It’s Day 2 of Prince William’s Homewards “program launch,” and he was in Belfast today, trying to make this outfit work. It doesn’t work – black trousers, brown shoes, a light blue shirt and an ecru blazer? His shirt should have been white or he should have worn the ecru pants. Plus, I just fundamentally believe that brown shoes shouldn’t be worn with black pants. Big surprise, William has no sense of style. Speaking of style, whoever did the “Homewards” design for all the material and signage just did a big “M” too, have you noticed? They’ll do anything to include “M” these days.
Anyway, William’s big launch is going so badly! It’s crazy on several different levels. One, William is visiting six cities over two days to launch Homewards and he’s still not the lead story at any of the British tabloids. The Mail, the Sun, all of them are so focused on the Sussexes, William can’t even buy a newscycle. Two, the people who are paying attention to Homewards absolutely hate it – even the BBC couldn’t polish this turd, and Kensington Palace went way overboard hyping this project, which is a relatively minor £3 million scheme to fund six halfway houses, all while adding several layers of bureaucracy to the process of housing people. From Zoe Williams’ latest Guardian column, “£3m to fix the UK’s housing crisis? Ha ha ha ha ha, your royal highness.”
Prince William is going to solve homelessness with a new royal foundation, launching a project called Homewards that starts with £3m for six towns and cities across the UK. It’s such a short sentence to make so little sense. You can look at the housing crisis from a range of perspectives. Some people are obsessed with planning permission; some have a supply-side fetish. You don’t have to chalk it all up to the ever more feudal rentier economy. Nevertheless, we could agree, I think, that dropping half a mil into a city, even if it might put a roof over a handful of heads, would barely scratch the surface.
Furthermore, whatever your view on equality – and again, there’s a spectrum, with some people thinking great concentrations of unearned wealth are good for motivation or whatnot – it would still, I think, strike you as piquant that a man with housing plenty beyond anything he could ever use would style himself as ambassador for the business of getting people off the streets.
It’s been like that all over British media. Columnists, journalists and scholars giving their honest assessments about how simplistic William’s project is and how it will barely do anything, and William shouldn’t be the face of this, given the fact that he has five homes and he inherited a vast real estate empire.
Meanwhile, Homewards was launched as “William pledges his lifetime support to ending homelessness.” As it turns out, Peg makes a lot of pledges, and there’s very little follow-through on any of those pledges. We’re only two days into this latest Peg rebrand and I can’t help but think that he must be dreadfully bored by now and wishing he could just hand this whole thing off to someone else.
🥚is the prince of pledges. This is very funny and I love this TikToker lol
— BurnerObservations (@BurnerObserv) June 26, 2023
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to the East Belfast Mission at the Skainos Centre, Belfast, as part of his tour of the UK to launch a project aimed at ending homelessness. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Belfast, United Kingdom When: 27 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales with Grainia Long, Chief Executive at Northern Ireland Housing Executive, during a visit to the East Belfast Mission at the Skainos Centre, Belfast, as part of his tour of the UK to launch a project aimed at ending homelessness. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Belfast, United Kingdom When: 27 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales meeting members of the public after his visit to the East Belfast Mission at the Skainos Centre, Belfast, as part of his tour of the UK to launch a project aimed at ending homelessness. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Belfast, United Kingdom When: 27 Jun 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
I thought that peace in the Middle East, Conservation, ending racism in football, men’s mental health were his life’s work? He really needs to pick one lane and actually stick with it. I bet $1 that in 2 years time we’ll hear no more of William’s pledge to end homelessness.
Don’t forget that Will called dibs on rhinos!
I seriously doubt we’ll be hearing it past the end of THIS year.
@jan90067, that long 🤣🤣I give it until August, then it will disappear, just like all his other “life’s work”
No – but there are two separate issues there. first, if you are a really wealthy person and you want to start a homelessness campaign, the first thing you should do (or one of the firsts) is acknowledge your privilege. William seems to think its cute that he has multiple homes and is starting this initiative. but its not cute.
Second, there is a difference between a person who worked for their fortune and bought their homes on their own and someone who has literally been given four houses (some of which are mansions) because he keeps demanding newer ones. KP wasn’t enough, Anmer wasn’t enough, now Adelaide isnt enough and he wants Royal Lodge.
but don’t worry he’s going to have his foundation give 3 million to fix homelessness. The repairs on Royal Lodge are what, double that?
