Cele|bitchy | Pippa Middleton’s daughter Rose was christened recently, Will & Kate were there

Pippa Middleton’s daughter Rose was christened recently, Will & Kate were there

Pippa Middleton gave birth to her third child last year, probably right after the Platinum Jubbly. We learned last July that she named the girl Rose. Rose Matthews. Which I found shady, considering Rose is also the name of Pippa’s brother-in-law’s oft-rumored mistress. It would have been like one of Princess Diana’s sisters naming their daughter Camilla. Anyway, Pippa and Terribly Moderately Wealthy James live in a grand country estate in Berkshire and they’re raising their three kids close to the Middletons and all of that. Apparently, Pippa and TMW James recently had a christening for baby Rose. And Richard Eden at the Mail used that information to… lie about Lilibet Diana.

As far as we know, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s California-born daughter, Lilibet, has still not been christened, even though she’s almost two. The Princess of Wales’s sister, Pippa Middleton, 39, however, is not prepared to wait so long for the baptism of her own daughter.

Seven-month-old Rose, Pippa’s third child with her husband, financier James Matthews, 47, was christened this week at their local village church in Berkshire, reported The Daily Mail’s Richard Eden. He was told: ‘Prince William and Catherine both attended the service.’

Rose is the sixth grandchild of Carole and Mike Middleton, who are also grandparents to Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Pippa, James, Rose and their two other children Arthur, four, Grace, one, spent time earlier this month enjoying a sun-soaked holiday in St Barts, where the Matthews family owns the Eden Rock resort, one of the region’s most exclusive hotels.

[From The Daily Mail]

One, considering the big reveal the Sussexes made in their Netflix docuseries, I’m sure Lili has been christened in California. They revealed that they asked Tyler Perry to be Lili’s godfather, and he said he would only do it if he didn’t have to travel to Isla de Saltines. Tyler Perry didn’t want to hang out with the people who abused Harry and Meghan.

As for Pippa and baby Rose… I’m actually sort of surprised that Pippa has never turned her children’s christenings into some kind of royal-adjacent circus? All of her kids have apparently just had quiet, private christenings, probably all of them in Bucklebury, with Queen Carole in attendance. Anyway, it’s nice that William made time for Rose.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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73 Responses to “Pippa Middleton’s daughter Rose was christened recently, Will & Kate were there”

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  1. ThatsNotOkay says:

    I’m not sure Lilibet was Christened, as it were. What religion are H&M now that they don’t have to belong to the fake Church of England?

    • LadyHanbury says:

      If they were in the USA, Lili was probably christened in the Anglican church. Actually there is a little beautiful yet quaint AC in nearby Santa Barbara/Montecito, All Saints by the Sea. Maybe Lili was christened there?!

    • A says:

      oh my gosh ‘fake Church of England’
      It’s like the ghost of Sir Thomas More found an internet connection I love this

      • tamsin says:

        What do you mean by “fake Church of England?” The Episcopalian church is the Church of England in the US. In Canada it is still called the Anglican Church. Being in the US does not make Harry, Meghan, and Archie non-members of the Church of England. I would imagine that Harry would do everything that is proper for christening his daughter because he was raised in the Church of England and his grandmother was head of said Church.

      • A says:

        @tamsin Did you get your commenters mixed up, maybe?

        The original comment by ThatsNotOkay, if you’d like to reread it, said ‘now that they don’t have to belong to the fake Church of England’. I thought that was funny that someone in 2023 would call the CoE ‘fake’, like the Reformation wasn’t 500 years old. Sir Thomas More was Henry VIII’s Chancellor, until the king broke with the Catholic Church in the 1530s. He was executed for treason because he snubbed Anne Boleyn’s coronation in…1535, I think.

      • Seraphina says:

        @A, I believe your explanation is correct. All my reading on the Tudor dynasty elude, if not blatantly state, that Henry VI broke from Rome due to wanting to divorce Catherine (the Roman Catholic church would not grant) AND all the money he gained control of that no longer was Rome’s. It not like Martin Luther who went and saw the hypocrisy and wanted change – Henry VI wanted to marry his mistress for a legitimate son and more money to stuff his coffers. So I found you comment funny.

      • Nic919 says:

        Thomas More is the patron saint of lawyers in the Catholic Church, so yeah he would have thought the new church permitting divorce would be a fake church.

