Here are some photos from last night’s LA premiere of Air. This the Ben Affleck-directed film about how Nike built the Air Jordan brand for Michael Jordan. It was done with MJ’s blessing, although MJ isn’t a character in the film. Viola Davis plays MJ’s mom, and Affleck has already said that Jordan was the one who dream-cast her. Ben looked very pulled-together and sharp at the premiere, and his wife Jennifer Lopez was on hand to support him.
Bennifer posed together and they posed separately – they’ve both been at it long enough to know the deal. Photographers wanted all options – J.Lo separately (for the fashionistas), Ben separately (for the film nerds) and Bennifer together (for the lovers). J.Lo wore Antonio Grimaldi Couture. It’s not my favorite look, but she looks fine and they look so happy together. When Ben spoke ahead of the premiere, he gave special thanks to his wife and it was really sweet.
Then Ben Affleck turns his attention to wife Jennifer Lopez, “who means more to me than anything in the world. … You’re fabulous, you’re amazing, you’re wonderful, good, kind, magnificent and I love you.”
— Chris Gardner (@chrissgardner) March 28, 2023
More photos – Viola wore a great Roland Mouret and she looked stunning. Matt Damon came out with his wife Luciana and all of his daughters. Jason Bateman, who is in the movie, was there with his wife Amanda too.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Jennifer Lopez Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Luciana Barroso, Matt Damon Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Luciana Barroso, Matt Damon Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Chris Messina, Marlon Wayans, Ben Affleck, Viola Davis, Matt Damon, Julius Tennon, Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
- Los Angeles premiere of Amazon Studios’ ‘AIR’ at Regency Village Theatre Featuring: Viola Davis Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 27 Mar 2023 Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images
It’s one thing to be completely over someone. But when you were married to them for a decade plus with three kids and the best thing he ever said about you was “marriage is hard but she’s a good mom” …. It’s gotta suck ass to hear him gush about someone else without qualification about how hard it is to be married to them. And also – “the most important thing” would be hard for the kids to hear. Thanks dad.
The gushing is so cringe.
Viola looks amazing!!
How is the gushing cringe? Is that not a normal thing to do when you are expressing your love and appreciation for your significant other who helped you with the project you worked on???
Ben’s always been a totally self-absorbed ass. I feel sorry for JLo, because the shine will wear off and all he cares about is the shine. And he will blame her completely for it.
Jen Garner is nobody’s victim. Some of us remember when she went after Ben and chose to stay with him through his disrespect. He didn’t turn into an ass partway through the relationship, he’s always been terrible.
This is so true. And he won’t change now that he’s married to JLO either.
No woman who dated Ben after Gwyneth (except maybe Ana de Armas) is a victim:Ben was a known player and Gwyneth said he is knucklehead who made life harder for himself.
I like Ben and Jlo together(I wasn’t interested with him and Jenifer Garner cause she is just super bland to me although she seems to be a nice person ) but Jlo better not come give a Tedtalk if things go sour cause I won’t listen: left at the altar is something unforgivable to me. Ben seems to be a nice guy but way too messy and exhausting : he seems to need a woman all the time(a wife cheerleader)
I like them and I root for them and wish them nothing but happiness and everything they desire as a couple.
He was never into wet blanket garner and anyone with two eyes could see that except her I guess.
They look so incredibly hot together, 😍.
He liked her enough to have kids with her so…not sure what you’re talking about.
Of course the Oscar speech will live in infamy because it’s the Oscars but he did say a couple of weeks earlier when winning the golden globe for Argo: “And I thank my wife who is the reason I’m standing here. I adore you I love you so much. Thanks for sitting through this, you’re my everything thank you” jlo was there presenting and I didn’t think anything at the time but she must have been crushed as we now know she was pining after him for all those years. His public presentation during his divorce years was my kids are the most important thing in my life but now he’s gonna be a wife guy taking over from John Mulaney so forget them.
JLo has been in 4 relationships since she and Ben first broke up, including being married for years and having two kids. Everyone involved in this is an adult. They both had marriages to people who I am sure they loved at the time. Things change. I don’t think Garner is torn up about anything Ben says about his current wife. All parties have clearly moved on.
