In Spare, Prince Harry devotes a section to everything that happened around his grandfather’s funeral. Just weeks after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Oprah interview aired, Prince Philip passed away at Windsor Castle. Meghan was heavily pregnant with Lili at the time, so she was never going to travel to the funeral. Harry flew alone to the UK and he stayed for about a week (because of Covid travel-protocols, etc). There was some kind of summit between Harry, Prince William and then-Prince Charles. Before we get into that, let’s enjoy Harry writing about seeing William in person for the first time in more than a year, and Harry noticing how William looks so bald and ugly:
As you may have noticed, Prince William is bald. And join the club because Prince Harry also noticed, and decided to chat about it in his memoir, Spare. According to The Daily Mail, who got their hands on the book, Harry recalled meeting his brother and father during a trip to England for Prince Philip’s funeral, saying he was shocked by how much hair William had lost.
“I looked at Willy, really looked at him, perhaps for the first time since we were little, taking in every detail: his familiar scowl, which had always been the norm in his dealings with me,” Harry wrote, adding that William’s baldness was “alarming” and more “advanced than mine.” He also claimed that William’s resemblance to their mother, Princess Diana, had “faded.”
My dear brother, my archenemy, how did we come to this?” he allegedly wrote. “I felt overwhelming tiredness. I wanted to go home.”
Unfortunately, Harry’s conversation with William and Charles didn’t exactly go well. Especially when Frogmore Cottage came up and Harry said, “Willy, this was supposed to be our house. We were going to spend the rest of our lives here.”
William shot back, “You left, Harold,” and replied, “Yeah, and you know why.” Despite probably knowing why, William said, “Honestly no. Harold… not really” while Harry says Charles “was looking at me with an expression that said, ‘Me neither.'”
First of all, William is bald and ugly. Don’t come in here with a #NotAllBaldMen rant! I didn’t say all bald men are ugly – many men can really pull off some hair loss or a shaved head. William isn’t one of them. His inner ugliness has affected his looks and his hair follicles went on strike, that’s all I’m saying. As for the Windsor summit during Harry’s visit in 2021, what I’m getting is the same thing the family made clear at the time, that they were gleeful that Harry traveled alone, that they could get him away from Meghan and try to gaslight him and bully him. That man said: no, I want to go home to California and my pregnant wife. Here’s more about the meeting/summit:
The Duke of Sussex, 38, wrote in the book’s introduction about the “secret meeting” following Prince Philip‘s funeral in April 2021, revealing that his family members had “come for a fight” as they attempted to reconcile — or, at least, come to an understanding about why Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, had departed from the royal family earlier that year.
“I tried to explain my side of things. I wasn’t at my best. For starters. I was still nervous, fighting to keep my emotions in check, while also striving to be succinct and precise,” Harry wrote about the meeting, which took place at Frogmore Gardens. “More, I’d vowed not to let this encounter devolve into another argument. But I quickly discovered that it wasn’t up to me.”
Before they “got down to business,” King Charles III spoke with his sons about the weather and exchanged pleasantries about his late father’s funeral. The Archewell Foundation founder recalled being cut off by one, or both, members of his family every time he tried to speak. Eventually, Harry and William started getting “heated.” So much so that King Charles stepped in and begged his sons not to “make my final years a misery.”
Continuing their discussion, William claimed that he had no knowledge of why Harry and Meghan decided to leave the royal family. “Staggering. But maybe it was true,” he wrote. “And if they didn’t know why I’d left, maybe they just didn’t know me. At all. And maybe they never really did.”
William and Charles were stuck on this idea that Harry was never going to change from the damaged boy they could bully, humiliate and manipulate. They thought Harry would never grow up and become his own man. Charles thought the same about Diana, that he married a young girl who could be managed, gaslighted and tossed aside. That’s what Harry means when he talks about how there’s a lot of Diana in him – he found himself, he grew up, and he was done with the institutional dysfunction. Charles and William are pieces of sh-t.
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- North America Rights Only – Windsor, UK -20210417-Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Funeral at Windsor Castle -PICTURED: Prince William and Prince Harry -PHOTO by: PA Images/ Disclaimer: This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact INSTAR Images for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207. This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. INSTAR Images reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded For images containing underage children: Be advised that some Countries may have restricted privacy laws against publishing images of underage children. Inform yourself! Underage children may need to be removed or have their face pixelated before publishing
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- WINDSOR, ENGLAND – APRIL 17: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales during the Ceremonial Procession during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born 10 June 1921, in Greece. He served in the British Royal Navy and fought in WWII. He married the then Princess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI. He served as Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100th birthday. His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guests invited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.,Image: 606163234, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Leon Neal / Avalon
- Image Licensed to i-Images Picture Agency. 17/4/21. Windsor. Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex at the funeral of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, at Windsor Castle.,Image: 606177076, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Stephen Lock / i-Images / Avalon
- Catherine Duchess Of Cambridge And Prince William At The Out-Sourcing Inc Charity Polo Match The Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge at in the Out-Sourcing Inc charity polo match at Guards Polo Club, Smiths Lawn, Windsor. The match is to raise funds and awareness for ten charities supported by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Featuring: Prince William Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 06 Jul 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images
- King Charles, Camilla, Queen Consort, Prince William, Catherine Princess of Wales, Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex on a walkabout to meet members of the public at Windsor Castle in Berkshire following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Duchess of Sussex Where: Windsor, England, United Kingdom When: 10 Sep 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- Prince Harry walking in the procession at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, during the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh., Credit:Victoria Jones / Avalon Where: United Kingdom When: 17 Apr 2021 Credit: WENN/Avalon *****ONLY AVAILABLE FOR AGREED WENN SUBSCRIPTION DEALS*****
- The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry walking in the procession at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, during the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh., Credit:Victoria Jones / Avalon Where: United Kingdom When: 17 Apr 2021 Credit: WENN/Avalon *****ONLY AVAILABLE FOR AGREED WENN SUBSCRIPTION DEALS*****
- The Duke of Cambridge walking in the procession at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, during the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh., Credit:Victoria Jones / Avalon Where: United Kingdom When: 17 Apr 2021 Credit: WENN/Avalon *****ONLY AVAILABLE FOR AGREED WENN SUBSCRIPTION DEALS*****
The resemblance to Diana did not last long.
