I usually don’t sympathize with the giant corporation which effectively operates its own fiefdom within a state, but in a limited sense, I am absolutely on Disney’s side in its fight against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. You have to understand, the state of Florida has had a long line of mostly Republican governors who helped craft the legislation giving Disney so much power within the state. These issues of power and self-governance are not new, and before DeSantis, disputes usually ended swiftly when Disney reminded the state how much they pay in taxes, how much they provide to the state’s local economy, and how much they boost tourism. DeSantis doesn’t care, and he’s doing all of this for the stupidest of reasons: because Disney isn’t going to fire or punish LGBTQ people, and because Disney publicly opposed the homophobic and bigoted legislation DeSantis and his cronies pushed through. Last we heard, Disney was able to establish their self-governance through a perpetuity clause invoking King Charles III. DeSantis is still trying to figure out a way to hurt them or control them. So Disney just sued DeSantis.
Last year, under pressure from its employees, Disney criticized a Florida education law prohibiting classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity for young students. Almost instantly, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida started calling the company “Woke Disney” and vowing to show it who was boss.
“If Disney wants to pick a fight, they chose the wrong guy,” Mr. DeSantis wrote in a fund-raising email at the time.
Since then, Florida legislators, at the urging of Mr. DeSantis, have targeted Disney — the state’s largest taxpayer — with a variety of hostile measures. In February, they ended Disney’s long-held ability to self-govern its 25,000-acre resort as if it were a county. Last week, Mr. DeSantis announced plans to subject Disney to new ride inspection regulations.
Disney has quietly maneuvered to protect itself, enraging the governor and his allies. On Wednesday, however, the company decided enough was enough: Disney filed a First Amendment lawsuit against Mr. DeSantis and a five-member board that oversees government services at Disney World in federal court, claiming “a targeted campaign of government retaliation.”
“In America, the government cannot punish you for speaking your mind,” Disney said in its complaint, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida. Disney had criticized the Parental Rights in Education law, which opponents labeled “Don’t Say Gay” and which prohibits classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity for students through the third grade. The DeSantis administration recently expanded the ban through Grade 12.
The lawsuit accused Mr. DeSantis of a “relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint.” The campaign, the complaint added, “now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the region and violates its constitutional rights.”
“Disney regrets that it has come to this,” the complaint said. “The company sought to de-escalate the matter for nearly a year, trying several times to spark a productive dialogue with the DeSantis administration. But having exhausted efforts to seek a resolution, the company is left with no choice.”
I genuinely wonder how this ends. Disney has a lot of power, but will they actually pull the trigger and issue the biggest threat they have, which is “pulling out of Florida entirely”? Disney isn’t saying that now and maybe it will never come to that. I mean, Disney already has hundreds of billions of dollars invested in the state, which makes it even dumber that DeSantis – supposedly a “pro business” Republican – is waging this war over… bigotry, hate and cultural issues. That’s all it’s about, really – DeSantis isn’t concerned about the actual legal principles at stake of allowing Disney to operate as a fiefdom. He’s just mad that Disney called him out on his homophobia and hate.
DeSantis is also being widely mocked for his weird reaction in this video from a few days ago. He’s such a weird little dude.
"I'm not a candidate, so we'll see if and when that changes," Gov. DeSantis, who is in Japan right now, says when asked about polls that show him falling behind Trump. pic.twitter.com/nDVeyBoVHN
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) April 24, 2023
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Governor Ron DeSantis (Republican of Florida) delivers remarks on “And To The Republic: The Florida Blueprint” at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York on April 1, 2023. In his remarks DeSantis commented on the Manhattan Grand Jury’s indictment of former US President Donald J. Trump. Featuring: Governor Ron DeSantis Where: Garden City, New York, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: CNP/startraksphoto.com
- Governor Ron DeSantis (Republican of Florida) delivers remarks on “And To The Republic: The Florida Blueprint” at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York on April 1, 2023. In his remarks DeSantis commented on the Manhattan Grand Jury’s indictment of former US President Donald J. Trump. Featuring: Governor Ron DeSantis Where: Garden City, New York, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: CNP/startraksphoto.com
- Governor Ron DeSantis (Republican of Florida) delivers remarks on “And To The Republic: The Florida Blueprint” at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York on April 1, 2023. In his remarks DeSantis commented on the Manhattan Grand Jury’s indictment of former US President Donald J. Trump. Featuring: Governor Ron DeSantis Where: Garden City, New York, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: CNP/startraksphoto.com
I went with my sister and niece to Orlando a few weeks ago. The infrastructure in place for both Disney and Universal is not a joke. I can’t imagine disney leaving the state but who knows? Anything could happen.
