Prince Louis might not go to his grandfather’s coronation after all

A few weeks ago, the Telegraph ran a story about how Prince William and Kate’s three children will all be included in their grandfather’s coronation in some way. We now know that Prince George will be a page, alongside one of Rose Hanbury’s sons and all of Queen Camilla’s grandchildren. I believed, at the time, that William and Kate wanted to make a point of trotting out all three kids, not only because those kids are their little buffers, but because they want to ensure that the coronation isn’t a full-on Parker Bowles event. Like, Camilla’s side of the family will be much more thoroughly represented. If the Sussexes skip the Struggly, it will just be William and his kids, holding down the “Charles line.” Except now it looks like Prince Louis’s participation is up in the air.

Prince William and Kate Middleton’s youngest child’s presence at King Charles III’s upcoming coronation is still up in the air. Prince Louis might not attend the May 6 ceremony due to his behavior at past events, a palace source exclusively tells Page Six.

The insider adds, “He’s only 4, after all.”

However, the little one’s older sister, Princess Charlotte, will be in attendance, the palace source says. As for Prince George, the 9-year-old was named in the official invitation as one of the monarch’s page boys.

An official Kensington Palace spokesperson tells us, “The Prince and Princess of Wales will make a decision on Prince Louis’ attendance closer to the time.”

Louis isn’t the only royal family member whose presence at next month’s event is still uncertain. While a spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle confirmed last month that the California-based couple have been invited, they have yet to publicly accept or decline the offer.

[From Page Six]

What’s changed in three weeks, I wonder? If anything, seeing Camilla trot around and make the coronation all about her victory lap should make William spit with rage and demand that all of his kids be front and center. My guess is that the kids have been out of school on their Easter break, and William and Kate have been trying to prepare Louis for the event and Louis will not be tamed, trained or pacified. The last thing anyone wants is Louis running up to Charles and covering the king’s mouth in the middle of the coronation.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid, Instar.

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139 Responses to “Prince Louis might not go to his grandfather’s coronation after all”

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  1. FhMom says:

    I would leave him home. I don’t care what excuse they use, He is a squirmy little boy.

    • Cara says:

      Camilla has decided he won’t be there.

      • PrincessOfWaffles says:

        Camilla & charles will have NO misbehaving kids on their big day. But I think Kkkhate is the one most nervous about it because she cannot have another embarrassing moment with louis and all of us focusing on how she actually is a zero expert at early childhood and at shaping us.

    • Kingston says:

      First of all, that child is practically 5 years old. I just looked it up and he was born April 23, 2018, just a few days under a month before H&M’s wedding. So……..he’s a big 5-year-old pickney……shuld be beyond the tantrum-throwing behavior.

      The queen’s jubbly was June 2022. So Louis is all of 10 months older then he was at the jubbly. Are they telling us that his behavior has not improved???? Are they therefore telling us something about this child that theyre not saying out loud?

      Neither george nor charlotte had this problem at this age.

      • Lauren says:

        I feel for Louis, already being set up to be the bad,misbehaving, rebel child, a la Harry. Can’t be George, he’s the future future king, and can’t be Charlotte, the lovely princess.

      • SophieJara says:

        As the mother of a boy with almost the same birthday, some kids are unruly. I’m not making excuses for Will or Kate, but we work VERY hard with mine, he has therapists to help him, and he is not progressing in an average way or like his older brother did. Not all kids develop at the same rate.

      • Sue E Generis says:

        My theory: All children are different. Most children can self-regulate eventually, but some need firmer, more thorough and ongoing intervention to get it. Louis is one of those children.

        I don’t think Kate actually spends a lot of time raising her children. They are not as fussed over as people believe. I mean, of course they go to the best schools, wear good clothes, get fed, medical care etc., but I think that’s the extent of it. So I don’t think Louis is receiving the training he needs to control himself in public and I don’t think he will ‘grow out of it’ on his own.

      • Tacky says:

        Have you ever met a five year old? Expecting Louis to sit quietly through a long, boring ceremony is a bit much.

      • Slush says:

        @Tacky – I’m with you. If someone has a 5 year old that stays perfectly calm and follows all directions during a long, boring event, that’s fantastic! But from my experience, it is not my expectation that a 4-5 year old is capable of that.

      • SMS says:

        I don’t think it’s appropriate to speculate about children. They might be in the public eye but not by their own choice and should be allowed to grow up without public judgement. Kids differ, some are clingy, some are rebellious and some are shy, it doesn’t mean they’ll be like that forever. It’s also not appropriate to shame parents if their kids don’t fit into the expected parameters. They’re dealing with an individual, not a lump of clay.

      • Nic919 says:

        Louis has been exposed to the public far more than George and Charlotte were at the same age. So that’s harder for him too. Up until Harry dated Meghan, the issues of privacy for the kids were something they took seriously. Then when they needed to be more popular, the kids started getting dragged out more.

