While I’ve been paying attention to national and global politics for more than two decades, I’m struggling to remember a moment in time when the American president’s Irish ancestry was such a huge talking point here at home and abroad. Bill Clinton famously had Irish ancestry, as did Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. All of those men famously visited Ireland while they were president, and all of them were very well received. Millions of Americans love and embrace their Irish ancestry, and there’s a special relationship between Ireland and the US. Meaning, President Biden’s political and personal journey is well-trod in every sense.
President Biden flew to Northern Ireland last week, where he briefly met with British prime minister Rishi Sunak ahead of the anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement anniversary. Then Biden flew to the Republic of Ireland, where his trip is (again) both personal and political. He made time for Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and President Michael Higgins. He made political speeches and did soft-diplomacy. But mostly the trip is just a celebration of Pres. Biden’s Irish ancestry, and he’s loved every minute of it – he’s stopped by churches, pubs, town halls, civic centers, markets, and Irish people seem to love him. He shook hands, hugged a lot of Irish peeps and kissed a lot of Irish babies. On Friday, he gave a big speech to a rapturous crowd in Ballina, where his people are originally from. He walked out to the Dropkick Murphys’ “I’m Shipping Up to Boston.”
Joe Biden's 2024 campaign has a strong theme already pic.twitter.com/abL7MIpu5l
— Populism Updates (@PopulismUpdates) April 14, 2023
He’s already back in DC, where he will stay for the next month or so. Meaning, he’s making a point of NOT going to King Charles’s coronation. He’s sending the First Lady, as the White House confirmed weeks ago. Hilariously, the one-two punch of Biden refusing the coronation invitation AND then enjoying himself in Ireland is too much for the British media to take. We should have known something was amiss when Buckingham Palace was openly (and bizarrely) briefing the media about how Biden isn’t coming to the coronation because he’s “too old” to travel that much. In recent days, the British media has been absolutely unhinged about Biden’s Ireland visit, with columnists and political journalists acting like Biden slapped QEII’s corgis simply by… celebrating his Irish ancestry. Even Camilla Tominey wrote a nasty piece about how Britain doesn’t “need” Biden. They are SEETHING. It’s utterly bizarre.
Do British people understand how funny this stuff is? pic.twitter.com/R1uVuDXiT1
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) April 14, 2023
Has there ever been a bigger collective sulk than the British press' response to Joe Biden visiting Ireland? pic.twitter.com/UGMSacL4tb
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) April 15, 2023
As you're seeing the British political establishment and commentariat try to bully Joe Biden –one of the most powerful men in the world–for appreciating Irish roots, imagine what happens every day to UK residents with African, Asian, Caribbean roots. The same scorn and shaming.
— Heidi N. Moore (@moorehn) April 15, 2023
My cartoon Thursday @TheTimes. Where the emphasis of Blarney Biden’s visit lies. `#JoeBiden #Ireland pic.twitter.com/EP1YFP3w2W
— Peter Brookes (@BrookesTimes) April 13, 2023
Biden: I’ve had the best time of my life
Ireland: Ahh it’s nothing Joe,knock in any time..safe home now,here’s a packet of Tayto for your pocket
*Hugs all round
*The most powerful man on earth,adjusts his Mayo 4 Sam hat and awayBritish Media: pic.twitter.com/9yHaJZxPNo
— Andrew Maxwell (@andrewismaxwell) April 15, 2023
I’m shipping up to Ballina. pic.twitter.com/Mp4LpakSJV
— President Biden (@POTUS) April 15, 2023
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Handout photo issued by Government of Ireland of US President Joe Biden being greeted by family and friends of US Embassy staff after arriving at Dublin Airport during his trip to the island of Ireland. Featuring: President Joe Biden When: 12 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photo issued by Government of Ireland of US President Joe Biden (centre) with Tanaiste Micheal Martin (left) at Carlingford Castle, Co Louth, during his trip to the island of Ireland. Featuring: President Joe Biden and Micheal Martin When: 12 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- US President Joe Biden meeting Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh House, Dublin, on day three of his visit to the island of Ireland. Featuring: US President Joe Biden, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Where: Dublin, Ireland When: 13 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- US President Joe Biden with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at Farmleigh House, Dublin, on day three of his visit to the island of Ireland. Featuring: US President Joe Biden, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Where: Dublin, Ireland When: 13 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photo issued by Government of Ireland of US President Joe Biden visiting Knock Shrine and Basilica in Mayo with Fr. Richard Gibbons, on the last day of his visit to the island of Ireland. Featuring: President Joe Biden, Richard Gibbons When: 14 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
England voting to leave the EU exposed their weakness in more that a monetary way.
