What kills me about the Rehabilitation of Susan Hussey is that no one cares about that racist old bag anyway. Like, all of this effort, all of this hand-wringing and careful PR to rehabilitate an 84 year old woman who is still dreadfully racist, rude and well-connected, and for what? Everyone knows that she’s still terrible. Everyone knows that she’s still deeply unpleasant. But people just go along with it and for what? So an 84-year-old can rub elbows with King Charles and Queen Camilla and no one will say sh-t? Well, after Hussey was racist to Ngozi Fulani last November, she was let go from her emeritus position as some kind of lady-in-waiting to Camilla. Except that only lasted a month or so before Buckingham Palace organized a careful rehabilitation campaign to protect Hussey and bring her back into the royal fold. Hussey began appearing at royal events, she continued to get palace invitations, she contacted her friends in the media who dutifully proclaimed that she attends church with Black people, therefore she’s not racist. She attended the coronation, and last week, she was laughing it up with the king and queen at the royal box at Ascot.
Lady Susan Hussey appears to have been reinstated as a permanent fixture at big royal events, as she attended Ascot in the monarch’s box for the second day in a row. The former lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth II, who was known as the Queen’s Number One Head Girl, was pictured smiling with Queen Camilla on day four of the famous race meet in Berkshire.
Lady Hussey was also seen engaged in conversation with the King in the royal box on Thursday, and last month attended his Coronation less than six months after resigning from royal duties in the wake of a race row. The 84-year-old was forced to step down from an honorary role supporting the King after being accused of “interrogating” a Buckingham Palace guest about where she was “really” from.
However, she was welcomed back into the royal fold for a church service in Sandringham at the end of January. While no longer employed by the palace, her appearances in the royal box at Ascot this week suggest she has been welcomed back into the inner circle.
Again, all of this effort and for what? Are Charles and Camilla so desperate for racist company that Susan Hussey was the only one who could provide what they needed? It was clear from the start of this whole debacle that Camilla and Charles didn’t even care – they shared Susan Hussey’s opinions and mindset, and judging from these photos, their sense of humor. I can only imagine what racist sh-t Hussey said to make Camilla laugh like that.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid, Getty.
- Ascot, UNITED KINGDOM – King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort arrive on Day 4 of the Royal Ascot Meeting. Pictured: Camilla, Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 23 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Ascot, UNITED KINGDOM – King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort arrive on Day 4 of the Royal Ascot Meeting. Pictured: King Charles III, Camilla, Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 23 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Ascot, UNITED KINGDOM – King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort arrive on Day 4 of the Royal Ascot Meeting. Pictured: King Charles III, Camilla, Queen Consort BACKGRID USA 23 JUNE 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend the opening day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse along with other members of the Royal family Featuring: King Charles III Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 20 Jun 2023 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend the opening day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse along with other members of the Royal family Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 20 Jun 2023 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
- Queen Camilla attending day two of Royal Ascot. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 21 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla attending day two of Royal Ascot. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 21 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Royals attend Day 4 of Royal Ascot. Featuring: King Charles III and Queen Camilla Where: Ascot, United Kingdom When: 23 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Birds of a feather and all that shit.
Took the very words right outta my mouth.😏
Yep, they all flock to share the same branch
I hope that branch crashes and shatters as it hits the ground.
They really think their world is so enviable, so desired, so interesting, that clearly the image rehab was required. They think the public needed to see it because they think we care so much.
Thick as thieves, these two.
Couple of cackling, evil, plotting old broads.
I’d like to see some eggs be thrown here!
A dying breed. They’ll hang together until they turn to dust and the wind blows them away.
The messaging couldn’t be any clearer.
Bunch of racist clowns.
Racists gonna racist.
So gross.
There’s probably a lot of ‘inside baseball’ that I don’t understand or can’t conceive of when it comes to the BRF but I think some of this has to be down to trust and part of it is just how old boy networks work. Hussey is now dependent on them for favor. At the same time, she knows how to do the work, she’s probably seen every kind of problem the family’s likely to face, and she can keep a secret. She’s loyal to them and judging by their actions, that counts for a huge deal more to C&C than, you know, racism.
Agree. Either this gives the RF the ability to demand favors or this was the favor Hussey demanded because she knows where the bodies are buried.
Given her recent experiences I wonder if Lady Hussey will be the new “Diversity Tzar” 😉
god, these parasites are all so tediously predictable, boring, and really awful
So at age 84 her punishment for her rude racism towards an invited member of the public to a palace function is that she is no longer “employed” by the royals? She just hangs out with them and guffaws with them in the royal box at Ascot. I mean, at 84, how much longer was she expected to engage in gainful “employment”? I knew her exile for a few weeks was strictly performative, but I did expect it to last until the coronation. Meanwhile, Ngozi Fulani, last I heard, has lost everything.
I just commented below, yes, Ngozi Fulani and her charity that she founded in 2015 have basically stopped working. They are mean, petty, disgusting people. If there is any karma, I hope it hits them full force.
…while Ngozi Fulani was forced to resign as CEO of a Sistah Space charity that also suffered abuse and backlash and basically stopped working, all because of the racism of this old bat and RF did not do shit to help them except pat themselves on the back.
They are truly disgusting people.