Harry has a burner Twitter… can’t convince me otherwise. This has been a running joke for the last few years
😳… I think you’re right. We know for s fact he had a finsta… He checks in on the Sussex squad?
What is it Lainey says, “Ain’t no shit like boy shit.”?
Yeah It’s WILD how that changed! He looked just like her as a teen and then those Windsor genes just… crept right up… oof
That’s what happens when you spend all day tearing your hair out, raging over everything that doesn’t go your way. Love that for him.
Bahahaha! Harry is letting it all out!!!
It’s really a shame for William. I had such high hopes for him, but in the end, the institution ate him up and he’s just like the rest of the dysfunctional Windsors.
I’m. So embarrassed to admit but in the 70s? Maybe, Charles was thought to be good looking. I think I thought that for 5 mins too! It was the time
Yeah, he had a few good years in the 70s. Interestingly, it overlapped with his Navy years, when he wasn’t as under the control of the Palace ghouls.
One of the real mistakes with William was the half assed military career. He never had that independent moment. Or if he did, he wasted it.
If you look at Charles face, you can tell he drinks a lot. He has lots of broken blood veins which is a sign of extreme boozing. Charles and Baldy are awful and disgusting men and Kate is ugly inside.
@The Old Chick
Whew chile! I ain’t NEVER thought Chuckles was cute. Those ears! Those close set sneaky looking Windsor eyes. Yech!
Harry has the close set eyes but it’s the only thing and they are so pretty and blue…
Charles was never exactly good looking, but he was athletic and stylish when he was younger, and that gave him some pizazz. I remember a picture of him at a polo game when he was in his 50’s, he was still looking okay. I’ve been very surprised, actually, to see what a schlub he’s turned into; look at him in his uniform slouching when walking with the group at TQ’s funeral, and likewise, in the picture of him in the throne chair (?) for the first time, just kind of casually slumped there. He still dresses well, but not nearly as interesting, and isn’t carrying it off the way he once did. He’s not so old he couldn’t have maintained a more trim, athletic appearance – look at Joe Biden, who’s 5 years older.
Check out the photos in this article, originally from a few years back:
Chas was never good looking! Receding chin, close-set eyes, big nose. He looks better now than when when he was young & that doesn’t say much. I’ve wondered for a long time if he got a chin implant. He & Anne had very unattractive profiles due to the chin problem.
I think Charles was attractive enough in his younger days; the issue was more that Diana was not only gorgeous in herself, but incredibly photogenic, and Charles was/is….not so photogenic.
Once I got an Ingrid Seward biography of Diana (I was like 10 or 12, it was before they officially divorced, lol) and I just remember a line in it about “the prince being an attractive enough chap, but the camera worshipped his wife, and he was jealous.” And now as I’ve gotten older I can really see that – the camera did worship Diana. Some people can be very attractive IRL and don’t photograph that well, Diana did. and not only was charles jealous of that, but her beauty and glamor just made him look….old and dowdy, I guess, at least in his mind.
Take away the money and the expensive clothes and status.. Charles always looked like the creepy boy in your teens classroom that you would never ever ever date or even talk to other than say “no” to. Crop out the rest and focus on the face, and see it.
Imo Charles did not age well. He looked best in his forties
William becoming like the rest of the Windsors is what Diana was worried would happen. If she hadn’t died, perhaps she might have been able to influence him to learn and grow, but then again, she might have gotten just as frustrated with him as Harry is.
His nasty juvenile calling Harry Harold is so obnoxious as to disqualify the SOB from being king right there. A first rate ahole.
he married the wrong woman william a selfish enabler that kate!!
Kate is probably those things but let’s not blame Willy being a douche on the woman. He is what he is
Genetics is not being kind to William and his mental health is in desperate need. Charles has been a mess his entire life.
Will was a brat from early childhood, Kate didn’t cause that. So the fact that he’s a grown up brat (and more) isn’t directly her fault. I would say, Kate and Will bring out each other’s worst qualities, and you can throw the Middleton family into the mix as well. I’ve wondered before if Will might have turned out differently if he hadn’t hooked up with Kate and her family when he did. He at least had had Diana’s influence early in his life. The same could be true for Kate as well, she might have turned out differently with a different partner, but in her case, it might have been very tough to escape Carole’s nefarious influence.
Harry and Meghan, on the other hand, are a great example of the opposite – two people who combined are able to bring out the best in each other. Add to that, the influence of Meghan’s most significant family member – Doria.
One thing I’m curious about – Will is the one who reportedly told Harry he needed therapy. So, did Will ever consider that for himself? Did he ever try it, or did he just assume it was Harry who was the problem, who needed to be “fixed”?
It’s almost as if, *as if* Haz is trying to egg Egg on to force some kind of blunder by PegEgg, wink, wink.
NotSoSocialB, I think by telling the truth it likely will result in a blunder by Fails. I don’t know if Harry really thought about that aspect of telling truths, but this is a family built around lies.
I think every step they’ve taken has been a deliberate attempt to either force a positive resolution but if that doesn’t happen to force Will and/or Charles to out themselves, proving what they’ve been slowly and systematically divulging about the toxic system.
I think its just what Harry says it is: why let other people lie about you for entertainment and profit, when you can put your own true story out there. Now the gutter press can’t continue the same old lies about him: the truth is there in public. And they needed a purse. They are supporting themselves, and it was the obvious thing people wanted from them, their true story. I don’t blame them for selling it; that sort of thing isn’t frowned upon in the US. Anyone is free to say what they wish, and sometimes people are interested in listening. They will move forward from here, with the decks cleared and with financial security, to their other more public projects.
