Up until this year, Prince William has been the honorary colonel of the Irish Guards and Kate has just been his plus-one at the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Kate’s role was more defined than that, honestly – there was a lengthy history to a royal woman passing out shamrocks on the holiday, a history which was broken when Kate simply didn’t feel like working one year. In any case, now that Kate is Princess of Wales, her husband had to take over an honorary position with the Welsh Guards and so Kate was given the Irish Guards position. Today, Kate and William traveled to Aldershot to do the shamrocks-and-Guinness thing. This is Kate’s first-ever St. Patrick’s Day as Princess of Wales AND Colonel of the Irish Guards.
For the special day, I’m glad that she didn’t repeat one of her many green coat dresses. She wore a new one – a turquoise-y Catherine Walker coat and matching Jane Taylor fascinator. She also wore the traditional shamrock brooch (a Cartier piece) from the Royal Collection. I have no doubt why she chose this design – she loves buttons and she loves a military-style shoulder on her coats and jackets. She loves some button-slathered Colonel Keen Reporting For Duty energy. It is what it is, and this is her “real” style. This is what she loves.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Getty.
- Aldershot, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Catherine – Kate Middleton to attend the St.Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, UK. The Prince of Wales, outgoing Colonel, Irish Guards, will be accompanied by The Princess of Wales, incoming Colonel, to visit the Irish Guards at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Pictured: Prince William – Catherine – Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aldershot, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Catherine – Kate Middleton to attend the St.Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, UK. The Prince of Wales, outgoing Colonel, Irish Guards, will be accompanied by The Princess of Wales, incoming Colonel, to visit the Irish Guards at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aldershot, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Catherine – Kate Middleton to attend the St.Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, UK. The Prince of Wales, outgoing Colonel, Irish Guards, will be accompanied by The Princess of Wales, incoming Colonel, to visit the Irish Guards at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aldershot, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Catherine – Kate Middleton to attend the St.Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, UK. The Prince of Wales, outgoing Colonel, Irish Guards, will be accompanied by The Princess of Wales, incoming Colonel, to visit the Irish Guards at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Aldershot, UNITED KINGDOM – The Prince and Princess of Wales – Prince William and Catherine – Kate Middleton to attend the St.Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, UK. The Prince of Wales, outgoing Colonel, Irish Guards, will be accompanied by The Princess of Wales, incoming Colonel, to visit the Irish Guards at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Pictured: Catherine – Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Awww, Old Kate is back. I wonder if it will last longer than one day.
I have to admit that she looks good. Sophisticated and that colour looks lovely on her. She should stick to her own style
I agree wholeheartedly.
I agree, color is great, coat fits perfectly, hat is creative in a good way. Her makeup looks good too. I really like the hat much better than those wide brimmed 80s ones she has been favoring lately.
Kate is perfectly dressed for the event she is attending and looks better than usual.
I also agree.
Agreed and I love the cut of the sleeve on the coat.
Best dressed I’ve seen her for a while tbh. Since the chic red suit anyway, which looked great on her.
This outfit is smart but boring and suits the occasion. She hasn’t over accessorised the look and, stop the presses, the hat actually matches.
She seems to project a very staid, boring, bland personality and probably just needs to own that character trait with her clothing choices. Whenever she tries for edgy it just comes off as unhinged. So, yeah, I like this outfit on her.
As for Willy, he can’t hide the haunted look of a trapped animal from his eyes anymore. He’s getting closer & closer to not being capable of masking his complete disdain for his wife and his quiet desperation when out in public with her. Anyone else and I’d feel truly sorry for them but, you reap what you sow Willy.
I agree. I like that hat on her.
She looks good. She should stop trying to cosplay other people and just stick with what she’s comfortable in.
I adore that color – one of my favorites.
She looks good, but that coat needed a few edits. It’s just a little too fussy.
She looks fit and healthy and that coat is beautifully tailored and a beautiful color. And I like that her coat is greenISH, not the usual Green Green you always on St Patrick’s Day
She’s got green eyes, so all shades of green will suit her. She looks elegant in this, and Copykate’s sartorial emancipation from the Duchess of Sussex should be encouraged at all cost.
