It’s really amazing to watch the Sussex Squad turn the tables on the British media and the royal rota. This week, royal reporters were crowing about the latest episode of South Park, which made fun of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Reporters believed that South Park is the hottest, most relevant show in America, and the show’s lampooning of the Sussexes was some kind of sign that “America hates Harry and Meghan.” The Daily Mail even commissioned a new column by Maureen Callahan, screeching about how the Sussexes are “laughingstocks” in America because of South Park. Which makes the Sussex Squad’s receipts even funnier – apparently, South Park already lampooned Prince William and Kate in an episode several years back:
— Queen of Hearts🥑🌺🌺🌺🐳🐳 (@809Matriarch) February 17, 2023
Basically, Thursday morning was full of royalists screaming about the Sussexes and South Park, and then by the afternoon, they all shut the hell up because the squad dragged out the old SP clip and got you-know-what trending yet again. I’m more convinced than ever that Ol’ Peg’s habits are an open secret in the British and American media (and have been for years). Anyway, it goes both ways – if you believe that South Park’s lampooning of the Sussexes said something about Harry and Meghan’s popularity, you’ve got to keep that same energy for what SP said about Will and Kate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess the Daily Fail got a call from the Palace to change the headline 🤣#PrinceOfPegging
— Enigma x (@enigmax110) February 16, 2023
I question whether it is the goal of the rota to absolutely destroy the welfare royals because they keep embarrassing them in their attempts to attack the Sussexes.
They really shouldn't be in the business of gotchas not when a whole Internet generation can produce receipts.
— HRH Tanya, The Duchess of Canada (@ladyrocksavage) February 16, 2023
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, WENN.
- Handout photo issued by Clarence House of The Bride and Groom in the throne room at Buckingham Palace, TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge after their wedding. . Picture date: Friday April 29, 2011. Wedding. Photo credit should read: Hugo Burnand/Clarence House NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder. NO MERCHANDISE OR COMMERCIAL USE
- Handout photo issued by Clarence House of The Bride and Groom in the throne room at Buckingham Palace, TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in the centre with attendants, (clockwise from bottom right) The Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Miss Eliza Lopes, Miss Grace van Cutsem, Lady Louise Windsor, Master Tom Pettifer, Master William Lowther-Pinkerton. . Picture date: Friday April 29, 2011. Wedding. Photo credit should read: Hugo Burnand/Clarence House NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder. NO MERCHANDISE OR COMMERCIAL USE
- Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – Parliament SquareDepartures London, England – 29.04.11 Featuring: Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN
- Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, leaving the Abbey in a horse drawn carriage The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – The Mall Departures London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: Danny Clifford
- Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, leaving the Abbey in a horse drawn carriage The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – The Mall Departures London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: Zak Hussein/ **Not available for publication in France**
- Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge aka Kate Middleton kiss on the balcony The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – Buckingham Palace Balcony London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN
- The Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Westminster Abbey, London. London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN **Only available for publication in UK, USA**
Watching the tables turn (on the rotas and derangers) within a 24-hour period has being such a hoot! I’ve been chuckling about this all day yesterday!😂
#PrinceOfPegging and #PrinceWilliam was trending ALL day and night on my Twitter feed. GLORIOUS!!!
The Southpark guys wrote The Book of Mormon. It lampoons Mormons trying to impose Christianity. It is harsh about everyone in it.
These guys lampoon everything. Nothing is sacred. I LOVE the Book of Mormon because it is serious in the most off-color and offensive way.
They take down everybody and everything. In Kaiser’s post about the Southpark episode about the Sussexes, some folks commented that the writers are racist for going after the Sussexes. I have to disagree.
It’s juvenile humor. It was gross, so I rarely watched it, but I know plenty of people who did, and their movies are the same. And I have enjoyed their movies because they go after people I can’t stand.
going after the Sussexes isn’t what makes them racist (or misogynist). writing racist and misogynist “jokes” is what makes them racist and misogynist.
They are pointing out the racism and misogyny that people don’t believe they are seeing. Just about everyone who comes to CB is mature and recognizes it. They are lampooning our culture to their viewers. We aren’t their audience.
I love when Kaiser discuss Kim Kardashian and says, paraphrasing, “I know you don’t like her, but I guess this is aimed at people like me.” It’s good to know who they are aiming this stuff at.
I dunno. I thought that Southpark was putting America in the mirror to see its own ugly face.