      • Maddie says:

        Trust me I’m no fan of his parents but I think Louis is too young for this event. Even at 5 years old kids are squirmy and this event will go on for hours. I don’t know why everyone expects different behavior from him then we would for non royal kids his age. Even at 9 George looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders

      • Birdie says:

        Please show me a 5 year old who can sit quietly during a long, boring ceremony without a distraction like crayons or an ipad. It’s completely inappropriate to assume a child of Louis’ age could sit still and not get antsy during the ceremony. Charlotte and George might even struggle a bit, but they’ve sat through these things a few more times. It makes me so mad when people act like Louis is this bad kid just because he acted developmentally appropriate (bored and fidgety) during a long concert last year. Frankly I wouldn’t have brought him in the first place or I would have a contingency plan to leave if he needed a break. I put that blame on Kate and William.

      • Jais says:

        My niece is 7 and I love her so much. Am currently on vacation with her now 😳. She is not someone that I’d want a world camera on bc she has MELTDOWNS. She is going to therapy but it can be rough. Idk, kids are different. Some kids are are one way and some are another. Over stimulation is a real thing. Imagine being in a coach as a young kid with people screaming and cheering around you.

      • Mel says:

        All 5yr olds aren’t created equally. I can see a kid that age getting bored really fast and getting fidgety. There’s nothing wrong with him he’s 5. I say leave him home instead of trying to force him to attend and participate when he’s not ready to do things like this yet.

    • Maeve says:

      I wouldn’t take a child that young if I could avoid it – it’s a LONG service, even before you include getting ready and travel time,. The Abbey will probably be really hot because of all the lights, it’ll be noisy (there’s a fair bit of shouting, fanfare, loud music) along with lots of solemn silences. If they know he’s a fidget there’s no point putting him through a stressful experience.

      • Lux says:

        Children of all ages need movement, but especially during the 3-6 primary years. They’re not wired to sit for long services, in class after class, or even in a circle on the floor for a long period of time. As a Montessori teacher, the classroom contains materials that are multi-step, with a lot of built-in movement. If we’re sitting on the line (in a circle), we know if the kids start squirming that it’s time to get up—there’s a whole toolbox of music/movement related activities.

        So regardless of what kind of temperament your child has, it can be torture for them to sit through something long and expect them to be still. I will judge W&K if they put Louis through that without providing him with opportunities to walk, play or take a break. My son is 4 and fairly well-behaved, but I know for a fact that he would squirm and wail, “it’s taking so looong!” the moment he can’t stand it anymore.

    • HeyJude says:

      Yes and he has a lot of “littlest sibling after multiple elder siblings” energy from what we’ve seen. Which isn’t an insult those children are often so animated and free but certainly wildcards at times.

      I should know, I’m that same one. Youngest of 4. Rebellion and hellfire runs through my veins from childhood still at age 35.

    • Becks1 says:

      I would leave him home as well. He’ll be 5 by that point, but it still seems like a long boring ceremony and expecting him to sit quietly for the entire thing may be a bit much. they can have one of the nannies watch him at BP and maybe he can make a carriage appearance or a balcony appearance or something, but I don’t think he needs to be at the ceremony.

    • Harper says:

      Why even consider bringing Louis? It’s going to be hours long with all sorts of hymns and choral pieces (most of which we have never heard before as Charles commissioned a ton of new pieces, so I’m sorry, hearing unfamiliar music is always a big snore) and it is not an event for children. Are other aristo children invited other than those being used for optics as pages? No.

      I don’t think Charlotte should have to endure this ceremony. But if Charlotte doesn’t come, then Kate and Will don’t have their buffer. Charlotte and Louis should stay back and watch it on tv with their cousins and Nanny Maria and have lunch and cakes (better than Lambrook cakes). Then later, they can come out on the balcony and wave. That will be a good enough memory of Grandpa’s Chubbly and age appropriate.

      • Tessa says:

        Charlotte should go. She did well at other recent events. She is going 8 years old .

    • Claire says:

      The shaming of preschoolers for being unruly or squirmy is wild. I’m probably in the minority that didn’t think it was inappropriate for Louis to attend the events that he did during the Jubbly, but after the criticism that they got, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t want to subject Louis and themselves to that again. I’m also very confused at people that say that Louis behavior is evidence that Kate is not an expert on early childhood or does a bad job parenting. Agreed that she’s not an expert on early childhood, but any expert would tell you children who need to squirm about more or act out are not usually a reflection of parenting. Any parent of a child with ADHD (which tbh I would not be surprised if that ran in the Spencer family) could tell you that many of those behaviors can and often will continue far beyond the age of 4 (and he was barely 4 at the jubilee when his infamous antics occurred). Criticize Kate and William as people but don’t bring their preschoolers behavior into it ffs. If anything these kind of comments highlight how ignorant so many are over child development, and for that matter, even neurodiversity.

      • Tessa says:

        I don’t see why it would only come only from the Spencer family. A d h d happens to children from various backgrounds.

      • Bee says:

        I don’t blame Kate for how Louis acted at the concert or whatever it was in the above photos. I blame her for not getting up and taking him to a more private location to take a break when it happened. She could have had Nanny Maria waiting in the wings for just such an occasion.

