There were a million other things happening last week, so I didn’t get the chance to cover the fact that Kim Kardashian flew to Italy two weeks ago for some appearances at Milan Fashion Week. All of her appearances were with and for Dolce & Gabbana, so I’m assuming she got a nice paycheck to fly in for a few days, visit a D&G store and attend some events in Milan. One nice thing, which I appreciate: whenever Kim travels to Europe now, she always brings lots of security. She’s done that for years now, ever since she was robbed in Paris in 2016. I can see her bodyguards in every street photo. Good. Meanwhile, Kim has been single since last summer, when Pete Davidson apparently dumped her. She’s now looking for a new boyfriend.
Kim Kardashian is reportedly looking to hit the dating scene once again, and this time with a clear idea of what she wants in a partner. A source revealed to PEOPLE that the entrepreneur and 42-year-old mom of four is asking friends to set her up again — and that she “would love to date someone who isn’t famous in Hollywood.”
“Kim hasn’t been dating, but is ready again,” the source said. “She took a breather after Pete [Davidson], but she is interested now. She would love to date someone who isn’t famous in Hollywood. She thinks someone in finance would be perfect.”
“Kim has a lot of things going on that make her happy. She would love to share it all with a partner too.”
Kardashian split from Davidson last August after a 9-month run, with a separate source telling PEOPLE that her relationship with the comedian/actor was hard to maintain due to their respective jobs.
“Part of the reason they split was because of their busy schedules,” the source noted, adding, “They both travel all the time and it was hard.”
I’ve been wanting that for Kim for a while too – to see her with someone serious, someone with his own career and a life outside of reality shows and Hollywood. I thought she would end up with a lawyer, someone who reminded her of her dad, perhaps. Someone who would be a good stepfather to her kids. Are those guys looking to date Kim Kardashian though? Perhaps.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
- Milan, ITALY – Kim Kardashian is seen in the Dolce & Gabbana store in Milan during Milan Fashion Week FW 2023 Pictured: Kim Kardashian BACKGRID USA 25 FEBRUARY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Cobra Team / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Milan, ITALY – Kim Kardashian turns up the heat in a show-stopping red ensemble at the Dolce & Gabbana party during Fashion Week in Milan, Italy. Pictured: Kim kardashian BACKGRID USA 25 FEBRUARY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Cobra Team / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Milan, ITALY – Kim Kardashian arriving for dinner with fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefanno Gabbana during Milan Fashion Week. Pictured: Kim Kardashian BACKGRID USA 25 FEBRUARY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Cobra Team / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Kim Kardashian visits the Dolce and Gabbana store in via Montenapoleone Featuring: Kim Kardashian Where: Milano, Italy When: 25 Feb 2023 Credit: Cinzia Camela/IPA/INSTARimages **UK, USA AND AUSTRALIA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Kim Kardashian visits the Dolce and Gabbana store in via Montenapoleone Featuring: Kim Kardashian Where: MILAN, – When: 25 Feb 2023 Credit: Mimmo Carriero/IPA/INSTARimages **UK, USA AND AUSTRALIA RIGHTS ONLY**
Like hell she does.
Ha! This comment thread is complete at first post. 🤣
Oh nooooo I cackled
J. Ferber for the week’s comment!
@Zazzoo 💯🎯
Maybe she can date Khloe’s “stockbroker” since Khloe is probably back with Third Trimester Tristan
No famous guy wants to be destroyed by them. It has to be someone she can build up. Even then what guy wants to be used and then taking to a rigged court. The Kardashians are untouchable in America. Who wants to deal with that.
Knees and hands show your real age, nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to all of us.
I’m over here bathing in retinol lotion on my hands, elbows and knees every night because I read a ridiculous Vogue article titled “sometimes I feel bad about my knees” and I panicked and bought that stuff 🤣
I remember reading about Demi Moore getting a knee lift and laughing. I don’t laugh anymore!
p.s. pro tip: don’t put retinol on your neck! I just started to and it burned through my skin like I’d walked through fire!
@Sass, you’re preaching to the converted. I use it all over my body. Boobs, stomach, arms, everywhere ,except the neck, it burns. Put Aquaphor on the burn to heal it. It works. Try Vitamin C on the neck and I spread whatever I put on face down to my neck.
Also, those unedited street photos are drastically different than her social media photos and whenever she’s stone-faced on a red carpet.
Fascinating to see what she really looks like when she’s moving around. That ain’t the face/bod, that’s for sure.
Retin A works great on your neck for many people. In my experience you just need to gently increase the strength and use moisturizer first.
Kim is now a single mom to 4 kids, she’s got a scary ex, and she’s in her 40s. Wow….. I never did think about how much we have in common….. but anyways, yes, she took a beat for her and hopefully thought about what she genuinely wants in life now. The guys she went after when she was younger might not be the guys she wants now. I think it would be good for her to date someone who doesn’t really give a shit about the limelight and is interested in Kim, hot single mom who is interested in the law, and not Kim Kardashian, Insta Mogul. That person might be hard to find though.
Why does this have to be “leaked?” Just find someone to date Kimberly and be done with it.
Because she doesn’t actually date? I don’t think she’s been romantically involved with any of these guys. They all seem like business transactions complete with a wish-list of what she wants from each one of them. Nothing wrong with not having romantic feelings, but it feels like she’s in a series of performative relationships.
I completely agree, just find someone discreetly.. wait, never mind, Khardashians don’t do anything discreetly.
