Remember when Prince Harry repeatedly said that he was willing to “give up” his titles in exchange for his family’s freedom? In the negotiations for Harry and Meghan’s exit in 2020, Harry believed everything was on the table and he even suggested the idea of giving up the Sussex titles in particular. It didn’t happen – the palace didn’t take their titles, and the excuse has been that neither QEII nor King Charles wanted to “look” punitive. I tend to believe that the calculation was less about optics and more like the institution’s mistaken belief that Harry would come crawling back to them. But, according to Robert Jobson’s latest book (Our King), there were actually high-level conversations about “stripping” Harry of his title. Those same high-level senior courtiers openly discussed how Harry was Meghan’s “hostage.” These people and their misogyny and racism, my god.
Discussions about stripping Harry of his Duke of Sussex title were held at the highest level and senior aides joked that he was a ‘hostage’ of his wife Meghan, a new bombshell book has revealed. The new book by veteran Royal writer Robert Jobson, due to be published on Thursday, shows how palace insiders would make jibes about Harry being a ‘victim of Stockholm syndrome’ as they blamed Meghan for the ‘fallout’ with the Royal Family.
Others, including some senior officials who feel Harry has ‘turned his back on everything he has known’, think the is the ‘driving force in everything that happened’ and want to see him demoted to Mr Mountbatten-Windsor of Montecito, California.
King Charles is understood to ‘not to be in favour’ of axing Harry’s royal title and has ‘enduring love for his son’, despite having made the decision that Meghan should not accompany Harry to Balmoral when the family gathered after the Queen died.
It is understood that the King is ‘saddened by the widening gulf’ between him and Harry, the royal expert claims, adding that Charles wishes he could see more of his grandchildren, Archie, three, and one-year-old Lilibet. Insiders also allege that the relationship between the King and the Sussexes becomes further from the possibility of repair with each interview Harry partakes in.
One senior aide, discussing the rift, told Mr Jobson: ‘Some blame Meghan Markle for the fallout, ignoring the fact that Harry seems to be the driving force in everything that happened. There was a point when officials joked Harry was the victim of Stockholm syndrome, and he was Meghan’s hostage, but now most just feel Harry has turned his back on everything he has known.’
“It is understood that the King is ‘saddened by the widening gulf’ between him and Harry, the royal expert claims, adding that Charles wishes he could see more of his grandchildren…” Charles literally evicted his son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren from the gifted home for which they paid millions. Charles evicted them out of spite, in retaliation for the publication of Harry’s memoir. If Charles actually wanted to encourage more visits from Harry or spend more time with his grandchildren, surely he would have ensured that they always have a safe and secure home in England, and ensure that they don’t have to jump through unhinged hoops with the Met Police?
As for the thick vein of misogyny and racism within the royal court… the thing is, the courtiers who talked openly about Harry having “Stockholm syndrome” are the same ones proudly briefing Jobson about it. They think that they’re insulting Harry, that it’s the worst thing for a man to be so in love with his wife, to be married to a woman he adores. Worse yet, King Charles is literally married to a machiavellian villainess who is the actual “reason” why Charles has such terrible relationships with his sons.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Backgrid.
- USA Rights Only – Abel Tasman, New Zealand -20181029- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Abel Tasman National Park on Day 2 -PICTURED: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex -PHOTO by: PA Images/ -39393049.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- USA Rights Only – London, UK -20180619-Royals Attending Royal Ascot Day at Ascot Racecourse -PICTURED: Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan Duchess of Sussex, Prince Charles and Prince Harry -PHOTO by: PA Images/ -37087480.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- USA Rights Only – London, UK -20180710-UK Royals Attend RAF 100 Service at Westminster Abbey -PICTURED: Meghan Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry -PHOTO by: PA Images/ This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- ** RIGHTS: NO WEB ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Meghan, Duchess of Sussex accompanied by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attends The Endeavour Fund Awards at Mansion House in London, England. Pictured: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 5 MARCH 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: JOHN RAINFORD / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex pictured arriving at The Mountbatten Festival of Music in the Royal Albert Hall. Pictured: Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex BACKGRID USA 7 MARCH 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: Zed Jameson / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- 09-03-2020 Commonwealth Day Celebrations Westminster Abbey 2020
- The Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duchess of Sussex, listen as the Duke of Sussex (not in view) speaks during a garden party at Buckingham Palace in London, which the newly weds are attending as their first royal engagement as a married couple. The event is part of the celebrations to mark the70th birthday of the Prince of Wales.
- An official engagement photo released by Kensington Palace of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle taken by Alexi Lubomirski earlier this week at Frogmore House, Windsor. Windsor, United Kingdom – Thursday December 21, 2017. USE AFTER 31/05/2018 must be cleared by Kensington Palace. This photograph is for editorial use only. NO commercial use. NO use in calendars, books or supplements. Use on a cover, or for any other purpose, will require approval from Art Partner and the Kensington Palace Press Office. This photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified and must be used substantially uncropped. Copyright in the photographs is vested in Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. Publications are asked to credit the photograph to Alexi Lubomirski.
- The Duchess of Sussex talks with Prince Charles at the Westminster Abbey Commonwealth day service. Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth, with old ties and new links enabling cooperation towards social, political and economic development which is both inclusive and sustainable. The Commonwealth represents a global network of 53 countries and almost 2.4 billion people, a third of the worlds population, of whom 60 percent are under 30 years old. Each year the Commonwealth adopts a theme upon which the Service is based. This years theme A Connected Commonwealth speaks of the practical value and global engagement made possible as a result of cooperation between the culturally diverse and widely dispersed family of nations, who work together in friendship and goodwill. The Commonwealths governments, institutions and people connect at many levels, including through parliaments and universities. They work together to protect the natural environment and the ocean which connects many Commonwealth nations, shore to shore. Cooperation on trade encourages inclusive economic empowerment for all people – particularly women, youth and marginalised communities. The Commonwealths friendly sporting rivalry encourages people to participate in sport for development and peace.
The courtiers are being tone deaf in regards to KC: the king does not want to be the father of a “non” royal because of how that makes him look. KC being the father of a mere mister? Perish the thought!
Even if Prince Harry had given up his Duke of Sussex title, he’d still be Prince Henry Charles Albert David, and Meghan would be Princess Henry.