My interpretation. We aren’t their audience.
@Christina, again, you are giving South Park wayyyyy too much credit. Sometimes a racist joke is just a racist joke, not some brilliant satirical take holding a mirror up to our society. For South Park, most of the time it’s the former, rarely it’s the latter.
The receipts speak for themselves.
Thanks fellow Squaddies❤️
Bless the Squaddies for always coming to the forefronts with receipts and a flesh of pound for the Sussex’s ☺️☺️☺️
Now Ms. Callahan along with her vile crew at the DF, the BRF and #PrinceOfPegging can all suck it.
The squad does need to teach classes on how to gather and drop receipts lol. Perfection.
lol. suffice to say all this tells you is that you’ve “made it” in pop culture when south park makes fun of you. this clip was way more cruel than the H+M clip.
Exactly @hangonamin. Those folks over there are so dumb. Because they are looking at any and all utterances from the US as a sign the US is vilifying the Sussexes, what they are failing to realize is these pop culture references in the US reflect the Sussexes are “the moment.” Everything this couple touches literally turns to gold and most entertainment enterprises want a piece of it.
Yup, getting skewered by South Park means you’re somebody. That said, do South Park fans give a fck about the royal family?
I was in college when the Will and Kate episode came out. I watched it with my ex-bf’s and his friends. They didn’t immediately know it was based on a real people and a real wedding. I think the wedding was around midterms and our minds were elsewhere. Point is, they didn’t care. They definitely didn’t know who “Kate Middleton” was.
The only person in my sorority that watched the wedding was actually from England and had much of her family in the UK.
South Park, just like The Simpsons takes what people see and magnifies it. It also calls out things which perhaps you couldn’t get away within any other way.
People love the W&K clip because it’s calling out something which people were aware of but not talking about. They laughed at the absurdity of royal reporting too and Kate being held up as some sort of perfect human being. All accurate.
But as Kaiser said, we have to have the same energy for both. It’s brutal but it does reflect what people see. If it didn’t, it would be redundant.
The problem is, with this H&M vs W&K thing, so many people have taken sides. Now there is a childish exchange of people showing screenshots with “South Park Said this about H&M” followed by “well they said this about W&K”. They said both things. Neither side wins. It’s just reality and no amount of sharing screenshots is going to change that.
they really are so dumb over there
They were starving from H&M content this whole week, so they where very happy to create a money grabbing ‘gotcha’ story, to sell their narrative of ‘Harry-and-Meghan-are-unpopular-in-America’, which backfired big time in the faces of the H&M hating rota rats and tabloids/UK media, lol.
Mathew, I LIVE OVER THERE, and I can tell you there are PLENTY OF dumb ones over here, who think prince peg and his botox barbie can walk on water. But not all of us. I can’t stand either of them or the so called “King”. Don’t think he was very happy today either, as he was met by a crowd in Milton Keynes with placards saying “not my king” and “down with the monarchy”. So hopefully a few more of my countrymen and women are waking up to these money grabbing peacocks
@ Mary Pester, my heart goes out to you for so many reasons but mostly due to the current financial crisis plaguing all of you due to the incompetence of the Tory’s as well as your PM. It’s bad enough that you are all paying for these grifters lifestyles but the fact that they idolize WanK and KKHater make me sick to my stomach.
I do hope that there will be a resolution to the financial crisis soon and that everyone will be on a better financial footing imminently.
This was rampant on Twitter yesterday! Awesome. Never complain, eh? That the Fail changed that #PrinceOfPegging headline so rapidly is clear evidence, as if we needed it, that Harry’s been right about the entire unholy arrangement between the palaces and the crap British media.
That first DM headline in that tweet is fake, it’s been photoshopped. The date is later than the real headline and the font is slightly different size and spacing.
Are you saying that the daily Mail headline shows at Twitter and on most squadies videos on YouTube, is a fake!?
But the squadies are saying that the headline is from the daily Mail, additionally it is sourced as such.
I love when the Sussex Squad comes to the rescue with receipts.
ikr? Nothing sweeter than receipts! What a fiasco for William, and as one says it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy 😉
You’d think they would learn not to keep messing with them. Some pretty intelligent people in that group. Lol
The British tabloids are like the Wile E Coyote of the world’s media.
@ Snuffles, thanks for the link!!! I loved it!! 🤣🤣🤣
Prince of Pegging all the way back THEN? Whew. How many people knew about Willy’s predilections in the bedroom. SP bums are still trash but they ARE equal opportunity trash throwers.
