Was Princess Kate actually playing the piano on Eurovision or was it all a lie?

People are still aghast at the Princess of Wales’s brief appearance on Eurovision this weekend. Kate didn’t deign to appear in person in Liverpool (where Eurovision was being hosted this year), but she wanted to put her keen stink all over a Ukrainian performance of last year’s Eurovision-winning song. Which is how Kate ended up copykeening her sister-in-law’s one-shoulder blue dress and playing a few notes at a grand piano in Windsor Castle. The whole video released by Kensington Palace was awkward as hell – half the video is just Kate guffawing at nothing, like she’s so pleased that Kalush Orchestra had to perform at a bombed-out metro station in Kyiv because of the war.

Much like Kate’s keen piano recital two Christmases ago, people did wonder if Kate could even manage playing those few notes. Her Christmas 2021 piano recital was also prerecorded, not live, and there were rumors of an emergency pianist standing by to actually “record” the piano bit. Well, there are similar rumors this time around. I have no idea if this guy is full of sh-t, but at least twenty people sent me this yesterday:

As I said, I have no idea if any of that is true – I’m not musical, I have no idea what Kate’s skill level is, but to my untrained ear, it seemed like she knew enough to put her fingers on the right keys. Who knows? The bigger story is surely that Kate is a deeply unwell woman obsessed with style-stalking the sister-in-law she treated like sh-t and lied about constantly.

Note by CB: Get the Top 10 stories about Kate copying Meghan’s style when you subscribe to our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays which I personally write.

Photos courtesy of Alex Bramall for Kensington Palace, screencaps from BET Awards.

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153 Responses to “Was Princess Kate actually playing the piano on Eurovision or was it all a lie?”

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  1. Becks1 says:

    I have no idea if she was playing the piano or not, I can’t tell. But I would not put it past them to use someone else’s playing and pass it off as her own.

    • Nic919 says:

      When I first saw this brief clip I heard a mistake in it so she likely played it. However, I don’t think what she ended up playing was done while she was being filmed because the angles make sure to hide her hands direct on the keys.

      Andrew Lloyd Webber played in the clip as well and it is way more obvious he’s playing direct to film because they show his face and then his hands with no doubt he’s playing.

      Also no one who ever wore a gown to play at a recital has it draped over the piano bench like she does. You would not be able to reach the pedals and would likely trip getting off the bench.

    • Sam says:

      That’s soo embarrassing!!
      Even a 10 year old could play better than her! I would even say a 6 year old child! Playing the piano is really not that difficult and she only, if at all, uses 2 fingers per hand at the same time. She could have just played with her index fingers… 🤦🏼‍♀️
      Even an adult could learn this in 10 minutes. Although I would say that Kate’s abilities are below those of an average adult…
      Archie plays better 😂

    • Cairidh says:

      Another woman on twitter said her son plays by ear and told her Kate’s fingers weren’t playing the notes he was hearing. It’s possible the video and sound were out of sync, but as they received the same criticism last time, they should have made more effort to make sure their video was perfect.

      Someone else on twitter said Kate was jealous of Meghans hair being sung about on Eurovision and determined to outdo her. As she couldn’t get any of the contestants to sing about her hair, she made an appearance on the show herself.

      Kate’s hair has always been the only thing people genuinely praised her for (as opposed to paid astroturfers, and journalists desperately trying to big her up, because she’s the future Queen). It was extra shiny and swishy for a while (not any more) due to 3hr keratin treatments. So she probably was annoyed at Meghans hair getting more attention than hers.

      • Sam says:

        Someone sang about Meghan’s hair!?! Cool! I didn’t know this? Do you have a link or name?

    • theotherviv says:

      I think she absolutely played the same piece but so hard to tell if it was her sound they used. They obviously edited the video for aesthetic purposes without worrying if the video matched the audio she was playing. That happens a lot when it’s not live. She may have practised that little part for weeks and this is what she got. I bet her mom said „ at least you looked good“. She may be annoying, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt that her piano skills are adequate for such a small part.

      • Nic919 says:

        Andrew Lloyd Webber didn’t have all the camera tricks when he played the same song in the same video because unlike Kate he has actual piano skills and talent. So no she wasn’t adequate if all that trickery was needed. The camera focused on his hands playing the song without people questioning if he was really playing anything.

        She should simply have paraded around in the dress instead of pretending she has anything but the most beginner ability in piano.

  2. My guess is it was purely just for show nothing more. For the amount of hate she has for Meg she sure likes dressing exactly her.

    • Nic919 says:

      Wearing a blue off the shoulder dress is one thing, but the colour change in the shoulder is exactly like Meghan’s dress. She is really going for erasure of Meghan and it is creepy. If she was really into Ukraine colours there needed to be yellow in there somewhere.

  3. TheOriginalMia says:

    I’m gonna trust all the musically inclined people who said she was faking it. They didn’t just look at her fingers. They took in her body stance as well.

    As for cosplaying Meghan, it’s creepy. Woman has no personality or style, so she copies the biracial woman she hates.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      As am I. There is absolutely no possible way that she played this piece as she simply used the Eurovision to pull off her usual scam, the most perfect of everything. IF she had the ability, she would have done so in public so that she could soak in the fawning and take a bow at the end of her magnificent performance.