She is as dowdy as usual
I cannot accept this continuing disregard of economic reality. She didn’t need yet another coat by Walker or anyone else. She didn’t need a new hat. She no doubt could had worn one of the hundreds she has and likely have been gathering dust and could had looked just as well.
This is simply unacceptable pompousness, arrogance and disrespect of everyone counting pennies.
I like the whole outfit and the shade of green. Looks nice on her.
This is the best she’s looked in a long time, that outfit looks really lovely on her. The cut of the sleeve is a nice touch.
God, I came to say her “fashion” is tragic
Shows horses and courses
+1, and her posture is so much better – what happened??
Argh… Another ugly coat dress. It’s so ugly that only someone like kate can wear it.
Also: there will be no more outfit without copying meghan! Since Meghan, kate has been wearing long coats, dresses,… Before her she had NEVER worn anything long. Only up to the knee!!!
Hurrah for buttons!
I prefer Kate in military Mary Poppins mode.
This is definitely old Kate. I don’t love this coat as much as others do, but at least it is consistent to her old coatdress style.
And really, she had to buy a new green coatdress for this? REALLY?
Yes but she bought it in teal green this time🙄
She is showing what she is really good at, which is spending money on ugly clothing and walking around like a peacock.
She needed a coat that matched the ones Serena Joy wears.
She looks more ridiculous than ever, like a 1930s cosplay Barbie.
I’m going to join the bandwagon and agree that she looks really good here. I’m partial to turquoise and the color works for her as well as the cut of the outfit. Also, when I saw the first picture I immediately went, “Aww… the coat-dress is back.” LOL
I would much rather Kate wear this than cosplay Meghan.
I like the top half of the coat. That’s all I can say
She looks like she is afraid of the dog. 🫣😆
Anyway, Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! ☘️🇮🇪
My paternal grandmother was a Dooley.
Look how this dog suffers! It’s just stupid to use animals for such useless stuff. You can tell from his/her body language that he’s/she’s scared and wants out of this situation! In other pictures you can see it even more..
The dog is not suffering. Irish wolfhounds are known for being gentle, loyal, open to strangers and easygoing. His name is Seamus by the way, and he’s clearly enjoying friendly pats.
I love Irish wolfhounds! They are very mellow dogs, like greyhounds. Super family pets. Don’t worry, Lia, he’ll be enjoying the attention.
Seamus is a good boi. He comes to the event every year.
My puppy went in this morning to be spayed. I’m on pins and needles waiting for the vet to call. She’s my first ever puppy, the other three were rescue dogs. I feel almost ridiculously protective.
Likely he looks that way to you because dogs don’t like being patted on the head. If it’s a dog you don’t know it’s better to bring your hand up under the face to pet.
Why would a dog suffer from being petted?
Many do, Fabiola. Turning certain animals into pets doesn’t take away their instincts. Touching a dog’s head, hugging them, impeding their vision through being too close. To a dog those are signs of aggression. All of these things can trigger certain dogs in certain situations. How do I know this? Gone through six weeks of professional training for the rescue dog.
@brassyrebel, I’m more interested in the look of sheer hatred that passes between her and William in one of the pictures! Has she just heard that camzillas kids are playing a big part in the clowning 😂
Yes! That struck me too. If looks could kill William would be lying dead on the ground and rapidly cooling.
I am so glad someone else noticed that look! Yikes
Happy St Paddy’s!
And here’s the Princess of *Wales* colonel of the *Irish* Guards … insulting and typically insensitive. Patronizing.
My maiden name is Dooley. We might be related!!!
She really just needs to stick to this style. It’s what she likes.
How is this new when it looks like the other 15 she’s worn previously? And, seeing the last picture in the post, I love that her wonky eye is in full effect constantly. It’s what she deserves. The less said about Incandescent, the better.
@ rawiya, hear, hear!!!! CopyKeen has hundreds of this same exact outfit yet she buys another one when she has 75 perfectly good ones at home?????