I’ll admit, I saw the headline and was prepared to say something like ‘don’t comment on someone else’s body, ever, particularly if you’re going to shame them.’
I read this and completely understand what he’s saying. I’ve had similar conversations with my family. I left, needed to start a new life, after abuse at the hands of my immediate family members. Both the perpretrators, and those around them, are all still confused or outright refusing to understand why I left. They’re slowly coming to terms with the finality of it though.
The whole time I’m reading this, I have ‘my tears ricochet’ stuck in my head. ‘I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home. You can aim for my heart, go for blood. But you would still miss me in your bones.’
At this point, not knowing why Harry and Meghan left is a choice.
Seriously! They clearly thought of H as a robot with a function, not as a real person, and refused to try even to change and see him as a real person with feelings and ideas.
Exactly. Willful ignorance.
Will-ful? Geddit! Ugh I shouldn’t be allowed a keyboard 😛
Exactly. As someone posted in an earlier thread, there’s an interview, a documentary, a book and a mental health series. That’s a lot of information. They don’t want to understand. That’s too threatening to their world
IForeget, I wonder periodically if KFC and Fails are simply incapable of understanding because of the isolation bubble they live in. While I think this is true to a certain extent, I believe at this point is willful ignorance. I don’t know whether it’s because if they understand why they left they have to look at their own actions, or if they don’t care why. They consider it a betrayal, and that’s never going to change which is why there will be no accountability on their part.
I think Harry has just ended the chapter and he and Meghan will now go forward with the next chapter.
“His familiar scowl which had always been the norm in his dealings with me”
Says it all really. And that his dad starts out talking about the weather lol.
That’s what stood out to me – it’s a succinct and clear rebuttal of the narrative that they were always close before that nasty Meghan came along!
The bald head, the scowl and the general evilness all remind me of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.
BIIIIIIIG Mr. Burns energy!
And the disrespectful insistence on calling H “Harold.” That stinker, Bullyam is such a douche.
Harry should rename Bill as Boil, because he is a rancid pustule.
Tbf they called each other nicknames Willy and Harold
Hahaha, yep, a bald and ugly indeed. I am sure we will hear lots of sources speak on this and how women are still hot for the future king and how handsome they find him 😂
In a serious note, his father and brother are pieces of sh!T
I see that Harry decided to soak the palace in gasoline before lighting an entire box of matches.
Meghan has been the one keeping him from a full nuclear attack on the BRF. His gloves are off.
Between Spare and The Real Housewives of Congress, who needs HBOMAX?
But I do doubt some of this reported story. No way William called Harry (Henry), Harold. Unless it’s that “Harold Markle” used by the rota.
It sounds like the nickname came from William originally (just as Harry refers to him as Willy), and was picked up by others later.
Yeah I’ve seen it in a few different places that Harold and Willy were the nicknames they used for each other. One more appropriate than the other I feel!
Caseysmom- The Harold thing is all over the other stories as well, so I think that’s the name they/Will called him in private. As someone in the assault thread said, it’s a way to degrade and minimize Harry – by not even deigning to call Harry by his actual name.
It also gives us a clue as to who is behind the online troll attacks (who use Harold) and the JC attack. I’ll bet Will, Camzilla, and the Tindall Thug all call him Harold as a way to bully him in plain sight. And then probably harass and “tease” him if he asks to be called his actual name.
It could be that the nickname “Harold” is meant as a put-down, but not all families who call someone by another name are doing that. My family affectionately calls my brother by a similar name to his. It started as a joke from people mixing his name up as a child/teen and now my family has adopted it as his nickname. We even use it when talking to each other about him sometimes. Harold may have been an affectionate thing to call Harry, at some point.
What bothers me about the choice of Harold by William is that it was the name of the last king of England, killed on the order of William the Conqueror when he invaded England from Normandy in 1066 in the battle of Hastings. It’s not an innocent choice
(Harold’s massacre is well pictured in the Tapestry of Bayeux)
Yea Harold is depicted as a traitor and gets an arrow shot into his eye at the battle of Hastings.
OT: So the memoir is now available? Are the BM serializing without permission!? Surely grounds for a fat lawsuit! I hope this does not affect his sales.
Yeah I can’t stop reading these posts but at the same time I’m super annoyed. The BM is just publishing as much as they can, i can’t believe this is legal. Maybe because they’re not quoting whole sections verbatim its okay?
I was upset two nights ago because I had wanted it all to be a fresh surprise and something that I could interpret by myself before seeing other people’s reactions. And of course I didn’t have the self-control just to try to ignore these stories! But now I think having a little clues beforehand will help focus the reading and make it surprising when we see the bigger context for the parts we have already read now.
It does, but in a positiv way.
Apparently the pre-orders have increased by more than 200%. Thank God, I was worried it was bad for Harry.
Yeah I had not preordered cuz I thought it would be more vague boring rehash like the documentary was. Now that I know he came and lit a match to burn it down I put my preorder, lol.
I can see why, I pre-ordered after watching H&M on Netflix, it’s the first royal book I’ve ever bought as coming here in recent years has been enough for me but I was interested to hear from from Harry in his own words, whatever he covered. Now that we’re getting insights and know that he is absolutely lifting the curtain and shining a bright light into the murk that is the BRF I completely understand why so many others are interested to read it. This is big.
I wasn’t planning on getting the book because I find the Windsors so tedious but after these blurbs I ordered the e-book and want to read the whole thing.
From what I’ve read/heard, it seems a non English version of the book leaked and the excerpts/info come from that leak.
I think some leaks are authorised re the Guardian one but I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest were from said leak
His sales have skyrocketed even more. This issue with major book releases isn’t exactly normal but it’s not uncommon. I remember the big hoopla around the HP book six leak about Snape killing Dumbledore, and that book did perfectly fine when it was released a few days later. It happens, unfortunately. At least this happened within a week of the release date; any earlier and it would’ve been bad.
