In Prince Harry’s statement to the court in his lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspapers, Harry blasted the collusion between the British media and British government, and argued that “Our country is judged globally by the state of our Press and our Government — both of which I believe are at rock bottom. Democracy fails when your Press fails to scrutinize and hold the Government accountable, and instead choose to get into bed with them so that they can ensure the status quo.” He’s right. This isn’t simply a current problem either – the British media’s largely hard-right agitprop has led to sh-t like Brexit, the brief lettuce-like tenure of Liz Truss, the catastrophe of Boris Johnson and the British media’s largely unchecked mass blackmail scheme. It’s hilarious to watch the Daily Mail’s fascist commentary on Harry’s testimony though – they knew he was talking about them. The Mail’s Stephen Glover wrote a huge column about how Harry needs to be “banished” for making such political statements. LMAO. Here are some highlights:
I’ll leave to others to write about the merits of the case, though his evidence that any phone hacking did take place has so far been in very short supply. I’m interested here in Harry’s remarkable comments about the Government. For what he wrote about it being at ‘rock bottom’ amounts to an unprecedented attack by a senior member of the Royal Family (Harry is fifth in line to the throne). No such royal broadside against elected politicians has ever before been delivered during the history of our constitutional monarchy. It is deplorable — and dangerous.
On one level his maunderings can be easily dismissed as they are so obviously wrongheaded. Yet coming as they do from someone in his position, they are bound to be taken seriously. Depressingly, some will agree with him.
The idea that Rishi Sunak and ministers are not scrutinised and held accountable is preposterous. They are put under the microscope every hour of the day and night. Where’s the evidence that the Government and the Press are in bed together? A year ago, many newspapers helped to drive Boris Johnson out of No 10. Even the Daily Telegraph, the publication for which he had worked most of his adult life, turned against him. Not so cosy.
Of course, no one better understood the importance of safeguarding this precious relationship between Crown and Parliament than our late Queen, Elizabeth II. How Harry’s coarse political invective would have grieved her.
He’s like an unguided missile, sighting enemies here and there, emitting a good deal of smoke and making lots of noise, before finally crashing to earth with an inevitable explosion — and then mysteriously taking off again, seeking some new target. In short, he’s potentially lethal. If he describes the Government today as ‘rock bottom’, next month or next year he will unearth another disobliging adjective in defiance of our constitutional traditions. Maybe — equally ill-judged — he’ll be tempted to embrace Sir Keir Starmer.
We can work on the assumption this tumultuous character isn’t suddenly going to learn how to behave. That’s never going to happen, with him 6,000 miles away in California, and Meghan by his side. Their future income depends on fomenting controversy.
Harry is the King’s number one problem. And it is not, as Charles should know and his mother certainly realised, primarily a family problem, though it’s partly that. Harry is chiefly dangerous because he is a constitutional liability. The King loves his errant younger son, despite the lack of respect he has shown to him. I’m sure he hopes Harry will one day return to the fold. But think of the damage he could do before that happens. And of course he might never return. If the two of them were still close, and spoke to each other, a way might still be found of persuading Harry to stop stirring. But he is alienated from his father, and the rift inevitably widens with every inept public intervention.
There’s only one way. It may be hard for the King as a father, but it should be easy for him as a monarch and head of state. Prince Harry must be told that if he wishes to remain a member of the Royal Family, he will have to behave as members of the Royal Family are expected to.
If he can’t accept this ultimatum — and I don’t imagine he could — Prince Harry must become a private citizen, in which role his facile declamations will soon be barely noticed, and cause no more damage to the country he once served.