Oh well.
Yep,@ Tiffany its bitterness and jealousy. President Obama and then Vice President Biden warned the British Prime Minister that if they pulled out of the EU they would go to the back of the line when it comes to trade deals. The Brits pulled out, the relationship with the USA chilled but North Ireland still has access to the EU market and still has a warm relationship with the USA.
Clearly the right wing press that pushed for Brexit can not handle it.
The Brit media and RF showed who they really are over the past 6 or so years. I’m shocked but not surprised at their hysterical (in all senses of the word) response.
The Times is a Rupert Murdoch newspaper—the news sources quoted above are right-leaning and populist. Like the RR. It’s kind of like using Fox, whatever Trump’s network is, Newsmax, the WSJ, NYP, etc to see how Americans think. Sure, lots of Brits were salty, but there are also many who didn’t think what Biden did was awful.
But why should Brits be “salty” at anything an American president does on behalf of the American people? The Brits have nothing to do with it, nothing at all. Nothing. I could go further but it’s attitudes like that which makes Americans feel patriotic against Britain. The nerve!
Oh my…..KFC’s minions had convinced the British plebs that Biden was “too old” to attend to the Con-A-Nation. But Biden’s multi-day visit to Ireland blew their excuse as to why an American President declined the offer.
Salty Island of Petty seem to think that KFC has the power and persuasion over ANY American president is simply egregious. Why would any president want to attend and support an archaic, non republic institution??
Maybe Don the Con is available????
Brexit/media and MAGA/media are really two sides of the same coin. They were always going to attack President Biden because he’s not a racist Russian loving corrupt ignoramus.
@ Seaflower, they are literally losing their minds in Britain aren’t they??? You would think that Biden shat in KFC’s crown by their hysterics…..
The only things that could make this more delicious would be if Harry flies in and out with Dr. Jill, while Biden offers to host Archie’s birthday party in the Rose Garden and plays awesome surrogate grandpa.
That sounds awesome! Lol Maybe the Sussex family could stay over a day or two, and do some sightseeing! I’m happy to host a meet-up!
From your lips to Jill and Joe’s ears!!
I love your thinking @Miranda! Yes! And the Sussex family can bring their pups so they can play with the presidential doggies! I want a pic of the presidential and royal doggies please.
With Adele and Elton performing a birthday concert at the edge of the rose garden. 😂
Oh dear, did someone forget to tell them we had a War of Independence 247 years ago?
Will King Charles fly over to America in three years to celebrate our 250th anniversary of kicking Britass, or will we have to consider his absence from our celebration of democracy and non-hereditary rule a “snub”? I am sooo curious!
Queen Elizabeth II came for the Bicentennial and participated in Lantern Lighting at Old North Church, an act of treason and espionage because it started the Revolutionary War, with Gerald Ford.
Lizzy did that because britain sees us as some sort of colony. At that time usa idiots took on a lot of british military responsiblities. They think the usa works for them.
LOL @Eurydice, they must not have received that memo yet! It made me think of all the different ethnic festivals celebrated in WI throughout the summer. Irish Fest is the biggest one on the Summerfest grounds. Festa Italiana, Polish Fest, German Fest, Fiesta Mexicana…no English Fest. Throughout the summer there are Welsh Fests and Scottish Highland Games/Fests in different areas. Greek and Armenian festivals. Milwaukee has held one of the longest Juneteenth celebrations in the country.
Still no England/English festival. But, sure, it’s Biden’s fault and not England’s history or government. CT wears her Tory/Magaty/Heritage Foundation ways on her sleeve.
I sure hope he gets such a rapturous response from US crowds when he runs for reelection.
Just send the Dropkicks out on stage first and they’ll get everyone fired up for him
That was a fantastic reception!!!
I honestly cried seeing that reception for Joe. He sooo deserves it. He gets so little credit for all he’s done.
I want those Drop kicks here for the convention and want to know where to donate to get them here! God bless them!
