Hilary Duff: I try to drink coffee in the morning to stave off my hunger

Lately, it feels like anytime I see a quote from a celeb it’s from a podcast. Everyone has a podcast and it’s sort of giving a second life to celebs who aren’t really booking jobs in their original main field anymore. Anyway, all this to say that Hilary Duff recently appeared on Molly Sims’ “Lipstick on the Rim” podcast and she talked about her usual diet and morning routine. And Hilary admitted that she takes a page out of Gwyneth Paltrow’s book some mornings, when she tries to just drink coffee to stave off her hunger.

Hilary Duff revealed her typical diet and morning routine in an interview with Molly Sims‘ Lipstick on the Rim podcast…

“Sometimes I try to — you know, Gwyneth [got] in trouble for saying this — but sometimes I try to just drink coffee in the morning and starve off my hunger,” Hilary said.

In March, Gwyneth was criticized when she revealed she usually does a “nice intermittent fast”, and follows Paleo diet principles. “I usually eat something about 12, and in the morning I’ll have some things that won’t spike my blood sugar, so I have coffee, but I really like soup for lunch,” Gwyneth said in the clip. “I have bone broth for lunch.”

Hilary explained her typical morning routine and favorite foods that are healthy. “I wake up really hungry. I’m obsessed with those cauliflower rounds. They’re so good. It’s made of cauliflower, but it looks like pita. … But they’re just cauliflower and, like, one other thing,” she said. “They’re super clean and I put it in the air fryer, make it hard, make it crispy. Put, like, egg salad on top of it. I’ll do that or I’ll put, like, avocado or, like, a fried egg and a vegan sausage. I’ll eat some avocado if I’m feeling time to design the perfect little thing. I do overnight oats.”

“I also eat a lot of things that are going in my kids’ lunches in the morning. So, lots of calories happen there! I was talking with my doctor and she was like, ‘What’s your morning like?’ [I said], ‘If we’re being honest, yeah, I eat a chicken nugget in the morning while I’m packing lunches and there’s one leftover.’ Pop it down the hatch,” Hilary admitted.

[From Just Jared]

Some people say it’s not healthy to skip breakfast and that everyone should eat it to jumpstart their metabolism. I see both sides of it, but the point is, everyone should do what works for them. I know diets and intermittent fasting can be quite controversial, but I don’t see anything wrong with Hilary’s admission here. She specifically says that she tries to stick to just coffee “sometimes,” and doesn’t say that it is a strict regimen. I’m really not a breakfast person, but on days I run I force myself to have a little something for fuel. The morning meal Hilary describes, with the cauliflower and egg and avocado, actually sounds perfect to me and not too breakfasty. And while I don’t have kids, I can certainly relate to what Hilary says about snacking on the stuff in front of her. I’ll take little spoonfuls of stuff that’s in the fridge if I want a taste, but not a full meal. I don’t know how she stops at just one chicken nugget though. Also – the second half of How I Met Your Father is on as of May 23. She’s so good in that show.

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photos credit: FAYES VISION/startraksphoto.com/Cover Images, Jeffrey Mayer/Avalon and Getty

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21 Responses to “Hilary Duff: I try to drink coffee in the morning to stave off my hunger”

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  1. Myeh says:

    Yes, because we all know staving off hunger with coffee really gets rid of hunger and it doesn’t come back harder or makes us hangry or anything…. Smh

    • NJGR says:

      Right! And if you’re hungry, maybe you should just eat something. Jesus, these people – just nourish your body instead of fighting it.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      weirdly, I aways found that eating early in the morning made me STARVING by noon. But if I didn’t eat and just had a coffee plus something small, I could go until the afternoon before I got hungry. It was really useful as I went to a different job site every day and never knew when I’d have a break to eat/use the bathroom.

      • DeeSea says:

        @ GrnieWnie I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one! If I eat in the morning, I am RAVENOUSLY hungry for the rest of the day. If I hold off and start eating at lunchtime, I feel “normal” hunger for the rest of the day. On the other hand, my husband needs to eat breakfast fairly soon after waking to feel his version of “normal.”

      • ama1977 says:

        Same, I hate breakfast and have since I was small. I can’t eat unless I’ve been up for at least an hour or two and rarely eat anything in the morning. Sometimes when I work out after I drop my son off at cross county practice (at 5:30 AM, y’all!) I’ll have a piece of peanut butter toast, but not always. I’m just not hungry until 1 PM or so naturally.

