Ben Affleck: J.Lo is ‘the most gorgeous woman in the world & she looks spectacular’

Last week, Ben Affleck appeared via video linkup on the Drew Barrymore Show. Sidenote: Barrymore’s show seemed to have some growing pains, but she’s hit her stride in recent months, scoring some much-discussed interviews and creating some wonderful viral moments. She got Ben to open up about something I’ve always been curious about, which is: just how disciplined is Jennifer Lopez when it comes to diet? J.Lo has always been about clean living – she rarely drinks, she’s extremely fit, she takes good care of herself in every way. But she’s married to a guy who loves cheeseburgers and fries, you know? So that’s what Drew asked Ben, whether he has a “cheat drawer” full of forbidden snacks. Ben revealed that he does not have a cheat drawer because J.Lo eats pizza, ice cream, all of it. He also talks about what J.Lo would change about him.

On Jennifer Lopez: When Barrymore asked how the Bronx native keeps in such great shape, Affleck revealed it’s just a case of good genetics. “Let me tell you something that is going to upset you. Jennifer just eats whatever she wants. She eats pizza, cookies, ice cream … everything.” Visibly shocked, Barrymore asked, “Is it the working out?,” to which Affleck joked, “She works out but I work out too … but I don’t magically appear to be 20 years old, you know what I mean? With perfect skin and the whole thing.” Although he clarified that Lopez does have a great “work ethic” and “discipline,” he continued gushing about his “superhuman” wife. “She’s the most gorgeous woman in the world and she looks spectacular.”

What J.Lo would change about him: “She would probably want to cultivate brevity in the way I speak. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I go on and on and on. I talk in circles. She’s never said that to me, but that would be my guess.”

The last time he went skinny-dipping: “My wife and I went on a little vacation recently, we went in the pool — I don’t know if that counts as skinny dipping. It wasn’t, like, an ’80s college movie or anything.”

[From Yahoo & Page Six]

When Ben and J.Lo first got back together, I was worried that he would try to play it too cool and act like she was lucky to be with him again. I’m glad to see that he’s not doing that – he’s really started to talk her up and be publicly loving and demonstrative with her. Jennifer Lopez loves that. That’s her love language – a man publicly defending her and complimenting her. And she does look amazing. I really hope Ben doesn’t ruin this!

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17 Responses to “Ben Affleck: J.Lo is ‘the most gorgeous woman in the world & she looks spectacular’”

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  1. Nicegirl says:

    Gorgeous and spectacular magnificent magical JLo

  2. ThatsNotOkay says:


  3. Emmi says:

    I’m glad he’s relaxed into being J.Lo’s husband, it suits him and he should absolutely be happy and proud to be her husband. But I think we need to be realistic here, I’m sure the woman isn’t stuffing her face every day. Come on. He’s most likely telling the truth. She eats a cookie when she wants one. One cookie. Sometimes. She eats pizza when friends get together. Once in a while. It’s fine. She’s famously disciplined and has maintained that throughout her life. Consistency is key.

    • mel says:

      I am 49 and quite fit and young looking for my age. I am half black which has helped my face a ton! Also no kids haha!
      I work out a lot and eat well 80% of the time. I don’t eat too many carbs in my meals (mostly protein and veg), stay hydrated, and have treats (candy, chips etc) probably every 3-4 days or so. I don’t skimp when out with friends, special occasions but I definitely don’t eat junky meals.

      So it is absolutely about genes AND balanced diet/life. There’s no way she has a crap diet all the time. She allows herself to enjoy food and her life, but she is incredibly busy and active and needs a diet that will allow for that life.

      • ama1977 says:

        This is exactly it. I’m 46 with two kids and maintaining the 25 pounds I lost when I realized in January 2022 that this was probably my last chance to do so before perimenopause sets in. I eat everything I want, but not in unlimited quantities or all of the time. I have changed my eating habits so that I can enjoy anything with a little planning, and it’s working for me. Walking and forgoing a cheeseburger in favor of a salad most of the time allows me to have a piece of cake or enjoy pizza night with my family. Eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day and almost exclusively drinking water (with the occasional glass of wine or soda) is helpful for me. I also eschewed the tanning aesthetic of my youth in favor of sunscreen and more sunscreen and I never go out without a hat shading my face, so I am very fortunate to still have very good elasticity and few wrinkles, but that’s partly luck/genetic.

        So yeah, JLo has good genes and she’s not depriving herself, but I bet she does it mindfully. The skin thing is partly genetic and partly choices you make in your early years.

  4. Catram says:

    I saw her eating lunch with a boyfriend (the last dancer guy) in the late afternoon at Tower Bar. She looked like she’d just come from filming something, full makeup etc. and ordered what looked to be a large plate of surf and turf. Ate everything!

  5. Jais says:

    Good genes are good genes. Not drinking a lot, smoking, or dieting to be super skinny probably helps. She’s fit but not a size zero. All of that has prob served her well.

  6. Trish says:

    Okay, so why don’t you tell her Ben. Leave us out of it. He does too much. It’s like he’s trying to sell it. Who talks like this lol?

    • Marietta2381 says:

      This 100%. Hey literally talked her up just like this before they broke up the last time… just saying. I feel like he’s trying to overcompensate for something. It’s going to come back and bite him in the ass.

      Side note: He also said (after they broke up last time) that he had that feeling of calm after vomiting when they split. JLo should have never taken him back after that comment. Any self-respecting woman would never.

    • Barbara says:

      Yep. All of this. Sorry, I know a lot of people love their relationship but he’s just gross, going on like a teenager about his first crush. And she may look great but she doesn’t have perfect skin. Photoshop is her best trick.

      This garbage is what makes women feel insecure about themselves.

  7. Nyro says:

    He’s setting her up to get dragged. She does not look 20. She doesn’t even look 40 anymore. She looks like a beautiful 50-something woman who has maintained a healthy lifestyle and beauty routine and doesn’t take her good genes for granted.

  8. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    His comments are a little off-putting to me. It’s great when a man thinks his wife is beautiful, but based on my now-divorced friends, it’s a red flag when ALL he sees in her is how beautiful she is.

    • Debbie says:

      Judging by what it says above, Drew Barrymore’s question was about how she maintained her well-known great shape. Then, Drew asked whether Jennifer worked out a lot to balance off the eating Ben mentioned. So, he can hardly be blamed for responding about physicality too.

  9. DeluxeDuckling says:

    She’s an awesome dancer too, burns a lotta calories and also requires brains.

  10. Gelya says:

    She has always talked about eating everything in moderation. I always respected that she has always been a good role model for her younger fan base.
    Sorry Ben, I love you but your wife works out way more than you do. She also doesn’t smoke or drink.