        His behavior reflects poorly on Wiliam, because where did he learn to cover someone’s mouth like that? Probably from seeing his father do it to his mother.

      • Jais says:

        Some children get overstimulated easily. I don’t want to diagnose him with ADHD bc I don’t know him. But the thing is, if you know your kid, you know what sets them off. Louis attending was fine. But at some point, it was time for him to go. He needed less commotion in his face, including his mom not being in his face. It’s a hard balance for sure.

      • Maddie says:

        I agree Claire, I thought a lot of the commentary regarding Louis last year was unfair. He’s a child. Even I would have had problems sitting still for all those events! And it’s not fair to blame his parents despite how awful they are

      • K-law says:

        Completely agree with this, aside from speculating whether he has ADHD or not.

        I have 2 boys, 5 and 7, and my sister has 2 boys, 6 and almost 4. It’s just not natural for little boys to sit still for an hour at a time. Some boys do better than others, but even the same child can vary in being able to sit for a church service or a plane ride one day to the next.

        We recently were at a funeral
        For my grandma with all 4 boys and were surprised at how well the boys did. However, it was an environment that was family oriented/all welcome. An event like the coronation is very different.

        I volunteer in my son’s kindergarten class and I feel for the kids – boys especially- who are made to sit and “learn”, and are made to feel like a problem when they can’t sustain it. Those kids need to move, play, and explore.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Charles went to his mother’s coronation when he was four. He sat in the front row of one of the high side balconies, so that he could be whisked away should he get overwhelmed. This is what they need to do with Louis. Park him someplace where he can have “attended” but away from the direct cameras. Five is old enough to remember the event. He should be there.

    • HennyO says:

      I’m of no doubt that the child is exhibiting (copy) seen behaviour in his home. And on top of that, most likely has behaviour or personality issues, the parents need to address.

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    Louis running up and covering Charles’ mouth in the middle of the coronation? I would totally watch that! Otherwise, no.

    • Taytanish says:

      LOL, I envision Louis breaking free from KKHate’s grip, bolting out in a run and the courtiers right on his tail. One courtier dives and falls flat trying to catch the kid, Louis jumps and runs on, all the while laughing like “catch me if you can”, and then he gets to the king who is at this time bewildered and cowering from Louis at the same time. Then Louis gets to the king and his Cow-milla, sneers and puts hands on and covers BOTH their despicable mouths and says, hold your peace for the rest of your days…..LOL.

    • notasugarhere says:

      It would be difficult to conceal all the nannies too. We always get PR stories that Kate is managing the kids, but then the nannies are spotted wrangling the kids at the events. Or soothing the kids after Kate is photographed pulling her wicked witch faces at them and shoving her fingers in their faces.

      • Nic919 says:

        That’s the real issue here. I’m sure Louis listens to Nanny Maria quite well, but they need to pretend she doesn’t exist during the coronation ceremony and it would be hard to hide her in church.

    • Nic919 says:

      Louis actually sat on Charles’s lap for a bit during the jubilee event without any issue. While i agree it would be funny if he tried something, I think the reality is that he mostly doesn’t listen to Kate. He was ok with Charles and William during that same event.

      • Tessa says:

        Wiliam did absolutely nothing to help Kate he just encouraged Louis to sit on granddads lap. Will deserves no credit. Kate and will should have left him home if he was overtired

    • HeyJude says:

      Louis is the only UK based royal I find at all appealing or relatable. He’s already defying the system, I like the lad.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @brassyrebel, Yes, yes yes, run up the aisle, jump on his grandads lap and put his hand over his mouth saying “listen grandad, why are you dressed all funny and George is dressed funny to! And you have a funny hat on your head, did you and gan gan go to B king, did you have a happy meal, cos you look really fed up! And why is that old man wearing a funny dress? Do you want to play hide and seek with me? cos at the moment uncle Harry and aunt meghan are winning, I can’t see them anywhere 🤣🤣🤣, oh and is it still easter, because all those people were trying to give you eggs, but you didn’t catch them 🤭

      • Peachy says:

        Y’all are hilarious! I can totally see these scenarios in my head!

        “Uncle Harry and Aunt Meghan are winning” 😂😂😂😂😂

    • Gelya says:

      OMG Yes. Best coronation in history.If I had to set though a long boring coronation I would be acting like a four year old.
      I enjoy his antics. I think he is a breath of fresh air. I am surprised the UK is running with this story. He is just getting out of his toddler years. I really don’t think Charles coronation will have a toddler crowd.
      I am not a fan of William and Kate but I seriously doubt they are using their kids.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    If he doesn’t go then he’s the luckiest member of the family.

    • Seraphina says:

      Agreed lol. And was thinking, he’s probably like- good that behavior I displayed got me what I wanted.

  4. Seaflower says:

    >>The last thing anyone wants is Louis running up to Charles and covering the king’s mouth in the middle of the coronation. <<

    I don't know, I think that would be rather fun.