Peerages (Harry’s dukedom) need an act of parliament to take away. Royal titles (prince) can be given and taken away at the whim of the monarch. People often get the two mixed up, but royal titles are nothing more than courtesy titles with no legal effect, they mean nothing and can be given/taken away whenever Charles wants to. I’m sorry if that hurts people’s feelings, but it’s true.
^^ It’s not a matter of ‘hurting’ any of our feelings. LOL! The bottom line is that Prince Harry is a born blood royal prince. That cannot be taken away. He already offered to give up the Sussex title, and the offer was rejected. It would be difficult for such a stripping to get passed by Parliament in any case, because what would be the reason? The aristos and peers would have to start worrying about the willy nilly removal of their own titles.

As he’s never going to be plain mister. Take away the Prince and he’s still Henry Mountbatten-Windsor, Duke of Sussex. It’s near impossible for a peerage to be stripped and it comes from parliament. The rules constituting such an action are clear and strict. Harry doesn’t come close.
If they ever make him a mister, he should go with Battenberg, his grandfather’s actual last name before it was anglicized. Or von Battenberg if he’s being really petty.
“The aristos and peers would have to start worrying about the willy nilly removal of their own titles.
@aftershocks – This is exactly why no UK Prime Minister will touch this issue even with Boris Johnson’s ten foot pole.
Okay, BQM, it sounds like there are explicit rules for stripping peerages? Since I am too lazy to google, like… treason? Or something similar?
@Betsy – Yes. Treason.
See Titles Deprivation Act of 1917:
@Mrs K, I know you want to believe that the whim of the monarch is sufficient to deprive people of royal titles, but it simply isn’t true, it requires letters patent. Wallis Simpson’s deprivation of the HRH was recorded in letters patent issued by George VI. See Neville Chamberlain’s diaries of the time.
All it takes is an expression of the monarch’s wishes. That’s how dowager duchess Alice, former Princess Henry, became “Princess Alice” — from a court circular, because it revealed the monarch’s wishes. Royal titles are courtesy only, they have no legal effect (unlike peerages), and therefore no legal requirement as to how they are given or taken away. A formal letters patent can be issued if the monarch wants to make a very public statement, but it doesn’t HAVE to be that formal, unlike bestowing a peerage.
I promise you it does. Princess Alice was a very unusual situation permitted by the Queen which meant that she was permitted to style herself HRH Princess Alice, rather than that she was created Princess Alice. In addition, that was a promotion, not a demotion. If Charles wants to deprive Harry of the title of Prince, he would need to issue letters patent, as was done for Wallis etc.
Here’s a good reference
Even if ALL titles are given up or taken away, Harry will always be referred to as Prince Harry by the press and the common people, just like Diana was always referred to as Princess Diana, even though that was never her title. It will be the people calling Harry prince, no matter what KCIII or parliament does.
They’ve made it clear they don’t care for the BRF, to put it mildly. So drop them and live your own life.
Members of many families don’t get along. Not unusual. It’s just that RFs live their life in public.
I don’t understand the fuss! Don’t like something? Cut it out of your life.
You CAN’T force people to like you!
You CAN’T force people to do what you want!
The courtiers can try everything they want but one thing is as true as death and taxes: Harry will always be a “prince” and thus they can never strip him of his God given title of prince Harry. He was born a prince; he will die a prince. Now they can demote him to Mr. blah blah blah, (they can pick whichever name) but at the end of the day he is still prince Harry Mountbatten-Windsor. And once they demote him to Mr. Mountbatten Windsor, he will be called Prince Harry Mountbatten Windsor and Meg will then be Princess Harry Mountbatten Windsor. Joke is still on the courtiers as they choke on their own hateful racist bile.
The real joke is that the courtiers can be demoted to “unemployed” – and that doesn’t take an act of Parliament.
“God-given” title of Prince????
C’mon now. We love Prince Harry and, speaking for myself, I believe he’s more of a man than any one of those creatures in palaces could ever hope to be.
But lets not lose sight of the fact that monarchy is merely yet another man-made construct like everything else that humans have created thru time immemorial.
I for one remain a bit disappointed in H for still believing in monarchy (which he stated categorically in his interviews for Spare.) But i’m gonna leave that one because H knows more than the rest of us, all that he will do and how far he will go, do and say to protect his family.
Because he, not us, knows the extent of the threats against them.
@Kingston, it’s not for us to decide how Harry should feel about the institution and the toxic family he grew up in. There are plenty of toxic families and institutions still in existence around the world.
At least Harry has had the courage to escape and to carve out a thriving, giving life for himself and his core family unit. That he values some of the traditions of monarchy and he doesn’t appear to want to completely close off his entire royal relatives, is his concern not ours.
What’s in a name?
The US doesn’t recognize titles, right?
Why bother with titles in America?
It would take an act of parlament to do that, and the aristos would never agree to it. It would set precedence for all of them to be stripped in the future. Not to mention, stripping Harry of his titles, while Pedrew keeps his? Even Chuck knows that’s a bad PR move.
Charles knew first hand because of his demand in the divorce with Princess Diana.
Diana only received the style of HRH and title of Princess of Wales due to her marriage. Diana was not born an HRH.
Diana traded her HRH for an increase in her divorce settlement.
I sense an obsession with titles here.
Living in a Commonwealth country, I can tell you that we don’t care.
Well, I can’t speak for others, so I’ll just say that I haven’t noticed a great interest in their titles like there is here.
And he wouldn’t be Mountbatton-Windsor anyway! He’d revert to Prince Henry of Wales.
Living well is the best revenge. Garbage can say what the want but Harry and Meghan keep winning. The more vindictive the royals get, the more they do their part to elevate the those who are now our royals.
^^ Yep! Jobson’s book is full of garbage spin thrown out there in part for the purpose of trying to twist and camouflage the truths that Harry revealed to the world in ‘Spare’.
Are you a US citizen and want to have royals now ??
Apparently we collect them.
We have the Japanese princess, a Swedish Princess, Greek, Ethiopian and German royals and likely a bunch of other “titled” folks.
Like playing cards.
Go fish.
Boo hoo for the blubbering courtsfolk.
Some of us don’t want to see jobson on our tv screens pretending to know stuff about Sussexes that they haven’t already told us – I manifest it with my remote.
