Nicola Peltz: ‘When a girl compliments you, it’s so much more special’

Nicola Peltz Beckham covers the latest issue of Cosmopolitan. As you may know, I’m kind of a Nicola defender. I admire her hustle and it’s been a while since we’ve seen a well-connected but ultimately charisma-free young woman become famous through sheer force of will. Marrying Brooklyn Beckham – also gloriously free of charisma – was the best thing that ever happened to Nicola. She’s been on dozens of magazine covers and endlessly “denied” her beef with her new mother-in-law, Victoria Beckham. But that story has its limits, and when you really take the time to read one of Nicola’s interviews, you’re left feeling like… wow, there’s really not much there. She’s pretty vapid (like a fox). Some highlights from Cosmo:

She’s constantly with Brooklyn: “Our love language is definitely quality time…We spend every night together. Sometimes my friends will come sleep over and we’ll all fall asleep on the couch, or they’ll stay in my bed and Brooklyn will go sleep in the other room. Even with work travel, we work around it. Like, he had to do one day on-set in L.A. last year when we were in New York, but he never slept there. He was so silly. I was like, “You can go have a night at the apartment.” And he said no. So he woke up at, I don’t know, 2 a.m. to get a very, very early flight and then flew right back after.

She stars in, wrote & directed ‘Lola James’: “[I’m] So nervous. I’ve worked so hard on it…I would be sad if people didn’t like it. Because on Instagram, you post things, and then the comments…if someone calls me mean or something and they don’t know me, then I’m just like, okay, well, maybe if you did, you wouldn’t say that.2 But I think when you work so hard on something and then you put it out there, it’s super scary because it’s so personal. I just wish people knew me before they judged me. And it sucks, because I wish I could respond to every person, being like, “That’s not true. That’s not true. That’s not true.” But then obviously, you have to block it out. You can’t let everything affect you. Otherwise, it would be a spiral. I really wish that people met me and then….

Her relationship with Victoria Beckham: “I’ve said this so many times: There’s no feud. I don’t know. No one ever wants to write the nice things. It’s really weird, actually, whether it’s my life or someone else’s life or whatever, when you know the truth and then you read something totally wrong.

Her new best friend is Selena Gomez: “I had met her once in passing a few years ago, and then we all went to this event in September, the Academy Gala. We just clicked and had the best time. And then we became super, super close. I feel like she’s my soul sister. I love her so much. She’s truly one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my whole life. The kindest person ever. Truly, her heart is gold. I feel like I’ve known her forever. [Selena and Brooklyn get along well too.] Oh my god. We’re like, “Yeah, we are a throuple.” We are all three best friends.

Compliments are better from women: “I think it really is so beautiful when you have girlfriends in your life who cheer you on. And if I’m just walking down the street and a girl is like, “Oh my gosh, I love your outfit,” it means so much more than if a guy says it. Like, ew, whatever. But when a girl compliments you, it’s so much more special.

It’s hard being a girl: “Oh my god, I have so many things. There’s skin problems, there’s body, there’s everything. I think it’s hard with social media, whether it’s TikTok, Instagram, whatever, it’s all about people always comparing everything. And then you wake up and you have bad skin or you wake up and you feel bloated or you wake up and you just don’t feel good that day. I have those days all the time. It’s just hard being a girl, period. And especially being a girl right now.

Spending time with the Beckhams? “This year, we went to Florida. Normally, his parents come to Miami a lot, but this year, they didn’t. Christmas at my house is wild because there are so many people and everyone has kids now. We thought Brooklyn’s parents and family were going to come to Miami, but they ended up staying in London, so we sent their gifts there.

Whether she wants kids: “Yeah, we definitely want kids. We need a house first, especially because we have so many puppies. Brooklyn really wants kids now, but I want to do a few more things in my career first.

[From Cosmo]

There’s a lot more in the interview but these are the most interesting parts. I’m especially interested in what she said about where they spent the holidays – with her family in Florida, while the Beckhams stayed in London. My feeling is… David and Victoria have never been happy about Brooklyn’s marriage or Nicola, and they’re just taking the longer view of “we’ll be here when the marriage blows up.” Maybe the Peltz-Beckhams will implode, maybe they won’t. But I do think it’s interesting that Victoria and David don’t seem particularly supportive, and that Brooklyn has basically been absorbed into the Peltz family.

Cover & IG photos courtesy of Cosmo.

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37 Responses to “Nicola Peltz: ‘When a girl compliments you, it’s so much more special’”

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  1. Vs says:

    Brooklyn wants kids now… how is he going to raise them with no job of his own? I think her interview is ok…her reality is different from the majority but that’s ok given whom her father is. All the best to them!

    • Josephine says:

      He could be a SAHD, he might be good at that. It feels like he grew up in a fun and loving household but I could be completely wrong about that. Also, let’s be honest, he had enough of these random gigs to do just fine.

