of personal intimidation and cruelty he feels justified in brazenly inflicting on everyone around him, even his own brother, almost definitely his own wife.
In the past Charles has violently assaulted staff. One who was so scared he ran away and hid in a cupboard. This was published and there were no repercussions at all. It is absolutely insane and the fact that so men royal men have had/have explosive tempers is concerning. So many abusers in the BRF.
Becks1 absolutely! They people jumping on comments to day this is normal are terrifying. Anyone who things a grown man attacking his brother in anything other than self- defense or the defense of another terrifies me. And Arthistorian in no way to I doubt Charles has been violent. The guy hiding in the cubbard is eye-opening.
@Sunday I said something similar on twitter about Adelaide. It’s Kate’s separation house but for different reasons than we suspected, maybe.
@Becks – At the very least, Kate has suffered verbal abuse (so many pap photos of W yelling at her down, complete with a finger in her face), and emotional abuse (cheating is abusive when it is done as openly as W does, for starters).
Some people think that Kate’s habit of wearing spackled makeup, long skirts, and sleeves point to physical abuse. The jury is out, but someone as controlled as Kate by her mother and husband, a woman afraid to put a foot wrong, will probably not speak up. OTOH, many men think “fighting” with other men is fine, but draw the line on hitting women. There’s no way to know with the evidence we have.
I hear you Becks. I had a pathologically disinterested mother and two older brothers, the oldest of which was a bit of a sociopath. He would take on the middle brother in there- will- be- blood- knock- down -drag- outs. To this day I do not know how middle brother escaped serious injuries. I learned by the time I was three that I had to fight, I could not hope to win against him, five years older than I, but I could hurt him enought to make him think twice next time. I am an old lady now, a gentle person, who raised three sons very differently. I am occasionally shocked, in the odd strange circumstance, at how quickly the old instincts kick in.
What if…..the reason Kate has meangirled Meghan is because she knows Meghan has seen/found out about William abusing her? It is not uncommon about DV victims to hate people who know what they’re suffering…..
I know that there has been multiple stories over the years hinting at William’s explosive temper but I’m still shocked that William physically assaulted his brother in Harry’s own home!
I have had my suspicious about William being violent and I definitely think that he may be violent with his wife as well. I honestly think that if W and K are separated it is partly due to the safety of her and their children. I feel so bad for the children, watching an adult in their life losings his temper to this degree must be absolutely terrifying.
William seems unable to regulate his emotions – and he may be getting worse. Makes me wonder if there’s also a substance abuse problem.
There could be alcohol or substance abuse problems. There is also the fact that he had a traumatic brain injury as a child. He might literally be physically unable to control his emotions because of it. Who knows. 🤷🏽♀️
I have suspected an alcohol and/or substance abuse problem with William for a while now, but that’s just my own personal theory.
Bad behavior is bad behavior, thats the thing, it makes no distinctions.
My (older) sister also pushed me up against the wall, yelled me in the face, and stared me down for what seemed like forever, in our home.
Older siblings just think they’re the shizz sometimes. Being in a public family will not change much of this.
I know there’s no love for Kate on this site but I have to say I pity her. I have been in an abusive relationship and part of the dynamic is doing anything to placate your spouse. If they hate someone you MUST hate that person as well as treat them accordingly or incur the wrath of your abuser. I will admit that I was not a good person when my ex and I were together. I abandoned my friendships and did things to hurt people my ex was beefing with. I was definitely not the perfect victim and there were times where I would scream and throw things at my ex and anyone witnessing that outburst would probably say I gave as good as I got, but the truth is I lived in constant fear and the dynamic was that he was top Dog and should be obeyed. More and more I believe Kate is a victim of domestic violence. I think it is kind of gross to gossip and speculate about a topic like this, but we need to discuss and understand dv so that we can name it and out an end to it.
I think Kate is generally lazy but I also wonder if she has been told that she is absolutely under no circumstances to outshine her husband. I think she is definitely being held back in some regards by a husband that has always been #1 without having to out in any effort and expects everyone around him to take a backseat.
@Snuffles @Micmack
Other comments on articles I’ve read on Celebitchy have alluded to Kate having had a serious head injury as a child, but I don’t remember ever seeing that said about William.
William’s childhood head injury is well documented. He was hit in the head with a golf club by another child and he was hospitalized. I don’t know if there was surgery. What caused outrage in the press was that Charles didn’t cancel his diary when his young son was in the hospital overnight with a head injury. Charles went to the opera (I think) while Diana stayed with her son at the hospital.
Article about William’s head injury as a child
@cc William was hit in the head with a golf club when he was a child. The injury was severe enough that he had to undergo surgery.
@CC – William was accidently hit in the head with a golf club when a young child. Diana stayed with him at the hospital overnight while KCIII went to previously scheduled fund raising engagement at the opera.
@Snuffles in addition to the golf club injury there’s also a lifetime of polo.
That means further concussions. I’ve been riding most of my life and know of where I speak. Riding helmet technology has lagged other sports for a long time, and the culture of ” Hospital or get back on” is still very real. There’s a reason horse riders are known for poor impulse control, its called concussions and concussion syndrome from continuing to ride while concussed.
Its a reason, but not an excuse.
I would hazard a guess that Bully probably tried coke when he was younger, with various options such as his mates, Uncle Gary, cousin Lord Freddie Windsor, and his step-brother Tom Parker Bowles.
I don’t know… Bully never struck me as the druggy type. I could see him getting drunk, sure, but nothing much harder than that.
Whew, chile, you sure did have a lot to say. And I concur. William is unfit to be king. He abused everyone and leaves paths of devastation in his wake. Billy the Basher is still bashing people as a middle-aged adult. And, yeah, Kate bears the brunt of it. Well, she stalked him and refuses to leave, all for them stolen jewels and meaningless titles. It’s why she is a shell of her former self, physically and emotionally. But the abused/victim can also be the abuser/victimizer. And she is, because of her proximity to power. She benefits from the abuse and racism, like WW who vote Republican. Sorry, you get little to no sympathy from me.
Why are people proud of not having sympathy for others? It’s not a finite resource. In fact, the more you give, the more you have. I despise Kate and I also pity her immensely and hope she somehow figures out an escape.
Because I don’t care about grown-azz racists. You might. And if so, enjoy..
We went through this with Anne Heche… Feeling sympathy for a person does not excuse their behaviour or absolve them of responsibility for their actions. Many things can be true at once. People are complicated – I do feel sympathy for Kate in this respect.
I had not heard the story of William having a possible traumatic head injury as a child. That could fit with issues with mood regulation etc. including impulse control. I have a feeling Kate endures a great deal of abuse if he’s willing to do this thing to his brother.
I’m with you That’sNotOkay. I think Kate and William deserve each other. I can see her winding him up and vice versa. In that video where William was being stalked by the journalist Kate could clearly be heard in the background adding fuel to the fire. No-one can forget the daggers Kate gave Meghan at the CWS, or her trying to isolate Meghan from Harry at the beginning of the “Fab Four Walkabout.” Nah, I think she’s a mean girl who can yell, scream and fight with the best of them. I will of course apologise if I’ve got it wrong but, I’ve yet to see one friend come out tell us what a wonderful, kind loving and giving person Kate is (and Uncle Gary’s word doesn’t count).
The kids (on the other hand) are a whole different story. If they were on a council estate Child Services would have been brought in long ago. I believe both parents have serious anger issues and I do worry about what those children are seeing/hearing on a daily basis.
ThatsNotOkay: I agree 100%. She gets as much sympathy from me as Melania Trump gets. If they wanted out, if they weren’t colluding and conniving to benefit from exactly where they are and who they’re with, they know where to find us!
I’ve come to blows with my twin brother only once and we were CHILDREN. He wouldn’t dare put his hands on me now that we’re adults. There’s no excuse for that. And I find it real ironic that W assaulted H over M “rude, abrasive and difficult”
This is what happens when someone is raised thinking the sun comes out of their ass and there are no consequences to any of their behaviour.
William truly believes he is the most important, the most intelligent, the most rightful person in the room. The only one who knows best. His word, and way of seeing things, is the only truth and anyone else is either wrong or purposefully antagonising him, so he retalliates to put them in their place, below him.
His wife is an extension of him for the outer world and his lesser inside his home. I won’t even get into his children because it is heartbreaking especially since George will be raised the same way William was.
He needs therapy but he is the kind of person who will never seek it because, in his mind, there’s nothing wrong with him and everything is wrong with everyone else.
I am truly happy Harry is in a better place, both emotionally and phisically. And shame on the BRF for allowing this abuse to happen for so many years.
At least, we from now on know for a fact who is reclkess, restless, insensitive and violent enough to have belched out a fire jet of racist horrors on Archie’s potential skin color: WILLIAM it is.
They and the boys are already trying to spin this as “normal” sibling behavior. I kid you not that is what the ugly undertones of the pushback is…this is normal, siblings argue, Meghan is bad and how to you know William wasn’t right about her being rude. Yeah no, my brothers and I never injured each other as adults (or even kids after say age 5). William is an abusive monster and Harry has the receipts. Harry could have flattened him but he isn’t a monster.
Don’t worry, the SS have already pulled their “very much a receipt keeping family” notes out of their drives and started the timelines.
Harry is alleged to have said in the book that this happened in 2019 while Meghan was away. This means she was pregnant at her baby shower in NYC.
The next time Harry was seen, we have photographic evidence of him having bruises on his face, hands, and what looks to be near his neck.
In the book Harry allegedly says the altercation resulted in William attacking him unprovoked with Harry falling on his back on dog bowls.
This caused severe back issues which we can see later on in 2019 when the Sussexes were ending their SA Tour and Harry winced as he climbed a few steps to get to the raised platform. He even visibly rubbed his back and it was joked that he and Meghan were shaking them sheets hardcore.
But he was still recovering from his evil brother tossing about like a fiend.
That family is so trifling.
I first saw this story on Yahoo! last night and I would say 90% of the comments are variations on either (a) “he deserved it” or (b) “brothers fight, that’s how brothers are.” WTH???
Interestingly, only a few people were saying that Harry was lying. The vast majority accepted it was true but tried to excuse it.
@SadieMae – That’s the most telling thing about all this. No-one from KP or BP are coming out and denying anything Harry is saying. The best they can come up with are the photos of Harry in a Nazi uniform which Harry has apologised for on countless occasions. The usual “hacks” are resorting to name-calling and such like but, at the time of writing NO-ONE is calling Harry a liar! Absolutely NO-ONE.
The RR all know the truth but, for the sake of the “invisible contract” they continue to try and protect the Rage Monster AND his Stepford Wife.
Snuffles, per usual, 100%.
Also explains the flinch when Wanker was trying to touch her in one of their engagement videos. He is beating her 100%.
Oh my God. I’m speechless.
Not so the DM posters who are positively clapping William for doing what they’d all love to do, given the chance. They are the total worst. It is in truth shocking. I’d want that apology.
Oh yes those dm comments more gaslighting like harry deserved it and he is too sensitive. All the st. William spin. Gross.
Not just the Daily Fail. The ‘prestigious’ Times of London currently has more than 2,000 comments, 95% supporting William and saying how hilarious it is that William assaulted Harry. The Times of London online is by subscription and the readers are in the middle/upper income bracket, and they are not better than Fail readers, they are in fact worst, baying for Harry and Meghan’s blood all the time and supporting the despicable Clarkson. They say that the Sussexes are bringing shame on Britain when in fact they are the ones bringing shame on this country.
And I feel 100% certain it wasn’t the first time Willy assaulted Harry. First because the narrative since childhood that William is a “basher” and incandescent with rage constantly, but also from those comments by the Tindall thug about how they would all sit around talking about how much they wanted to punch Harry. What a bunch of sociopaths.
It’s not just the public randos, remember when Mike Tindall said they would sit around insulting Harry and talking about how they want to beat him?
Let’s remember most of these comments are from paid bots. In any event, the gutter tabloids are tilting at windmills. The cat is out of the bag, and more cats will come. We all pretty much predicted this, that once Harry’s book came out there would be a landslide of truly disgusting information being leaked against the BRF by the tabloid hacks. Now this puts Kate in a much different light. Yes she’s been a mean, jealous, back-stabbing, jealous beyotch to Meghan and others, but look at the pool she’s been swimming in for 20 years. Between Ma Meddlesome grooming her to land the big one from the time she was a teenager to putting up with William’s clearly narcissistic-verging-on-sociopathic behaviour, she’s learned to put up with the kind of atrocious behaviour that would send most of us here flying. She’s been swimming with sharks most of her teenage/adult life and likely sees it as normal. She has no real friends she can turn to, and I wouldn’t be the least surprised that she’s suffering from Stockholm syndrome as a coping mechanism. In that light I do feel sorry for her even though I think she’s a jealous, manipulative, cruel person in her own right. She’s let herself be molded/bullied into someone who literally doesn’t know who she is.
I am at a loss for words. It’s clear Harry isn’t going to hold back in his memoir. This is ABSOLUTELY a constitutional crisis and I’m sure not even the worst of it.
And they probably don’t talk about Kate because 1) she is irrelevant and 2) they probably fear she is also being abused and don’t want to make things worse for her.
Absolutely wild.
Kate is absolutely a target for his abuse and the children have almost certainly witnessed it. That makes me so sad. Nobody deserves that.
Someone pointed out that the incident with Louis disrespecting Kate in public was probably him mimicking what he observes at home. That broke my heart for Kate.
I have also always believed that one of the reasons Kate is so “lazy” is because she does exactly as much as her husband tells her to do. There will be no outshining “willy”. Thank God poor Harry and Mefhan got out of this shitshow!
It really does put Prince Louis’s behavior in a new light 😞
The immediate transition to victimizing Kate is so weird to me. This is like when people say “well, I’m sure they both cried!” about Kate and Meghan. No, only ONE of them did and people for some reason are inclined to give passes to Kate.
Do not forget that Mike Tindall joked about beating Harry up too. It is entirely plausible that the one who really got piled on all the time is HARRY.
Louis putting his hand over Kate’s mouth means very little to me, since he was clinging to her minutes later. And Kate has always been lazy and makes her own schedule.
She doesn’t deserve to be abused but people making passes for her in other areas because they’re sympathetic to a hypothetical situation makes no sense.
I am not “victimizing” Kate by pointing out that someone that behaves as William does is highly likely to be engaging in domestic abuse of some kind. As I pointed out upthread, I can have sympathy for her and still find her actions appalling. In no way does that give her a pass, but there isn’t a lot of space to discuss that here.
Saying someone is likely to be a bully at home because they exhibit violence to others and then immediately transitioning from that fact to, in some cases downright maudlin, comments from some people here about how “my heart breaks for her” and “I’m so sad for Kate” etc about a situation that nobody even knows is true, is so bizarre and frankly displays to me some of that “fragile white woman sympathy” card to me. This story is about HARRY being assaulted, partially because he was defending his nonwhite wife who was abused as well, and that should be the focus. And “highly likely” is not what you said. You asserted that she absolutely is abused. If she is it is unacceptable and nobody disputes that part. But the conversations turning toward “poor Kate” are weird. People are writing as if they want it to be true honestly.
I did say absolutely, and I believe that. I was also responding to a comment *about Kate* and was thinking about how Meghan referred to her as a good person. There is a lot going on between the lines, for sure. But…there is very little room to discuss Kate as a human being here. And yes, I feel sad about it from lived experience with an abusive partner.
Except this isn’t about Kate. It’s about Harry. And I wish people would stop attempting to pivot to make this about Kate or paint her as the victim of this story.
I AM discussing her as a human being. I didn’t say anywhere she absolutely can’t be a victim of abuse because I personally don’t care for her, I didn’t say anywhere that it’s COMPLETELY implausible she has a difficult marriage, and I didn’t say that if she was abused it would be acceptable because I don’t care for her.
Meghan was given enough racist death threats for the nice things she said about Kate, we can only imagine what would happen if she talked more in-depth, but it’s her preference to say what she wishes. What does her saying Kate is a good person have to do with this story about Harry being assaulted?
It’s perfectly reasonable to say you are concerned that Kate may deal with William’s violent temper at home. I also was in an abusive relationship so it’s not like I am ignorant of it. But the subsequent tears that are flowing from the assertion that she is a victim much like Harry (and some people are saying that) are projection.
Exactly, C.
I’m in the camp of Kate (likely) being a victim of abuse AND being a garbage person. I think she was a garbage person before she was a victim though. But obviously being a garbage person does not mean you deserve to be a victim and I don’t think anyone is saying that.