I think the publisher could go after the Spanish bookseller for violation of contract. but I don’t think they can do anything about the press. all of this stuff is hella newsworthy, and once it’s out there everyone will be talking about it. it’s been rather entertaining watching them all report on each others’ reporting. not everyone has the book yet but they are desperate to comment on it, so they’re commenting on what other publications have said.
as far as spoilers, I’ve long known/suspected a LOT of what’s been revealed so far, just from paying attention here and to the media. I’m sure many of us can say that. and tbh I’m sure I will enjoy the book even more, having been warned about some of the more dramatic/painful content. (plus Harry is going to read it to me! I am getting NO sleep on Monday night!)
Is this from the book that had to be translated from Spanish? Some of it sounds awkward and stilted like a bad translation. And all these excerpts out of context! At this point, I’m suffering from excerpt overload. That said, William certainly is bald and no longer resembles his mother.
Yea the dialogue sounds very stilted making me think it’s the translated copy. I’m confused about logistics now, is the guardian leak also from the early Spanish releases? I thought the fight excerpts sounded well written though!
Laineygossip had a good explanation of the guardian leak and that it was from a guy in publishing who is literally famous for leaking from big important books. The rest of the leaks are from reporters translating details from the books in Spain that were sold early.
Thank you @JAIS! I wondered if it was a “controlled leak” but then everything just started going crazy !
omg this is so mean and petty and I love it. Harry must read all the anti-William comments about Diana snatching her good looks back, LOL.
The part about Frogmore was interesting though. Was William even then trying to get it for him and Kate (or just Kate?) It was summer 2021 that we first heard about the potential move to Windsor, was it being discussed at the funeral?
Also, the only way the Windsors don’t know why Harry left is because they don’t want to know.
A slightly more charitable interpretation (given that Harry is himself balding, and apparently also mentioned that) is that he felt like he was looking into his own future, when he saw how bald William was. The part about Diana snatching back the Spencer genes…. just flat out true!
Just adding – I think there’s a reason the DM et al are serializing these parts that seem super petty. They want the focus on that – Harry called William bald! – not “Charles and William shouted Harry down every time he tried to talk and refuse to understand why he left.” or any of the other more salacious/explosive parts in the book. They want people to think this is just a petty revenge book, so they’re highlighting those parts.
I think you are 💯 correct! And they’re also trying to turn people off of the book by making Harry sound obnoxious and not very bright.
Exactly right @Becks1!
Definitely gave me a chuckle though 🤣
Well, whatever they were hoping to do, in the US the hardcover is currently #1 on both the Amazon and B&N sites. So turning people off doesn’t seem to be working. And all the people who buy the book will be able to draw their own conclusions once they read these excerpts in context.
Harry looking at his brother wondering when he turned into Voldemort.
I imagine he looked at Willy and in his best Shug Avery voice said, “You sure is UGLY”, and cackled.
I don’t understand the point of this. So he’s unattractive to some people. He used to be cute, now he’s not. Why are we focusing on that? He’s a horrible d*ck but he doesn’t become more of one because he’s losing his hair. And losing hair isn’t punishment for being a giant inflamed cyst either. Yes, from a purely superficial perspective, H&M are the vastly more attractive couple but I honestly don’t understand why more than that needs to be said or why it needs to be attributed to character.
I feel like some of these excerpts are unhelpful and should be read in context.
Yeah, I wouldn’t think Harry would care so much about his brother’s hair situation. I do find William unattractive now but not because of the baldness.
Well, I should be getting the book soon, so I’ll find out then what the context is.
I don’t think the dig is so much his bald head. I think it’s more “his resemblance to Diana faded” I think he felt some comfort in the fact that some of even her in a physical way still existed in his brother. I think it was a way of saying “your good heart (physical likeness to Diana) faded with your balding head aka your evil (ugly on the side and outside). I think Wills got away with a lot because of this looks back then … I would not have believed that he was raging monster. While Harry was called ginger in a bad way, that Charles is not his father meaning that he doesn’t look like either one of this parents according to everyone. I think he struggled with that especial when Charles would make jokes about not being his real father. Now we see so much of his mother in Harry especially his reddish blonde hair. Harry reference how much Spencer he sees in Lilibeth. He considers himself more Spencer and I think more at peace and kinda relief that he turned out nothing like a Windsor. I also think he wants Will to read it and its sore (bald) spot for him LOL he must have picked on Harry or his looks a lot I feel.
i think the point Harry is making is that William is losing what linked him to Diana. For years, especially as a teenager, people remarked upon how closely he ressembled his mother and maybe Harry resented that ?
i feel Harry is saying that Diana is the representation of all that is good and noble , and by losing this resemblance then his brother is no longer good , which is a bit weird. William could be Diana in drag and still be an AH, these things are not linked.
Harry clearly adores his mother, as many of us do with our own mothers, but this feels a little obsessive.
I think it’s understandable. His mother was the only person who ever loved him. She made him feel safe and wanted. The rest of the family treated him like Oliver Twist. Of course he clings to her memory tightly.
The press are cherry picking what they want and by taking it out of context, we can’t know the whole truth until the book comes out and we read it ourselves.
It might be petty, it might not, we won’t know until Tuesday.
I’m still angry about the leak but can’t stop reading!
The difference here is Harry and William as children lost their mother, who was also young. Following this, they grew up in a cold environment, watching their father reunite with his mistress, who caused their mother misery.
I’m getting from the quoted passage that after the time apart and his own personal growth, he looked at his brother and barely recognized him. That his occasional snarly face was now permanent and he looked older than his years. I really doubt Harry was being bitchy about him simply losing some hair.
Yup, even with the deliberately limited context and the media’s attempts to twist things, it’s pretty obvious what Harry was getting at.
