King Charles has appointed Camilla to the Scottish Order of the Thistle

Now that the coronation drama is over – and what a short gossip half life it had – it looks like King Charles’s biggest priority is using his power to embiggen his wife. That’s it, that’s the extent of his vision – everyone must love Camilla, and Camilla must be showered with praise, jewels, attention and honors. Last week, Camilla was given the prestigious Order of New Zealand, an honor traditionally reserved for New Zealanders and/or people who have done a lot of work on behalf of New Zealand. All Camilla has done is stagger around Auckland a few times, I think. Well, that was not the last of Camilla’s new honors – Charles has now appointed Cam to the Order of the Thistle.

I imagine this is timed specifically ahead of Charles and Camilla’s trip to Scotland for Royal Week in July (William and Kate are going to Scotland too). They’ll probably do something for or with the other people in the Order of the Thistle, almost all of whom are actually Scottish. Although Prince William, Princess Anne and Prince Edward are all knights and ladies of the order too. Anyway, I kind of think lavishing Camilla with all of these (unearned) honors will blow up in their faces, but what do I know? Can’t wait to see Camilla stagger around Edinburgh and neigh at Scottish peeps.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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46 Responses to “King Charles has appointed Camilla to the Scottish Order of the Thistle”

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  1. 2legit2quit says:

    Neigh at Scottish peeps! I’m dead!

  2. Those pictures!!! Horsilla in her natural habits. Drinking and showing of her horsey self.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I agree with Kaiser. It does seem like Charles’s sole purpose as King is to give Camilla titles and honours.

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      There is part of me that is there for it.
      I’m loving that Charles is ensuring that Camilla has status if he is present or not. This protects her from the horrors of William or even other blood royals and their opinions.
      I think I’m enjoying it most as William will see it as expected of him and the horror of him having to heap praise on Kate will keep him up at night

      • Cara says:

        Camilla deserves to experience the “horrors of William”. She has earned it by ruining his childhood and destroying his mother. SHE is the reason he is now a ” horror”.

    • AmB says:

      Well, he hasn’t got all century, you know, and it’s pretty cheap insurance if he’s afraid she’s going to turn on him.

    • Cara says:

      So, he thinks if he just keeps ramming her down people’s throats they will suddenly love her???

  4. Lurker 25 says:

    With every new story I understand in ways I never expected why QE2 was like, “I’m going to stay queen until y’all pry my cold dead body off the throne.”
    She knew. She knew her son. She knew he would give his horse pride of place and make a mockery of everything she valued.

    • HeyKay says:

      Lurker, you are so correct!
      Liz stayed put as long as she could, look how fast their brand has hit the ground now that Liz is gone.
      Charles and Camilla are both trash.

      I swear some poor employee is being tasked to invent new titles and honors for Camilla.
      Holder of the royal jewels.
      Queen of scheming, plotting and backstabbing.
      Keeper of the blackmailing information.
      Royal decider of who curtsies to who.
      Oh wait, she has done all of this for years. Nothing new.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, and I can imagine it grates on Camilla that she couldn’t get her hands on the jewels while she was young enough to look good/ok in them.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Yes she knew. KC is cheapening these honors with giving them out to Camilla like candy. I get that the oder dumbasses in the family have it unearned too, but Cam’s appointments get press too. He makes sure of that.

  5. Chantal says:

    C-Rex’ determination and insistence that Camel be loved and worshipped is going to blow up in his face. Surely there are more pressing and important issues that the king needs to deal with. Like finding a grander property for the supernova aka Will and planning other ways to punish son #2…

  6. girl_ninja says:

    Lawd. Just make her the King already Chuck.

  7. BizzatchExtrordinaire says:

    It is positively HILARIOUS that these people actually think being appointed the honors of thistle, hairy bittercrest, prickly bugloss or WTF-ever MEANS something to anyone but them and, like, 500 other idiots. I mean, do they really believe there are people out there going “Oh WOW. Camilla has been appointed to the Order of the Thorney C*mswallow! What a TREMENDOUS honor!!! Only nobles of the HIGHEST quality are put forward for the C*mswallow, and even THEY are rarely given consideration, such is the PRESTIGE of this right glorious distinction!!! The entire PLANET will be in AWE of her!”

  8. MSTJ says:

    I guess this is where deference kicks in. She is now Queen so no one will dare object to what the King wants for her?…… unless you’re Murdoch of course. It seems he has considerable power over the monarchy.