I find it quite curious and comical that it took CopyKeen 12+ years for her to reach the precious PoW title for her to actually perform any duties or actually “work” on a somewhat consistent basis. Is this the truth as to why she has been utterly useless and lazy this past decade-plus???
She hasn’t been working more. She is still doing one or two engagements in a week and then is gone for a few weeks.
What in the world would she do, if she actually had to work a “full time job” 🤷🏾♀️
It’s okay. It’s looks like a big fly landed on the coat dress but it’s her. Nothing to see, keep it moving. Did anyone see her speech. Go to the daily fail. The 🧱 are bland and boring. Just the facts nothing wrong just let them be that on the island and keep it pushing
I think she does look her best in her coat dresses, almost matchy accessories and buttons. It is her true style and she looks most comfortable in it. The look between WanK with the umbrellas in the background though. Yikes.
Agree, @Pinkosaurus. It’s boring, predictable, but it is the best Kate we are going to get all things considered. It feels weird when she wears stuff that isn’t her. Woof, that look she’s giving him…maybe she has more of a backbone than I thought!
I have missed Boeing coat dress Kate. Very much her style. And yes that look between the two of them could crack glass!?!? 👀👀
Those are some quite ugly stares being shot at each other. I wonder who blinked first???
Also, WanK looks utterly ridiculous with the placement of his shamrocks. Could he not thought of a more respectful placement or was he afraid he would damage his dress-up uniform??? 🙄
Yeah, William looks just thrilled to be there 🙄 He can’t even put on a show for the cameras for, what, 45 minutes? An hour? God he’s just the worst. At least Kate plasters that fake smile on.
In the last picture where William is full face he looks like he could just start crying. He truly looks desperately unhappy.
I think he’s an awful person but Harry was right. William is trapped.
I’ve never seen such a lifeless person before. Her clothes just hang there like they’re on a clearance rack. I have nothing more to say.
In the Wedding Planner, JLo’s character describes teal as the color of gangrene. I’ve never been able to think positively of the color since that. Ergo, teal’s fitting for KKKhate.
Colonel Keen in Gangrene. Gangrene Colonel Keen. Keen Gangrene. Gangrene Keen.
Pick your poison.
Oh no! I actually really like the teal. It’s military but not the usual olive or Hunter green. But Colonel Keen in Gangrene is hilarious.
@ Rapunzel, thank you for your sharp wit and excellent play on teal!! I happen to adore teal but it has lost my love now. ☹️
Gangrene KKKeen is so fitting!!
I did notice the cost of the fascinator (about £1500), a *bespoke* NEW coat (at *least* £5-10,000), and of course, shoes dyed to match (at least £5-600), and yet NOT A WORD about how much it all costs. I’m sure they also helicoptered there and back (“Mummy needs to make the school run!”).
Anyone else getting a “Let them eat cake” vibe… and we all know what that led to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But yet… “There’s no money for Meghan.”
Yeah, I noticed that as well…another day, another very expensive outfit for Kate. British people should start thanking her for making only 2 appearances per week as it costs them dearly ! Almost £3000 for the erdem suit on Monday (probably much more, as I thought it was slightly altered from the original) and more than £5000 for today’s coatdress, fascinator (£1400)and new shoes (£630)… where’s the outrage over this?
She’s asset gathering for after the divorce.
She will get to keep her personal wardrobe as part of the settlement. There’s not much else she can grift from the Firm that will belong to her personally apart from new jewellery, clothes & accessories. The RF are very careful about keeping assets out of the hands of married ins.
Just my personal opinion obvs.
@ First comment, I agree wholeheartedly agree but the wankers in the Daily Fail commentary were absolutely appalled by the fact that there was criticism towards KKKeens expensive CW service last week. I was actually dumbfounded that there were people that were outright angry and attacking any negative comments directed on KKKeens excessive clothing spending!!! People were rightfully outraged at her over-the-top expensive clothing when there are thousands of people without money for food AND heat. My gawd, they have all drunk the Krazy-Keen koolaide across the pond. Utterly disgraceful and disgusting. How could you have any sympathy for KKKeens expensive and downright disgraceful excessive purchases when so many people are suffering????? I don’t get it.