  5. Talie says:

    My suspicion was that Louis entered the conversation because maybe H&M indicated they would bring Archie. That’s still toddler age so it’s tough, but it would also be invite chatter if one sat perfectly still the whole time and the other did not.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I feel safe in saying that whatever H&M do, they will not bring Archie to the service.

      • lanne says:

        Can you imagine how that little boy would be talked about if he even made the tiniest of movements? If he behaved like Louis, the cruelty that child would experience from the media would be breathtaking. I hope those kids don’t set foot in the Uk until they are adults.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. If there is one thing I am sure of, it’s that Harry and Meghan want no part of their kids at this service. They won’t have forgotten the scathing looks aimed their way during the Jubbly service, and they won’t want either of their kids subjected to that.

    • WHAT says:

      This is it. If Archie can behave himself and Louis can’t. Kate early Year’s 😊 guru will never be able to live that down. He’ll be there just will be in a position to get sent to the🔙 to go to the nanny when the 📸 is not on them so he won’t act up

    • Tessa says:

      I doubt the sussexes would expect Archie to sit through the coronation.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Even if they thought he would behave, they would not bring him. It’s a public event over which the Sussexes have zero control and with cameras everywhere. They do not want a gazillion photos of Archie splashed all over the internet for the entire world to study. It’s a security issue. I would be shocked 😲 if they brought either of their kids for this reason alone.

    • Anance says:

      I think so, too. Louis not attending because he is too young, means neither Archie nor Lilli can be present as they are younger. This reminds me of Kate’s tiara story – if Kate doesn’t wear a tiara then neither can Meghan.

      How petty these people are! Just own it and say – yeah, we are petty. Instead, they hide their pettiness by withholding things from others. Unfortunately, Kate puts up with so much that the family expects her to just take it.

  6. PC says:

    Louis will be the lucky one if he doesn’t have to attend.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    They don’t want a repeat of Louis’ behavior at the Jubbly, especially Camiila. Frankly I don’t think Camilla likes any of the Wales kids. At the queen’s funeral Charlotte was crying and Cam supposedly told Kate to “get her”. Charlotte doesn’t have a role. You don’t about my child as if she’s a pet straining her leash. She wants her kin highlighted at the Chubbly.

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla is in no position to dictate what those children do.

    • Leslie says:

      Is Camilla made of ice? For heaven’s sake, it’s perfectly normal for anyone, child or adult, to shed some tears at a beloved relative’s funeral. I don’t care if you’re “royal” and expected to behave differently – children have real emotions and to expect them to conceal them at all times is completely unrealistic. If that were my child, I would have comforted her and given her a cuddle.

      I don’t like Will and Kate, but I do feel very sorry for their children growing up in such an environment.

  8. Roseberry says:

    Louis’ birthday is in April, he’ll be 5 at the con-a-nation, not a toddler!

    • Harper says:

      Do the Early Years end at the 5th birthday or the 6th? Just wondering if Kate’s already decided that Prince Louis the Uncontrollable is a lost cause.

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes they always make him a year younger than he actually is. He’s turning 5 in April and that is kindergarten age for most kids. Also families who attend church regularly bring their 5 year olds with them without issue. Granted the coronation might be boring for him, but he’s not a toddler and wasn’t last year during the jubilee event either. Mike Tindall even knew was was going on and said he was on a sugar high.

      The real problem is early years expert isn’t the parental expert she claims to be.

      • Tessa says:

        Tindall had no clue he likes gossiping to the media. Not his business

      • Nic919 says:

        Tindall was sitting directly behind them when this was going on. In most cases he speaks out of turn, but he was able to directly observe what was going on.

      • Tessa says:

        Venturing an opinion is one thing tindall is not living in the Wales home so I don’t think he necessarily knew the facts.

      • AmelieOriginal says:

        Hahaha you weren’t around for me and my sister then at church. I HATED church as a kid and was always acting out, long past my toddler years. My parents would sometimes have to separate me and my sister because we were bored out of our skulls and it was only 45 minutes. Sometime around late elementary school I settled down but I hated it up until college when my parents finally realized I was an adult and they couldn’t force me to go anymore. I didn’t have ADHD by the way. I also side eye anyone who tells me their young kids are perfect angels in church all the time. Most families I see give their young kids coloring books or an Ipad in church, no young kid is sitting there like some perfect child with nothing to do for an hour (sometimes more depending on the denomination).

      • Leslie says:

        My son started Kindergarten when he was four (his birthday is in November so he turned five two months after starting school). It was a full school day (some schools offer half-day-only Kindergarten) so to counteract boredom and redistribute some energy, the children were given lots of opportunities to get up, move around, play, interact with other kids, dance, have snacks…They were not sitting still at their desks for six hours, bored to tears and fidgeting like crazy. I really feel that Louis is too young to attend the Coronation in person, simply because of the length of the service and the content – prayers, hymns, long dialogues by the clergy. He should stay home with the nannies and if he wants to, he can watch Grandpa on TV.

  9. amyb says:

    Charles was 4 when his mother was coronated and he sat with his grandmother and aunt. I don’t think children 4 and under should have a role but as all of those kids have already participated in many wedding snd they have shown that they can behaved at events. Except for Louis.

