Blake Lively quietly welcomed her fourth child at some point & didn’t announce it

Blake Lively is super-fertile, my God. It feels like she’s always pregnant these days, so much so that I totally forgot that she was pregnant for much of 2022. She was pregnant with her fourth child, and she gave birth and didn’t announce the birth. People only found out that she and Ryan Reynolds welcomed their youngest when Blake posted a photo on Super Bowl Sunday.

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds officially have a family of six! The Gossip Girl alum, 35, and the Spirited actor, 46, have not yet shared pictures of their baby, but on Super Bowl Sunday, Lively shared a photo that revealed she no longer had a baby bump.

Many of Lively’s followers left comments in the post that pointed out the absence of a baby bump.

“Epic post! For all the reasons!!!” wrote Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld.

The couple’s new arrival joins daughters Betty, 3, Inez, 6, and James, 8.

[From People]

LOL, I also forgot that they already have three daughters too. I wonder if that’s what this was all about – trying for the boy, trying to get a son. There’s been no confirmation on what Blake had (she spared us a gender reveal) so we don’t know if she and Ryan are now parents to four daughters or what. We probably won’t know until Taylor Swift reveals it in her next album. Or are there Mystery Baby Lively-Reynolds clues already in Midnights???

Congrats to Blake and Ryan! And Mystery Baby’s big sisters!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instagram.

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59 Responses to “Blake Lively quietly welcomed her fourth child at some point & didn’t announce it”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Somewhere the Worst Chris is prepping his wife for another baby to bare for him.

    • JaneBee says:

      Did you see the profile on Worst Chris’ current wife in the New York Times recently? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

      Def have the feeling that if Blake and Ryan had a boy, they would have announced.

  2. MaryContrary says:

    They don’t seem like they care about “trying for a boy”-they just want a big family. Congrats to them.

    • molly says:

      Ryan said in an interview that he came from a family of all boys, so he hoped for a fourth girl since he was already an expert in that. (It was clearly a rehearsed, PR line, but good for him for being smart enough to not be a misogynist a-hole about it, even if he “wanted” a boy.)

    • Kay says:

      Yeah, it’s weird/outdated…my husband openly hoped for a girl when we found out we were pregnant. My dad loved being a “girl dad”. I can easily see not caring…

    • Kate says:

      After having one of each I can confidently say that whether you have a boy or girl doesn’t mean much of anything in terms of the personalities you get. I came from a female-centric upbringing and thought I wouldn’t know what to do with a boy, but my boy is the sweetest, cuddliest nature-loving person. My girl didn’t want to wear skirts or dresses until kindergarten and is super athletic and funny and loves bathroom humor. I feel like unless you, the parent, are very one way or the other feminine vs masculine and will heavily try to influence your kid you’re just gonna get a unique little kid who has a bit of both types of characteristics.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, these two aren’t trying for a boy, they are just really into each other, and having a big family. It’s very sweet.

      • Sugarhere says:

        @Christine: Agreed. Congratulations are in order for Blake and Ryan. Blake was lucky to grasp on time she was going nowhere with that Di Caprio blonde waster.

  3. Lily says:

    I bet it’s another girl and they name her Olive or Anastasia.

    Or have a feminine name for a baby boy

  4. Noki says:

    How do i put this…ermmm I am more surprised that people are still having four or five children in this day and age.

    • Lucy says:

      Being rich sure helps.

    • Imara219 says:

      Honestly, if I was rich I would not be one and done. I would shoot for 3 or 4 babies. We aren’t rich though, so here we are.

    • Tacky says:

      Given the state of the planet I’m surprised anyone is having children.

      • zazzoo says:

        I’m always afraid to be the one saying that. Two people in my life had babies during the pandemic, fully planned. I get that there was plenty of time to work on getting pregnant in the early days of the pandemic, and if you were already leaning towards growing the family, it seemed reasonable. But what a terrifying time it must have been to be giving birth in a hospital, in some cases without your co-parent in the room.