      Keen is a pathetic crowd chaser and using any opportunity to one up Meghan. You haven’t got the “it” factor Keen so it’s best that you just stop. You are embarrassing yourself to no end….

    • Debbie says:

      All I know is I’ve never heard of an “emergency pianist” standing by before. Maybe it’s because it was wartime in Ukraine? And the other time Kate had an “emergency pianist” standing by was a Christmas miracle? I don’t know. Now that I’ve heard it, I’ll put away the term “emergency pianist” in a box of precious memories, along with the “bracelet of sincerity” and the “orb of doom” and the “staff of picking up leaves” that Charles was holding at the coronation. My God, these people.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    Even if she was playing, what she played wasn’t that difficult and I say this as someone that went to a performing arts high school and plays four instruments. That’s neither here nor there though, what this tweet indicates is that the average non-royal fan is getting irritated at her being the bestest ever at everything. It’s unrealistic and annoying. She’s the best photographer, she’s a fantastic pianist, she’s the best mother ever, she’s the best daughter-in-law ever, she’s the most fashion forward and beautiful ever. It just becomes annoying, no one has zero foibles. And it comes across super insecure to present yourself as if you don’t.

    • Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

      The Twitter responses are 99.99% fawning with one tweet calling her “The British Alicia Keys.” I sh*t you not. Wow.

      • equality says:

        Seriously? They compared her to Alicia Keys?

      • Sunshine says:

        Recommend you check you algorithms because I’ve seen nothing of the sort.

      • Nevermind says:

        @sunshine I don’t know Laura-Lee… or you obviously but your remark seemed unnecessary. If you search “British Alicia Keys” the tweet in question appears. Since you know, YOU haven’t seen it.

      • Nic919 says:

        Algorithms manipulate results to create a false impression of things. Someone has missed the whole point of that comment. A tweet showing up once is not the same thing as people actually thinking kate is the British Alicia Keys.

    • Fifty-50 says:

      I watched this video for the first time just now and I literally missed the piano playing. Couldn’t hear it over the dubstep or whatever they had going. She played what, three measures?

    • Lux says:

      Agreed. I have only seen the super short clip (is there a longer one? Because I don’t see the Andrew Lloyd Webber version that some people mention) and it is seriously…nothing. Anyone on the street can be taught to play that. Just because you spoon-feed it to us, doesn’t mean it’ll go down. I really don’t know any other Royal in the world who would stoop this low for attention.

      • BeanieBean says:

        You know, it’s funny but I could find the clip yesterday with Andrew Lloyd Webber & Joss Stone, but today it’s all Kate all the time. Weird.

      • Nic919 says:

        ALW and Joss Stone are in the intro to the Eurovision show itself which you can find on you tube.

        I didn’t realize there was a kate only clip because she is in it so briefly.

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      She lives in a Jane Austen movie (I’m betting she never read the books) in her head. She doesn’t get that she’s no Elizabeth or Jane. Not even a Charlotte. She’s barely a Mary. She’s unaccomplished, striving, scheming, AND stupid. But her mom sure as heck is a Mrs. Bennett.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Unrelated but for Austen fans who quilt. Did you see the Jane Austen at Home quilt fabric released by Riley Blake a couple years ago? Some really lovely floral prints. Blake went to the museum, copied the fabrics used in the original coverlet sewn by Jane Austen and her sister, and released the whole collection as new fabric.

      • ThatsNotOkay says:

        @notasugarhere I did not see that, but will definitely check it out!

      • Nick G says:

        She’s a Kitty. Kitty katy.

      • Duch says:

        Please Nick she was a Lydia if ever there was one. Not Kitty

  5. bitsycs says:

    I have no idea if she played or not but if I ask myself which is more likely, her playing (which would indicate she’s a fairly dedicated pianist) or they faked it, the faked it is winning. I played piano for years and took lessons but was pretty lazy about it and now can play some songs from memory but that’s about it.

    Kate is not a particularly hard working/dedicated person (understatement) and we are roughly the same age. I’m quite skeptical she’s kept up or worked hard on any musical skills.

    • VivaLasVirgos says:

      Agreed. And I know a lot of musicians and, generally, they are pretty smart. Music is math. Kitty cat doesn’t strike me as the math smart type.

      • Paisley25 says:

        I can’t believe I know this, but Kate got an A in maths on her A levels.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Paisley25, reportedly. We can all google the grades. The British Media can report whatever is fed to them. Universities themselves cannot divulge the grades.

        Kate also reportedly got an A in Art. Yet, she didn’t know if Faberge Eggs were still being made.

      • Cairidh says:

        Kate did art as in practical – drawing, painting herself. Not history of art which would teach her about other peoples arts.
        She did do her degree in history of art but that was only because William applied for and started with that course. (He switched to geography).
        So yes with a degree in art history she should have known about the faberge eggs.

        But it’s possible she achieved an A in art a’level which is drawing and painting.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    They’re at least starting to ask the right questions. Not only is she “shoehorned” into things she doesn’t have the skills for. She is constantly shoehorned into events she has nothing to do with. It’s as if they must keep reminding us she exists and is VERY IMPORTANT! DAMN IT!