Becks- honestly this discussion is difficult because the Middletons are so dysfunctional and William is too, that it’s like, their whole lives are just spent in this giant abusive cycle? How do you draw a line if that’s your normal? It’s the same with the royals themselves. There has to be some kind of baseline of healthy interaction to judge abuse from in the first place and none of them even know what it is. Harry was the only one who did and it’s becoming clearer and clearer how uncomfortable that made everyone.
It’s not that I’m sad for Kate in general but the idea that her youngest child is emulating abusive behavior is a sad situation. It’s just speculation but seems likely (all the more so with this revelation today). I said at the time that it was the first time I’d ever really felt bad for her. I get the frustration of white women always getting treated like delicate creatures who get sympathy despite bad behaviors. It was a momentary reaction I had to seeing Kate in a different way. I’m not excusing or dismissing her treatment of Meghan or complicity in this cult.
@C I know what you mean. It IS a difficult discussion to have because like you said, there is no baseline of healthy interaction, within the BRF or within the Middleton family.
And I agree with your above comment, I think there’s a line somewhere between saying that Kate may be a victim and there is sympathy for that, without crying tears for her and using that to excuse her behavior towards Meghan and her part in the smear campaign against Meghan etc.
That is what I have been saying – I can feel sympathy for Kate while at the same time, not excusing her behaviour or absolving her of accountability for her actions toward H&M. All of these feelings can co-exist simultaneously as people and their circumstances are complicated.
When we switch to wondering about Kate we are erasing what Meghan has endured and what Harry has experienced. If kate wants to write a book and discuss this then we can speculate then. As it is kate is keeping quiet to preserve her proximity to power and let us not forget her intimidating behaviour toward Meghan as late as September 2022.
It doesn’t mean it would be ok for her to be abused, but for now this is not her story because she has taken steps to stay where she is at.
@Nic919: Oh, I don’t think anyone will be able to erase what Meghan and Harry have told of their lives, no matter what people on Celebitchy say. They have much bigger megaphones and they are using them. No one is going to erase them.
Turning this discussion from known abuse of Harry and Meghan to speculated abuse about Kate and making her Poor Kate? Yes, that is trying to turn the conversation, belittle what Harry and Meghan went through, and make it all about Kate.
I’m confused as to how this is a constitutional crisis. Can someone explain? I thought no personal faults mattered as a monarch.
It means William is unfit to be a king, in every possible way.
Abusers become kings…lol.
The only way William is not going to be King is if he is mentally ill and incapacitated. If he has a drug problem, they’ll ship him off to rehab and prop Charles up as long as it takes him to figure his sh** out.
But I don’t know how much the Brits want an out-and-proud asshole as their king. Charles still wants to be seen as the loving Grandpa, but William seems incapable of charisma.
It isn’t.
Unless a lot worse comes out about William, I don’t agree that it’s a constitutional crisis at all. We already know that Chuck is also violent and abusive…and he’s king. It’s widely known and reported that Chuck ripped a sink from the wall and choked a servant. And if those are reported, I’m sure there is a lot more that we haven’t heard about publicly, but is well known.
Sadly, I don’t think (again, unless there is a lot more about W) that this matters in his path to the throne.
Woah – I didn’t know that he ripped a sink from a wall and choked someone.
As someone who grew up with an abusive family (mom/dad physically, verbally, and sexual abuse), my dad and brother verbal and physical abuse with each other, and my dad verbally abusing me and having an unhealthy and toxic relationship with my mom because I saw the abuse and she had nobody else to talk to about it so she became my “friend” instead of parent… I see where Harry is coming from. You just slink into this shell of trying to protect yourself when you’re uncomfortable if shouting arises or things start getting thrown. I want to crawl in a corner and just let the moment pass by, and hope I go unnoticed.
I can’t imagine the scale of the mountain he’s had to face with his brother physically assaulting him and the toxicity of his relationship with his dad. Phew. This man deserves nothing but the love and healing his wife and children bring him. Breaking cycles is not easy or for the faint of heart.
I have to agree. This whole idea of a constitutional crisis and who’s “fit to be a king” is just an extension of how we talk about kings vs how they actually are. It seems like being an entitled abuser is a pretty normal outcome for someone whose entire life is about how he is, in fact, more important than everyone else on earth.
Agree that there is no constitutional crisis. And Chuck is compromised having received bags of cash from questionable sources and that was swept under the rug. The Tories don’t care.
It explains a lot about why Meghan doesn’t engage about Kate in spite of how awful Kate is to her. She has compassion for Kate in spite of Kate being a sociopath because Kate is probably a DV victim. Meghan is a better person than even her fans realized. I despise Kate but I hope she and her children are safe. I can’t imagine her mother convincing her to stay with this man for social status given the fact that he is actually violent. Those kids are so screwed they are surrounded by sociopaths
Ma Middleton is undoubtedly urging Kate to stay in the marriage no matter what. It’s the status of having a future QC that matters to her. She has a cold, cold heart no matter how much gooey stuff comes out about how they’re just a regular, warm loving family. It’s all an act.
It’s been years since I’ve seen it, so I could be misremembering, but in Whats Love Got to Do With It, there’s a scene where Tina gets away from Ike with the kids and goes to her mom, and her mom immediately calls Ike and he comes and gets them. I remember saying to my friend’s mom at the time – why would she do that? And Ms Sue was like, because he paid for her lifestyle, her house, everything. She was loyal to him. (again could be misremembering but thats what sticks with me.)
That’s kind of how I feel about Carole. She’s loyal to William, not to Kate, and what William can get for her, and she only gets that as long as William and Kate are married. So, that’s her priority.
Wow! And William used to be so handsome as a teen, but he is looking more and more like Andrew. Yuk!
No need to use predetermined genetics to criticize Williams. His behavior is what defines him not his looks.
Since this is a gossip site, the comment should get a pass. It’s a fact the looks are predetermined, it’s a fact he is not aging well and it’s a fact his nastiness and unhappiness are adding to how he is aging.
I think William is still, just in terms of his natural looks, a very handsome man. But he doesn’t look it, because he always looks either furious or contemptuously bored. That completely kills it (at least for me). Conversely, Harry’s always been the “homely” brother – nobody was putting posters of him on their wall in the 90s/2000s! – and I don’t think he has the same natural good looks, but his kindness shines through and that makes him look much more attractive.
So that’s why Kate spends a lot of time at Carole’s. After George was born for example. The Wales kids look frightened and unhappy too. How a mother could do that to her daughter and Grandkids is beyond me. Kate has no financial struggles like Mum had either. These patterns are so familiar to me.
This was pretty shocking to, though maybe it shouldn’t have been. Poor Harry. I’m glad he called his therapist.
I know Kate chased him to get the prize or whatever, but geez, I hope she and the kids are safe and okay. Maybe she’s quite relieved that her and the kids are living separate from this guy.
Assuming there is really a leak, I am amazed by how some people immediately brings Kate to the conversation; it was Kate and/or her mother who leaked the Meghan made her cry story BS! I couldn’t not care less about what happened to that woman! She is just as bad as W.
Hopefully people can spare us of the Kate BS
No, no she’s not “just as bad as W.” And according to Lady Keller (I think) above and a few others, victims of domestic abuse will do what they can to protect themselves from further abuse. It doesn’t excuse her or make it right, but Meghan and Harry were willing to give her a pass on that. I presume they know more about the situation than we do.
We have no idea why Harry and Meghan choose to say or not say what they do. If Kate is abused at home it is unacceptable. But yes, in her behavior towards Meghan she IS just as bad. Nobody forced her to make Meghan cry or wear white at her wedding or fan racist flames by giving her dagger eyes at the walkabout or send her uncle out to denigrate her in interviews or send her MOTHER out to denigrate Meghan too. Kate behaving badly is only a matter for discussion if we were talking about reactive abuse between her and William. But you don’t get to excuse her abuse of a whole other person outside her marriage, and a good portion of Kate’s abuse towards Meghan was racist like William’s.
VS, totally agree with you. Why are people bringing Kate into it. This is HARRY’S story of being abused not Kate’s! We don’t even know if she is a victim of dv but everyone is presumming she is.
We should be keeping the focus on Harry and all the abuse he has been through in that family. Save you presumptuous sympathy for Kate when she comes out and tells her story! Jeez!
I agree with you VS. And @C all your comments are spot on and thank you for posting them.
This is hard to read, and hard to type.
The most triggering part, to me, was ‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’
His name isn’t Harold, it’s Henry. The gaslighting, of saying not to tell Meg, and saying he didn’t attack him.
Being a survivor of abuse by my family, I recognise this. In a lot of ways, the gaslighting and the strange almost formality (Harold) and manipulation, hurt me the most.
Get some help, William.
Assault is a crime.
I’m so sorry you experienced abuse.
Calling him Harold is what struck out to me the most too. That’s not his name! Harry said he called him a name at least 3 times? in this conversation.
Thank you.
Yeah, to me, it’s a manipulation, it’s a power move (in the abuser’s mind), and it’s a way of putting you in your place, so to speak.
My mother used to do that; she’d full-name me, and say it as if it were arsenic. I hated my full and middle name until I moved 5000 miles away and the only people who said it were people who had different accents and didn’t know me when I was being abused.
I imagine will sneered at harry when he called him harold.
I wondered if ‘Harold’ was a dig; William defeated Harold in 1066. Schoolboy stuff.
@Sofacat – I doubt Baldemort remembers any history he studied during his school days.
@IForget…my mum did the same thing. She’d say “Shirley Gail….surely the Lord made a mistake when he made you”… when she was mad. I can still hear her in my head. She also said more than once she wished I’d died and my twin (stillborn) was the one who survived. The twin thing is denied by some family members, but I know what she said and did. As the youngest, my curfew was earlier than the other kids, so mother had a good 30-45 minutes to abuse me with no one else around.
@Surly Gale…..sorry that you suffered this, having a cruel mother is awful…l know.
I’m sorry for your experiences.
I agree that the “I didn’t attack you Harold” part was very hard to read. that part made me feel sick. You can just imagine how much that happened in their relationships. William does something wrong to Harry, and then just immediately pivots to “no I didnt, what are you talking about?”
“Harold”…. isn’t that the same name that Clarkson used to insult Harry in that disgusting article he wrote about Meghan? What a coincidence…..
Yes it is.
And I’d venture a guess it was no coincidence….
I picked up on that too
Yes, our suspicions are now confirmed as to from whom Clarkson got his talking points.
Whoa. Didn’t clock that but wow.
So… William more than Camilla for that one. Makes sense. Camilla’s meanness doesn’t seem like the type to expose itself like that with a public and grossly inappropriate column, that’s way more William’s style.
It also makes sense with the timing of the picture of the lunch. The lunch was on a Wednesday, Richard Eden (one of William’s go-tos) had a picture and article about it on Friday, either right before or right after the Clarkson article came out. Wonder if William was the one egging on Clarkson, and had Eden write that article to tie it to Camilla.
IDK, I don’t want to give Camilla that big a pass, but it sort of fits.
@Becks, there was also that weird ass, completely random article from the Sun that was all about how William the “GAP model” gets all of his fashion sense from Jeremy Clarkson. The Sun put out that article on Wednesday the 14th, the same day as the lunch. Clarkson’s hate article came out the following weekend.
I am hearing this ‘Harold’ thing for the first time…..l wonder if we can trace any links between Bulliam and the despicable Clarkson.
Amidst all this awful saga of decades-long horrible (physical) abuse – Billy the Basher, incandescent with rage, this calling Harry with that false name stood out.
While Harry’s given name is indeed Henry, all the big Deranger accounts have called him Harold for years.
Makes me wonder who’s behind them, financing them, egging them on.
Or should I say – no longer?
Wouldn’t be KP now. surely?
Never ever!
@Iforget, I am so sorry for your experience and what you went through. I once saw a woman attacked in a parking lot as a young adult and it was the most jarring thing I have ever seen.
The Harold comment was interesting and I hope there are commenters who can shed some light on it. I think it’s a psychological pick at him but not sure I understand how or why.
Thank you for your comment, and everyone. It’s heartening to read these and be believed and listened-to. It means more than you know.
@Emily_C I’m so sorry that’s been your experience too. I preferred the physical abuse over the emotional, because I could compartmentalise a lot easier, and could more readily recognise that it was wrong.
Seraphina, to try to answer your question, I’m just a lay person but someone who went through many types of abuse over decades. As for why it’s so jarring and pointed, I typed a bit above:
Yeah, to me, it’s a manipulation, it’s a power move (in the abuser’s mind), and it’s a way of putting you in your place, so to speak.
My mother used to do that; she’d full-name me, and say it as if it were arsenic. I hated my full and middle name until I moved 5000 miles away and the only people who said it were people who had different accents and didn’t know me when I was being abused.
As well, I think it’s a way to dehumanise the victim, and erase their sense of self. The stronger sense of self you have, the harder it is to be abused (generally, and again why I think William did not like Meghan and pegged her as someone he couldn’t control in the same way). I think, one of the ways to manipulate someone into being abused, you need to make them feel that they are not individual, they are not special, they are not human, they are imagining things, they are not a reliable narrator in their own life, and that they are too weak to see the truth. One of my biggest fears is losing my sense of reality, because I was gaslit for two decades. Being assertive and taking ownership of my life, finding light, and reinforcing the things I like about myself, all contributed to helping me lift out of my situation.
I hope that helps? I could speak for hours about this. Thank you for asking the question, it helps me reconcile what’s happened.
I think it’s just another form of bullying. He’s subtly communicating to Harry that William decides what Harry is called.
I feel sympathy for Kate because nobody deserves to be abused. But I also feel revulsion because she dragged three children into this mess and seems to be participating in the abuse. Kids can’t protect themselves and I frankly feel a lot of contempt for any adult who sacrifices a kid’s mental health on the altar of abuse.
Every time I see this family behave this way, all I can think of is Michael Hobbes comparing the royal family to pandas at the zoo. That is exactly what it’s like. In the same way that zoo animals are frequently incompetent at skills needed to survive in the wild, it seems like this crew are incompetent at behaving like functional adults. I’m even happier than ever for Harry because he got away from these people and he’s out here thriving.
I feel so bad for those children. And what happens when they grow into teenagers and begin to define their own identities? My mother’s emotional abuse of me only began when I turned teenager and it amped up when I became an adult and she couldn’t control my decisions.
Yep, it was all very familiar to me too. I was “only” physically assaulted a couple times, but the rest of it was weekly.
The retelling of this story reveals so many things about William’s true nature and character. The walk to Harry’s cottage should have given him time to reflect on his approach, but instead he was already really angry by the time he arrived. He gets angrier as the argument goes on, then assaults Harry in his own home, after drinking water offered to him, despite having an opportunity to cool down and reassess the situation. He then proceeds to gaslight him into believing that he wasn’t attacked and calls him another name. That is the character of a violent and abusive man, with rage and control issues, and clearly not the characteristic of a true leader.
Myra – I’d also add that William tried to get Harry to fight back. I have no doubt that William’s security was probably within shouting distance and what would have happened if they ran in right as Harry was fighting back or defending himself physically? How might this story have been spun by William? It’s frightening to think about. Especially after all of those stories leaked/planted by the palace of Harry’s “fragile” mental state. Would they have had him put in a psychiatric ward, “for his own good?” Or worse?
The line about William wanting Harry to fight back really stands out to me because it feels like a set up. I’m so sorry Harry experienced that (probably throughout his entire life from those who are supposed to love and protect him) but so glad he acted like the sane adult he is and just got away from his brother.
That’s another part that kind of chilled me. Harry walks away, gives him a glass of water, is trying to defuse the situation, and William STILL assaults him. Harry knew what was coming and was trying to stop it and William still followed him, mocked him, assaulted him, and then told him not to tell his wife. Like it wasn’t a full heat of the moment thing. William had a space of a few minutes to calm down and instead he ramped up.
Because William went over there to fight. The conversation was a pretext. William doesn’t have healthy ways of addressing his anger or intense emotions so he expresses against the people who are in the gilded cage with him and have to keep silent as part of the royalty contract (and also part of the abuse contract).
That’s right, he asked Harry not to tell Meghan, yet moments earlier he was inviting him to fight. It’s clear he had some form of influence over Harry before and seems to blame Meghan for losing that. Or maybe he simply wants to isolate Harry from support. Whether or not his assault was premeditated, his character is very troubling. He would really benefit from therapy and anger management. It might not turn him into a leader, but surely it could help control that rage inside.
Right, he had SO much time to regulate his emotions and de-escalate. He CHOSE to escalate the situation to the point of violence.
Yes @Myra – all of this! Harry clearly had an expectation of how William would behave and went through several stages of trying to diffuse and deescalate. There is a zero percent chance that this was a one-time isolated incident or that it happened with just Harry. SO MANY people within the inner sanctum are covering for William for one thing or another. The institution is rotten to the core.
