Last fall, we learned that Adam Levine was likely hitting on Instagram models for some time, and that he’d probably been cheating on his wife Behati Prinsloo with some of those young women. It was the least surprising story for the most obvious suspect in the world. One look at Adam Levine and you know he smells of sandalwood, infidelity and regret. The fact that the story came out while Behati was pregnant with their third child was also pretty bad. Behati really never seemed fazed by any of it – reportedly, she was mad behind-the-scenes, but her public face was that of a supportive wife. Couldn’t be me. According to Us Weekly, Adam and Behati’s marriage became a lot stronger after the whole ordeal.
Reconnected. Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo are finding their groove after the singer’s 2022 cheating scandal, a source exclusively reveals in the latest issue of Us Weekly.
“Adam has done a complete turnaround in how he handles his marriage,” the insider says. “He basically recommitted himself 100 percent to Behati and his family.”
The Maroon 5 singer, 44, “realized he made a huge mistake” by talking to other women and has since refocused his time on his wife, 34. “They’re spending more quality time together, date nights without the kids and girls only nights for Behati,” the source says of Levine’s new family plan, noting that’s why fans have been “seeing them out and about more.”
The “Moves Like Jagger” crooner and the model are “back on track as a couple,” according to the insider. Levine, for his part, has also added self-care to his to-do list. “Adam also got back to basics [doing] yoga and meditation, and just got his priorities straight,” the source tells Us.
LMAO @ “Levine, for his part, has also added self-care to his to-do list.” You guys, he was cheating on his wife because he forgot to prioritize HIMSELF. He needed me-time, he needed some self-care, that’s why he was using Instagram like a dating service. Anyway, I have no idea how Behati really handled this, but it’s always funny to see a cheating spouse suddenly perform their fidelity and affection on red carpets. “See, I love my wife! Look at me, kissing my wife!!”
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- 2023 Vanity Fair Oscar Party. Featuring: Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 13 Mar 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Women’s Cancer Research Fund’s An Unforgettable Evening Benefit Gala 2023 held at the Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel. Featuring: Behati Prinsloo, Adam Levine Where: Beverly Hills, California, United States When: 16 Mar 2023 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Women’s Cancer Research Fund’s An Unforgettable Evening Benefit Gala 2023 held at the Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel. Featuring: Behati Prinsloo, Adam Levine Where: Beverly Hills, California, United States When: 16 Mar 2023 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Women’s Cancer Research Fund’s An Unforgettable Evening Benefit Gala 2023 held at the Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel. Featuring: Behati Prinsloo, Adam Levine Where: Beverly Hills, California, United States When: 16 Mar 2023 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Women’s Cancer Research Fund’s An Unforgettable Evening Benefit Gala 2023 held at the Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel. Featuring: Behati Prinsloo, Adam Levine Where: Beverly Hills, California, United States When: 16 Mar 2023 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Well, if you take “self-care” as a euphemism for masturbation…
Yeah, that would explain him lurking around Instagram, wouldn’t it?
Miranda, good point. They should probably rewrite this article, lol.
Yep self care is a euphemism for not getting all the roadie sex he was used to so instead he downgraded to insta and made a fool of his wife in public. She does not look happy in the performative pics. I’d just smack the shit out of him but I guess that’s illegal.
He is recommitted (until next time) and going to practice self-care (eventually used as an excuse to cheat on his wife- who i am sure has nannies, but is caring for 3 small children and is exhausted).
“ The Maroon 5 singer, 44, “realized he made a huge mistake” by talking to other women …”
Hmm, he talked (an improvement to what he was doing however) to other women and realized he made a huge mistake?! Terrible wording there.
He’s awful.
Talking was never the result he wanted as we all know that he doesn’t care one iota about anyone but himself. These article is severely lacking the truth, any truth whatsoever.
Neither of them are my demographic, but didn’t he used to be good looking? Or am I thinking of someone else? This one looks rather homely, but if he’s famous…
Maybe self care means he was put in a time out by his wife? Maybe he is with a therapist or something. Who knows. I never understood how he was with beautiful women.
And it may be to lack of coffee this morning, but he looks the same in those two pics – but she does not.
I don’t know if I’m imagining things but Behati’s face looks very different in that first picture, her chin and lips are totally different and she looks like Kylie Jenner. Photoshop, makeup or…?
You inspired to go back and look closer at the photos. I agree. Maybe the bucks fat removal surgery?
