Prince Harry is in a ‘predicament’ about whether to attend the Chubbly

King Charles’s coronation is two and a half months away, and they’re only sending out invitations right now, as we speak. It’s apparently taken this long to firm up the guest list and alienate half of Debrett’s Peerage. For months now, all the British media can talk about is whether Charles will invite the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and whether the Sussexes will come. It’s reminiscent of last year’s Jubbly – which is why “the Chubbly” makes so much sense – where the Sussexes’ attendance and presence became THE talking point for the British media for months. In any case, Charles has always maintained that the Sussexes are invited, just as Harry has maintained that he wants to actually sit down with his father and work out some of their many issues. So, here’s the latest – a piece in the Telegraph, in which “sources” claim that Harry doesn’t know whether he should go.

The Duke of Sussex is in a “predicament” over whether to attend the coronation, The Telegraph understands. Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, have no idea how their attendance at the ceremony might be received by the British public or even other members of the Royal family.

Aware that it will be “pretty much the most important day” of his father’s life, the Duke would like to be by the King’s side to mark the historic occasion. He is also keen to salvage the broken relationship with his family. However, the rift between the two sides has never been deeper. The day of the Coronation, May 6, is also their son, Archie’s, fourth birthday. And while that is not expected to be the deciding factor in their decision, it will certainly play a part.

If one or both do not attend, they could be accused of “snubbing” the family. If they do attend, they run the risk of being booed or labelled hypocrites.

“It’s complicated,” one friend said. “There are a million different variables. Anybody could understand the predicament.”

Both the Duke and the Duchess are expected to be invited to the Westminster Abbey ceremony and other members of the Royal family are understood to have been told that will be the case. Invitations have not yet been sent out but guests are due to start receiving them within days. Despite much private discussion in recent weeks, the Sussexes have not personally received any confirmation that they will be invited, let alone the role they might play, and are wary of making assumptions.

“They’ll cross that bridge when they come to it,” the friend said. “They do not have any insight. They’re in limbo.”

The couple will not make a decision until an invitation lands on their doormat in Montecito, California. Then, they must decide whether the Duke attends at all, on his own or with Meghan. If either of them does fly over to the UK for the ceremony, it is understood the visit will be brief. The Duke would have no official role during the ceremony. He would likely join other members of the Royal family who are traditionally seated in the Royal Gallery in the Abbey. The King is said to have scrapped the tradition of royal Dukes kneeling and “paying homage” to the monarch. That role will now be performed only by the Prince of Wales.

[From The Telegraph]

“If one or both do not attend, they could be accused of ‘snubbing’ the family. If they do attend, they run the risk of being booed or labelled hypocrites.” LOL, these people are dumb as hell. At this point, I hope Harry utterly rejects his family’s many manipulations and emotional blackmail schemes. At this point, I hope Harry doesn’t give a f–k about “snubbing” his family, like they made a point of snubbing him at his grandmother’s funeral. This is not a hard decision either way for the Sussexes – if they go, they’ll simply be showing up for Charles (at his request) and making a good-faith effort to find some peace. If they stay home, the Sussexes are opting out of the toxic melodrama entirely and drawing a line about how they expect to be treated from here on out.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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77 Responses to “Prince Harry is in a ‘predicament’ about whether to attend the Chubbly”

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  1. equality says:

    So only Will has to kneel down? That should be priceless.

    • Tessa says:

      Will might get to wear a small crown as he kneels before Charles.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Maybe he’ll have embroidered shoes with the POW crown and feathers.

      • Cessily says:

        It all seems rather pathetic.. this entire chubbly is a disgrace. These are grown ass men playing dress up and they are going to parade around in stolen jeweled crowns and tacky robes adorned with unearned honors.

      • Jais says:

        We’re on the same wavelength w those shoes @feeshalori. They prob need an hrh insignia somewhere , maybe on the soles so we can see it when he kneels

    • Jais says:

      Maybe he’ll specially embroider some crowns on his shoes for the kneeling. Then ask everyone if they saw them.

      • Mary Pester says:

        Of course he will have special shoes, and they will have “left and”, right on the tops so the idiot knows which foot goes where, but oh how I would love some brave wag to write on the bottoms of them “open other end” 😂😂

    • DouchesofCornwall says:

      Our Prince Willie kneels all the time, just not for the same reasons. He should be good.

      • susan m says:

        What a homophobic statement.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Or it reveals where your thoughts are, susan m. IF Wm engages in pegging, perhaps Rose is the one wearing the gear?