Through their investigating Sussex Squad members are showing the attacked probably happened when Duchess Meghan was in NYC for Archie’s baby shower.
Same! Reading that line left me cold! Very indicative of an abusers mannerism where they switch codes by being formal and questioning you.
Will continue saying this, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind William was the one that questioned the baby’s skin colour.
it’s not being “formal” or even pretending to be formal. it’s purposeful misnaming and disrespect. Harry’s formal name is Henry. William was doing the most to push Harry’s buttons and get him to fight back. it’s a very common bullying/abuse tactic. schoolyard bullies talk like that, mocking names and saying them wrong. it’s a power play and also incredibly juvenile.
and now it really points up where Clarkson got his talking points. the whole rotten family probably call him that when they are sitting around complaining that he is making them look bad.
literally everything they accuse Meghan of is actually true of them. it’s called DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim/Offender. my own abusive ex used it on the daily.
It wasn’t being formal though. Harry’s name isn’t Harold. It’s HENRY. He was purposely misnaming him. And using a derogatory nickname that the British press used for him.
This gives me dangerous sociopath vibes on the part of William. Very scary.
Right?!? Wasn’t Jack The Ripper protected because he was an aristocrat? This is them being mad that Harry is spilling the abusive family secrets.
FYI the reference to ‘Harold’ is a nickname meant to emasculate Harry after the attack. Harry’s birth name is actually Henry but Diana changed it as she didn’t want him to become a ‘Hooray Henry’.
I suspect the reference to the name Harold is a reference to the character in Neighbours (Australian soap) who was first introduced as a soft lovable but blubbering character.
So the name was about mocking and humiliating Harry.
The name also later shows up on social media and particularly twitter around that time amongst the Megxit accounts – so possibly some coordination there ?
@Flower The use of the name ‘Harold’ amongst the British upper class and aristos is a longstanding joke. It’s not about emasculation – it’s very much about class.
It’s a name that aristos use to take the piss when joking about the working classes. The name Harold is referenced in the infamous ‘Sloan Ranger Handbook’ (which should really be canon for the CB community re: understanding British society), where it’s the adopted, ‘funny’ nickname of the stereotypical upper middle class, Eton attending tween. For extra hilarity, it would be pronounced with a dropped ‘h’ – i. e. ‘Arold.
It is being used to mock Harry and put him in his ‘place’. It predates the Australian soap Neighbours.
@JaneBee….thanks for bringing that up, many have forgotten about that book, which will be new to younger people.
IForget I’m so so sorry you experienced this.
Yes, that triggered me too. I remember just standing there with my mouth agape….speechless. Completely numb. How does one so flippantly erase another? I’d almost rather receive a slap in the face over being told everything I see, hear, feel, experience and taste is a fucking lie.
So because Will thought that Meghan was difficult, rude and abrasive he went and attacked Harry? But Meghan is the problem. Here’s the thing. When a person is so angry they attack someone because they’re not getting the reaction or assurances they want it is not the other person, it’s the attacker.
And for him to tell Harry he doesn’t need to tell Meghan means that Meghan called him on his bullshit and Will did not like it. I can only imagine the other people Will has attacked. This is sickening.
Will also said not to tell Meghan because he wanted Harry to be isolated.
@ girl_ninja
That is such a good spot.
But here’s the thing – if you truly believe someone is rude, abrasive etc then why attack someone and then tell them not to tell their wife.
This was not about communicating, it was about William seeking to extend the phycological abuse William had over Harry to Meghan by getting Harry to act as his flying monkey.
This is a typical Narc move – I will make your life miserable until you contain your annoying wife the way I contain mine.
Then on the other side William is heavily briefing against them and the Rota reading between the lines are lapping it up and stirring the pot for maximum effect.
The BRF and Rota are looking like collective sh!t c*nts right now.
He should be arrested. That’s assault. Might even be a felony. We’ve heard in so many ways that William is unfit to be king because of his legendary temper. Ok, Rota, let’s see you cover for that now. Bet you’ll say Harry has no “proof.” Well, I’ll bet Meg took photos. And if Harry spoke to his therapist shortly after, well, that’s all anyone needs to convict. Put William in the Tower of London.
I don’t believe Harry would accuse his brother. He is too noble.
Who’s going to arrest the future king for assault?
No one. I’m not saying it will happen, I’m saying it should. I’m sure the Met Police would state they are opening an investigation, and then they’d close it within the hour.
Oh I see what you’re saying. Yes I agree with you there. It “should” happen, it won’t. These people are above the law and they know it.
Don’t forget Meghan’s mom is a social worker.
There is a photograph of him a few days later when he and Meghan were in Morocco I think. He’s got terrible bruises on his hand and wrist.
Where can you see this photo?
@Feeshalori — go to @bookedbusy on Twitter, the bruises are very evident.
Argh, I’m not on Twitter but maybe I can try to access elsewhere.
This book is going to be fire! I’m taking the day off work when my copy arrives.
Bookie – I wish it had been released over the holidays when I/more of us were on vacation. I had this conversation with myself this morning:
Me: I’ll just stay up and start reading at midnight when it’s released to my kindle.
Also me: NO, do not do that, you have 5 meetings on the 10th, you’ll regret it!
I was saying that to someone. Should I stay up until midnight? no no, that’s a bad idea. I am taking the 10th off though. But its not like I’d go to bed at midnight. I’d go to bed at 3 am and be miserable the next day.
I cannot wait for this book!!! All these leaked excerpts are driving me crazy bc I want to read it right now. It’s especially gonna be interesting to see what is actually written v how it’s presented in the papers. The guardian seems to have presented it pretty strait forward but the other papers are really editorializing.
Do we know when the audio version will be released on Audible? I think I saw specific times for the Kindle, but no idea about the audiobook. Midnight EST, or PST?
I cannot wait to have Harry read all of this to me 🥰
Wow, this is WTF and not quite was I was expecting from the book. But also not surprising at all. Is this really from his book??? The tone is not what I thought it would be. It’s a lot more raw!
He is going scorched earth, without a doubt. How horrific for Harry. It is scary to think William is heir to the throne.
I’m so glad Harry and Meghan got out of there.
It’s only scorched earth for those invested in maintaining the lie. This kind of raw truth telling is standard to the healing process (especially where secrecy is such a significant part of the abuse).
It’s like Harry went on an episode of Iyanla’s Fix My Life – she’s constantly telling people that they have to tell the truth. Once you start telling the truth, you lance the boil and let the puss out and then the wound can heal. Until then, it’s festering and it seeps. That’s what all those leaks and references to William’s rage have been. Seepage.
This. I think that writing his memoir is a big part of his healing process.
He has been abused for YEARS! Parental neglect is a form of abuse, he’s been abused by the press and now we see that he has been abused physically and probably also emotionally by his brother. And I bet that this was not an isolated incident. Throughout the years I have noticed that William always let some disparaging remarks about his brother in various interviews. And now I wonder how bad he was behind closed doors. I also wonder whether he assaulted Harry when they were younger and it was framed as fights (especially is Harry retaliated).
I’m so glad H&M and their kids got out too!
I keep going back to Meghan’s comment in the Oprah interview how nothing on the inside is like it seems on the outside. Like, I knew W was a bully and had anger issues but reading about this specific incident was truly shocking to me. And I know Harry is telling a lot in the book but I also wonder how many things he’s left out (as it was written before TQ died…I think he’s tossing truths but held back on a few things). I wonder how much worse it was for them.
Why was the night nurse fired? What really happened to Guy’s legs? What exactly did W say about Archie’s skin color when Meghan was pregnant (because we all know who said it)?
What a deplorable, small, and pathetic man William is. It makes me respect Meghan and Harry even more knowing the extent of what they suffered for so long – not only psychological assaults but evidently physical ones too. Now we know why Kate is a complete shell of a woman, who knows what she has to deal with behind doors.
Could this explain work shy Kate? Could she be scared of overshadowing her husband and what that would bring? Or am I overthinking this?
What an awful story and experience for Harry. Meghan literally saved him from that family.
Kate was always work shy. She did not even work to support herself.
For that aspect, you’re overthinking it. Remember Kate has always been lazy.
In that particular aspect, yeah, overthinking. Will ended up with her because she was so lazy she’d never overshadow him.
Many royal rota observers have noted that Kate seems more at ease when she is doing solo engagements without Bulliam.
I think Kate started out as an opportunistic victim, doing anything for the ring victim but slowly over a decade morphed into a co-abuser and co Narc.
People respond differently to abuse. People like Kate will place self preservation and the status quo over values bc they don’t have a fixed set of values or the ones they have are defective.
Then you have people like Harry, Meghan and Eugenie who despite having a sh!t parent/s choose to fight for who they are and want to be above all else.
I do not agree with the people who see Kate as a victim, she crossed that threshold when she threw her newly married pregnant sister-in-law to the Wolves of the British Establishment. Kate is like the WW who would casually lament to her husband that a black man looked at or whistled at her knowing full well he could be lynched.
Kate has shown us time and time again in public that she HATES Meghan so much so she can’t contain her hatred.
Kate is to all intents and purposes firmly in the territory of co-abuser. She does not get a pass.
“Kate is like the WW who would casually lament to her husband that a black man looked at or whistled at her knowing full well he could be lynched.”
WHEEEW…..this analysis of Kate honestly never occurred to me before now, but you are 100% correct in this assessment.
+1. She has always encouraged him honestly, even long before marriage.
Flower, ITA. I was going to comment, but you said this so clearly that I don’t need to try to explain. I keep wondering why everyone is so sure that Fails has been physically abused by Wails? I have no doubt that there is emotional and psychological abuse from him to her, but I’m not convinced that there is non from her to him. She has a lot she could spill and that does give her some power. I agree that she is a co-abuser. We’ve all seen it, and it seems there have been stories of how she (and Ma Mids) treat people lower in the pecking order like servants (I dislike that word) and shopkeepers, etc.
I have no doubt that the children have seen this and they’re going to have to deal with the trauma. Or they won’t, and the cycle just continues on. I still think that AC is a separation house. I get vibes of actual dislike between the two of them. With separate residences, the children are more protected because I believe they spend more time with the nanny than they do with either parent. That’s a good thing.
@Saucy&Sassy – they are TOTALLY separated and now I believe the cottage may be for William so that he can see the kids and continue to control Kate.
I also firmly believe that Chuckles and the Courtiers have said a firm NO to a divorce especially at this time when the Queen has just died and Chuck’s popularity is toilet water, Andrew n*ncing away, and Harry burning it all down. Like I said a few months ago, I believe that was one of the reasons for bestowing the PPoW titles after the Queens death.
Also unlike others here I do believe that this has the makings of a constitutional crisis hence why the usual right wing sh!t c*nts want Harry to stop talking.
If the book is as bad as these excerpts then that indicates that the UK has two VERY compromised heirs. Like someone said above Willy being a cheater would flay under the radar if Kate shuts up, but if evidence ever surfaces that he has been physically abusive to anyone else (especially Kate) then that impacts the image and stability of the UK, especially at a time when we’re literally circling the drain with this Tory govt and Brexit.
@Flower your entire post is amazing. Thank you.
I know tearing up at this some may see it as an OTT reaction but this is beyond awful.
What is wrong with William???
And to not make it right???
My heart breaks for Harry & Meg.
Has anyone seen this.
So sweet. I’m probably late to the party with it. Usually am. And my links never work!
I’ve never seen that. Adorable. And sad because Meghan had no idea what hell was going to be unleashed on her.
@Sparrow, that is SO CUTE! Thank you for sharing.
Glad you both liked it. I’m no “body language expert” but Harry looks so resigned to having to do this interview and like he is being funny to make the situation less arduous for Meghan. She looks apprehensive. So much for people who say she’s an actress who loves the camera. It’s like he already knows, and loathes, the press intrusion game and is concerned for her. The main thing is how ‘together’ and lovely they are. I can’t imagine K&W being this together, ever.
I think I’m more shocked that Harry is going there than by this incident actually happening. There’s a line in the Guardian article about just how much Harry reveals in Spare. I think after Oprah, TMYCS and the docuseries, I’ve been so used to the Sussexes revealing a lot but still not burning it down. It seems Harry has been waiting for this moment.
Someone on twitter put it together that this must have been february 2019, because that’s when Harry was photographed without his necklace. If that was Meghan’s baby shower, it also makes sense why Harry did not tell her right away. And if Meghan was already feeling suicidal, why would Harry want to add to that by being like, “oh by the way my brother is an abusive POS, even more than we already knew.”
Yes! I really didn’t think it would tell much more than what’s already out there. This really is more than I expected.
That makes it even more sad to me, that Harry carried it alone for a time to not hurt Meghan.
One of the most disgusting elements of this story: The Fail had a story about how the necklace in question was from an ex girlfriend. Combining that with an article essentially crowing that Harry told his therapist first, and it’s abhorrent that the press is trying to use this story to imply marital issues.
I am amazed at Harry’s presence of mind to call his therapist. 2019 was a fragile time, and the fact that Harry chose to process and not immediately put stress on Meghan is just so touching.
All the time they said s*** about Meghan and it was Harry they had to be worried about instead.
Harry was always going to be the one to tell everything. I’m shocked but actually not at all surprised.
He has waited his whole life to have a voice. He was always the one to be afraid of, they hate Meghan because she helped Harry find his voice and stop being their victim. No wonder he preferred war zones to his family.
Yes, that was my reaction, too. Holy Moley, he actually went there. And still, he offered the half-in/half-out solution.
It actually explains the half-in/half-out a little more to me. We’ve speculated on here that Harry’s plan was to be financially independent from the sovereign grant before William became king, so he was never dependent on William. This puts that into a slightly different light IMO. He really did not want William having any control over him in any way. He still respected the monarchy and his grandmother and apparently even his father, but he wanted to be completely financially free before William came to the throne.
And why they needed to get out of KP, if Bulliam was in the habit of popping over to physically assault Harry.
@PrincessK yes. Someone mentioned that somewhere else and I’m all over the place here, so this may have been said elsewhere but, this puts Frogmore Cottage into a whole new light. When was FC announced over KP? Wonder if that was tied into this incident, where Harry thought “I have to get the eff out of here.”
I am amazed that no one has tied this to the bubbling up of Williams affair with Rose. That also happened in the same timeframe, if I’m not mistaken. It seems that William may have had a lot more to rage about then his sister in law.
I imagine Harry was very disappointed when he found out and voiced his disgust at William’s *alleged* affair. That certainly must have added to the increasing animosity between them.
I’m sure Harry wasn’t surprised or upset at all by what was simply the latest affair. William has always cheated, Harry knows that, and wouldn’t feel sympathy for Kate after she stalked this life for a decade. What Harry would have been? Furious that his wife was abused 1000X harder from all sides after that to cover up William latest affair.
Again, Harry and Kate have never been close. The Midds were known for leaking secrets about Harry and his location to the tabloids for years, the Pip set-up sh!t, all of it. He’s no fan of Kate or her family, that’s all fan fiction.
Yet Charles and the queen should have told will to back off. They just allowed William to do this when Harry’s marriage to Meghan is none of his business. Will was trying to come between a husband and wife. Will was protected for years and these rages were going on for many years.
Hiding the horrific behavior of an heir is par for the course in that family. I’m sure they’ve ignored/covered up far worse.
Literally. Andrew…. Uncle Dickie…
Because William did not approve of Meghan William attacked Harry. So now William is being exposed as being an intolerant racist butthole. Now more than ever I approved of Harry leaving England and his royal family.
The fact that The Queen and Charles didn’t try to reign him in, tells me they either supported and condoned his behaviour because, maybe just maybe, they didn’t like Harry’s choice of bride (BRF not exactly renowned for its good race relations),
; or had their heads in the sand, as per past nunerous situations, taking the approach of ‘least said, soon mended;’ or the idea or the divine right to rule, i.e. the direct heir is beyond reproach, and should be treated and worshipped like deity, all bad behaviours overlooked. This we have seen with the King and his treatment of Diana, and manoeuvring his side piece into the firm asap. Also the narcisitic and racist Queen Mother indulging the then heir and hair’s heir, whilst ignoring the spares. Some horrible learnt behaviours have gone in in the house of Windsor, during the Queen Mother’s time.
If Harry decided to not show restraint and mollywhopped William then it would have been another story. Cause trust Harry could kick his assistant into a state.
That’s the thing though, I think William was looking for Harry to hit him back so he could turn the situation on Harry and say HE was attacked first. William is a wimp. Harry is a former solider who works out; he’d do damage if he hit back. Thankfully Harry has a cool head on him and could see 10 steps ahead.