It is a mindset of “let them eat cake”, or our crumbs as we ALL simply don’t care.
@Jojo now THAT is an interesting theory. We’ve commented on how she is spending the duchy money as fast as she can – maybe it is asset gathering like you said. She doesnt seem to have a lot of personal jewelry either.
She looks lovely but ever so slightly like an Aer Lingus air hostess.
Anything purchased with Duchy funds? Not her personal property. Yes, Diana got away with her wardrobe in her settlement. Doesn’t mean the Windsors would let Kate do the same. If they’re putting her on a very strict leash when it comes to post-divorce house, NDAs, etc.? They’d likely take away the ‘work’ wardrobe too, so she cannot do anything public with it like a Diana auction.
But with everything else, yes. The housing, the decor. None of that belongs to William so Kate cannot go after it in court. Either it belongs to the taxpayers or it belongs to Charles, but it is off-limits for a divorce settlement. All she’d have access to is his inheritance from Diana, and if he paid for her parents house? That would serve as a post-nup.
It’s utterly insane that she isn’t rewearing one of her dozen green coats for this event. And why the six inch stilettos? Does she need to tower over the dog?
So much taxpayer money wasted, so little time.
I hate this color. More evergreen!
Clashes horribly with the shamrocks.
Well she already HAS a bunch of evergreen coats. Any excuse to buy a new coat!
Check out Morgan Price’s fashion blog for a deep dive/rundown of the 19 green coats already owned/worn. Apparently the list doesn’t even count the teal ones.
19 is not hyperbole
Where can I find this- a quick google hasn’t worked
here’s the link
Thanks for the link! Interesting read. She has far more that I thought, and I thought a lot!
@ kayle, thank you for the link!! I think it’s safe to say that KKKeen is incapable of simply rewearing any of her multiple coats and/or dresses. The fact that this was written in 2/23 and doesn’t include this new gangrene teal in another example of how utterly disgusting KKKeen cares about the plebs.
I am going to happily post this link onto any of the rags that are “praising” KKKeen for her unparalleled “work” ethic and her compassion and empathy for the plebs. Yes, “let them eat cake” but don’t plan on having any tea to accompany your cake as you can’t afford to heat your kettle nor afford your tea as well.
That link…infuriating. Especially considering I think she has even more blue coats than she does green! What a disgusting waste.
The link was great but check the comments section in the link proposed below by @Charlie…unfortunately they resemble the comments on daily fail, mentioned by @Bothsidesnow in her post above.. it’s so frustrating!
Thanks @kayle – really interesting I might fall down a rabbit hole following the links from this page
A new coat. Another new coat. I have, maybe, 5 coats. Now, I’m no Princess… but does one really need 500 coats? It’s obnoxious to keep buying expensive new clothes every time she leaves the castle. Is she aware of the current state of the British economy? Does she just keep them all in a wing of the Palace, out of reach of the people freezing on the streets? The lot of them – I need a new throne, my fourth house is too small, I want some of mummy’s billions … they don’t need anyone but themselves to expedite the downfall of the monarchy.
There was a recent article in a Canadian publication if Kate really needs another new outfit especially during these difficult economic times. Worth a read. https://www.thestar.com/life/fashion_style/2023/03/15/why-kate-middleton-is-still-wearing-luxe-fashion-in-tough-economic-times.html
Charlie, thanks so much for the link. Really interesting read.
Another great link! Thank you.
So since she is now the Colonel, why doesn’t she dress in military uniform like the others do for their honorary positions?
ETA. I don’t agree with any of them playing dress up as toy soldiers but why is it not consistent? I know, I’m expecting too much for it all to make some sort of sense.
I agree with you. None of the royals are wearing uniforms they actually earned, so the women may as well wear them as much as the men.
But then again they are doing an event for an Irish saint with a regiment of soldiers who helped kill a lot of Irish not that long ago.
