Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup got married in a civil court ceremony

Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup are a low-key couple. They confirmed they were dating in 2017 but didn’t walk a red carpet together until 2022. In April, Naomi appeared on the Today show wearing a giant diamond on that finger but wouldn’t answer questions about it. I’m guessing they planned to keep their wedding as under-the-radar as possible. But after paparazzi photos surfaced of Naomi in a white dress and flower bouquet, and both of them wearing gold wedding bands, Naomi posted a photo to Instagram to confirm that they got married.

Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup are married!

The King Kong star, 54, confirmed her marriage to The Morning Show actor, 54, in an Instagram post on Saturday, a day after the pair sparked marriage rumors when they were spotted in wedding gear in photos obtained by Page Six.

Watts shared a photo of herself and Crudup in front of what appeared to be a Manhattan courthouse with wide smiles as Watts holds onto a bouquet of white flowers.

The actress, wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress, stood opposite Crudup, who donned a sleek navy suit without a tie.

“Hitched! ???????,” Watts simply captioned the photo.

Watts’ social media post came after photos shared pictures of the star in the same Oscar de la Renta dress, holding the same flowers and wearing a gold wedding band a day prior.

In the images, Crudup also wore a band on his ring finger, and rocked the same navy suit he’s wearing in his now-wife’s latest Instagram snap.

Watts was previously spotted out and about in New York City wearing a large diamond on her left ring finger in April, which sparked engagement rumors at the time when she wore the ring on the same finger during a Today appearance.

“My eye is hurting. There’s a big glint coming from some ring over here,” Hoda Kotb said on air. “It just struck me. But it’s beautiful.” Trying to avoid the topic, Watts smiled shyly and replied: “Oh, the brain fog!”

[From People]

I wonder if they would have shared anything with us about the wedding if photos hadn’t come out first. I love Naomi’s Oscar de la Renta dress. It’s perfect for a courthouse wedding, romantic and special without being too grand. In the Page Six photos you can see it better, and it’s one of those dresses with a nude lining so that it looks “sheer” from far away. I normally don’t like that kind of thing, but it’s well-deployed here. You can see the details of the lace pattern better than if it had been lined in white. I’d consider a courthouse wedding if it had beautiful architecture. My friends got married at the San Francisco courthouse and their photos were gorgeous. A courthouse wedding fits Naomi and Billy’s lowkey vibe. It’s also the first time either one of them has been married, which I didn’t expect. In my brain Naomi and her ex Liev Schrieber were married, but they were actually just dating for eleven years.

I thought it was hilariously petty that Page Six ended the story by reminding everyone that Billy left Mary Louise Parker when she was seven months pregnant for Claire Danes. That is peak dirtbag behavior, and I think that’s why he’s kept his dating life out of the public eye ever since. Between 2006-2017 when he started dating Naomi, we don’t know anything about who he was with. But I’m presuming his dirtbag days are over. I looked it up and he’s a Cancer, she’s a Libra. Is that considered a compatible match? I know traditionally, water and earth signs are good together, but not so much water and air.

Photos credit: LGjr-RG/PacificCoastNews/Avalon, BrosNYC/Backgrid and via Instagram and Twitter

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56 Responses to “Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup got married in a civil court ceremony”

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  1. Lilwah says:

    It was nice that her ex commented so charmingly on the photo.

  2. Well Wisher says:


    I agree that the bride’s dress was beautiful.
    Naomi was also pretty.
    Best wishes in the future.

  3. WingKingdom says:

    As always she looks absolutely gorgeous.

  4. terra says:

    If I ever knew they were dating in the first place, I’d absolutely forgotten, so this one caught me off guard. Wow.

    Although now that I think about it: Heath Ledger, Liev Schrieber, and now Billy Crudup? Clearly, she has a type.

    • Torttu says:

      I thought Crudup and Danes were married!

      • Yup, Me says:

        Me, too. But she’s married (and has 2 or 3 babies now) by Hugh Dancy, who somehow looks just like and also nothing like Billy Crudup.

  5. Ladiabla says:

    I love Naomi, so I hope he treats her right. I’d be interested in the libra/cancer pairing too, since we (libras) don’t seem to be the luckiest people in love. Now, the people I know that are water signs, once they find another water sign, that’s it. Anyway, loved Naomi’s dress. Congratulations to them!

    • Wilma says:

      My husband and I have been a very successful cancer/libra pairing for the past 20 years. Very harmonious and fun!

    • Jaded says:

      Libra here — yes, I had some pretty unlucky relationship experiences. I used to call myself the “three-time loser” because I had 3 serious relationships in a row where I got my heart badly broken. But love came back to me at age 62 (with a Virgo) so 8 years together and counting!

  6. lunchcoma says:

    She looks lovely, but I don’t think it’s petty to mention his past history. I’d be sort of surprised if he’d put his dirt bag days behind him.