Good thing the Sussex children are far away from that abuser. I’ve no doubt he would put his hands on them and H may really lose his cool. Then he would place the blame on H. Psychopath! This is why we have the narrative that he needs H around right? This is why Diana said Harry would be better as King.
Somebody check on the dead body found near KP. Is this what the press has been hiding.
Harry’ had army training and therapy at his back, he knew not to take William’s bait. He knew not to fight back at William. Can you imagine the way KP would have spun any visible injuries on William in the press?
Also “Harold”???!!!
That was a weird dodge in the Clarkson screed too, calling Harry Harold rather than Henry…
Tyler Perry said point blank H&M were abused by the BRF but this is beyond anything I thought was going on. Good on Harry for telling his story and making a better life for himself and his family.
LOVE how Willy gaslights him. “I didn’t attack you, Harold”.
Probably used to setting the narrative as the heir. Please please please let the monarchy be abolished before willy gets to be king. Pleaaaaaase.
What’s up with the Harold name, even Jeremy Clarkson used it in his gross article.
Yeah tbh “Harold” made my jaw drop more than anything, it’s a direct line from the family to Clarkson’s vitriol.
It reminds me of Mary Trump talking about how her uncle used to publicly tell lies about her because he enjoyed watching her not be able to call him out on it. He didn’t just gaslight for necessity, he did it for fun. I think William has the same cruel streak. He probably derives some level of pleasure from intentionally misnaming Harry. It’s the same kind of power play, I think.
And it could be coincidental that Clarkson misnamed Harry, but if Clarkson is as big a royalist as he seems, I doubt he doesn’t know Harry’s full first name.
I think I saw that Princess Di called him that when he was being cheeky as a kid. Which makes it more twisted, because it’s using an affectionate phrase from their dead mother to abuse him.
Harold is the cliché humorous, taunting and condescending name the self-proclaimed superior race / English establishment give the help or footman they deem to be inferior in ranking and humanity.
If he didn’t attack Harry, then why did he come back to apologize?
I never expected this type of revelation. So far, it looked like Harry and Meghan were holding back a lot about their time in the institution.
I also keep thinking of Los Padres polo pictures last year where Harry has his shirt up with someone applying something to his back and he looked to be in an immense amount of pain. Is William’s attack the cause of Harry’s back pain?
A) I’m highly suspicious of this leak. I’m wondering if the true text is way worse, or if it was a set up for Harry to hit him. Seems something was afoot.
B) I’m not surprised at the violence. I remember Tindall claimed he punched H. Leads me to believe he hasn’t been protected since his mom died, neither by Lizzie nor by Chuck
C) But I believe he could fight back but doesn’t choose violence, for many reasons.
D) I’m so glad they left. So glad. Imagine Archie’s future had they stayed. The fact that they even offered half in is a credit to his dedication and their hope and trust..
This whole narrative about the RF losing an asset needs to go by the wayside. H should have left YEARS ago
The leak is true. I won’t go into detail but a friend got to read the first couple of chapters and summarized them for me. This is all in there.
I’m not surprised it leaked. At this stage, physical copies have been shipped to retailers. I’m sure someone or multiple someone’s sold copies to the press for a pretty penny.
Michael Strahan has also interviewed Harry and this morning he showed a clip where this is discussed.
Tindall is a thug – always has been.
Poor Harry -he has been physically and emotionally abused by his own family, he has every right to shine a light on it.
It explains a lot about why he came to keep his distance from the Keens even before he met Meghan.
Harry’s actual name is Henry. Yet, William called him “Harold”…and so did Jeremy Clarkson. I’m beginning to wonder if William fed talking points for that article as well.
It’s clear that William is a prolific abuser -physically, mentally, emotionally, and constantly using the press. The idea of him becoming king someday is disgusting.
And it’s not only Bully that called (calls?) Harry Harold. If you take a look at all these Twitter trolls & KP bots, they all call him Harold (along with other names I don’t want to mention). I’m starting to think this JC article & the bots are all coordinated by Bully! Or at least that S*n article was written with his input.
In an interesting historical coincidence of names, WILLIAM the Conqueror defeated and killed King HAROLD in the Battle of Hastings in 1066. I do hope nobody who called Harry ‘Harold’ is taunting him with that reference.
It’s definitely a psychopathic taunt. And a way to strip off Harry’s identity by not using his real name. Classic technique. Abuser already shows lack of awareness by pretending to support mental health and anti-racism. He really is abusive and cruel.
Reading the comments (and as a Brit) this is the one that seems likely to me, something that half jokingly William has used over the years and with his close relationships with the press/hate accounts it’s taken on a life of its own. The battle of Hastings/1066 is one of the historical events that a lot of Brits grow up knowing about (that was one in the eye for King Harold, etc.).
William the Bastard, as he was known until Hastings.
William is all the things you said, but I don’t think this necessarily points to William directly having briefed Clarkson. It’s moreso that ‘Harold’ is used in a demeaning, derogatory way by the royals (including Camilla) and their inner circle to disparage Harry. Using that name shows Clarkson may have heard it from Camilla, or William, or anyone else in the inner circle. It’s gross, but not a straight line to Will IMO.
@Sophie, it’s SO telling that the bots and trolls use the name Harold. IMO, that is proof positive that the royal inner circle (whether KP directly or rota members hiding behind anonymous profiles i.e. I think it was Richard Eden as Maureen, or all of the above) are the ones behind the online hate campaign.
While this is utterly shocking to read, i doubt it comes a surprise to those of us here and sadly i dont think anything will change, maybe if Harry presses charges? But look at what happened to Andrew , they rallied around him and he was barely important to anyone but the Queen, William as the Heir and father to the future Heir will definitely be protected.
If anything i wish that Harry had mentioned the treatment that Andrew got vs him, the fact that security is paid out of charles’ pocket , but i can understand that since he’s close to Eugenie and Andrew is his godfather he probably never will, but the William story will unfortunately blow over.
This is not specific to William – but when I hear of a man using violence – i wonder- maybe I assume – he doesn’t magically become a better person at home with his wife and children.
Has he shoved, grabbed, threatened his wife. Has he struck her. Are their children witnesses to rage and violence- is that the behavior being modeled for them?
Will Charlotte seek out a man one day who treats her the way her dad treats the people in his family?
That was my thought, too. Not just abusing his family members, but denying he’s done so. That does not sound good for those kids. I’m no fan of Kate’s but no one deserves that kind of abuse.
A grown man who would violently assault his brother like this? I would bet a LOT of money that he has physically abused his wife as well. A LOT of money. And what about their children? He might not be doing it while they’re young and cute, but what happens when they’re teenagers and they’re defying him and acting out (which you know at least one of them will, growing up in that pressure cooker)? I raised a difficult teenager and I was occasionally tempted to belt him one even though I’ve never hit anybody in my life! (I did not give in to the temptation.)
And you know that if he is abusing Kate and/or the kids, the RF will cover it up. And it would be understandable if Kate is so frightened of him (and of the media firestorm it would ignite if she accused him publicly, especially since a lot of that firestorm would turn on HER, judging from the vast majority of the comments on other sites where people are saying Harry deserved it) that she would be afraid to come forward.
This is just really scary on a number of levels. William is a *big* dude. It would be so easy for him to seriously hurt someone even if he didn’t mean to hurt them that badly. Imagine an incandescent 6’4″ guy coming at you when you know he has a history of violence. Terrifying.
Oh my Lord! What a royal scandal. What is William going to do when the world reads Spare? William must be squirming already.
When is William’s next public engagement?
Imagine if his next engagement is for a charity that shelters abused women. He is sick.
@PrincessK, I’ve been wondering the exact same thing. Should be…interesting.
Maybe he’ll go into hiding for a while until he thinks things have “blown over?”
I really didn’t that Harry would reveal much in his book but I’m glad he did. It’s clear the problem William had with Meghan was that she didn’t show him deference. She treated him like an equal and wasn’t afraid to challenge him. I think Kate also had this problem with Meghan too. It seems this incident happened when Meghan was in NY. I think KP leaked her whereabouts to the press to cover up this fight.
I hope they’re never in the same room again. The fact that she gets him so angry, to the point of violence, is terrifying.
Cue the toxic comments about how “brothers fight, nothing to see here.” Bulliam was a 38 year old adult ASSAULTING his fully adult brother. Thank GOD Harry was self-possessed in the circumstances to not retaliate. Willy asking him to strike back is either deliberately baiting Harry or evidence of serious mental illness, quite possibly both. The leak to the 🐀🐀🐀 if Harry had hit back would have put the “Meghan Made KKKHate Cry” bullshit to shame.
Twitter sleuths have placed the timing of this during the time Meghan was in NY for her shower because of a pic of Harry without his necklace at a solo event during her absence. So this was happening when Meghan was so suicidal her friends were intervening to rescue her, all because the Lamebridge’s and RR were hounding her/them incessantly. Bulliam is vile to complain to Harry about how his heavily pregnant, suicidal wife was “difficult, rude, abrasive.”
The receipts are all coming out and I hope Willy gets hammered.
Well at least this also confirms the tabloid talking points – as in, now we know 100% who was leaking the stuff about Meghan being difficult, rude, abrasive to the tabloids. Was William parroting tabloid talking points, or were the tabloids parroting William’s feelings?
“ Was William parroting tabloid talking points, or were the tabloids parroting William’s feelings?”
@Becks, I see that I was posting much of the same content you did above. My heart breaks for Harry that he was so used to Willy’s abuse, and no doubt had been told all his life not to fight back because FFFK, that he was conditioned to mollify the rage monster. The PoW is a big problem for the monarchy.
Was William spoon fed the rude, difficult and abrasive story by Kate?? Who fed it to the tabloids? Kate?
Yep they are already implying that Harry is soft and going to therapy is so “American” of him. If going to therapy is American then good for us one less thing to be embarrassed about here where we. Any run a government. Maddening. The media, family and culture are wanting to help William bully him.
@C-Shell this is reminding me that KP gave one of those Rota reporters (I think Emily Andrews) the wrong date for Meghan’s bridal shower and she published a whole article that was flat out wrong–the bridal shower was the following day. We always suspected that H&M purposely gave misleading info to the KP comms office to see if they would leak it. Could it be that William was angry over the deception, as it made KP look bad, and he wrapped it all up into Meghan’s supposed rudeness?
If the attack happened when Meghan was gone, then what was the urgency to talk to Harry? But if Burger King finds out that Meghan deceived the KP comms team, he could have blown up over that. Something had to make Burger King explosive that day, and being outsmarted would fit the bill.
Harry is burning it down. More than I thought he would.
Can’t say am surprised at this. Makes u wonder what the Mids have on him now. If he can get physical with a sibling …..
The Keens are done. They will NEED recover from this. Cue a divorce and feeding kHate and her family to the wolves.
Now that Harry has opened the door will the international press do the rest? The UK press won’t.
I wonder if this gives Kate more leverage though. If Kate also publicly details physical abuse, what would the royalists say then? It’s better for W for her to stay silent, so she could use that to negotiate a better deal for herself.
This is all so disgusting. This family is disgusting. Imagine all we don’t know. W should be in jail next to Andrew.
@StartupSpouse, agreed, I think this gives a tiny bit of leverage to Kate. Now there are credible accounts of Will’s violence, Middletons could brief on this and it would be seen as plausible.
William is lucky to have a good brother like Harry,, because I would’ve beat his ass! Security would’ve had to pull me off of him!
Yes William is lucky to have a kind-hearted brother like Harry.
Right, his jaw would’ve been laying next to him if it were me, but I get why he didn’t. They were leaking like crazy at that point.
Hard for me to process this assault. I had 3 brothers growing up and as young adults they never fought. Argued, yes. Assaulting each other no. Many will wonder why Harry did not assault William back, we all know why, any physical signs of Harry assaulting William would be translated as Harry being the aggressor. Happy the Sussexes are gone. Wow.
When it was covered on the BBC this morning the talking head noted that they found it odd the Guardian, a paper not known for its royal coverage, was the one reporting it. My first thought was that Harry chose them for that reason to receive an advanced copy.
Would someone mind giving a small primer on why this would be a constitutional crisis in the UK? I live here now but not in England so as an American I am having a tough time parsing the connection to government and the implications. The monarchy confuses me.
As a Brit, I can honestly say that there will be no constitutional crisis unless there is a revolution. No matter how many bad stories come out about the windsors, we will be stuck with them.
As a Brit, I agree. As a republican, I cry into my coffee! Root and branch reform won’t happen. They’ll scale back, which Kate will love. All those dresses and not much work to so. Simply being able to call herself a princess then queen will delight her.
Yes and yes to both of you Cerys and Sparrow. Sadly they are not going anywhere. I’m holding on to the fact that the veil is being lifted and more and more people are learning quite how awful they are.
Yes, it was deliberate from the Sussexes to give the Guardian the first advance copy as they are a left wing sensible, well written broadsheet paper with integrity. Not perfect, sure, they have a few not so great writers but pretty good. And they have been broadly supportive of H&M.
The BBC is being either stupid or disingenuous because every single other paper has been vile so there’s really only one obvious choice!
Sorry, not sure about your constitutional crisis question, maybe just that the revelations could trigger a wider debate about WTF is the point of the monarchy?! I would like to think so!
I highly doubt the Susexes would deliberately leak the book when the publisher would have had the PR campaign laid out to the second.
Laineys first article today is about the reporter who broke the leak. Apparently he specializes in getting ahold of books before release and leaking the juicy bits. It’s an interesting idea of a specialty.
No way Sussexes leaked it. This would go against their entire approach to this book. A waste of their efforts to manage things.
I understand that the journo who authored the article is well known for getting advance scoops on many politically sensitive books.
That makes it clear they have a source, or friend, in the book publishing or distribution industry. This is the point where physical copies of the book are being sent to bookstores.
@Concern Fae – no, it proves that its a highly anticipated book that a specific reporter who has a well documented history of gaining access to other highly anticipated books got a hold of. Stop with the Sussex conspiracy theories.
Strictly speaking, in a constitutional monarchy a constitutional crisis is when the monarch exceeds his/her role. The best example is when King Christian X of Denmark fired the entire government in 1920. That led to widespread protests lead by the Socialdemocratic party and almost lead to the abolishment of the monarchy.
An unfit heir is a thorny problem because it is really hard and almost unprecedented for Parliament to change the Line of Succession to exclude a specific person (rather than changing it to absolute primogeniture, i.e. equal inheritance regardless of gender). I have another example from Denmark: the Line of Succession was changed in 1953 to allow female inheritance if the monarch had no sons. That was partly because the current heir at the time, Prince Knud was an out of control alcoholic (that has never been officially acknowledged).
Excluding an immediate heir due to unfitness does set a precedent that essentially undermines the very foundation of a hereditary monarchy, i.e. that the firstborn ALWAYS inherit automatically. There have been elective monarchies in the past but in this day and age, the question an elective monarchy would raise is: “Why a monarchy at all?” So I don’t think that the political establishment (the Tories especially) wish to avoid.
It would make no sense for Harry to leak this. The Telegraph over the weekend mentioned that Harry spoke about a fight so it’s clear the British press all knew about the leaked story. The Guardian likes to expose the misdeeds of the Royal Family like the exemptions from national laws so it’s not surprising that they would jump at the chance to break this story.
I also believe that it is no coincidence that The Guardian had its hands on an advance copy…..
The Guardian set the tone for reporting the assault. No doubt the Fail would have led with the fact that Harry was wearing a necklace and buried the lead. The Guardian made a decision that they were done slanting coverage to protect William. Good for them, but it’s also about time.
Reading Actress, Writer and lawyer, Emma Kennedy’s Tweet, this is very telling, and proves that invisible contract. Sadly she referred to it as a fight.
In addition she tweets an article from the Fail about Camilla speaking on Bulliam’s temper. Yet people still think Harry and Meghan are lying, and even worst thinks he deserved that violence. If William had been a commoner, he’d have been charged with GBH.
I agree with your thoughts regarding this being approved leak, sort of. Because with Harry’s interviews, he’s already controling the narrative, and the leak just provides context to what’s being said in the interviews.
Tyler Perry did say that Harry and Meghan were abused. I thought he was just talking about the press and withholding of finances and security but with this revelation it also included verbal and physical abuse from the family.
I’m haunted by the scene in “Harry & Meghan” where Harry gets the text from Bulliam and their reaction (and the careful editing to avoid revealing anything more). Just as I’m haunted by that pic of Meghan looking cowed at Bulliam licking his lips at her while Harry scowls in the background, or Meghan’s reaction to KKKHate’s aggression at the pre-funeral walkabout at Windsor. What those two must have endured from the Lamebridges! Terrorism.
@C-Shell, that scene in the doco stood out to me so much! I assumed it was some kind of incoherent abusive screed which made her go “why am I looking at this” and then she saw who it was from. Harry looked absolutely devastated by it. So that’s two abusive events.
