The Cheltenham Festival started on Tuesday. Princess Anne and Zara Tindall were there on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday, the Queen Consort came out. Fashion notes: Camilla’s coat is a repeat – she’s had this Anna Valentine coat in a fug shade of camel for years. Ditto with the awful hat. That hat is one of her favorites, for some reason. No one even knows if that’s faux fur, but it looks like one of those cheap bucket hats you could find in Target. Camilla doesn’t “elevate” inexpensive pieces – she makes expensive pieces look cheap and dowdy. Anyway, Camilla looked perkier than usual because she was around horses, plus she looted her dead mother-in-law’s jewelry box.
Queen Camilla is taking the reins. The Queen Consort, 75, joined horse racing fans at a high-profile festival on Wednesday, heading to Cheltenham for the landmark race meeting of the spring. She kept warm in a fur-trimmed hat and a matching camel coat, accessorized with a silver brooch featuring a galloping horse and rider — a piece that previously belonged to Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Camilla has picked up the mantle of representing the horse racing fraternity from the late monarch, who was a passionate racehorse owner, breeder and spectator.
The focus of Queen Camilla’s visit was the Queen Mother Champion Steeplechase (named for Queen Elizabeth’s late mother). Before the race, she visited the paddock to check on the horses before presenting the winning trophy at the end of the race.
As Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla supported a number of equestrian charities, including the Ebony Horse Club, the Brooke Hospital for Animals and the British Equestrian Federation. Queen Camilla is a regular attendee at the Cheltenham races. The late Queen Elizabeth focused mostly on flat racing, with Royal Ascot in June being most closely associated with her. Cheltenham is about 43 miles from Camilla’s country home, Ray Mill House in Wiltshire.
Let’s just say it – much like the late QEII, Camilla shows much more enthusiasm for horses than she does literally anything else. Camilla was most recently seen staggering away from a group of Maori performers on Commonwealth Day, with the excuse that a blustery wind might knock her drunk ass over. But here she is looking hale and hearty on a rainy day at the races. Priorities, priorities. Meanwhile, I’m sure that King Charles has already sold off a huge chunk of his mother’s stables, so all that’s left for Camilla is “wandering around Cheltenham without any horses in the race.”
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Camilla is Queen Consort of the United Kingdom arrives at Day 2 of Cheltenham Festival. Pictured: Camilla is Queen Consort of the United Kingdom BACKGRID USA 15 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Jules Annan / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Camilla is Queen Consort of the United Kingdom arrives at Day 2 of Cheltenham Festival. Pictured: Camilla is Queen Consort of the United Kingdom BACKGRID USA 15 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Jules Annan / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Camilla, Queen Consort arrives at Cheltenham Festival on Day two of the event. Pictured: Camilla Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 15 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Camilla, Queen Consort arrives at Cheltenham Festival on Day two of the event. Pictured: Camilla Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 15 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Camilla, Queen Consort arrives at Cheltenham Festival on Day two of the event. Pictured: Camilla Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 15 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Got any pics of Camilla for this article, or were you only given access to the mares?
Mares? I see Rottweilers.
She looks so old and tired. I’m 77 and walk 50 miles a week, don’t smoke or drink and have very few lines in my face. She shows in her face, how much she is a boozer and smoker.j
Old crow.
I always flash on the scene in David Lynch’s Dune when the spice-mutated Spacing Guild navigator is revealed—it’s that gaping, saggy maw —once seen, the image remains forever.
OK, I am so glad I will have company on the bus to H E double Hockey Sticks, but my first thought was, well, they could always put a bridle on her….so rude and yet so true. That second picture is one of the most unflattering things I have ever seen.
I love this comment @ThatsNotOkay!
Isn’t Camilla afrid to be mis-identified and locked in paddock overnight?
Her soul is visible on her face. Ugh.
Awww, but I find Rottweilers cute.
This is not cute.
God save us from the queen!
Excellent 😂
She is just dreadful. Whew.
The hat looks like it keeps her hair in place and her ears warm, so at least it’s practical.
She has worn that hat for years. It looks very “used.”
I agree, everytime I see it, I think “ooh, I’d wear that in the winter…though maybe with a bit more ear protection like ear flaps.
What I don’t think is, “maybe I’ll wear that winter hat to Royal events, even if I get to see horsies” or whatever.
To quote “Shopaholic”, who wants a horse galloping across their tits??
Can someone explain to me why Anne wouldn’t get Queen Elizabeth’s personal jewelry? Anne was the monarch’s only daughter, and it would be logical that she would get the horse brooch. Why does Camilla have it?