This campaign is totally different! He is trying to leverage his mother’s legacy against his father & stepmother.
William called his mother paranoid but invokes her name for self promotion
@Harla – I’m not taking that bet, because based on the linked “BurnerObservations” video, he pledged to fight homelessness in 2019, so I don’t expect to hear anything more until at least 2027.
What was that about charity begins at home? Start with ‘fighting’ bullying and racism (or as Harry calls it ‘unconscious bias’) at home. Hopefully H has since realized that OB is an indication/presence of racism.
Ugh! They just have no concept of how projects like this should work and they lack the self-awareness to even know that. They could hire people to do so much good with their platform but they are too ignorant.
Oh dear, how the mighty bill has fallen, just saw the t time news talking about William visiting Ireland to talk about his “pet project”, how to end homelessness and he actually rolled his eyes lol
Exactly this. In reality, William is the face of the inequality that vastly contributes to homelessness. The irony is so blinding, he should be handing out sunglasses.
The TikTok guy is awesome! If I cared about William, I’d say “please stop embarrassing yourself!” But this is too much fun – Will, pray continue.
This is the best TikTok I’ve seen in a while. #princeofpledges
Kwajo’s offer of an honour is making so much sense now and I am glad he declined it citing that he could not accept an offer from the very people who had been partly responsible for the issue in the first place.
The problem with this issue is as many commentators have noted it doesn’t deal with the causes of homelessness which are inherently political.
Bill’s ancestors and the feudal system in the UK is one of the largest reasons (if not the largest) why people are homeless in the UK today. And HIS Duchy is a PRIME example of that fact.
How about giving land rights to your serfs hey William ?
Yes, that Kwajo is very smart.
I bet William would love to have him on side but Kwajo can see through him.
Prince of Pledges: more fluent in unkept promises than Welsh.
Lol. Great comment.
More fair than Baldimort or Peggington (though those are so funny, they’re more personal than about his failings as heir to the throne). Prince of Pledges, it is!
In William’s view, EVERYTHING is about competing with Harry. The fact that he obviously cannot compete must keep him up at night, feverishly clenching and unclenching his fists and jaws. The specter of his attractive, successful, very much loved baby brother dominates Will’s psyche. I predict that King William will be as mad as a hatter. His hatred and jealousy aren’t sustainable.
Bingo! The difference is that Harry is now a private individual and no longer funded by the British taxpayer so he can throw his name/weight behind any political issue he chooses. William otoh is the next head of state. He can never be Harry and will never be able to compete/compare with him on any level.
Just look away, this is flailing on a desperation level. Look away….
The problem with this initiative is that as per usual William has left it too late. Before he married Kate he did seem to be taking an active interest in the plight of the homeless. If he had been seen to regularly highlighting the charities he was involved with I doubt people would be as scathing. Instead he chose to put everything on the back burner so he could “raise his family.” Now all three children attend school he no longer has an excuse not to work. He now needs to find something (anything) to make him look as productive as his brother. Who incidentally, is raising his family AND championing worthy causes.
The sum of money he has “pledged” towards the project is a mere drop in the ocean when compared to the £360 million of taxpayers money going towards the refurbishment of Buckingham Palace! William is going to have to work a LOT harder to pull the wool over people’s eyes if he thinks anyone believes his latest “pledge” will make a difference to yet another worthy cause to which he’s hitched his wagon for the sake of good PR.
Not only that, but just the last Trooping alone cost around ten million. His contribution to “end homelessness in 5 years” is not even half that. Same with Chuckles’ clowning (200 million and change) and Dead Betty’s funeral (another 200 million and change). Imagine the good that could have been done with those funds.
Dead Betty !!!
So harsh. But so hilarious.
s/ americanwoman
Dear me, is the Incandescent One going to start shouting about ingratitude amongst the peasants for not being overwhelmed by this tiny gesture from their K2B and super wealthy landlord as he strolls amongst them humming, Tomorrow (and Cornwall) belongs to me?
He most certainly is “bored of homelessness.”
This jacket is hideous AF, looks like a Century 21 uniform.
As for the program, wish it could work but true, wrong person to launch that…
Terrible idea, from a terrible man. He deserves ALL the ridicule.
He needs to stop trying to compete with Harry because he’s wayyyyy out of his league.