      • C says:

        Thomas More was executed because he believed in the supremacy of the Pope over Henry. He wasn’t a fan of Anne Boleyn but it was deeper than that.
        If the church had granted the annulment (and they absolutely did grant annulments in cases like Henry’s, many times, only this Pope was more or less at the mercy of Katherine of Aragon’s nephew the Holy Roman Empire), More would have gone along with it.
        After all, Thomas More wrote in Utopia that divorce and separation were permissible in certain circumstances.

      • Feeshalori says:

        @Seraphina, l believe you’re referring to Henry VIII who broke from Rome to divorce Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn. Not Henry VI.

      • Seraphina says:

        @Feeshalori, yes thank you! I always think Henry head 6 wives so he was the 8Th. And I guess subconsciously I wrote IV.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The Anglican Church in the US is the Episcopal Church. It’s part of the Anglican Union. So Lili would have been christened in a church in Montecito.

    • kirk says:

      More important question – why are Harry, Meghan and Lilibet featured prominently in para 1 of a story about Pippa Middleton? Will nobody bother reading it otherwise?

  2. LadyHanbury says:

    “Anyway, it’s nice that William made time for Rose” LMAOO dont him always

  3. Nicegirl says:


  4. SarahCS says:

    A black man said it on Netflix so they’re going to pretend it never happened. I’ll take racism and snobbery for ten points please.

  5. C says:

    I was sitting on the couch last month reading and my mom yelled to me from the other room that William had spent Valentine’s Day with Rose and sent me the “Marca” articles about it, LOL.

    If true, it’s very nice they are all so close! haha

    • BQM says:

      Maria is an awful site. They post all kinds of trash about the Sussexes.

      • C says:

        I thought they were a tabloid honestly. Is it an actual Spanish newspaper? I *have* seen the other nonsense they write, lol.

  6. atorontogal says:

    I doubt Peggs went. I don’t believe anything that comes out of isle de saltines.

    • Bamaborn says:

      Thank you! Like the priest claiming Willy was at Kate’s brothers’ wedding; no way Carole wouldn’t have put out a zillion copies of that. Unless there are pics, wouldn’t believe a word these people say.

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes the French priest who just happened to speak with a British magazine and have the ability to describe in detail what William and Kate both wore to the wedding.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Same. He and the Middletons seem to have been on ice since 2021. Even at the Jubbly Carole seemed rather put out.

    • Nic919 says:

      The wording is specifically “Eden was told” that they W and K attended. So Carole easily could have told Eden this along with how she pretended William went to the wedding in the south of france.

  7. Lucky Charm says:

    William will always make time to stop and smell the Roses!
    Good for Pippa keeping it low key and protecting her kids privacy.

  8. First comment says:

    And we believe eden that William was there just because he says it? The man can barely stand his wife on official visits with all the press present. Anyway, perhaps William did find some time to be there for Rose 😅

  9. Mimi says:

    “William made time for Rose” i see what you did there and I applaud you. Lololol.

  10. Jais says:

    Maybe one day, Harry and Meghan will release christening photos of Lilibet with Tyler Perry. It probably happened ages ago and we’ll get those pics when Lili is 10. If we ever do at all. This man is just goading for those pics. Also, I don’t believe just bc someone told him William was there that William was necessarily there. Not sure Eden believes it either with the “he was told:” intro to Catherine and William being there.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Just like he “attended” James Middleton’s wedding. For a normal people I would say no reason to lie, but these people have all the reasons to lie. Also it cracks me up that the Royal rota are still basically operating as if the Sussexes have a court circular that they have to share with them. Of course you don’t know whether or not she’s been christened, because it’s not any of your business. I saw a t-shirt once that I absolutely loved, it said it wasn’t a secret it just wasn’t your business and this applies so much to them.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    Pippa probably isn’t innocent in all this drama (I’m sighting her wedding and the rule not to allow Meghan at the ceremony) but she probably looks at the mess that has been swirling and is happy to be married to her very wealthy husband who isn’t a rage monster and who actually seems to enjoy her. If I were Pippa I would be so grossed out by that family.

    • Zazzoo says:

      IKR? She doesn’t turn her children’s lives into royal adjacent circuses because she’s already winning at life.

