Here are more photos of the Prince and Princess of Wales IN Wales yesterday. They were there for a “day” (several hours) of events ahead of St. David’s Day. One of those events was seeing a “leisure center” where a spin class/spin room was in action. Two bikes were cleared for William and Kate and a contest was given to them: who can bike the furthest in 45 seconds. Apparently, Kate won, even though she was in a wool skirt and heeled boots.
I guess we’re supposed to think it’s cute or, like, think it’s fun that they’re “competitive” with one another. I just feel like they were game to do the little stunt and that’s all they do these days. It’s just mindless photo-ops with no connection to anything. “Make Kate go down the slide!” Okay. “Make them compete on spin bikes!” Sure. “Give Baby Brains some busy work and let her flap her jazz hands!” Of course.
It wasn’t all stunts and busy-work though. This Wales trip was actually their second “Community Impact Day,” where they take credit for “funding” some local charitable scheme. In South Wales, that meant unveiling “therapy gardens” at Brynawell Rehabilitation Centre. I’ll admit that I don’t understand the scheme as People Magazine explained it, and I’m not going to read a bunch of British reports to try to figure it out. Basically, this rehab center already has the land, and now they’ll get patients to create small veggie gardens on the rehab’s land. So, I get that. But what is Will and Kate’s involvement? Are they funding the gardens? Or did they just show up and say “this is very important” and then they “planted” some sh-t in the garden?
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
- Aberavon, UNITED KINGDOM – The Princess of Wales – Prince William and Kate Visit Wales. Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see the Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre opened in 2016 and offers a range of physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for local people in Aberavon. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton – Princess of Wales BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aberavon, UNITED KINGDOM – The Princess of Wales – Prince William and Kate Visit Wales. Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see the Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre opened in 2016 and offers a range of physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for local people in Aberavon. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton – Princess of Wales BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aberavon, UNITED KINGDOM – The Princess of Wales – Prince William and Kate Visit Wales. Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see the Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre opened in 2016 and offers a range of physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for local people in Aberavon. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton – Princess of Wales BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aberavon, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Kate Visit Wales. Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see the Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre opened in 2016 and offers a range of physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for local people in Aberavon. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton – Princess of Wales BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aberavon, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Kate Visit Wales. Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see the Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre opened in 2016 and offers a range of physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for local people in Aberavon. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton – Princess of Wales BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Wales, UNITED KINGDOM – Ahead of St. David’s Day, The Prince and Princess of Wales visit South Wales to champion mental health initiatives and meet local communities. Here we see their Royal Highnesses visit the headquarters of the Wales Air Ambulance. The charity, which was founded in 2001, has completed over 43,000 missions and is on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Pictured: Prince William and Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 28 FEBRUARY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Prince William, Prince of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William, Prince of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure and Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, South Wales to meet local communities and hear about how sport and exercise can support mental health and wellbeing. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Cover Images
I’m sure it was just meant to be a cute, lighthearted competition, but I’ll bet you anything that after the cameras were gone, William was pouty about Kate winning. Probably bitched about it the whole way back to their separate homes.
I was thinking that too! Remember louis’ irritation (rightly so, he’s 4) with his mother and the way he brazenly out his hand over her mouth (I know he’s a kid but that’s still disrespectful in my eyes) I bet he learned that off his father. Children imitate what they see at home.
As much as I hate k’s gaslighting attempts and mean girl vibes, for me however W is the real enemy. This man is just AWFUL. I’m sorry he just is
Of course, I don’t really know their relationship, so I’m basing this off of what I see and what’s talked about here. If I was Kate, I would welcome infidelity rumors so I could leave with lots of sympathy and go start dating sporty/sailing types and live the active lifestyle I truly love without all of the royal crap to deal with.
That actually sounds like a super-dope, well-written outcome for her
I always wonder: are those hugely unflattering pictures of Kate the official photos by KP? If yes, then what could those look like that they actually throw away??
She must have made some of the photographers angry because her photos aren’t being photoshopped to improve them in a lot of cases. And they surely could have used some without the weird expressions.
Yeah, those expressions of Kate’s truly say, “No more wire hangers.”
That filtered photo with her outfit on the main Instagram would’ve fit perfectly in autumn in my opinion (just change the turtleneck to match the coat). But there doesn’t seem to be a cohesive theme or aesthetic. It’s just putting sh*t together and there: that’s work! Another point of proof which shows that these two just don’t appeal to the market they’re hoping to
@ Layla, and again, WanK and Keen brought nothing to raise awareness or simply highlighting the importance of the program. The obvious point of the visit was lost with cockamamie PR puff piece to transform it into another show-off “event”. If they consider these events as “royal work” then what do they consider actual work??
Just asking for the millions of people who want to know why they are funding the lifestyles of the useless and lazy.