St Patrick was an ancient Briton/Welsh man. He’s mostly responsible for the ancient Celtic Druidic religion being wiped out, replaced with his own religion, Christianity.
Kate’s not wearing her own style. She never dressed like that before she was married. She’s cosplaying the queen mother who always did this royal duty wearing a coat, and round hat with feathers or frills. She didn’t wear a military uniform.
Hmm, so if she’s cosplaying the queen mother but most people don’t recall what the queen mother wore, does it then become a part of kate’s signature style? She did this coat dress thing for so long that it does feel more her than when she cosplays Meghan. And let’s be honest, her personality is likely more aligned to the queen mother than to Meghan. Steel marshmallow they called it in one article. But yeah it’s still cosplay but it’s been going for so long we forget.
The queen mother was also pickled and openly racist. Is Kate going for that too?
I refuse to expend any more of my precious breath railing against the obscene clothing expenditure when we know she has at least two dozen green coat dresses.
My question is, how come William can’t be head of the Irish guards as POW but Kate can be as POW? These honorary positions leading other countries military make me feel so icky.
The colonizer honours need to be spread across the family.
Such a bore and waste of time. They really had to drag these folks out for this mess? Please.
Think of the tourism money and how the British public love all the traditional pomp & show though (sarcasm). I mean just look at the spectators for this traditional Royal event, the crowds are at least one deep.
Thank God she didn’t wear a wide brim hat. She has some really beautiful hats and it would be amazing to see some of them again.
What’s fascinating for me is how military cosplay and long hemlines have officially been branded as Kate’s signature but it wasn’t the case until Meghan entered the scene. When Meghan made her first appearance at Remembrance Day that was when K came out looking like seargent pepper and I never really understood why. Diana didn’t adopt military cosplay as PoW (probably only like once but that was it)
But yes definitely better this than her blatant Meghan copykeening
Dressed in endless shades of green. Given her endless levels of jealousy, it’s more than appropriate.
Wonder how much this outfit cost the taxpayers? At the rate she’s going her wardrobe budget has to be getting close to a hundred grand quarterly. Always a good look when a country is literally falling apart at the seams. The style is absolutely hideous imo whatever it cost was to much.
She has at least 9 green coats that we know of, she could have reworn one given the state the UK is in. It doesn’t matter if churches are opening up to offer food and heat to middle class and working class people because they can’t afford it, she simply has to have a new outfit!
If and when the Monarchy is abolished they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
As a person of Irish descent, it just really is galling to see the royals mark St. Patrick’s Day in light of not-even-distant Irish history. Yeah, I know, Irish guards, blah-blah-blah, but they’re only nominally Irish (and call themselves the Micks FFS).
The dog is beautiful. The rest of them can kiss my Irish behind.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone but Kate and the royals.
Hi QuiteContrary. I understand. It must piss you off no end.
Me and my Donahoo granny will join you.
It does thoroughly piss me off, sparrow. And Lucy, there’s plenty of room for you and your granny. Sláinte!
Count in my Manning and Egan grannies!
O’Brien and Broderick here, I’l join you, too!
If ever a royal event called for a chorus of “Póg mo thóin”, this would be it.
This is that peacock color that just looks old. She looks like a character that lives in the Capitol from The Hunger Games.
Only one picture of Seamus?
I’m only here for Seamus and he’s not even looking at the camera! Or at Kate!
More Seamus! And I miss Domhnall!
She gave a speech – those poor people.
Take a look at Williams face! He really suffers!
It’s hilarious! I wonder if she still jumps around when she’s speech’ing, or does William weld her shoes to the spot.
🤣😂🤣😂 @DIGITAL UNICORN. Thanks. I needed a laugh.
Congrats Kaiser for once more for your choice of photos. The last two are hilarious and describe perfectly the terms of their relationship: if a look could kill, I’m sure the one that Kate gives to will would… and lol for days at William’s face while Kate is making a speech in the last photo.
The last two pics both made me say ‘wow’ out loud as I scrolled. Outstanding choices as ever. These pictures tell us what we need to know about these two.
Her expression! One would think William was the Duchess of Sussex.