    • equality says:

      Nice that her in-laws own an exclusive resort. There’s a perk. Better than drafty castles.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I telya, I would spend all my winters there, particularly if England were my main home.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah, you know, it has been interesting to see Pippa pull back from this whole business. My hunch is that she somehow got a taste of William’s fury and decided to go have her own life away from this whole circus. I’m not a fan, but good for her.

      • zazzoo says:

        MTE!! I’m not a fan. She was clearly involved in the mean-girling of the early days. Plus, I don’t imagine Pippa as a person of much substance. It’s impressive that she earned a master’s degree despite being very (moderately) wealthy. I do respect a commitment to learning – and if she did it to one up her sister, that’s actually a commitment to pettiness you almost have to respect – but ultimately Pippa figured out what she wanted from life, and what she didn’t, and she seems to be satisfied (deliriously happy?) with what she has, no need to parade around the illusion of happiness.

      • Nic919 says:

        Seeing as how Carole would have been running that wedding, the mean girl exclusion of Meghan was likely more coming from her and Kate. Especially since kate decided she was going to be the kid wrangler which lead to some hilarious photos showing how the kids basically ignored her.

        And naming your child Rose after your brother in law is accused of having a mistress with that name is a pretty bold move.

      • teecee says:

        I guess I give Pippa a pass on that because when I’ve been in those circumstances, I always ask to the person with the connection to the potential guest to make the call. In this case, Meghan and Harry were connected via Kate (and William), so my instinct would be to defer to whatever Kate wanted in that scenario. (If cost and space were not an issue.)

  12. Lilpeppa40 says:

    Idk whether it’s a lie or not but I do know there was no need to mention Lili at all. It’s these little things that really scare me when it comes to their obsession with the Sussexes. They’re brought into *everything* even when there’s no need. (With the subtext of course being “look at these heathens, hate them”)

    • Isabella says:

      Plus, christenings are usually small, private events in the U.S. for the immediate family. In my Catholic church, growing up, the area where the baby is baptized was small, for that reason. You don’ t need rooms full of spectators, in other words.

      It makes me happy that H&M have this sweet family life. When they’re attacked, they always have Archie and Lilibet waiting at home in their gorgeous California estate. No wonder they smile all the time.

    • SomeChick says:

      forever overshadowed… by a toddler, in this case.

  13. Jeannine says:

    I would guess H & M would have gone w/ the Episcopal church. It was an Episcopalian minister who attended their wedding. The Anglican church in the US is now largely affiliated w/ a very conservative, fundamentalist branch (Anglican church of Africa) that welcomed those who didn’t want gay, lesbian, queer marriages or clergy and weren’t welcoming to female clergy during the Episcopalian denominational split 20 years ago or so.

  14. Chantal says:

    Gotta mention the Sussexes in yet another article that has nothing to do with them. No demanding photos or demanding to know who the godparents are? Good. Seems like Pippa’s not playing media games with her kids either. Keep obsessing over the Sussexes…and settling for the bland royals.

  15. HeyKay says:

    I like Pipa.
    More than W&K.

    • HamsterJam says:

      First time I ever heard of Kate, the article was saying how much more personable Pipa was. I mean, that is some serious shade right there at the start.

      It was all “William is with this girl now but nobody can understand why because her sister is so much better than she is”

      You know, like you sleep with one sister you get to sleep with all of them?

  16. JMoney says:

    It’s not shady it’s by design. Notice Rose Hanbury is not mentioned by the press or any big news org (just websites with small footprint).

    This is the long game to associate the name Rose with Pippa’s daughter. Bc the time will soon come where Billy and Katie can no longer attract attention in comparison to their children once they are in their teens. And the only Rose ppl will know publicly and in the press with the RF is Pippa’s daughter

    • Peachy says:

      I didn’t read all the comments before making my own, but had the same thought process as you… Pippa’s Rose will edge out Rose Hanbury on internet searches. They may be trying to scrub the affair from the net.

      If this is true, it’s diabolically clever and would have involved all 3 Middleton women.

      • Shawna says:

        It could have the opposite effect in the short-term, though. I googled “rose kate,” and all the results are about Hanbury. Some people who want to learn about Terribly Moderately Wealthy Rose will instead be directed to results about Bigger Norfolk Estate than Kate Rose instead.