Chefs kiss to Kaiser for her brilliant selection of photos!! Keen looks possessed in the fourth photo. 💋💋
I think this reenforces how little Will works out! He seemed to have a cramp at the end of the video.
Come on is anyone really surprised that Kate Middleton knows her way around a spin bike? She probably has one in every home. Idiot Wills probably shouted at her later in private for winning.
I bet she has multiple peloton bikes. The one thing we know she does consistently is exercise so of course the spin bike is nothing for her.
I love that the competition was “endurance biking” the competition lasted 45 SECONDS
What an intellectually humiliating crock
Also, there’s a dope TIKTOK making the rounds on twitter today about their inappropriate shoe-wear
The spin competition was SO stupid. Just so dumb. First off – why is there always this need to center them in their visits? The headline became “Will and Kate compete” instead of the actual purpose of their visit.
I saw a headline from TMZ about how W&K need LuluLemon and it made me laugh bc they looked so stupid on the bikes in their heels (Kate) and suit (William.) – Also, Kate’s form was really really bad. I couldn’t see William’s as well but her form was awful.
I agree about Kate’s form. For someone who is supposed to be so fit and athletic, her form is so poor.
We’re back to little to no engagement on their Instagram page. Yikes.
Anyways yeah this was their way to grab attention and it didn’t do the job considering Meghan and Harry were front page of the royals favorite newspaper. Talk about being overshadowed.
It’s obvious he is not physically fit, no matter how many sweaters he wears under his jacket. Seems the only exercise he gets is assaulting his brother who he doesn’t have to kick around anymore. There’s very little aerobic exercise in being incandescent with rage. And it’s very bad for your blood pressure.
The video of this makes them look like idiots. The competition angle between the two of them is not going to end well at all. The sad thing was this was the most engaged Kate looked through the entire engagement. Though I thought she was going to fall off she was so unbalanced. K really wanted to beat W, who actually didn’t seem to be into it. The comments coming out of the day don’t exactly show a happy couple. When planting Sweet Williams, W commented that he had not been called that since his childhood. W mentioned that he had been getting slack for the score of the rugby game all weekend. Nice, coming from the supposed Princess of WALES. Sounds like a fun family to hang out with, right?!?
That comment reminds me of my son. I still sometimes call him my Sweet William and he’s a strapping 25 year old airman. 😆 I planted some in the garden for him and my late father who he was named for.
His favorite word must be space too…from his wife! He looks off into space when she’s around and keeps space between them wgeb she’s around. He’s probably incandescent with rage that Harry used the word in public first. He finds it unforgivable.
What I love about all this it that W&K have a whole team of photographers around them taking shots of their “competitive togetherness.” Yet, they are knocked off the front pages by a couple of snaps of H&M getting out of a car to go to a restaurant!
The petty Betty in me just can’t stop smirking! :blush:
I know the “hair” was super discussed on the outfit post, but just comparing it to the recent pics of Meghan out to dinner. She also has a LOT of hair, and a similar length, yet it looks so… healthy!
Full disclosure, I have no idea if Meghan uses extensions, (I kind of assume every famous woman is) but gosh her hair looks so lovely and natural.
That’s the thing I say whenever people take issue with anyone mentioning the wigs and pieces. No one cares she wears them ( at least I don’t) just look so bad and dry and stringy most of the time. It’s negligence on behalf of her hair stylist, who I’m sure makes thousands of dollars a year in fees to do her hair. There’s no way it should look that poor.
This competition between them stopped being cute a while back. I’m not really sure how this relates to a therapy garden either.
It doesn’t the press just want pictures of them doing a spin class.
They are meant to Perform… so this is how they make the monkeys dance.
They remind me of Bridget Jones, when she gets the News Reporter job and is put in all sorts of ridiculous scenarios. Lord knows we have already had plenty of bum shots!
My bet would be they did not contribute financially but just swooped in to take credit. They have done that before.
William and Kate were made to perform the press again. The royal rota tweeted that they might do it before the start of the visit to Wales. The press says jump and KP says how high. William and Kate can’t be happy with the lives they lead. I get why William and Kate would be angry with Harry and Meghan for leaving, they have the freedom that William and Kate will never have.
I’m not going to hate on this while I dislike WanK in general she did look genuinely happy and she probably spins once again shows that she should stick to issues of sports
I think he’s told to let her win, to make her look like some sort of uberfrau, so that the toffs don’t complain about him marrying beneath his station.
BUT but but they sold a ton of Pelatons! Anyway the plug for the garden happened when she accessorized her coat with a vegetable.
Learn to spot the clues people!
Oh, what a cute couple (not). Maybe “letting” Kate win means he’s taken on another mistress and at least she won’t have to take an L in the spinning department.
So regal? Not
But Kate has to have an activity to make her look good doesn’t she?