Another “festive glance” to be savoured!
It’s these expressions that make me wonder she was benched for the CW reception by William or whether she refused to spend another second next to her husband. An all day event is just going too far.
So, where is that woman who was drooling over Kate’s peplum the other day? Now that the coats are back, is she still in love, love, love?
@Eurydice, I’d forgotten about that ridiculous woman, but now I hope we get a follow-up 😂
The photo where she’s looking right through and past him! She doesn’t even care any longer. What is the saying: A marriage can come back from most things but not contempt for each other.
When did the (latest) fighting story come out? Normally we’d be getting “loving” back pats and smiles vaguely in each others direction by now I would have thought?
@sparrow so true, I was thinking of that saying yesterday reading how they call each other “baldy” and “duchess Doolittle”—contempt for one spouse by another is one of the key predictors of divorce according to couples therapist I know and here both of them show contempt.
They are not going to get a divorce. She is going to achieve her dream ofi being queen. There are couples who have been married 50+ years that say worse to each other.
A divorce happens if William wants one. Queen Camilla has set the stage for the second wife who isn’t the mother of the heir to be crowned queen.
This, Nic919. IMO he was trying to divorce her around the time Harry and Meghan met. That’s part of his fury at their departure, because it means the Middleton Millstone hangs around his neck for another few years.
The expression on her face looking at William on the second to last one….
another festive glance I suppose?
This coat looks SO strict and severe. Almost like an armor, nothing moves. Looks a) very uncomfortable, b) dated and c) rather painful. But it’s exactly her style.
Her wiglet is SO obvious here – it’s got more hair to it than the dog’s whole coat. Happy St Patrick’s to the wiglet!
Lmao I was just about to say this!
The WWII school marm outfits are back. And a speech? Yikes.
There was no way, Kate would have been allowed to rewear a coatdress to this event. The press and the Palace would have wanted pictures of her in something new to signify how special today was and differentiate from other St. Patrick Day ceremonies.
Even if this is true, then she should have opted for a less expensive outfit in respect to the British people economic struggles and I’m sure she would have been praised for it by the press
All the royals all over the world spend a ton of money on clothes. Why would she be an exception? That’s what they do. If the people didn’t like it then they wouldn’t have a monarchy.
No, Fabiola, not all taxpayer-funded royals spend a ton of money on clothes. Some of them are actually well-dressed while using a reasonable budget. I cannot think of anyone else who has wasted over 2 million pounds of taxpayer funding on ugly, out-of-date, cosplay clothing while ‘working’ less than 100 hours PER YEAR as Keen does.
There. Is. No. Excuse. For. Kate’s. Greed.
Camilla does more rewears than Kate and she is the damn queen. Let’s stop excusing the one who needs a new outfit to leave the house because her life is otherwise an empty shallow mess.
This is a good look for her. The colour is well coordinated.
The last pic is revelatory or my projection.
William’s pained expression and his eyes.
The eyes are indeed windows to the soul.
Harry told the truth, William is trapped and he hates his life.
Between her resting stank face and his “I just smelled a fart” face it’s clear they can’t stand each other. Now that they have the PoW titles I’m sure they’ll have to force themselves through more dynamic duo public events, they need to learn to control their expressions.
Her face is pure villain.
The shamrocks look like shrubbery on her boob.
The ill will these two awful Wails have brought on themselves…it’s really quite amazing.
I do love Seamus. ☘️
Ha ha. The dog is lovely. I’d wear a coat dress (despite the fact that I’ve NEVER seen anyone wearing one, other than KM) plus boob shrubbery just to meet Seamus.
Boob shrubbery!! 😭
Other than Celebitchy, there is actually a website named music mundial that has been openly and regularly posting about Rose Hanbury and the state of the Wales marriage. They are now posting that they aren’t living together and are separated. I don’t know how this can be hid much longer. Royal Sussex on YouTube also has some hilarious posts about Will not wanting to be touched by Kate. I would feel used if I were her.
Would W marry Rose if they were both free or would the Fail run up a list of suitable gels for him to choose from?