    • ChattyCath says:

      The word is ‘crowned’ not ‘coronated’ lol

    • Peachy says:

      I think Louis acts like a perfectly normal young child forced to sit through boring (to him) events focused entirely on adults. I had one that was fine and one that wasn’t. I learned to let the one who wasn’t decide if he wanted to go, which improved things immensely. And guess what? The one who wasn’t able to be still and quiet was later diagnosed with ADHD and as neuro divergent (high functioning autism)…just like his mother.

      All children are different. Sometimes there’s a medical reason they’re unable to sit for long periods and focus. It’s not always if they’re “behaved” or not but what they’re capable of doing.

  10. aimee says:

    ehh, i think this makes sense. this sounds like a normal parent thing to do…not include a 4 year old in a boring long coronation where they have to sit still…and 4 yo don’t sit still.

    • Kingston says:

      Except that Louis is 5, not 4.

      • aimee says:

        he’s currently 4. but lol ok, by the time he’s at the coronation he’ll be 5 years old. i forgot, the min the clock strikes midnight on his 5th birthday, he’ll gain all the knowledge to sit still, behave and not run around like a 4 year old would do at a coronation…

      • Kingston says:

        Er…..that reminder was specifically for folks like you who like to understate louis’ age to compensate for his………behavior.
        And pretend ‘oh he’s just a toddler, they have tantrums.’ lmao We see you.

        Because I promise you, if Archie was ever seen to have exhibited even a smidgen of the behavior louis showed at the jubbly, the britshidtmedia and their acolytes on SM would still be talking and writing and podcasting and teevee talk-showing about it to this day!

        And PS:
        The minute the clock hit 12:01 a.m. on the dawn of his 4th birthday, he entered his 5th year.

        THAT’s how it works.

    • Kelly Sunshine says:

      Agreed. He seems to be a high energy little boy. Him turning 5 just three weeks prior to the coronation doesn’t magically turn him in to a child that would be able to sit through something like that. I was the type of child who could do something like sitting quietly during a long service, but my niece is turning 9 soon, and I wouldn’t trust her to sit through anything longer than 15 minutes without becoming fidgety and asking when it’ll be over. All kids are different.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    He’s not ready to sit in an hour long and boring religious ceremony.

  12. Z says:

    On the one hand, he’s a little boy who might not be able to sit through an even like that….on the other, leaving him at home might be cruel and feel like an exclusion. Kids can naughty but they are incredibly perceptive at the same time.

  13. Lizzie says:

    Do these people have to update everyone with every whisper of a thought they have. It doesn’t matter if Louis attends the coronation or not. Surprise everyone that day. If he doesn’t attend, then leave his chair empty or invite an older person from the crowd.

  14. Pumpkin (Was Sofia) says:

    There’s almost a year’s difference between the coronation and the jubilee so I don’t know. Maybe he’s gotten better at sitting still for an hour or so.

    I think the approach of “we’ll decide closer to the time” is the right one. He’s still young despite not being a toddler anymore. And kids go through mood changes. He could be personally fine with it the night before and then get annoyed the day of and refuse to go.

  15. Ace says:

    I do think it makes sense for Louis not to be there because he’s too young. But then, I also think that if the Wails were sure they could manage to keep him sitting down and quiet the whole ceremony they would bring him. It’s too much of a risk and they don’t want to be embarrassed in public again if he gets antsy and behaves like a kid during the Chubbly.

    • aimee says:

      I feel like parents shouldn’t be embarrassed if their kids have a tantrum in public. But I feel like I’m alone in this. Kids are kids, and it doesn’t make someone a bad parent if they have a melt down in public. I, for one, thought it was nice to see Kate trying to calm down Louis at a function. made her seem human for once to deal with what a lot of moms have to deal with. Wrangling your kids through events they might not want to be at.

  16. garrity says:

    I would not put it past them to administer a mild sedative to a perfectly normally-rambunctious preschool-aged child just to get him in there with the appropriate ‘decorum’ to ‘prove’ that the Waleses are good parents and that their approaches are ‘working.’

    (After all, the Queen Mum was sedated with pink gin for a lot of her adult life, so . . . .)

    • BQM says:

      Maybe he has seasonal allergies and will ‘need’ some Benadryl. I had a pediatrician tell me to use it on a long plane flight.

      • Jaded says:

        Children’s gravol works really well too, Mr. Jaded’s daughter used it on her daughter when she was little, she was pretty high strung and needed some calming down to get through flights, weddings and so forth.

    • SAS says:

      I dont know about that but I definitely think it’s being used as a stick at home “you won’t get to come to Pa’s ceremony if you behave like that”. And then sure enough they all get ready around him and then leave him at home on the day (as they have for every event since the Jubbly) – and they might say “oh it’s not for 5 year olds” but he’ll remember.

    • Rnot says:

      Using Benadryl to control children’s behavior is a common form of child abuse. Bendryl is no longer a first-line treatment for allergies due to newly recognized safety risks.