    • SarahCS says:

      I thought I knew his name from something dodgy when I first saw a story about this, now I remember!

    • Turtledove says:

      I love both Mary Louise Parker AND Naomi Watts so I really hope he has grown because what he did to MLP was really gross.

    • Kirsten says:

      I mean, it is a little petty to bring it up in an article about his getting married 20 years after the fact.

      • kirk says:

        “I don’t think it’s petty to mention his past history.”
        Then you should definitely continue reading Page Six and other Murdoch owned labels because it’s totally on-brand for them to bring up 20-yr old history. Even when it wasn’t a crime and the father gladly put in the work to acknowledge and support his child, even acting in one of his student films and listening to son’s critiques of his own career.

    • Madleey says:

      ‘…ended the story by reminding everyone that Billy left Mary Louise Parker when she was seven months pregnant for Claire Danes. That is peak dirtbag behavior…’

      It’s funny how people have the energy to hate on them (rightfully so) but Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig get hyped up despite having an affair right under Jennifer Jason Leigh’s NINE MONTH PREGNANT nose. As in all 3 worked on set while it was happening.

      Baumbach always been a pretentious dbag but I judge Gerwig even worse because she claims she’s a feminist and supportive of other women. Girl was 30 and ran off with a guy while his wife gave birth ALONE. Both of them are terrible people and it’s quite something their heinous behavior is never brought up. Instead people love and praise Gerwig.

      • Josephine says:

        I think the difference is that JJ Leigh has not confirmed the affair or said that she was alone at the birth unless I missed some interview. They remained married until their child was about 8 months old I think? I can believe wholeheartedly that they did have an affair but they kept quieter about it. And frankly, Gerwig and Baumbach seem insufferable so JJ Leigh dodged a bullet there.

  7. Josephine says:

    Mary Louise Parker is a great actress and her son is super cute. Funny that Page 6 slipped that in about Crudup and Danes, but I still side-eye both of them for that. I’m usually in the “relationships are complex” camp but that move by both Crudup and Danes was jaw-dropping. I feel a lot of people look past Dane’s history but it’s all I think of when I see either of them.

    Hoping that Watts knows what she’s doing as Liev didn’t seem that great to her.

    • Kristin says:

      I completely agree. I know that he was the one who was in the relationship and he’s the one who broke promises/vows, but I get really tired of people giving the “other woman” a complete pass for horrible shit like this. It’s not like Clare Danes had NO idea he was in a long-term relationship and that his girlfriend was freaking pregnant. And like Angelina Jolie, what Danes did with Crudup (having an affair with a man in a serious relationship) wasn’t a one-off. She’s pulled that crap before. I just feel like as a woman, if you know that a man is married or in a relationship, stay the fuck away. Women already have to deal with men constantly treating us like shit, so it would nice if women would take more care when dealing with other women. Okay, my rant of the day is over:)

    • Roan Inish says:

      I remember when he left MLP for Clare Danes. All the articles about him leaving her when she was pregnant. It just occurred to me now to ask, Was it his baby?

      • Elizabeth Phillips says:

        I’ve wondered that myself; the kid’s last name is Parker, not Crudup.

      • Josephine says:

        They act like it was his, i.e., her child does have a relationship with Crudup and looks like him. You see the son at events with Crudup from time to time.

      • Kirsten says:

        I’m assuming that since MLP was not in a relationship with Crudup when she gave birth, she used her last name. But by all accounts, Crudup has a good relationship with his son.

  8. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    I certainly don’t wish this to be the case, but when someone has done something as outrageously and premeditatedly awful as what Crudup did to MLP—for me there would always be a huge question mark concerning his character. There’s a reason this story is still mentioned in most press pieces about him. In any case, she seems nice. I’ll hope for the best.

    • Jackiejacks says:

      Like some others here in the comments – I clearly remember the Danes / Crudup affair. Claire Danes who I always liked as far as roles she chose dating back to My So Called Life days, Little Women, Temple Grandin, Homeland etc – I stopped really seeking out shows or movies with her in it because of this affairs. Just kind of turned me off to her as an actress. It’s not always easy to separate the actor as a person from the work.
      At the end of the day Danes / Crudup did what they did, and now they need to deal with the possibility of it being mentioned later down the line. Hopefully no one in any of these relationships gets karma smacking them in the face with being on the other end of the cheating equation. Some people truly can reap what they sow.

      • Jaded says:

        I’m a firm believer in “what goes around comes around” and sooner or later you will reap what you sow, good or bad.

      • Diamond Rottweiler says:

        Yeah, Clare Danes’s comments about it years after the fact on Howard Stern were a master class of narcissistic justifications. She needed to “explore” that. It was “scary” for her. Etc. Completely centering herself. Not, “I’m really sorry I made some choices that hurt someone at an especially vulnerable time in their life.” End of subject. How hard is that? People should read that book Asshole: a Theory, which talks about the history and recent epidemic of asshole-ism worldwide. Crudup and Danes would fit right into the author’s treatise.