Glover can’t even decide what upsets him more, the idea that Harry is free to come back to London to testify in open court, or that Harry will fly back to California after doing so. The threat here is the only one they have left, which is: if Harry won’t behave the way we like, King Charles must cut him out of the royal family entirely, strip him of his titles and banish him from the UK. From where I’m sitting, Charles has already done all of that, minus the titles (which would take an act of Parliament, I think). Charles already evicted Harry from Frogmore Cottage. Charles already stripped the Sussexes of their security. Charles already banished the Sussexes. So all that’s left are these feeble threats from people who don’t understand that they have nothing left to hold over Harry’s head. He’s already free – he’s been free for years.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK. 6th June 2023. Prince Harry arriving at the Royal Courts of Justice, ahead of his lawsuit against The Mirror Group. The Duke of Sussex is suing Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) for damages over alleged unlawful information gathering, including phone hacking and will be the first senior British royal to give evidence in court for 130 years.,Image: 781717892, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Photo by Amanda Rose / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex arrives at The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Tuesday 6 June, 2023 to give evidence as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 781720766, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK. 7th June 2023. Prince Harry arriving at the Royal Courts of Justice, for the second day of his lawsuit against The Mirror Group. The Duke of Sussex is suing Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) for damages over alleged unlawful information gathering, including phone hacking and is the first senior British royal to give evidence in court for 130 years.,Image: 781886497, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Photo by Amanda Rose / Avalon
- Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK. 7th June 2023. Prince Harry arriving at the Royal Courts of Justice, for the second day of his lawsuit against The Mirror Group. The Duke of Sussex is suing Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) for damages over alleged unlawful information gathering, including phone hacking and is the first senior British royal to give evidence in court for 130 years.,Image: 781886529, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Photo by Amanda Rose / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex departs The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 782000576, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex departs The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 782000590, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex departs The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 782000612, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex departs The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 782000619, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex departs The Rolls Building – Royal Courts Of Justice in London, England, UK on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 as part of the Mirror Group newspapers (MGN) phone hacking trial.,Image: 782000626, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
Umm Harry is a private citizen. He left a few years ago. No he is not Chuckles biggest problem. Chuckles and Horsilla and Can’t and Peg and Andrew and well the monarchy are his biggest problem. Abolish the monarchy and problem solved.
Bull and bluster from The Fail for their pathetic remaining racist readership. They really are shitting their pants aren’t they 🤣. So good to watch.
I can smell the Fail’s flop sweat. There is even more evidence against them than there is for the Mirror. They are about to mess themselves.
Oh, but Harry can’t possibly be a private citizen because this guy says (apparently) with a straight face that if he were then they’d barely pay any notice of him. The same people who monitor Harry and Meghan’s lawn while they’re living on an entirely different continent, yeah. And anyone who claims that Harry is Charles’ number one problem while Andrew is alive and well and living off of Charles reveals something quite dreadful about their own moral values.
They want Harry (and his biracial children) removed from the line of sucsession.
Thats why they are going on about constitutional matters.
Butremoving him would set another precedent, what makes a person fit to be in the line of sucsession and would Bulliam qualify? If not, would Andrew qualify? etc….
Sounds to me as if the Mail are petrified. They were worried before Harry took the stand but, now that he has they are terrified what will happen when he comes back for them. Outside the mainstream press (the ones affected by the lawsuits) there is growing support for what Harry is trying to do.
Harry was born a prince and even if he could no longer use the title he was still born a prince. If anything taking away the title will just increase interest in him and many more people will look at how he’s been treated by the press and his family. Personally, (as a Brit) I can think of several people who have been given titles by this corrupt Tory government who should have their titles removed but, that’s a whole different argument.
Was Jimmy Saville’s removed/withdrawn?
Jimmy Savile was a knight (KBE) which is not generally considered part of the peerage. His K was not removed in his lifetime, but a few people have had theirs removed (Anthony Blunt for treason, Fred Goodwin for financial fraud). That’s done by the monarch on government advice. But it’s generally considered that removal of a peerage title has to be done by act of Parliament.
Whatever his official title he’ll be referred to as Prince Harry for ever more! They can’t take that away.
So by the demands by they Daily Fail to have Prince Harry’s citizenship revoked due to his potential for single handedly destroying the Monarchy and the entire Commonwealth? Am I reading that correctly? All of which that ensures that the DF and the ilk, members of Parliament, PM’s past and future along with the BRF with their power and influence will all become public news and it’s ALL Harry’s fault????
I imagine that the DF, along with their co-conspirators are ALL freaking out about the potential consequences for the decades of secrets that have been closely guarded which could all spill out into the streets of Britain.
Is the daily mails case coming soon? I cant keep track.
I love this so much. All of this. The media was so busy torturing Meghan that they completely forgot about and discounted Harry. They bought into their own hype that Harry was dumb and slow.
F#ck around and find out time.
Believed their own damn lies. I love that for them.
As with the Oprah interview it was always Harry who was going to come in for the kill. But the racist coverage preferred to blame Meghan for everything.
As sick as it was, putting all his business out there was a blessing. They have nothing to lord over him. And sure they could pressure Charles to yank their titles but I don’t think it would happen and if it did, it won’t stop Harry. Should’ve just left him and his family alone.