      • ama1977 says:

        He can never “work” again and I’m sure he’ll be just fine. I would bet that he has a sizeable trust fund from Posh and Becks and I’m sure his wife is similarly situated. I also agree, he has a gentle, sweet nature and would probably be a loving parent, since he has that as an example from his parents. SAHD might be his true calling.

        Full disclosure, I am in my 40’s, so definitely not the target audience for Cosmo, but the graphic assuring me that Nicola has a life I want made me laugh out loud. I cannot think of anything that would appeal to me less than being married to rudderless BB and BFFs with Selena Gomez, but if she’s happy, then great.

        Something nice, the dark hair suits her much better than blonde.

      • AngryJayne says:

        Well I mean…
        She did say he worked a day last year so…

  2. Puzzled says:

    I can’t figure out why anyone give a fig about her…
    I get that she’s married to someone fame-adjacent, but how and why does she get magazine covers and interviews? Has she achieved anything worth talking about? Are editors worried about being sued by her super-rich father if they don’t feature her?

  3. bisynaptic says:

    That’s not a great cover?

    • Sunday says:

      Her face is giving “…y’all smell that?”

      • elle says:

        I see, “Oops… I hope nobody else smells that.”

        It’s a terrible cover. It looks like a test shot while they wait for the celebrity to finish hair & makeup.

  4. SAS says:

    Lol Kaiser, i appreciate your take. You’re right, Kaia and Lily-Rose Depp are similarly charisma free and just have not pushed themselves into the mainstream as much as Nicola. She’s been hustling since her full-time job of wedding planning ended that’s for sure.

    I just don’t understand why photographers continue to shoot her from below?! It’s so unflattering on her.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Very unflattering angle on her. Is she short? Are they trying to make her appear taller? Looking straight up her nose is not a good thing.

  5. PrincessOfWaffles says:

    These 2 clutz are clueless, but I kinda like them amd wish them the best. I think the becks are just in another phase of their lives where they are living their best and letting their kids do the same.

    Also I prefer blond hair on her, she’s absolutely stunning to me.

    • VoominVava says:

      I agree (and I love your name LOL). I also prefer her as a blonde and she is really stunning. She’s someone who you’d be taken aback if you saw her in the ‘real world’. I know she’s had a bit of work done (nose I think), but it worked. 🙂 Brooklyn seems like a really sweet guy who wanted to be married young and devote himself to a wife.. this is almost unheard of in Hollywood. He’s also sort of cute. They both could have done way worse.

  6. Kïkkï says:

    And yet having the physical qualities the male gaze values is worth going under the knife

    • VoominVava says:

      I mean, she probably feels better about herself with her new nose and how do we know why she did it?

  7. Ameerah M says:

    She’s right about the getting compliments from other women. That’s all I’ve got.

    • Josephine says:

      The older I get the more I go out of my way every day to compliment women, as many as possible. I especially look for teens and compliment just about anything – cool hair, their shoes, anything at all (young women and young men). Even the surliest teen perks up and teens need it so, so much, esoecially if they don’t look/dress like everyone else.

      It’s really awesome, makes my day. Join the brigade everyone!!

      • SAS says:

        I will Joséphine! I’m in my damn 30s and nearly melted when two teenage girls came up to me a couple of weeks ago and said they liked my dress! Omg it was so sweet!

      • Josephine says:

        @SAS – that’s so awesome! when i was teaching I always thought I had hit the jackpot when one of the students complimented me. it’s so powerful!

      • ama1977 says:

        Awwww, I love this and I’m going to start! I know I love it when someone compliments my style! I have a teenage son and he is developing his own sense of style, which is cool to see. His dad recently ordered a pair of sunglasses similar to ones our son just bought because he thought they were cool, and our kiddo was visibly flattered that dad wanted to copy his style. I’m definitely going to try to work more spontaneous compliments to younger people into my day!

  8. FYI says:

    “It’s just hard being a girl, period. And especially being a girl right now.”

    Well, you’re not a girl. You’re a grown-ass woman, even if you stand pigeon-toed like you’re playing dress-up in mommy’s shoes. Sorry, just not a fan of vapidity.

    • tisme says:

      @FYI…came here to say the same thing. I cringe when women refer to themselves as “girls”… Is it internalized misogyny?

  9. Lens says:

    Not surprised he wants kids now. Everyone and I mean everyone I know that had kids young has children now that are having kids young. (By young I mean < 25.) So they all must see it as the greatest thing. I mention that because David and Victoria seemed young to me when Brooklyn was born, and he wants the same. He really isn’t career focused we can all agree on that.

    • TIFFANY says:

      Brooklyn married Nicola at the same age as David was when his parents got married. The only difference is that he and Nicola’s baby wasn’t at the wedding. I would not be surprised if Brooklyn wants 4 kids like he grew up work and The Beckhams would be over the moon for a grandchild, especially David. Whether the marriage makes it or not.