  7. Inge says:

    People on twitter were saying that their child(who is learning to play the piano) that her hands were incorrect.

    So faking it as usual.

    But she did take the attention away from Eurovision and got the front page of the Fail…

  8. PamelaJudy says:

    Honestly this could have been an easy win for her. Imagine if she turned up in person and simply introduced Kalush Orchestra and then promoted some charities that will take donations to support Ukraine.

    • OriginalCee says:

      But that would entail work instead of posing in a pretty gown straight from her SIL’s lookbook.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      This. K & W have such a low bar set for them and so many opportunities for easy wins. It’s like their dumbness is intentional — but I suspect it’s more arrogance and stubbornness than anything. Work + humility is not a tonic they can stomach.

    • Gina says:

      That is if she could speak few coherent sentences, was able to remember the names of charities to promote, could address the public directly via some kind of emotional interaction.
      All of these things is well beyond her abilities.
      Side note, how was she able to graduate? University courses require not just sitting at lectures, but seminars, presentations, written works and to “defend” them to the class, etc.

      • Blue Nails Betty says:

        I suspect Kate was passed in University. Her parents had the money and Kate had access to a future king. Her degree was probably purchased.

        I’d be willing to bet William’s degree was purchased, as well.

      • Bee says:

        One of the stories floating around is that Willy often skipped classes, and Kate would share her notes. Who knows if any of it’s true tho?!

        She probably didn’t get any boost on her A levels as they hadn’t met yet.

    • AmB says:

      @PamelaJudy – 🔔🔔🔔 exactly this! What the BRF does not grasp in the slightest is that a key attribute of modern leadership is:
      Respecting others, admitting you don’t know everything, and using your platform to empower the people who are experts to accomplish goals for the common good.

  9. Miranda says:

    The thing is, the piano parts that she’s definitely not playing live, probably not playing at all, are in both instances fairly easy. If she weren’t so lazy, she probably could’ve learned them relatively quickly and then bragged about it for years to come. Even if it was difficult, at least she might have had a new, non-racist “hardest thing I ever had to do in my life”.

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    Twitter and other SM platforms were all over this – real pianists were p!ssed at her again for mis representing piano playing. Catty is the ULTIMATE faker so this should not surprise anyone.

    I remember years ago soon after they got married reading an article about an astrologer/psychic saying that at some point Catty will ‘disappear’ into the background citing mental health issues due to an inability to cope with royal life – am wondering if we are seeing the start of this. Her behaviour is getting worse and it can’t be hidden any more – laughing to yourself in public is not normal behaviour by any stretch. I think this is the same person that later predicted that William would not be King (a huge scandal would force him to give up his place in the succession) and that Harry would step in as Regent for George. Am beginning to wonder if thats what actually going to happen – there is clearly a major scandal surrounding Peggy that keeps being teased about by the press and I wonder if Harrys court cases against said press will expose it.

    • Snuffles says:

      Just curious, at what age can George ascend the throne? 18? 21? Is there a rule? If I had to guess, Charles will probably stick around until he’s at least 80 (barring a dramatic health decline). George would be in his early teens by then. Theoretically, would Harry be regent for 5 – 7 years?

      • Nic919 says:

        I think it is 18. They haven’t run into this situation in the UK since Victoria and I believe she was 18 when William IV died and there was no regent for her.

      • sid says:

        Would the idea of an 18-year-old king be the thing that would make British citizens think “yeah, maybe it’s finally time to figure out how to let this whole thing go.” A teenager, barely out of high school/ secondary school, with no adult life experience, being the head of state in the 21st century? Who can take that seriously?

      • Tessa says:

        George would be declared king if he is still underage. But there would be a recency until he comes of age. Edward the sixth was.underage Edward’s realm was governed by a recency council. The recency council was led first by the duke of Somerset and later by the duke of Northumberland

    • Rapunzel says:

      This astrology reading seems so possible, doesn’t it? I almost wonder if the astrologer knows something.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Was it the late astrologer on AstroAmerica? His readings were scary accurate, right down to predicting the exact date of George’s birthday before Kate was even pregnant. He wrote extensively about how unhealthy the W&K relationship is, and how they would both essentially walk away and abandon their eldest to his fate.

      • Snuffles says:

        Does anyone have a link?

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        I can’t remember sorry. It has always stuck in my mind though as the readings were very detailed.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        @snuffles – have tried googling for it again but sadly can’t find it. Might have been scrubbed from the net, seems a lot of negative stories about these 2 have gone ‘away’.

      • notasugarhere says:

        My links don’t get through. You can go to the AstroAmerica website and read the newsletter archive to see what he wrote about the Windsors.

        DU, I wasn’t sorry to see the hate forum RoyalGossip fold – except for the fact they had a good text-only archive of 20 years of W&K articles on their site.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Found it, glad that my library research skills haven’t rusted in retirement. This has all the charts of the major royals from 2013. What’s really interesting is that this astrologer says that Harry has the mark of a king rather than William, and says that George may marry a woman of exotic background. That would definitely set the cat among the canaries! He has a lot of interesting stuff about Harry, but also misses by his doubts that Harry would ever have any heirs. Astrology is never 100% correct, but it is enjoyable. Scroll to page 2 where the headline is the New Prince.