South Park has always been pure trash. It was never a relevant tv show and may have a very small niche following but most out grow the sick and twisted humor by their early 20’s. (At least my children and their friends all did and that was around 2008 about the time they graduated from university) I did not even know they were still making episodes. Most Americans can honestly say they have lived their entire lives and never seen a full episode. I’m one of them, it was always far to disturbing to watch imo.
You are right. Excerpts from the show have been more than I wanted to view.
I saw one full episode and hated it. It wasn’t like I even liked the people they were lampooning, but I found it gross and also, most importantly, extremely stupid. There was no cleverness to it at all.
I’ve never liked SP but stone and Parker were #4 on the 2022 list of highest paid entertainers. Just after Tyler Perry ironically. And ahead of Taylor swift, Beyoncé and Harry styles (who wasn’t even on the list). So they’re relevant to someone.
South Park has always been obsessed with jokes about men having things stuck up their butts. They are wildly homophobic. It’s just random.
Gawd, I read this and remembered the Paris Hilton episode and felt squeamish.
They even managed to work the “something up a guy’s butt” thing into “Book Of Mormon!” I hadn’t thought about that. How lazy of them.
I watched some episodes of “South Park” when it first came out, and I found parts of it funny. I liked Chef and the “You Killed Kenny!” refrain, etc. But the gross-out humor and outright meanness got to be too much for me.
Up until last night when I saw the clip from SP skewering W&K at their wedding, I took all the pegging rumors with a grain of salt. There was just that one low level gossip site source after all. But the SP clip is from 2011, and Vanity Fair seemed to reference it in 2015. It seems American media and entertainment circles have known about this for YEARS. Now I’m a believer. The British media keeps FAFO.
What did Vanity Fair say, lol! The Royals just really ought to fire the Rota. With friends like those…
It was a wine reference. Do you PEG (emphasis mine) William as Beaujolais? It had a photo of W&K holding wine glasses.
Lol! They tried to tell us!
The fact that the pegging rumors are so well known makes me wonder if the rota and media go out of their way to protect Katie over Billy. Compare every Kate rumor post her wedding and there has not been any rumor nearly as “scandalous” and “personal” as the pegging rumors and cheating ones that Billy has.
Yeah, it makes me think he must be TERRIBLE in real life.
After Spare, now everyone knows Bully is a horror in real life and everyone now has an explanation for the sad little faces of their kids and the disappearing of k8.
PS: we’ve also all seen the finger-in-k8’s-face in the car and know that he tried it with M and she put him in his place.
Based on all the stories/excerpts about Willy, I am starting to get a mental picture of someone who is not a great husband, who probably resorts to mental abuse of his wife with belittling comments etcetera and who probably isn’t beyond a bit of physical abuse against her when really enraged — light shoving or grabbing of her arm to assert his dominance. I couldn’t see him outright slapping or punching her (after all can’t bruise that carefully cultivated image of marital bliss) but the other stuff fits the mental portrait that is being painted of Willy. Not for a million bucks would i trade KKKhate for that. I hope she grows a brain someday and decides true happiness is worth much more than being called Queen Khaty some day.
Yes and I think that had a log to do with ma midds, I bet she got some journalists on speed dial. I think she is “a very close source”..
They are so dumb. When will they learn? Lololol. They act like all Americans watch SP. I thought it was cancelled.
They chose a show with the least relevancy in current american pop culture and decided americans hail to that trash as a bastion of american culture meaning we must believe, do and say whatever that raggedy trash SP spouts. LMAO… I think it might have given me a moment of pause had it been the Simpsons since that show is iconic and legendary. I don’t watch either but Simpsons has always been more popular than SP. SP was really popular I think in early 2000s but they were put out with the proverbial trash a long time ago. Millenials don’t watch it or at least this one doesn’t lol
Richard Palmer has egg on his face, again.
And thanks for the pictures of Kate in the copy of Princess Margaret’s wedding gown, down to the boob darts, with added lace and embroidery. Copy Keening started early on.
I hate Kate’s wedding dress with its 1950’s Playtex bra look. (Princess Margaret gets a pass. She married in 1960.)
It just doesn’t remind me of Margaret’s. But then I loved Margaret’s, which was so lush but simple at the same time, and didn’t care for Kate’s near as much.