Ah good point. I also thought he just meant with the press and emotional abuse from the family, but this adds a whole different layer to it.
I don’t understand how Bulliam expected Meghan not to find out about the attack. He is her husband. Of course she’ll notice the bruises even if he didn’t tell her.
If the timeline that Twitter has deduced is correct, W may not have expected Meghan to return from NYC before Harry was healed up. Or he could have thought the scratches would heal up by then, and Harry would just say he fell or something to explain the bruises.
I’m stunned but not surprised if that makes any sense. There have been hints for years that W is a rageaholic. What floors me is the entire sentence calling Harry “Harold” – there’s the whole weird formality when people get irate of calling someone by their formal name, which is bad enough – but W takes it one step further and calls Harry a name that isn’t even his formal one. It’s just… weirdly depersonalizing. Add to that the absolute gaslighting and it’s honestly chilling. I think he doesn’t even see Harry as a person, just some side character in HIS story. Main character syndrome.
When I first saw the Guardian article I felt physically ill. I thought about the bread trail of examples of W and his temper – Billy the Basher at preschool, the video of him hitting Chuck in the head repeatedly, his reaction to Harry getting to play withe the pet W didn’t want, the stories of him shoving Diana. Then I immediately though of Mike Tindall’s comments about beating Harry when he was younger and protection officers having to step in, and more recently his comments that members of the royal family wanted to punch Harry. H’s comments about being scared of his brother shouting at the Sandringham “summit” suddenly made perfect sense.
Harry has been subjected to constant abuse by his family since his Mum died. Financial (Chuck withholding money and security), Emotional (being made to walk behind his mothers coffin and lies being fed to the RR since then by both father and brother) and physical (Tindall, William that we know of).
I’m still feeling physically ill, and also so devastated that H literally had no one to protect him once his Mum died.
Tyler Perry was right when he talked about abuse.
Wow, I did not expect that. It certainly fits with what we know about William’s personality. I’m glad Harry and Meghan had the courage to move far away from such a toxic family environment.
Charles assaulted staff, Andrew’s a rapist. The difference with William is that he’ll assault another royal, even his own brother. Someone in their circle. You’re supposed to get other people to do that for you. And the difference with Harry is that he believes all people are people and you shouldn’t assault anyone, which is incomprehensible to the BRF.
No wonder they freaked out when Harry left. Not only were they afraid of what he’d tell; they also were used to him being Will’s punching bag, both emotionally and physically.
I felt deeply sad when I read this. I believe every word of it. I’m in a relationship with a man who was physically and emotionally abused by his stepfather and older brother throughout his childhood and teen years. His stepfather is now dead but his older brother continues to emotionally abuse and gaslight him. My partner moved across the country to escape it and is in therapy but his brother (a racist Trump supporter) continues the abuse via text and phone calls. I’m hoping he cuts him off entirely but he’s not ready to do that because it’s the only family he has left. My family and friends love him and have accepted him and I hope they will be enough for him to finally walk away. Good for Harry for making that healthy decision.
I’m so sorry your partner is experiencing that.
My dad and older brother have abused me into adulthood and also are avid trump supporters.
It can be really hard to go no contact bc you keep holding out hope that they can do better. I’m now able to be around my dad but brother and I are estranged and he’s too dangerous to interact with.
My husband has been an incredible support for me navigating this for years (I’m 41 now) and I just want to say that a loving family of choice is such a gift for those of us who haven’t had that in our developmental years.
I salute you :))
THANK you, GAH, and I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this too. That’s exactly why he maintains contact: he holds out hope things will change for the better. I’m so glad you have the support you need. ❤️
I hate this for Harry. It’s awful. No one should be assaulted and verbally abused in their own home, much less by their sibling and the only other person on earth who has lived through your unique family and it’s struggles.
The Rota & the Wales are going to blame Meghan for William’s behavior. Racism is poison.
William has always been a bully. Plus there’s the story of him shoving his mother. Can’t blame that on Meghan. And the tabloids and derangers will claim the sky is purple to protect the Windsors, except for Harry, of course.
There’s a lot to say here — and many here have already said it, and said it well — so I just want to add two things to the conversation that hopefully some of you will pick up.
1. Why “Harold”? Obviously it’s not H’s real name. Is that simply a way to further demean Harry– do people think it is a common tactic of abusers to misname people in that way? Or is it simply maybe a family name people used humorously for Harry since childhood and now William is weaponizing it as part of the gaslighting?
2. The line that stuck out to me was ” Harry then accused his brother of acting like an heir, unable to understand why his younger brother was not content to be a spare.” I take it that this is editorial– the Guardian’s writing– and not actually from the memoir? If so, even here we can see the media spin: that William’s assault aside (which they want to brush aside), Harry is just full of resentment because *he* wants to be will POW/King one day. Total bullsh*t!!! Anyway, you have to be so meticulous about reading anything from british media because it’s so sly how they slipped in this thing that isn’t actually *from* the memoir but makes it *look* like it is.
Harold was absolutely meant to demean him. Clarkson used it in his article in December and its a common name for Harry from the derangers on social media.
good point about the line about William being an heir. I kind of can’t picture Harry saying that – “you’re acting like the heir! I don’t want to be just the spare!” that just seems too obvious. But it could be editorializing from the guardian.
thanks. I didn’t realize BM used “Harold” as well to demean Harry. Welp, crystal clear line from KP –> Daily Mail et al!
The Guardian is particularly sneaky and slimy in their insinuations. They don’t (usually) pull out the full-throated insults of the Daily Heil and such. Instead, they imply and misdirect. They did that in this article massively. They are as allied with Charles and Will as any other major rag over there; they’re just better at pretending.
They are definitely not.
They’ve done this numerous times over the years when it pertains to Harry and Meghan, which is why I don’t f*ck with them anymore either and haven’t for awhile now, despite the insistences of being “fair” and “independent”.
The Guardian isn’t at the beck and call of the BRF at all. Often they are too busy with real world issues to bother with them. They will report on inequality and variance of royal families with democracy; the prejudices of royalist media; the phone scandal that hit H&M; the unfair financial situation of the family; the history of the family within the fabric of British constitutional law. Their G2 section reports on the royal family in a more social way, and sometimes includes opinion pieces that seek to largely support, but also at times criticise, H&M. I am fully with PrincessK on this – as a Brit long term reader, The Guardian doesn’t work like this and doesn’t need to. Its readership is largely left wing republican and its history is critical of institutions such as the BRF.
Agree with this totally. There have been plenty of Guardian articles pretending to be sympathetic to H&M but slyly talking about them being silly, or irrelevent or saying they should shut up. There is an article today all about the ‘alleged punch up’ where the matter is discussed in terms of ‘the royal fist fight’ – ‘coming to blows’ even when Harry specifically talks about being attacked and NOT responding. What is worse, is reading the comments beneath the article there are very, very few that are sympathetic. The majority being along the lines of ‘all siblings fight’ and “I thought he wanted privacy’ and ‘they are doing this for money’.
I took it to mean acting like a spoiled heir instead of his brother. He doesn’t want to be just a spare, he wants to be siblings. Someone of worth to his brother and family
The way I interpret this comment is that Harry wanted Fails to understand that Harry needed more than to be the spare side kick. He had already created IG, Endeavor Awards, and Sentebale and wanted to continue doing those kinds of programs/enterprises. I hope I explained that so that you understand what I mean.
Not at all surprising given how much rage he’s always described to have. Assaulting someone because M is “rude and abrasive”? Yeah, no irony there. The immediate gaslighting is so disgusting, it was hard to read.
You’re right! Remember, by this time, Meghan was heavily pregnant and he must have known she was suicidal!! Instead of showing compassion and concern towards his brother and wife, he chose to attack him? His behavior is cruel and despicable! The British media is well aware of William rages and problem. They have reported it for years as openly as they could… just yesterday, a commenter here post a link for an article where William blew up with Kate for her behavior towards Harry .. it’s no wonder nor coincidence that the guardian chose this particular incident to leak..
Maybe I’ve watched to much true crime, but when I read it was around that time I though; Willnot knows she’s suicidal, he has already got thr press and the staff making her life miserable. When she’s away, he visits his brother to tell him horrible things about Meghan. Counting on Harry to at least take some of it into account, and either
1) call Meghan right away and give her an earfull, making her want to stay in the US, or
2) wait until she’s back without her friends to support her, and make her act on her thoughts. He wanted his brother, her husband, to give her the final push over the edge. When that didn’t work and Harry didn’t take the bite he got furious and attaced him. When he realised he had atta ed him, he wanted Harry to retaliate so he could call in security and blame it all on Harry. I guess I should’ve written a warning about tinfoil tiara theory.
This sounds really sick, but l wonder if William has gotten advice and direction on his methods in abusing his brother? Granted, he’s done this since childhood, but it seems like his actions in adulthood have also coordinated by others within his circle. The monarchy has a vested interest in this abuse of the spare. It really is so evident that William is familiar with the DARVO playbook.
How many times has it been posited—on this very site—that PH is not “going there” in this book? He is absolutely going there!
The pleading of King Charles is that if someone helpless—helpless against William’s abuse. The “heir” is allowed to be a bully, abuser, liar, gaslighter, etc. because he’s the heir. Is it just me, or should William not be allowed to be king? Is there a path where the only person actually fit to be king, PH, becomes king?
Helpless? All I got was selfish. The only thing he cared about, in the context we were given, was his own misery. Not about his boys at all.
No, there isn’t a path because William is heir and he has secured his line through the birth of his kids. Even if he was forced to abdicated, his children would be next in line not Harry- in that case someone would act a a regent and rule till the kids came of age.
“Is there a path where the only person actually fit to be king, PH, becomes king?”
The house of Hapsburg lasted for 300 years, by the end of it the king was so screwed up by inbreeding he couldn’t even chew his own food.
Primogeniture has survived much stronger problems than the Windsors.
And know we know where the BM got all it’s talking points from when they blamed Meghan for everything.
There’s not a lot more to say that hasn’t already been said. It’s shocking but not particularly surprising W behaves like this.
The most ironic thing to me is that it’s so easily believable because of how W’s little rota rat friends regularly describe him as someone with anger issues.
I also had my first interaction with a deranged W/K stan about this on twitter and wow, was that eye opening. Just head in the sand, absolutely ignorant, insulting wacko behavior. Anything like this that makes it to print has been thoroughly vetted and there’s obviously evidence (I’d guess: photos, medical records, broken necklace/dog bowl, and communications about it to/from W and others to name a few).
I’m more convinced than ever that W is the one who said racist s*** about Archie when Meghan was pregnant. And I can imagine the conversations are much worse than I could even imagine.
100% it was William , with the caveat that *everyone in the family* was talking about the future baby’s skin color. But William was the one who actually said it outright to Harry, because William is stupid. Charles is petty and can be stupid in his own way, but in other ways he is smart enough to know when to keep his cards close to his chest. Charles doesn’t strike me as careless with his words either– at least, most of the time! But William is a bumbling fool who we know thinks Nazi uniforms are good fun, so it stands to reason he would be the one to verbalize “concerns” about a British prince with African ancestry.
IN FACT, I’d wager that what Harry left out about this 2019 fight was that this was when William expressed those “concerns.” Harry said he’d never tell who asked about Archie’s skin color, but he is leaving plenty of dots for us to connect.
“IN FACT, I’d wager that what Harry left out about this 2019 fight was that this was when William expressed those “concerns.” Harry said he’d never tell who asked about Archie’s skin color, but he is leaving plenty of dots for us to connect.”
^^ This.
Sadly this is the only part of the encounter that Harry cannot prove as he was alone and it would turn into a he said vs he said.
I think Harry will take this detail to the grave but at this point most people have deduced it was William as he has the most to lose.
An on record openly racist future Monarch would 100% be a constitutional crisis. The UK is racist full stop but to have William on record diminishing his nephew would draw international disapproval and be a diplomatic nightmare. That is what the BRF care about – not the feelings of Black Brits. It would hurt the Monarchy in ways which are immeasurable.
Hadn’t there been rumors that Princess Anne was the one who wondered what Archie’s skin color would be? But it’s also probable that William planted those rumors to deflect away from him.
I’m wondering if this was a deliberate plant, because if it was an unauthorised leak, I imagine that one of the crappy tabloids (eg the Fail) would pay more than The Guardian?
Yes, it was deliberate. The Guardian is basically the only paper that has been mostly supportive over the years. Plus it’s generally well written.
Shocking to see this in writing but surprising? Sadly, No. And even more sadly I suspect that Kate is often on a receiving end of William’s rage. Remember the incident on a TV show, when she flinched when he touched her? Why? It couldn’t be because of cheating, she was used to that. What kind of behavior will cause you to react physically to being touched by someone? And separate living arrangements? The were fine living separate lives in one mansion. Now he must be out of control and they need to protect kids from witnessing. What a mess…
So this was it.
This was what was coming.
No wonder they’ve been throwing tantrums for years trying to shut him up.
Well, here it is. It’s pretty bad. Indefensible. And the book isn’t even out yet.
I’m old enough to remember when domestic violence was considered a “private family matter”. All these demands from the royals through the rags that the Sussexes stop talking about “private family matters” harkens back to that. And now we know why.
Will there be some cringe worthy damage control spin coming up from William and his spin people. Like bringing out the children
I sincerely hope they keep those children out of it.
Sadly, I don’t think there’s any way at all that they’ll keep the children out of it. Charlotte and Louis in particular were born under a bus.
They’ll say recollections may vary and attack Harry’s mental well being. My guess.
“We’re very much not an abusive family.”
This puts Willys post-Oprah interview comment in new light.
This was heartbreaking to read, I feel so sorry for Harry and what he went through. And yes all of the details are from the abuser’s playbook:
–William following Harry when Harry tried to leave the room. Abusers don’t let you leave and let things “cool down”, they escalate and physically entrap you (removing locks on doors so you can’t lock them to get away, etc)
–The apology which isn’t actually an apology, it’s an acknowledgement that they went too far, not feeling bad about what they have done. Feeling bad about it may or may not come later (with the familiar gifts and/or flowers, etc plus an expectation that the behaviour will be overlooked and not mentioned again)
–The immediate gaslighting despite something gravely wrong that just happened: No, I didn’t do that. It’s pure gaslighting from a narcissist who can never admit they did something wrong
–Telling the victim to hide the abuse and keep it a secret
–Harry’s description of his visceral fear at William when at the Sandringham Summit William screamed and yelled at him – it probably brought up past abuse
Yes! He described feeling “terrified” by the screaming. He was triggered back to the assault incident.
The fact that he felt comfortable screaming in front of the Queen…..I’m sure her presence was the only reason it didn’t turn physical again.
Just as talking about the racism Meghan experienced has opened even further the ongoing conversation about racism in some of the world’s most influential institutions, talking about the domestic violence Harry experienced I hope will open further the conversation about domestic violence in all of its forms and lasting effects not just in the families involved but in society (generational trauma, the necessity of active work for healing, truth and reconciliation etc).
It is so very, very brave of both Meghan and Harry to subject themselves to all the criticism for telling their stories, and for personally refusing to give up – to thrive and not just survive. It’s one of the things I love and find the most admirable about them.
Wow! It explains why 2019 was such a turning point, for H&M. I’m glad he is telling all in the book. William has been protected all his life that why he could get away with screaming in the Queen’s presence, I think Charles is making it difficult for Kate to leave offering her all these titles . Damn this is so messy it will be so difficult to clean up william has had so much time and space to muddy the waters with the press, they need to stand stand down and not publish any stories on H&M ever again. I wish H&M all the best,
‘Don’t tell Meghan’
I find it psychopathic (i don’t know if it is the right word or term) , like in the movies when a man *rap@s a woman and tells her not to tell anyone.
I found that one line chilling and scary.
I am sad for Harry right now.
This triggered me to read, but I fully believe Harry is telling the truth here. A few years ago, my younger sister physically attacked me when I was trying to remove her kids (who I had co-guardianship of at the time) from the home during a domestic violence situation between her and her then-partner. I had known for years she had anger issues, but until I saw it/was on the receiving end myself, I didn’t realize how truly bad it was. She ended up breaking my finger in the attack, and tried to goad me into fighting back like “when we were kids,” but I refused. I was in shock for a while over it and did not report it, but ended up severing ties with her for a while. Hope he finds some peace through sharing this publicly, and in having distance from William now. Violence is never okay, but when it happens between adult siblings, it’s especially hurtful.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope the kids are doing well.
I’m going to wait to read Spare until the Celebitchy review comes out–I suspect there more triggering moments in this book.