      • Andrea says:

        I just read this for George…full of stereotypes..he will marry an “exotic stranger” who is “slovenly or shrewish”
        With an agenda…SMH

      • Feeshalori says:

        “Her subjects — the British people — may at first find her exotic and intriguing, but will learn better.”

      • Nic919 says:

        Thanks for the link! I had heard about this forecast but had never read it before.

      • Snuffles says:

        Found it!


        Interesting, he predicts George will be a little tyrant.

      • Feeshalori says:

        And described Bill as headstrong, heartless, and prone to accept cruelty. I made screenshots of all these reports, just in case….

      • Feeshalori says:

        Acts of cruelty.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        That Wails marriage reading was quite negative about them but had interesting tidbits on the future that seems to have started playing out.

        1) Chuck doesn’t reign long – have seen a few recent predictions saying that
        2) Paints George as a mini William, which is then reiterated with his birth chart and we have had stories about his behaviour to classmates
        3) Not a marriage of love (Hello Captain Obvious)
        4) Power struggle between Chuck and Peggy after TQs passing – we are seeing this play out right now, see the other article on Peggy briefing the press on his own coronation
        5) It paints an interesting triangle with William, Kate and Charles with Charles tied to the fate of that marriage. Its interesting that the astrologer notes that she will become emotionally unstable and has to choose between being a wife/mother or royal as she cannot be both – again we are seeing this play out as she is being asked to do more and take on more responsibilities that come with her role. She’s not fulfilling that part of the bargain and this chart is saying that it will come to a head

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Feeshalori, thank you very much for the link!! I found this passage of George quite telling as it is certainly spot on for what he had envisioned for George. It’s quite scary how accurate his readings are as he specifically speaks of how Harry is king material and TOB is not. He also relays that Harry is very much aligned with his astrology to his mother, Diana. That explains why Harry is following in her footsteps as well and why Harry is admired and so well loved and respected.

        Sun in Cancer/8: Establish emotional se- curity/struggle. Mercury in Cancer/8: Emo- tional sensitivity, personalized/secretive, probing. Keeps grudges. Mars in Cancer/8: Personally insecure/sex magic, unpleasant deaths in one’s immediate circle. Jupiter in Cancer/8th: Good parents, loving home/in- herits a kingdom as one’s personal plaything.

      • Snuffles says:


        Thanks for the link. Ooof!! If what I’m reading between the lines is right, it’s DARK and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone, even Will and Kate.

      • Feeshalori says:

        You’re welcome! I recall reading this grim forecast many years ago, but forgot the name of the website so thanks to notasugar for mentioning that. And that wedding reading is really dark so glad you dug that up, Snuffles. This astrologer hit the target in so many cases right at the start.

      • WiththeAmericann says:

        Haven’t read it yet so responding to the comment that he said Harry wouldn’t have heirs. Well… Harry has heirs.

        But will they be properly acknowledged by his father and his brother? Just wondering if that’s why he picked up on.

        Thanks for the link!

      • Harper says:

        The astrologer seems pretty determined that William will not reign, doesn’t he?

        I tried to post some other links to his articles but the post didn’t show up, so I don’t know if I overstepped the line on the links to this astrologer. But back then, astroamerica also painted a pretty accurate picture of the present day Kate, saying she has no idea of her emotions, instinct, or her role before the public.

        Also, he noted that Kate and Will lead a life of desperation which is destructive to those around them. Looks like he was on the money there where Meghan and Harry were concerned.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Snuffles, many thanks for the links. I found it quite tellingly as well as spot on for Baldimort as he is cruel and he is in a loveless marriage. I imagine that since QEII is gone, he will have the ability to boot her out of the picture. I say this as what Willie wants, he gets. No matter how long he has to scream or hold his breath.

      • WiththeAmericann says:

        Omg a different newsletter of his :” Nei- ther William nor Kate are fighters, neither of them have “fighting charts”, aside from Kate’s Mars in the 1st (bullying).”

        SHES A BULLY (as suspected)

    • Andrea says:

      There is something going on behind the scenes. And I read 3 readings that this third week in May will be very important for W and Charles. Who knows if and when we find out if something goes down but it’s all very interesting.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      What I found interesting is this particular person declared that Capricorn (somewhere) only ha dark haired people, so he change the time for Harry’s birth. If you read what he said about Harry it’s not close. IMO. You might see something else.

      • Jenn says:

        Yeah, weird that he gave him a whole new natal chart? Harry’s Jupiter is in Capricorn (“in its fall,” according to the Chani website’s chart software), and I guess that didn’t jibe with the AstroAmerica guy’s weird vision of Harry becoming “king of England”

    • Anance says:

      Ma Middleton is already angling for the George Regency.

  11. Jais says:

    No idea about the piano playing. However, deeply unwell is exactly how Kate should be characterized. Honestly glad Meghan lives all the way away in California from this woman. She does not have to interact with her. Meghan and her children being far away from jealous Will and Kate is for the very best.