Either this is a insanely long running UK rumor that somehow spread across the Atlantic or there is a picture or video out there that has been quietly shared. If #POP was just a rumor how likely is it that it would made it to the USA and the SP writers room so soon after their wedding? There must be evidence or a gossipy eye witness floating around somewhere because what are the odds of SP spoofing the WanKs in that particular way that long ago?
It just seems too coincidental for South Park to have just randomly made this episode with the POP in it. I can’t remember if I saw this episode at the time (I don’t remember it at all so I probably didn’t) but it just seems like the rumors about this had to be very widespread and very accepted even in 2011. So like you said – is there some kind of evidence out there? Does a tabloid have it and is that why William started playing ball with the press?
Exactly. And remember the journalist who said he can’t wait for the day they can all speak openly about William. Well, what about William? Probably this. I also wonder if there’s some connection to William ordering Harry to stay clear of him when he arrived at Eaton. Supposedly, this goes back that far. Maybe William didn’t want Harry to know about his proclivities since he might have told “Pa”. Harry and “Pa”, no doubt, found out eventually. It’s probably one of the things Harry says he’ll never tell.
I am of two minds on this. South Park after all is a show that did an episode about Cartman and an alien anal prove so there is already a fixation in that regard. But then again, I noticed that the recent H and M episode had a shot with all the magazine covers recreated pretty accurately so maybe Stone and Parker were aware of the gossip back then.
They do their homework. IIRC, the Church of Scientology tried to sue them over the Tom Cruise in the Closet episode, but didn’t get very far with the lawsuit because everything South Park used to skewer Scientology was demonstrably part of their tenets.
It doesn’t take a deep dive and a lot of research to know about Xenu. I knew about it passively long before the South Park episode, just from internet osmosis. And Xenu is far from the worst thing about Scientology.
As I said yesterday! These are the folks who gave us Orgazmo, DVDA, and that infamous scene in Team America with the marionettes. This. Is. What. They. Do.
I have to say, looking at Willy and Katie keen wedding pictures, it seems he wasn’t that into her even back then
It took him seven years to propose. Safe to say he wasn’t that into her.
He didn’t even look at her walking up the aisle. It was Harry who told him how lovely she looked.
They were so desperate to use that episode as proof that H&M are unpopular here that it just backfired on them, in a very embarrassing way, because they just reminded everyone of the pegging rumors.
That was the part about this whole thing I’ve found the most interesting. So everyone knew about the pegging? Even in 2011? If so, its pretty impressive that it was kept as relatively quiet as it was for so long.
The Pegging Prince must be very common knowledge in certain circles, that spoof was not just random coincidence. The talk shows in Britain are acting like this is some huge mainstream show and the Sussex’s are unpopular while ignoring the pegging episode along with the queen committing suicide episode. They are literally salivating like rabid dogs while totally ignoring the unprecedented success of all of the projects they have released especially the docuseries and Prince Harry’s memoir Spare which remains number 1 on the bestsellers lists. It is truly disgusting.
That dress has not aged well. Fussy, musty mess. The pointy boobs are awful. Went for Grace Kelly and ended up with that.
It really hasn’t. I remember my mum and I commenting on the day “hmm, trying for Grace Kelly then” weird that it didn’t end up as timeless. The heavy tan is so 00s!!
The way it wrinkles in the front on the bottom right of the skirt for this official picture will always drive me crazy. That and their arm placement that is just so painfully unnatural looking.
Nothing is worse than Diana’s dress – like a giant pile of wrinkled laundry.
Puff pastry dress that pretty much destroyed fashion in the 80s. Everything was puffed sleeves, too much lace, and high waisted Laura Ashley nightmares for years following. I get twitchy looking at photos from that time.
Yes, Diana’s gown was wrinkled from being stuffed in the carriage but it was pure fantasy. It was costume. She rocked it. Kate’s was 1970s Barbie doll. Zero imagination. And the pointy boobs? Didn’t someone somewhere at some fitting say “are the boobs supposed to be pointy like that?” Not even Pippa? You know they could have REMADE the dress when they saw how pointy they were, right? Since remaking dresses right before the wedding is a thing.
@Harper – sure, it was fantasy because nobody considered the reality of how she was going to get to the church. I don’t know about “rocking it,” but she seemed happy with the dress, even though it looked a mess. Just as Kate seemed happy with pointy boobs and Meghan seemed happy with her dress, which even her fans say didn’t fit well. As far as I know, there isn’t a wedding dress in the world that doesn’t have something wrong with it – and if Kate were a better person we wouldn’t care about her boob darts.