I am very conscious of the fact that mental illness is no excuse for appalling behavior. However, even if you remove the physical assault from this incident, William’s behavior is totally irrational, even in setting up the meeting under false pretenses. He is driven by an obsessive, violent hatred of his brother’s wife who has never harmed or offended him in any way. Racism is surely part of the explanation for his irrational hatred of Meghan, but it goes deeper. He considers Meghan his rival for his brother’s loyalty and attention, and he knows he is losing. Expecting your brother to be emotionally available to you so that you can use him as your whipping boy and scapegoat for the rest of his life is deeply disturbed behavior. Harry may be the one with the therapist on speed dial (good for him!), but William is the one who really needs professional help which he obviously is not getting. And his wife and children have surely been paying the price along with Harry. This incident portrays a violent man with major anger issues who lacks all impulse control. I don’t believe in kings, but for those who do, I say, pass on this one.
This!!!👆👆👆”William’s behavior is totally irrational. . He is driven by an obsessive, violent hatred of his brother’s wife who has never harmed or offended him in any way” . He was incandescent with rage with a pregnant woman, his sister in law, simply because she was more successful than him and his wife.. and he attacks his brother over that? How old is he? 6?
In William’s twisted mind, and in the twisted world of the royal family, William’s conduct actually is rational.
He was raised to think everyone, especially his brother, should cower to him. He was allowed to be violent toward anyone who didn’t bend to his whims.
Harry was supposed to take whatever William dished out.
No wonder Harry preferred life as a combat veteran — at least in war, your enemies are the expected ones, and your brothers and sisters in arms will defend you … not abuse you.
I am so sorry for everyone in these comments who have experienced violence at the hands of people they love. I’ve been much luckier, but I’ve written a lot about domestic violence and William’s behavior is textbook for an abuser. And chilling as hell.
Harry being with Meghan, marrying her, legitimizing her, and having children with her solidifies Harry’s place in history. He’s not just a footnote, a spare, or a lackey. He brought the BRF into the modern age and he and his family represent what the world should be.
Outside of William knowing that Harry no longer lives for him and the Crown, I think William also feels a sort of rage at being largely forgettable. What would we know William for if he wasn’t the heir to the throne? He will do nothing of note. At that point, I don’t think he had any real achievements.
William cannot process his frustration and racism. He’s not capable of rationality because you don’t need to be rational in those circles. Everyone caters to your logic. Sh*t only hits the fan when the public finds out. And I’m so sad for Harry that he has had to navigate William’s emotions and abuse. I hope revealing this is healing for him.
It is striking to me that so many people (including William, apparently, and Jeremy Clarkson, as evidenced by his recent screed) hate Meghan with the heat of a thousand suns and yet the worst thing they can say about her is that she’s pushy, that she may have said some rude things to her staffers, and that she possibly “influenced” Harry to leave the RF (which anyone who’s been paying attention knows he was likely on the way out of anyway, and for good reason).
Those are…very mild accusations even if true.
I have a friend who once shoved his wife in a similar way – knocked her over. He’d just found out (like, literally JUST found out – he saw some texts) that she was having an affair. Was that OK? Of course not. And he was ashamed. But AFAIK he’d never been abusive to her before, and I kind of felt like it was understandable in that kind of moment. But to violently assault someone because you just kinda don’t like their partner? What kind of person does that? (And who else has he assaulted over the years, if he’s on this much of a hair trigger? Kate? The kids?)
I would just like to add, this story confirms for me that it’s not tin foil to think the press might literally be hiding a dead body or two for Willy. I can only imagine who else he’s pushed and what happened as a result.
And lazy as she is Kate might very well disappear sometimes due to injuries if Willy is abusing her. Remember when she all of a sudden didn’t have a babysitter that one time she skipped an event? Or the breaking of the Irish guard tradition? These revelations make me question if Kate may not have skipped out of certain events due to bruises/cuts/black eyes.
Those are my thoughts exactly. This is just a tip of an iceberg. „If you knew what I know…” – it wasn’t about cheating, or leaking to press of even Archie’s skin colour.
We here at CB have always suspected that there was something going on behind the scenes with William because it just didn’t make sense that Harry was expected to stay by a grown man’s side to help him do his job. Can we say now that we were right?
Wasn’t a body of a young woman found at KP that was never explained?
She was a street person who died of a drug overdose.
William’s behavior is shameful. His mother taught him better than that. He needs to look within himself and figure out what is it about the Sussexes’ marriage and Megan so triggering. At the core, it’s not about Megan but something about her that activates some deep seated issues in him. He’s just projecting his issues on Megan and making her the villain. He needs therapy.
I think William is angry at (or even hates) his mother and Meghan triggers him because she is so similar to Diana. It’s perversely just like Harry seeing his mother in Meghan, but with a totally different reaction (love, protectiveness, fearing for her safety)
Robert Lacey wrote that William and Harry had a ‘heated confrontation’ at Nottingham Cottage about Meghan, and a journalist named Emma Kennedy said that she knew about the physical assault years ago when it happened because she wasn’t allowed to report it. This effing family! Someone on Twitter mentioned that Mike Tindall and one of his buddies attacked Harry to see how long it would take for his security to break it up. No wonder he and William get along so well!
Why in the world are journalists not allowed to report what they know? This family is subsidized by British taxpayers. This code of silence is revolting.
Those reporters aren’t journalists. They are stenographers.
This is very sad. We now have conformation from Harry himself that he was physically abused (probably not first time) as well as emotionally by his family.
Nicholas Witchell on BBC News has just said that Harry should not have spoken about ‘private family matters’. Tell that to kids orphaned by men like this. What a disgraceful remark.
There was a whole lot of white middle aged men going on telly saying the same thing about Diana after her interview. Nothing has changed since then.
Snuffles said about William had a traumatic brain injury as a child? Can you elaborate?
Heather, there’s a link further up in the comments about the story. I remember that incident well being old enough to live through the Charles and Diana years.
He had a skull fracture that required surgery.
the most known thing about it was that Charles refused to cancel a polo match to come to the hospital, so they went ahead without him.
He was accidentally hit in the head with a golf club. In close-up pictures you can see the scar on his forehead. However, he was also referred to as Billy Basher before the accident — he was an aggressive kid from the get-go.
There were rumors swirling around that time about a physical fight between the brothers but the narrative was it was because of W’s affair and Harry was defending Kate’s honor. I knew then it had been over Meghan but thought maybe W had made a pass at her. Harry striking W back would have made huge headlines and allowed W to play victim. Exactly how many times has William put hands on Harry as adults bc this definitely wasn’t the first…
Also, its quite telling that W calls H Harold, meaning he knows that the haters constantly refer to him as Harold Markle. Harry knows this too.
@Chantal, omg yes, I do recall that slant of Harry “defending Kate” or something.
The thing about “Harold”, if this was from 4-5 years ago, it very well may pre-date being used by online trolls. It might be explained in the book but I’m more inclined to think that it’s a demeaning nickname Will has shared with the press, and the trolls picked it up from there. One mocking use like Clarkson’s would have been all it took.
William is clearly a narcissist- a malignant one too. The rage, gaslighting, the sense of entitlement- it’s all in there. If that’s how he is with is brother, mother and father, I couldn’t even imagine how he is with his wife. I feel more sorry for his children as they are experiencing this type of narcissistic family dynamics.
This is one messed up family. William needs therapy.
Diana had she lived would have been there to protect harry.
Honestly he would have struck Diana too.
I’ll always wonder what was said in the car when the sussexes and Wales were taken to the walkabout. What was said to Meghan and why she looked scared and harry very protective will harry say
I can’t believe Harry and Meghan agreed to that walkabout.
Yes @tessa. My husband who stays out of the whole RF drama, commented when we watched this on the news. “She looks terrified and ready to make a run for it”. I also wonder what went down in that car.
Is anyone really surprised by this? I’m not. William always looks like he has rage bubbling just beneath the surface. I think part of the reason nobody has ever stood up to him is because he uses physical intimidation. I actually feel sorry for his kids…and Kate. I doubt he is physical with his kids, but Kate I’m not so sure. She is probably terrified of him and so are the kids. William reminds me of my father in many ways. Growing up, I would never know what would set him off. He was never physically abusive but would rant and rave at me, or he would look like he was coming close to hitting me, and then punch the wall. Scream at my mother sometimes for hours. It’s a very complex issue. You can feel sorry for Kate but not agree with what she did to Meghan or treated her.
I seriously dread to think what William would’ve done if Meghan was present. Thank god she was in NYC for her baby shower. That man is an absolute danger to society.
I don’t know if I commented about it here or on Twitter. But I said two things: when you watch the “surprise” walk about with the four of them after the Queen died, pay attention to Harry’s body language. He was so angry at William. Yet, per usual for abusers, William kept trying to speak to him like there was no problem. Refusing to accept something bad went down between the two.
Second, one the title came out I said stop worrying about what he’ll say about Camilla, and worry about what he’ll say about William.
That being said, I still didn’t think he’d go into this much detail. I’m glad he did, but I wasn’t expecting it. Just like, I want expecting this story, but I’m also not surprised this happened.
I also have a feeling Spare is going to throw out any misconceptions of them being recently (by recently, I mean past Harry being in his early 20s) close.
It makes it clearer to me why j e c c a and others turned him down. Kate was treated with disrespect by William and should have dropped him. He needs counseling. Also his being special supposedly as heir made it worse. And all the William is perfect spin. The royal institution made things worse.
Now the move to Windsor by Harry and Meghan makes perfect sense. All that talk about “the brothers living next door to each other!” Can you imagine what a nightmare that would have been? What a hateful, hurtful person William is. Just like his father Charles. Its a cycle of abuse.
This is sick to think that a couple moves away because they are afraid of physical violence. Was Harry afraid that one Will will pop in when Meg is home alone?
I wouldn’t be surprised at all that Harry feared for Meghan’s physical safety and that was the reason for their moving out. Can you imagine what would’ve happened if William got her alone?
We still don’t have an answer on how Guy the beagle broke his legs. I’m starting to think William did it.
And, yes, if they stayed, William might have eventually physically assaulted Meghan but he seems content with assassinating her character in the press for now.
Seeing how willing the press is to protect William, I think an assault of Meghan could be a distinct possibility. Who would believe her over him in the establishment? Who would accuse a future king of assault? William knows that he ultimately will be above the law. He also has a “I can do anything I want whenever I want to” mentality.
Replying to Snuffles below….
Do you really think William broke that poor dog’s legs?!
I wouldn’t put it past him hurting an animal in one of his rages.
I said it upthread, but I 100% believe an incandescent William would violently kick an innocent dog on his way out of the cottage. 100% he would.
I can see William kicking a dog — Guy is old and his bones are likely fragile so a well-placed kick could have sent him tumbling.
So I guess when journalists have hinted about not being able to report “the truth about William”, this is the kind of thing they meant.
Even the pro-William journalists (including at least one biographer) have admitted that he has temper issues.
I think there is much more to come.
Agree, Jensa. As I’ve posted before, there was a group of articles by royal family journalists saying it’s well known William can be explosive. It all came out after the disaster tour for a week or two. It was almost as if they were getting ahead of stuff being leaked about William by staff, or that they were personally shocked enough by him to comment.
Aside from the fact that William feels he has a right to physically assault people to get his way, the fact that he felt it appropriate to try to force his brother to go against his own pregnant wife is so disgusting. That level of controlling is off the charts. And he wasn’t repeating the media narrative. He was the one giving the media that narrative.
There’s a totally brainless comment replying to Omid Scobie on Twiiter that basically says, “Checkmate! Real men don’t wear necklaces!”
The next level of delusional defense of William would be, “Meghan probably made Harry wear that ‘necklace.’ By grabbing and breaking it while it was still around Harry’s neck, William was trying to set him free!”
Someone should spam that person’s Twitter with pictures of jewelry men, specifically warriors, have worn throughout the ages.
Wow. What kind of a brother would want to set his brother free from his beloved wife. The will fans know no bounds
There is so much toxic masculinity on display in the reactions to this. What the morons fail to understand is the strength and restraint that Harry — an actual combat veteran — exhibited in refusing to take William’s bait.
This is going to stick to Will for the rest of his life, no matter what the BM says, spins, or obfuscates. No wonder Chuck can’t control him. I think Chuck is terrified of him.
Now I know why Charles blows kisses to Kate and rewards her with titles, jewels etc. He is bribing her to keep her mouth shut and keep up the facade of a happy marriage. Charles knows.
Tyler Perry called it in the Netflix series. Abuse. Resentment, control (“helping”), rage, threatening, anger, verbal, psychological and physical assault, denial, secrecy, normalizing. Remember that this was 2019 in Kensington. Likely before the Frogmore move, when Meghan was pregnant and just had a new born, and she was depressed and suicidal. William calling a depressed pregnant/new mother rude & abrasive. William assaulting Harry in that context. This is William “helping”. The bootlicking UK journalists and RF family members can deny & minimize, and blame Meghan. It is clear as day that this was abuse, and just imagine what else the public does not know.
Have any of you ever seen a woman try to talk about being abused at home, and initially there might be a little shock/concern, but then it gets wrapped around to somehow blaming her or minimizing what happened?
I wonder how this report will be minimized?
I hope that domestic violence organizations in the UK take note–there will be a lot of attempts to brush this off in the upcoming days. It’s a sobering time to be suffering from DV or mental health issues in the UK. We’re going to be seeing textbook DARVO behavior, and no one will have the guts to call it out, and discuss how this affects real people.
And lets remember who’s supposedly an advocate for victims of domestic violence…..Camilla.
Just wondering if charities with Basher as patron will want him to continue now this assault is out in the open? Charities besieged KP in the aftermath of PA disastrous interview. I wouldn’t want Basher anywhere near me let alone representing a charity once you know he feels entitled to thump anyone that he is cross with for whatever reasons! How can anyone think that is an acceptable way to behave??
Billy Basher’s reputation is forever damaged in the US and Caribbean.
I wish people would stop trying to show grace to William and Kate. Kate was lazy and mean before she met William. Does that mean she deserves abuse? Of course not, but please stop centering her.
William was a horrid boy before his head injury. They called him Billy the Basher, he threatened people with his power and he threw tantrums every time he thought Harry was getting something even though he (William) had already refused it. William is, and has always been, a monster.
True, but I also want to point out that Diana threw herself down a flight of stairs while she was pregnant with William as a suicide attempt. And that might not have been the only attempt. Who know what kind of affect that would have on a fetus. Not just the physical act, but the enormous stress Diana was under at the time.
A Doctor examined Diana the unborn baby was not harmed. It was not a whole flight if stairs but a few steps. What sort of man ignored and leaves his wife alone when she has not felt well during a pregnancy plus had an eating disorder. Charles was a bad husband to the mother of his children.
Holy Hell.
Harry has been not just mentally but physically abused within his family. Tyler Perry told Meghan that what she experienced was abuse. Harry experienced it too. They both needed to escape.
Brothers fight sometimes. My husband’s brother has two boys less than two years apart. He and his wife are great parents. My sister-in-law is firm but calm, never raises her voice. Those boys sometimes fought when they were little, sure. They were told to stop. Eventually, they stopped. They are teens now and they’ve learned not to express their emotions through physical aggression. William is a full-blown ADULT and he pulls this?
And the thing is, Harry could easily beat William in a fair fight. He’s a military man, he’s in great shape, he’s equally tall and strong. But he’s not going to fight back, not just because he’s an adult and it’s unhealthy and dangerous to work out your differences that way, but because this isn’t a fair fight, is it? William’s the Heir. That sick family and system will protect him, but not Harry and Meghan.
“Harry says William called Meghan “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive”
Reminder: these words are often used by men who have been rejected by a woman. It would not surprise me at all if William made a play for Meghan and she rejected him. Even after the fight was over William didn’t want Meghan to know about his behavior.
Make no mistake, William wants Meghan.
I’ve definitely gotten Frollo vibes from him. They’re not as obvious as with the Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson types, but they’re there.
They’re also common accusations made against black and biracial women — hurled by men and women alike. It ties into the whole “uppity” and “angry” tropes.
Yep he is obsessed by her and the fact that he can’t have her is driving him
I completely agree @Blue Nails Betty.
I read this yesterday on buzzfeed and expected the comments to be vile but they definitively surpassed my expectation. On side is saying H is lying, the other side are sweeping the incident under the rug saying it’s a normal scuffle between brothers. all this did is show people live in REALLY toxic families. Poor H; The RF are really f*ck up.
Yeah, the best bots money can buy. But if is just a “normal” scuffle between brothers, then why did Harry 1. Quit his job, 2.move to a different country, 3. refuse to come back unless there is an apology AND security? This what you read about when people, especially women are escaping abuse.