  12. Jessie Quinton says:

    Ex-music major here! What she was playing and the chord I head didn’t match. Freeze framed it and pulled out my little Yamaha on Saturday to make sure. LMAO

  13. LoveGossip says:

    Typical Kate: It’s for Ukraine….What would Meghan wear?

  14. Gruey says:

    All I know is that my friend who was forced to take piano lessons through high school was very annoyed about how blatantly awful her finger position and posture are, to the point of questioning whether Kate really knows how to play.

    Do you remember that hilarious Anthropologie “ballet” dancer commercial that had all the ballet people of the world raging—kinda that vibe.

  15. Mslove says:

    I am shocked that a grown woman, playing dress up in a castle & fake playing a piano, might possibly be the future queen. How can Pegs be okay with the copying & fakery, it’s tacky AF.

    • Layla says:

      @mslove the picture look like something you’d see in a GCSE history exam
      “using the picture above and your own contextual knowledge , explain how society lived during the years 1800- 1914”

  16. Rackel says:

    I think Kate played the piano again in 2022. I didn’t watch the whole program but kate piano playing was edited Korean TV style. It’s where they use jumpcuts to hide flaws or add tension. I feel Kate wasn’t actually playing the whole section. If she was they camera would be focused on her fingers.

    Kate is a very good reason why the monarchy isn’t needed anymore. I know she is a commoner but “Republic now” should gingerly add her to the conversation.

    • notasugarhere says:

      It doesn’t matter if Kate was born a commoner. She is absolutely part of the conversation as to why the monarchy should end. Given her laziness, ineptitute, and 2 million pound taxpayer-funded wardrobe? She’s one of the biggest reasons why the monarchy should end now.

  17. Noor says:

    As a child Kate studied Music up to grade 3 and then quit, She studied singing and music theory up to Grade 5.
    So much money, time,, effort and resources to embiggen the future Queen, Why??

  18. heygingersnaps says:

    It’s all smokes and mirror with them helped with a good dose of propaganda. I introduced my son to the story of the ‘Emperor’s new clothes’ amongst other things to hopefully counteract the school’s propaganda of the royals here.

  19. Bklne says:

    No idea about Kate “playing” this piece specifically (didn’t watch, don’t care), but I could imagine her plonking along to an Easy Piano version transposed to a simpler key, and they just edited out her sound (or never included it)? FWIW, C major is the easiest key to play in because it’s *all the white keys and none of the black ones*! If I remember correctly, E has four sharps … WAY too many black keys for Khate to handle.

    • Bee says:

      I have a friend who was in a tribute band (a cover band that plays songs from one particular band) and the lead singer’s guitar was turned off at the soundboard, while someone else played the actual guitar parts. I’m sure it happens all the time. Remember Milli Vanilli?

  20. Roseberry says:

    I’m loving Tweeps today posting clips of Diana playing Rachmaninoff and reminding us that Tyler Perry gave the Sussexes a grand piano for a moving in present ( as Meghan plays the piano?)

    • lanne says:

      If Meghan plays, she should do a video of herslef playing the piano in support of an authentic event or charity. At this point, some gentle trolling on her part would be welcomed by me. She’s more than earned the right, and Unable makes it so damn easy!

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I didn’t know that Meghan played the piano – explains Keens interest in learning and showing it off whenever she can. Diana was quite an accomplished piino play – even a non musical person like me knows Rachmaninoff is very difficult to play.

      • MrsH says:

        Given the copykeening we are seeing I can only imagine that Meghan must not only play the piano but play it well. Has Kkkhate ever pretended to play the piano prior to that god awful Christmas event she staged? I thought her “piano playing” came out of left field at the time but perhaps I’m misremembering.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I love that impromptu performance she gave, she just walked to the piano, tossed her handbag to the floor, and ripped out that beautiful piece. She really was amazing.

      • Doppelgangers R'Us says:

        @FEESHALORI I remember that as well. Diana was awesome without a doubt. And that episode had the added chef’s kiss of totally upstaging upChuck. The steam almost rolled out his ears. Hehehe!

  21. AnneL says:

    Holy cow, the dress! I mean, I know she has been style-stalking Meghan for years but I don’t think it’s ever been quite this blatant? Switching from sister wife dresses to slacks, wearing the same brand of shoe or shade of red, that’s one thing. This is on another level.

    I am currently looking for a dress to wear to a wedding that is apparently going to be pretty fancy. I was told 80% of the women would be in long gowns, so I’m trying to find one. I have looked at a least a hundred on line and so far maybe ONE gown has been an off-the-shoulder one in that range of blue shades. She had to work hard to find that thing. Or have someone else work hard to find it.

    That is just creepy.

    Also, I believe she wasn’t really playing for at least part of that. But even if she was, WTF? Why play that song for Eurovision? No one wants to hear it. Just stop it. You are a Princess, not a Pianist.

    • JT says:

      It’s always been this blatant. It’s just that many people really don’t want to admit that Kate is obsessed with Meg to an uncomfortable degree. There are many instances of her just full on appropriating Meg’s entire outfit. I think the Alexander McQueen suit Meg wore to Wellchild (or an awards show) is another blatant example. Kate wore a nearly identical suit for a video. There are more examples, too many to type out on my mobile.