Which picture is newer? The one with clean hair or greasy hair? I can’t even see these two as the same woman.
I hope Behati got herself a post-nup after this stunt. Levine is showing her who he is, and if that’s acceptable to her, so be it.
But she should still protect herself and their children $$$
Oh, I’m sure she is VERY well protected. I think she walked into this with eyes wide open – it’s not like he’s any different than he has ever been. That’s why she wasn’t upset – it would be like being mad at a beaver for building dams.
You don’t marry a rockstar thinking he’s gonna always be faithful. She knows the drill and has always put up with it as long as as she gets to a nice luxurious life out of it.
I watched their posing on the VF ref carpet and they seemed awkward. But it could be just them. I’ve never paid much attention to them in the past, so that could be their normal way of being. He’s so grimy. I don’t think this recommitment will last long.
I think they are a Jackie / JFK couple. The wife accepts the infidelity as long as he keeps it secret and doesn’t publicly humiliate her.
And I am fascinated at how tone-deaf that PR drop from Levine’s side is.
There is no apology or even acknowledgement of the pain Levine put his wife through. Her side is completely missing. It’s all Adam.
How pathetic.
One look at Adam Levine and you know he smells of sandalwood, infidelity and regret….
😀 😀 😀
Don’t ruin sandalwood though, I always burn it at home!
That was my stand out from this story. I love the writing on this site.
This might be my favorite all-time line this site …”sandalwood, infidelity and regret.” Delicious.
I legit cackled. It’s funny because it’s true!!
I’m old enough to remember when he broke up with her, ran off with her coworker to a beach vacation, then came back and proposed to her because he had some “romantic” realization that she was the love of his life. This guy has been a selfish inconsiderate partner to Behati from the very start. Zero chance he changes anything. He will cheat on her again when he feels like it.
If this really happened I can’t feel bad for her poor decisions.
I’m old enough to remember when Anne V performed her epic ice-cold dumping of him. She got rid of him like a questionable mole.
Yup!! A leopard never losses its spots. This is simply another example of him trying to rehabilitate his image from the lying, cheating dog that he is.
Mina_esq, this is why I wonder if they have an open marriage or some type of arrangement. If so, the “mistake” was embarrassing her. If not, by staying she basically gave him permission to do it again. He’ll be more careful in the future to not get caught.
2022 was really the year of showing me that it truly doesn’t matter how hot a woman is, if their partner wants to cheat they will find a way. Shakira, Behati, Emily Ratajkowski, did I miss anyone? Maybe Hilary Rhoda? I can’t believe society really ever blamed women for their husbands’ cheating, when these clowns somehow always find a way, despite having kids to raise and parent.
How does anyone have time, when they have kids, to cheat?
I don’t blame their wives for their cheating, but I do blame the cheater and their cheating partner(s). Especially in the case of a high profile celebrity, because the cheating partner knows the cheaters story, so there is no excuse. They are just as guilty and culpable as the cheater.
When I first met my husband and we got serious, he had a friend who was seeing a younger woman. I think he had been married before. He was nice looking well dressed suave perfect for his job in the gaming industry. (my state in Australia has the most slot machines anywhere outside of Las Vegas.) I always found him to be a bit of a sleaze. I met his girlfriend when she returned from overseas. She was absolutely stunning – a mix of Raquel Welch and Natalie Wood. Her brother was equally gorgeous. More than that she was smart, fun, hard-working, intelligent, caring… They got married, but he never stopped his philandering. Three kids later, and a few years down the track and it looked as if it would all end but somehow they stayed together. It was bound to fall apart and fall apart. It did when she discovered that not only was he having these casual flings, but he had another family around about the same age, and they were living at the other end of th suburb. For years, he maintained two families. His job travelling all around the state made it possible for him to carry-on His affairs and money was never a problem because he was very well paid and his wife had a well-paying job. When it was finally over, he simply packed up his personal belongings and moved straight in with his second family..
One of my good friends has a son who is a barrister. He is currently working on a case of a man who somehow managed to marry three women at once.
I have loads of these stories. Marriage guarantees nothing.
Ugh. It’s all so gross.
I think one thing that’s so hard for people (including myself) to understand is that happy people cheat. A lot of times infidelity is not indicative of a failed marriage–in fact it has virtually nothing to do with the other person at all–it’s an inherently selfish act.