  17. JCallas says:

    Palace insiders leaked that Archie wasn’t invited because he was too young. I wonder if Louis is being kept away so it won’t look like the bi racial Prince is being singled out.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Since when have the Wales’ ever thought about equity? They don’t mind one bit singling out the Sussex kids, if that were the case. This has nothing to do with Archie and everything to do with Louis.

    • Becks1 says:

      I feel like if anything that would give the Waleses more incentive to bring Louis.

  18. rawiya says:

    Let the child attend the thing. If the Swedish royals can have then-toddler Leonore rolling around on the ground, lifting up her dress, crossing the church aisle to be with her grandparents (the KING and QUEEN) and generally being a two-year old stuck in a church service, the DoLittles can do it.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      That is hilarious–I had no idea. I made a similar scene at two years old during my little sister’s baptism. My parents were mortified, but everyone else in church cracked up.

    • notasugarhere says:

      She had just turned four. That was during a family christening, though, not a big international event like the Struggly. The Swedes play pop songs at their weddings; a child running around in a church isn’t an issue.

  19. Linder says:

    I think Louis is hilarious. They don’t call it the “fucking fours” for no reason.

    • Andie says:

      This is really it. Personally, I don’t care for all the pathologizing of his behaviour… he’s a four year old, and sometimes they do act that way, badly, no matter who their mother is or how many cameras are on them.

      If Meaghan can (and I hope she is) keeping her kids at home to protect them from public scrutiny, can’t Kate do the same? People said some awful things about Louis following the coronation. To me it sounds like a damned if they do bring him and damned if they don’t situation.

      • aimee says:

        agreed. he’s a kid. he will throw tantrums bc they barely know how to voice their emotions let alone control them at 4-5 years old. In the real world, parents have to make split decisions all the time about what to do for functions with their rambunctious kids.

  20. AA says:

    I love that pic of Princess Anne looking at him. I know it’s just a snapshot but I imagine her being like, give me a weekend with this one. I’ll get him straightened out. (Louis) Louis does seem like a little terror. I know there are varying opinions on his “hand on Kate’s mouth” and the thumbing his nose at her thing but I personally thought it was appalling. Obviously that wasn’t the first time.

  21. Over it says:

    What are these people so worried about. Louis is the entertainment that keeps rejecting them . Who needs celebrities when you could have the Louis one man show . I say let him come . give him front row seat and let the boy enjoy his childhood and all that comes with it . Wiglet ripping . Button popping . Crown grabbing. Crown Jewels kicking . Just let Louis be . Just free to horsey around all he wants. I stand with Louis . Children will be children.

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    I was raised Catholic so we were taken to church services — weddings, funerals, etc. — from toddlerhood. Our parents expected us to behave, and we adored and respected our parents, so we did (our Dad often was the one who made us laugh during church … my Mom would jokingly threaten to take him outside LOL).

    That said, I’m #Team Louis. He has more personality than his parents, that’s for sure.

    • Nic919 says:

      Same and by age five we knew not to act up in church. If we tried it there was hell to pay once we got into the car. So we usually didn’t. Kids know when they can push boundaries especially by age five.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Pretty much same, but my parents also let us read books (they had to be church-related, so lots of bible stories) and that helped a lot,

    • aimee says:

      agreed. Louis can continue to be him. unfortunately, not every kid can be the model child. some kids have different temperaments. look at harry when he was a kid.

  23. Lili says:

    I think he should be there regardless of his behaviour, what ever he does will make it memorable, right now whart most people remember about the jubbly is Louis with his hand over his ears or covering his mums mouth.

  24. notasugarhere says:

    I completely forgot about Peter’s Pandemic Lock-Down-Breaking Side Piece, pictured in the red dress behind Charles and Louis. Is she divorced yet?

  25. Feebee says:

    If they’re worried he can’t sit still for the hour, by all means leave him at home. Or have him in some other room with a nanny and a few episodes of Paw Patrol. I’m sure he won’t be too worried. Even at five I’d be if not giving him the choice outright then explaining it. He’ll know if he wants to behave or not. He just needs to know being left out isn’t a punishment for being who he is. All kids are different. Birth order can be a factor in many families but this one times that by a million. So anyway I hope their decision is based on what’s best for Louis and not just optics for themselves.

  26. Tessa says:

    And no self righteous indignation from bill about peter and his date.

  27. HeyKay says:

    Ah C’mon, he’s a little kid. Let him stay home.
    I was dragged along to church, weddings, funerals that lasted for hours.
    Bored does not cover it. I knew the most I could get away with was some wiggling around.
    Just sit there, staring off into space, start to wonder How do they clean these big ceilings or those big windows? Trying to remember what tv show I was missing, etc.

    Let all the kids stay home.
    And Mike Tindall can stay out of it! Jackass, giving Louis the “I got my eye on you” sign. Big man Mike, he was a 4 year old, no threats.
    I remember Wills had said to Charles “Pa, may Louis sit on your lap a bit?” and C answered “Of course” that was posted someplace, including video and closed captions.

    Let all the under 14 y/o stay home, take family pictures quickly on the balcony, later.

