“Two Tennessee lawmakers were expelled from the state House” links

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GOP lawmakers in Tennessee expelled two Black Democrats, Rep. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson, from the state House over their gun-control protests. [Jezebel]
I can’t watch Jeremy Renner’s interview because those kinds of body-horror stories make me feel ill, but this guy has been through it. [Just Jared]
Taylor Swift’s merch fades in the wash cycle. [Dlisted]
Will the Kardashian-Jenners show up en masse at Coachella to support Kendall Jenner’s boyfriend Bad Bunny? [LaineyGossip]
What do you think Ted Lasso is going to do with that video? I have some ideas and they involve Trent Crimm’s press connections. [Pajiba]
Honestly, Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker just makes me miss Heath Ledger. [Go Fug Yourself]
I really, really want Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s MiuMiu pants. [RCFA]
The backstory on Elvis & Priscilla Presley. [Starcasm]
Molly Sims is in Cabo, nice. [Egotastic]
A lot of people are married to people they really don’t know! [Buzzfeed]
The Resident is officially canceled. [Seriously OMG]
Ron DeSantis and the war against Mrs. Doubtfire. [Towleroad]

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51 Responses to ““Two Tennessee lawmakers were expelled from the state House” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    The spectacle and racist horror going on in Tennessee is not going go on without me swinging. A LOT of us are not going down without a fight. I will do whatever I can to make sure my fellow citizens are not silence. It really does break my heart though.

    Taylor’s fans pay too much money for her merch to be fading after first washes in the laundry.

    Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker just makes me excited for Barry Keoghan’s Joker.

    • Truthiness says:

      No amount of attention is too much for what is going on in Tennessee. Plus the historic voter suppression moves happening while the GOP controls red states.

    • ML says:

      Good news: Justin Jones looks like he’s on his way back soon, due to the support and trust of the good people of Nashville. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/majority-nashville-council-members-say-will-vote-reinstate-expelled-le-rcna78706
      Hopefully Memphis will do the same.
      The Republicans are either outright fascists or quietly condoning the outright fascists at the moment. The good US political news came from Wisconsin and NYC, but the bad news was all over the place. The Supreme Court is a powerful tool in removing US citizens’ rights. Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Idaho, North Carolina, Oklahoma… it’s been a terrible week for democracy. Young voters and people of color are going to face even more hurdles in trying to vote as well. In those circumstances, reading about Nashville fighting for JJ is heartening, but please make sure you are up to date and able to vote in upcoming elections.

  2. liz says:

    I want to see these two young men representing Tennessee in the US Senate. And soon.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      That’s not possible because this makes it very clear that Tennessee,like many red states, particularly in the south, is no longer a functioning democracy. And keeping the white woman while expelling the two Black men is saying the quiet part out loud 🔊.

      • Frippery says:

        I’d be curious to know what their official reasoning is in voting the two men out but not the woman involved. Has she been a politician longer?

      • tamra says:

        She only survived by one vote. They want her out too!

      • Babz says:

        As glad as I am that Gloria Johnson survived the expulsion vote, seeing what came next has me convinced that it was a setup, but not on her part. I think that vile republican majority arranged it so that she would survive the vote – narrowly – but that allowed them to expel the two young black men. They got their vile message across to the world what they were doing, while saving the white lady. It’s unconscionable that they put her through the ordeal, but they don’t care about that.

        The joke’s on them though. She called them out for their racist move, and in the process, they created three new superstars. They are done, and they did it to themselves. These expelled legislators paid a high price on the frontline. But what’s coming at the Tennessee racists – and others like them in other states – is a huge army of Gen Z voters who are pissed off and done with being murdered in their schools. Behind them are adults who are supporters of what they’re doing, and young people who, while too young to vote, are going to be the foot soldiers right out in the streets with their older colleagues, and who are just as terrified of being murdered in school. The youth will save us from ourselves, and I’m committed to doing whatever I can to help. Enough is enough.