These so-called experts of this royal propaganda industry can make up sh=t and contribute ány of their own hatefulness, their denigrating remarks, made up fan fixation and bias opinions, to any sources; be it palaces sources, senior members of the royal family, friend of xxx, a source close to xx, former senior staff’, etc.
Their sources are not verifiable and almost always nameless. And they never present a counter source to their ‘findings’/statements’, something a real journalist would take pride to do, as it is standard journalism practise. That’s why these people have zero credibility.
This daily diaria of propaganda is a disgrace to real journalism (still some of them have the audacity to call themselves journalists – eye roll).
“I manifest it with my remote.” Hahahahaha, good manifesting! I bet it works every time!
Projecting. William HAD Stockholm Syndrome in the form of Carole Middleton puppeteering Kate Middleton and making him dependent on her/them. When HE woke up, he noped away and now they live apart. He wasn’t any prize and was severely damaged and destructive to start, but they were fine with that as long as Kate won the One Ring.
William’s Stockholm syndrome doesn’t stem from Carole but the institution itself. The Royal Family is a cult and there’s no way for him to leave.
Yeah. I can fully agree that Harry was suffering from Stockholm syndrom, but it wasn’t caused by Meghan. It was the BRF / the Firm who held him hostage.
Similarly, the odious Camilla isn’t the only reason Charles doesn’t get along with his kids. First, he likes it that way. Second, the institution.
William has definitely been used by the Midds through the years, just as he used them for freebie holidays and convenient ‘sex waiting’ in Kate. Carol(E) has manipulated him emotionally for years, but I agree that power is waning. That’s why so many pro-Kate, anti-William PR stories have come out of Midd Manor in the past few years.
There’s a twitter user Canellecitadel who makes sugary posts about William, Kate and the Middletons. I think it’s really Carole, but if not it’s another Middleton or someone who works for them. The profile picture is a black woman but I think it’s computer generated. She frequently posts insider information. She recently posted about William’s proposal to Kate in much more detail than I’ve read anywhere else. (Perhaps because someone on royal gossip forum recently said something like he hadn’t even bothered to propose properly, just stole his friends proposal story). Anyway, whoever this poster is, she still speaks highly of William. That may only be to make Kate and the Middletons look good in association “we won the top prize!”
If that Twitter handle is a Middleton then they posted something that blamed victims of child molestation for how they dress while posting a pic with Andrew in the same frame as Charlotte.
PH hasn’t turned his back on everything he has known. He still interacts with and runs IG for veterans because the guys he served with made him feel more as if he belonged than his own family did. They talk big but can titles be stripped that easily and does the aristocracy want the king to be able to strip titles at will? The offer by PH to give it up was probably turned down because he was willing to do it so they couldn’t say it was punishment. These morons seem incapable of understanding that loyalty is a two-way thing. If KC is so eager to see A&L, why not attend Lili’s christening?
They thought Harry had always allowed them to treat him terribly so it must be Meghan that’s putting these preposterous thoughts about self-worth is his head. Now they’re realizing Harry’s problem is with them and the media, and they’re angry. Thing is I still think to this day if Harry said that he would drop his cases and divorce Meghan they would take him back in a minute, that’s why they are still trying to drive a wedge between them like with the book promotion stuff.
The spin doctors praise c and c relationship to the skies and slam a couple harry and Meghan who love each other
And no mention of taking away Andy titles such hypocrisy.
One of the BBC royal correspondents said that the Palace believes that Meghan radicalized him. Of course they will take Harry back if he leaves Meghan.
Harry has been telling the press on record he hates them and he wants out of this mess for decades but sure, let’s claim the biracial Jezebel is beguiling him with her feminine wiles.
What Meghan did was simple, she returned his
, she took care of him when he needed her in that capacity. She demonstrated what she wanted in
an intimate relationship and he responded in kind.
Prince Harry started the work towards being the better version of himself, he met someone who is willing and wants him to be himself.
Since when listening to someone and affirming them as an individual is considered radicalism….
And the gulf between harry and his father keeps widening with every lie and leak from his aides or camilla. So if charles is so sorry maybe he should do something about that.
I am f*cking fed up with the poor me charade
Ps: charles wants to see more of lili and archie? Well how about he gets on a bloody plane and go visit them? They act like charles is immobile
He was invited to his granddaughter’s christening. And he was free those days. But he is king so everyone must come to him. Such a pompous ass!
Agree with both comments. If he wants to help close the gap with Harry – stop leaking about him. Pick up the phone and call him.
And if he really cant’ visit Archie and Lili for whatever reason – then make it easy for them to come to the UK. Make it easier for them to have security. Let them keep Frogmore. VISIT them at Frogmore. Pick up the phone and call them for the coronation and make arrangements similar to what the Queen did for the Jubbly for them last year. Or even just make it clear they’ll be treated as befits the son and DIL of the monarch. Plan a bday party for Archie a few days before or after the coronation. etc.
It’s really not that difficult Charles, if you actually wanted to do the things you say you want to do.
I actually understand that there is a valid argument for why Charles can’t hop on a plane to visit Montecito (a complicated but not impossible undertaking).
But if Charles cared about Harry and his family at all and wanted a relationship of any kind, he could have done what the queen did and regularly zoomed, sent presents etc.
Maybe he does, but I highly doubt it. It seems as though he’s cast off Harry entirely and wouldn’t spit on him if he was on fire. All this briefing about ‘caring’ and ‘loving’ is to manipulate public opinion.
Royals secretly hop on planes and holiday in foreign countries all the time. If Charles wanted to fly to California, he could do so secretly, privately, and safely.
I read an article about klosters where one of the locals said Charles, William and Harry had been several times that year without the press finding out. (Was when the boys were teenagers).
If only Charles had access to travel implements like planes and cars…alas he is trapped on his golden carriages…oh wait.
Everything they project onto Harry and Meghan is about someone else in the RF. In this case it’s Charles and Camilla. No doubt she is the one in control.
And Charles turned down going to his granddaughter’s christening so he can stop with the “I wish I could see my grandchildren more” story.
The “Charles misses his grandchildren” line is so stupid. He never saw Archie when Harry and Meghan were still in England.
He saw him twice.
I don’t even know if I believe he saw either of them at all.