      • Sugarhere says:

        @DouchesofCornwall: I like your joke a lot. Humor is unrelated to decorum. It is transgressive by nature.
        And congrats on your pseudo upgrade. It almost sounds like DuchyofCornwall 👍.

      • Christine says:

        Is this a conversation that is actually happening??? What in the actual fuck.

        ETA: If you think prostates aren’t a part of sex, for men, you need to talk to people that aren’t in your circle of “friends”.

  2. Tessa says:

    Charles had eggs thrown at him and William was booed yet all the talk of harry and Meghan possibly being booed. Bill and Chuck should worry about themselves.

    • Debbie says:

      I know, right?

      • BothSidesNow says:

        My sentiments as well. Chuckles should be worried about the expenses that he is creating all while denying most of Britain with adequate food and heat.

        As for this article, it’s nothing but lies and clickbait, period. They know absolutely nothing.

    • SURE says:

      The rota isn’t just speculating about H&M being booed they’re actively inciting the public to boo the couple by regularly referring to it. They seem to want the public to reject H&M because the couple have so thoroughly exposed them as bullying hacks. The rota is seeking their revenge by openly inciting the public.

    • BW says:

      I suspect Chucky and Peggy are hoping Harry does NOT come, because having the crowd cheer and chant “HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!” on Chucky’s big day, will not go over well.

      • Interested Gawker says:


        And when I see those pics of COHABB tour that ‘She’s A Rainbow’ Rolling Stones piano music starts playing in my head, that Netflix doc was so good, H&M were really smart to do that.

      • TheVolvesSeidr says:

        Worse, @BW, they will be screaming “Meghan!” lol!

      • Sharon Neysmith says:

        Totally agree. This is after Meghan states in the documentary ” you are making me scared, are my babies okay. ” The tabloids are sad and despicable.

    • equality says:

      Or they are anxious for H&M to be there so they can claim the boo-ing is for them and not the “working” royals.

    • lucy2 says:

      Ah, but that’s why the focus MUST remain on Harry, so no one talks about that.

      I hope Harry replies with an “LOL, no, sorry, we’re redecorating one of our 153 bathrooms that day. Have fun!”

  3. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Oh, no! They might be booed?! Whatever would they do?!

    I believe they haven’t decided and I can speculate as much as the author of the article. Harry had conditions that will not be met. That’s a given. The question is whether Harry wants to “be there” for/to help legitimize his neglectful, undeserving father or not. That’s it.

    • Kingston says:

      Its so glaring that theyre completely ignoring Harry’s PUBLICLY STATED CONDITIONS that will determine whether he AND HIS WIFE attend this pathetic, let-them-eat-cake-white-supremicist moment:
      1) Apologise to my wife (which H said he doesnt expect them to do, so he and his wife are moving on and focusing on the future.)

      2) Lets have a sit-down talk AS A FAMILY…..just you, pa and willy. ‘FAMILY,’ not ‘institution.’

      If at least condition #2 isnt met, theres no way H&M will attend.

      Lets face it, all the nasties in the uk would love for M to attend so they can say, see, we’re NOT racist and we didnt do any racism to her while she was here.

      F*ck them all.

  4. No predicament. The ball is in Chucks court (pun intended). Apologize or Harry is not coming. End of discussion.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    Yeah, nobody’s gonna boo or label the Sussexes hypocrites except the press.

    Everyone else will be wondering why the King had to buy two new thrones and a new golden carriage. And booing the fact that money is being wasted on the UpChuckathon 2023, when there’s a cost of living crisis.

    The only hypocrite will be Charles, pretending he’s streamlined and economized for this UpChuckathon 2023 when it’s clear it’s wasting millions.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    ⁷Yeah, Harry’s not the one with the predicament. He’s been clear about what will get him to the coronation and I’m sure he’s not concerned about being booed. Btw who’s this friend that’s talking to the Telegraph? It sounds like a royal reporter to me.

    • TheWigletOfWails says:

      Perhaps it’s Cameltoe talking to herself again? You know she loves to insert herself into H&M’s business.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    The Sussexes should give a hard pass to the Chubbly IMO, but it’s their call. The Torygraph is trying to bait a response. I’m curious to see if William’s KGB tainted (by blood) bestie who is a Lord is on the guest list.

    • booboocita says:

      And I’m wondering if the assembly will include a row just for visiting Saudi princes, each with a Fortnum & Mason bag filled with monetary “gifts.”

    • Sharon Neysmith says:

      For sure. I wonder when they ‘reporters’ will get sick of spinning their untruths. I guess the money made from disparaging Harry and Meghan is just too good to turn down. Royalty above ethics I guess.