My niece’s family was there yesterday. I now have a pic of my great niece sleeping on Ron’s monorail after a very fun day. The irony of the monorail inspection legislation is that the state would have to hire a lot of inspectors, most of whom already work for Disney. I would trust Disney to keep all that infrastructure safe before I would trust the state of Florida to do so, given the current state of government in Florida.
One of the ironies here is that Disney does what Republicans insist capitalism will naturally do. Meaning, one of the biggest small government arguments I hear is that capitalism and competition will force companies to behave in certain ways without the government’s involvement. There’s no need to ban companies from polluting rivers, because people won’t buy from companies that do that so the companies will WANT to be as environmentally conscious as possible because its better for business. We all know that’s not how it usually plays out.
but with Disney, it does. They are so aggressive about their brand and protecting their image that it does play out that way. A child was attacked/killed by an alligator, so Disney now has fences around all their water. They didn’t wait for the government to make a law about it. Should they have had the fences up before? Obviously, but they moved fast after that horrific incident.
There’s no need for the government to inspect the monorails, because Disney is going to take care of that because it is in disney’s best interests to have safe monorails. (I know there is some state oversight, just making a general example.)
Disney is an example of capitalism roughly working the way the Rs say they want it to work*, and now they’re saying it needs MORE government oversight? So capitalism doesn’t work by itself?
*I’m not saying it “should” work that way or that Disney is a saint, just from a R perspective, Disney is doing what Rs say they think corporations should do.
Yep, he’s biting the hand that feeds him. Honestly, Florida would be effed if Disney moved. It’s akin to MGT and the rest of the idiot magas thinking that any red state would be able to survive without blue states or the major blue cities inside of those red states. Just look at how many people are employed in central Florida because of Disney. He’s supposed to be a big R capitalist and Disney is set up the way it is because of the R govt down there that has allowed it to and now he has no choice but to continue with this stupid charade because he would look weak in their eyes if he backed down now. He’s backed himself into a corner over culture wars. Also, not saying that I think Disney is a great company that should be able to do whatever it wants with no regulation, but I’m going to just sit back and watch these two duke it out.
You don’t mess with the mouse. I hope Disney ruins him.
Infrastructure that both Disney and Universal built, paid for, and maintained at higher standards than state requirements. Universal has its own self-governing distinct too but DeSantis hasn’t moved against it; a fact Disney’s lawyers will use in that lawsuit
I applied for a job with Disney once writing instructions for ride maintenance. They had me for an interview because I also did this work for the military. They literally hire people who have worked with life-or-death situations to write their ride maintenance procedures! Good luck finding *anything* wrong with their machines that they haven’t caught first.
And then the GOP suddenly regretted the time they voted to make corporations equal to people…
Yeah, loving this FAFO time for DeSatan.
I read earlier today that Disney alone accounts for 73% of the tourism economy in Florida and that 73% is almost 40% of the states GDP.
That’s astronomical.
I honestly hope they leave….and come to Eastern NC. We have GREAT taxes for corporations in Pitt County and have a lot of industries that operate in and around Greenville. Plus, I wouldn’t have to travel to visit. Hahaha.
DeSantis is a fascist. Full stop.
💯 💯 💯
Let me tell you all the ways in which Ron has made my life worse this year.
My daughter is LGBTQ. She applied to New College last year, got it, and was looking forward to an inclusive school with an interesting curriculum. Ron came along and torpedoed it. We had to scramble to apply to a different school at the last minute — but due to the laws DeSantis is enacting that stop the correct teaching of history or literature, we did not want to send her to a public university. As a result, we’re going to have to shell out a lot of money for a private in-state school, but I feel better knowing she’ll be somewhere that isn’t beholden to Ron.