Exactly, Harry looked up and suddenly realized that the Will he thought of as his beloved brother didn’t exist anymore, and didn’t recognize the person in front of him, literally and figuratively. It’s about Harry realizing that his notions of his brother and father were no longer based in reality, and that if they don’t know why he left then it’s mutual and they don’t know who he is either, and maybe never did. It’s about Harry realizing how much time has passed and how the people they all are now are markedly different from who they once were, it’s not about taking digs about who has less hair.
Sunday, ITA. I think that’s why he felt overwhelming tiredness. I think he was seeing clearly for the first time the passage of time for both of them. I feel that he probably understood somewhat that the brother he knew, or thought he knew, wasn’t the same person.
I feel that he was then able to arrive at the conclusion that they may never have known who he was.
Emmi – your last sentence is exactly the point. As someone upthread said, they are purposely releasing things out of context to fit the tabloid’s narratives or to make Harry seem gossipy and petty. This also allows them to simultaneously gloss over the real meat of the story – the abuse that he and Meghan suffered at the hands of his family, the fcuked up institution, and the dangerous and disgusting British media.
Emmi. I don’t get it, either. It seems really unnecessary.
Same Emmi!
It really is unnecessary, especially considering Harry is also balding rapidly. That friar Tuck look just emphasizes it 🙄
They are all such terrible people, all of them.
It seems a way of saying William has really aged in the past few years and doesn’t look the same as he used to. He doesn’t look good and if Harry wants to say so, so be it.
It’s that deal with the devil Willy went and made, his mistake is that he didn’t use a long enough spoon when he sat down to dine with him. Now it’s taken its toll.
Without the full context we really don’t know but the passage could be about distance, objectivity, and clarity. New eyes. For example, his living in CA & then the USA and likely not FaceTiming with Willy and/or not having Zooms calls with him could have been one of the longest periods of no contact Harry has had with his brother—especially after an argument. So, for him, he was perhaps seeing Willy for the first time as much a stranger would. A better way to say this: it’s like when you haven’t seen your grandparents or parents for a while and then when you see them you see the changes time has wrought. You see how old and fragile they look, how stiffly they move. Those changes kind of hit you. Had you been there everyday you’d have observed things (if at all) with the soft eyes of day-to-day familiarity and love. However, due to the distance (emotional as well as physical) as well as the amount of time that’s elapsed, your eyes and mind will register things that you hadn’t previously registered or will see things that had been noted unconsciously up to that point. New eyes.
My two cents. 🤷🏽♀️
Will is sooooooo ugly and man I cannot believe that Harry went there. I don’t hate it one bit. Willy went after Meghan and their children so Willy can screw all the way off.
It really is remarkable how Will’s resemblance to Diana has faded. He looked a lot like her when he was younger, IMO, and now it’s like he doesn’t at all.
I think it’s a bit odd that Harry described the advanced baldness as “alarming,” though? That’s what happens with male pattern baldness: barring some intervention (and they have yet to find one that really works), it tends to progress. That could happen to Harry too. But he’ll be one who can pull it off. Not having an ugly soul helps.
Maybe he’s just worried he’ll be that bald in two years?
@AnneL I think Harry took comfort in his brother looking like his mother. He liked seeing his beautiful brother like any of the rest. Looking at W now and not seeing his mother reflected sounds a sad coming to reality. W isn’t just awful looking. Diana isn’t to be found in W any longer
I think it has deeper meaning too.
I think one of the big things for Harry is that he may have always found his home in his brother. Meaning his brother was one of his anchors and his brother provided him with security—a secure tether. He probably had a childlike emotional reliance on his brother for many things. Just kind of Big bro / Lil bro type of stuff. (I’m sure Harry likely got lost in the struggle of Charles’ & Diana’s “stuff” and their subsequent divorce.) Then, there is of course Harry dependence on his father and (would have been William) for money.
My point is that Harry could have been a bit co-dependent, looked up and to his brother for many things—one being that he always saw a connection to their mother (if only superficially) in the way William looked and therefore her goodness and therefore forgiveness when William did crazy stuff. Distance and fading looks stripped all of that away. Harry saw William and all of his flaws for the first time. Straight. No chaser. Basically, William has and had finally fallen off the pedestal on which Harry had sat him. (William is no longer Lil Bro’s
childhood savior and hero. He finally felt his brother’s anger and ugly side truly directed at something Harry loved and wanted to protect (Megan). I think that is what in part has Harry shook. That’s why the blinders are now off.
We can agree that William is ugly. I think that if all his hair was to grow back overnight, he would remain ugly.
But I find this reference from Harry about William’s “alarming” baldness unnecessary. “More advanced than mine”, yes, he is also older. Harry will be bald too, and it won’t take long either. He should have stuck to the “familiar scowl” (I found that heart breaking) and how the resemblance to Diana had disappeared.
I wonder if some of it is errors from the tabloids translating from the Spanish copy (so, from the original English, to Spanish, then back to English for the tabloids).
I read some retelling of this story on Twitter and there was a literal typo…so I don’t know if that was from the book (doubtful), the translation, or just the person who posted it on Twitter. I think for some of this we need to wait and read Harry’s actual words because some of this story doesn’t even really sound like him IMO. I could imagine he said he found William’s appearance alarming (in the snarling countenance sort of way) and it somehow got mistranslated…? I don’t know but I’m curious to read this full story in Harry’s own words without having been translated.
I agree. And I can’t wait!
SussexWatcher, you nailed it. Your comment (and Becks1 above) are the most objective I’ve read so far. As Becks said, there’s a reason they’re focusing on the most salacious details. And as you pointed out, we’re being given the information translated from Spanish to English. That alone will give some of the tabloid reporters some cover. “Oh, we were just reporting what we were told since we don’t speak Spanish”. Guaranteed that will come up.
Someone else commented about the context of Harry’s statements. The context is so important and I don’t believe any of the gossipy stuff being released by the tabloids is anywhere near in context. Of course it’s not, that would require reporting the actual factually correct statement(s) made by Harry in the book.