  8. JoJo says:

    Unless Harry, Meghan or a verified spokesperson of theirs releases a statement saying they feel they are in a ‘predicament’ over the stupid Chubbly then I shall continue to completely ignore (and absolutely refuse to click on) any tweets or articles relating to the issue.

    I’ve only commented here because no one is trying to aggressively convince me that they know what Harry or Meghan’s views on the subject are, that they can read their minds or that their friends are talking to anyone in the UK press about how they feel.

  9. Lauren says:

    In case anyone is interested the Brits are the only European Monarchy that still has a coronation all the other monarchies exchanged it for a swearing in ceremony as the Monarch’s authority became more limited.

  10. k.tate says:

    I am very happy that we are not forgetting how AWFUL these people were at the Queen’s funeral! I still get upset that they used this emotional moment to manipulate and harass H & M! And another thing…. I am angry that they “took away” his military affiliations!

    • SURE says:

      Apart from manipulating and harassing don’t forget attacking, humiliating, vilifying, ostracising, demonising, etc.

  11. Talie says:

    I had been thinking they would go…now, I think they won’t. I do think after Spare, Harry purged and is just over it. Meghan’s been done since Oprah.

    • Sugarhere says:

      The HARRY & MEGHAN docuseries + SPARE have been a cathartic experience that helped the Sussexes overcome family trauma and media drama. Those were necessary psychological landmarks prepping them to move forward.

      Right after Charles’ Coronation, the Sussexes might sever every tie with the Royals once and for all, and devote their energies to new projects of their own.

  12. lunchcoma says:

    As far as I can tell, they’ve already decided. If Charles is willing to do [some set of conditions that ensures their safety and either contains an apology or something they feel is a step toward one], they’ll go. If he doesn’t, they won’t. And that’s the way it should be. It’s Charles’ choice whether he wants to make amends to his son and daughter in law.

  13. Peggy Campbell says:

    If Harry goes alone the story will be his marriage is on the rocks, Meghan is upset, he has no official duties, and he can’t wear his uniform. If he goes alone Kate will try to corner him, his brother may attack him again, and Charles will smirk because he got his way. If H&M go together we will have to look at Kate’s resting bitch face all day, William will look incandescent, and Charles will smirk at the fact he pulled them from their child. If H&M stay home they can watch the Corny-Nation on TV, celebrate Archie’s birthday in style, and sleep peacefully in their bed as they listen to the roar of the Pacific. Let the media say they were disrespectful. Better to hear it than to be there and personally experience being disrespected.

    • Mary Pester says:

      Peggy, if I were Harry and Megan I would stay home happy and safe with my children, throw Archie his birthday party with the television on. Before the fun starts for Archie I would point at the television and say” look Archie, those people are supposed to be family, but they don’t act like it, in fact listen to your teachers when they talk about stranger danger, but remember family can cause the most pain “,” Now let’s go and have fun and put them right out of your mind because they are never getting near you or lilibet. Stay home Harry, your father won’t enjoy his day and neither will BULLYAM as they know that even though it’s Charlie chinlesses clownation, all the press are going to be talking about is you and Megan. And titles smikles, Charlie chinless can stick them in his orb

  14. Cessily says:

    You would think this event centers around the Sussex’s because they just can’t seem to focus or write about anything else. The briefings have been insane. Truthfully why would anyone want to attend when they are constantly being targeted and harassed by the media over there? I will be surprised if they attend I really think they are done with having to be the briefing scapegoats of Cowmilla, chucky, Peggy and Katie with a C.
    There are several pending court cases coming up so the tabloids are out for their blood and then you have Peggy and cowmilla who are probably the most venomous ones leaking and briefing against them. If they attend I would be very worried about their security being pulled even if they were promised it.

  15. Michele says:

    They should not go.
    Harry needs to finally get it into his head that his father and brother are both POS. They will not change; both are, and will remain, assholes.

  16. Lili says:

    I suppose it depends how he thinks history will be written by him not attending, will he want to attend William’s coronation, because it will always now be a case of will they or won’t they , they were snubbed or disinvited. So in the end it’s up to him how he wants to control the narrative and how much the said will affect how he feels. Chuck is never going to apologise until he is on his deathbed and rethinking his life , he has no reason to he has all he wants his woman by his side as he take the crown that he has lusted after all his life, there is no room for reform in the British monarchy

    • Emily_C says:

      History will not care. This stupid conanation does not matter — they’ve never mattered unless something else happens during them or around them. What history will care about is that Chuck is spending a massive amount on this bullshit while his people are cold and hungry, and what the fallout from that will be.

      • equality says:

        You are right. Historians of the future would likely focus on the economic factors.