Anyway. He’s a fascist, and he’s made my child feel unsafe and unwanted. As a mom, that is UNFORGIVABLE.
I hurt so much for you Floridawoman. He is a complete nightmare
Thank you. It’s been hauntingly scary to live here in these times, knowing that the LGBTQ club that nurtured my kid in high school will likely be yanked because of Ron expanding “don’t say gay” through 12th grade. It’s just so, so horrific, especially to the mom of a gay kid.
Absolutely heart-breaking.
The language the Right is using to refer to the LGBTQ community is the kind of shit nazis said.
It’s just absolutely insane to me that we could get to a point of relative acceptance for gay folks–legal marriage, representation in various forms of media, inclusive curriculum that teaches about pivotal stuff like the Stonewall Riots, etc etc only to have one desperate political party attempt to ACTIVELY roll it all back every chance they get, It’s horrifying and I hope it backfires as badly as their anti-abortion stance has.
I also live in FL and I am so happy my kids are no longer in school. I told my H if I had to send my kids to public school here I would move out of the state. It’s horrible what the republicans have done to this state and Ron is the worst. I just amazes me how many people I know like him. It’s getting very hard to even talk to some of these people. The threat of gun violence , the discrimination against anyone who isn’t a white national christian, lack of health care, almost impossible to get insurance makes it hard to live here.
Thanks guys. Moving states is not feasible right now (I need to work near my military base), and sending my kid out of state is f-king expensive, beyond what’s even possible or worth paying for. Local private college was the next best idea.
@FloridaWoman, I grew up in Florida and graduated from Florida State – but what DeSantis is doing to the SUS is precisely why my family can’t afford to move back to Florida from NOLA for high school/college choices. I hear you, and boy do I feel your pain deeply.
Yes. And the dude is losing to a theme park.
If DeSantis ‘wins’ any part of this he’ll be alienating big business, leery of a guy who nullifies contracts. It’s a lose-lose situation.
That’s exactly what I came in to say. To an Australian this is completely unbelievable! Couple of years ago my state was under conservative government. It was the time of the pandemic, and we thought our female Premier was doing a great job. Then a completely unrelated story came out about secret deals she possibly did with her very secret boyfriend, another politician in the south of the state. To us they were just rumours, but it was revealed that the Independent Commission Against Corruption it had been investigating. Within days she resigned from her position. She had no choice. She was replaced by a good Catholic altar, boy Premier. He was weak and ineffective. And then there were little titterss about “business deals” with his many brothers. Next thing a documentary exposing his family as being leaders in Opus Dei, the things they teach in the very private schools, the cruise and bazaar treatment of students particularly females and gay students, and how his government had given more than $20 million to the 4 Opus Dei schools in our state. His fate was sealed because a few weeks later we had a state election and he was booted out and we finally got our Labour government in. (A few years ago another conservative premier was unceremoniously bundled out because he failed to declare a bottle of Grange Hermitage he’d been given as a “gift”. He said it was an oversight, but the way he received it seemed very iffy!) what is it who is conservative politicians? They all seem to have some Nutter in them.
We have a very different system of government to the US, but we like it, because we don’t piss about with bastards like your De Santis, and we are pretty irreverent when it comes to politicians of any persuasion. There is no way he would get away with his antics here, but people like him always find the right swamp to operate in.
@Annakist: “There is no way he would get away with his antics here, but people like him always find the right swamp to operate in.”
Well said! It’s a very sad truth.
I know the show is not popular around these parts but there was an episode of South Park where Mickey Mouse beats a Jonas brother to a bloody pulp before asking “Do we have a problem here?”
I’d love a meme of that scene with DeSantis’s face superimposed over the Jonas brother’s.
The mouse is stirring and good for them. The house of mouse will not be screwed with. You love to see it happen.
Truly. I can’t I’m out here rooting for a corporation but, “Get em Disney!”
The mouse always wins. I don’t want to be actively siding with a corporation this powerful, but they’re right- the company is being targeted directly because of political stances, which companies are allowed to have.
Disney was there long before Ron came along, and they’ll be around long after he’s gone too.
Ron doesn’t have the stones, charm, smarts, or powder for this fight. I have no doubt that the legal suits at Disney are salivating over it.