The speculation and emotional comments everywhere puzzle me. No one commenting on the leaks so far has any clue whatsoever what Harry was thinking when he wrote this book. Only he knows. So to that end, why not wait until the book is formally released and see what Harry himself has to say. In his words. Directly from him, not through the “translated” lens of tabloid reporters.
LMAOOOOO! Oh my god, Harry, you bitch! 🤣🤣🤣
Growing up Harry heard others saying how much William resembled Diana and it really bothered him. Taking shots at William’s hereditary baldness is a low blow.
And I hope he continues the blows by getting his own hair loss treated and reversed so PWT is the only one with advanced baldness.
William needs to take some blows. He’s been protected and entitled his entire life and Harry is the only person on earth strong enough to stand up to him. Burger King rages and intimidates people. Being taken down a bit is good for him.
@Vals you are making a judgment based on third hand info. A translated excerpt manipulated by people who hate Harry and wish him harm. Wait to read the actual book.
😂 Cry more.
Beautifully succinct.
Will smears and leaks info on Harry and Meghan for years while has the press create false narratives on them = fair. Harry in a Spanish translated txt of his memoir calls his brother bald = LOW BLOW
Vals, wow, Harry admits he’s getting bald, too. Please read my comment above. Context is really important, and I know that the bm really want people to interpret everything NEGATIVELY AGAINST Harry. I believe very differently from you, and I think I’m closer to what Harry meant. I think everyone should wait and read the book and interpret it for themselves. Stop letting the bm tell you what to think!
Were you this appalled when the two people closest to him helped drive his wife to the verge of suicide while pregnant, or was it radio silence?
One low blow in five years of misery and almost tragic loss and you want to censure Harry? Come on.
While I don’t think it’s wise for Harry to allow his thoughts about William’s appearance into the published version of his memoir, it sure is funny.
“Continuing their discussion, William claimed that he had no knowledge of why Harry and Meghan decided to leave the royal family. “Staggering. But maybe it was true,” he wrote. “And if they didn’t know why I’d left, maybe they just didn’t know me. At all. And maybe they never really did.”
Wow, the gaslighting. Imagine going into a lion’s den, knowing no one in that room is on your side. I would be nervous too. I’m sure this was new territory for all of them. I’ve had to tell off family members who thought I was the weaker one and they could bully and push around. It was scary and hard but I’m so glad I stood up for myself against those bullies.
Like William doesn’t know why Harry left. Please. That man let Jason Knauf provide evidence against Meghan in court. He knows exactly why.
Thank you. That’s the biggest thing to me. Like what??? You know why they left. They are insane.
Between the physical assault excerpts and more tidbits like this, a truly disturbing picture of William is coming out. We all knew he was awful but to be THIS twisted is really horrifying and I’m so glad Harry got his family away from him. The man is dangerous and there’s no way of sugarcoating it. He is going to be (more of) an absolute terror now when it’s his time for the throne.
I took the comment as Harry seeing William in a different light after leaving the institution and spending over a year living in peace and tranquility with his growing family. He finally saw William for what he truly was, an ugly soul.
I agree , after time apart, H looked at his brother and couldn’t recognise him anymore because they are on different paths. H is in therapy to deal with deep rooted issues and he can see how intensely angry his brother still is with him for not remaining at his beck and call. He ordered H to shave his beard off at one point, I mean WTF. This is a dysfunctional relationships about powers dynamics not about baldness. To this observer H and M look refreshed, content and madly in love whereas W and K look clenched, rigid, tense and wretched.
How sad for you Vals, because I see a man happy, in love and living his best life.
Have I missed something? What was that about Frogmore Cottage? I wonder what the argument was about there.
Am I the only one who thinks all of the excerpts so far are underwhelming? It’s just very juvenile sounding and nothing but petty stuff. Maybe that’s just the stuff the papers are pulling quotes from. Where is his childhood, the military, or any of his life before Meg? I am just confused by the tone because Harry is such an eloquent speaker and this is…not that.
And the Harold thing is throwing me off and makes me think it’s all fake. Will calls him the wrong name this much in order to bully him? Or is it someone transcribing from another language where the copy editor thought his full name is Harold when in reality the book says Harry? It’s just so odd.
I’m with you, M.
The excerpts released by the BM so far are…strange. Very unlike Harry’s style. Almost as if someone is going out of their way to make H & M look petty and childish. Between this and the lip gloss excerpt…I don’t know. I’m skeptical.
It’s translated from the Spanish version so the language coming off as weird could simply be translation errors.
The only English passages we’ve seen directly from the book is the one about the fight the Guardian describes (they printed it verbatim) and the passage from People Magazine where Harry describes going through the Pont de l’Alma tunnel while visiting Paris in 2007. The Guardian didn’t obtain the book with permission but I’m pretty sure the passage People Magazine published was supposed to be released in conjunction with the promotion for Spare as an exclusive. Reading the passages directly in English without a Spanish translation filter from the British tabloids has a different impact, especially the Pont de l’Alma tunnel passage. I am reserving my judgment until I receive the book next week!
Totally agree. There’s something off here, and I’m not convinced it’s just a translation issue.
Keep in mind these are excerpts chosen by the British media to share, not by the publisher or Harry. I said above that they WANT you to think this is just a petty revenge book, so that’s why they’re choosing these snippets.
I’m sure the whole book is not about William being bald and Kate being mean.
Yes I agree. I posted in another thread that the writing seems… not so great. I’m hoping it’s a translation thing and that a lot of these are being pulled out of context. It feels a wee bit like a trashy tell-all, but I think that is likely for tabloid headline grabs
Kate McCallister, the bm wants to tell everyone what to think about this book. What I find hilarious is that Spare is now at the top of Amazon and B&M bestseller list of books–no just biographies.
The bm is actually helping to sell more books, where people will be able to read everything in context and make their own decision about what it contains.