      • Nicky says:

        History won’t care, it’s written by the winners. Queen Victoria when passing Newcastle would pull down the blinds of the royal train so she wouldn’t have to look at the peasants who didn’t want to fund this transport. Everyone says times have changed, but until there’s a large enough public protest this will be written up as a victory for the BRF and H&M will be ignored or libelled. It’s unfair but true. 😞

  17. crazyoldlady says:

    Harry won’t kneel – he’s already talked to Oprah, did a six-part Netflix documentary, and wrote a book about that.

    And apparently, Adele and Ed are not kneeling either – hahahahaha

    That poor old man. No one cares about his big dress-up day.

  18. Well Wisher says:

    No one outside of the very small circle around the Sussexes know what Prince Harry thinks about any one topic.
    To be clear, no one that knows an iota of the Princes’ thoughts and feelings about the subject matter at hand would speak to the telegraph.

    So why this article, at this moment?
    The other diversionary tactics/articles did not work.
    This is about the aweful economic impact of Brexit on the UK’s standing in the world, coupled with unending austerity and asset striping has devastated the economy and vastly reduced the middle and working class fortunes.

    It is the upcoming reckoning to the tories, not to worry about the demise about this particular expression of capitalism.
    It is safe with the denuded new labour.

    So what is the problem?? The loss of power without accountability and attention.
    The coronation at its best cannot deliver, but the expectation of drama would provide the following:-
    Advert £ with increased viewers
    Give the ‘venters’ their object of hate to focus on.
    Distraction and diversion.

    Reading through said article I discovered the sameness, the familiar, stale pronouncements and vengeful aspirations specific to the spurned english media in the UK.

    Spurned by Harry.

  19. Emily_C says:

    When the rota aren’t putting trackers on cars and hacking phones, they’re lying. I finally got Spare from the library, and this is central to it, as it has been central to Harry’s life. Since hacking and tracking Harry and Meghan in Montecito in order to ruin their lives has proved impossible, the rota is back to their good ‘ol complete lies.

  20. Susan says:

    As much as I would love to see them (and Meghan’s outfit and a possible child(ren) sighting?!), I really don’t want them to go. I feel like it is a lose-lose proposition that would only be detrimental to their personal happiness.

  21. MsIam says:

    I don’t understand the logic of the press. If Harry and Meghan come it sounds like the family will treat them horribly and people may boo and throw objects. If they decide to stay home and avoid this shit they are “snubbing” the king, the same one who plans to treat them horribly if they come. I think the tabs all want that same sick Jeremy Clarkson fantasy of the Sussexes being paraded through the streets while shit is thrown at them and the people shout “Shame!”. Its hard to believe in this 21st century that adults still think like this but I guess it fits in with the rest of the madness in this world. Stay home and enjoy your peace, Sussexes.

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The thing I noted about what Kaiser posted of the article is that they used “friend” but didn’t identify who the friend belonged to. It must be the person at the next desk. the other thing I noted was that everyone is assuming that there will be an invitation sent to H&M. Why are the bm so sure that will happen?

  23. Mslove says:

    I wouldn’t go to the chubbly if I were the Sussexes. They can’t get Adele to sing, Lionel Ritchie mightn’t show up & you know Pegs will be full of rage, ruining everything.

  24. Charlotte says:

    Have they been invited? I would imagine the invite for the Chubbly is a fairly conspicuous piece of paper (so that people who care can frame it).

    My bet is that they haven’t been invited, and the DARVO RF is once again blaming them for their own abusive behavior.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    I now have The Clash song, “Should I Stay or Should I Go Now” in my head …

    M&H will do what’s best for them. Whatever they choose, I hope they’ll be safe.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I think this is a bigger deal in the UK than it is to the Sussexes. Like in the grand scheme of things, what will the impact be if they attend this one day ceremony? The press will still keep up the BS no matter what they do.

  26. one of the marys says:

    “They do not have any insight. They’re in limbo.”
    Do these writers have amnesia? Meghan and Harry have plenty of insight having only months ago experienced the Windsor treatment during the funeral events. If I had to face something like that again I’d be sick with stress