    • Malificent says:

      My area is very economically mixed. The only people who have 3+ kids are the families are wealthy enough to live on one income or very low income and not able to make enough salary to cover child care. Everybody in the middle has 2 kids max. (Of course, I live in the US, where social investment in the well-being of our next generations is a perennially low priority.)

      • Sugarhere says:

        Your vision is very US-centric, but we are NOT the center of the universe. The most demographically developed continent is Africa: there, women have 5 to 9 children per woman, with very little financial means. I just wanted to bring some sense of nuance and relativism to our set ideas.

  5. Arizona says:

    there’s a rumor that the baby is another girl named Daisy Mae because that was the only name referenced on Midnights. 😂

  6. j.ferber says:

    I’d like to know the gender and name, but of course, they don’t owe us that. Behati Prinsloo also had her baby and revealed nothing about it. We still don’t know the name or gender of Jude Law’s baby with his new wife (and the baby is over a year old, I think). Again, they don’t owe us, but I’d like to know. I guess they will eventually tell us since we know about their other kids. Congrats to all.

    • koko says:

      I would like to add to your list, Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton, their baby was born last October and there’s been no other information. I agree, they don’t owe us any, but the curios, nosey side of me would like more.

    • terra says:

      I still don’t know the names of Christian Bale’s kids. Maybe it’s since come out, but if it has it missed me. He and the others mentioned above show that it is possible to keep things quiet.

      Maybe it wasn’t entirely possible for the most famous of all people at any particular moment in time – Angelina and Brad at the height of craziness over their relationship comes to mind – but if Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively go away CLEARLY no one is following their every single move. And they’re quite famous!

      That why I laugh with certain people pop up in paparazzi photos all. The. Damn. Time. It’s like, yo, bud, you’re fooling exactly no one. Put down the cell phone.

      • Frippery says:

        FWIW, one of* Christian Bale’s kids was in the last Thor movie so they are listed in the credits.

        *he may have only one child, I dont know, I just remember that one was in the movie.

      • terra says:

        Ah, there you go! I haven’t seen the newest Thor film yet, so Google tells me that his daughter’s name is Emmeline (long rumored to have been her name, but not confirmed) and his decade-younger son is named Joseph, also in the film.

        But I didn’t know – and no one did, not for sure – until they were in the film and had to be credited for it. It can be done!

        Not that there’s anything wrong with people wanting to talk about their families. It’s fine, whatever, it’s basic human desire to talk about the people that are most important to us. What drives me crazy is when lower-rung celebrities act like they have no privacy whatsoever. Give me a break. Is it likely that all even vaguely famous folks have people who cross lines and can feel like they’re in fishbowls from time to time? Sure. But they don’t always have to play in, and they’re not required to use their children as props to push themselves forward in the public eye and it’s disingenuous to pretend as if they have no other choice.

      • teecee says:

        See, I don’t know if those are perfect examples, because there’s a different level of information expected when the woman is famous vs when the man is famous. So men who marry non-celebs do have an easier time keeping things private, and not only because interviewers are likely to take them more seriously as professionals and not ask prying questions.

        When both people are famous, it’s harder. And I would also say people who are at the tip top or who are more respected by the intellectual classes also get more privacy easier.

    • lucy2 says:

      I like when people choose to keep it private info, and are able to live pretty normally under the radar. I’m not really a fan of either Blake or Ryan, but they do seem to give their family privacy.

  7. Snuffles says:

    It always amazes me how some celebrities can completely hide their pregnancies and sometimes give birth without anyone noticing. It CAN be done!

    • girl_ninja says:

      It doesn’t have to be done though. They are like us in that celebrities have choices in how they present, conduct and share their lives.

  8. Lurker25 says:

    Honestly at this point, large families are for the rich. It used to be a sign of lower social standing – breeding like rabbits or whatever – but in our topsy turvy world of inequality, it’s now very much a sign of having the means to afford that many dependents, that much time off work, that much health coverage, that much childcare, that much fertility treatments/surrogate, that much future college expenses, that much everything…

    This isn’t directed specifically at Blake and Ryan. They’re cute, she’s fertile, they’re young, talented, successful and can do whatever they want.

    It’s just my internal monologue whenever I see families with more than 2 kids these days.