This was a really great article I read several years ago in the Atlantic:
“Sometimes when we seek the gaze of another, it’s not our partner we are turning away from, but the person we have become. We are not looking for another lover so much as another version of ourselves. The Mexican essayist Octavio Paz described eroticism as a ‘thirst for otherness.’ So often, the most intoxicating ‘other’ that people discover in an affair is not a new partner; it’s a new self.”
King Charles proves that marriage guarantees nothing. Everyone thinks Camilla is the biggest winner out of this scenario. 2nd? Rose!
And biggest loser? Kate. Who just learned that dealing with W for decades and birthing a future king means NOTHING….
Idk I feel Like at what point do we let them live. He made a million mistakes, she now knows them, they’ve chosen to stay together. Maybe it’s the Vanderpump effect but it’s been feeling a little scarlet letter around society lately.
I’m not advocating for bad behavior just wondering how anybody redeems themselves if we never let them move on from the thing they are supposed to be fixing.
100% – I would hate to be forever tainted for the worst thing I ever did that made it into the public eye. It’s not like he abused her (that we know of).
Also, forever parsing public statements to find fault bothers me these days. I don’t remember one that was perfect and, if it was, we just find the person to be insincere.
( Also, forever parsing public statements to find fault bothers me these days. I don’t remember one that was perfect and, if it was, we just find the person to be insincere.)
Sorry, it’s not about finding fault, but knowing when you are being fed BS. 80% of Celebrity apologies are nothing but BS that their PR team wrote up and posted. As they say actions speak louder than words and very few celebrities put forth that action and are not made to. This is why so many terrible celebrities still have their careers and are praised.
Yeah I mostly agree with you but if we forgave every celebrity for their transgressions we’d literally have nothing to talk about here. Seriously, I can think of 10 celebs off the top of my head that were *cancelled* because of one shitty thing they did. And I’m pretty confident that people in this forum grant far more grace to people they know IRL than they do to celebs. I think it’s kind of just the nature of celeb gossip, even if I don’t really agree with it.
“Basically” recommitting to his marriage. Lol, so underwhelming. Hope she does a Gisèle one day, he’s such an ass.
His casual attitude is something. Gross man child
I can’t stand it when someone describes cheating as a mistake. A mistake is putting too much salt in the stew or hitting send when your email is half finished. Cheating is a series of choices. Bad, hurtful choices that the cheater made knowing they were hurtful choices. Calling it a mistake takes the intentionality away from it and lets the cheater off the hook.
Exactly! I completely agree with you.
Ok, I’ll agree that it’s a bad choice not a mistake. Linguistics aside, why do we as society continue to drag people for the bad choices they’ve made if they are trying to repair the damage from them. That was more my point.
Because no one believes he trying to repair that damage as I said above actions speak louder than words. He should be showing those actions to his wife and not having his PR team running to the media with this story to promote good PR for his Vegas residency which starts today.
@coco – how do we know he isn’t? Also he is seen here showing her public affection and you say you don’t believe him.
I’m not defending him, his bad choices, the harm he’s caused. Just wondering what he can do that will satisfy you and everybody else.
He had alway been seen showing her public affection that didn’t stop him from cheating on her. The fact that his PR team made sure to point out pictures them together speaks of a PR stunt.
Like I said he should stop trying look good for the media and focus on his wife.
Ok @coco, you win.
And I’m guessing in this case it was many, prolonged bad choices, this is just the one that got him caught.
I don’t understand her staying, but I hope for her sake she’s truly ok with it.
Yeah, we’ll see how long the faithful act lasts. In my personal experience it doesn’t last long. A cheater whether male or female will always cheat. They just find better ways of hiding it . A zebra doesn’t change its stripes
I believe a cheater actually can change her or his ways when it involves growing up, sobering up, working on their issues, and taking their responsibilities to others more seriously. It’s amazing what people can do when they’re no longer drunk, high teenagers. Sometimes even a little past that- Fiona Apple and Angie were probably a bit farther along into their twenties when they took those steps. Not one hundred percent sure on that, someone who was aware of and following them at that time can probably fact check the ages. But other people just don’t change until they’re no longer in a position to really get sidepieces.
In that first photo, he looks silly. Like a sad old man trying to look cool and hip with bleached hair and tats. Meanwhile, she looks gorgeous and glow-y. It’s like his insides are showing on his outside and
Have never ever gotten his appeal – he always looks like he needs a good scrub with disinfectant.
I think he’s one of the most unattractive men in Hollywood, his slimy personality doesn’t help. It’s like he doesn’t shower but then also covers himself in motor oil.