He definitely saw Archie once (his Christening) but I don’t believe he saw him any other time. If you are referring to the time the Sussexes went to the UK for the jubbly and it’s claimed they saw Charles just before the church service where Harry and Meghan walked alone down the aisle, I never believed that because there wasn’t enough time for them to visit him and then take the children to a safe and secure place in the area. They weren’t in Windsor for their children to go to Frogmore, so I can’t see them taking their children anywhere else while they were at church. The only people who claimed they saw Charles is the lying media. We know that they definitely saw the Queen because Harry confirmed it in his book and they were in Windsor at the same time she was.
And it’s not like Chuckles spends a lot of time with his three other biological grandchildren. Let’s face it, Charles has spent way more time with Camilla’s grandkids than his own because he’s so far up Cammy’s a$$ it’s gonna take the jaws of life to get him pried loose
This. I remember a photo of Chucky with a young George that tried to get close but failing because his dear grandfather litterally pushed him away with a cane.
Chucky cares about himself and that’s it. He is close to nobody except Cowmilla.
Charles has a terrible relationship with his sons because he’s got a negative EQ, which is common of those raised in the type of institution he was. It’s not Camilla, it’s not Harry, it’s Charles.
Charles is the Master of his own Disaster. Clueless, entitled and cut-off from the world in reality.
Racist comments
Misogyny and gaslighting the couple. So a man who loves his wife must have Stockholm. Syndrome. Jobson and the courtiers are the worst
Correction- Camilla isn’t the “reason” Charles has a poor relationship with his 2 adult sons. She’s an awful person, absolutely. And she adds her own additional vileness to the equation, surely.
But she’s a *symptom* of Charles’s awfulness, of his failure to even try to be a decent human being to his family (going back to his time with Diana and continuing to this day with his sons).
The lack of positive relationships with William and Harry is Chuck’s doing. He doesn’t get a pass on this just because his side piece is ALSO a terrible person.
Wholeheartedly agree.
Me too!
Yes, so much this. Charles is responsible for his own choices.
Bingo! You’re spot on.
If Charles is reallyso saddened by the widening gap between him and Harry, he would have made an effort to see him two weeks ago. Instead he informed Harry through the press that he was too busy to see him. I think if Harry doesn’t go to the coronation Charles will make moves to strip him of his title.
Charles has always wanted to strip the titles of Harry, Meghan, Archie and Lili. He just can’t figure out how to do it without public blowback.
Wouldn’t it be a nice change of pace if people were having high level talks about stripping Chuck of his crown & titles? Lol.
The one that still lives off the people, you mean? Why do that when you can deflect with someone who pays his own way?
I don’t think the House of Lords would be approving any title stripping legislation for exactly this reason. You set a precedent like this – the son of the King being stripped of his title – then you’re priming the flood gates for the rest of them.
Interesting article.
Chuckles seems to be using Jabba-the-Hut as his flying monkey to say – “look I didn’t do/ say all those nasty things – it was them courtiers over there”.
I also think Charles is now realising that Meghan is the calm rationale one merely keeping her babies safe, whilst and is the one who wants to burn it down to the ground.
I found the comments about Charles missing his grandchildren particularly disingenuous and nauseating. Charles literally cares about nothing but himself and his surrogate Mummy – Camilla.
Charles was too busy to see his son last month. Using the grandchildren to gain sympathy and compassion is bullocks. If he was too busy to see his son who traveled from half way around the world to be in the same country, he sure as hell has no urge to see his grandchildren. They’re propagandists. I think those who are not royal sycophants are aware of the propaganda now, thanks to Spare and the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary series.
Jobson and those of his ilk need to be held to account for their propaganda when they go on shows hawking their wares.
Charles is trash – but we shouldn’t underestimate that senior royal staffers may have their own agendas and that they very likely interfere in the familial relationships of the royals in subtle ways since they act as gatekeepers. And in this situation Harry has had serious conflicts with several senior staff. I don’t think they are instructed to leak this BS about wanting to strip Harry of all his titles. I think they leaks this stuff because they personal beef with him and because they know that the boss is OK with it.
Yes – Harry referred to them as “The Fly, The Wasp and The Bee” in his book. And Sir Edward Young comes to mind as the ring-leader of the senior staffers who turned on Harry. He’s the main reason Harry is taking legal action against Ravec and the Met for refusing to let him pay for his own RPO security. Young, a board member of Ravec, deliberately didn’t pass on Harry’s request because he loathes Harry and Meghan with a passion. Awful person…
I’m not sure Young is still on RAVEC. Charles and William both get to appoint their own separate reps to RAVEC, and that is usually their private secretary.
Regardless of who the reps are? Harry has to prove there is an active, ongoing anti-Sussex slant on RAVEC coming from the royal reps of Charles and William. The rest of the board has to be convinced that decisions are being made because of personal (royal) prejudices – and then act against those prejudices.
@Flower says:
“I found the comments about Charles missing his grandchildren particularly disingenuous and nauseating. Charles literally cares about nothing but himself and his surrogate Mummy – Camilla.”
^ THIS!!!!
This is the ONLY! response to every story about that big piece of TURD!!! charles, “missing” [etc] his Montecito granchildren.
Imagine, that under-developed excuse for a man using children to garner sympathy from strangers.
Totally agree with you.
So this is interesting. We know Jobson gets briefing from Charles and Camilla. And Charles has previously used the same talking points- so sad, wish I could see the kids more – when William was angry at him for some diabolical thing and Charles needed him. I read this as Charles in a very dumb way begging Harry for help. Which he needs. And should be asking for nicely, with apologies
Harry has Stockholm Syndrome not with his wife but with his father and brother.
How? He left 3 years ago. He said he would like a relationship with them but it comes with an apology to his wife and accountability. Until he gets that the relationship remains the same. That is someone that has boundaries NOT Stockholm Syndrome.
I’d say Harry HAD Stockholm syndrom caused by the BRF, and now he’s gotten help to set boundaries.
WOW …. what an insane take.
Time to change my screen name it seems….
^^ this response is to the other ‘FLOWER’.
I understand the point that “FLOWER” [in capital letters/not to be confused with “Flower” in initial cap.
was trying to make.
HOWEVER, consider this:
In his FORMAL PUBLIC UTTERANCES [that is to say: the narrative that H wants out there is: ]
1) that he wants reconciliation with his father and brother; and
2) that he wants a family, not an institution.