The legal suits know they are locked up tight, always have been. DeSatan has miscalculated and is costing his state revenue. at some point even the most ardent of his voting nazis will realize that their taxes are going up because little satan is trying to ruin their #1 business.
Why does he continue to fk with the mouse – he keeps getting bit in the ass but still goes back for more. What does he hope to gain from it – a presidential nomination?
It’s interesting that there has been not GOP presidential nomination announcement – makes you wonder whats going on BtS and who is being put forward. I think Trump is waiting to see who puts themselves forward before he makes his decision – it will be interesting to see if he does given all the lawsuits. Trump clearly does not have the financial backing that he did previously – if he did he wouldn’t be constantly scamming his base to pay his legal fees. He’s also about to lose several of his properties.
I think he hoped that he’d be able to make noises against Disney for being “woke”, and rile up support for himself that way. And that that support would be sufficient in carrying him to a presidential nomination, the same way it did for Trump.
The problem is, and I really f-cking hate to say this bc I hate Trump…Trump is better than DeSantis, when it comes to this stuff. DeSantis got a lot of bank off of the notion that he’s “Trump but more intelligent, and therefore more effective”, but that’s precisely the thing that’s biting him in the keester right now. It’s one thing to be like Trump and to throw around words and threats that, with the right people and influences, can be walked back, bc Trump is a soft-brained tool.
DeSantis is not. He’s been very clever at weaponizing the corrupt institutions in Florida to advance his culture war agenda, for real. People, and businesses, have been hurt thanks to what he’s been doing. Disney knows that DeSantis isn’t just talk, and they’re going all out in making sure that he can’t hurt their bottom line, just bc he wants to profit off of a bogus culture war.
I think DeSantis thought that Disney wouldn’t take him so seriously, or that his actions wouldn’t impact Disney in a way that they started to actually worry about their bottom line, but Disney doesn’t f-ck around, or take any chances. And it’s too late for DeSantis to go all, “Haha, I was just joking!!!!” He f-cked around, and is now finding out.
Could Disney sue DeSantis for enough money that he has to re-think running for president? That’d be great, thanks!
I think it’s more likely that Disney is forcing DeSantis to pick between spending money to defend himself in court, or spend money to possibly win the presidency.
it’s more likely Disney is telling DeSantis he’s not above the law.
Can DeSantis use Florida employees, their state attorney general’s office, to defend himself? I sure hope that Disney is suing him personally, and not just as Governor.
He and his family have mooched Florida taxpayer dollars at an astronomical rate that would make Rick Scott look fiscally responsible. I am assuming it’s him and his admin getting sued? I expect Florida taxpayers to foot the bill for this lawsuit and the state legislature will allow him to — they apparently appropriated a good amount of money for his numerous lawsuits.
That said, where this is hurting him financially is he is starting to lose the interest of the billionaire class as donors, who have been propping him up as the heir apparent to Trump. Keep in mind, he is starting off with a good pot of campaign money, for now. I also expect him to try to leverage the lawsuit for fundraising purposes because he has always been shameless like that. But longer-term, the lawsuit will take a toll, no doubt.
I might get blasted for this, and I realize how cumbersome and difficult it would be, but I hope ultimately Disney decides to relocate. They’ll eventually have to anyway. Leave that fascist state to itself.
I thought first that Disney would never be able to move. It would just cost them to much. But with global warming and all the hurricains that keep coming. And then on top of that the insurance and everything else that is going on there. I figure Disney has been looking for years at moving. Just in case. I would imagine they have land somewhere else. Purchased by a shell corporation. Desantis just might be the final straw for them to start building somewhere else. Either way they win. Either a third park. Or getting out of Florida.
Yeah, there’s a lot of tics in the ‘pro’ column for moving.
Yeah, but it would cost a trillion dollars to move Disney World, and where would they move it TO?! Where’s that much empty land?! I am happy Disney’s fighting back, but they are way stuck with Florida at this point.
