Prince Harry spent time with ‘military royalty’ at the Warrior Games in San Diego

Yesterday was the day the Heritage Foundation, the Telegraph and the British tabloids were supposed to get their “decision” on Prince Harry’s American visa. Heritage took the Department of Homeland Security to court to get an expedited decision on whether DHS would release Harry’s visa application. In court last week, my interpretation of the judge’s decision was that the judge kicked it back to DHS to decide, within a week, whether or not they would comply with the FOIA request and release the information. DHS’s silence means, to me, that Heritage lost their FOIA bid and Harry’s visa will remain private. That didn’t stop the Hill from publishing a pissy op-ed about the tricky legal precedent of… a person’s right to keep their visa application private.

What was even funnier is that the whole “Harry’s visa application must be released” conversation happened as Harry stepped out at the Warrior Games in San Diego this week. Harry was there by invitation of the Department of Defense, and he was basically the keynote speaker on the final day of the games. Not only did he spend a lot of time with American veterans, not only did attend some of the competitions, he was ASKED to make a closing speech at the games?? LMAO. But wait, it’s even funnier – Harry spent a lot of time General Gary Brito, someone whom the Mail refers to as “military royalty.”

Prince Harry was pictured chatting to the general in charge of Army training on Monday, sitting ringside to watch US veterans competing at the Warrior Games. The 38-year-old traveled to San Diego for his first public appearance since his phone-hacking trial in the UK. The Duke of Sussex was seen grinning and chatting as he cheered on servicemen and women competing in events similar to his own Invictus Games.

He was seen at one point gesturing across the arena as General Gary Brito, the Commanding General of the Army Training and Doctrine Command, looked on.The royal also spoke animatedly to families, volunteers and staff – and was obviously cracking jokes to those sitting around him at the event in southern California.

Harry was pictured in a deep discussion with Master Sergeant Michael Haley, one of 40 injured veterans and active-duty service members selected to represent Team Army. Later he looked relaxed as he posed with veteran gold medal winners from the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

[From The Daily Mail]

They are seething. Their plot to create a narrative of “Harry vs. the American government” blew up in their faces as powerful people within the Pentagon love Harry and love his commitment to veterans. American veterans love him too.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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36 Responses to “Prince Harry spent time with ‘military royalty’ at the Warrior Games in San Diego”

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  1. ML says:

    I’m glad Harry has this relationship to the armed forces and veterans of various nationalities. It’s heartfelt, sincere and uplifting, both for Harry and the veterans he supports. And the RR can try all it will, but they cannot make Harry look bad for supporting those who served. He looks so happy and engaged in those pictures of him at the warrior games.

  2. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    As a Canadian vet, the framing of a high-ranking officer as ‘royalty’ irked me. Those folks earn their medals! Then I remembered this one lecherous base commander and his entitled wife who treated the base as her fiefdom. Yeah, I guess some do resemble royalty. Some resemble Harry, and others resemble his family.

    • Betsy says:

      Yeah, in a way it’s a perfect analogy. Someone gets the throne because they emerged from the right vagina in the right order and whether or not they’re fit for the job. Military promotions happen because people earn them but that doesn’t meant they’re decent people anywhere else in their life, or even within the confines of their job (I’m thinking specifically of the sexual harassment and sexual assault rife within the military).

  3. Nlopez says:

    Good 4 you Harry❤️. From one vet to another, Keep going🫡!

  4. Neners says:

    They love Harry because they can sense that his commitment to the veteran community is genuine. Harry has been consistent for well over a decade on this. He has earned his stripes. This is how service should be done.

  5. Carobell says:

    Of course veterans and the military respect Harry, he was actually deployed, actually saw combat, actually spent time with them in the real military not the cosplay fancy dress feathered hat BS like the rest of his family. He wasn’t given his medals, he earned them. The disrespect and disregard the military receives from the royals while expecting them to turn out for their stupid parades and celebrations of themselves turns my stomach.

  6. Layla says:

    Compare this event to the upcoming theatre performance that is trooping the colour where his family play dress up soldiers.
    I’m sorry but any picture I see if W from that all I’ll be able to think is “I lEt YoU hAve VeTeRanS!!!!” 😂

  7. Jane says:

    Presumably to go onto US military bases and do anything with the US military, Harry has had to be vetted? So all this fuss about his visa application is a waste of everyone’s time because the US government/military have already looked at all his documentation and approved him to access much more sensitive and restricted areas than his own mansion on US soil?

    • BQM says:

      I think his privilege may help him. Plus the no criminal charge. Because even a misdemeanor bust for a little pot can deny you a guest lass and keep you off a base. Even now. But I doubt they’d do that to Harry.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I’m taking the silence from the British press to mean that DHS denied their request. Harry appearing at the warrior games would have undermined their narrative that he was not welcome in the US.

  9. Nanea says:

    Saw Invictus trending earler this morning, and thought to myself — oh, has the Düsseldorf committee done something creative/fun/inspiring again?

    No, it was mostly Derangers screeching for Meghan’s scalp and hating, because Harry at the WGs has triggered them.


    Especially him delivering his speech, and him generally being popular among the Vets.