BTW, he also says the ball is now in THEIR court………meaning, do not expect any more overtures from H because he has already tried to have meetings with them (see the Prelude in Spare); and he wrote Spare with them in mind, for them to get to know him because, he says, they really dont.
So H wants all his enemies to know that not only does he NOT have any animosity toward his father, brother or the monarchy, but he actively wants to have a family with them, even the dysfunctional one they had before [except, WITHOUT him as their scapegoat.]
And it is my belief that the reason H is so adamant about keeping this narrative alive, even tho I genuinely believe he means it, is that it is his way of telling the criminals who work on behalf of the monarchy, that he’s not out here trying to “rival” them……….he and his wife are just trying to live the life theyre creating for themselves.
Because lets not kid ourselves: the apologists for the british monarchy, including the courtiers and the RotaRats as well as many like-minds in ALL the institutions of the UK, have convinced themselves that H&M are creating a “rival court in California,” and that they must be stopped.
Make no mistake, H&M live within an existential crisis. Everyday.
I think it’s The Firm’s employees who have Stockholm Syndrome. The Windsors are just white trash grifters with yellow teeth.
They can take away his medals and titles but Harry will always be a prince committed to humanitarian work along side his better half.
No neck Jabba should be charged with Plagiarism, for copying everything from Harry’s book, it will be in the $ bin in a few weeks.
Harry will always be a Prince, it will take an act of Parliament to remove the Sussex tittle, right now keeping sewage out of the water should be a priority for them.
Jabba’s book seems to be a hastily written response to Spare. The “never complain, never explain” crew are using Jabba as a conduit to do exactly that. “Our King” is nothing but a tit for tat rebuttal of Spare.
Spot on.
@Jan where in UK are they dumping sewage in the river(s)? My daughter lives in London and when asked she says she hasn’t heard about that.
“It is understood that the King is ‘saddened by the widening gulf’ between him and Harry, the royal expert claims, adding that Charles wishes he could see more of his grandchildren…”
It was reported that Charles was too “busy” to see Harry when he went to London for his court case the last week of March.
Try as the institution and their royal sycophants will to rewrite history, there is public evidence to refute the propaganda. We are far removed from the days when information was culled by the institution and media barons to control the narrative in favor of the monarch. The news travels too fast and frequent now and can be accessed on the internet to refute the sycophants’ accounts.
Harry set the record straight in Spare. Everything else written will be measured against the facts he presented in his memoir. I think Jobson will have a difficult time convincing people who are not royal sycophants to believe his accounts if they differ from Harry’s.
The institution’s insinuations fall flat against a fact-based discussion in just about everything.
So unfortunate.
The Palace minions run the Firm like it was during the Abdication Crisis of 1936 and the War of the Waleses. It’s 2023 and these idiots can’t read the room. If Charles really want to repair things with Harry and Meghan and form a relationship with Archie and Lili he needs to stop listen to these clowns. If fact, Charles needs to do a Saturday Night Massacre and fire the whole lot and get a whole new team. Theses yoyos only help damage the image of the UK but the buck stops with the Crown. Jobbo is mad because he knows his book will tank.
@Aquarius64 – THIS!
Yes, this exactly! I find it ironic that the BRF was all about modernization when QEII took the throne and then they stopped there. Modern enough! they said.
I swear, these people are neurologically incapable of taking responsibility for their actions.
I still can’t believe some people are choosing to entertain these Royal biographers. Spare literally called out this particular sci-fi writer who just recently threatened Prince Archie’s life. I thought that after Harry’s book, this would be the end of giving oxygen to these rinse/repeat/recycle and stating the obvious stories. We already know that courtiers were openly working against Meghan. We know they’re racist misogynistic POS’s who work for racist misogynistic POS’s. A book that is supposedly about Charles is being promoted using Harry and Meghan’s name. Let this book flop in peace the way derangers let that William at 40 book flop.
That’s how we know there’s been no apology from the BRF to Harry and Meghan and how the so called sad feelings from Chuck are rubbish. The attack dogs are still right there.
I said this earlier but much in a longer tangent so I think my comment was deleted.
But some people get so triggered by these books that they react to every article, comment, retweet not realizing it’s actually helping the royal reporter. Tina brown with all her press only sold 20k books that first week. Jobba will be worse.
It doesn’t matter what fanfiction he writes because to most people know it’s just tabloid nonsense. All the royal reporter combined including omid have probably only sold 5% of the 4 million books Harry has sold.
Harry and Meghan used to trend like crazy when books like this come out now people are just tired of the supposed royal reporter.
Harry’s book and the Netflix series far outweighs anything royal reporters do or say.
I’m sure we’ll get another version of these stories when another royal reporter comes out with their book…
That’s why we comment here instead of commenting on social media. He gets no clicks, CB does.
if it is a tech issue, sometimes that happens to me too.
1) If you forget to check the Save box, you can only comment once every five minutes depending on your cookies settings. Any additional comment you make eliminates your earlier comment.
2) When I write something really long, I copy and paste it into notepad. If the comment doesn’t publish within ten minutes, I submit it again. If it doesn’t publish a second time? I assume the mods made the decision not to publish it.
If everything you’ve ever known sucks, then why not turn your back on it? Harry has kept the parts that he cares about – relationship to the military, work in Africa, continuing his mother’s legacy – and he’s jettisoned the rest. Isn’t that what healthy people are supposed to do?
True, but none of these people are healthy. They’re all emotionally stunted and playing their own little Game of Thrones, thinking they look powerful for it.
Talk is cheap. Just do it then if they’re so confident it’s good for their brand.
They can’t and they know it. It would take Parliament and would have ramifications for all of the aristocracy. If they can just remove titles out of spite than what’s the point of even having an Aristocracy/Monarchy.
Talk is cheap indeed. It reminds me how Charles campaigns on and on about the environment – a noble cause – while jetting everywhere privately with his own bed, furniture, paintings, toilet seat, and with an army of staff. He’s a hypocrite in so many areas of his life and is a total disaster of a father.
These stupid courtiers can’t get out of their own ay, can they? They behave like PR wizards when in reality, all their sniping and griping just piles on to the image problems the RF is facing. They have now announced that it is the COURTIERS who want Harry stripped of all titles, including prince, and that poor, poor, King Upchuck really doesn’t want to because he loves his kids so much, you guys!