      • Bex says:

        We did it in Georgia. It can be done in Tennessee.

  3. B says:

    I’d give the floor to that particular lawmaker any day.

    • Call_Me_AL says:

      : )
      He is pretty cute. And smart. And passionate. And brave. Very brave.
      Thank you, Rep. Pearson.
      A Memphian

  4. Seraphina says:

    It is not only crazy but frightening what is going on in Tenn with this drama. I will say this, both young men are well educated and have quite a resume for activism. If anything, this is sparking more of a fight from those who see the racism from those in power. It makes me sad to see this type of nasty racism in 2023 and it is scary because they now show it out in the open – no shame whatsoever.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Yes, I’m waiting to see what happens. I’m thankful for Biden’s words, but I need to see action. When this happened, I lost my shit. Lost. My. SHIT.

      • Imara219 says:

        Biden is doing what he always does which is provided lip service. I want to see him be really aggressive in this situation. He should be drumming up the base. Not backing down. As a BW and registered dem I’ve been disappointed that the party selected Biden, but I had hope. It’s just really infuriating to see once again Black constituents get shafted.

      • Barb Mill says:

        There is not much Biden can do besides lip service. States all have their own constitution, there own rules. This action only gives sound bites for the media and they are definitely not on the liberals side.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Horrifying, just horrifying. I know it’s not the end of these two, but damn.

      • Seraphina says:

        I have faith that their constituents do the right thing and stand up for their elected officials – their voice also theirs.

    • Grace says:

      Those two young men are inspiring and now have their names on the national political stage. I see bright futures for them coming from this tragedy. I have NO faith that TN legislature will ever do the right thing. They have really shown who they are and now it’s our turn to fight back with money and time.

      Contribute money to these young men’s political careers if you can. I already did and will do it again. They are doing such important work.

      • Blithe says:

        Yes! Thanks to the Tennessee GOP being open and public about who they really are — Justin Jones and Justin Pearson now have national and even international recognition and support.

        I’m not surprised, but I remain hopeful. When one or both of these men end up in prominent national roles, this very public, racist infringement will be a major step in helping them to get there.

    • Lucy says:

      It is scary. I do feel better though, the process now is that there is a special election, which both of them won comfortably in the general. Also, the Nashville rep in particular has the backing of the Nashville city council, who will appoint him to serve in the interim before his re-election. Also, Tennessee legislature rules prohibit them from being expelled for the same offense a second time.

      Silver lining aside, that’s some fascist, racist BS and shows how gerrymandered and suppressed the south is. That’s why Texas is the way it is, North Carolina is about to go down this route too. We have to fight them are the ballot box and get a God damn voting act passed, and end the gerrymandering. Otherwise, we’re lost. And don’t think I’m not pissed dems had control of both houses and couldn’t get one passed before ‘22. I think they were hoping to use it and abortion to motivate ppl to get out and vote.

      • Meghan says:

        While Memphis is reliably blue, my concern is that the special election will get the GOP voters out to ensure Pearson doesn’t get re-elected.

        I, of course, will move mountains to ensure that I can vote for Pearson (again), I just worry that *someone* is going to rile up the GOP here and make sure there is a “red wave” with this. And then! They can’t be expelled a 2nd time for the same offense, but clearly the supermajority doesn’t give AF and I bet they’ve got something else to throw at Pearson and Jones.

        I truly hope I am wrong and that this has sparked something in TN and nationwide. I’d love to see these two vibrant, passionate men have a long and successful political career.

  5. AmyB says:

    The optics of expelling the two Congressional members who are men of color, versus sparing the member who is a white woman says it all without saying a damn word, when they all did the same thing – protest for gun reform to save our children.

    GOP – this is why you keep losing, you don’t represent the interests of the majority of Americans and you will keep seeing that at the ballot box over and over until you CHANGE!