IDK, but I doubt that Rose would want to marry *him*
@Lorelei-She might. He’s rolling in that Duchy of Cornwall money now. Kate is sure spending it like it’s bottomless.
Not sure how credible the articles are, but it sure is a fun read! I have bookmarked it to go back to later. It will be interesting to see if their stories of a real separation and upcoming announcement will pan out.
Seamus for the win for best dressed!💚 ☘️
The only thing that I’m confused about is that you said Kate decided to skip it one year. I thought Harry said that Charles didn’t allow people to work as much as they wanted because of upstaging. Does she get to actually have control?
Charles wouldn’t have been involved with this attendance and it was KP that briefed the media saying she skipped it because she didn’t want to create expectations that she would attend every year. She also happened to get her roots done because there were appearances both a few days before and after this event and it was obvious she had taken the time to get her hair colour redone.
Thank you! Everything I know about modern royals I learn from here. More recently Matta of Fact and Spare. My generation was Diana.
Always looks like she’s wearing a costume, but better than the CW day service. Is there video of her speech?
That look of love in one picture is more like a deathglare.
William’s face isn’t usually that red, is it?
She’s got to be colour blind? Right? How else would Kate think to wear teal when she knew she would be wearing shamrock green? Or are there no Light bulbs in her dressing room and that’s how she manages mismatching blues like at the Commonwealth Service? I suspect the Jane Taylor hat is a freebie as the hats Kate wears often pop up in Jane Taylor’s Instagram feed soon after Kate is seen wearing the style. Though getting a free hat doesn’t excuse the overspending on another outfit she’ll wear once. Again Kate proves my theory that she doesn’t leave the house for an engagement unless she’s given a new outfit to wear. With demands like this no wonder Charles was thinking there was no enough money to pay for Meghan as Kate’s annual clothing bills must be HUGE! Was Charles thinking Meghan would be the same? Meghan proved him wrong there, didn’t she? Why wasn’t Kate’s spending capped?
Remember when Linda Evangelista commented that she wouldn’t get out of bed for a modeling assignment for less than $10K? Looks like Kate is following in her footsteps – won’t leave the house unless she gets new clothes and/or jewelry. It’s disgusting that this ridiculous woman can’t rein in her spending, especially now. Such a bad look for the PoW brand…
The looks of disgust on both of their faces when forced to be with each other.
Wow. I can feel the warmth radiating from them towards each other right through the iPhone screen /s
The buttons on her coat mirror the buttons on the guards uniform. All the guards, a Welsh, Irish, grenadier etc all have difference button patterns. Kate matched hers to the Irish guards.
Well this is a huge improvement; she looks perfect. New stylist?
Btw take off the hat and it’s giving Korean drama, they’ve been doing these long wool coats in a very pretty feminine way for decades or at least over a decade.
The media made sure not to mention that they arrived separately. That might explain the dark looks they exchanged.
They did? Wow! They don’t even pretend anymore!
Y’all is she pregnant?
Wouldn’t surprise me, what else have they got to do?
It would surprise me. They’d have to be closer together than it seems they’d like.
I. Hope not. Will said he doesn’t want more children
What makes you think she’s pregnant? She looks the exact same as she has before..people have been saying this for over a year and again she’s still skinny.
Plus if she was she would be too sick..
@Kt it’s got to be a running joke. Literally every Kate post some stan will pop up with the pregnant question. Even though Kate stays as thin as a pencil.
She puts the waist on her coats higher than her natural waist which is why it doesn’t sit well. She’s not pregnant because every other time she was it showed in her face early on. And she looks as gaunt as ever.
I’m a complete anti- monarchist, but she looks great. Nicely balanced between formality and fashion for this kind of event.
Me when I lie:
I see much heavier & darker eye makeup than before, noticeably so. Too much. And I think now she has to keep grinning to disguise her facial puffiness.
Her cover picture this week’s Hello magazine she really doesn’t look good. it was taken at the recent event where she wore a long cream headscarf.
I think so too!
William’s smirk in the pic of her giving whatever inspiring scripted speech is very, very on brand. That dude is a stone-cold a-hole.