      • Whyforthelovel says:

        It is so creepy, the dress style and color and then even the hair is identical my goodness

    • Cairidh says:

      There used to be articles saying Carole dressed Kate, picked out her outfits, and also sometimes picked out Williams ties.

      Which is why there were times when Kate wore a copy of Diana’s outfit, at the same place/occasion/event as Diana, whilst William was next to her, wearing a tie like Prince Charles had worn on that occasion in the photos with Diana.

      Carole is a textbook case of NPD and it is an extremely serious mental disorder.

      So it’s mostly Carol that’s obsessed with Diana. She projected that onto Kate.
      Carol whose obsessed with competing with Meghan because Meghan was outshining and outperforming Carole’s project (kate).

      Kate may be keen to compete with Meghan or may just be controlled by her mother.

  22. Mary Pester says:

    No she wasn’t playing, if you watch her shoulders (what there is of them), you can see no movement which there should have been. Stick to the day job Katy, you know, just stand, gurn, tilt head and jazz hands

  23. Anna says:

    My only question is: why? Why did she play? To support anyone? How? By posing as the only (perfect) person in the room? To “surprise”? Like how? Should we be ecstatic that we can look at her? Why is she laughing? To whom? What was funny?? This is embarrassing.

    • Fifty-50 says:


      And her insane insecurity when it comes to anything related to Meghan. I’m starting to think she’s essentially a female Piers Morgan— she wants Meghan to react and acknowledge Kate’s existence in any way, shape, or form. I’m also wondering if Meghan plays piano, which is why Kate “claimed” it as HER thing, to make it seem like Meghan was copying her for once. Keen is petty enough to do that.

      • Anna says:

        She’s so infantile, her behavior is similar to my 5yo, who wants to sing a song to entertain adults.. only she is 5 and cute, not 40… if she really wanted to make a surprise she could… I don’t know…. Introduce Ukrainian representative to shed some royal light on their struggle and wish them well? But this wouldn’t be about her, so forget it.

      • Cairidh says:

        It’s copying Diana who famously upstaged Prince Charles by walking over to a piano and playing it when journalists had been filming him playing a cello.

        Paul Burrell used to creepily lurk on the landing and watch her playing downstairs.

      • Cairidh says:

        Playing at Eurovision is because a previous Eurovision song referenced Megan’s hair.
        Kates her has always been “her thing”. She won’t have liked Meghans hair getting attention her hair didn’t.

        Also Spare described Meghan bonding with Charles over classical music.

  24. tamsin says:

    So is Kate possibly the victim of editing? She is not shown playing the whole piece, so she is edited in but not in real time? I’ve watched just the beginning of both “recitals” and the camera seems to make a big deal of her settling down and placing her fingers on the keys to play the first chord- the way they record concert pianists. However, unless there is a big smear campaign going on, we’re all getting the idea that Kate doesn’t really play very well.

  25. LeonsMomma says:

    Not a fan of Kate, but as someone who used to play piano competitively, playing live, unless you are used to it, is TERRIFYING. And I say this as someone who was also dancing and acting on stage as a child (I did this all before I went to college) which was a breeze. So I honestly don’t blame her to pre-record this.
    I also think I have seen this style dress on her before, and I honestly think this is a stretch comparing it to Meghan’s dress. I do believe Kate copies her, but sometimes I think some of these comparisons are a stretch just to prove a point.

    • Fifty-50 says:

      I guess your nerves had nothing to do with the fact that you were in a competition.

      The way people bend over backwards to give this woman a pass.

      No. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

      • The Old Chick says:

        Comments like this turn up all the time. I don’t like Kate but… There’s literally a form to them. Also, it’s a stretch to say she’s copying.. . That’s another thing that gets said. Her fans are desperate to post here and stick up for her. They especially don’t like the copying accusations.

      • Fifty-50 says:

        Wrt to the copying: How many people can you reliably say something like “Florence Pugh wore an orange dress with puffy sleeves and had her hair up like she was a citizen of Who-ville, I bet Olivia Wilde is going to wear the same thing within six months,” and then bam– there’s Olivia Wilde seven months later wearing a mango dress with puffy half sleeves and her hair up like she’s an Oompa Loompa?

        You can’t. Except with Kate. So even if it seems like a stretch that it’s copy? The fact that we can all say: “Meghan wore a Ukrainian-flag blue off the shoulder dress, with her hair falling in waves, and accessorized with dangling earrings; Kate’s gonna wear a Ukrainian-flag blue off the shoulder dress with her hair falling in waves and dangling earrings also,” and be proven correct, every. single. time. is a problem.

      • Fifty-50 says:

        @The Old Chick: forgot to add that my comment is not directed at you. The “it’s a stretch to say she’s copying” talking point that’s constantly parroted by these people is getting on my last nerve.