  10. Viktoria says:

    So it’s hard being a girl/woman because looks?! What an odd comment….as if looking pretty was the biggest struggle a woman could encounter in life? How about unequal pay, being assaulted without consequences, giving you careers because more often than not it’s the guy half assing his job that gets the promotion, not having agency over our body and health, womens health not getting research funding…the list is endless and I would put looks at the very bottom of my struggles

  11. Kirsten says:

    The only reason to tell the Christmas story is to try to make David and Victoria look bad? Like, oh EVERYONE was there for the holidays but they wouldn’t come. I cannot blame them for not wanting to go to Peltz family Christmas, and this just makes Nicola look even more petty IMO.

    • Coco says:

      Yes because what was the point in mentioning the whole odd Christmas story unless you wanted to feed the rumors like they have been doing. Between the rumors that they feed then deny and David and Victoria connections are the only two thing giving theses two media attention and magazine covers.

  12. Sass says:

    Look, I don’t really have an opinion on either of them one way or another – the descriptor “charisma free” is perfect. That said, it’s fairly common for men to spend more time with their wives’ families. I can’t pretend to know all the reasons why or that I think it’s bad or good. It just…is. But if we are to speculate that it’s because VB dislikes Nicola, sounds like VB needs to gtfo it. To play the long game wouldn’t be to not tspend time with them because they don’t think the marriage will last – it would be to view marriage as a permanent life choice that two consenting adults made together abs respect that by treating the new wife/husband as family. There is NOTHING lost by being kind. If it doesn’t work out, oh well, but what is the point of ignoring/being unwelcoming to your son’s wife? It makes him feel like he has to choose. That is hurting him, not her.

    Still – Maybe it’s as simple as the couple chooses to live in the US and long distance visits are not always feasible, even with money, and especially if there are younger kids still at home with the in laws. 🤷‍♀️

    • CamiAnn says:

      When you said how the son usually spends more times with the wife’s family, it reminded me the old saying: “A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life”

  13. BeanieBean says:

    That cover is a far cry from the hay day of Cosmo–Francesco Scavullo photographs, Way Bandy makeup. It’s like they deliberately made it as blah as possible.

  14. Kelsey says:

    1) I’m not a fan of hers because of the throwback stories of her being an absolute you-know-what, but she was younger then so maybe (teehee) she’s changed.

    2) I actually LOVE how she and Brooklyn speak of each other and how they seem to genuinely WANT to be around each other and LIKE each other. So many couples seem to be together in name but constantly speak of how they can’t stand to be around one another or endlessly talk about “swimming in two separate pools”. I don’t know if these two will go the distance but if they continue to enjoy their bond together they definitely can (and I hope they do. I never root for marriages to fail- I’d absolutely rather be wrong about those situations than right. I just love love)

  15. AC says:

    I’m also rooting for them. Both of their parents are still together and they both come from big families. As both of them have parents who are still together they probably value the meaning of marriage and will probably work hard to make it last. I know Nicola has spoken how she wants to have kids someday even in previous interviews , and being around a lot of siblings growing up she prob wants the same. But as she mentioned she wants to establish a little of her career first . As both of them are culturally different and families across the pond, I can see some differences that can clash(but hopefully minor things), but we’re living in a z-generation world where many of the new generation sees themselves as world citizens. And as more people travel and experience the world (esp more and more young Americans love to travel now and live in other countries due to social media influences ), you’re going to see more of these type of relationships.

  16. Rhonda says:

    I watched their GQ couples quiz video and they actually seem quite sweet together, but not living in most people’s reality at all. That said, she reminds me a bit of Daisy from The Great Gatsby, or maybe who I imagine Daisy’s daughter would be if she turned out the way her mother wanted.

  17. LadyE says:

    Honestly, I think these two are cute together, they seem like a good match. Her comments about being sad by instagram comments though…ugh, that made me sad! Such an unhealthy relationship with social media that seems to most damage these kinds of mainly non-offensive, vapid women and I don’t mean that as an insult just an observation. I feel bad that she cares so much about random mean comments, but that she does seems very in character. I hope she grows out of it

  18. Typical Virgo says:

    I just don’t know what to think about her. When she’s given interviews, imo, she comes off alright. Like, I don’t DISLIKE anything she says.

    But then I’ve heard all those horror stories about how she and her family treat their staff, and its some ATROCIOUS shit. Like, I would not piss on someone like that if she was on fire.

    What can I say? I’m torn

  19. teehee says:

    When in doubt, zoom out.
    I look at, yknow, all these actresses, and they all looked neat and fresh in their 20s.
    Now they are in their 50s and 60s and they don’t look like these cover pictures anymore.

    What I’m saying is– she don’t have anything special about her, but her youth- its easy to be trimmer in your early 20s and to wear more silly clothes.

    Come back to me when you’re 50 and still look cute n fresh- maybe then I’ll care