This isn’t right. The public should have stood up for Ms. Fulani and the BRF should have left her alone. This saddens and angers me all at the same time. Ms. Fulani obviously worked very hard to establish her foundation and this is how she was and is still being treated??
Make this make sense. I can’t wrap my head around these atrocities.
Wait. The woman who was treated horribly and her charity that was helping people are out of business? Why?
Horrible BRF!
Because it’s a more grave offense in their eyes to call someone racist than to be racist. Being racist is easily forgiven. Calling someone racist is grounds for destruction. Ms. Fulani was made an example.
1. Camilla is desperate for press. She used Hussey to get some. Look at that laugh, perfectly facing the cameras. Camilla is probably the one that told them to do an article on it. Fredo Camilla.
2. No one else wants to fellowship with Camilla. It’s something that almost none of the minor aristocrats are trying to get a role!! Even as queen. I assumed a few new people would come popping up. Most of the new people we have seen work for the organizations she visits. Even then it looks like the bare minimum of staff are there when she visits. I don’t think Camilla is asking for skeleton crews.
It is all lip service and performative
Awful as she is, she is actually the least terrible in that trio. And that’s saying something.
According to Google, Sistah Space is slowly returning to normal service and the Charities Commission no longer has them under investigation but are monitoring their compliance with filing financial reports, so some goods news here.
Quite a display of royal power. And a message to all who would dare to oppose this king & his consort. Those who protest against them will be squashed without mercy; those in their favour will be protected.
Lady Susan Hussey appears over and over in Windsor drama and somehow always remains in the inner circle. She joined the royal household in 1960, has been called “the female Mountbatten” to Charles (grossO and was assigned to be Diana’s minder and “show her the ropes” after she got engaged. Several different books report that Diana could not stand Hussey and saw her as a weird spy for Charles which she probably was. (“What hold does that woman have on my husband?” Diana is reported to have asked.)
Diana’s orientation to royal life obviously went horribly, as she became bulimic, suicidal and deeply depressed. Does Lady Susan Hussey learn from the experience, or have to update her behavior? No! She’s besties with Charles and AGAIN is appointed minder to Meghan Markle 25 years afterwards!
Meghan goes on to become deeply depressed and suicidal—not that Hussey is solely to blame for that, but if you’re appointed “royal rope shower” and your two mentees end up in suicidal despair, maybe you should rethink your orientation? Nah, just brand Diana and Meghan crazy shallow bitches.
Lastly (sorry this is lont but Lady Ann really sticks in my craw) she did not “make a racist remark.” She asked Ngozi Fulani “where she was really from” NINE TIMES IN A ROW. After TOUCHING FULANI’s HAIR to reveal her name badge.
This wasn’t a checked-out old lady having a senior moment—this whole exchange was domineering and nasty. Fulani was giving clear responses that showed her discomfort and Hussey DGAF. I’m over the British press softening the whole damning exchange to a “remark,” omitting the hair-touching and excusing old white aristos’ shitty behavior. She wasn’t too old and decrepit to get the job of minding the first non-white woman in the royal family, was she?
Lady SH: Where are you from?
Me: Sistah Space.
SH: No, where do you come from?
Me: We’re based in Hackney.
SH: No, what part of Africa are YOU from?
Me: I don’t know, they didn’t leave any records.
SH: Well, you must know where you’re from, I spent time in France. Where are you from?
Me: Here, UK
SH: NO, but what Nationality are you?
Me: I am born here and am British.
SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?
Me: ‘My people’, lady, what is this?
SH: Oh I can see I am going to have a challenge getting you to say where you’re from. When did you first come here?
Me: Lady! I am a British national, my parents came here in the 50s when …
SH: Oh, I knew we’d get there in the end, you’re Caribbean!
Me: No Lady, I am of African heritage, Caribbean descent and British nationality.
SH: Oh, so you’re from …”
Holy cow. I had no idea this was the conversation!
They were in a room with reporters doing a visit to publicize a charity/give an award and no one stopped this BS?
I am just stunned at this.
#1. Do not touch me. Or move my hair.
#2. Nobody stepped in to stop that old bat?
#3. Who in the world turned this baggage lose on that poor woman, Ms. Fulani, she is running a charity to help others?
#4. JMO, but a loud “What in the actual hell are you asking me?” would have been perfect.
And all this has been shoved under the carpet with this awful old bat standing around at Ascot talking with Camilla….I? What? What the hell?
Decency, Diplomacy, Manners, Everyone being treated with respect….All gone to hell in King Charles’ UK.
Ms. Fulani and Sistah Space is a great example of why Harry is determined to bring the UK media to account. The media slaughtered Mr. Fulani with the encouragement of the brf. The Charities Commission didn’t find anything wrong with Sistah Space’s financials. Nothing. If Libra is right, why are they monitoring them? This is clearly a case of the brf and bm working hand in hand to destroy someone.
I think an investigative journalist should be looking closely at the Charities Commission. Since when does anyone go after a charity this way because of a tweet? How can they defend that? I would like to find out just how the finances are being handled in Prince William’s Royal Foundation, too. The Charities Commission went after the Sussexes and cleared them of any wrongdoing, but to my knowledge no one has looked into WanK’s foundation. Now, isn’t that interesting.