Barbie would never have worn that dress. She always wore princessy pretty fantasy clothes. She would never have worn something that ordinary. That dress was considered plain and uninspiring at that time, even when it fit the fashion trends.
@Eurydice I thought Kate was a nice person on her wedding day, yet I was still bothered by the pointy boobs. They seemed like a tragic, unintended design error. Diana was gorgeous on her wedding day, her hair, her skin, the tiara–she was luminous.
Diana’s gown was of the times. I liked it. I saw it on exhibit and up close.
I watched Peggy’s wedding with my mom and nana. Nana took one look at Khate’s dress and exclaimed, “Torpedo bras are back!”
I admit that I liked that Kate wore sleeves. I was so tired of strapless bridal gowns at that point.
That’s the last time I ever approved of anything with regard to Kate.
At the time I read strapless gowns were not protocol for royal brides
What’s funny is its Kate’s arm up Willy’s bum in that episode, and that’s very reminiscent of Clarkson’s vile comments that Meg has her arm so up Harry’s bum she can m9ve his facial expressions.
There’s been so much projection throughout the years, I wonder if it’s really Kate with the ability to control Willy and folks know it.
By control, I don’t mean order him around, but manipulate his emotions. And I wonder if she’s used pegging to hook him at appropriate times in their relationship.
I believe the original Twitter comment alluded to Kate not being into it at all so Willy had to go elsewhere to satisfy his pegging cravings.
I firmly believe she was into it until she got the ring – she would have done ANYTHING to stay at his side.
From the first Twitter report on William’s *proclivities* — “This is so salacious I’m almost too shook to share with you (but will anyway). This British royal’s extramarital affair is an open secret in London and amongst the English artisto set, and is the talk of every party and newsdesk. At a recent media party, I was told the real reason for the affair was the royal’s love of pegging, which his wife is far too old fashioned to engage in.”
Once married sure, but there is no way she said no to him during the dating years if that’s what he wanted.
I did notice that the royalists stopped talking about the SP episode when the Pegging one was posted. Perhaps the moral of story is make sure there’s no evidence about William and Kate getting the same treatment before crowing about Harry and Meghan. The lampooning of Harry and Meghan just shows they’re the most popular/known royals at the moment. If I’m the royal rota and royalists I would be more concerned about that than Harry and Meghan being ridiculed on TV.
Another thing, Richard Palmer on his FB royal show was calling on Harry and Meghan to make a statement about the episode. This goes to show that the British press is eager and hungry for Sussex content.
Well, maybe he can get Will and Kate to comment on their episode.
I thought it was ironic that after months of crying that they wanted Harry and Meghan to shut that now the press wants them to speak on this non-issue and at the same time saying that the Royal Family can’t reply to what Harry and Meghan has said. I’ve just realised that when the press says that the Royal Family can’t respond they really mean they’re not allowed to respond and the press will respond on their behalf.
I’m in Massachusetts and I’m pretty sure I could hear William’s rage screams all the way over here. “TAKE THE BLOODY PHOTO DOWN, NOW!! YOU ATTACK HIM, NOT ME!!”
I was hearing that too, all the way up in Northern Ontario
Is that what that roaring sound was – I didn’t think we had a volcano in Boston Harbor.
Oh, that’s the reason the Mississippi River just started flowing the opposite way! Thanks…I was worried for a minute!
You made my day with your funny responses. Thank you!😂😂
The Fail’s clean up article is too little too late. The pegging episode is all over Twitter.
Wow. So many old fashioned ideas here in the comments.iIt sounds like we’re in the 1950s. Who cares what people do in their private lives?
So you mean people should respect this couple’s privacy and we are not entitled to know everything about them? That idea sounds familiar, where have I heard that before?
That’s the point of celebrity gossip and it’s making pantloads of money now in 2023 – so maybe not so “old-fashioned”?
I must admit the pegging digs online aimed at W have always made me somewhat uneasy. I do believe that consensual, adult, sexual proclivity shaming is pretty low, childish & usually very hypocritical. Hypocritical in a clearly ridiculous, ‘WI’ /‘pearl clutching’ /‘heterosexual missionary position (in the dark) is the only respectable game in town folks’/ kind of way.