Oh…don’t worry…We the people…ALWAYS SHOW OUT for POTUS JOE BIDEN🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Idk maybe because I live in a red state I am really worried. My local democrats have a hard time getting their s*** together to elect a school board member, much less a president of the United States. Really relying that there will be enough blue voters in key states up north again to carry the rest of us through.
@chaine, so what are you doing to help?
@Chaine – that’s in part because it’s national groups and their coffers organizing the assault on democracy, from school boards on up. They’re aggressive and they’re well organized and “heart-in-the-right-place-local candidate x” doesn’t usually stand a chance against the well oiled far right machine.
But it can. It can be unsafe to be out as a Democrat, so to the extent that you can, stay strong and get (or stay!) involved. There are Democrats everywhere.
@Chaine: Are we neighbors, because it’s the same where I live. An acquaintance of mine (a business owner and involved in town committees) told me that she had wanted to run for County school board, but when she spoke with our state (North Carolina) Dems to ask for some funding for a run, they told her no because it wasn’t a good use of money. So…she quit the party and is unaffiliated, and is trying to figure out if there’s any path forward.
@chaine. I feel you, Chaine. I live in Tennessee, which has been a sh*tshow for years. I thought I’d hit my limit of disgust for the state politics here, and then the expulsion of Justin Jones and Justin Pearson from the State House happened. The GOP here is currently experiencing backlash on the national level, but most of my community just doesn’t care. They think that it is perfectly fine that democratically elected representatives were expelled from govt., because they were Democrats.
The GOP continually sink to new lows here, and I just don’t see a way out for Democrats in this state. Outside of Nashville and Memphis, it is a sea of brainwashed Trumpers. The Democratic party is not an effective opposition for many reasons in Tenn., and they seem disinclined to TRY to beat the GOP. In the last election, most of the local and state govt seats were GOP candidates running unopposed. If I weren’t tied to this state by elderly in-laws, I’d leave. In fact, my husband and I – as distasteful as it sounds – have decided that we will leave once his parents are gone.
It’s embarrassing to watch the temper tantrums the BM is having over this. Biden is proud of his Irish heritage. Which apparently is a diss at the UK? It’s a very no one else can having anything mentality. How dare Ireland be a place the president is proud of? Just who does Ireland think it is anyway? What about us????
Also, Northern Ireland IS part of the UK. So when the media is complaining he didn’t visit the UK, that really shows how they feel about the other countries in the UK that aren’t England.
@Slush … You nailed it! The BM sees Scotland as a bastard child that really has no say in well, anything! Poor Wales, well theyre just another county of England. And NI doesnt exist except as a back door to the EU.
+++++ Such an excellent point @Slush. So, the BM is saying Northern Ireland is no longer part of the UK. Oopsie Daisy.
They’re mad because they see their pot of gold slipping away. They were cruel to Meghan. She’s not coming to the Con. President Biden is not coming to the Con. Dr. Jill Biden is coming, and she’s always beautiful and gracious, but without Meghan or POTUS, there will be little interest from American media for the Con, and that’s what they really want. They want to be hired as the Con “experts” by our morning shows and news shows. Ain’t gonna happen, at least not enough to pay for new houses or vacation homes. LOL
John Fitzgerald Kennedy relished his Irish heritage. During President Kennedy’s historic visit to Ireland in June 1963…
Bitter much? The Brit media are really showing their @sses aren’t they? If Biden gets re-elected they are going to chew off their own thumbs.
All I know is that these people overestimate themselves by a great margin, and when they hear us saying, “Our countries have a ‘special relationship'” they don’t understand that’s code for, “We enjoyed kicking your @ss hundreds of years ago.” They just don’t get it.
Agreed. They don’t realise how proud we are of that accomplishment. It is indeed a “special relationship” because unlike their other colonies, we tossed them out on their asses and are damn proud of it.
Hell, we celebrate it every year as well!!
I didn’t see KFC entertaining a trip in January for Biden’s inauguration as well. Are we to give them the same treatment for snubbing his victorious win over Cheet-O-lini??
Kicked their a$$es then 150 years (give or take) later helped bail them out of WWII. Special indeed.
Love, love, love Joe Biden. Very proud of our President for saying No! to England and the stupid Coronation. No American president had attended that particular foolishness and we’re not about to start now.