    • equality says:

      None of them should have been expelled by their fellow congressional members. The decision for them to be there was in a fair election by the people they represent. If it had been something they were arrested/indicted for then maybe, but not for disagreeing with the republicans. They even tried to compare it to the invasion of Congress. Here nobody died or was even assaulted. It’s ridiculous. Apparently one of them wasn’t allowed to speak because he wasn’t wearing a tie. The rules go beyond stupid.

    • smorris says:

      it’s also deeply, deeply stupid on the part of the ousters. Those guys will be back in no time. Definitely Streisand effect at work here.

      • kirk says:

        According to Tennesseean: “At least 27 members of Nashville’s 40-seat Metro Council said they plan to reappoint Jones and send him back to the Tennessee House… simple majority needed to reclaim seat.”
        ACLU ready to fight.
        Sheryl Crow declared support for the 3.
        Performance for MAGAts.

  6. Mel says:

    If anyone has info as to where we can send money to fight this, please post ASAP.

  7. Mcali says:

    Wtf so you can’t exert your constitutional right to peacefully protest anymore? GTFOH

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      No, you can’t do that, if you’re not right wing. What you can do is incite and participate in a violent insurrection to overturn a free and fair election, as long as Democrats are the winners. It’s where the Republican party has deliberately positioned itself.

  8. Amy says:

    The dogs turd are on fire and the bell has been rung. Are we seeing this for what it is or are we going to stomp our feet into flaming feces? I hope there are enough decent people in Tennessee to recognize they do not need to be cowed by this shameless anti-American power grab and make the TN GOP pay for it for the rest of it’s miserable existence.

  9. Kathryn says:

    So racist. I fervently hope voters in Tennessee kick the Republicans in the pants for this

  10. Mrs. Smith says:

    It’s so sickening. The TN legislature has been like this for decades and gotten progressively more bigoted, hateful and emboldened since 2015 when you-know-who started campaigning for president. We’ve had a number of horrifying bills pass without any hope of stopping them b/c we’re a red state through and through. Even though what happened was shocking, I’m glad it captured attention on a national level. Maybe THIS will help get more people out to vote. Fun fact — the TN capitol building in Nashville displayed a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest (the founder of the KKK) until 2021 (!!) after years of public outcry for it to be removed.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Tennessee is a red state ONLY because of illegal gerrymandering.

      • Imara219 says:

        NC is another victim of horrible gerrymandering. We have historically always been a straighy up purple state, with strong key areas Democratic. Seeing the changes of my state especially recently with a Dem from Charlotte switching to Republican is just horrifying.

      • Doppelgangers R'Us says:

        I just looked this up.
        Less than 40% of eligible registered voters voted in Tennessee in 2022. The dual purpose behind gerrymandering is to discourage voters as well as put the fix in for the red candidates.
        IF everyone eligible turned out to vote, things could be different.

    • EllenOlenska says:

      I’ve noticed quite a few Hollywood types who lean conservative but won’t dare admit it move to TN. I now side eye any of them who move there…

    • Babz says:

      As to that statue, expelled Representative Justin Jones was instrumental in its removal. In the process, he was arrested 14 times!!! He is an exemplary young man and voice for his constituents.


      • kirk says:

        Thanks for the info.
        Nice to see VP Kamala Harris at Fisk University saying “our babies are going to school where they’re taught to read and write and hide in a closet and be quiet if there’s a mass shooter.”
        Nice to see Republicans focus on banning books and school instruction for kids’ safety instead — not.

      • Mrs. Smith says:

        @Babz — holy cow! I didn’t know Jones was involved with the statue removal or that he’d been arrested for his actions. I read the linked article and noticed one of the two legislators who opposed the bust’s removal was … Lt. Gov. Randy McNally. If you have a moment, enjoy this recent CNN report on McNally’s personal activities:

  11. death by bacon says:

    Thanks for covering this; let’s activate all those we know to vote, get involved and stay informed.