    • Smalltowngirl says:

      I find this interesting because I am definitely middle class and almost everyone I know has at least 3 kids. From where I am, 3 seems to be the new normal number, with several people having 4. I know as many couples with 4 kids as I do with 2.

      But I am also Canadian, not American, so healthcare costs isn’t a factor and we have paid maternity leave.

      • Oh-dear says:

        I am also Canadian, from the prairie provinces and there are so many families with more than 2 kids – mostly from religious or farming families though.
        There are quite a few mormons and Catholics in our area, as well as some more of the cultish homegrown/Brethren/Two-by-twos, and they have an abundance of kids. It is not uncommon to see families with 4-7 kids in some regions of the prairies.
        I have 35 cousins (and yes, one of my parents grew up and left one of the cults who had a lot of kids and the other was from a farming family). My kids have 1 cousin so far. There may be a couple more in the future but I doubt they’ll end up with more than 3 cousins.

    • Lucy says:

      Totally understand your point, and this used to be my first reaction as well. But then I remember that access to contraception and abortion was severely limited in many states before Dobbs and it’s even worse now. So you just never know how someone’s family expands and why.

    • Emmi says:

      It’s my first thought when I see those mommy bloggers on IG with their curated everything and “My morning routine with 4 kids” and all I can think is “What does your partner do? How can you afford all this?”

      • JaneBee says:

        Third child is absolutely a status symbol for city families in the social welfare/heavily subsidised European country where we currently live. If you intend to send your children to private school+extra-curriculars/camps, continue with travel abroad and ski trips, maintain a house/apartment with sufficient space/bedrooms in a large capital city… with three children, that is a lot… In our wider circle of acquaintances, the only families doing this are subsidised by grandparents/family money.

    • SarahCS says:

      In my middle class British world its two kids or none. Most couples have two, I don’t know anyone with 3+, even when I think about families on our street who I don’t know well. Weirdly they almost all have two of the same gender.

    • AnneL says:

      I know quite a few families with three or four kids, and a couple with five. But I’m in my 50s. My neighborhood is popular for families, and the younger ones I see moving in now seem to have fewer kids. Three max, usually just two. There are more dual income households than there used to be, which probably has something to do with it. That and the cost of education etc.

      Anything more than three seems like a lot to me. We had the financial means to have a third child, but it would have restricted a lot of things for us, particularly travel. And my husband was working very long hours and traveling a lot when our two kids where little. He already felt like he didn’t have as much time with them as he wanted, so adding a third seemed like a wrong move for us.

      But Blake and Ryan have the means and the time, so four is doable for them. I hope the baby is healthy and all is well.

  9. Lens says:

    In one way I guess I admire their attempt at privacy but their forever coyness with their children’s births and children’s names is a little annoying. I feel like kids are like marriage – why hide the fact that it happened? It’s a good happy thing.

    • Lucy says:

      From a security and privacy standpoint, it makes perfect sense to me.

    • TIFFANY says:

      You call it coy, I call it no one caring. Blake can walk as many openings of a envelope she wants but no one talks about her. The article literally said Gossip Girl actress, a show that ended over 10 years ago.

    • Christine says:

      They didn’t hide it…we saw a photo of Blake pregnant, and now one where she is not. WTF did you expect them to do, exactly?

      Tiffany, it’s obvious that people care, not sure why you are bitter about it? I woke up to “Blake Lively also had a pregnancy announcement” on CNN. The polar opposite of not caring.

      What is happening right now? I can’t even read comments on a benign article anymore.

  10. Case says:

    I feel like this is typical for them; the baby’s name just gets revealed down the road but they don’t make a big show of it.

    Congrats to them!

  11. OriginalLeigh says:

    Wow, I thought this one was their third?! lol. Congrats to them!

  12. Smalltowngirl says:

    Ryan said in a interview recently that they never find out the gender before birth (he could be lying, but a lot of people do like a surprise). She was still pregnant in mid-January, so she likely had the baby in the last couple of weeks. I don’t think they have ever announced a name or birth, I think it just comes out in time. I know with their third, people figured it out from Folklore and the song Betty and then they confirmed it.