  10. C-Shell says:

    Harry does and has done many many things I admire, but his sincere devotion to the veteran and especially the wounded veteran community is the cause that touches my heart the most — as the widow of a terribly injured, attack helicopter pilot (whose spinal cord injuries and subsequent chronic illnesses ultimately took his life) who reclaimed his independence and quality of life through physical training and sport (hiking, snow skiing, snow shoeing, swimming). Harry’s RIGHT ON THE MONEY with his support and efforts in this field. I know he has the undying gratitude of all the veterans and families impacted.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I’m so sorry about your husband, C-shell.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @C-SHELL, I’m so sorry for the loss of your brave husband, as a fellow veteran I support and honour his service, as I honour YOU as a military wife. I’m sure your love and devotion were a great comfort to him, just as I hope you have some wonderful memories of the man you loved and who loved you right back

    • C-Shell says:

      @QuiteContrary and @Mary Pester — thank you both, so much (and my deep thanks, @Mary Pester, for YOUR service). Keith was exactly the example that Harry represents to so many veterans. Someone who thrived during their service, and who overcame the challenges the injuries experienced during that service presented to a successful life, however long that may be.

  11. Pinkosaurus says:

    Calling the leadership of the US Military “royalty “ is such an insult. Every one of these men and women have served and sacrificed for years to earn their rank. Royalty is born and then waits for enough family members to die, while giving themselves chests full of unearned honors, medals and uniforms.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s such a stupid, insulting thing to say. Would they say the same about an English general, that he was the English version of royalty? No he would not. An American general is like an English general, that’s it. Dopes.

  12. The military looks out for their own. Even if you are from another country. I’m glad to see the support he has here. Big f u to the tabloids and those who want to diminish Harry’s work and life.

    • Mary Pester says:

      @susanCollins, he sure does Susan. Yesterday I mentioned my friend, a fellow veteran who was injured on holiday and how invictus stepped in to help her and her husband. Not only did harry pay a personal visit, but invictus paid the difference between what her insurance would cover and they made sure she had a medical flight home. I was chatting to her husband sandy last night, and told him about us here on CB and he gave me permission to give full details. She was treated in Las Vegas at the community hospital, university medical centre. She was there for 6 weeks, under Sunset Health Partners and her final bill was a heart stopping £466,598.65 it was in dollars, she had a spinal fusion, repairs to the bottom of her spine right near the cord, a CSF leak, nerve repair and caught covid in there. Can you imagine what would have happened if our ginger warrior and invictus had not stepped in!!

      • BeanieBean says:

        What a frightening set of circumstances!! I’m glad your friend was able to get the medical care she needed. That Invictus paid what insurance didn’t is such a life-affirming act; crushing medical debt can be devastating. That is an amazing organization.

  13. Eurydice says:

    Good for you, Harry! Just continue doing your thing and let the haters twist in the wind.

  14. Tiffany says:

    The British media and some of the American press are just masochist at this point.

    How do you enjoy just getting burned at every turn when it comes to The Sussexes.

    If I was in a job where I was constantly wrong, I would have been fired from jump.

  15. Jan says:

    Harry was all over that Base, wonder if he slept over, pictures of him having dinner and meeting people. He looks so comfortable and they gave his speech a great military cheer.

  16. Chantal says:

    “Military royalty” aka big effin deals. Kind of hard to downplay and dismiss someone with the Rank of General in their title, esp the first African American Commanding General of the Army Training and Doctrine Command…

    As a former military brat, I’m proud of all wounded warriors. Well done DOD/Harry! Hopefully our press will start covering the Warrior Games more…as they should! All govts should treat their veterans better!

    • Mary Pester says:

      @chantal, as a veteran myself I agree, and thank you

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Thank you @Chantal for your excellent post. Brito is a BFD. Harry is showing up! Showing up with some very high ranking US military company (people that KNOW of Harry’s creds).

      While Vile Nile is crying about the DHS saying, “Later dudes.”. , Harry is hanging with someone from a very high military position. Pretty much saying, “We’re good.”. LOL, Vile Nile is screeching about BoJo being a victim of a witch hunt. How far up his own aSs has Vile Nile stuffed his own head? I need Larry the Cat to report on this. He explains things in ways I can understand.

  17. Mary Pester says:

    @BEANIEBEAN, it really is, and apart from all the good invictus does, it really shows where Harry’s heart is ((and how big it is) because he has also spoken to sandy her husband twice now to see how she is doing

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry has his mother’s heart and the courage of a lion.

    • Bee says:

      Truth. He has her eyes too. Not as big but you can see the compassion and love in them. It’s really apparent in video.

  19. Beverley says:

    Many of us Americans love Harry. It’s such a joke when the British press tries to reassure the derangers that Americans hate H&M as much as they do. It’s been my experience that my fellow Americans are largely indifferent about royalty in general, and don’t tend to have negative feelings about the Sussexes. Harry’s scheduled appearance at the Warrior Games should show that he is quite popular with many people.

    In America, we value merits, not birth order or rank. Character and personality also play a large part of one’s merits, and Harry has a sparkling personality and an impeccable character in addition to his work ethic.

    • Patricia says:

      @Beverly, Well said! Thank you for explaining that most Americans see H&M on a very positive light.

  20. kirk says:

    Not seeing one of my favorite pictures from this event (seen on Twitter) with Harry sitting smiling in the crowd behind a woman holding up a large USA sign.

  21. Christine says:

    The body language of these pictures compared to those of William and Kate is astonishing. Harry is so comfortable around people and more importantly they are comfortable around him.

  22. blunt talker says:

    Service is universal-whether its in the military or charitable endeavors-Harry walks the walk and talks the talk-he has a comfortable sensibility about him-he can talk with anyone no matter their station in life-Good King Harry

  23. Beverley says:

    The wrong man was born first. In Harry we see compassion, duty, honor, and a wonderful personality. William shares none of these traits. It’s truly Britain’s loss. #GoodKingHarry