  27. Mary Pester says:

    OK this is only my opinion, BUT, when historians write about Charlie chinless and his reign, it will read this, In the year 2022 Charles became king after the death of his mother QE11. CHARLIE had 2 sons, one was a first class cockwomble who spent all his adult years engulfed in a rage he couldn’t contain without medication. He, BULLYAM married a clockwork wife who he wound up every morning and pointed her in the direction of the nearest photographer with a manic smile on her face, her shark eyes heavily made up and her claw hand raised to wave. His younger son Henry, saw the madness that abounded in his family and chose to marry a real woman with taste and character with who he had two children. They left the salty island and the madness of his family for a new, happy successful life in America, where they continued to thrive and work for good causes. Charlie chinless had his coronation in 2023, it was to all intents and purposes a failure as many people chose not to attend, and those who did could not understand why, instead of playing the specially written peice of music, for some reason the orchestral played”Send in the clowns “, as he appeared in the doors of the Abbey. It became a terrible spectacle. As the seated guests burst out laughing, Camilla threw her not reconditioned crown across the aisle, his eldest son screamed, swore and kicked his aunty Ann who bitch slapped him right across his face. Meanwhile Williams clockwork wife continued down the aisle, hand raised, manic smile and shark eyes, unaware that everyone else was running for the doors to escape the madness. Police confirm that Charlie chinless was found gibbering in a corner and spent the rest of his years in an asylum. Prince harry, flew in from America, grabbed his neice and nephews, took them back to the US, where they live long happy lives

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, “instead of playing the specially written piece of music, for some reason the orchestral played ”Send in the clowns “, as he appeared in the doors of the Abbey.”

      I had to laugh at that. I love that song! Judy Collins always sang it so hauntingly.

  28. Feebee says:

    I don’t see a no show as a snub. Harry was very clear about what he wanted to happen. If that doesn’t happen then it was Charles snubbing Harry and Meghan. Again.

    Harry may have some conflict about not attending. Even with therapy he has a lifetime of thoughts and feelings attached to duty and the The Crown and all that. We don’t know whether he feels conflicted but we’re not going to hear about it from “sources” in The Telegraph.

    • Kingston says:

      Harry no longer has a sense of “duty to the crown” to hobble him.

      If you recall his interview with Anderson Cooper, before AC could get the last word out on his question: “Do you see yourself going back to work for the institution” H said “NO.”

      Nothing pertaining to the institution, i:e The Crown, will get H to drag himself back to SaltIsle. However, he still has hopes that his father and brother will come to understand the diff between the institution and the FAMILY of Windsors.

      To date, neither father nor brother has shown any such understanding and H said “The ball is in their court.” I:e, until chuckyDaTURD and BULLYWILLY initiate a PRIVATE, FAMILY (no courtiers or other servants allowed) MEETING with H, there will be no family reconciliation.

      • changemysoul says:

        He also said that he wouldn’t have an issue working in the Commonwealth, as long as it’s not in the UK.

        Even if doesn’t act on those feelings, it’s okay to acknowledge that Harry still might have conflicting feelings about certain things. He’s still a supporter of the Monarchy (with change) but he supports.

        He hasn’t reached the stage in which he can out-right call his family racist and still wants to give them a chance to grow.

        He DOES still have some sense of duty to the Crown or else would’ve said, yeah fuck it.

        It is okay to acknowledge that he’s a human being with complicated feelings but also understanding that he’s going to do what’s best for his family in the end.

  29. L4Frimaire says:

    Here’s the thing I don’t get. If Harry went, why wouldn’t he go with Meghan? They were at the Jubbly and funeral together. I don’t understand why they even think that she needs to be absent if they’re invited. They scheduled the Jubbly on Lilibet’s birthday and this is scheduled on Archie’s. They can handle it. I don’t think they’re getting any more info from the Sussexes than what we’re speculating on here. I think if they’re invited, I won’t be surprised if they go since they’re just spectators. If they’re not invited, it is what it is., but why this constant handwringing. We know they’ll definitely not be invited to William’s coronation if or when they happens.

  30. Katie says:

    Sorry, but like Fetch, Chubbly isn’t going to happen.

    That’s all I came to say.

  31. Monlette says:

    Just stay home and watch along with your son’s birthday guests, Harry. You will just be relegated to the royal equivalent of the children’s table anyway. Yeah it’s your dad, and this only happens once, but he has made it pretty clear his priorities are with his “other family” with Camilla. Let the others dodge eggs without you.

  32. RoyalBlue says:

    Chubbly? It’s a hard pass for me.

  33. Rackel says:

    I assume harry knew that book would burn bridges. He left some wiggle room. Is it enough? I think they have been negotiating or lady hussey called in her own favor. If harry goes to the cornation how can he overlook the other family members who took sides.

  34. blunt talker says:

    The UK media is looking to get a pound of flesh from the Sussexes-they don’t respect the royal in general principle and they will not listen to King Charles telling them to desist from attacking his son and his family=the world saw how badly they were treated during the Jubilee and the queen’s funeral I really don’t want to see this happen again in such a public manner. God bless and keep the Sussex family safe.