      • The Old Chick says:

        Fifty that’s my point, the parroted talking points which are almost identical. This has gone on here since M turned up. Sure, people can wear similar sometimes, but Kate’s style changed radically post M and she was thrilled by her radicalised, M hating fans and the media. Kate praised, M admonished. And she knew exactly what she was doing. She has done it intentionally as it’s how she’s praised now. It’s not about wearing similar fashionable clothes, Kate was NEVER fashionable. it’s bullying and very intentional.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Here’s the problem with that though, she didn’t have to do this at all. If playing piano terrifies her, which fair I still got butterflies in my stomach being first chair and having solos after a decade of playing daily, she could have chosen to do anything else. She could have just introduced them, she could have shown up in Liverpool, or basically anything else she didn’t
      She chose to play in her castle in a ball gown. Also there’s no excuse for this dress and it has nothing to do with the style being off the shoulder, her hair is the exact same it’s the exact same shade of deep blue with the light blue at the top. This is not a coincidence she’s blatantly copying Meghan.
      I don’t get why people twist themselves in knots to explain how she isn’t copying her anymore. Do you need her to literally show up in the exact same dress and designer at the same event?

      • Tessa says:

        Kate wanted to do this since she loves attention. And it was pre recorded and probably dubbed.

    • Lizzie says:

      Um, same dress style, same color, same accent color, same hairstyle. The crazy, open jaw laughter is all Kate though.

      • Lizzie says:

        I do not want to thread jack but even the df is acknowledging the copy.

      • Cairidh says:

        Diana did big guffawing laughter. See the video of her going down a log flume at Thorpe park. Diana’s laughter was real. Kate’s possibly just copying Diana.

        When first married she used to copy a lot of Diana’s mannerisms. I don’t know if she still does, I don’t watch video footage of her anymore.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana laughed but did not go in for the gurning that Kate does now. She may be imitating someone but it’s sure not diana. And Diana had a work ethic that Kate lacks

    • Ameerah M says:

      If she was terrified of doing it then…why do it at all?? There was no valid reason for her to involved with Eurovison. And if she did want to be involved why not simply introduce the Ukrainians who won last year? She wanted the attention. As always. And she doesn’t care if she has to fake it to get it.

    • BQM says:

      It’s basically her white BAFTA dress but in blue.

  26. Kate is the great faker. The RF and the rotas are always editing her work, photoshopping her face. She’s never a natural.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Her copying of Meghan is psycho. I’m just glad there are more than 5,000 miles between them.

    And yes, the opulence of the setting is gross, given the realities facing the people of Ukraine. But Kate utterly lacks empathy.

  28. Over it says:

    I am with Kaiser on this one. No idea if she played the piano or not. I am definitely more freaked out about the fact that all the way down to the last curl kate is copying Meg. In the words of Mariah, why you so obsessed with me? Or maybe I should say why is she so obsessed with Meghan.

  29. Athena says:

    Meghan was aware enough to know that she needed help and asked for it and they did nothing. Kate is falling apart in front of their eyes and they do nothing. What are they waiting for? For her to start asking everyone to call her Meghan, and even then would they go along with it as if it’s perfectly normal. Her behavior is not normal, the courtiers and press going along with it is not helpful to her.

    The fact that people are questioning the sanity of the next queen of England is not a good thing for the royal family.

  30. Lizzie says:

    Cannot believe she passed up the perfect opportunity to (pretend to) play that gold piano.

  31. sparrow says:

    Piano player here, albeit not nearly as good as when I was considering music school. I think she played it. It was lifeless and poor. I imagine it took her weeks to practise that, which says all you need to know. She plays on top of the keys not into them, if that makes sense. Nervous & unfamiliar with playing continually at any great level. Those are written crushed notes not mistakes IMO. To be fair, tho, I gave it one toe-curling listen and wasn’t quite sure what on earth was going on. All I sensed was a woman at a piano and then she was gone! Like in one swing of the metronome. Does it really matter if she wants to embarrass herself like this? My grudge is that it wasn’t anything to do with her, and also that people assume it’s some kind of talent she has, which she hasn’t.

    • Nic919 says:

      I agree that she played what we heard, but I think what is seen in video is more posing than playing. Especially because there is no sheet music on the piano and it is doubtful she memorized it. I thought I heard a mistake but I agree that it is because she is not playing the broken chords with any real strength.

      Contrast that with the brief section with ALW and his skill is that much more obvious.

    • Tessa says:

      It was pre recorded not live so there could be retakes and some dubbing

  32. Amy Bee says:

    I said it yesterday, she barely played the piano in the video. I tend to believe this guy that Kate wasn’t really playing.

  33. Janice Hill says:

    I wondered if it was actually her playing, too. You can only see her actually playing for a few seconds. My money is on someone else playing it.

  34. HennyO says:

    As I posted in yesterday’s blog about this subject, this was about Kate’s jealousy of Meghan’s last year’s Eurovision 2022 involvement in the Serbian’s song.

    Konstarkta, the Serbian contestant, sang about Meghan’s “Deeply Hydrated” hair, and she got world attention. Because nobody – other than the UK sycophantic media – is impressed by anything Kate does, she plotted to inject herself into a space, Meghan already owns (the world stage), out of jealousy. Hence this fake piano ‘recital’ nobody had asked for.

    And, of course, Kate had to copy Meghan’s looks and clothes for the occasion. How could she not have taken the opportunity.