He looks like a lab rat. A slimy, jankily tattooed, entitled rodent. His music makes me want to gouge out my eardrums. Behati could do so much better.
When he first got famous I thought he was kind of cute, but now…ick. He physically looks bad, but also seems to be a lousy person.
@Lucy2 I’m embarrassed to say I thought he was attractive when Songs about Jane came out. By the time his bromance with Gwen Stefani’s husband (blanking on his name) started on the Voice I was over it. Now he just seems so icky and pathetic.
Blake Shelton.
Yeah that was the era I’m thinking of, Songs about Jane, and then I don’t remember much about him until he was on the voice, and by then I too was like um no thanks. And now, definitely not.
Ewww. Nope.
I call BS.
Adam Levine puts himself first. Best of Luck to her and the kids.
To be honest they dealt with this whole thing very well, cold blooded. They never said a word, no drama at all, he only posted an insta story, gone in 24 hours, and that was it.
That’s not true he ran to the media multiple times to deny it before he couldn’t and she went to the media to shout down rumors that she was going to leave him.
I just want to say I love this line from the post: “you know he smells of sandalwood, infidelity and regret.” Kaiser, are you a big hardboiled detective fiction or noir fan? I swear I could have read that line in a Raymond Chandler novel! Love the short witticisms and sarcasm with dark humor. I love The Big Sleep–I am LA-based and the book alludes to so much LA history and culture.
It’s always funny when these rock stars fetishize and date models. And then they get married and have kids and realize that supermodels are just WOMEN. Just regular ole’ women who happen to be tall and thin. And then the magic dies and they cheat. You can’t escape the normality of relationships, family, and marriage by dating a model. They’re human too!
And models: STOP dating rock stars! I know they hold you up on a pedestal but girls that never lasts. Go find yourselves a nice accountant and avoid rock stars with self-esteem issues.
Mostly 100% agree but also I’ve found, even the accountant types will do it if they need too much outside validation and ego fluffing. :-(. But there are good ones! Both the top insecure and too confident types seem to both cheat
Commenting Bunny, Brilliant analysis. He still isn’t admitting publicly that he had sex with other women, but was “talking” to them. This douche doesn’t “talk” to women, he stakes them out and tries to seduce them. Behati knows this. I hope she gave him a list of demands/ultimatums to “save” this marriage and he acceded to every one. Hell, she has an infant at home, but I understand when a woman is pregnant, the man often strays. He is an embarrassment to himself mostly. Dude, you’re 44. If your family ain’t it for you and you cheated, it never will be. Doubtless he will do this repeatedly. She will need to decide her long game. For now, she’s staying.
I hope he’s legit and he’s doing deep self reflective work on his motivations and need for external validation, distraction, how to live his values and when he cuts corners, etc.
J, I hope you’re right, but I just don’t see THIS guy ever doing “deep self reflective work.” It’s more like deep self-protective work. I think Behati did get some plastic surgery as a response to his cheating, which is so sad. I heard of a wife around where I live getting a new boob job and liposuction when her cheating husband had an affair with his secretary. The guy was always a jerk and I could see him mansplaining himself to his wife pointing out her physical “inadequacies,” thus making it all her fault and her buying it. Again, really sad. And as a model, I’m sure Behati has gotten most of her self-validation from her looks (of course, I could be wrong). The fact that she’s 34 and one of the women he cheated with was 21 must have hurt her. She made the “mistake” of getting older. He sucks.
All very good points jferber. Probably the more realistic ones.
He’s a lifelong dweeb whose fragile nerd ego hinges solely on whether he can score girls “out of his league.” It’s depressing, because he might actually love his wife!, but her commitment doesn’t feed his ego
Read: they did the math on what the divorce and child support would cost.
I really don’t get people like this. If you don’t want monogamy, just say that from the start! Arrange it! Talk about it! Reach and agreement! This isn’t rocket science. Just stop dragging partners and children into these messes because you don’t want to be honest up front.
Ya, sure Adam.
[*Until the next time.*]
The only thing Adam has recommitted to is cheating on his wife the old-school way and NOT on social media. Adam has always been scum and always will be. They can make out all they want on red carpets but only the minivan majority will buy it. The rest of us know the truth.
Veronica S., I like what you say. Maybe some of the fun of infidelity is all the sneaking around and mind games? I think being upfront and honest is great, but Adam is slimy by nature and is probably not capable of that.