Which means that if Harry IS stripped of any titles, we can all start asking who finally pushed the king to cave: the nest of vipers, or the viper he’s married to? Way to tell on yourselves.
If I were the spouse/SO of any of these men, I would be horrified and frankly disgusted by their words. In what world do these men think saying that their spouse/SO comes second to the BRF is a good idea? Imho, it’s the courtiers and royal aides who have Stockholm Syndrome not Harry.
Forgive me if i don’t care to hear from a pillsbury dough boy who wanted to dangle Archie off a balcony. And furthermore an adulterer and his band of racist unhinged followers. Like these people are dust and they will always be dust because Harry is happy and healthy and loved up and living his best life with his biracial wife and mixed race children and if this is what a hostage situation looks like , then I sincerely pray that wank and buttons become someone hostage soon . And while we are at it . Sign me up for the hostage take too .
Thr courtiers wanted Meghan to work for free for the rest of their marriage and put up with constant abuse from within and without indefinitely. Unbelievable.
Charles wishes there were more houses that came with royal protection officers that he could evict his grandchildren, Archie, three, and one-year-old Lilibet from.
I’m sure Jobson and these courtier yahoos think they are “correcting the record” by putting out their point of view, but are too stupid to realize how bad it makes them and their royal bosses look.
At least some of them are starting to realize all of these decisions are Harry’s doing and not Meghan’s. Because people pleaser Meghan would have still been trying to make it work.
I guess the courtiers think a royal husband should not love and support his wife lest he be accused of having Stockholm syndrome
Spouses, especially wives are expendable in the royal world. You move them into their own house and if that doesn’t work you kick ‘em to the curb. They probably are astounded that Harry doesn’t want to follow the “royal way”.
EXACTLY! Even the Queen of England thought the right thing to do was to tolerate her husband’s sleeping around.
How nuts is that? Showing respect for the patriarchy is above showing respect for the Queen.
Nothing new in Jobson book.
A proper biographer should ask the fundamental question of What went wrong?
What William, Charles and Kate are afraid of ?
What exactly are they afraid of? Charles and William are hereditary monarchs and their positions are secured so long as UK want to maintain a monarchy
Jobson is not a biographer or journalist – he’s a propagandist.
That would require introspection, as a response.
Unfortunately, there is no time for that, diversion as propaganda is considered enough and a good enough reaction to ‘Spare’ the book.
I disagree that they didn’t take their titles due to the institution’s belief that Harry would come crawling back to them. They didn’t take the titles because of the precedent it would set to go to parliament to remove the titles based on completely fictitious reasons. It would put all peerages under question and chance of removal for any reason whatsoever. Which other Duke in history was stripped of their title? Harry is not an enemy of the state. He didn’t secretly confer with the enemy. Heck, when the former king Edward was hanging with the nazis, even he was not stripped of anything. The courtiers are just racist nobodies. Retired M15 and M16 old white men desperate for relevance. That’s why no one cares to know their names. May they forever be known as the
and wasp.
Andy would be in danger of.losing his title if harry and Meghan have theirs removed. Then Andy might write a tell all.
This generation of royal biographers like Jobson, Bower and Angela Levin are like tabloid journalists . They confused us and throw no light on what is happening within the British monarchy. They are mere propagandists .
Penny and Sally and Ingrid and Tina all write propaganda as well imo.
Dogshit Charlie loves and misses his grandchildren so much, he deliberately snubbed Princess Lilibet by missing her christening. What a way for the head of the Church of England to show his interest and affection for his own flesh & blood.
If the royals are purpoted by the divine right to rule, who are courtiers to decide to remove Harry’s divinity as part of the RF? Courtiers and the Royal Rota have a very long leash.
The Palace is now full of tabloid reporters instead of the Diplomat/ex-Military that were there for the Queen. These Courtiers either don’t know or are deliberately not saying that it will require a special Act of Parliament to remove Harry’s title.
Charles really liked Meghan when he first met her. Problem is Camilla/William turned him once her vile family started their campaign against her. The RF have never encountered these kind of people before & couldn’t forgive her for bringing them into the family. Kate’s Uncle was bad enough, but he was being managed. They couldn’t manage Megan’s family.
They were briefing against her long before the stuff with her father went down.
@Wesley said: “The RF have never encountered these kind of people before & couldn’t forgive her for bringing them into the family.”
^^ Ummm, I think it might be best to check out the bloody history of the British monarchy. Even without checking the history, it’s certainly not a stretch to notice that the worst Windsors are quite similar in petty characteristics to the worst Markles (excepting, of course, the royal family’s vast wealth and social status). Plus, Meg didn’t ‘bring’ any of her relatives into the royal family. She simply fell in love with, and married Prince Harry.
William was behind the whole Thomas Markle thing and I’m sure Toxic told them to recruit Scamantha too. Remember, Toxic said his contact was Jason Knauf which leads straight to Baldemort. So while SOME of Meghan’s family is “vile” they got their marching orders from William.
^ This.
The royal family WERE controlling toxic tom. Where have you been? Jason K was his liaison. The britshit media were paying him. Charles employs Brit shit media ex staff. It’s a closed loop. They wanted meghan gone and thought TM was the way to do it. Then the media started scammys campaign and funded her.
Oh the irony of “courtiers” referring to Harry as having Stockholm syndrome when you guys are the ones part of a cult
I have come to understand what the duke and duchess titles mean in the UK, but as an American they are nothing compared to prince and princess – so I feel like a lot of the world would really think it petty to remove the Duke of Sussex title, but rather than diminish Harry it would diminish Charles.
I don’t think anyone outside of the UK would care if the Sussex title is taken. He’ll always be Prince Harry, and we’ll just call Meghan, Princess Meghan.
This entire joke of a Monarchy is really never going to stop.
Is every single person who has stood within 1000 miles going to write stories, try to sell a book?
Who’s next to call for H&M to lose their titles?
The Royal plumbers and electricians?
H&M are happy, notice how H&M have been quiet since Spare tour?
They are taking the high road.
Take the titles away. Do it, I dare you. These dummies for whatever reason still haven’t grasped that those things mean nothing here or even to the Sussexes. Their projects have been under their first names only, and they’ve been massive successes too.
If people can be demoted from a HEREDITARY monarchy, what else can be done? Go on guys, please open that Pandora’s box.
