Prince Harry ‘stayed at Frogmore Cottage during his visit’ last week

A week ago, Prince Harry surprised everyone when he suddenly turned up at court in London to attend the first day of a four-day hearing in his lawsuit against the Mail/ANL. The British media had no idea that Harry had flown in, and I strongly suspect that Harry’s family only got a heads up about his visit maybe an hour or two before he arrived in court. The frantic energy of the Telegraph’s claim that King Charles “refused” to see Harry and that Charles told Harry that he was “too busy” to spend time with him had the feel of last-minute lies and a desperate attempt from the family to impose themselves on Harry’s newscycle. There were questions though – where was Harry staying and how was he able to keep everything quiet and secure? Sources told Fox News last week that Harry had “stayed with friends” in London, and some suggested that perhaps that meant Elton John? Now the Telegraph claims that Harry spent some or all of last week at Frogmore Cottage.

Prince Harry stayed at Frogmore Cottage during his visit for the phone hacking lawsuit claim against the Daily Mail after being asked to move out of the home. It is understood the Duke of Sussex stayed at the Windsor property before making his surprise appearance at the Royal Courts of Justice last week.

The Duke arrived in the UK last weekend and is thought to have flown back on Thursday night. He appeared in court on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and is thought likely to have also used the visit to sort out the couple’s belongings and work out what needs to be shipped to the US ahead of vacating the property.

Harry did not see the King before his state visit to Germany as he was at Highgrove, a 90-minute drive from Frogmore, and was said to be too busy.

It was the first time the 38-year-old Duke had returned to the UK since his father told him he would be asked to leave the property. The King had asked the Sussexes to vacate the five-bedroom Georgian property around the time the Duke’s memoir, Spare, was published in the New Year. Both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were said to have been “disappointed” by the decision to offer the five-bedroom Georgian property – a cottage they were said to have “made their home” – to the Duke of York.

The couple have been given until just after the Coronation to vacate the home, although they have not yet confirmed whether they will attend the May 6 ceremony.

[From The Telegraph]

I have absolutely zero evidence to back this up, but my theory is that Harry didn’t immediately go to Frogmore Cottage because that would have alerted his garbage family, and they would have sold him out before he stepped out of the car at the London court. I think at first, Harry was staying in London, probably with some rich friend or someone with a very secure home. And then once the cat was out of the proverbial bag about his visit to London, Harry probably did go to Frogmore, possibly to spend a few nights and/or pack up more of the Sussexes’ things. I absolutely believe he spent last Wednesday in Windsor – that was the only day he wasn’t in court.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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41 Responses to “Prince Harry ‘stayed at Frogmore Cottage during his visit’ last week”

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  1. equality says:

    I would have stripped out every single thing I paid to upgrade, including flooring, plumbing and wiring.

    • Snuffles says:

      I absolutely LOVE the visual of Harry bringing in a construction crew to strip out every last item he paid for and ship them to Montecito. I hope it’s true.

    • SarahLee says:

      Me too. I would have gutted that house.

    • LD says:

      That is so petty, I love it. Totally something I would do.

    • ELX says:

      Best to stick to the letter of the law in these situations, get a favorable settlement out of Crown Estates or sue as necessary.

      • Kingston says:

        One cannot sue the crown. Hence….rip it da fcuk out, H&M!
        Except….theyre too classy to do that.

      • notasugarhere says:

        As someone pointed out on here, Frogmore Cottage is a kind of ‘royal peculiar’ which means legal action against the Crown Estate may not be possible. Charles had that investigated and legally verified in November. Ordinarily people who had paid for a C.E. lease could sue if that lease was violated by the C.E. in some way.

    • KimmyChoo says:

      I had a crappy landlord once, so when I left, I took all the lightbulbs. Even the ones in the oven and refrigerator. I can be a bit of a Petty Crocker when pushed too far.

      • Kristin says:

        I did the same thing. Hell, I even took the ice cube trays, lol!

      • Puppy1 says:

        Years ago, my mother’s landlord refused to give her the security deposit (mind, she had put a in a new kitchen to her rent controlled apartment) so my brother took the freezer and oven door. The landlord said he would give her a check but my brother demanded cash. It worked!

      • booboocita says:

        Years ago, I had an appointment in which I had hung some cheap but very pretty drapes (mostly to hide the crappy, broken vinyl blinds. The landlord tried to claim they were “fixtures” and couldn’t be removed upon my vacating the premises. I was moving out of state and really didn’t want to take them with me, but I made a few strategic razor cuts so that the next person who tried to draw them would see them land on the floor. Heh.

      • FrizzieLizzie says:

        I think I moved in right after you! I went to see the empty apartment during the day and I’m pretty sure there were lightbulbs, but when I moved in, there were none! I had to all new ones, which means the cheapo landlord put bulbs in to show the apartment and then took them out after I signed the lease. I was young and dumb (19) and it never occurred to me that the landlord had done that, for some reason I thought it was the precious renters, even though they were long gone. Ugh, he was creepy too! I would come home and find him in my apartment making repairs without consulting me first.

    • Bossy says:

      … I would leave they asses with nothing but the plastic totes Harry had when Meghan moved in!

    • PrincessOfWaffles says:

      Harry is so smart and has a smart team. He does something different everyday so none of the media knows what he’s up to. on one day he goes to court by surprise, gets in from the front, gets out from the back, on another day he goes from the back, on another day, he skips the day. He probably did the same for his night stay, the first night he was at frogmore, second maybe at eltons, 3rd at somebody else or wherever or back at frogmore. It’s also harder to know where he’s going now that he’s not bugged anymore…

  2. Polo says:

    “It is understood..”
    So an article full of speculation but no concrete facts. Got it. Lol
    But it could be true. We really won’t know unless Harry tells us and I love that for the royal reporters and British media.

