Last night was the big Hollywood premiere for The Flash, the DC movie which was beset by problems during filming and in post-production. The biggest problem was the star of the Flash, Ezra Miller. Ezra was arrested and charged with multiple crimes in a cross-country crime spree. Their crimes involved everything from assault to kidnapping to grooming to basically starting some kind cult. Their crime spree seemingly ended last summer – Ezra checked into in-patient treatment for “complex mental health issues.” Since then, we hadn’t heard anything directly from Ezra, and the early promotion for The Flash featured an Ezra-sized hole as everyone talked around their absence.
At the premiere, Ezra made their first public statements in nearly a year. They thanked Warner Bros’ leadership and care, which means that the studio absolutely forced Ezra into treatment as the studio tried desperately to save their huge investment in this f–king messy franchise. The Hollywood Reporter also noted that all of the stars of the film were told to not give interviews on the red carpet, so it was images-only. Ezra did walk the carpet, as did Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Chastain, Dove Cameron and more.
I’m actually positive that Warner Bros asked Ben Affleck to bring Jennifer Lopez, and for the two of them to spend a lot of time posing for photos. I was even tempted to make them the headlining story: a Bennifer red carpet. That’s what Warner Bros wanted, to focus more on Bennifer and Ben’s return as the Batfleck. Anything to get the heat off Ezra. Fashion notes: J.Lo wore Gucci and she didn’t look too jazzed to be used as a shield for Ezra Miller.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Ezra Miller BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Jennifer Lopez BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Ezra Miller BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Hollywood, CA – “The Flash” premiere held at Ovation Hollywood in Hollywood. Pictured: Jessica Chastain BACKGRID USA 12 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Gross. Gross. Gross.
You are absolutely correct this is gross.
He should be in prison. You know JLo wasn’t I to it bc that outfit is not it. She was pissed.
J Lo’s outfit is terrible. From the zip thing to the flesh coloured bottom.
On the rest, well Batgirl was canned so this can happen. It’s just bad. I wont even watch the Flash free on streaming
I would like it if it didn’t have such an incredibly low drop waist. I don’t think the drop waist is flattering on her.
But hey, I’m sure she didn’t pull out her best outfit for this. Why waist it on Ezra Miller?
JLo’s act of protest for appearing at this mess was most certainly that terrible outfit. That outfit is not giving anything.
I’m just so annoyed at how Ezra Miller’s criminal behavior is being overlooked because of the millions that were sunk into this movie. I normally would have watched this movie but given everything happening I am passing on it whenever it comes out on demand or whatever.
I’ve seen adverts for this film on the sides of buses and on the telly and ezra’s name is never mention. Just the title of the movie. Which to me shows that they don’t trust ezra but they are still pushing this movie to get their money back. I hope this film tanks.
Why is everyone’s clothing so wrinkled?
God how disgusting is Hollywood. It’s an actual Monster Factory and the only thing that matters is money. It’s one thing to be suffering mental health issues. I have all the sympathy in the world. But Ezra committed crimes some of which may have involved young people. Revolting.
I swear they must really have the low down on someone to be walking this red carpet. They should be in jail.
I saw a video of Ezra on the red carpet and tbh they looked like they’ve been giving something like an sedative and they seemed to have had an escort. Very controlled appearance. The movie looks awful from what I’ve seen but I guess the studio spent too much money to scrap it.
They’re a mess. I honestly don’t understand why no one in Ezra’s life feels compelled to step in and get them the help that they need. And I know they went through in-patient treatment but Hollywood premiers are not the appropriate place for this person given their past criminal actions and clearly fragile mental state. Ezra needs to be held accountable for their behavior and then they need to walk away from Hollywood forever.
Hi Kitten, I see this type of comment a lot when people are going through mental/addition issues publicly. Is there record of Ezra’s family not helping them? I have a child with mental health and addiction issues. His father and I have done everything and more for them and it’s heartbreaking that nothing seems to work – at least right now. I am keeping the faith.
While my son identifies as he I was trying to keep it gender neutral, but I slipped. doesn’t look like I can edit my reply.
I agree this is a gross mess and Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez should have stayed home this was not the movie for them to throw their support around.
I don’t know if Jessica Chastain is in the movie, if she wasn’t then she should have stayed home as well.
Yes their outfits are all god-awful.
I’m guessing that they had a contractual obligation to be there (not JLo, of course, but she probably chose to be there w/ Ben).
Even if he was, which I doubt because he doesn’t show up to all the other DC movie premieres. JLO wasn’t, and they shouldn’t have used this as so cute date night movie, photo op. Both have gone to put premieres separately since they’ve got back together so it wouldn’t seem out of character.
Chastain is friends with the director, he directed her in IT 2.
O ok so she should have definitely stayed home because that is no excuse to show visual support for this movie was trying to white wash Ezra crimes.
Ben probably signed something to do promotion otherwise I don’t think he would be there
I’t’s rumored Jessica Chastain has a secret role in the movie, but she doesn’t look overjoyed to be there either. Love her Oscar de la Renta outfit with appliqued butterflies though! I was going to call it a dress, but it’s a jumpsuit! With pockets! Gorgeous.
Why is Ezra not in prison?
How can JLo show up for this?
No. Very bad taste on her part.
She should have given a hard No to this premiere.
I am just hearing about all of this. Ezra Miller did what?! Cut a wide swathe of creepy crimes across the country!? Did it happen before or after filming? And why is EM now at a public event for the movie? What a cluster**k.