The Harold stuff doesn’t bother me. It’s a nickname related to Harry. Willy is his nickname back, which is infantile for penis of course. Harold must seem old fashioned and funny to them, like he’s an old man. I can imagine all this came about as kids. It’s very boarding school. If this is true.
I’m starting to believe that the version leaked to the BM isn’t the version coming out on the 10th because this doesn’t feel like something Harry would write?
However, it’s funny AF 😂
Yeah, I think they’re leaving out key parts and translating it strangely.
I am thinking they did the same thing when they published Meghan’s letter. Omitting certain words and phrases to change the meaning altogether.
I pre-ordered the minute I heard about it. I’m trying not to read all the headlines so I still get some surprises when the book arrives! (obviously I’m doing a bad job of it)
It is amazing how Willy’s face is frozen in an angry scowl. Diana would be so disappointed.
The constantly clenched jaw is what I notice as well. He must be grinding his own teeth down to nubs. LOL! This is what a rage monster looks like.
Many will say that Harry was mean here or trying to shame his brother’s looks. But that’s not what he’s saying here.
He came home for the first time since he’s been de-royaled. After he got some mental distance and enough time to see things clearly. And he says he’s seeing his brother clearly for maybe the first time.
The baldness is his way of saying it that he’s seeing how tired and stressed Will is. That he’s unhappy. Something we’ve been saying here for a while.
Not looking like Diana anymore means his brother is fully Windsored now. After the childhood they spent together and having their mom as one thing in common that makes them different from Windsors, Harry is saying here that all what Will had of Diana in him, is now gone.
It’s a very profound moment for Harry but of course it will be turned into “Harry is bald shaming his brother” and everyone will start to comment on Harry’s baldness as well
That’s why I don’t believe there’s anything about William’s baldness in the book. Harry is too smart for that — he would know the kind of backlash it would incite. I said it up-thread, but I’m going to be really surprised if these excerpts are real. (Willing to eat my words, mind you! But I’ll still be surprised.)
I think they’re probably real.
I probably wouldn’t have said it either, but he also talked about his frostbitten, snipped todger. (Like I love Harry, but you brought that one on yourself, buddy.)
One would think that a father would support a son/child and try to empathize, but this isn’t a regular family dynamic. This family is downright austere and distant, the warm and fuzzies will never be their strong suit, and Charles is the greatest product of that environment. It’s too late for him to change, so I’m giving him a teeny tiny pass, I’ll “grandfather clause” him. He still sucks and I thank the heavens I have my father and not Charles, but he ain’t gonna change now.
William, however, is a totally different case. If Charles is an asshole, a relic of his time and upbringing, then William is a generational failure. 40 years old chronologically, and yet he has the soul of someone who was a 40 yo Royal in 1923. When William protects the Crown and his family’s eternal credo, attitude and behaviors over his brother and his relationship with Harry, tells us everything. Stepford Prince is in the rank and file, and it also shows is that he probably almost always viewed Harry as a perma-wingman/punching bag.
Fuck William, fuck him for assuming Harry would take all the old shit forever and ever, then when Harry finally acted on his long standing anger and disappointment, William & Co. acted so slighted, as if it all came from left field. Circle the Royal wagons and see Harry the enemy on the outside, on the attack. It’s classic bully behavior, to act surprised and hurt, cut to the quick. Spare me that utter nonsense.
Harry simply left and tore their velvet curtain down with him. Now we can start to see what has been happening behind the scenes, now we can see the sniping, backstabbing and self serving jackals they really are – sucks to be you, Willy.
I didn’t get that was what Harry was saying, more like, I don’t even know you anymore. You are just a man that I am apparently related to who is always yelling at me. I mean what did they want to discuss about Frogmore? That he give it back? I have more questions about that and not this stupid William is bald thing.
its really simple, william did not marry the right woman, she has not helped him with anything except heirs, she does not have a work ethics, she does not get a long with people outside her family, that role is too big for william he needed someone strong to help hm thats why he is frustrated because he relied on harry to do things for him!!
So true, I completely agree. Kate is fairly worthless and William was duped by the Middletons. Now he’s all mad.
Wonder does Kate feel cheated? He really went from winner to huge looser on the physical side of things. And now we know the personality side also. She must really love him at some level. I just couldn’t, he’s a total turn off but everyone has different taste.
I don’t think she really loves him. I am astonished at how she put all on hold in the wait for the ring. Love should not involve her being insecure so she worries if she was not there when the phone rang.
Charles and William pretending not to know why Harry left is gaslighting. They know exactly why Harry left and their role in it but want to convince Harry that he is over reacting to their abuse of him and his family.
Imo, william looks nothing like charlie, and more and more like andy.
William used to look like a carbon copy of Diana, but once Philip’s balding pattern got a hold of that dome it was over. He still has Diana’s eyes/nose/jaw, but that look of perpetual displeasure and bitterness is remarkably like Andrew.
Harry, bless him, got Charles’s balding pattern.
I see nothing of Diana. He has the Spencer shaped head and he resembles Charles more and more. I see that he has some distinct hanoverian features in profile.
The fact that William keeps calling Harry “Harold” when that’s not at all his name is telling. Just another attempt at a power play, and I wonder how long it’s been going on.
Holy f×#@! This is full unleashing of YEARS of damage. This clearly goes way back before Meghan. He isn’t just done. He wants to dismantle them. Wow
LOL This is petty as hell and I love it…
This is a weird theory on my part but I’m going for it. I thought about this after reading about William threatening to shave off Harry’s beard. I don’t think William has been allowed to address his baldness. I think that’s one of the other things the queen forbade him to do along with growing a beard and I think that’s caused a lot of resentment. At this point, even if he did address it, everyone would know he had a hair transplant. Harry can do whatever he wants. I think Harry has – or is planning to – address his baldness. He’s been in a weird limbo spot with it for awhile where he can easily cover up any bald spots. I don’t mean this in a bad way but Harry is a little vain. That’s okay. I especially think given this passage he does not want to be bald like William or Philip. Harry focuses on it because he knows he’s peering into his own future and he sees it as being apart of them. Look how much he goes out of his way to cover it up already. I think there is animosity on William’s end regarding his brother keeping his good looks and knowing he can keep his good looks forever.