Perhaps the British government should start thinking about the British people and the difficulties they are dealing with now. They deserve better than what’s available to them now.
The British Empire is dead and gone and the Commonwealth appears to be following suit. Brexiteers are facing the wreckage they have wrought and are expecting other to bail them out. Ain’t gonna happen.
Someone needs to clue in the Royal Adulterers that the Roman concept of bread and circuses didn’t work for long. Although they have enough clowns working for them now. Maybe they think that will help
Don’t bad mouth Joe and Jill Biden. They are decent, honest, hardworking people who are proud of their roots. My British roots go back 500 years and I’m not real proud of what I’m seeing now. So glad my great grandparents emigrated to Canada and the US.
At ruth. Flip side the british was thinking, “we will recolonize them”. If you look at tv and the radio they have succeed.
Maybe, kind of sort of. Rupert Murdoch is probably the biggest one. He’s not British. He’s an Australian who gave up his Aussie citizenship to become an American citizen so he could buy up all the stuff he has here in America. Somehow, without becoming a British citizen, he’s one of the top three owners/controllers of British Media.smh
Murdoch’s questionnaire for US citizenship/visa applications should be scrutinized. His publications incite hate and violence. How did that MFer get through?
Regardless of how you feel about the military industrial complex , the influence of the US is greater than it’s been in decades because of the threats coming from Russia and China. Imagine the sheer audacity and ignorance of an idiot like Tominey thinking she has any place writing an article on world affairs.
Exactly. For a country that doesn’t “need” Biden, Tominey and the rest are desperately signalling just how much they do need the US and its president right now.
That was 60 years ago. How old do you think this columnist is? I’m 67 and I certainly have no personal memories of the politics from my 2nd grade year. I barely knew who the president was until he was assassinated.
I remember Kennedy and was 17 and in college when he was murdered. We liked him.
Kennedy was loved immensely.
May I also inform Camel Toe that Biden has many cousins in Ireland as well?? She and her ilk seem to forget how closely aligned Biden is to Northern Ireland and his roots run deep there.
My gawd, Biden’s visit was to also celebrate the Good Friday Agreement as well….but bring on the scathing hateful attacks from the entire BM.
Every American of school going age remember where they were when JFK was murdered. My dad can tell you what he was doing and where he was, when he heard the news. And this man does not always remember his anniversary or my mom and our birthdays. JFK was beloved.
Bubblegum Dreams, I was in grade school when JFK was assassinated, and I still remember that day clearly.
JFK was assassinated on my mom‘s birthday so that was an unforgettable date. My sister and I were kids in grammar school then and had made a cake for her and were agonizing over whether we should still celebrate her birthday. I think we went ahead and gave her the cake anyway.
It always bemuses me when Americans of Irish descent gush about the British aristocracy and royalty.
The government and the ruling classes literally starved 1 million people and forced the immigration of another 3 million. I wouldn’t be here (mothers side potato famine immigrants) if not for that cruelty so I guess I should be thankful.
But why did Nancy Regan stan the queen so hard? And why did Joe Kennedy work to become the British Ambassador and aim to get his kids accepted by British “society”? Was it Stockholm syndrome? Bootlicking by US citizens of Irish descent ain’t pretty.
Thank you for mentioning this: the Irish potato famine was thinly veiled genocide, and Ireland still hasn’t gotten a proper acknowledgment/ apology for it.
OMG I love that POTUS tweet Shipping up to Ballina! The BM is choking on it. Joe heard what they said about him being too old to travel, so he rolled up next door to Ireland to enjoy a multi-day trip. This tour had everything — tears, beers, cheers, laughter, hugs and time for kids questions. Plus that rock star entrance was killer.
It’s the kind of tour that both Charles and William dream they could have.
Exactly. They will never ever.
Yep. No need to assemble US Embassy personnel and their families to swell the ranks. That gigantic Irish crowd was there because they wanted to be there.
Ah. That’s a part of this I wasn’t seeing. This follows on the recent royal flop tours so once again they’re paling by comparison and seething.
Oh yeah, @Jais! 👏 You hit the nail on the head. Bingo! 🎯 💯 Spot-on comment of the weekend! 🔥
I find it utterly wild that the British right-wingers seem to think that the people who suffered under their colonialism should be celebrating British rule. My family is Jewish so the Brits weren’t really our main problem, but I can only imagine how insulting it would be to someone of Irish heritage to ask why they weren’t celebrating their oppressor.