Yes, please do show your entire ass, Charles. Strip Harry’s titles and show the world the depth of your racism. All of this angst and loathing because Harry married a biracial American? It’s shameful and should be terribly embarrassing to every Brit in this day and age.
I really hope they do strip Harry of his titles, and then have it back fire on them when the mechanism they used to do that (which does not actually exist and would need to be created, likely by an act of parliament), is used against Charles in turn to strip him of his titles if he were to put a toe out of line.
That’s why this has not actually been done. There is a huge opposition to creating the legal framework for doing that, bc it would mean that parliament has the power to strip anyone of their titles. That would put all of the aristocracy and the royal family on the chopping block, and they simply won’t allow for that to happen. This is why Andrew continues to keep his titles–they don’t want to risk giving an elected body that sort of power.
Thought: Maybe Harry is returning the favor by giving an answer to the coronation according to the same grace period they gave him for the Lillibet’s christening.
He wouldn’t be “Mr Mountbatten-Windsor of Montecito, California “ unless they took his “prince” title. They should have known that. So exactly what we’re they discussing?
Once again, the courtiers show their pasty, pimpled asses to the world, and demonstrate the racism that permeates the royal family from within and without. Here’s the real issue:
Meghan was supposed to be a sidepiece, not a wife. Meghan as wife upsets the entire order that these courtiers live by. What’s the point of being royal-adjacent if being royal isn’t a space only for the most Blue-blooded people around? In their view, Meghan should rightly suffer for “daring” to think that she could be “good enough” to be a royal. Even Kate and her family groveled and scraped before the royals. Who does this biracial actress think she is? These courtiers are people who care about who goes through a door before someone else. They can’t abide African blood anywhere near the throne.
The “Meghan brainwashed Harry” nonsense completely robs Harry of any agency over his own life. The fact they expect him, would demand if possible, to leave Meghan and return to his place shows what horrible people they are. They have no care for Archie, Meghan, or Lili. They have no care for Harry either, other than his position.
The irony is that the courtiers aren’t remembering their place. They are servants, not royals. Meghan’s a duchess by marriage. Harry’s a Prince by birth. Strip their titles and they instantly become “the former Duke and Duckess of Sussex” which is a forever reminder of the palace and their petty racism. Meghan and Harry losing their titles while the Windsors and Andrew keep theirs might play in the UK. It won’t play in the Commonwealth, or in the US. The courtiers could possibly win this battle, but at what cost? This whole era will be a stain on the royal family that could be felt for years to come. The royals are villians in Harry and Meghan’s story. They are poisoning the well for the royals, especially the Wales, whenever they step out of the UK. The whole lot of them need to be fired for dereliction of duty. They aren’t serving the Crown (whatever that really is). They serve themselves.
“the Crown (whatever…)”
The Crown is a business. Period. — (See Laura Clancy ‘Running the Family Firm…’; from youtube book intro: “The relationship between monarchy and capitalism is as old as capitalism itself. From rents on lands and public space to funding colonial conquests to using loopholes to avoid paying tax…”)
Alternatively, I suppose, you could view the Crown as a “centuries old charity, collecting handouts from citizens and shielding its vast fortune from everyone else.” (Mother Jones)
I am so sick of this man. Jobby (Scottish word for poo) and Charlie the turd are like two slugs separated at birth. NEVER COMPLAIN, NEVER EXPLAIN AND THE PALACE DOES NOT BRIEF OR LEAK!!! christ if it leaks anymore they will need water wings to get from room to room. Jobby doesn’t realise he is that thick that he contradicts himself on just about every other sentence! It’s Megan’s fault, it’s harry’s fault. Well guess what you lump of crud, it’s your fault and people like you who caused the rift in the first place. You drove them away. Just like your idol Charles the turd. You think it’s OK to talk about dangling the kings grandson over the balcony, well Charlie the turd must agree with you because he had said NOTHING about your disgusting comment. Charlie doesn’t miss Harry and his family, Charlie couldn’t give a sht or he wouldn’t have evicted them or let your comment stand with no come back. Charlie loves CHARLIE and his second hand wife. No one else matters to him. If you continue the way you are you will soon disappear back into the gutter you crawled out of on your bloated stomach, or better still, I hope you come face to face with Harry, because he will show you how we deal with slugs. But meanwhile a quick word of thanks, thanks for showing us that the Palace does indeed brief and leak and thanks for showing us just how low you and the rancid king have sunk
AMEN! And honestly, if silence about Archie being harmed or ridiculed, Meghan being assaulted, equals love, then the royals can stuff that so-called love where the sun never shines. Their love is worthless. Their “love” allows for children to be attacked. Their “love” allows for family members to be ridiculed and thrown in front of the bus. God protect all children from the love of the royal family. It hasn’t done very many of them any bit of good. They are a business, not a family. It’s too bad the children born into it had no choice until Harry took the choice to leave himself.
@Lanne, exactly this, the more they print, the more they show the public just who and WHAT the Royal family are.
@MARYPESTER and @Lanne you both are amazing. I specifically look for your posts when these moronic wannabes open their repulsive mouths and spew their closed minded garbage. Thank you for helping me to keep their mediocrity in mind. It really helps.
On what grounds were they going to strip him of his title? If the Duke of Windsor retained his after his nazi dealings, what has Harry done that is worse?
They keep proving Harry right. He said in Spare that the courtiers view themselves as the monarch and and here they are acting like it.
They already took away from Harry the only things he really wanted — his military patronages and any semblance of having a real father, a real relationship with his family of origin.
As I noted in another thread, these people just do not understand the Sussexes’ loving marriage. Harry is Meghan’s true partner, not her hostage. The royals and their hangers-on have never seen anything like it. And now Harry and Meghan have found their family in one another and their children. And they’ll go to the ends of the earth to protect it.
Stripping the Sussexes’ titles would only prove, for once and for all, just how racist and clueless the royals are.
This book is written by one of the king’s pet journalists as an answer to ‘Spare’.
It is a poor attempt at spin, and goes way beyond mere biases to a state of mind.
What comes to mind is that King Charles and his ilk were trained to be conquerers and colonists, the streak of empathy is stripped out of them in order to for them to make tough decisions.
It did not prepare them to deal with opposition from their loved ones and dependents.