    Something else, people have overlooked… I think it’s a shame that renowned (film) musicians/ composers like Andrew Llord Webber, once again feel obliged to cooperate with the Waleses and participate in this kind of deceit. But in a sense, these are the consequences of accepting honorary titles from the Windsors.

  35. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I haven’t watched her play, until now. That clip above showed she was 100% NOT playing what was playing on the track. Trust me. I was dragged to competitions all over the place by my hair. Kate isn’t playing. What she can, and obviously IS playing, is a very light and easy piece with zero trills.

  36. Kingston says:

    You do realize, of course, that none of us here knows the facts of anything going on in the lives of the windsors……..but we all have our assumptions. Thats all. And no assumption is of any greater value than any other.

    • Duch says:

      Eh, not just “assumptions”. we see and reflect on patterns of behavior and pick up on inconsistencies and trends.

  37. sammi says:

    Andrew LLoyd Webber is a perfect fit for copy cat Kate. Long known for his ‘similarities’ to other musicians works and loves the Royal connections…However even he had to sack Prince Edward from the job he gave him as he was so useless.
    Check google plagarism with his name or click this link:

    • Penelope Pittstop says:

      “Similarities” to other’s work has long been discussed in pop music and musical theatre. “There’s that old song again.”

  38. J. Ferber says:

    Maybe Kate recorded Charlotte playing the piano, realizing that her 8 year old is a superior pianist and probably still takes lessons. And Charlotte need never know. Kate can even gaslight her, saying, ” THAT’S how a piano solo is done!”

  39. Mamasan says:

    Diana had the physique for an off the shoulder gown, as does Meagan. Kate’s dwindling frame can’t give the dress the support it deserves.

    I kept looking at her shoulder and that weird smile. I don’t comment on other women’s bodies because mine is far from perfect, but she is getting into dangerous territory just by what her arms and that shoulder joint looks like. It was a symbol of her whole situation for me, she’s a cracked façade.
    I hope those who really care about her are having access to her because she should have been talked out of that gown.
    I remember very well when Diana got in that territory.
    We all have our 2 cents and our opinions, but stress wise, I wouldn’t want to be in that woman’s shoes for anything.
    She knows she’s made her bed, and she knows by watching what happened to her mother-in-law, Megan, and Margaret that the hand of power and the media are callously fickle; but you never know how much so until it turns on you.

  40. AC says:

    I think the fact that Kate got views or hits, and people are talking whether she played it well or faked it, she was trending which is what the BRF PR wants desperately.. 😆. But imo it didn’t really move her up in the scale of being a top influencer. Remember influencers Work Hard to be where they’re at, Kate is
    Work-Shy. If she actually played the piano live even if it was recorded live at one of the royal residences, would have been more of a wow factor Vs a pre-recorded piano playing for just a few secs. To hard core pianists, they would just see her as being an actress(ie Jenna Ortega had cello lessons on how to play a cello for Wednesday just so she can make sure she acted it correctly for 2 scenes. Which is prob what Kate did with her so called piano playing. But at least with Jenna it was more than a few secs).
    #MeghanMarkle was also still trending on Twitter in the US this weekend and so was #kkkhate. Lol ..Inc a post of her husband checking out another woman during her wedding day.

  41. TheVolvesSeidr says:

    My dad was a classically trained pianist and taught music theory @ a university level. One of my favorite things to do as a kid was lie underneath the baby grand while he played (literally to feel the music). I watched HOURS of him playing in my life.

    She is not playing.

  42. Penelope Pittstop says:

    The more these people try to big themselves up, the smaller they seem.

  43. Jenn says:

    Maybe it’s a joke about the rule that instruments can’t be played live at Eurovision? Everyone is pantomiming?? lol

    • Cairidh says:

      Possibly they were vain enough to record the sound and video separately, as professional musicians do for a music video.

      Recorded the sound over and over again, until they had a version they were happy with. Probably with her in jeans and sweatshirt. Possibly even in a recording studio though I don’t think they’d go that far.
      Then dressed her up, did her hair and makeup, and filmed the video clip over and over and with different camera angles, until they’d got the visuals they wanted.

      But whoever edited the video wasn’t musical and didn’t know how to sync the notes with the fingering.

  44. WiththeAmericann says:

    Oh lord I hadn’t watched it till just now. She’s totally trying to copy Diana’s charisma and laughter so she just gurns as Kaiser says… into space.

    • Tessa says:

      She is doing a bad job of imitating Diana. Very bad. Kate is lazy. Lacks charisma or any interest in anything. I see no resemblance. Diana would have had words with Kate about her behavior to Meghan

  45. Tessa says:

    She certainly copied Meghan. I remember how she copied j e c c a Craig and she wore the same outfit when they attended the same wedding.

  46. Angela says:

    I taught piano for 15 years. Can confirm what her fingers are “playing” are not the same notes or rhythm as the song. At the very least, they should have tried to sync up the rhythm with her fingers.

  47. Katherine says:

    I also have no idea about how musically accurate this was, but a friend of mine once taught me a very brief bit on the piano (10 or 15, maaaybe 20 seconds long) and it’s honestly very easy to learn, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to do that.