To the British government: you were colonialist and people are mad about the damage you did. Deal with the consequences of your actions.
Supporting Charles’ coronation is like showing support for colonialism and all of its horrendous and murderous history. Even living in a Commonwealth country, I feel like it’s deeply problematic and very distasteful.
The Ireland trip was already planned when those articles were printed. Which makes them even more ridiculous. I’m surprised anyone believes anything in those papers.
Turning their unhinged hatred and obsession over Meghan toward Biden because they think he’s a squaddie is just …. insane. They’re treating the President of the US as just a satellite of M&H. I’m not in the “put Harry on Air Force One” camp because stoking this fire could have major political consequences. Utterly bizarre we’re at this turn in the road.
Harry and Meghan has nothing to do with the British press hatred of Biden. It’s because he’s a Democrat, opening talks about the British subjugation of Ireland and he won’t do a trade deal with the UK.
Yep, they still are a very conservative apparatus at the end of the day. I remember back when I used to actually pay attention to British media, during President Obama’s first term they described him inviting” gangsta rappers” to the White House because he had an event and Common was one of the attendees. Common.
@Shawna said: “I’m not in the ‘put Harry on Air Force One’ camp because stoking this fire could have major political consequences.”
I think Sussex fans are, for the most part, just deliciously fantasizing such a scenario. 🍿 😃 The Bidens and the Sussexes are surely down with each other and share admiration for each other. But they aren’t besties. And we’d never see Air Force One being used to give ‘private citizen’ friends a ride home to the states. Not even a stateside British prince whose navel-gazing father threw a big coronation fest attended by the First Lady.
Hopefully, Jill and Harry might get to see each other and talk briefly in private, or at the very least catch each other’s eyes during the overdone Chubbly flubbly, and give each other a discreet 😉.
The priest that gave Beau Biden his last rites is Irish and has retired back home to Knock. The Biden family got to meet him on the visit to Knock shrine. They didn’t know he was retired and back in Ireland and had never met him before, completely surprised and unplanned. It seemed a very emotional moment for them all.
I saw that. It still chokes me up how often Biden says he thought Beau would be President now, not him. He referenced it in one of his speeches in Ireland.
The British press’ reaction to Joe Biden’s visit has been hilarious but it’s also an indication of their continued disrespect towards Ireland. The British political press were giving off the same vibe that the Royal press has for Meghan.
I believe one article referred to the Irish attitude towards GB as a “grudge”. Yeah, it isn’t just about Biden and America. The British media really went through some things this weekend. That cartoon by Peter Brookes, besides being insulting to Biden and Ireland, reveals that they’re the ones with the grudge and have never gotten over the loss of their Irish possession.
The fact that the BM thinks that Biden is going to give the monarchy any attention after its QCC (Queen Consort C#nt) went around in giggle fits spreading fart stories is beyond my comprehension. Here let us embarrass you, wait come back and let us do it more, how dare you not submit to our tacky low class abuse.
The most surprising thing to me is they think he will come back for more.
I hear that fart-smeller never puts a foot wrong, you know?
It’s astounding how utterly CHILDISH they British press and the royal family are behaving in PUBLIC. If they are showing their ass like this for the world to see, you know it’s a thousand times worse behind closed doors.
They fucked themselves with BREXIT and respect and deference detox royalty died with the Queen. And commonwealth countries are kicking their asses out. And calling them out on colonialism and slavery. Their enormous egos can’t handle the fact that their standing in the world has dropped significantly.
It’s been interesting to watch the royalist/conservative types and their unearned sense of superiority slam against people giving them global we’re just not that into you moments. The cognitive dissonance has been amazing to watch. The LEGITIMATELY seem shocked and surprised people aren’t trying to impress and ingratiate themselves to them.
Take a look at this pic of Sunak and Biden, PM seems very out of his league.
You are so right. Watch the whole video, even worse, Sunak body language shows such a lack of confidence! He is huddling with an uncertain grin like a third grade child.
The British media and journalists again making a show of themselves , my girlfriends and l met up.for a coffee yesterday and we where p..ssing ourselves laughing at the British news and DUP, unfortunately between nations there is very little respect. As my daughter said de other day, who would want to be British, like who ??