      • Kebbie says:

        @Diamond I always kind of gave Claire the benefit of doubt because she was young and sometimes at that age you just believe what the guy tells you.

        But for her to be so cavalier and self-centered in her comments on Stern really changed my mind about her. She finished her “needing to explore” their love nonsense with “I got through it.” Like *she* had been the victim of something. Her narcissism apparently knows no bounds.

    • Torttu says:

      I think it’s honest and kind to leave someone if you don’t love them. Even if you are expecting a child together. It doesn’t mean you leave the person without support. I wouldn’t want someone to stay with me just because other people think he should.

      • Nikki says:

        Torttu, your outlook is in the vast minority here. But I was kind of thinking along those lines a bit too; it would be MORE devastating to me to wonder if my man was constantly missing his “other woman”, than to get over him and find someone who was truly devoted to me. But there is always a moment in a flirtation when you see the path you are taking, and you do choose whether to put blinders on and resist, or throw off your restraints and go down that road, come what may. But average people have the option of avoiding someone who’s tempting to them, whereas actors may have to be in forced proximity all day at the same time they’re battling their desires. Like you, I definitely always judge someone by : did he support her in other ways, AND was he a good father to their child? That’s a nonnegotiable in my book.

      • Josephine says:

        It is honest and kind to end a relationship if it’s not working. It is the exact opposite to end the relationship only because you’ve gotten yourself a jump off point. There was nothing honest about what they did and if you read any of the interviews she eventually gave he left her in a very, very dark and low place. He stepped right from her to Danes in a super public way.

        End the relationship before starting another. Anything short of that is selfish and cowardly. Adults should be able to wait until the committed one has made a clean break.

      • J says:

        How funny, honest and kind to who? You throw out that line as I’d timing doesn’t matter, and as if better kinder choices aren’t accessible…

        If they were kind he’d at least have the decency to control himself until the child has been born and Parker was out of the woods re scary things that can happen during pregnancy/post Partum.

        Honest would be keeping your promises and ending one thing before starting another.

        People love to say relationships are “complex” and May be true, but they are not so complex that honesty and consent are able to be practiced.

    • Madleey says:

      And yet nobody questions Greta Gerwig’s character. Instead she’s the ‘Cool Female Director’ feminist.

      Her and Baumbach’s situation is even more heinous. Imagine running off with your co-worker’s husband while his wife gives birth *alone*

      That’s her. Baumbach has always been a jerk so it doesn’t surprise me. But Gerwig? People don’t even bring it up.

      • J says:

        I totally question Greta gerwig’s character. There are so many people with good politics but who are trash to actual women if it benefits then

  9. Twin Falls says:

    I’m happy for them. I’ve always liked Naomi as an actress and I am a fan of her bringing more awareness to menopause and taking away the stigma of talking about it.

  10. It Really Is You, Not Me I’m says:

    I love her dress. Very beautiful for a low-key, later-in-life wedding.

    I love Billy Crudup in The Morning Show – his acting is excellent. But I also think of his treatment of MLP every single time he comes on-screen. I feel bad about it because I feel like there should be a statute of limitations on these scandals that live in the public sphere (outside of actual abuse, racism, misogyny, or hate crimes) because I would hate to be forever known by the worst thing I ever did. That said, I don’t recall any scandals since then and they have been together for 5 years so hopefully he’s a better person now. I wish them all the luck.

  11. tealily says:

    Crudup shadiness aside, they seem like a good match. They’ve been together for a while. They probably know what they’re doing. I’ve always liked Naomi, so Crudup shadiness NOT aside, I hope he really has turned a new leaf.

    • Turtledove says:


      I hope he has changed too. Honestly, maybe he learned from what happened with MLP. My sympathies lie entirely with MLP who was left by her partner when 7 months pregnant, but it probably wasn’t a walk in the park for him after that either. People despised him for it, and never forgot. It probably hurt his career to an extent as well. I mean, he has done *well* despite it. But he is a very good actor and was (is) very handsome. He probably could have been a huge star but after what he did, a lot of people were less interested in him. Like others have said, when he came on screen, instead of admiring his good looks and talent, I thought of what he did.

      • Jenn says:

        Anne Helen Petersen calls that “star text” — an inescapable (and generally unintended) subtext to a celebrity’s work due to their real-life persona. I remembered that while watching Hello Tomorrow!, which stars Crudup and which is *very conspicuously* about a well-intentioned, “people-pleasing” pathological liar who abandoned his wife and baby years earlier and now, as a middle-aged man, still struggles to authentically communicate when the subject is uncomfortable or painful. I was ASTONISHED that he took that role. And I found myself reconsidering: Was he so terrified of parenthood and, more damningly, too ashamed to express it, that he publicly exploded his relationship with MLP instead? It’s no justification, but… I guess I’ve never been in a position to judge (I’m so commitmentphobic, I struggled with getting a *dog*). I’m ready to retire this grudge.