Their go to is to crush the enemy cannot work, and there is no other tool in the
Harry, like his mother posed a problem for his father and had to be ??, whether by making him poor and frightened so that Meghan would leave.
But he would once more be dependent, and prepared to be traumatized and abused.
The next step of action was presented via leaks in articles and cartoons of him returning cap in hand begging, locked up in Frogmore for daring to change the narrative.
How dare Harry try to be his best self?? What about his stupid need for love and affection??
Why is mediocrity not enough??
At that particular time it was good enough for at least one of the heirs and their wives.
After all he has his titles and annual handouts to look forward to.
That is privilege enough….
What about the bonus of being on the balcony??
If actual courtiers made any suggestions, it is because they were asked to do so, none of the suggestions nor subsequent actions were from a place of ‘ enduring love’. It came from the same place where the price of Diana’s very expensive underpants were once itemized in POW year end budget.
He told Richard Kay just after Prince Harry and his family left that he, King Charles 111 does not want things to end up as with Diana…..
What did that mean?
The removal of mere titles? Or worse?
The security was pulled…..
As for incandescent William, he did not want the narritive in his head to change, his brother outperformed him in the army, IG, Sentabale etc.
His envy led him to believe that it was the other way and that his brother was the one who envied his unhappy marriage to Kate and their subsequent
One enterprising social media user posted an old Daily Fail article stating Harry’s singleness at age 30, and his envy towards William.
That was one of the reasons William did not want their marriage, the Sussexes obvious love for each other was another problem, his brother has bested him once more.
In life and career…..
Diana had the best pedigree for that family, and she was treated like cr*p. Cammy had a past -and a present-, and a looong tooth. She still is queen now. Kitty comes from a working class-turned merchant family, she became a doormat in order to become a wife. To give it to katie, all her family is “in” with her becoming a royal married in. Meghan’s family is different in that she has people who sold her out. Her half sibling is too damaged and jealous of her. I imagine she had a stroke when she found out about Meghan and Prince Harry, and that they were serious.
That Royal family is unworthy, the actual working with the public/ having a platform with the chance and the visibility to do good is great.
Right now that platform is reduced to “I wish I could do more”, coming empty handed, saying empty words and shallow, meaningless messages in exchange of luxury, multiple homes and tax pounds.
It would seem that the courtiers, etc., have read Spare. There isn’t any way for them to spin Sussexit as Meghan’s fault once you’re read the book. I don’t know whether they understood that before and just used Meghan or they didn’t fully understand until they read Harry’s words. That means that the people the world over reading the book knows that it was Harry who rejected the Firm. Harry.
Frankly, I think this makes it more difficult for the employees of the Firm to deal with. They will continue to say whatever they want about the two of them, but continuing to blame Meghan for something that’s really on Harry is going to show themselves to the world. The racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic people they are.
Their inability to see what this does to the Monarchy is flabbergasting. It’s very difficult to believe these people were chosen to work for the Monarchy. A word to the unwise: Stop focusing on H&M and start focusing on the members of the Monarchy. It’s truly your best step.
I think Will was discouraged from going because Harry was top of class of 20 people in his Apache training and I think Wills handlers would have had to have made up a “royal” role for William. When Will left in 2008 he started with the RAF the pilot thing Will just wants the optics of what it looks like while Harry was in combat with a 13 million dollar military grade hopper. Harry went to Afghanistan. Prince Harry served in the British Army for 10 years. He completed two tours of Afghanistan, one spanning 2007 to 2008 and the other from 2012 to 2013. He was about to get promoted and out rank William so Will or Charles or both leaked Harry’s location to the papers to pull him out and make him retire early. This is when Work-Shy Will and Kate Duchess Do-Little had already escaped to Norfolk and they wanted Harry to do all the work because “they were starting a family and Will was a pilot”. They endangered Harry and this entire battalion and ruined what would have been stellar military career so that Kate and Will can go on more vacations. This are the Cambridge’s this is Charles. Ruining his marriage or having Meg killer herself or someone killing Meg and Archie is of no consequence as long as Harry stays in line. They still would gladly serve him up to the tabloids at any given moment if it suits them and they see nothing wrong with it.
Tell me again Will how baffled you are that Harry is not saying he is coming to the Snubby?
In this superstition, the son of a king is a prince. They can call him what they want, but he will always be Prince Harry. Just like if and when William takes over the decrepit throne, his children will be princes and princesses, call them what you like.
Pretty rich that Charles can’t understand what lengths Harry has done to be with Megan after what he was willing to destroy for Camilla.
^ This right here. This statement needs to be chiseled in stone.
Yep. And pretty wild that Charles has a problem with Harry’s Spare — when he and Dimbleby cooperated to write a much more potentially damaging book, in addition to Charles’s decades of using the royal rota in his own interests.
Poor Harry. I so wish they would get off his jock. Humiliating for them, no?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll say it forever if I have to–it’s hilarious to me that these people think that stripping Harry of his titles and reverting him to Mr. Mountbatten-Windsor of Montecito is some kind of demotion or loss of privilege.
Montecito is in the United States of America. I’m not an American patriot, I’m not technically even American, HOWEVER, if having read all of the Little House on the Prairie books while growing up has taught me anything about the country, it’s this: there are no kings in America. There are no titles in America, except professional ones that you can earn on your own merit.
So Charles’ advisors, and the British people they insist they represent, are once again showing who they really are. They are nothing but venal, classist bullies. The class system in Britain is alive, well, and THRIVING if this is anything to go by. The fact that they really think Harry, let alone MEGHAN, cares for these things at all? They really are the most uneducated, thick-skulled bunch. This should be embarrassing if they didn’t constantly take such pride in how stupid they are.
I love each and every one of you people on this site .
Before I found it my mental health was suffering because it seemed you couldn’t say you were Sussex supporters because everyone was brainwashed against them .
Reading your comments every day and seeing Kaisers commentary and classic photos is as good as therapy .
Just knowing there are other people out there that think like I think and say it how it is ,is wonderful .
Thank you .
Hugs to you, Cassie.
Personally? CB, Kaiser, Hecate, and the posters on here have keep me from losing it in the last few years, esp during the first year of COVID and multiple lockdowns.
Jabba should be demoted from being “royal expert.”
I would have thought Charles, who supports terrorists, has committed treason thus should be stripped of his titles?