Just a reminder that both Joe and Jill Biden attended QEII’s funeral which is more than I would have effing done.
Sitting over here in Ireland laughing our asses off as the British Media make a holy show of themselves. Their bigotry is so ingrained and ancient that they forget that it is bigotry.
I was laughing at it in America until I saw that they’re using T***P’s words for Joe such as “Sleepy Joe”, etc. and how Hunter is *prancing* around Ireland with his mumbling, stumbling dad. Now I’m deadly serious. How f*cking DARE they.
ETA: This is not aimed at you, I’m just saying I thought it was funny too. At first.
A few years ago, the TV show Victoria dedicated an episode to the Irish potato famine/genocide. I was reading some comments online about the episode and discovered that apparently it’s not taught in British history classes. It’s definitely taught in American history because it caused such a huge influx of Irish immigration to the US. The Brits (or maybe just the BM) seem to be woefully (or willfully) ignorant of how much needless harm the British governments have inflicted on various communities throughout the past. They’re still trying to live in that old glory of “the sun shines on the British Empire” but that glory is quickly receding because of a refusal to evolve. Anyone who goes against that (including Harry, whose life has evolved at an amazing rate in the last 20 years or so) is a problem and a threat.
I grew up in the west coast of Scotland and it was def taught to me when I was at school (late 80s/early 90s) and we were also taught about the highland clearances – both were taught under ‘this is what the English forces did’. Not sure if thats still the case.
@DigitalUnicorn … thats interesting you say it was taught in school. I would’ve been maybe 5 – 8 years ahead of you in Glasgow and we weren’t taught anything about it. I did history as an O grade and there was nary a mention of the potato famine, Highland Clearances was a small part of the Scottish history segment. Higher was from around 1917-18 onwards so there should’ve been mention of Irish Independence but I don’t remember anything about it, we focused on the Bolshevik Revolution and Russian Civil War. No idea when the subject curriculum changed, probably when it changed from o grade to standard grade.
Canadian here — I went to high school in the mid/late sixties and the potato famine and genocide were definitely taught in history class. Made me proud of my Irish heritage.
@Fifee – I recall a class about the famine and bu can’t remember how much detail it went into but my history teacher (also head of the history dept) was a die hard scottish/NI independence supporter so its probably why he included it.
I think some teachers took liberties with the national curriculum.
That Andrew Maxwell tweet summed it up. Joe loves Ireland and Ireland loves him back and while Joe could never admit it, he probably loved sticking it to the British media and much as we all loved him doing it. The BM have got their knickers in such a twist and their articles have hit the unhinged mark. Ultimately as we all know, it’s Harry and Meghan’s fault for like, having met him and all.
As cheesy as it sounds, I teared up a little at that absolute rockstar entrance. I loved it.
I did too, softies unite!
I did too! 🥲
I know…..he looked so happy 🙂 it was touching to witness
I find the timing of Biden’s visit odd. Clinton will be in Ireland, soon, to meet with Irish leaders and commemorate the Good Friday Agreement. Why not go *then*?
Because then he would have to share the stage with Clinton.
Because he’s the President and doesn’t plan his schedule around the schedule of private citizens even former Presidents and Presidential Candidates. He’s there for official government business it’s not the same.
Ding, ding, ding! And we have a winner. That’s the answer.
Why wait for Clinton? Either Clinton, Hilary or Bill.
That entrance to the Drop Kick Murphys is absolutely fantastic. Love it & him. As the husband always says about Biden – “what a public servant!” And it’s so true.
Wherever you find some British bullshit going on, camila tominey is never far behind. What an execrable woman.
I literally had to confirm that Northern Ireland was till part of the UK and I didn’t miss them leaving due to all the complaining that he “didn’t visit the UK”.
He did. He did visit the UK. I guess just not the right part? Very telling of the English opinions of the Irish – the disrespect continues to this day I see.
honestly, this is more complicated. Macron’s also recently made some comments about europe’s over-reliance on the US. no idea if that’s just trotting out a villain bc they’re dealing with their pension nightmare and protests, but once in a while there are these narratives about anti-US and we don’t need you. add in Biden’s dipping a toe on northern ireland issues…and the fact we still haven’t agreed on trade deals with UK after brexit…the relationship isn’t at the best. for one, i agree with macron. great, i’d love to not pay billions into our US military to contribute to European/Nato defense. please. be sufficient, don’t need us.