I would think for any average joe, being with someone like Kim who is constantly obsessed with her appearance and exercises for 3 hours per day would be a pretty awful and horrible experience. The most average joes of famous people, Pete Davidson couldn’t handle her obsession with her appearance. I mean the money will be nice but that’s all she has. There is just so little substance there.
This. The daily grind at the gym before sunup and after sundown, chugging ketones and protein shakes, all while foisting your kids on childcare/nannies so you can do that and go get dcked down by the nearest roidboi on the racks. Fitness is an important part of maintaining health (I have a trainer and I make sure to get some form of exercise in 4-5 days a week) but the level we are talking is the opposite of healthy. I’m not entrenched enough in the Kardashians to know exactly what they do, I always thought they just went in for surgeries and shapewear, but I do know many people in the fitness community like you mean and it is no way to live. I have met women who have divorced their very nice stable husbands because they no longer fit their new aesthetic. As you said – shallow. I take no joy in it but I always wonder when they will get burnt out on it or if they’ll just drop dead one day mid-squat.
If she wasn’t constantly climbing, I bet she’d be really happy with a nice dumb personal trainer.
See this is where we have a catch 22. I honestly have always felt a sort of pity for the Kardashian-Jenner kids, all of whom are grown up now, because of their mother who was hellbent on making them famous and rich by any means necessary. That came at the expense of a normal childhood for all of them.
I’m guessing Kim probably always wished for more privacy and less celebrity, but when you’re raised by a woman telling you that posing for Playboy is a “great career move” when historically it hasn’t been…what can you really do?
The catch 22 here of course is Kim wants to live a more private life and date a “normie” but anyone associated with the Kardashians becomes famous whether they want it or not. And if you’re dating Kim Kardashian, chances are you probably do want fame anyway. I wish her luck, because her level of fame is not known for allowing for normalcy and peace.
It’s really nice to see Kim moving and wanting a relationship with someone serious who is not a Hollywood celebrity. But what man is going to date with all her baggage? She does have a bunch of children with Kanye West and he is going to be in her life one way or another for years to come. Can you imagine Kanye stalking Kim’s new boyfriend!
“She thinks someone in finance would be perfect.”
dingdingding! A billionaire businessman methinks.
Lol good catch. “Normal, not famous” means “rich, absent a lot, and Wall Street famous”
Also “might die in 5 years”
SUCH a bizarre qualifier! Not handsome, kind, funny, rich, smart, social-conscious, nerdy, whatever. Just a very specific career field, and one not even relevant to her in the slightest. Even a lawyer or an entrepreneur would make sense. Is she interested in finance and banking? No, then why, pray, someone in finance? Weirdo.
Also, to just tack on (I said it downthread as well) but finance bros are INSUFFERABLE. I’m on board with the dating someone not famous, but like…. Finance bros ain’t it
I’ve been saying for years that Kim needs a normal grounded guy, not a celebrity. Someone who lets her do her celebrity thing but doesn’t participate in it or care about it. No KUWTK, no Met gala. A rich lawyer or plastic surgeon.
Someone like Paris Hilton married.
No, not really like Paris Hilton’s husband. That guy poses on the red carpet and does interviews with her. I’m talking about a guy who doesn’t do the spotlight.
Remember when she was arguing with Kris Humphries in 2011 about how she was going to have her career in some crappy place in Minnesota living with him and he was like “people probably won’t care much about you soon anyway” and she glared at him? LOL. The idea of her being with anyone not-famous is laughable. Nobody in the regular world could cope with how outside of reality she and her family are.
All the Kardashian women should take therapy daily to break the brainwashing that PMK has done to them!
Break that cycle before all the kids by into it too. They already have IMO.
Yes the are all financially wealthy. But my weeping dog what empty, shallow lives they all live.
What sane man would want to have to deal with Kanye? Anyone who gets involved with her would instantly be a target to that loser. Everyone remembers the way he treated Pete. The only kind of man who would sign up for that crap is someone who is desperate for fame, period. Good luck Kim
Have to agree with this. Kanye will make any boyfriend of hers miserable.
Kim didn’t grow up watching her dad be a lawyer. He stopped practicing law early on and went into business instead. He only went back to being a lawyer for a brief time to help his friend OJ. Kim is full of lies…she’ll never date a “non-famous” guy. She loves the attention. Someone from the “normal” world wouldn’t be able to understand her lifestyle…or the fact she’s always calling the paps. Also, is this woman ever going to stop the plastic surgery? How do her kids even recognize her anymore?
I think Pete dumped her because she was too high maintenance. The K camp was selling the crap that the two were so low key and just watching movies and eating pizza. But with all the weight she lost for the met ball she definitely was not eating pizza or much of anything and was hitting the gym non stop. Pete got her a lot of press and she could one up her sister and Travis. She would never date a ‘normal’ dude. Only if he had a ton of money but unless they’re a fame ho who would want that?
Sure Jan, sure you want to date someone who’s not famous. ( Insert eye roll) Of course she wants someone famous but the people she’d want to be with wouldn’t come near her or that family with a ten foot pole, too much trouble. So she’s going to say that she doesn’t want to date anyone famous to save face.
Did you mean, “…wants to be famous…”?
I legit LOLED at “she thinks someone in finance would be perfect” uuuuuhhhhhh…. Have you actually interacted with a finance bro? They are INSUFFERABLE. I know she wants someone who is independently wealthy… but gurrrl don’t go down that path