I’m sorry for Harry that his book is getting leaked, but hopefully with something so high profile, publishers set the expectation that this will probably happen. Around the time retailers start getting copies in stocks seems about right- it opens the door for thousands of more people who can be bribed to send a copy to journalists or tabloids.
With regards to the story about William assaulting Harry- the specifics are new, but I feel like William’s rage issues are an open secret, with even his tabloid friends talking about it in obvious coded language. I will say, I’m not surprised he would resort to screaming fits or throwing things, but throwing people? He doesn’t just act this way with Harry either. Violence prone people never have that kind of control.
It’s telling that Harry could probably easily beat the shit out of him because he’s so much more fit and was a professional soldier, but doesn’t possess the broken temperament to do so, he just takes it and then tells William to get out and calls his therapist. This is a man who has worked through a lifetime of being abused in that emotionally stunted freakshow of an institution.
Harry knows he would be blamed in an attack on the heir. Will-di Amin was trying to instigate him for that very reason.
We already received copies in the library that I work, as is standard operating procedure. This book, like Cursed Child, came with multiple threats against putting it out or it leaving the building before the release date.
That was always SOP with high level books when I worked at the library. The first Harry Potter book was sent in bins bound with red tape and locked in the manager’s office until we were permitted to put on the holds shelf or send them out on reserve.
William has a lot of baggage on top of uncontrolled behaviors with an addition of a head injury that have gotten worse over the years. Look at his jawline, so much repressed anger. Harry once said that no one his the family wanted the job of monarch, but William has been tagged it since he drew his first breath. He needs psychological help desperately, but will he get it? My guess it will be the standard never complain, never explain rule. The entire family is a hornet’s nest of terrible behavior/entitlement, enmeshed with each other and kowtowing to the top dog. Charles is a prime example of it and William is next up to bat. He beat Harry because he has been allowed to get away with it under the guise it is just brothers fighting. William is not his mother’s son, but a clear picture of a desperately dysfunctional family.
It’s horrible to think what those kids are learning.
My mind keeps going back to the polo match where Meghan was there with Archie, and she was completely ignored by Kate, George, and Charlotte. At the time, I thought, what mother ignores a new baby seated right next to her? Even a stranger’s baby, much less her own nephew. What children ignore a baby? The only thing that makes sense to me at all, especially for the children, is that they all knew that looking friendly with Meghan would incite William’s rage. Kids learn quickly, and I highly dount that William has any sort of filter around his kids. Why would he? Everyone exists to serve him, right?
I hope, for the children’s sake, that the children live separately from dad. Adelaide makes perfect sense if the powers that be know that the kids need to be protected from their parent. William isn’t the first possibly abusive royal parent, either.
Ianne, I understand what you’re saying, but K doesn’t get a pass about this. She is the one who publicly lets everyone know how she feels about Meghan. Those looks she throw M is filled with contempt and hostility. That is not something that W can make her do. He can order her not to have anything to do with her, but the rest of it is all K. I keep going back to the video at Ascot I think either during or after the Jubbly. Whatever she said accompanied by the rage look was directed at other rf members. That’s K.
Someone will have to fill the press vitriol void in the coming days… who will it be?
Wow. I’m sure we can brace ourselves for several days of royal commentators all like “boys will be boys” and “Harry was a soldier, why didn’t he fight back?”.
I think anyone who has been following stories about William for years has seen a lot written about his “temper” and his “incandescent rages”, but what I find the most chilling about the whole exchange is the comment that “there’s no need to tell Meghan” about the attack. Not only is it a classic abuser move to get your victim to keep silent, but if William knew about Meghan’s suicidal ideation, he may have been implying that hearing about Harry’s pain would drive her even further down that path. It’s troubling.
Either way, I’m glad that Harry 1. Called his therapist immediately 2. Told his wife what happened instead of letting a secret fester between them and 3. Put it in print for all to see.
Oh I think Harry just threw a pretty good punch, lol. Whether its a knockout time will tell. Plus for people who say they don’t believe it, look at Harry’s behavior after this: moving away, splitting the offices. Its not the behavior of someone who wants business as usual. Plus, there are all kinds of security people around the brothers, somebody heard something, I’m willing to bet.
Telling his therapist was very smart — paper trail and processing what happened. I wouldn’t be surprised if M took photos too.
My God. Harry has the self control of a king. I’d have punched William into next week. But I guess I’m a ruffian and a commoner like William and his best mate Mike. Actually, a deranged psychopath is more like it.
No, Harry has the self control of a commoner. Will has the typical self control of a king.
I think Harry’s smart enough to know what happens if HE takes literal physical shots at the future king :/
Hello to everybody. Longtime lurker here. Just to suggest that maybe the Harold name is from Harold II who was the Last Anglo-Saxon King of England and was defeated (and killed) by William the Conqueror. I can see it as being a demeaning joke by William to tease Harry since they were kids. Only now would be so creepy.
Morgana, I’m glad you posted and I hope e here more from you. Creepy is the top layer, I think. It’s what’s underneath creepy that is really concerning.
I’d be impressed if that level of historical accuracy was meant in an insult!
That’s also why those kids look unhappy, and scared a lot. But I agree this is harrys story not kates. As a early childhood expert, she can leave, or seek out advice from the women abuse expert cammie. I am sorry no sympathy for k8 from me, mean girls, don’t have to demean other women, and get my respect, I pity her That’s all. She has f..ked up priorities.
I’ve never commented on it before. George looks stressed, but that could also be because of his dark circles. Really hope he’s not abusing his family. Sadly abusers and bullies rarely change.
This is all very troubling and sad to read, but what stuck out to me was the part where William called Harry a name but as far as the excerpt reads, we do not know what that name was. Unfortunately, given his rage and his racism, I can only imagine what horrible, disgusting epithet William slung at Harry.
I can come up with some pretty good guesses, probably involving the f-bomb and/or “pussy whipped.”
An amusing aside to all this: I work for a library for more than 10 years and the only other book that we have gotten such strict and multiple threatening letters from the publisher and book vendors (about leaks and the book leaving the premise before the release date) was “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”.
I can’t imagine having to sit through their charity work together on mental awareness and the importance of taking care of your mental health – and having to listen to my abuser speak on that, knowing how he’d abused me. That would be so difficult.
This William is the same man who fronts mental health campaigns. Physician heal thyself. You have serious anger management problems; go seek help.
The madmen are running the asylum.
William is a violent PSYCHOPATH.
This is horrible. #princewilliamisabully has been trending on Twitter. The outrage about Harry airing this out is disingenuous because the BM has been reporting on William’s incandescent self for years. It also calls into question William’s fitness to rule. How can he be trusted to keep his cool if he loses it in an argument and gets physical with a prime minister, a MP, or a foreign dignitary? As for Kate, if this level of violence is going on in the marriage she would never be able to leave. The Firm won’t let her. A divorce now would confirm what Harry said about this incident.
You bring up a good point re: Kate being stuck. I’m sure she is actively holding on for dear life but I don’t think she’d be able to leave even if she wanted to at this point, W DESPERATELY needs the family man image. W is stuck with her too which is why I don’t think they’ll ever divorce but just live separately.
W has the upper hand cause King but I’m sure she has some cards to play cause W can’t afford to lose her now.
Kate is the fuel and holds the match that triggers William’s rage. I have always thought she feeds this toxic crap to him and then sits back and watches him go scorched earth. She’s not stuck and may also be an abuser herself. Water seeks it’s own level and these two deserve each other.
Honestly I lean towards what you say Julia K. We heard how she escalated the situation with the “paparazzo” that William had a rage fit against when he was convinced they were following him in that leaked video.
That doesn’t necessarily mean William’s behavior towards her isn’t emotionally or physically abusive. But when everyone is abusive, that line gets blurred. She is definitely herself a cruel abuser.
Julia K, I agree with you. I know people find it difficult with Fails being an abuser to also consider that Wails is to. I think she does fan the flames. It could be that if he’s angry at others then he’s not angry at her, but she’s not an innocent in all of this.
EQ2 didn’t like Wails. I believe that was apparent to anyone with eyes. Perhaps Liz saw more than we know beyond the laziness.
Agree about Kate, ladies.
I think a key point is William saying, ‘like when we were kids’. That indicates to me that William’s physical violence towards Harry wasn’t constant when they were adults. Physical fights when they were kids, none after they were early teens.
This was a deliberate, planned, isolated physical incident. Coldly planned by a narcissist who is a physical coward as I wrote in another thread. He attacked Harry physically this one time, deliberately, with his security just outside the door to do *whatever* to Harry that William demanded included the psych hold, treason charges, etc mentioned above.
I think the netflix programme underlined William as the problem. He was the one clearly singled out. There was a scene when Harry gets a message from William, and Meghan says “your brother…” before walking out looking upset. M also made kind remarks re Charles. Their inclusion of footage of Kate being pursued by journalists, and Meghan’s nice comments towards Kate in the Oprah interview, make me certain there is a sympathy there generated by knowledge of W’s affairs but mostly pity for K having to live on the other side of his explosive anger. Why they bother trying to be understanding towards Kate is beyond me. She seems like an enabler.
What jumps out at me is William and jealousy. He seems obsessed by Harry’s wife. I’d be hurt and embarrassed if I were Kate. This is her husband, passionately and wildly going on and on about another woman.
I agree I think William is in love with Meghan and she only has eyes for Harry which William cannot stand.
There is a fine line between love and hate.
I’d suggest lust/obsession, not love
Goodness, I read this and closed out to try to digest what I read. There’s so much here.
This isn’t an isolated incident, im sure of that.
Will wanted to bait Harry to fight back because he wanted to lie that Harry attacked him.
Harry and Meghan have receipts for any accusation. This had to be legally sanctioned before it could be published.
The entire family, QE2 and Charles were aware and still refused to allow the Sussexes to serve TQ and gain financial independence. To remove security when your own family is in itself a security threat is truly sickening.
The Sussexes would have been further abused in many ways if they were dependent upon resources from William.
The reference to Will as incandescent are an understatement.
The press wasn’t allowed to report this…There’s a lot more of Will’s raging actions I’m sure. They fed the press stories as quid pro quid to keep these things hidden.
Who else uses Harold to deal Harry…Clarkson and Will.
Years later, Harry wouldn’t leave Meghan without security, even if it meant less security for himself during TQ’s passing. Makes even more sense now.
Will denied being in a racist family but I’m guessing the press won’t be allowed to ask about these allegations.
Anyone who thinks Harry deserved to be physically assaulted by his entitled, social path of a brother is nucking futs.
I believe Harry!
I absolutely believe him but as I said yesterday, where I live the royalist support is pretty much universal. The assault was the top item on BBC news tonight and the odious Nicholas Witchell thinks Harry shouldn’t be airing the family business. Our National English language paper is running with the story and the comments are 99% in favour of William. Makes my blood boil to see comments like, Should have slapped him harder,” ” Deserves all he gets,”
“Big baby,” etc.
It makes you wonder how they brought up their own kids if they condone violence from a grown man.
Nasty old biddies.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised by this story but I was really shocked when I read it. It’s one thing to hear about William’s supposed explosive temper from the tabloids but I was always hesitant to believe them. But to hear (allegedly since the book hasn’t come out yet but The Guardian wouldn’t make something like this up) about a physical confrontation/attack between Harry and William directly from Harry is a whole different thing. I’m so glad Meghan wasn’t there and I’m guessing this was before Archie was born? While I always thought William and Harry must have argued about Meghan, I was naive to think they didn’t come to actual blows. I always thought William said something completely unforgivable/derogatory about Meghan to make Harry hightail it out of the UK with Meghan. And you have to wonder, were there more physical assaults like this? I can believe William beat Harry up when they were kids, but did he continue to do this when they were adults?
And while I hate speculating, it’s natural to think of Kate and the kids. Kate isn’t a great person but she doesn’t deserve to be shoved or insulted like this either. How much abuse has she dealt with over the years? What have the kids seen and experienced firsthand? Has William ever been physical with any of the Middletons?
Its not normal to automatically assume Kate is a victim this white woman feminism 101 white woman always have to centered themselves as victims. This is just another way for white woman to make Kate into some sort of Victim this story is about Harry he was a victim of a assault by his brother . Stop making everything about Kate there is no evidence of her being abused by William in fact there evidence that Kate has always a been mean girl she had no problem bullying a pregnant Meghan making Meghan life a living hell .
Considering this and what Mike Tindall said about beating up Harry, it interests me that so many are immediately concluding Kate is a victim of William’s abuse when it’s equally possible Harry is the one William took his frustrations out on instead.
You can also argue that there had been no indication William had attacked Harry until Harry told the world in his book. I know there were rumors of Harry and William roughhousing as kids, but it’s very different when two adult men are coming to blows. If William feels entitled to put his hands on his own brother, it’s natural to wonder if he’s assaulted other people. We’ve heard rumors of William and Kate having pretty heated arguments and if William’s temper gets this bad with his brother, I’m not just stopping at Kate. How does William treat his staff? His father? Camilla? What have his friends seen? It’s not just about “centering Kate” but as she is the one that lives with him on a daily basis (or not, maybe they’re separated), she’s the next logical person to wonder about.
Meghan married Williams brother. Kate should have been courteous and polite to her instead of making life miserable for Meghan. She could have let Meghan make her own wedding plans for example.
This is likely why Kate received orders from the queen for doing nothing, and why she has gotten to wear some prized royal jewels. This is payment for her silence.
I guess she sees it as a good bargain, as do her parents. Maybe she thinks that the Middletons can be a source of stability for the kids. (come to think of it, it’s pretty surprising that Kate and Piuppa don’t seem to be that close anymore–it would be expected that their close family unit meant their kids would be raised together). But this ensures that another generation of trauma for the tabloids to exploit–the Wales kids will be right back where we are now in little more than a decade.
Pippa has read the room and she is trying to peace out. She is leaving the field to Kate and Carole. Kate is Carole’s golden child, Pippa is the scapegoat and James is the forgotten child.
My rule is not to comment on royal children at all, but I’ll say something that struck me at the time. Louis putting his hand over Kate’s mouth when he was having a tantrum. It wasn’t so much “I’m bored”, more “SHUT UP all of this is your fault”. Kids get into angry melt downs, but I’ve never seen one doing this ‘shutting up’ of his mother. They physically kick out or stamp, but not direct it at their parent in this way. Learned behaviour? Poor Kate, if so.
My guess as a mom to a special needs child is that both William and his youngest have ADHD. Angry outbursts are a pretty common characteristics for that disorder.
Anneli, that is such an interesting thought. Perhaps William will be one of those who is late diagnosed as ADHD. My friend, nearly 70, has just been diagnosed after years of behaviour and reactions that upset her and those around her.
I find it interesting that there are no comments about the past statements regarding Kate and William yelling at each other, that their arguments were described as “heated.” She’s no wallflower. It’s part of the pact she made. She wanted status and he allowed her in, but she must defend and support wm. regarding everything printed in the press in exchange for jewels, status and haute couture. I think their interactions are an unspoken deal between them. I don’t think she is physically abused. I think she also yells back, and they have behaved this way in front of their kids. I am not saying she deserves abuse, but rather she engages in the same dynamic, and may view it as normal relations between them. I’m reminded of the photo of her having written “King” on his open shirted- chest in lipstick. I’m sure they planned in those days how they would rule all of the commonwealth one day.
Hi NotSoSocialB. I’ve posted on the heated debates reports under other articles. It came up after their disaster tour when there was open discussion of W’s anger. I remember reading K held her ground and had equally strong opinions. I always felt there was going to be a leak from staff about working conditions with the two of them at war all the time. IMO articles tried to make out Kate wasn’t a walk over. You could be right – they are as bad as one another and there is toxicity on mutual levels. I did not know about the “King” stuff. Gross!
This is why yesterday I said Meghan needs to tell her story about what was done to her within that family and most people here were saying Meghan needs to wait 20 to 30 years to tell her story or that she needs to write about her activism or about wellness and yoga. It felt to me that as much as people say they support Meghan they didn’t want to hear her truth. There’s a clip of Kate taking a step towards Meghan before the walkout at Windsor after the Queen’s death and Meghan stepping back in fear and walking away, watch that clip and try to tell me Meghan was not abused in the family.
Nothing will be done about or to William. Mike Tindall in his own words already told us he laid his hands Harry and thought the whole thing a great laugh. Where was Harry security detail and why didn’t they intervene. Mike laid his hand on Harry because he saw William do it. There are no words for this family and this too is Elizabeth’s legacy.
This is your royal family Britain, these are the people you are supporting to the cost of millions of pounds a year.