This is Kate’s style. It’s conservative but she seems most comfortable in it. No one is gonna look to buy this coat dress. William is starting to resemble his cousin the old Duke of Kent.
Have to add that shade of teal green/blue is very much Handmaid’s Tale wife uniform. It’s looks like something Serena Joy would wear. Kinda creepy because she wears that color a lot.
She is Serena Joy. She tries to sell a pretty picture of a patriarchal institution while throwing independent women under the bus. So the colour fits.
Oddly enough, it’s the exact colour of our (Ireland) national airline’s cabin crew uniform. Have a Google of Aer Lingus and you’ll see. Cos play to a whole new level. I already mentioned the button placement mirroring the pattern of the guards (they different guards have different placement).
I don’t think Kate wiglet is holding up well in the rain . What’s a middle class upstart supposed to do?
I’m not a coat dress type of person, but for whatever reason they have become her thing. Honestly her every attempt to cosplay Meghan is always a fail because it always seems to age her more than anything, like the straight center part hair, the saucer hats or modern cut pants and blazers. Her style is more basic old fashioned style that manages to not age her or make her look youthful. Oddly enough they are like a perfect style to make her look her age. This is a great color and it doesn’t wash her out like other colors she has recently tried.
Good lord, she’s so stringy and gaunt. Even in that coat outfit.
William looks like he’s in pain while Kate is speaking.
Is she copying Camilla hats
I love this outfit but a) that does not read as green to me, teal doesn’t count I think but b) more importantly someone over on Twitter said she looks like she got a job with Aer Lingus and that’s absolutely spot on.
She has about a million Catherine Walker green coat dresses. Did she really need a new one?
Ooh I like this coat, would try and order it
Handmaid’s Tale wife wear.
I say keep the lovely dog in the event and send W&K home.
William is piggy backing on all Kate’s events now. Bet this is damage control after what Harry’s book revealed.
Woof! Find you someone who looks at you like Willy looks at Kate… then file a restraining order immediately
Meh. Another day another coat. While the rest of us wear green, one of the few days we theme dress, Kate’s team one upped and chose teal, never a dull moment with Kate. So many dresses so little time.
The outfit is perfect for her— shoes, hat, dress. Teal works. The only thing that’s off is her brittle expression. It’s got a grimness that makes her fit right into the Windsor family ie look stoic and like you’re enduring the tedium rather than connecting with people or seeming in any way warm. Only took her 20 years to sink to their level.
The look worked for Wallis Simpson back in the 1930s. It does not work for anyone in 2023.
I like the look..
You’re welcome to like it. I personally think it is yet another example of how out-of-touch, entitled, thoughtless, selfish, and greedy Kate is.
Another year, another expensive green coat for the cupboard after one or two wear. Banking crisis, cost of living crisis, energy crisis, climate crisis !!!! Nauggh… Let them eat cake.
She had moved on to cosplaying Queen Elizabeth c. 1945
Oh I love this coat though
The (almost) Mute Old Fashioned Woman is back again I see. Maybe to offset the cost of her clothes, Kate can rent them out to a production company making a period drama. Of course it might not be easy to find actresses that same size….
Agree it’s a very dated look, more what Parker Bowles would wear (or Mother Middleton). Looks overdressed and inappropriate.
The test is can you imagine Diana wearing this for a military inspection thirty years ago – no!
This is the perfect color of green on her. I also think her using her preference of buttons to display the same as the guards was a nice touch. Well done!
I am sure these soldiers will think about the buttons she wore every day for the rest of their lives. It will make up for cuts in social services needed to sustain the excesses of that family.
This, Nic919. The sheer number of new t r o l l s on here is astounding.
Now I’m confused. Here I am thinking that the notion of “Monarchy” is an outdated anachronism in these more enlightened times where merit is supposed to trump lazy entitlement, yet here we all are, discussing the hard-faced, show pony’s clothes.
The photos of Kate in her coats over the years ,shows her weight loss is quite substantial in the last 3 years .
Wonder what has caused it .