Cele|bitchy | Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ‘Asteroid City’ premiere

Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ‘Asteroid City’ premiere

Here are some photos from the New York premiere of Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City last night. I look forward to all of Wes Anderson’s films, although I rarely see them in the theater. I’ve heard critics say Asteroid City is Anderson’s “best film in the past decade,” which is completely strange because his last four films (The French Dispatch, Isle of Dogs, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom) have been absolute masterpieces. If anything, the critical acclaim Asteroid City got at Cannes makes me question if I’ll enjoy this one.

In any case, the stars of the ensemble film came out for the premiere. Scarlett Johansson (arguably the “star” of this film?) wore Carolina Herrera. Is it just me or has Scarlett’s styling been “off” for years? Like, something is always going wrong – the dress wasn’t properly tailored or her hair is a mess or her makeup sucks. At this premiere, I think the dress was wrong. The flower on the bust makes it look like she has a third boob.

Other stars…Margot Robbie wore Schiaparelli, an okay look which… I mean, it could be better, but at least it’s not another boring Chanel. Maya Hawke wore Prada – I think she’s trying to cultivate a “quirky fashionista” persona and I don’t hate that. We need more quirky fashionistas. I’m also including photos of Hope Davis, Adrien Brody and Georgina Chapman (they’re still happening), Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Rupert Friend in palazzo pants, plus Wes Anderson and Jason Schwartman.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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32 Responses to “Scarlett Johansson wore Carolina Herrera to the NYC ‘Asteroid City’ premiere”

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  1. SIde Eye says:

    I like Scarlett’s dress minus the flower. That weird fake cactus is super distracting. Looks like those inflatables you see at the car wash about to attack.

  2. Kirsten says:

    I really like Scarlett’s look — I think she always looks good at events and wears things that suit her.

  3. Josephine says:

    Holy bad dressing across the board. Scarlett J has never dressed well despite having a lovely figure and being a beautiful woman. Ditto Margot R.

    Tom Hanks honestly looks best dressed here. Rita Wilson loves her black but it’s really aging her, especially black satin.

    • Dierski says:

      Came here to say the same… jfc that’s some terrible fashion all around, except for our beloved Tom & Rita. Scarlett & Margot could have done a hell of a lot better here.

  4. Chaine says:

    Scarlett’s dress is the best of the bunch. I agree something has been off with her for a while though. Her hair is the problem in these pix. I don’t care for the, idk if it is balayage or what but it’s an entirely different rather severe color on her scalp which would be fine but not paired with the rest of it all blonde to one side. And it looks like a piece of the curl went awry and she didn’t know and no one fixed it for her.

    I must be in the extremely minority but I find Wes Anderson films very tiresome and try-hard. They are so artificial it is hard to sit through.

    • FHMom says:

      I think Scarlett looks so good as a red head. The blond is bland and the makeup doesn’t match her skin tone or something. Everyone’s hair is awful. Maya’s swim cap gave me a huge laugh, though.

    • Moxylady says:

      @chaine I cannot with Wes Anderson films.
      That said – it is kind of “nice” that a film maker has an actual style these days. Esp a style that those not super steeped in film can recognize. There are certain big names that have a style – don’t @ me people! – but it’s nice that someone has a style with color and scene setup as opposed to a lead actress and actor they always work with or the way they stage explosions.

    • WiththeAmericann says:

      Same same same. I spent so many years having to pretend to think he was a genius because that’s what you do around film nerds but I never got it. I don’t have any issues with him, it’s just always pretentious to me. He says he was influenced by woody Allen and Roman Polanski, and that’s exactly it.

    • Barrett says:

      I hate her hair here! How can someone not see it. Hair looks like she let her child do it! It’s so distracting that I don’t even bother having my eyes critique the dress.

      I like her hope she dresses better soon

  5. MsIam says:

    I like Scarlett’s dress and the flower isn’t horrible, although kind of unnecessary. But her hair is awful imo. Unflattering style and it looks like she has a blond hair piece pinned to her head.

  6. Pinkosaurus says:

    Maya’s bonnet is hilarious and I’m glad she’s having fun. Having those Uma Thurman genes means she can wear anything and I love that she’s going for loony as her signature look.

  7. Lucy2 says:

    I like Georgina’s dress.

  8. Eurydice says:

    Such low energy – nobody looks happy to be there.

    • Talita says:

      Right? It was the first thing I noticed haha

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Yess, very low energy. Adrian Brody looks like he has to run for a bathroom break. I get what they were going for with the red carpet background, but the lighting is so harsh, it ruins the whole vibe and everyone’s makeup. And sighhh Margot Robie. She is so very beautiful, except on any given red carpet.

  9. Nikki says:

    I don’t like Maya’s look at all; her cap looks like an old time swim cap. I think there’s a huge difference between being a fashion adventuress or looking clownish. I don’t like Scarlett’s dress or her styling; she looks so brittle.

    • Haus of Cats says:

      I think the cap would look better as an editorial look. It seems odd out in the wild. I do admire Mya’s fashion risks though.

    • WiththeAmericann says:

      That cap looks like she just stepped out of Grey Gardens. It’s a no from me. Scarlett never looks as good as she could these days, and her “I’m Marilyn Monroe” white dress game is getting old.

      • Southern Fried says:

        I’d forgotten about GreyGardens but you’re absolutely right. I may have to watch that again, Jessica Lang and Drew Barrymore were excellent.

  10. Southern Fried says:

    What a mess of garments. Are they all high?

  11. Jillian says:

    I’m not excited by any of these dresses but the gents look terrific. Jason Schwartzman looks awfully cute, he’s one that will age handsomely

  12. HeyKay says:

    Why is Adrien Brody still with Harveys ex?
    They seem such an odd pairing to me.

    • Mel says:

      Maybe they like each other? She doesn’t have to be punished because her husband was awful.

  13. V says:

    The French Dispatch a masterpiece?! Kaiser surely you jest!!!

  14. Haus of Cats says:

    I would love if WA would make movies like Bottle Rocket again. I’m a huge fan of his work, but BR is a raw treasure.

  15. Mel says:

    Her stylist does NOT like her. Everything she wears is terrible. The dress would be better without the big rose in the middle.

  16. tealily says:

    I do like that everyone is going a bit non-traditional with their outfits. I’ll see this movie, but I haven’t been excited about one of his films in a long, long time. They started out as stylish, with a good heart and now the only word I can come up with is “overwrought.”