  3. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    Hopefully he took Wednesday to direct the movers and reflect.

    • Southern Fried says:

      I can seriously believe that garbage family would have stopped his truck of belongings at the gates if they’d thought of it.

  4. Angie says:

    And now there’s no need to go back. At all.

    • Kulture says:

      I feel confident in saying well see Harry and Meghan a few more times in the UK this year.. I just feel it.
      I feel like they will not allow this family to try and kick them out of a country. Both for well child and Harry for his court case in May.
      Beyond that it’s a toss up for the chubby.

  5. Normades says:

    He probably was at Frogmore on Wednesday packing up the last of their sh$t but I doubt he even spent the night.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t think he stayed in Frogmore at all. If he had the press would have alerted that he was staying there. It makes sense that the day he wasn’t in court he was most likely organising to move things out of the house.

  7. Jais says:

    I still cannot believe they spun outrage over how dare the Sussexes think they can have more than one home and leave one empty while in the states. A home they were paying for. What bitter bitches.

    • lanne says:

      Look how they turn their noses up at any POC with money. They can’t stand people who they think should be “beneath” them being wealthy. Black people can’t have nice things.

  8. Well Wisher says:

    Harry and Meghan is living their life in freedom, their movements can no longer be critiqued.
    They control their narrative.
    Good on them.

  9. teecee says:

    OR…the press still doesn’t know where he stayed, so they’re floating this theory to make a story out of it. Either they found out where he actually stayed or the story goes unchallenged. Either way, they fill column space.

  10. Mary Pester says:

    Love how Harry played THEM ALL, media and family alike. I don’t believe for one minute that Charlie didn’t have time to see Harry, I think it was THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Harry had limited, event covered time in the UK and he knew that if he botherd to see his low life father, the press would have been told within 10 seconds! Harry turned up at court with two aims, ONE, to sue that bloody DAILY Fail and TWO to sort out any remaining things they wanted from frogmore. Letting the world see he was in court every day (or so they thought) threw the media of the fact that he was going to visit frogmore. They tried to follow him and FAILED. Maybe Harry could get a job with the FBI, because he is already “stealth Harry” lol

    • lanne says:

      Charles wasn’t too busy to see his son. He was hiding from his son because he’s a coward who can’t handle any kind of confrontation.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    Kaiser, your theory makes the most sense. There’s no way Harry went to Frogmore first. Those jackals would have sold him out. I wonder if he stayed there at all. There are no pictures of him arriving to court. I’m sure the paps had the routes from Windsor to the court staked out. Wherever he was for the duration of the trial, I suspect Wednesday was move out day at Frogmore.

  12. Louise177 says:

    I doubt Harry was at Frogmore. Doesn’t the press usually get photos of them coming/going when they stay there?

  13. acha says:

    Oh I just thought of something. What if the RF was going to hold Frogmore and all Harry’s stuff hostage to get them to attend the Chubbly? And Harry slid right in and liberated it before they could perform ANY shennanigans with it?

    Even if this isn’t true, I honestly believe they’re a step ahead every time.

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    If he cleared out Frogmore, maybe he and Meghan will stay with Diana’s sisters if they do come for the Jubbly.

    Anything they could do to remind the world about Diana during this farce would be great.

  15. Debbie says:

    “It is understood that” Harry did this and Harry “was thought to have” done that? That is some solid reporting, that is. I think it’s all speculation based on the fact that Harry, as a former resident of Frogmore was, say it with me now, “thought to have” some remaining personal belongings at Frogmore so of course he might have dropped by since he was in the country. Or perhaps, during inevitable conversations with Meghan back home, she asked him to see what else remained. Whatever it was, this story is all speculation.

    Also, once again the Telegraph writes that Harry didn’t see Charles while in England for his court case, and that Charles was too busy. Missing in that statement was any reference to Harry asking to see Charles. The reason it’s missing is because it didn’t happen. It’s glaringly obvious that Charles was trying to insert himself into the news that Harry was in England.

    • Cams says:

      Agree. I have gotten the feeling fir a few months now that the leaks are sealed. It’s just Camilla and Kate’s people briefing the press.

  16. E says:

    My theory is once they were kicked out of Frogmore, H & M started hunting for a place of their own in the UK that was probably bought under a different name or under a corporation to throw off the media. Maybe Harry was finalizing the deal while he was there and liberating their stuff before the crown could hold it hostage. Absolutely nothing to back this up, but they are stealthy enough I can see them pulling it off.

  17. Emily_C says:

    Doubt it. That place is probably bugged to hell and back. My guess is still that he was with Elton John, and Elton John’s security, but we’ll probably never know.

  18. Robin Samuels says:

    You use a passport to enter another country. That information is shared, especially if the person is the Prince of the Realm. It’s why he was spotted in Miami for the changeover. I don’t believe he stayed at Frogmore because the paps would be posted at the gate daily. The truth is, I don’t think Harry requested a meeting with Charles. If not for the riots, Charles would be in France. Now that he knows how heavily William was involved in the smear campaign, I don’t think he’s interested in meeting with him soon.
    The leaks have been plugged. Whatever they write about Harry or Meghan is pure speculation, and you’d do better consulting a crystal ball.

  19. RoyalBlue says:

    Another nasty article just to rehash old smears and beat him with the frogmore stick.