        My husband and my daughter on the other hand would eat a full meal half-asleep if they could figure out how, lol. They both need to eat ASAP in the morning, and the world needs them to, too. Strong hangry genes with those two!

        Do what works for you, and eat (mostly) balanced, healthy foods throughout the day. Starving is not good for anyone. And nobody should be taking health and beauty tips from Goop. Nobody.

  2. Abby B says:

    She at least sounds miles away from Gwyneth’s starvation preference, since it appears that H’Duff actually puts food in her mouth (and admits it). Gwyneth enjoys virtue signaling how little food she actually consumes in a day.

  3. tealily says:

    Eh, I’m not a breakfast eater either. I just have coffee, or these days more likely tea, and eat a meal at noon. If I get hungry, I keep some almonds in my desk. I have no problem snacking later in the day, but I just eat my meals later. Dinner is usually around 8pm in my house.

    • CherHorowitz says:

      Same, I am just not ready to eat till I’ve been up a couple hours minimum. The coffee isn’t a choice to stave off hunger, it wakes me up and it’s just all I fancy / can manage first thing. But then, I also don’t eat dinner till 9-9.30pm if not later some days so maybe my eating patterns are just off.

  4. PrincessOfWaffles says:

    I dont eat breakfast and im sure that coffee in the morning has something to do with me not being hungry in the morning. It probably the milk.

  5. Polly says:

    There’s nothing wrong with skipping breakfast if you’re genuinely not hungry, but if you’re hungry you should eat. Your body needs food.

  6. Lulu says:

    Here’s the thing though, coffee on an empty stomach actually spikes your cortisol levels which prevents your body from shedding excess weight. Hence, this is counter productive for people who have a goal of losing fat. If you are hungry, eat! Have a protein smoothie with chia seeds if you are not a breakfast person. It totally suppress appetite, but in a healthier way that doesn’t involve fighting your body’s natural queues. It’s miles better than starvation for long term weight management. Cheers

  7. lucy2 says:

    I guess intermittent fasting like that works for some people, but if she’s “staving off hunger” then it doesn’t sound particular good for her.

  8. melissa says:

    FYI folks, coffee absolutely spikes your blood sugar levels because of the caffeine. (nutritionist here). It aggravates the carb-craving cycle so if you’re trying to stave off hunger it typically doesn’t do you any good.

    I usually recommend eating something with caffeine, even if it’s a dollop of cream in the coffee.

  9. SarahCS says:

    Can we please stop describing foods as ‘clean’? My kitchen table is clean, food is food.

    • TeamMeg says:

      Is it, though? A lot of what passes for food these days is so highly processed and bad for health. Real food vs fake food.

      • tealily says:

        I’m with @SarahCS. It’s the idea that if some foods are clean, then others are “dirty” that really turns me off. All food is “processed.” That’s what cooking is. Some foods we should eat less frequently than others, but there’s nothing virtuous about eating fewer ingredients.

  10. Kitten says:

    If I’m working from home, I usually don’t have my first meal until 11-12PM. But when I go into work, I get up early to do an 8M run and by the time I get to my office I am STARVED. I have to eat or I feel like I’ll collapse. Overall, I think people should eat when they’re hungry. From my understanding, intermittent fasting is more about getting yourself on a regular eating schedule, albeit a “shifted” one. If it’s working then you shouldn’t be hungry–your body should have adjusted to the fasting intervals.

  11. Trish says:

    I like that she’s honest. It’s none of anyone’s business really what we all eat. I skip breakfast and have coffee too. I also take fat burner pills, as I get older I need more help with staying fit and awake. It is what it is.

    • TeamMeg says:

      Everyone loves a good diet tip now and again. What works for you might or might not work for me, but no harm in sharing. Even GP is not dying. She may be hungry, but she’s living her best life, no skinnier than Angelina Jolie who never talks about how much she doesn’t eat.

  12. JRenee says:

    I am a long time morning coffee drinker. Some days I eat, if I’m hungry. If I’m not hungry, it’s just coffee until I’m hungry. It doesn’t stave off my hunger…

  13. Bread and Circuses says:

    I hardly ever eat breakfast, and it’s not because I’m trying to change my weight. It’s just that I don’t eat breakfast. I don’t wake up hungry, and I feel as if I function just fine without eating until lunch.

    I doubt it makes any difference to your health as long as you get enough food during the day. Listen to your body: If it wants food, feed it. If it doesn’t, there’s no rush.