There has long been rumors (over 25+ years) that Disney, via some other corporation, owns a massive chunk of land (5000-ish acres, IIRC) within driving distance of where I grew up. It’s very interesting because despite all the growth creeping up on it, that very large chunk of land still has very little on it. Unfortunately, it’s still Red State Central and nearly as bad as Florida. But, I would not be surprised to hear they already own large chunks of land all over the US in various states. I’d love to see them move Disney World. I’ve already decided that I won’t take my niece there when the time comes, but I’ll go to the other coast and take her to Disneyland instead.
I’d love to see Universal move everything as well, honestly.
Relocate? Why? Disney’s long term plan is to wait for Florida to secede, rising sea levels to take large portions of the Floridian Nation’s coastline and then to buy ALL of remaining Florida and rename it to Mousetopia! And I’m totally cool with that as long as I don’t need a passport to go there.
Right?!? They don’t even have to move yet they can just build a third Disney…”Planet” lol. Begin putting resources into a third location and shifting things from Florida. Then in 30 years if they need to they can shut down the FL park. They can go do somewhere in the Midwest and have a central location for a chunk of the country. This would leverage their bets and it would really hurt Florida because it would take tourist dollars straight out of their pocket.
I think they should move too, specifically because of climate change, but I’m also totally here for this lawsuit. I hope they stick around for whatever legal karate is needed to take DeSantis down then skip town. The cost to stay in Florida in the long run will be way more expensive than winning this legal battle and relocating.
@ Mab — my first thought was Georgia — you still get good enough weather for year around traffic, they already deal with the heat/humidity in the summer in Orlando so Disney has infrastructure to deal with that — and Georgia as a state has been doing everything they can to bring in business and jobs.
Disney thinks in decades. Orlando is only 82 feet above sea level. I’m sure they’ve already invested a lot of money on climate modeling to select their next park location. It’ll be a challenge to find somewhere that’ll have a decent climate year-round.
I’d guess they’d have been looking towards the Dakotas, which is likely to become coveted ground in several decades.
I read the entire lawsuit yesterday–you could tell whoever wrote it was having a little fun (as much fun as one can have when drafting a lawsuit). There are several issues besides the First Amendment. There’s also voiding Disney’s contracts & violating the Takings Clause (taking private property without compensation).
The tldr is Disney will win. And I personally think DeSantis will never be elected to any office outside of Florida.
This. “Disney regrets that it has come to this,” is causing guffaws throughout the legal community.
Honestly I think the first amendment argument is just a poke in Desantis’s eye to make him look bad. Interference with a contract should be sufficient to win this case. The mouse is mad!
I’m reading it now and just got to the part where DeSantis writes in his memoir “in promising to work to repeal the bill, the company was pledging a frontal assault on a duly enacted law of the state of Florida” and that as a consequence of its disfavored speech and petitioning “things got worse for Disney.”
What a f–ing idiot. He has no defense. He’s put it out there publicly that he is retaliating against Disney’s political stance.
The lawsuit is fantastic. You don’t go Donald Ducking around with the mouse, he will beat you to a bloody pulp and leave you looking like a Goofy idiot. Haha sorry I can’t stop myself.
And now, when republicans accuse democrats of weaponizing the government against businesses, as they often do, we will all have a hearty laugh.
Lizzie, your comment and the replies are giving me a mental image of RD pontificating at a podium, finger raised upward as he utters yet another asinine proclamation…with a lips bared, teeth protruding mouse resembling Mickey attached to his ass.
I hope the mouse bites him very hard.
Because all non-candidates meet with Prime Ministers…sure. What is going on with his wife’s face in this clip?! She looks both frightened and manic.
As I’ve said before, the Botox needle hit her frontal lobe
She is botoxed to the hilt, but she was also a TV presenter for 15 years, so she is attempting to do that friendly, but neutral face they are taught. Deep down, she is probably trying to hide how mortified she is at his media skills, given the amount of effort she has put in to train him. She’s his main advisor and he only one he listens to, so while people think she is a Stepford wife, she has a ton of influence over him.
The fact a member of the Republican party that’s supposedly about supporting business, free markets, and capitalism is pulling this stunt is such a bad look politically. Ron won’t know what hit him. The local businesses are seeing what he’s doing and realize that on a whim, he could do the same to them (and they don’t have the deep pockets as Disney does). Not to mention how for business within Disney ‘s sphere of influence, they know that Disney will actually do their part as far as road maintenance, watershed management, and general infrastructure that would take months to even get approval from the state. DeSantis will lose the local Chamber of Commerce support, and once he loses that, he’s toast.
don’t mess with the mouse.