And THERE YOU ALL HAVE IT The UK isn’t americas greatest ally, it’s just a hypocritical toxic little island, and I know that as I’m a Brit!! (sorry), the sheer bloody disrespect of a man who was elected by the people is disgusting, when it’s trying to big up Sunak who WASN’T. Sunak was elected by a few self serving tory bsds who wanted to keep their bloated arses sat in parliament. But NOT for much longer (I hope). When will they realise that President Biden owes them NOTHING. Just because Britain shot itself in the foot by leaving the eu it doesn’t mean they can call ANY shots on ANYONE and their actions, because Britain “ain’t all that” on the world stage anymore. I know Ireland, I served their when the troubles were at there peak! And even then, their sence of pride in their country on BOTH sides of the border was evident . So the media can scream, sulk and stamp their feet all they want, it doesn’t matter and won’t make the least bit of difference other than to PROVE HARRY AND MEGAN RIGHT in everything they said about the British press and it’s anti American bias
Some quick context. Joe is from Wilmington, DE/southern PA. There are two big waves of Irish Americans there. Those descended from the famine Irish in the mid 1800s, and those descended from the land clearances of the early 1900s and the war of Irish independence.
Irish Americans are raised on the atrocities the British committed. A short list includes, religious oppression, a genocide and forced relocation that looks very familiar to what was done to AmerIndians later (Native American was a term first used referring to an political party that discriminated and attacked Irish immigrants in the Northeast US). A second genocide aka the Irish Famine aka an Gorta Mór, that has been whitewashed as an “economic mistake” by British historians. The British attempt to erase the Irish language (one of the oldest European languages still spoken), via institutional policies with an assist from the Catholic Church. The land clearances between 1900-1910, the Easter Rising in 1916. The forced partition of Ireland in the 20s, cutting a swath out of Ulster Ireland to create the racist statelet of Northern Ireland that ensured an Anglo-Scottish majority that discriminated against an Irish minority. Providing assistance to terrorist organizations that terrorized Irish people in Northern Ireland. Shooting unarmed Irish protesters that were inspired by the African American Civil Rights movement, and then London having the nerve to wring their hands and drop their monocles when the pro Irish terrorist org the p-IRA came into existence.
Biden is aware of all that stuff. If any of the British press reads this, yea he doesn’t like your nation one bit, his cordiality to the British government is a matter of protocol not personal feelings.
Fantastic post. Thank you,
There’s a clip of Biden somewhere being asked if he has any words for the BBC. His response was “The BBC? I’m Irish.” You’re totally right, he is no personal fan of the British.
This really is a fantastic post, thank you so much!
What did elizabeth have to say about this. They really did a good job of tricking the public about being “not political”. She knew all about this and chose to stay away.
Excellent post! As someone of Irish descent (although we usually just say we’re Irish!) through a young boy who was a potato famine emigrant.
MicMack – Thanks for your excellent post on Irish immigration to DE / PA. Biden seemed to be having a great time (he usually does), but I thought he also said he had British ancestor. Could be that Irish is larger part.
I read that Biden’s ancestry was equal parts Irish and English. Why does he hide that?
I’m Irish by the way.
Didn’t they even ban the playing of certain games? I seem to recall in “The Wind That Shakes The Barley,” there’s a scene early in the movie where they are playing a sport that sort of looks like lacrosse, when it is busted up by some cops and they scatter. And that was in the 20th century!
Great movie and the British reviewers were salty about it because it portrayed the rebels sympathetically.
The sport would have been hurling, along with Gaelic Football the biggest of the games under the banner of the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association). And yes they were suppressed as the GAA was a nationalist organisation. And many still remember the massacre of members of the crowd by British forces at a match in Croke Park in Dublin last century. The GAA is still very active, Gaelic football and hurling are still very widely watched and played so the suppression didn’t work!
Thousands upon thousands of Irish immigrants came to the US because England couldn’t give a green sh*t about the potato famine and starvation of millions of people. America opened their arms to the Irish and they haven’t forgotten. The Britsh*t media can go pound sand if they don’t like it.