Got a trailer ahead of Spider Man and as soon as I saw Michael Keaton (my one and only Batman) I knew why WB had thrown so much in to save this and try to wash away EM’s literal crimes instead of quietly shelving it. It’s disappointing that in Hollywood the only way is to save the film at the expense of justice or what’s right. Ezra should not be out being rewarded/praised in premieres as though their stint in care undoes the magnitude of the harm their actions caused to people, including the ones who are young and vulnerable who need protecting the most and def not what they got from them.
Obviously, Hollywood has no intentions to stop doing the most to cape for predatory, abusive men like Ezra. But what I don’t get is why so-called feminists like Jessica Chastain and JLo go along with it. Especially JLo in this case, she’s not under any kind of contract to this movie, she’s not directly involved, why do this?
Why does Ben Affleck look drunk/high to me again here?
Jessica Chastain did something to her face, right?
So what happened to the criminal charges? Did checking into a mental facility give Ezra a literal get out of jail free card?
I’m guessing however this works out will become the pattern for Jonathan Majors.
Everyone, go see “Across The Spider-verse,” or “Elemental,” or even “Transformers” if you have to.
Or “Across the Spider-verse.”
I want this terrible project, terrible studio, and terrible star to flop.
WB’s really falling for the sunk cost fallacy here. No amount of money or promo is going to save this.
EM is an abusive, violent, pedophilic, privileged excuse of a human. There is no way they should have been retained for this movie, normalized, paid, and marketed. Warner Bros is playing it both ways by keeping them employed and letting them walk the carpet, but also hiding EM’s participation in advertising and rebuffing interviews.
Everyone should be allowed to be interviewed here. EM should never have been the flash in the first place, but now that they are, take the responsibility of that choice and let the reporters and reviewers ask why.
The main aim of Hollywood it to normalise abuse, so when individuals with influence and power get caught, they can still have a career and never face the consequences of their actions. I hope this move flops hard.
“the main aim of Hollywood it (sic) to nomalise abuse”??? come on now, grab the reins.
Yes they do, abuse is everywhere in hollywood and no one does anything about it because it’s normalised within that Hollywood circle. Everyone knows everyone’s business and no one says sh*t.
The only problem is when the general public finds out about all the sh*t famous people get up to. But if just one celebrity like Ezra for example can survive after causing such controversy, and is allowed to walk the red carpet, then it opens up the door to all of them. The don’t want to prevent abuse, they want to prevent cancel culture.
That’s what I noticed too! I’m surprised JLo allowed that!
Ezra doesn’t look the LEAST bit regretful or contrite. This “rehab” was all so WB could manipulate the public into seeing their movie. Sick.
Is Jessica’s outfit a jumpsuit? If so I love it! As a dress it would be meh JMO.
Def not seeing this movie.
Some of my relatives heard that there were going to be some protests against this movie (don’t know how true this info is).
I hope they all get raked along the hot coals of social media and this film bombs. Shame on them but I guess WB thought they sunk too much money in this that they couldn’t do the right thing. Awful. EM should be rightfully shunned and shut out of the film industry. Their acts are heinous and just flat out criminal.
As for the others I hope they were just on contract and couldn’t pull out. Terrible to give such support.
Why aren’t they promoting Michael Keaton more than Ben Affleck? Ben just has a small cameo role here!
I don’t think these 2 kissing on the carpet are going to save this film. The reviews are out & they are not good!
Wait, they have both Michael Keaton & Ben Affleck as Batman in the same movie???? Michael Keaton is my all-time favorite Batman, and I grew up on the bonkers TV series with Adam West.
Jlo didn’t need to be there. Or if she did to combat the split rumors she could have gone in and skipped the red carpet. Come to think of it wasn’t this just a cameo for Ben and he’s done with DC for good? They must have something on him. And why Jessica?? She’s been on broadway and just came from losing a tony in NYC on Sunday. I assumed this movie would finally be a big hit for DC which was why they didn’t replace Ezra and reshoot but I heard it’s coming up with mixed at best reviews. Again why people?
I was kind of surprised to see Ezra there. Wow.
My prediction is that this is Ezra’s swan song, the consequence of becoming radioactive.
JLo looks like someone who was invited to go somewhere at the last minute, shopped her closet and came up with a “it’ll do and I don’t care” look. It’s terrible. I know the movie was too expensive for them to scrap but I’ll be forever puzzled why they chose the most annoying character to make a movie about. They should have shut it all down at the first sign of trouble from Ezra. There’s no way that no one with the mental health issues Ezra has didn’t act out in some way previously that should have been a hint and a half for them.
Yes, disgusting. They’ll keep doing business with him. JLo and Affleck should not dirty their names associating with him. Period.
I wasn’t aware of Ezra Miller’s many issues. Damn. What a pity. Thought they gave vivid, brilliant performances in each of the earlier movies I saw them in. Every time. An amazing one with Tilda Swinton, the earlier intro Flash movie (fun, quirky character leapt off the screen, Affleck’s best Bruce Wayne scenes were with EM) & their haunting, spooky intense role in the Potterverse Beast films was astonishing. A rare lightning in a bottle talent. Not even remotely like anyone else. Sigh.
I have a black fleece vest in my closet that looks just like that Gucci vest. Huh. Never thought to style it that way!
Is it me or does he look even yuckier? And the yuck factor is already super high!