Prince William barely does anything these days. It’s been that way since he became Prince of Wales last year, although we could easily argue that, historically speaking, he’s always been work-shy, incompetent and flat-out lazy. There’s more attention on him now that he’s Prince of Wales, and his inability to complete two events a week is becoming even more notable. In any case, William did an event today. He went to Hackney Wick, London, to visit one of the winners of the Earthshot Prize.
On Tuesday morning, the Prince of Wales, 40, visited Notpla in Hackney Wick, London. The sustainable packaging startup won the Build a Waste-Free World category at the environmental awards in November 2022, and Prince William came to see how the Earthshot platform has helped the startup accelerate its progress. Notpla is a seaweed and plant-based alternative to single-use plastic packaging designed to reduce landfill and ocean waste. The Earthshot honor has enabled the London-based business to scale, expand its team and invest in machinery for research and development.
Shortly after his arrival, Prince William toured the headquarters with co-founders Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez and Pierre Paslier, checking out Notpla’s product portfolio and learning more about the startup’s reach. In an exciting milestone, Notpla has replaced nearly 3 million units of single-use plastics to date.
The Prince of Wales moved to the in-house lab and tried his hand at making material from leftovers from seaweed production. The so-called “Notpla Rigid material” can comprise products from luxury packaging boxes to disposable cutlery.
William then walked to the production hub to get a glimpse at how Notpla products are made — including something with a truly special connection! The Prince of Wales got to see a prototype of takeaway boxes branded with the Earthshot Prize logo, which will go into production next month.
This is sort of what Kate does these days too – she just shows up somewhere, stays for 30 minutes (if that), poses for photos and thus, she “platforms” whatever charity or business. Oftentimes, William or Kate will act out some prearranged skit for the media too – Kate will gawp and try to hug a child, or William will sniff something and make an awkward or insulting “joke.” That appears to be the case here. William and Kate… free of passions, free of interests, free of charisma. Oh well, at least he “did something.”
Peg also did a lil’ video which barely got any attention. Rowing for Mental Health Awareness Week. I’m surprised he didn’t do something with footballers. I guess that blew up in his face when he didn’t solve racism in football!
Joining the past, present and future crews of @HMSOardacious for a very important conversation about mental health.
For #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we headed out onto the water…
— The Prince and Princess of Wales (@KensingtonRoyal) May 21, 2023
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Earthshot Prize winner and sustainable packaging start-up, Notpla in London, to see how the business has scaled up its production since winning the Prize last November. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 23 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Earthshot Prize winner and sustainable packaging start-up, Notpla in London, to see how the business has scaled up its production since winning the Prize last November. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 23 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales talks to employees during a visit to Earthshot Prize winner and sustainable packaging start-up, Notpla in London, to see how the business has scaled up its production since winning the Prize last November. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 23 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales leaves after a visit to Earthshot Prize winner and sustainable packaging start-up, Notpla in London, to see how the business has scaled up its production since winning the Prize last November. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 23 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Breaking news!!! Peg did something!! Peg did a photo op again. Nothing to see here.
And I find it very, VERY suspect that these sudden photo ops appear right after Harry’s car chase!!
Prior to supposedly “working” FT with RF did TOB ever have FT job?
No, never.
Wait! He told the footballers to stop being racist cuz it’s boring! That didn’t fix the problem? Are you sure?
I hope the RR’s do a poll. That’s the only way we will know for sure if racism is indeed over in football. Polls are iron clad and always completely in touch with what people are truly thinking and feeling. They are never skewed or made up. (Sarcasm again)
Also- is it treason if the prince tells you to stop being racist and you don’t? Asking for the whole of salty Isle.
I’m glad the Earthshot prize people who do the actual hard work might get some publicity out of this. Unfortunately, the story is really about William borrowing their credibility.
Agree, although this is the first time I’ve heard any specifics about one of the winners. Yikes,
Their cause and innovative tech is great! Too bad it’s affiliated with such a loser.
Loser or not, William brings international attention and legitimacy to a small start-up that needs investors. That is the point of Earthshot.
Did he share some fond memories about the awards ceremony the winners didn’t get to go to? Lol
Anyhow, at least he did arrange funding for this group. This is what they should do more of! Give grants AND promote them.
As usual, publicity for Wills. Not much for Earthshot winners except their 5 seconds of fame which most people didn’t even notice anyway.