Of course the Oscar speech will live in infamy because it’s the Oscar’s but he did say a couple of weeks earlier when winning the golden globe for Argo: “And I thank my wife who is the reason I’m standing here. I adore you I love you so much. Thanks for sitting through this, you’re my everything thank you” jlo was there presenting and I didn’t think anything at the time but she must have been crushed as we now know she was pining after him for all those years. His public presentation during his divorce years was my kids are the most important thing in my life but now he’s gonna be a wife guy taking over from John Mulaney so forget them.
Ben said plenty of great things about Jen Garner during their marriage. It’s not like his Oscar speech was the only time he ever mentioned her
No one knows the backstory of his previous marriage. One he and Garner. Maybe they were never compatible. Maybe they were volatile or they just didn’t have a spark. Who knows! They aren’t together for a reason and it’s more than just “Ben is an alcoholic”
I’m not a fan of Ben, I think he is BLAH but I can appreciate someone being in a good time of their life and feeling loved. It’s what we all want in life.
It’s more than ‘just’ Ben’s an alcoholic? That’s more than enough to break up a marriage.
I wasn’t a fan of jlo’s dress. Ben’s speech was cute, the movie is getting very nice reviews
Viola Davis looks AH-mazing. That green is gorgeous.
Viola is the star here! She looks incredible.
I cannot get over that dress–the cut, the color…OMG. I want it!!!!!
Yep. Viola!🔥❤️🔥
The gentleman in tan is her hubby who plays her hubby in the movie as well.
The Grimaldi outfit isnt my favorite. In the second picture, where she’s taking a step (I think), imagine it as a jumpsuit now. It would have been awesome.
Viola looks good in green. Everyone else is meh.
Goddess JLO can never been meh!
Agree about Viola shes a queen!
They actually starred in a movie together Lila and Eve with a twist I mever saw coming!
do you think this movie will talk about decades of outsourcing labour/ using prison labour in order to enslave people for profits or would that maybe be too jarring since damon and affleck both rep corporations that do the same…
I like this comment. Because it’s accurate and real. Not because of what happened. Gonna white wash that shit too.
No but if you feel that strongly about it then pool some money together and make that film
haha, Joey love your response and yes, put your money where your mouth is lala!
Thanks for highlighting that Lala. Bizzare that some others on this thread took offense to you simply noting that the rich keep getting richer off of modern day slavery…. We should ALL feel strongly about that.
@originalleigh, for me comments like lala’s didn’t offend me, i think there’s always room for larger conversations about labor inequality and outsourcing, and the damage it does. it just seems hypocritical to some extent. lala is slamming damon and affleck for working for corporations and their movie white washing the labor issue (which, what’s the movie about? not everything can be about everything). but, you’re also commenting on a site that gets support from amazon (not to mention all the other ads that run on the site). what are you typing your comment on? did you build your cell phone or laptop yourself? chances are it was made by tiny little fingers in china or bangledesh. where did you get your pants? are they bespoke? did you make them yourself? because if not, changes are they were made my tiny little fingers in china or bangledesh. like i said, there’s always opportunities for bigger picture conversations about stuff like this, but casting scorn on some people but not others is hypocritical.
Loved your comment, micklesming!
thanks for taking the time to put into words what I was thinking, but in a clear and concise way!
Forget the women, Jason Bateman is HOTNo one can convince me otherwise.
He’s yummers!
And I don’t think JLo and Ben “look so happy together”. I think they look miserable and strained!
They look incredibly happy, if that’s what looking miserable looks like, give me misery all day long
@Extremely – Really? Ben’s been in the business for over 25 years, he should know having his hands in his pockets puts out a certain vibe, especially being next to your wife, who according to his Quote above, “who means more to me than anything in the world”… (Man, he’s really laying it on thick!) In pictures of him by himself, hands are front and center.
Actions speak louder than words. So, @Ang is correct in assuming they give off “miserable and strained” vibes.
The fug girls have other pictures of them, laughing and looking extremely happy at this same premiere, seriously what is with the people that really want to be miserable, projection is thy name.
Miserable and strained? Really? Wow ….on these photos? Or in general? I must be crazy cause I see two deliriously happy people in every photo of them at this premiere but hey to each their own I guess
Matt Damon looks awful, wow… exhausted, maybe? Viola looks fantastic.