However, I’m torn here because:
1. W has clearly spent the majority of his life putting Harry down, bullying & eventually publicly gaslighting him. (My heart just broke for Harry when I read some of the self-effacing, kind-hearted, ‘excuse-making’, passages he wrote in Spare). That obviously limits any sympathy I can muster for the same being done back to W at the moment. You know, ‘what goes around, comes around’ kind of thing.
2. The way that all the usual media scum suspects gleefully jumped on the H&M SP episode and saturated the headlines with it was sickening so it was very good to see them metaphorically slapped down so quickly and so effectively.
3. The fact that they all just won’t leave H&M alone to live their lives and get on with their own lives. I include here the RF’s (secret 🙄) PR machines, low-life media outlets and the toxic zealots (Levin, Palmer, Morgan, Wooten,Vine etc.). Their vitriol disgusts and bemuses me in equal measure. It’s now become a full blown 21st century witch hunt and I do worry about the levels of hatred continually being whipped up against H&M. So if a ‘tit for tat’ attack shuts this down somewhat then it’s a positive.
Yup. Very conflicted on this one.
@joho The pegging isn’t the issue here, it’s the fact that he’s a shitty human being who swapped stories about his alleged infidelity for made up lies about Meghan to protect himself. It’s his conservative, right-wing fanbase who see pegging as degrading and emasculating.
I know, I know, everything you say is correct & goes straight to the heart of the matter. I know W is not deserving of any consideration whatsoever as he’s repeatedly thrown his brother and Meghan under the bus while trying to retain the moral high ground. He is indeed a particularly shitty human being.
Can’t take the heat? Don’t bring a match to a bonfire. U gonna shame South Park of being mean to H and M or is that just reserved for wills and Kate
This royal reporters always ended up doing more harm than good Richard Palmer thought this was a flex . And ended up with eggs on his face and the rumors of William activity treading all over again this time with South Park clips and headlines from their British media.
I am beginning to read these articles with a sense of weariness. They are written by people who expose so much about themselves in their tunnel visioned observances.
This is about the fail’s fear of its waning power in the US, not being able to influence a devoted following that would go to the extreme.
That is not good for future revenue outlook, as the advert dollars are waning.
Then they look at the couple they maligned, especially the wife, Meghan and the interest in their narrative seem to be ctitic proof.
It has to be galling that the manufactured cultural wars are in static position, that is due that the last set is in recent memory.
Then come a cartoon series known for its notoriety, an equal opportunity offender, did its usual and the fail is all over it, only to be ….
To be continued…
Wasn’t it Phillip who said that the monarchy’s most ardent followers will be the ones to destroy it? Well, there you go…
The people that still watch South Park don’t even know who Harry and Meghan are!
If William wasn’t such a horrible excuse of a human being I’d agree with others that whatever people get up to in private is their business, and as the Edwardian actress Mrs. Patrick Campbell’s famously commented: “It doesn’t matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses.” But William is a lazy, sneering, angry, arrogant pillock and for that he deserves to be lambasted.
Best quote ever! (I’d never heard it before…)
You know, I don’t care if William is into pegging. That’s his private life and business, not mine. I won’t judge. But he’s been so vile and used the RR to attack his brother and Meghan. so I’m all for people gossiping about him. And I like the tables being turned.
If he were decent and discreet about other people, protecting them and letting them live their lives in peace, I’d say he had a right to the same. But he’s not and he doesn’t.
Palmer must be absolutely embarrassed thinking that anything on SP is indicative of some wider American sentiment about the Sussexes. Anybody familiar with Parker and Stone’s body of work could have told him that everyone and everything is fair game. I’m sure they’ve made crass remarks about QEII and Charles, too.
And for what it’s worth, I think the “butt humour” is pretty standard for SP, I don’t think they were psychic. I DO think that the DM chose to report on it in such a way that they revived that hashtag,. though.
This is probably the most attention and cultural capital SP have had for more than a decade.
Oh, and NOW I get the joke! (I hadn’t heard of p*gging before and now I will never forget it.)
Yup, I remember that episode. “What a beautiful day for Canada, and therefore, of course, the world.”
Yes, I love South Park. Always have, always will LOL
I’m surrounded by men. I’ve seen a lot of South Park. And I’ve left the room on occasion because…omgawd! The Oprah episode? And the airline episode? Crikey lol.
South park is so gross. But it does have few hysterical outliers. The Tom Cruise one was great.
Now I know what “pegging” means. 😳
I googled it the first time it trended on twitter. That was the day I realized I lived a sheltered life.