It’s like a rejected plot line from Shrek. These people are archaic idiots and they look stupid.
If Charles dares to decide whether to open the can of worms about Harry’s title with Parliament — then it will also include Andrew’s title. The reason that Harry is the first to testify in open court, is because Andrew is far too chicken sh*t.
I don’t think Charles will pursue this… And I don’t think there is any serious amount of pressure either. This is just the press blowing hot wind.
Do I think William would do this when he is king? I do.
I think he (William ) will try and remove his titles, but i think it all depends on how long his Dad rules for, 2 years yeah for sure 20 years, then i’m not so sure a lot of the current working royals will be dead, I think at that point William will be extending olive branches
@ Lili, I can’t imagine TOB would ever extend an olive branch yet alone not punish Harry and Meghan to the fullest extent that he can and would. TOB is much more tone dead and vindictive than anyone realizes or accepts. This is a man who was campaigning to have Harry, and Meghan along with Archie, abolished to Africa for his own personal gain and vindication for his supposed betrayals.
The world will be a VERY different place by the time William takes the throne if at all.
The culture war warrior silver surfer brigade will be dead or in the winter of their lives so William will be a bit of a pickle if he tries to strip Harry of his titles.
We are waiting.
There will then be pressure put on William to remove titles for Charlotte and Louis
So, iirc, the NGN case with the Daily Mail is still awaiting to see if Harry’s case will go to trial. The judge asked Harry to return in July to provide evidence that the RF had an agreement to not sue the press and that’s why Harry was prevented from bringing a case against them in the allotted time. Really hope that case goes to trial bc it’s the one related to William’s secret settlement. Clearly, the DM really really don’t want that case to go to trial.
The policewoman in the top photo is pretty proud of Harry too .
Noticed that too! 😊
She has a beautiful and telling smile 😊
Even within this diatribe there’s a yearning for Harry to return to the Royal fold.
I know. Utterly shocking and disgusting all at the same time.
Harry is the King’s number one problem. And it is not, as Charles should know and his mother certainly realised, primarily a family problem, though it’s partly that. Harry is chiefly dangerous because he is a constitutional liability.
Lolololol…Yes, it’s Harry that’s the problem. Not his lazy rage monster oldest son who couldn’t even be bothered to memorize his pledge to the king during the Kings Clown Coronation and at the very least verbally abuses his wife.
By the way, one cannot be banished when they are already GONE.
So, if Harry, the 5th in line to the throne, were to embracing the labour leader, it would be a defiance of UK’s constitutional traditions? While it’s not a problem at all that Willnot, the heir to the throne, hires Tory people right and left? Please make it make sense.
I’m just astounded that so many (reporters/columnists/”experts”), deign to magically decide QEII’s thoughts and wishes. Was there some sort of seance where she appeared and gave these many ponderous prouncements? If so, I missed the invite. One must wonder if Churchill was there also…..but perhaps he was soaking in a bath.
“…if the two of them (Charles) spoke to each other…” Well, perhaps if Chuck didn’t run away every time he even hears Harry will be back in country…well, Chuck is going to run out of places to run.
It’s funny because his statement about the government was the one universally supported lol.
Literally everyone was like yup he’s right hah.
I actually want them to come for the Sussex title. It will look like “punishment” for standing up to the British media and I actually think people would be really pissed about it.
It will make it more obvious that the palace and press are in cahoots.
This was an oddly disturbing and threatening article.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it but some words are strange triggers : crash, missile, explosion, target, lethal, dangerous, ‘might never return’, not expected to behave.
It seems weirdly sinister to me. Are they trying to incite something?
Yes yes they are. One of the royal reporters called him an insurgent on tv. Some of them absolutely do. This is how they operate with anyone that doesn’t “ conform.”
That’s why the labor party is starting to look more like the tories. Harry and Jeremy Corbyn seem to be the few challenging the establishment and both paid for it with the press coverage they got and continue to receive.
I am just wondering if you have actually read the full transcript the insurgent quote
is taken from? The journalist, not Royal Reporter, is Andrew Marr. He is a heavy weight political journalist who was struck down some years ago by a significant stroke. He now works in a less demanding role than his many years as a tough
political reporter for the BBC.
I read the whole piece not just the sound bite and understood it to be broadly supportive of what Prince Harry is trying to accomplish and acknowledged the misery he had been through. I read it that, if what Harry is alleging is proven to be true, he will have done a great deal of necessary good.