        They may both be serial monogamists, but this is actually their first marriage, both of them! Good for them!!

  12. HeyKay says:

    I hope she is happy.

    I recall his past, I’d be very wary of him.

  13. Nicegirl says:

    Ooh fully agree about the San Francisco courthouse, beautiful architecture.

    Cool dress 👗

  14. Ravensdaughter says:

    I love that they are both over 50 and they’re the same age! It gives me hope.
    Love the “hubby” photo…they look happy.

  15. girl_ninja says:

    I really like Naomi. She seems so lovely and is such a talented actress. She is really compelling in everything she does. I appreciate how she and Liev remain close as co-parents to their children. When that all went down with Crudup leaving a pregnant Mary-Louise for Danes was just grimy as f!ck. I remember the chapter in her book about the situation and it was a really heartbreaking read. They seemed to have repaired their relationship as much as they can and co-parent their son as well.

  16. Ameerah M says:

    Libra and Cancer aren’t generally considered a compatible match – BUT – they are both in their 50s. A lot of the behaviors that would keep them from being a good match have probably mellowed with age for both of them. Also – sun signs aren’t always the best way to tell if a couple is a match. Rising sign, moon sign, and what sign their Venus is in are better indicators

    • Nikki says:

      My husband is a REAL Taurus, and I’m an Aquarius. We’ve been married 42 years, and though we are NOT naturally compatible, and have driven each other crazy a good portion of the time, we are also super close, devoted, still have a marvelous time under the covers, and laugh more than any other couple I know. As you say, our moon signs are much more compatible, AND his Mars is in my Venus…

    • Kebbie says:

      Yep. They’ve both got moon in Sagittarius. He’s got venus in cancer and hers is in Scorpio.

      They’ve also got harmonious aspects between their respective Jupiters and the others’ personal planets, so it’s probably a fun and lively relationship.

  17. Southern Fried says:

    There’s a lot to like about them being together but I particularly like they had a small wedding. I’m so sick of the ostentatious, ridiculously expensive weddings. I know it’s important to many but I just don’t get it.

  18. liz says:

    They are in front of the NYC Municipal Building. When Hubby & I got married in Manhattan about 100 years ago, that was where you had to go to get a marriage license. It’s also where they do civil weddings – it’s right across the street from City Hall, which is barely big enough for the Mayor’s Offices and the Press Briefing Rooms.

    She looks fantastic, that dress is perfect for a City Hall wedding and I love the “deli flowers.”

  19. Fina says:

    I only know him by name, and knew nothing about his past. But can I just say how refreshing I find it to see a Hollywood actor in his fifties marry a woman his age? I honestly cannot think of another example. Where they married younger and stayed together until 50s or longer maybe (though rare) but getting married in the 50s. I guess Affleck and Lopez could come to mind, though they also met when young. But most men in their fifties in Hollywood are already considered super respectable if they date women of let’s say 35+.

    • Coco says:

      He did the whole younger woman before when he cheated on his long-time girlfriend when she was 7 months pregnant for someone 10 years younger than him. It did not end well because she ended up dumping him for someone younger.

      So I think he may have learned a lesson that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

  20. dj says:

    Wishing them the best. I love her dress. It is perfect. I like her. Him not so much. It is difficult blending a family together. But I am a romantic. They make a nice couple.

  21. lucy2 says:

    I had no idea they were together, or I had forgotten.
    Her dress is very pretty.

  22. Scout says:

    Nope. Crudup and Danes are both scum in my book. There is just no reason for someone to walkout on the woman who is carrying his child.

    • kirk says:

      Understand everybody’s comments about what Crudup and Danes did was wrong. And, yes, I do believe that they’re both cheating, even if one of them is unattached if they know the person they’re hooking up with is attached.

      But it seems like most comments are centered on the fact that Mary Louise Parker was PREGNANT and he should have abstained due to the pregnancy. What’s unclear to me is how long the abstention should continue for the person who wants to move on from an unhappy relationship. Til the babe is born? One-year after the babe is born? Wait until the baby is beyond the terrible twos? Wait until the child is out of kindergarten? primary school? high school?

      • J says:

        You’re ridiculous. Exact timing of “best” time is unclear. But it damn sure isn’t when she’s pregnant or in initial post partum. He had no business even pursuing an outside love interest. THAT is the issue. You protect your people you don’t go seeking fun little escapes and side pieces if you value your kids, Pat yet, family. Only selfish people put themselves first in such vulnerable times.