  17. San Diego says:

    Didn’t William say he already had a nephew when asked how he felt when Archie was born? He’s never considered H&M as family let alone their children. Kate’s family get better treatment than a blood royal. I believe he was there. He always shows up for them. I really do believe he considers the Middletons much more his family than Windsors.

    • Rana says:

      Yes, William does not consider Archie and Lili as his nephew and niece. But Unfortunately, Harry still wants William in his and his children’s life! When Archie took his first steps, Harry mentioned in Spare that how nice it would be to share those moments with “Uncle Willy”.

    • Cara says:

      It is tragic how the Windsors treat Lilibet and Archie like non-entities.

  18. Greeneyedgirl says:

    Does anyone really believe Willy went? Him and Kate live separate lives. I’m sure Kate and the maybe the kids went but Willy didn’t. I respect how Pippa keeps her kids out of the public eye. I wonder if Ma Middleton treats Pippa’s kids differently since they aren’t royals? I can see her doing that. Pippa has been pulling away from her family (slightly) for a while now:

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Is it Pippa’s house the royal sources were talking about when they said that the Wales children have to go to their friends house for playdates because Adelaide Cottage is too small.

  20. BQM says:

    Pippa seems to have really blossomed since marriage (and getting away from Carole’s influence). Her husband adores her, she has several beautiful homes, she got an advanced degree, she has three children, she does charity work. She has the life (minus the degree and work) that Kate would like to have. I’m hoping marriage to Alyzee does the same for James. I don’t doubt a lot of his issues with depression and anxiety go back to Carole and her expectations from her children. No surprise that the kids who chose their own spouses are the visibly happy ones.

  21. Serena says:

    Lmaoo they really called her Rose, I can just picture Khate popping a vessel everytime she has to call her or hears that name.

  22. Nic919 says:

    Eden is pretty gross for assuming that Lili was not christened especially after Tyler Perry confirmed in a globally aired documentary that he was a godfather. And the purpose of christening is so that the child’s soul can go to heaven. To imply that they are keeping Lili in a state of limbo because he wasn’t given the date of the christening is many levels of messed up.

  23. cel 2495 says:

    lol…she has and her Godfather is Tyler Perry.

  24. Over it says:

    Kaiser, you so shady 😃😃😃😃😃I love you for it .

  25. HeyKay says:

    I can understand Harry still feeling like he wants his kids to know “Uncle Wills”
    Harry is an open hearted, empathic person much like Diana.

    Even if he knows Wills is a rat. A tiny part holds out hope.
    I have a brother who sees me as “lesser, difficult and none too bright” I didn’t speak to him for 20+ years. Now he is my only blood relative. Sucks.

  26. Peachy says:

    Can’t help but wonder if Pippa naming her youngest “Rose” wasn’t part of a master plan and not a dig at Kate. This absolutely will clear the internet searches for Will + Rose as, instead of his mistress, we will see results of his niece. I am begrudgingly admiring this tactic.

    Ah well, Peggington will still show up!

    • QuiteContrary says:

      But Kate still has to hear the name frequently now, and that makes me laugh.

    • Shawna says:

      As I wrote above, I don’t think this is necessarily the case, or at least, they could be wrong if that was their plan. Search engine optimization takes into account the popularity of the individual websites. I can’t see pictures of William and his niece as being more viewed than gossip about Peggington. Time will tell, though!

      • Peachy says:

        It’s utilized all the time on Twitter and it works so that’s why it came to mind.

  27. Rose is a cute name and it’s probably a name Pippa picked out a long time ago. I have my possible future children’s names picked lol. She was not gonna let will’s wondering willy ruin the name she probably had her heart set on.

  28. Nicky says:

    Brave inviting Kate, she could’ve broken Into Sabbath Bloody Sabbath at the font.

  29. Isabella says:

    Plus, christenings are usually small, private events in the U.S. for the immediate family. I grew up Catholic and the area where babies are baptized is small. Usually just parents, godparents and maybe grandparents attend.

    It makes me happy that H&M have this sweet family life. When they’re attacked, they always have Archie and Lilibet waiting at home in their gorgeous California estate. No wonder they smile all the time.

  30. Eenie Googles says:

    I love those green earrings.

  31. Piece of Poo says:

    The Commenting Guidelines of this ‘news’ website are hilarious. You guys are friendly and welcoming? In upside down land maybe. All I see is made up lies and rumours, vitriol, nastiness, psychopathy and derangement.