  9. Renae says:

    I always thought Cammy had a *burr under her saddle*, so perhaps its fitting.(sarcasm)

  10. ML says:

    Oh neigh, the nightmare continues….

  11. Scout says:

    And all of the thistles of the world cringed on that strange day. And the event has never been understood or explained…

  12. Vi says:

    I still say this isn’t about Camilla. It’s about his power as king AND about turning this into a love story. “Oh no I didn’t just cheat with women who husband’s I envy, naw I love this one”.

    Camilla whole life and family is devoted to the press. Look at her family. They work to give her leverage in the media. So for that Charles is giving her all the little known titles he can. So now they mean nothing. Who wants to be a member of the thistle now.

    I Camilla is still technically catholic so maybe historically it looks good. I don’t know. If anyone paid to be a member of the thistle Charles should refund them. If I was them I wouldn’t mention Camilla was a member.

    • Tessa says:

      Andrew Parker Bowles is Catholic. He married camilla in the Catholic church but she did not convert to Catholicism

    • MSTJ says:

      It’s good old British deference. They are the RF so they entitled to do anything they want without complaint from their subjects and the tabloids media will wrap it up nicely in a bow for everyone to swoon about and celebrate and ultimately embrace. They’ll accept it all because the King is like none other. Hahaha 🤣. What a joke. All the while the politicians are robbing the coffers and dishing out favors for their cronies and crooked mates. The poor and downtrodden will continue to accept their plight regardless of the cost of living crisis because the royals are supposed to be better off and above all others. 🤷‍♀️

  13. tamsin says:

    I once read that Harry would be Charles’s first appointment to the Order of the Garter. I guess that will never happen now. I think all the late Queen’s children are appointed? I think Harry is actually deserving as having done great service for the country, quite aside from being the son of a king. As long as the Order exists, Harry deserves it.

    • Vi says:

      Charles appointments are now trash. He should’ve made Camilla do work in Scotland and then gave her this title. As it stands now he is just handing things out.
      William should give it to his brother as an olive branch. It’s deserving and heartwarming. And if he is still upset with him then he can tell his nephew or neice to do some work for Scotland and give them the title. Still heartwarming.

    • BQM says:

      British royals don’t count against the restricted number of 24 but there are currently SIX vacancies. Two in the last month. I can’t remember when there’ve been so many.

  14. Gina says:

    Just general thought: if some honor or membership in prestigious Orden is given to a person who is known as flawed, person with damaged reputation, the one who hasn’t done anything to deserve it and is getting it because of nepotism, then this action devalues the said honor/prestigious Orden. More, it offends people who had this honor, who are already part of this prestigious group.
    That is what King Chuck doing. Devalues Royal Orders, devalues the Crown. Good for him. He really wants to be the last King.
    It looks like he is drunk on power. Now we see the real Chuck.

    • Grandma Susan says:

      I agree. Plus, he should have awarded the Order of the Thistle to *himself* because he really is such a little prick.

    • MSTJ says:

      The people who are accepted to those groups do not consider it devalued because they feel pride in being above those that are not within the group. It’s the way the British allocate worth. If you are accepted into elite groups or recognized by elite groups the society accepts that you are special, regardless of your lack of moral fortitude or other shortcomings. That’s why people clamor for the royal and PM honors. It’s a social elevation in British society.

    • Prairiegirl says:

      “Prestigious orders'” aren’t just a British practice, most countries have them. There’s always someone dodgy on these lists. I mean, Donald Trump gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh …

  15. L4Frimaire says:

    I swear these people sound like they live at Hogwarts but without any magic. They’re all about self-aggrandizement.

  16. Nic919 says:

    This is a family where the women are given family orders merely for staying married. So it’s not like any of these orders matter, not when given to members of the royal family.

  17. Lizzie says:

    You just know Anne is rolling her eyes.

  18. Brassy Rebel says:

    Charles seems to be actively trying to drive Scotland into independence. I’m here for it!

  19. Izzy says:

    I’m sure Scotland is delighted 🙄

  20. HeyKay says:

    It would be terrific if a high ranking Govt official of Scotland would call a press conference and read this title given to Cam, throws it angrily to the ground and hollers
    “Aww, Hell NO! That is the last straw. Scotland now declares itself a free Republic! Down with the Monarchy! Let’s riot, enough. Freedom!”

    I’d pay to see that. 😁

  21. Scotty says:

    Get your house in order and take a vote now. Then storm their castle and palace and make them Scottish property. KC and QC are horrible people, self absorbed and racist. Their treatment of Harry has been deplorable c