The best part about this is that DeSantis never once tried to hide what he was doing. He made it CLEAR the whole time that this was retaliation for Disney speaking out (way too late) about the Dont Say Gay legislation. He never even tried to pretend it was about anything else.
He went so far as to threaten to build a jail next to Disney World. Nothing says family values like threatening to build a jail next to a family theme park.
DeSantis is a dictator in the making, IMO.
If Disney wins, will his push for the Nomination be squashed?
I’m guessing Disney has enough money, lawyers and power to win.
If Disney left FL, how many jobs would be gone? Tons and tons.
Biden has announced his run.
I think DeSantis is trying to position himself as the Rep new blood.
Trump is stirring his followers who will most likely go all in on an effort to get Trump vs. Biden 2.0.
I don’t like any of it.
Fun fact: desantis and his deplorable wife were married at Disney!
Why does that bring me to giggles?
Seriously?! LOL
I live in Florida, 10 minutes from Disney World . There would be no tourism in Orlando if Disney hadn’t come here 50 years ago. It’s the state’s largest employer. DeSantis is just a petulant child who was bested by Disney. He is a Nazi, banning books and dictating what can be taught in schools. He is actually worse than Trump.
100%, Carol.
Ha! That’s some irony right there.
At the grand Floridian property. Oh the irony. Puke.
Also a Floridian here and fully agree with Carol. He’s worse than trump and very dangerous. Hopefully these types of stories chip away at the overwhelming support he has (at least here in FL)- but I’ve said it before…. He should not be underestimated. It’s going to take way more than this- he is worshipped in this state (it’s disgusting).
Do you think that will change ince he starts messing with people’s money?
Most American kids have been raised with Disney from the 1930’s onward regardless of a family’s political background. DeSantis has gone into ludicrous evil villain mode: I cannot see him becoming president if he continues to go after the mouse. Normally, they are a huge corporate entity that enjoys tax breaks and special treatment and he has made them into sympathetic justice warriors. Good luck with that.
Please oh please let Disney create an Evil villan that looks like DeSantis in those hilarious white boots! I am laughing even harder now.
The small government guy dreams and plots to taking over his state’s largest tourist attraction? The small government guy is dictating school curricula and banning books? Man, the GOP all want to be dictators.
Honestly why isn’t someone
Suing him for the little girls
He says arent allows to
Talk about their periods?!
Thou Shall Not March on the House of Mouse.
Regarding the videos above of DeSantis, he is such a bobble head! .Even if I agreed with him on just about anything (I don’t) I can’t stand to watch him!
He’s just so uncool. He has no charm or charisma and lacks even the basic ability to maintain composure when he’s asked a question eh doesn’t like. He’s a fascist but he’s also a fucking dork.
Why is DeSantis and his family on a world tour right now and at whose cost? First Japan, then S Korea and today he is in Israel. Is this normal for governors? I’d be pissed if my taxes were paying for that.
Bully Ronnie D,during the height of Covid,yelled at a bunch of high school students , who were standing behind him for a photo-op, to take their masks off.And when I say yelled, I mean YELLED.You just knew when Chapek was booted out and Iger came back the gloves were coming off. Ronnie D is wayyyyy out of his league.
In a better timeline, him yelling at those kids would have been the end of his career. But sadly, it got brushed under the rug and he will continue to be allowed public infraction after infraction before his career is truly over.
Over won’t even break a sweat. DeSantis should be absolutely shaking in his stupid white boots. He had the Trump crazies on one side and the entire Mouse Mafia on the other. I love this journey for him.
I’m generally not a fan of “corporations as people” and I know Disney as a conglomerate is problematic, but I love this. The enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. Disney is not just the largest employer, they’re also the largest taxpayer in Florida! We don’t have state income tax because of the tax we get from tourism (Disney)! He’s such a buffoon, and I cant wait to watch Disney wipe the floor with him in court. I also appreciated the fact that Disney specifically said they were doing this because they could, whereas a smaller company wouldn’t be able to fight back when it happens to them. I know it wasn’t a main reason, but even just acknowledging that is going to play very well in the history books. Using their might for good!