Yesterday I read an online magazine article that said some guy in Paris is making chocolate edible butt plugs. Now I know that I too have led a sheltered life because yuck.
@ julia k this is why the usa doesn’t allow certain things to be called food. I can see someone serving that. Irs disgusting.
Maybe South Park is still relevant to a younger audience but I had forgotten it existed honestly.
I think Harry and Meghan opened themselves up to this kind of thing when they did the Netflix series and with Spare. Initially there was tons of criticism cause “why are they talking again” but after people read the book I’m noticing a lot more “wow they’ve been through some shit..I get it.”
They’ve gained a ton of fans but they also have enemies.
But I think they needed to do both those projects because there was so much misinformation about them.
I know they said they are now looking forward so I hope people get to see them in their fun era. Just more lighthearted projects to balance things out.
There’s been so much pain and negativity surrounding them for so long so it can seem like they are constantly “complaining” or “hate” their life with how the press cherry picks quotes.
Also lots of celebs go through this..obviously nothing to see scale of the British media but Harry and Meghan will be fine.
They literally have tons of money and could retire today and be fine but they want to make a difference and they will continue to.
I can never get over how frumpy and ugly this dress looks. It looked dated then and it looks so much more dated now.
The dress didn’t age well, and those wedding pictures look like she had a different nose. Did she have a nose job at some point?
she’s had it retouched twice if I’m not mistaken
Both sides now, thank you lovey, yes, I hope it gets sorted as well Food banks are the biggest growth industry in the UK at the moment! Yet the Royal family, one of the wealthiest families in the world, take £135, 000,000 from the tax payers?!!! How can they justify that. Prince Billy bully now has his sticky mits on the Dutchy funds and his wife is going through the money at a rate of knots!! Charlie chinless’a wants his new thrones and his golden carriage but turns up at a food bank empty handed! I don’t know what the future holds for my grandchildren, but I’m very afraid of the country they are going to face in the future!
Has anyone ever come after the Southpark guys for lampooning them? Yeah they’re gross and juvenile, and kinda lame but what are you gonna do? The UK Rota seem a bit cranky about the pegging episode brought to light and think the Sussexes need to say something about their weak sauce humor. A privacy publicity tour? !Seriously this is what they come up with. Someone said it would have been better if they brought in the deranged haters or that guy who stalks Meghan in the story line, but this is what they do. Mediocre.
Someday, I’d like to see an accounting of just how much crap has been thrown at H&M to distract from negative stories or rumors about Willy.
A spreadsheet with dates and details. One box for each of Willy’s offenses and a corresponding box for each accusation thrown at Harry and Meghan to distract from those offenses. (“Spare” offers a good start.)
Fortunately, those trying to help Willy’s cause, like Palmer, are really bad at it.
Harry’s book is a good point of reference to connect the dots in his life-how can a country grow when all of the print media and talking heads continue to focus on the Sussex family so much so to the detriment of their own country-they look like uneducated fools on steroids-lamenting the same topic day in and day out-what Harry and Meghan do or not do won’t make much difference in their everyday lives-things are very dire in the UK economically-the media needs to be focusing on the people who are running their government-keeping the public informed is really needed during this downturn in the economy-they can’t stand criticism because being a royal makes them perfect and immune to being criticized-you can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy about things that have caused you mental pain-every since reading Spare I feel that Harry only purpose for being born is to be a substitute body if William ever needed anything-this makes me angry inside to do this a child.
The only point – not only of the Harry and Meghan stories, but just about every controversy they manufacture – is to prevent the ordinary people from rising up against the mega rich. Not just against William and Up-Chuck, but against all of them. But take the example of William. For better or for worse, they want you to think of him as someone you know, even if you don’t like him. He’s someone you’ve known since he was a child. You watched him grow up. He lost his mother. Now he’s a father to a bunch of sweet children. So even if you hate him… he’s still a man you know, a father, etc.
They have to keep away from the fact that he sees you as beneath contempt and literally doesn’t care if your own children freeze or starve to death. The point is to prevent another Marie Antoinette situation happening. You can’t do that to a man who you feel like you know…
Enter the distractions, fake outrages, and controversies from stopping you from thinking too much about how the mega rich hoard ALL the weath created by the workers of the world, and let families starve and die with zero qualms.
That description of Will and loss but now a father could fit Harry also and they have whipped up enough hate for him.