    I also don’t necessarily think they were trying for a boy. They have always said they wanted lots of kids, they both come from big families.

  13. j.ferber says:

    Ryan has recently said he knows and prefers girls now and is looking forward to another girl. He also said that in childhood his brothers were really competitive with him or something like that.

    • zazzoo says:

      Honestly, if we’ve learned anything in recent years you can’t tell anything about who a child will become based on gender assigned at birth. The freedom to live one’s truth in our new world has granted us that, but even in a rigid gender binary it would be weird to assume sisters are less competitive than brothers.

  14. Kayala45 says:

    I’m her age and had my second 7 months ago and am so exhausted and overwhelmed. It seems like a lot of wealthier people are having three or four now as more of a status symbol. I have to remember that having four kids for the wealthy is way easier than having one or two kids for normal people. If I had a nanny, housekeeper, a cook and a big house with tons of room, my life would be so much easier. I also remember it’s very likely they have night nurses that take care of the babies so they can sleep during the night. I haven’t gotten more than 3 hours of interrupted sleep since baby was born and it’s hell!

  15. Hello Kitty says:

    Guys I’m currently pregnant with my third kid and find all this talk about people having kids as a status symbol downright absurd and offensive. Believe it or not, some people just really love babies and kids and love being parents. Some people have two siblings and want their kids to have two siblings. Some people want a lot of grandchildren one day. Some people aren’t wealthy but have the means to have the three kids they always dreamed of and so they made it happen. It’s me, I’m some people. And apparently so are Ryan and Blake. Except they’re wealthy.

    • ama1977 says:

      Congratulations on the new little one to come!

      The following is not intended to be snarky, but kind of sounds like it might be (I don’t mean it that way, though!) Ask my mom, who has three kids, how “lots of grandchildren” has worked out…my two are her onlies, lol.

      My sister and BIL are happy dog-parents and intentionally child-free, and my brother married a woman who had 4 kids from her first marriage and they decided not to have any more. So out of three kids, she and my dad have two grandchildren (yes, they tried to have a close relationship with my brother’s stepchildren, and no, that didn’t happen.) But as kids go, they’re supremely awesome ones if I do say so myself. 😜

    • Christine says:

      I am all the way with you, Hello Kitty, and I am 48 with just one child. The comments here offend ME, and I just pushed out one kid that is obviously a strain on the planet, for some very angry people.

      Congrats on your upcoming 3rd! I am the oldest of 3, my twin brothers are just a year younger. Fair warning, things are going to get rocky for you. Imagine many years of them colluding against you. I never imagined having just one, I feel like I’ve failed my son a bit, because he doesn’t get the siblings I already have, but my brothers have 2 and 3 kids, so he has cousins who live in the same city.

      • Hello Kitty says:

        Yes I’m sure it will be hard. Luckily for me I have money, a nanny, and grandparents nearby. Thanks for the heads up though.

        I repeat. Y’all are weird man.

  16. Sunnee says:

    I’m one of 8 and my husband is one of 5, we had 5. We aren’t wealthy, solidly middle with a family home and a vacation home. My youngest is 19. Four of them say they’re unlikely to have kids at all, citing the state of the world. One daughter said she may.
    My 26 year old niece, is on baby number 3 and 4, twins. She just passed the bar, her husband is an architect. They’re not wealthy; they live in CA, lol. To each his own choice.

  17. EllenOlenska says:

    In the US, for many families the point at which you add a third kid is usually the point at which the daycare costs often outstrip one persons salary…so they ( usually the woman) become the stay at home parent.

    And yes, in the upper middle class here it has become a tell tale sign that they can exist nicely on one salary…

  18. Julia K says:

    I thought it was pretty much settled that Taylor Swift wrote “Daisy” into a song just like she did for Betty. Blake and Taylor are long time friends so maybe they leave the announcing to her.

  19. GOBO says:

    It leaves me cold when people have more than 2 babies. Humanity is a scourge on the planet, having more than 2 is irresponsible, regardless of finances and really loving babies. I find it selfish.