This asshole’s battle with Disney is moronic. He’ll end up shutting it down and an iconic dream factory will be defunct, ending the revenue it generates in Florida (especially from out of state), the employment of many who work at Disney, etc. This idiot. Disney represents America. DeSantis represents his own presidential ambitions.
He won’t shut Disney World down Disney would relocate first. Disney Is not making a threat trust me they have already been looking for other places to relocate to.
Which, like you said, will crush Florida financially, because wherever Disney World goes, the people will go.
Whatever happened to that NC Senate bill to set aside $750K for Mickey Mouse exploratory commission? NC lawmakers, who watched performers and corps boycott NC over their stupid 2016 bathroom bill, signed into law by their ex-governor who was defeated in next election, see an opportunity. $75B economic impact u say?
I am side Disney and think the party for LGTBQ in June is a great way to give DeSantis the finger.But wasn’t the Disney heiress complaining about Disney for treating their employees like garbage?
It would be terrific if Disney wins and in the process completely crushes DeSantis in his push for Rep nomination.
DeSantis and Trump are both liars.
DeSantis “I’m not a candidate” what utter BS, he is certainly acting like a future candidate.
We need better from our politicians, in both parties.
Above comments re: South Park episode in which Mickey Mouse goes all out on the Jonas Brothers is a great episode. The entire episode shows you work FOR the Mouse. The Mouse made you, the Mouse will take you out.
I am really Team Disney on this fight with DeSantis.
I hope Desantis goes the way of the Cuomo Brothers. They did themselves in, give DeSantis enough time, he’ll F things up. Got 2 years to do it. Plenty of time.
Look at John Edwards, John Kerry, Mitt Romney at some point, each of them thought they stood a good chance at getting the Nom.
Hello HeyKay, what do you mean? They did get the nom. John Kerry in 2004 against Bush Jr (oh how I prayed he would win) and Mitt Romney in 2012 against Obama. I keep reading that according to Florida law if DeSantis decides to run, he has to step down as governor and that that is why he is so hesitant to announce. Not sure that is true, does any Floridian here know?
I think he’s kind of cute. I think he got his wife from Madame Tussauds.
For some reason I see her as like a Tammy Wynette or Loretta Lynn.I don’t know why she reminds me of an old time country music star.
They are trying to be like Don and melania trump. Umm not to many people can pull off that “head shaking bobbing”. I thunk he will turn off a lot of potential voters.
I hope that horrible man and his entire bigoted political party goes down in flames. And I don’t think it is feasible, but I wish Disney would pack up and leave. They can come to Texas and help us turn blue. As dumb as Texas government is, most people are pro business here.
Disney is not a company that makes idle threats – chances are that this is something that they have already been thinking about or have had plans in the works for a while on relocating elsewhere. It could be they open a new park somewhere else and close/move rides/staff etc.. there.
That is all well and fine but they still need to be called to task for not treating their employees well
My daughter & SIL are both PhDs and are moving from FL this summer because of DeSatan. They will not bring their children up that state. DeSatan has made it intolerable for normal, educated people to live.
Oh don’t leave.We libs are as just entitled to the sun and warm weather.We just need to fight against Scott SeSantis Gaetz and all right winged lunes
I think Disney should shut down this summer for “repairs” and let the little man get a taste.
I think it was either CNBC or MSNBC that said Mickey Mouse is still King of Florida. And agree the amount of $$$ that Disney pour into that state whether paying taxes, generating jobs/economy, and investments. If Disney ever decides to leave that state, that would cause A Lot of panic.
There was an article about Disneyland Paris a few weeks ago and how Disney is the number 1 private employer in France because of it . The tax generation, jobs, investments it provides to France, even exceeded the French govt expectations.
Took the kids to Disney Paris last year, and the French definitely embraced it as their own esp Compared to 30 years ago. Not sure what Floridians are thinking with voting for a stupid idiot of a governor. Well they get what they voted for (eye roll).
I propose the start of a movement to support Disney. Everyone wear Rainbow Micky Ears. Opinions?