Oh man alive. The fact that my taxes supported the Trumps enraged me, if I had a lifetime ahead of supporting this evil family I would loose it. I wouldn’t hit anyone because I am not the King of England but I would be mad
Yes, I saw Kate step threateningly toward Meghan at the walk-about and saw Meghan look scared and hide behind Harry.
I do think it’s possible Will is abusive to Kate, and that’s sad. But she can clearly dish it out herself.
Prolonged exposure to physical /mental/emotional abuse can cause victims (adults as well as children) to adopt some of the same coping mechanisms as the primary abuser. After a period of years a wife, for example, can (but not always) become more apt to hit, kick or yell because they start modeling their abusers behavior. We know that children are more apt to be abusers when they were as children victimized by abuse.
Two thoughts:
1. If William is in fact physically abusive then why is he abusive and did anyone in his childhood abuse him? Who would it have been?
2. Meghan was right to be terrified at the walk about in Windsor Park. Kate certainly looked like she was coming for her.,
Well that was tough to read. It got me thinking though, how interesting it is how they went in different directions.
Both of them surely had a lot of anger early in their lives – their mother was harassed and died, before they were grown and fully formed adults. William never had a chance to decide his own future, it was all laid out for him, and he even had to marry someone fit for that role, not for love. Harry was always treated as the spare, not worth anything. Both boys had every right to be angry, but one of them took control of his life, got therapy, and grew as a person to have a happy loving marriage and family, and the other is…William.
I am pissed off. How dare he touch Harry and said he is trying to “help”? By assaulting him??? That is some next-level gaslighting.
Yet with all this, Harry has not made a decision concerning Chucks Coronation?
Yeah it’s like if you’re going to leave the Royal family, then actually LEAVE. Don’t ever return. It just seems like self-torture at this point. Why does Harry want to be there? Why would he want to make his family look good…like everything is fine, when it’s not. Just go away and don’t come back. It’ll be hard at first, but the best thing he ever did.
Well Chick has been threatening him with the titles stuff, maybe the threat of not coming is part of the leverage Harry uses. He is still actively fighting g to protect his wife and children.
It takes time to give up the hope of good relations with close family members who happen to be angry, threatening, lying, narcissists. And coming from this special position as a member of the royal family must make it that much harder. Only until my mother died and we could end the charade of Christmas as an extended family did I feel free to end all contact with my brother. My dad’s constantly calling him Le Dauphin after my other brother died was just one obvious example of why he became a malignant narcissist. The parallels for me are clear. Getting out is the only way. These types don’t change.
Ranea, but is he just saying that and not giving his real answer? I think about him saying that in order to go forward to the next chapter of their lives they needed to end the first chapter. Well, I think this book is ending that chapter.
Harry may believe that if he gets it all out in the public eye, it may help to lower the risk factor for M, A, L and himself. I also wonder if the things he has left out of the book is his way of negotiating a way forward without all of the vitriol of the bm, because KFC will tell them to tone it down. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. I don’t think the Sussexes will be saying anything in future about the rf and will ignore them. Unless . . .
William feels entitled to Harry and Meghan’s popularity.
He lacks empathy and was exploitive with leaking especially during Meghan’s first pregnancy.
There is also a negative conation of envy.
There is no good reason for his negative feeling except mental illness.
The constant rage escalating ????
Not suprising, led to assault, those negative emotions towards Harry still prevail, he has to set firm boundaries and stick to them.
William is a clear and present danger to Harry.
Absolutely, and I would argue a clear and present danger to all of Wngland. But especially the Sussexes
Wow to Sofacat i think you have hit the nail on the head re your post:
Sofacat says:
January 5, 2023 at 8:49 am
I wondered if ‘Harold’ was a dig; William defeated Harold in 1066. Schoolboy stuff.
I absolutely think Will has called Harry that Harold for That reason ; probably ever since learning that tidbit as a child in history class. (lol i just googled it and it was called the Battle of Hastings so i bet all those upperclass twits get the reference immediately.
I LOLd at William tho cuz King Harold was the ENGLISH king and William the conqueror was (/french? whatever 🙂
=hence that Clarkson knowingly including that Harold/Harry in a published article.
Harry has been abused since he was a kid including all the adultsstanding by all those decades letting it happen. Harry really has had to learn the “real” NOrmal as an adult..
Funny, I’ve been thinking recently that we’ve inadvertently (I know he’s a Henry not a Harold) ended up with another William and Harry battle. William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, famously invading England and defeating Saxon King Harold Godwinson for the English throne. Harrry lost that bloody battle, so we’ll see if history repeats itself.
No need to be upper class to know one of Europe’s most fateful battles
Wow, they just had a segment about this on the NBC Today Show, and hosts Sheinelle Jones, Craig Melvin, and Dylan Dreyer felt the need to comment on it afterwards, saying things along the lines of “it’s normal for brothers to fight.” And “It’s not very loyal for Harry to be discussing private family matters…”
I immediately changed the channel. Guess things haven’t really changed over there since Matt Lauer left. Apparently NBC is still super-OK with Today Show hosts dismissing, minimizing, and normalizing abuse.
Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow will show you exactly how morally bankrupt NBC is as a whole. They’re all vile.
NBC is gross
I bet this crew dragged Will Smith for that Oscar slap. I also think the US channels want access to royal events and going after William could harm that.
I remember a kid who I caught being violent to his younger sibling years ago. I would hear from his mother how he wasn’t to be trusted (left alone) with any smaller kids, pets etc. He grew up to be accused of rape a few times but didn’t get into legal trouble or go to jail. Last I heard he was trying to settle with an ex wife for trying to murder her and her new husband. I can’t even imagine if he had an entire institution covering for him or a country backing him up and fawning over him, let alone the entire commonwealth acknowledging him as a future head of state. Yikes
Brits continue to blindly admire, enable and pay to support this dysfunctional family. Inbreeding has well-documented effects, many of which are visible among past generations of the formerly-known-as-Battenburgs. Hemophilia, porphyria, epilepsy, mental illness, developmental disabilities – all are present & documented in the Windsor ancestry. Rare infusions from unrelated gene pools are beneficial but can’t offset the absurd sense of entitlement the RF has & which is supported by the populace. Some “married-ins” (Tindall, KMid, even the old Queen Mother) so luxuriate in their new proximity that they become insufferable. QE2 was a very young woman of modest talent & intellect when she ascended to the top and followed the patterns set down in previous centuries. Her well-known “4 drinks a day” for decades probably dimmed her awareness of how anachronistic her role was. Her mother was (fondly) known to like gin, liberally & regularly. Margaret was intemperate as well, drowning her heartaches & frustrations. Another “spare” who might have been the better monarch?
Harry’s to be congratulated for the introspection which led him to therapy and fortunate to have emulated the empathy he saw in his mother.
The Queen Mother had family members, cousins I think, who were mentally disabled. They were put into an institution and kept a secret for decades.
So Meghan had to go at all costs because they knew she would blow up the cycle of silence and acceptance of William’s abuse.
Exactly. She quickly saw what was really happening between in this family and opened H eyes. That’s why the hatred towards her came. She’s not an idiot and not willing to tolerate abuse, hence smear campaign
Willy’s wife and children are living apart from him and he has driven his only sibling out of the country. People show you who they are indeed.
Isn’t that the truth
Harry needs to start wearing a wire & hidden camera if he does meet with them or go to the coronation and start recording any phone calls, etc. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that with my own narcissistic mother & flying monkey sister; took finding my dad’s recordings of my mom verbally abusing him after he died. PH & MM are much nicer people than I am; I’d drop recordings “anonymously” on Twitter/’gram so fast LOL.
Based on a previous comment: “Some apple’s don’t fall far from the tree.” ……
Some apple’s don’t fall from the tree at all.
I can only hope this isn’t the situation.
Happy 2023 to all, BTW.
If a random guy on the street had hit Harry like that, they would have been arrested. Why is it ok for family to do this? Why protect them just because you share DNA? I know it’s hard, but it’s the only way they will learn. Protecting William did nothing for Harry’s mental state. I’m shocked after all that, they walked side by side to view flowers at the Queen’s memorial. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him.
William’s assault on Harry seems to have taken place while Meghan was out of town for her baby shower according to a timeline that I read online. She and Harry went to Morocco soon after. There are photos of Harry with bruised wrists and an abrasion near his eye. People cruelly speculated at the time that Meghan beat Harry up.
Dan, Harry is a better person than me I have always said . I would have knocked Will the f out . He is such a little bitch I so love Harry .
I turned off the talk because they started with the all siblings fight. Sweeping it under the rug
The Talk has been HEAVILY neutered recently. I wonder how long before Sonny Hostin leaves.
my sister and I have a volatile relationship all throughout our growing up years. she resented me … i was jealous of her . i thiught my mother loved her more than I. anyways we would fight and get mad at one another we still get upset with each other but i have never laid hands on her even when ahe was being particularly horrible to me. and she’s never laid hands on me even when i was being a jerk. i’ve wanted to punch her but i didnt… and thats as a kid and an adult. what bullyiam did to Harry is inexcusable!! there’s no oh boys will be boys etc or brothers fight etc … completely inexcusable! it shows bullyiam has no self control and he is an abuser !!!
Right?!? Who hasn’t wanted to go lividnon a sibling. But as adults we don’t actually do it and the fact that they are normalizing this makes me sick. I bet that awful wife of Ozzy is the number 1 gaslighter on The Talk
Willy the basher through and through
This is really bad. Like, this is huge, and not shocking at all, but just wow. Kudos to Harry for just not giving a f**k and letting it all out 👏👏
For me the worst part about all this is the blatant support for William by the British public, press and readers alike! Simply Unbelievable…..of all the websites I’ve read it’s only here that you see support for the Sussexes, so sad.
This only reflects your (SM) reality, however. Not mine, for example, as I DO NOT read any product put out by the britshidtmedia. So theres no way that the algorithm would ever recommend anything from the britshidtmedia to me.
Food for thought.
If people properly assess what happened to Harry and Meghan over the last 6 years, then you cannot still be a supporter of the Wales. Willy is a violent psychopath and Kate is a mean girl bully. Both used the weaponized the media and courts to attack Meghan in particular.
The Wales are disturbed people.
I can assure you that there’s less support for the BRF than they’d like you to believe – the British media depends on the BRF for their livelihood, so even when they take them to task, they avoid talking about potential abolishment. But there are reasons to believe it may happen.
Scotland will likely have another independence referendum, and it has good odds of passing. Wales is about done with having an English Prince who doesn’t even bother to learn even basic pleasantries in Welsh and talking independence too. And the number of Unionists in Northern Ireland gets smaller every year – down from 49.2% in 2017 to 43.2% in 2019 – and Brexit has only fanned all those flames.
And then there’s the Caribbean countries that are not just done with the BRF, but suing for reparations.
I very much hope that Charles is the last King of the United Kingdom and I think I may see it come to pass in my lifetime.
Agreed on your last point. Prior to this news, I thought George will never be king bc the whole thing will collapse but starting to think Will will barely make it to the throne, if at all. I’m American and and we are lawyer and lawsuit obsessed. Rest assured that the publishing house went over everything MANY times and has receipts to back up every “claim”
Congratulations Will, you FA and FO. Whatever spin your RRs will come up with, you’ll have to sit during those state dinners knowing that everyone you meet knows what you did. They will be polite but they will know – other royals, politicians, EVERYONE. And kiss your mental health whatever goodbye, because nobody will be able to listen to you talk about it now with a straight face.
I just KNEW William’s incandescent fury, rage and contempt must take on a physical manifestation too with the “right” victims. Psychopaths are kiss up, kick down kind of guys, so not the king, but definitely the spare, will be physically beaten. Not sure if Kate would fall into the victim list, but if she did, it would be something that she could clearly hold over William’s head and get sympathy for.
That’s why William and his rugby relative Mike are so close: they are both unmannered thugs, violent assholes.
Yep they both handle problems with their fists since thei 3 brain cells can’t solve problems
We’ve been hearing about incandescent with rage for years, and strong language of Will hating Meghan, so not surprised by this. After all this they better scrap this whole leak and royal sources thing and hire a Jen Psaki type. This stuff is nuts. I wasn’t gonna get the book because I don’t like uncomfortable stuff in general and tired of the broader royals because they don’t do anything significant, but bits are leaking so decided to get the e- book. This is like Versailles before the revolution where everyone is obsessed with wit and rank while the country starves and the government is in disarray. There is a lot of little nitpicky stuff that seem trivial but these people are so obsessed with rank that it shows a disorganized organization with no discipline or accountability. I think we’re getting silly sensational snippets but hopefully there has to be an overall conclusion or some broader lessons learned so they can really move forward.
With the exception of Willy assaulting Harry, the rest sounds really juvenile.
The Kate/Meghan crying story is cringe that two 40 year old woman cried over a dress fitting.
Harry’s comes off a little to candid but he really wants to let it all out.
The BaRF is filled with juvenile “leaders” that have not matured past the age of 7. What is the Hollywood saying, you mature at the age you reach your highest level of fame.
The king and his brother carry teddy bears everywhere.
Regarding the juvenile, I think there is a bigger context, in showing that there was this constant snipng and conflict. Like David Olusago said in the Netflix doc, a ridiculous attack is still an attack and it wears one down. It comes down to William, and the royals, wanting to control them, whether through rank or purse strings. The fact Harry was so prominent but living in that tiny hovel is ridiculous. That’s why there was so much outrage about them moving to Frogmore, because they thought it was too good for them. Regarding teddy bears, makes me think of Brideshead Revisited where one of the main characters carried a teddy.
“A little too candid” — it’s not possible to be “too candid” about how you were abused.
@Emily_C 👏👏👏👏
All this underlines the stupidity of all those calls for the Monarchy to skip Charles and make William King. Apart from the impossibility of that from a rules perspective, how dumb does it look now? No-one’s ready for a King William, not even William.
Seeing William in action shows he’s no where near ready. Besides the incandescent rage, he just says some tone deaf stuff and never seems enthusiastic, like it’s a long slog that he has to get through. He doesn’t seem to have a sense of the political scope of the monarchy in this particular time where Britain is in a Brexit slump and seems tethered to the Tory apparatus. This is why they’re so caught up in petty optics and leaking dumb sh*t. He seems most comfortable and relaxed when he’s around his soccer/rugby bros. cracking dude jokes and being the top dog. He’s not going to modernize anything unless it’s being more of a surveillance and control operation.
As an aside I have been abused by my abuser’s toxic family. My family. Narcs breed narcs. As a response in my teens I stopped eating and talking. And I’ve been forever bullied as causing the end of my parent’s marriage. None of it happened you see. I cared for Dad when he was old and he apologised I think sincerely on his death bed. To the toxic family I abandoned him. He was a clever kid and received nothing but praise, a golden child who could have achieved everything if not for me. It’s fascinating how the script and story is always the same isn’t it?
I feel bad for Kate even if she is a bad person.
Harry did the right thing: packed up his family and moved as far away from this Caligula as he could. He is living the dream with his wife and their powerful friends. The trolls will continue to fling poop, but that’s because they are stupidly brainwashed by fairy tales and tabloids. It’s not his problem anymore.
Kate is trapped. Even Meghan defended her as being trapped. She has to live with this guy, or at least work with him. It’s not like she can pack in up the kids and flee to Grandma’s for the next 20 years. They will drag the kids away, and savage her in the tabloids the way they did Diana.
There have always been signs William is a shit husband. No wedding ring. Has to be forced to spend time with his wife on Valentine’s day, birthdays, and anniversaries. Otherwise, he doesn’t.
He won’t look at her, touch her, or smile at her. She doesn’t laugh at his jokes and recoils at his touch. If he has a vacation or a night out on the town, he more often spends it with other men and women than Kate, who looks to be starving herself out of existence.
I feel terrible for the kids. It is too late to clean this mess so that they can have a healthy adulthood. Either the monarchy will endure and this will continue, or it will fall apart and they will have to find a place for themselves.
All of this.
This take of needing to be a “good” or “gentle” person before your abuse and/or eating disorder somehow “counts” is toxic. It makes it super duper easy for abusers to frame their victims as not good people and therefore deserving it. It’s the heart of DARVO.
And anyone saying they don’t care about the kids (or about Harry and Meghan) because they’re rich also has some terrible beliefs.
Oh so delicate waity
She isn’t trapped
Right on. She is up to her scrawny neck in this mess.
Dang we are just a few days into the new year and I’m pretty sure this will be the most commented story of the year.
I preordered last month and I have my popcorn and my cabernet sauvignon ready. harry is burning this down! His US passport is in the mail!
As a survivor of abuse from a toxic family, I am really glad that Harry is telling the full truth. It helps other survivors to have someone so prominent speak to the experience of being abused.
Take away the castles and money and this is a pathological family where social services should be a constant visitor.