Super cool project. So I guess this means they actually received at least some of their prize money? Sounds like putting the Earthsh*t logo is going to be Willie Boy’s version of the royal warrant. Or Good Housekeeping seal of approval.
Earthsh*t logo on products is apparently acceptable to original crowdsource and VC investors. But it makes it look like using the logo is condition of getting prize.
I feel that video contrasting H & W on different obstacle courses really affected W to the point where he thought doing a rowing video with some naval officers would restore his manly superiority.
The Mole Rat Prince climbed out of his hole to pretend to work. How riveting.
It’s a wonder he could make it out of his den, what with all the racist and stolen art in his way.
He must have worked HARD. That’s like what? 40 engagements easily?
“You don’t understand! He had to walk down the hall and out the front door and into the car. He easily took 100 steps. His dedication to service is unparalleled!”
I found that really weird, the whole part about him walking from here to there within the plant. They have some seriously bad writers!
William has a serious Lazy problem.
Or maybe he is refusing to do any actual work in an effort to close down the monarchy from within.
The men in grey insist: “William! You MUST go to a public event. It is your duty as FK”
Response from William: “Nope. I’m done. I’ve been seen/photo taken at least twice this year. Off on Holiday.” Make me.
Come on, he is probably busy with his new shiny dutchy. As in how to siphon off the money against his fathers safeguards.
He’s probably visiting each “estate” in the duchy to find out which ones he wants and therefore to compile a list
of residents to kick out.
Ha! Just kidding. Jason Knauf visits them and FaceTimes William as he binge watches Suits AGAIN.
This is taking place at the Eton boathouse – so keeping it local, like the Wales prefer to do (see, the visits by both to Windsor Foodshare, and by Kate to the Baby Bank in Windsor). Have they run out of local organizations to do their photo ops at yet?
Will’s rowing form actually isn’t too terrible, at least at the speed they’re going…
Former rower here, and proper form is rather boring to anyone but rowers. I would agree with “not terrible”, but a couple things I noticed. His hands were not on the ends of the oars, and his body started to swing forward before pulling the oars to his body. That boat looked very stable, so no big deal.
@Zinnia – lol about talk of form being boring! But, since you’re here – what I noticed particularly is Will made a decent effort to get his hands away as his back was starting to come over. Also former rower, though started late, casually as a master’s, and far from expert, but after watching people over the years using ergs in health clubs, it’s the one thing non-rowers almost universally fail to do (and thus they always look clunky). Hence giving Will credit for being “not too terrible”!
The mental health awareness week video is insulting….they are still making it seem like mental health just requires sunshine and exercise and friends.
Yeah, I think the discussion should move on from this.
The Earthshot prize project sounds really interesting. Too bad Earthshot focusses more on William than the actual prize winners and finalists.
The startup sounds good. All the best to it.
Same here. I wish the startup company well and hope whatever they’re getting out of the Earthshot links boosts business and research.
As for Willy, he’ll be getting a few visits in now because it’s half term next week so he and Kate will likely disappear with the kids somewhere.
Rowing in the sun with a bald scalp can be a health hazard, due to skin cancer. William should put a cap on it. Like he does when rose gardening.
That video is a reminder of Meghan’s style. Is he secretly infatuated or what?
He always looks like be baring his teeth rather than smiling. Some things can’t be taught, like mirroring human emotion because you feel empathy.
I think the winner’s project is very important- we definitely need an alternative to single use plastic. The fact that the EarthShot logo will be on the products means that someone is doing their job at the foundation. Helping save the earth and promoting EarthShot. There should be a whole series about all the winners each year. That way, the focus will be on the purpose of the prize and giving innovations and projects the impact that they need and probably deserve.
Why give them ideas? Let them figure it out on their own especially when we know they follow and stalk this blog and Harry and Meghan fans. (Not saying you’re a fan)
Sad little man
Great project, but I think the innovators could have brainstormed their name a little bit longer. ‘Notpla’ (as in not plastic) really does not roll off the tongue. And how is it supposed to be pronounced? NotPLAH? NotPLUH? NOTpluh?
He is “learning” about the project? He should be intimately familiar with it by now and be a MENTOR. God, those people. Lazy and beyond unprofessional.
Oh, so the Earthshot winners actually do exist, at least that one? Did he/she get ALL the money the prince owes so the business will succeed? Or is the money given in dribs and drabs because Will cares f-ck all about it?