I hope I don’t come across as grumpy, but Andrew Marr is in no way a Rota Rat.
You know. Part of me thinks KC3 really wants Harry to win — I bet he’d be more than happy to stop the quid pro quo, in part because William uses it way, way too often. So KC3 is letting Harry draw everyone’s ire and be the fall guy for taking this on, so that he can sit back and reap the fruits of Harry’s labor.
Yes, I think this, too. Charles has spent his life acting from the background, behind his mother, behind Diana, behind Camilla. He doesn’t know how to do anything by standing in front, on his own two feet – which is why he looked like so unnatural at the coronation.
I actually agree with this hence why he’s left the country.
I think sadly Harry will always do the heavily lifting for the family as it’s scapegoat because even when scapegoats escape, they are shining a light on the dysfunction of the family and showing them a different way to do things.
The cold irony is that Williams advisors will follow Harry and Meghan’s model and try to model it for popularity – essentially what they have done post Diana.
Williams children will actually have better lives because of H&M.
“ Yet coming as they do from someone in his position, they are bound to be taken seriously. Depressingly, some will agree with him.”
Like the citizens of the UK? A lot of people seeing how brave Harry is being in the face of enormous pressures and threats are making them start to feel brave. That’s what they’re terrified of.
“If he can’t accept this ultimatum — and I don’t imagine he could — Prince Harry must become a private citizen, in which role his facile declamations will soon be barely noticed, and cause no more damage to the country he once served.”
Wow, so if a person is not royal or part of the aristo set, (or uber wealthy and ushered into that set) then oh well you don’t count for shit. Thanks for making that clear to everyone Daily Fail, hope folks are paying attention.
That one jumped out at me too. I wish I could believe England was paying attention, because WOW. This is how the media and government think about private citizens.
What did I just read?
Harry IS a private citizen. He will never not be a blood born son and prince of the UK. He will always be Charles son! They not only lost the plot but they seems genuinely confused about who Harry is now, so allow me to help them out.
Prince Harry Duke of Sussex, son of King Charles the 3rd and Princess Diana of Wales, grandson to Queen Elizabeth the 2d and Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh, Early of Dumbarton and father to Prince Archibald (future Duke of Sussex) and Princess Lilith Diana of Montecito WILL ALWAYS be those things and can still take drag the press to filth because what they did was illegal. They are tattling on themselves. So Harry can do that because he isn’t allowed to as a Prince?
Last we checked Prince Harry is a private citizen that was born a prince. Is the royal family going to let the British media dictate a situation to punish a man who has honorably served his country and the royal institution? The media seems to feel their ” burning house ” needs more fuel.
Never gonna happen.
Harry will always be a Prince of the BRF.
They can not start banishing or pulling titles bc that sets a precedent and shows the entire Monarchy to be a joke.
The clock is ticking on BRF. Every wrong move, adds a nail in the coffin.
In 10 years when all the old aristos and elderly citizens are gone, it will become a tourist attraction only.
The under 50’s do not support the RF.
Right?! Isn’t the whole justification for their existence based on hereditary power through birthright? I think it a bit of threat to be honest.
This part really gets me especially because its in the same article.
“Charles should know and his mother certainly realized, primarily a family problem, though it’s partly that. Harry is chiefly dangerous because he is a constitutional liability.”
but then goes on to say. “On one level his maundering can be easily dismissed as they are so obviously wrongheaded. Yet coming as they do from someone in his position, they are bound to be taken seriously. Depressingly, some will agree with him” TF
How can he be a easily dismissed moron and a dangerous lose cannon to the monarchy and the constitution ?
Yes, Harry served his country not a bunch of ruthless media barons who appear to have more power than the people or elected government. I agree with Harry, both the royals and the government are scared of these media barons.
😂😂😂😂😏Yes king Charlie, gather your nights of the press to your round table and banish the PRINCE who has already gone, WTF is this idiot smoking? In HIS OWN WORDS he admits that THE PRESS drove out two prime ministers, not the public, not by a democratic vote by the people but THE PRESS. Then the PM of the presses choosing is greeted by THE KING.. Did anyone else notice that this moron only mentioned phone hacking, and not illegal information gathering, you Know when the press, and YES I mean the Daily Fail as well paid others to pretend to be someone who should have access to medical records and tax receipts. They in the media get more pathetic every day and oh how they must hate the crowd cheering Harry. But maybe this idiot doesn’t realise that NOW the RF are going to have to tread very carefully with what they say to the press, because people will be watching, and if Charlie attempts anything with Harry’s titles now, the monarchy is finished
@Mary Pester, “In HIS OWN WORDS he admits that THE PRESS drove out two prime ministers, not the public, not by a democratic vote by the people but THE PRESS.” I noticed that as well.