The Heir gets EVERYTHING. When she died EVERYTHING went to Charles. This is how they keep the family together. Everyone is dependent on the Monarch and the Heirs.
He does and I believe part of it is related to their inheritance tax dodge, because it stays with ‘the crown’ there aren’t technically ‘people’ involved (I would argue that’s largely true but in a different sense) so no person has to pay the tax and they fleece us yet again.
Yes, everything that passes monarch to monarch is exempt from inheritance tax. So Sandringham, Balmoral, personal jewels (including several Cullinan diamonds), etc.
everytime I see her staggering around I am in awe at how many English people think that the monarchy should be a thing. i mean, really, this woman should be in any position of honor, leadership, etc.? she and chuckles are the poster-fogies for why the monarchy should be abolished. it’s just terribly embarassing.
That’s one of the few rays of hope we have at the moment, a lot of people felt the queen represented something important for the country but now we have Chuck and his sidepiece flaunting themselves the number of people who support the monarchy as a concept is falling. At last.
The posterfogies 😆😆😆😆😆
+ (😝 for Chuck).
@ equality, same. I don’t necessary like the hat but I get it. Looks like it’s easy to put on and stay on. Most of their hats look unwieldy and like they take at least 30min attaching to their head/hair style.
She looks like she smells of mothballs.
and stale beer
And unwashed drawers
All that came to mind is: DAAAAAMN she looks busted. Camilla in camel is no bueno.
Altho I do like Camzilla
Is that “curling back of the lips from the teeth” move what passes as a smile these days? Because I gotta say, it’s like she is in a perpetual snarl.
My grand-fur baby does this when she sees me. It’s not pretty on her nor Cruella.
Get rid of them all I say, but I adore that brooch.
She also raided the late queen’s jewelry box for that huge gorgeous sapphire brooch she wore for the CW service. It’s of Russian provenance and had belonged to Empress Marie, the Russian sapphire cluster brooch. Just part of the big selloff after the Russian revolution that Queen Mary snapped up
I didn’t know she’d been entered! Did she place?
Comment of the week!
@Janey LOL I can’t stop laughing at your comment. Thank you.
Camilla doesn’t know her colors. This coat looks like a skinsuit.
It looks like an autopsy Y-incision that’s been sewn back up.
Camilla’s living the life. Anybody else with a conscious would not have married Charles after Diana died.
Looks completely washed out in that camel ensemble. I think I saw that fur trimmed hat in Canada in May last year, which looked very odd.
At least the coat and hat match her teeth.
And I’m completely anti-monarchist, but doesn’t it gall British people to see Chuck’s side piece looting QEII’s jewelry box?
I don’t get the ‘looting QEII’s jewel box’ outrage sometimes expressed here. The Queen is dead. Naturally her personal jewellery will be passed onto other family members, including the wives of her sons. Did William and Harry ‘loot Diana’s jewel box’ when they chose pieces that they later passed onto their wives? As a Brit this does not gall or even interest me. There are plenty of other things to be concerned about.
I think just because of her cheap, cheating, mistress status. She was loathed for so long so it must hurt to see a beloved person’s favorite things on a woman many consider a cheap skank.
What Josephine said!
But it’s just a brooch that I’ve never seen before that used to belong to a woman I didn’t know personally that has been inherited and is now being worn by a woman that I don’t know personally. I quite liked it when the Queen was there because she’d always been there and she was the Queen but she was never a beloved person to me. And I don’t loathe Camilla. So I cannot see any reason why this should hurt me or anyone else.
Well… you seem to care a lot about what other people think about it. So…
@Quite Contrary you are on point about the coat/hat matching her teeth lol. I don’t understand the black gloves – did she not have a pair to match the burgundy purse or the coat/hat?
I’ve heard her called and old Boozehound, and it fits. She’s the poster child for what hard living, too much sun, alcohol, and smoking can do to your skin, teeth and overall health.
AKA, “Rode hard and put up wet”
Yes, it looks like she’s losing her jawline-it’s collapsing.
What bugs me is that the closures of the coat don’t have that extra bit of fabric that cover the inside of your clothing. It looks cheap, and I actually like the coat if it wasn’t for that misstep.
That corpse is no queen.
Somewhere in the Ray Mill attic is an absolutely pristine portrait of Dorian Gray.
Camilla needs to lose that awful hat.
I doubt Camilla is as much of a thoroughbred pedigree expert as the late Queen was,
God, I can’t stand that tomb raider. Brenda was not even cold more than 5 minutes when the free for all with the jewelry began.