  12. Lightpurple says:

    Tennessee is really showing who they are.

    While the last link is about DeSantis and Mrs Doubtfire, the concerns in that article pertain to Tennessee. Broadway Across America has included Mrs Doubtfire AND Hairspray on the list of shows touring Tennessee next season. Will the government shut down these expensive productions, arresting all involved in the show, if a family attends a Sunday matinee performance?

    These two expelled lawmakers were acting on behalf of their constituents and all the kids in Tennessee who want to be free of the fear of gun violence in their schools.

    These legislative acts show the Tennessee GOP for what it truly is: racist; transphobic; homophobic, misogynistic dolts who value the money they get from the NRA more than the lives of their children. There’s a reason why the fascists of Daily Wire chose to move their operations to Tennessee; they knew it was fertile ground for their attempts to impose their hateful views on others legally and the state’s GOP members are happily taking their bribes and doing their bidding, from the racist gun lovers in the legislature to Senator Hairspray Blackburn herself, who promoted Daily Wire’s “film” What is a Woman? during Justice Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing

  13. phlyfiremama says:

    Time to be in the streets, and taking it to ALL of the halls. This can NOT stand. 😡😡😡

  14. phaedra7 says:

    It’s a DAMN shame that these GOP-ers have done this: Because they care more about ASSAULT WEAPONS than they do HUMAN LIVES! Also, they more than likely WANTED to find a way covertly to expel POC Congresspeople in their state–regardless of the political party–I betcha/IMPHO. #HOWVERYHEINOUS! 🤨😒😫😡

    • Barbie1 says:

      They are so despicable my god. To do this right after another mass shooting that killed children. GOP continue to be racist trash.

  15. Typical Virgo says:

    The only possible good thing about this is that it is another nail (and a BIG nail) in the Republican party’s coffin. Hopefully one of the final nails.

    I truly believe that 60, 70, 80 years from now, history books will be describing the Republican party the way books today describe the Nazi Party.

    And I wonder if Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell know that the history books will make little mention of them, when describing the Republican party, but rather, Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, George Santos……THOSE will be the names that represent the GOP, much like Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels are the names that come to mind today when one thinks of the Nazis.

  16. Well Wisher says:

    The US, especially the people of should be proud of the children and these two law makers…..

  17. Gabby says:

    I live in TN and it is a horror. They wouldn’t take that Nathan Bedford Forrest bust down from the capitol for years. They are more afraid of drag queens than mentally ill people walking around with semiautomatic weapons. The US House Rep Andy Ogles (district includes Covenant School) sent out Christmas cards with his family holding guns in front of the tree with shit-eating grins on their faces. Abortion? I’m sure you can guess. Nashville and Memphis are puddles of blue in a sea of red (toxic red tide haha), and most of the TN General Assembly representation is skewed. Plus when the GOP has the power, they can redistrict any way they want.

    What this state needs (as do TX and OH, and many southern and midwestern states) is for progressives to relocate here and populate the rural areas. Numbers, numbers. District by district. Not easy, I know. The jobs are in the cities and suburbs. Cities are already blue. But that seems the only way to fix states like this.

    • Meghan says:

      I’m in Memphis and while I love my crazy city, I wish I could get out. For the 2020 election I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of younger people out voting the day after polls open and even though I knew TN would still go red, I wanted to cry with how far apart the votes were for TFG and Biden.

      Last year I had to get my representatives involved so I could get my tax refund. My options were- Kustoff, Hagerty and Blackburn. I wanted to puke. Kustoff never bothered to respond to me but Hagerty got it sorted quickly. Or rather, I assume some (hopefully) kind person on his staff got it done for me.

    • kirk says:

      Sounds like an NRA talking point — the guns aren’t a problem, it’s the mentally ill people.

  18. Christine says:

    So Margorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bo whatever get to proudly jeer and do stupid crap during sessions but black men can’t do the same? Right.