Why aren’t the British public aren’t angry at the media for all the Brexit lies they sold them?
The way they are trying to create opposition against someone who was criminally harassed by the tabloids from the time he was born is very unreal.
Oh my God. This again! British media, Harry is, in fact, already no longer a member of the royal family. He has been a “private citizen” for years now, ever since the Windsors rejected Harry and Meghan’s offer to be part-time royals and then tried their best to harm them by cutting their security and outing their location. He’s been working, something which supposedly a member of the RF could not do. He hasn’t been collecting a royal allowance and gave up the royal home. Have y’all just not noticed he hasn’t been on the balcony for years?
Nothing that Charles or any monarch can do to make Harry anything than what he already is, unless of course they have discovered the secret of time travel and can prevent him from being born a prince. I’d love for the parliament to open up the issue of titles, because there are a few royals that I think should be stripped of them. Go for it!
Simple fact, Harry was born a prince and will always be a prince. He, Harry, found his better half, in the figure of his beautiful wife Meghan Markle who gave him support, strength and two children so that he could follow his true path, the defense of morality (in the ethical sense) and his fight against injustice. Upon leaving the “Firm”, Harry became the “Prince of the People” and thus will be identified in history, just like his mother.
Man, this lawsuit got the press losing their damn minds. They see the writing on the wall, they’re losing this lawsuit. It’s as though they KNOW they’re going to lose and are now in the throes of the final death cries. Since they can’t own and control Harry…and their attempts to destroy him have failed, their last ditch effort is getting his titles stripped. But Harry is financially independent and takes no taxpayer’s dollars. He is *already* a private citizen domiciled in the US, living large and peaceful under a tree.
Harry is the King’s son. No act of Parliament, no manipulation by the Firm, no outcry from the media or British subjects can change that fact. Nothing they do can dim the admiration and respect Prince Harry enjoys around the world.
Oh crap. Prince Harry voluntarily left a vile and toxic salt island to save his wife’s life and to get as far away as possible from the non-stop abuse and hate. Harry has left the room and sucked out all the oxygen with it. All the BM are left with is their own hot air and rage that Harry is out of their clutches. Chill the f-ck out like they do in California. You’ll all give yourselves heart attacks.
Glover’s words sent a chill down my spine. I read them as putting a larger target on Harry’s back, encouraging more hatred toward him by saying he is a threat to our institutions. Will some deranger take them too seriously? I fear for brave Harry and Meghan.
Stephen Glover wrote that “Harry is chiefly dangerous because he is a constitutional liability.”
We need a journalist of good standing to reply to Stephen’s nonsensical and dangerous statement .
Glover knew exactly what he was doing calling Harry a constitutional or institutional threat. He drew the big X across Harry’s back. This is yellow journalism at its worst, how William Randolph Hearst started a war with his yellow journalism and how you stir up hate, malice and ill intent. Glover needs his hands slapped and his computer thrown out the window. Egregious man.
Harry is an unguided missile … we don’t know whom he’s going to attack next!
Translation: We’re so mad that no one is leaking Harry’s plans to us, and we have no control over what he does.
Harry is a tumultuous character and sadly, some people will agree with what he’s saying.
Translation: Our old, white, classist readers are dying out and we’re becoming irrelevant. WAH!
William is Charles’s #1 problem.
Comment of the day….
“Their future income depends on fomenting controversy.”
—Not at all like ours, at the Rota!
What astonishes me more than anything is the extent of ownership Harry’s haters claim over him. Their righteous indignation is founded in their weird belief that Harry really is supposed to obey them when they dictate to him what he must do.
And their rage at Harry’s refusal to knuckle under to their bizarre demands really is frightening.
Yes, Mr. Glover & the UK gutter press considers Harry an existential threat they must confront. And, considering that these are the same people who claimed the monarchy was threatened by Meghan busting out her Magical Flat Iron and getting a dangerous new hairdo, apparently they are very easily frightened of the imagined danger they would have us all believe Harry & Meghan present.
It would be funny if they weren’t really dangerous. If the threat they pose wasn’t so very real.