Probably was! I saw a picture of him yesterday filming in Boston so he probably took the red eye to get there. Lucy Damon and Jason’s wife look amazing. Jlo’s dress looks like two pieces of different dresses that don’t go together.I wish all the four Damon daughters were pictured. I have no idea if they look like Matt or Lucy. They’ve been well protected from our prying eyes.
They used to be papped constantly. I’m guessing over the last few years as they’ve hit preteen/teen years they made the choice to not have them showcased. And yes-he looks tired. I think his wife always looks great.
And they have been filming that thing late into the wee hours of the morning so he probably had no sleep.
Viola, just stunning and I love the little basketball purse. That dress is amazing.
I missed that purse! Thanks for pointing it out. I know their practical purpose is limited, but I love little shiny/sparkly purses that are shaped like things.
Viola is absolutely stunning and I need a short version of her dress for my niece’s wedding
Dang, love this look! And that green on Viola is incredible. It really lights up her complexion!
Everyone looks bad, especially Matt Damon. Haha, I can’t stand him.
I wish some celebrities, especially the ones with kids by a previous partner, didn’t gush so much. You can say you love and appreciate your current partner while being sensitive to the possibility it could be weird or uncomfortable for your kids to have to hear you pumping up the verbal PDA to gratuitous levels.
Also, I love Viola so much!!
That shot of Viola took my breath away! She should always wear green!
I’m having a hard time understanding how they are doing this movie without a Michael character…
This is a miss for Jlo in my opinion. She’s fab but she’s had better days.
i can’t recognise Luciana Damon face anymore. she was such a natural beauty WHY. “who did make her the little (new) face” Mirtha asked…
The positive reviews have sold me. I will be going to the theater to see this. As for the fashion, not my fave JLO look but she is nicely pulled together. Viola looks gorgeous in that green!
I disagree with those saying Ben shouldn’t speak nicely of his wife in public. Ben always spoke highly of Jen G when they were married and the 8 years since their separation and later divorce. Why on earth, when he has decided to remarry, would he not speak highly of his new wife? Also, JG is living her best life. She has a successful CEO bf of 5 years, she’s an entrepreneur, popular social influencer and a working actress who just built herself a new mansion. JG isn’t bothered so you shouldn’t be either. Ben is happy personally and professionally as well. He has worked to get to the moment he is having and I am glad for him. I hope the movie does well.
A sports business movie gets the I’ll wait for it on steaming from me. I don’t expect it to be any kind of spectacle movie which are the only movies worth putting up with the price and hassle of theater going. Ben always had a way of awkwardly putting things and I think the “who means more to me than anything in the world” about his two year long relationship (after many since his divorce) would rankle me if I was one of his kids. Jen garner I agree probably doesn’t give a fuc what he says.
Too each their own, but occasionally I do prefer watching movies in theaters. And, Air seems to generate alot of audience reaction, and I would like to witness that. As for Ben, he’s been an involved father from go — there’s literally a 10+ year library of paps shots showing this. Since his divorce from JG he’s turned down directing projects that take him too far away from his kids for too long. He’s talked about this alot in recent years and has often said he’d just rather be home with his kids. I think his children have an understanding of what they mean to him and are not threatened by his romantic love for his wife. His kids are old enough to understand parental love vs romantic love vs friendship love. It’s like when a couple calls each other their best friend, but still, individually have other best friends. Unless we find out 20 years from now this was some Ronald & Nancy Reagan-type deal where their relationship came before the kids, I am sure the Affleck kids are fine.
Jason Bateman & his wife make such a nice looking couple! His wife looks like she would be a fun person to hang out with!
I don’t care for that green on JL’s dress..why would a designer use that color green on that dress?
But Viola Davis! Just WOW! Ben’s suit and especially those shoes are abominable. And JLo approved of that? She’s really in love.
JLo’s dress looks like she’s being eaten by a chartreuse shark!
Jennifer Lopez has changed Ben Affleck’s life completely and for the better, this is how you know a woman is a high value one. Not only does she evolve and work on herself but also uplifts her partner.
It’s such a joy watching Ben say all those anazing things about Jennifer, she deserves all the praise. People aren’t maybe aware that Ben had decided to not direct anymore and clearly Jennifer convinced and supported him to go back to it.
I think it’s important for a man to show appreciation to his wife like this.
I would like JLo’s dress with a different color. Her face looks tight as a drum in some of these photos.
Viola looks fabulous as always.