  28. ohhey says:

    I cannot believe I’m saying this, but here we go- I feel sorry for Kate at these events. She has three children that she alone has to wrangle at events that must overwhelm the kids. She knows her parenting is going to be scrutinized. She can’t have help because using a nanny would be poor optics. The two people who could help her are her husband and mother, who won’t because they are busy trying out all the facial expressions and gestures they practice every morning in the bathroom mirror. I’m a single mom to three kids, and busy, crowded situations are stressful. What the heck do they do when one of the kids has to use the bathroom?

    Also, the covering of his moms mouth and blowing a raspberry in her face couldn’t be an isolated event. I remember one of my kids covering my mouth and we had a serious talk about why that is disrespectful, and it never happened again. I think it never happened again because i save my serious tones for things that are truly disrespectful. I think that those kids live in a bubble that is void of lightheartedness. I also think that Louis is going to be that families scapegoat, and that Louis is mirroring how his father treats his mother.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Kate doesn’t wrangle the children. Her PR lies and says she’s handling them alone at X event, then we find video and pics of the nannies actually wrangling the children. During the weird public spectacle of Charlotte’s christening? George ran away from his parents and ran crying to the nanny. Kate’s not wrangling these children, nor are either W&K spending time raising them.

    • lanne says:

      They are setting him up to be the Harry of his generation. The generational trauma continues when it could be stopped right now. But at least the royal children have the example of Harry and Meghan–they will learn that what they are likely being told differs from the truth soon enough.

    • C says:

      There have only really been a handful of these events over the past decade where the children all came and were expected to behave for a long time. The Jubilee incident was rare. Most of the time the children stay home. When they don’t, the nannies are very much there, just not in sight (I assume that’s how most wealthy families in the public eye do things anyway).

      I wouldn’t read into his behavior too much personally. He did that but then was clinging to her half the time, so it just looked like a normal overexerted and frustrated four-year-old.

  29. Noor says:

    To exclude Archie, the royals need to exclude Louis

  30. Tursitops says:

    They are not doing anyone favours by comparing him to his siblings. You have to raise the kids that you have, and appreciate that they are all different one from another.

    That being noted, his disrespectful behaviour towards his mother last summer was not a positive sign of his development. They should be working to socialize him appropriately, and to address his behavioural needs.

  31. Lightpurple says:

    I do believe there must be a room at Buckingham Palace that they could set up for a child’s birthday party, with nannies, and send all the little ones: Louis, Zara’s kids, Beatrice and Eugenia’s kids, Lilibet to celebrate Archie’s birthday while the parents are at the coronation. Unless Charlotte has an actual role to play, she should be allowed to choose whether she attends the birthday party or the coronation

    • lanne says:

      If they were a normal family, yes. But god knows what those kids have heard their parents say about Meghan and Harry. I know some people lament that we aren’t getting images of cousins playing together, but we can’t assume that the children haven’t overheard, or been directly told, awful things by their parents that they could repeat in front of Archie and Lili. How many of us would want our children in a room with the children of people who taught their kids to hate?

      • Beverley says:

        Agreed, Ianne. When I was a child – in 1st grade – my white classmates said the most brutal, racist things to me. At that time, the white teachers smirked and didn’t intervene.

        As a 1st grader, my daughter was called terrible names by her classmates. Her teachers smirked and squirmed during our parent-teacher meetings regarding this, but nothing ever changed. The children continued to racially abuse my kid.

        Racism is taught by example and largely tolerated by much of society. It’s no stretch to believe that the RF who see themselves as better than everyone else would have no problem with their youngsters making ugly comments to their mixed-race cousins.

  32. Peachy says:

    I saw The Prince cartoon on HBO Max and now I cannot unsee how they portray Prince Louis! They gave him a scruffy 40-yr old man Cockney accent, and his character is basically like a little hitman/fixer for the Queen! That’s all I see on this kid now and it makes me chuckle every time

  33. Visa Diva says:

    I think he’s fine not being there. Four hours is a lot for anyone, let alone.a five year old to sit. In my family when we have funerals, we have babysitters for the little ones who take care of the kids during the service, and that’s for 60 minute services

  34. February Pisces says:

    It’s a shame if louis doesn’t go, I was counting on him to sabotage the whole thing. 😂

  35. Pat Gaddess says:

    I feel so sorry for Louis I think he is a rambunctious little boy who gets a lot of mixed signals Harry said in Spare that Queen called the Sussex children darling children Archie did great sweeping bows and Lili hung around her knees Harry and Meghan has prepared them If you see their videos they spend lots of time with them Archie uses a kettle and sticks to play the drums and has a toy piano to play Twinkle Twinkle He and Harry Beat Box You never see the other kids with that attention I am almost sure Archie would be fine Meghan and Harry would bring him a couple of books and he would sit quietly

    • aimee says:

      there’s no way you’d know that. unless we saw Archie sit through a long event that he finds boring on national tv as well. those are situations where he’s having fun with his family in their private home. it’s also not a bad thing for Louis to be different and not handle an event well bc he’s a child. kids are all different and it’s not a reflection of how good or bad they are.