How stupid is William? He still claimed to not know why they left even after the Oprah interview where they laid it all out? Meghan said she was suicidal. She felt trapped by the institution just like Diana and was made out to be a villain in the British press. This was also after the smear campaign William orchestrated right before the Oprah interview claiming Meghan bullied all her staff. This is the man England will have as a king? Okay then lol, he’s the UK’s problem. Pointing out his advancing baldness is very petty by Harry considering Harry is also going bald too lol, but I’m quite enjoying it.
I’ve had that moment of “you don’t know me at all,” but it was with my grandmother. She lived a few states away from my home state, but I had spent every summer of my childhood with her on her farm. I had gone away to college across the country from my home state, and was driving out to my first job after graduating. I was telling her how excited I was about my job, and she looked away and said, “I didn’t think you could do it.” And my immediate thought was “really? Then you don’t know me at all,” It really can be a shock when someone you love and trust says something that shows they literally do not give one sh*t about you, and never really cared. So I get why that was probably an incredibly painful moment for Harry. Just because you grew up with someone doesn’t mean they ever attempted to really get to know you. And that’s a sad realization.
Yep. It’s such an emptying and devastating feeling. I’ve felt that too.
Harry is probably/likely deeper and more empathetic and less pragmatic than his father and brother. Another way to say this is that he may not be able to brush things off or to compartmentalize things as easily or readily as his father and brother.
Confusion is denial. Their complete lack of self awareness prevents them from seeing the truth in front of them.
He looks like his People. Like his Great Uncle Duke David. His hair loss is related to his Peoples as well because that’s all his Granddaddy and Daddy.
Harry is right behind him in the baldness department.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I interpret the comments about William’s baldness, scowl, etc., as indictments on William’s life, that this is the result of William being a raging a-hole and following Charles’ footsteps rather than Diana. It’s not *just* that William is bald. But like I said, I could be wrong.
Oh, I think that’s what the article is really about, but William has never done anything to indicate that he would not follow in his father’s footsteps. In ever imaginable way he is exactly where he should be based on who he has shown us.
Abusers tend (or prefer) to remember and interact with their victim at the point in time where they had the most control over the victim. In dysfunctional families, it doesn’t matter how much or how loudly the victim speaks their truth or facts; the abusers will never hear it because to do so would require them to challenge their perception and control of the victim. This is why Charles and William will never understand why Harry chose to leave or really see him for who he is and what he is capable of. Harry is not an individual to them. They consider him to be their prop/property, something to fulfill the role or function they assign. I hope Harry continues on his healing journey from this lifetime of narcissistic abuse that is playing out in front of the world. It can be extremely lonely and full of grief and anguish, but thankfully he has Meghan, his kids and his chosen family of friends to love and support him.
This is very insightful, Thea.
It’s clear here that William was gaslighting Harry over the reasons for the rupture. And William probably thought he could go this route because William thinks he should be at the center of everyone’s concerns. As he saw it, Harry’s reasons for leaving with Meghan were too trivial to dwell on. Harry putting the safety of his wife and family at the forefront probably didn’t even compute for William.
(P.S. If Harry wants to point out William’s exterior ugliness, which matches William’s inside ugliness, that’s understandable.)
I find it revealing that Harry refers to his brother as Willy, while William refers to his brother as Harold – not Harry, Hal or Haz. They do not operate the same way at all, and I think Harry finally discovered the truth – he doesn’t have a real brother, just some shared DNA.
It’s true regarding William; beauty’s only skin deep but ugly goes right to the f@@@@@g bone.
Williams a brute. Ugly inside and out, they’re all starting to look like the Emperor from Star Wars, their hatred is ingrained into their faces. They’ll only get worse.
Part of me keeps wondering (feel free to chime in if it’s just me) if someone leaked a mock memoir to get the feeding frenzy going and none of these details are even in there (the “todger” thing, the hairline thing, even his military comments etc). Who can know, it feels like a giant game of media telephone at this point and the book isn’t even out so there’s no context. He honestly could have been saying anything from “wow my brother has changed so much I don’t recognize him even physically even though we are only a couple of years apart” to “this is another example of why William bears a grudge against me when I literally can’t help my own hairline compared to his”. Any number of interpretations are possible and I think it’s easier for the BM to just frame it as Harry being petty.
I don’t blame William’s hair…if I was attached to that horrible man I’d flee too. Gif I’m glad Harry got away from these abusive A-holes
I died with laughter when Harry said and my mom saw how willy was a cheating bullying piece of trash so she snatched her looks back .
I am amazed he said openly what we’ve all been thinking for a few years: he lost his looks and just looks pissy all the time.
Customary scowl is pretty bad, though.
How often have haters like Piers Morgan and others told Meghan to return to America? When did Charles or William ever speak of her kindly or smile in her presence?
Perhaps they will not allow them to keep Frogmore and, therefore, cannot live on estate grounds. There is no limit to their petty. Charles is not clever and knows the tension between the brothers is tight. Why couldn’t he meet with Harry alone initially and then with both together? He’s afraid to earn the wrath of William, so he must always appear to be on William’s side. William misunderstands that the reporters, authors, and aristos that admire him are in his father’s age range. Most will be deceased or too old to care when he ascends the throne. The younger generation will least likely be interested in a monarchy, and even if it continues to exist, it will lack relevancy.
I’m tired of excerpts and want to read the book now. I look forward to the interview with Anderson Cooper on Sunday, Michael Strahan on Monday, and Steven Colbert on Tuesday.
Thank you, Celebitchy!