I wouldn’t necessarily say “opened their arms”, at least not at first. But at least they had food and shelter and jobs, and could openly practice their religion, which they couldn’t have back in Ireland.
Brit media: Biden is too old to travel
Biden: Helllooooo Ballina!
Lol just lol. This is a major snub in every sense. Politically, historically, diplomatically… Whatever respect and goodwill the Queen had died with the queen. Brexit was a complete failure and Chucky and queen side piece are completely irrelevant.
Please please have Harry fly over with Jill to make this complete 😂
Except it’s NOT a major snub. They just want it to be. No American President has attended a British monarch’s coronation. Not even WWII hero turned President Eisenhower when Elizabeth got her fancy hat.
Yep, they wanted Biden to make the exception to that policy which he refused to do. These royalists and crackpots have to get over their fantasy that Charles and his wife are oh, so special, and deserving of all adulation but we’re just not into them.
President Biden’s entrance at Mayo was glorious! I am thrilled for him and the Irish. Why is the British press so self involved, jealous and petty? It reflects so poorly on their culture, I once considered myself an Anglophile, but my opinion can go no lower now.
Waiting for the “Biden picks Meghan as 2024 running mate” headline from Daily Fail, etc.
Die mad, jerks.
@Kat I love this post. Lol
LOL perfect.
In the video Chic shared above, I thought it was quite interesting that Sunik explained what he and Biden talked about was the Good Friday Agreement and improving the economy of No. Ireland. Companies want to invest, etc. That has to stick in Sunik’s craw, and I think was part of the reason the British establishment is all up in arms. Biden evidently didn’t say one word about the improving the economy in England. I have no doubt that Biden once again told Sunik that they better keep their hands off of the Good Friday Agreement (accord reached on April 10, 1998). He has been very clear that there would be consequences if the British breach that agreement.
I loved the fact that the Irish welcomed Biden. I’m part Irish and have always wanted to visit and I hope to in the next 2-3 years.
I have cousins in Mayo and they were elated Biden visited.
I lol’d this morning at a tweet that said Biden needs to hold an event on Coronation Day with Meghan to further enrage the British media.
He dislikes Canadians as well. I don’t know what we’ve ever done to him.
He does?
All this fake outrage is so silly.
Bill clinton was called a potatoe for his irish visit *in a humourous way.
Usa presidents in irelabd had to worry about terror attacks and maybe the british would do something and blame the irish. Biden has such deep roits he didnt have any security issues. Im surprised he didnt turn it into a month vacation.
For someone so well-versed in history you missed jfk!
The BRF and their sycophantic british media cannot handle it when someone rejects them or the notion that they are the most important and speshul people in the world. They will probably never be able to comprehend the reasons one of their own (Harry) has rejected them, but they should not be at all surprised that a US president of Irish heritage has made this trip to his ancestral home – and been so well received there – rather than rearrange his rather important schedule to attend the coronation of one of the successors to the regime that caused so much grief to the Irish people. Apart from anything else, the coronation is not an important event to anyone but the royal family. Charles became king the moment his mother died. The coronation is just a religious ritual.
I loved how well received Biden was in Ireland and how successful his trip was. It was almost like his 2024 campaign kick-off. The reason the Brits are seething and resorting to 19th century style racist cartoons is because they have made themselves an afterthought. Ireland is the only English speaking country in the EU now so it makes sense to prioritize that relationship. Also, the way the British were being so nasty towards Biden regarding the coronation, knowing no American president has ever attended, came really close to a demand we bow to their sovereign. Don’t tread in us. Britain has to be dealt with separately as both a trading partner and diplomatically, especially considering they seem pretty cavalier about maintaining the Good Friday Agreement. Glad both POTUS and Meghan are not attending that bloated Potemkin-like spectacle. They can choke on their sour grapes.
What an entrance! And an “in your face” to the BM for sure(the Actions here speak louder than Words). They know the US still has a very (very) large presence in the world and that’s why the BM is seething and literally has become psycho crazy. Just as one commenters a few weeks ago mentioned, they’re still psst off they lost a prized colony(the US) and you now see that their true colors has really shown. And as I mentioned last week, many Americans who used to love anything about England ,has now turned sour on them. I’ve known for years how condescending many in England can be esp to any people from their current and former colonies. It’s becoming more obvious each day. And lastly, they’ve always had a love-hate obsessive relationship with the US.