      • Beverley says:

        No, it shouldn’t be a reflection of how good or “bad” they are. But we all know how Prince Archie would be vilified if he ever behaved like Louis did. It would neither child’s fault but Archie would be criticized mercilessly for YEARS.

  36. Sunny O says:

    I refuse to watch the coronation unless Prince Louis is in attendance, with at least one camera completely devoted to him.

  37. AmelieOriginal says:

    This is kind of like saying water is wet and a big fat duh. A coronation isn’t a place for a 5 year old. Some 5 year olds can sit through long boring ceremonies but most can’t. I could barely sit through a 45 minute church service without getting reprimanded by one of my parents (no, I didn’t have ADHD, I just really hated church and found it boring and I still do to this day as a 30+ year old lol). I was a camp counselor for the 5-6 year age group and I remember perfectly well how quickly kids can start whining. It’s too hot, they don’t want to do the activity, they get sunscreen accidentally in their eye, the list is endless. I loved them (much better than the awful middle school girls who were so incredibly rude, they were the worst) so much but they could act out.

    I don’t care if you have the most angelic 5 year old in the world, they all have the potential to lose it and act out. Most 5 year olds don’t find classical music entrancing or long speeches by people they can’t see interesting, that is literally what the coronation will be like for Louis. I’m already falling asleep at the idea of 5 year old me being forced to sit through a coronation. Will and Kate should leave him at home, not sure why this is up for debate!

  38. Rackel says:

    Because he is tall he gets a bad rap. Kate is annoying. She probably earned that jubbly hand over mouth. Lol. I also think someone geared him up to do that to replace harry. It’s sad. Let Louis do his own thing. I say invite him but give him an older cousin or a nanny to shake him.

  39. Scarlet Pimpernel says:

    Louis needs major spanking to tame him. I suspect no one bothers to do it. They just take turns passing him around when he gets unbearable. What a shitty way to bring up a kid.

    Unless he’s got some mental incapacity, I which case Kate is probably kicking herself for insisting on one more kid who was going to ruin their perfect family image. Lmfaoo

    • aimee says:

      wow..what a mean thing to say about a 4-5 yo to say they have “mental incapacity” for having tantrums in public.

    • Jaded says:

      So you’re recommending physical abuse to correct a 4-5 year old’s behaviour? Are you some kind of sicko??? Hitting a little kid is a shitty way to bring up a child and no, he doesn’t have some kind of mental incapacity. He’s a typical, albeit spoiled, little boy. I really hope you don’t have kids because this kind of thinking is just horrible.

    • aftershocks says:

      Not a spanking, no! I just think Louis probably needs more individual attention and quality time spent one-on-one with each of his parents, which he likely doesn’t get.

  40. 411 from down under says:

    Why can’t he go for the march and sit for a bit to be in attendance for the historic event, but have some nannies there and when he starts acting up, have him go to the kids room to play etc. All churches have them for the young ones…

  41. Mary S says:

    Louis doing his thing at the Struggly would actually make me happy. Please let him come. 😂😂😂😊😊😊🤣🤣😜😜🤪🤪

  42. Anne Keane says:

    I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other, but I do know I wouldn’t have put my hand over my mother’s mouth like that and I wouldn’t have been too pleased if my daughter has tried it with me.

  43. Peanut Butter says:

    Lucky Louis, he gets to dodge a big, boring, £100million bullet

  44. WhatKateHerselfSaidOnPageSix says:

    Louis is Kate’s twin. If Kate got a bowl cut , he would be her mini me

  45. Inaftershocks says:

    ^^ What do you mean, “look at Harry when he was a kid.” Harry was not badly behaved as a child. He was actually very sweet and charming from what I witnessed. If you are thinking of the couple of occasions we saw young 4 to 5 years old Harry cheekily sticking out his tongue, that was directed toward photographers mostly. Harry was never impudent toward his mother. He was always pictured enjoying cuddling with her. And the sticking out of the tongue by children, is typically learned behavior from their siblings and other children their age.

    Honestly, at age 4, Wills was the one who fidgeted and acted naughty at Fergie/ Andrew’s royal wedding. Wills was wearing a white sailor suit, and he acted out restlessly with his cousin, Zara. Harry was too young to attend. I also recall Diana referencing young Will as ‘The Basher,’ and as “Willy Wombat.”

    Yes, all children have different personalities, and are generally restless and antsy when forced to sit for long periods at adult events. But the learned naughty behavior Louis directed toward his mother at the Jubbly seems indicative of not only restless energy, but defiance. It doesn’t seem that Kate understood Louis’ needs, much less having had strategies thought out in advance, when he needed to be allowed a break from sitting so long.

    There’s also such a thing as teaching young children manners. When John Kennedy, Jr. was just 3 years old, he solemnly stepped forward and saluted to his father’s passing funeral cortege. He had clearly been taught to do this by his grieving mother. But he had also long since been taught polite manners.

  46. aftershocks says:

    My above comment was addressing what Aimee said in the #22 section. I’m not sure why it posted this far down.