I hate to say this: get ready for more vitriol towards Harry and Meghan!
KP and the British Press are doing overtime now to deflect all this criticism William is facing. Protect the crown, right? 🙄
Hope there are more people out there who are smart and would use their critical thinking in pointing out all this BS from William and the rest of the BRF.
Also in the news today, staff at homeless charity St Mungo’s are extending their strike action over pay. If only there was someone with a ton of money who wants to do something about homelessness and could make a tangible difference here. if only.
C’mon folks, we should all be grateful to bully………………grateful that he didnt announce a 3M Pound FUNDING OF A PROGRAM TO !STUDY! the issue of homelessness in the uk!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Pie charts! Show us the pie charts!
Is that Kate’s ecru blazer? It looks so terrible on him. He cannot quit that dorky blue button down even thought it does not match at all. Burger King is a slob and needs a valet; at least Charles as POW put the effort into looking regal with his suits and shoes.
Also, I want to know how much money they spent on signage for this trainwreck? That looks like pretty large display behind him, customized for Northern Ireland, and I imagine every location on his whistlestop tour will have the same.
Not just signage, but coffee mugs, too.
It’s a little weird, too, with the logo on the Northern Ireland banner being different from the logo on the cup. It’s one thing to create six different banners with six different place names, but your logo should remain constant. I think that’s some very poor branding.
And did the signage cost come out of the 3MM?
All of the money, all of the connections, and all of the potential access to innovative, experienced, energetic experts who are wise in the complex, multifactorial causes of homelessness . . . and this is the result. SMDH
Kate didn’t pick out or pack that outfit. Even without a true sense of style, Mrs. DoLittle likes matchy matchy. More evidence they aren’t together?
This is seeming like a disaster but its a disaster of their own making. Had they not overhyped this, made it seem like William was going to SOLVE HOMELESSNESS……this might have been an okay project. Is it enough? Is it going to make that big a difference? No, but it might make a difference for a few people and that’s something.
but when he says he’s building social housing on duchy land and he’s leading the charge against homelessness and he’s going to end homelessness in the UK within 5 years or whatever……and then the plan is……this… just seems so inadequate.
That’s without getting into the idea of this incredibly wealthy landlord with 4 or 5 mansions/castles going on about ending homelessness.
I hope the journalists pick up on this more. He seemed to promise “building social housing on duchy land,” but now it’s just giving some money to already existing institutions/charities…and making THEM come up with a plan.
Kaiser, Kaiser, Kaiser– black, brown, blue, ecru–these are all neutrals & therefore can be worn together in any combination or with anything else, per Stacy & Clinton.
He is so egocentric parading around that way. He does have sycophants. He has done absolutely nothing for the homeless. All talk.
Sounds like a U.K. royal version of ‘Be Best’, PR puffery that achieved damn all. Hope I’m wrong.
Oooh, new favorite TikTok account!
Yes, all of Will and Kate’s so-called philanthropy is nothing more than a string of poorly-constructed PR campaigns. It’s gross. “Raising awareness” blah blah blah.
My local city council & Mayor have hired a consultant to “look into” why our roads have so many potholes and are in such bad condition. $85K for this study and report.
Ummm, Minnesota huge temperature changes, ice, snow, snowplows running with chemicals, plus a huge increase in population and traffic.
That is why, no need to spend $85K.
This try by William is about the same situation.
Just support the agencies already in place, donate that $3M directly.
We all know the only pledge Peg is serious about is rose horticulture.
William is really trying hard but he’s just coming off as corny with the hugs and selfies, lacking self-awareness and desperate for relevance and adulation.
Part of me wants to say that sure, spending whatever we can on housing the unhoused is a good thing, but William… I mean, with all this branding and launching, how much has been spent just on the PR end of this? Because it’s so little that it is clearly just a PR project at this point.
Also, just 6 halfway houses? I just. This is like the bare minimum of bare minimums.
I can see he’s feeling himself in the top picture. His posture is awful. Full narcissist on display. It really turns me off. He’s not projecting what he thinks he’s projecting. It is worship-me cosplay. Very distasteful and NOT the picture of the philanthropist he thinks it is.
I didn’t click on the Telegraph article but the headline saying that Americans finally now sees what HM really are is a complete delusion. Did they mention HM produced the #1 podcast, #1 book and #1 documentary. That’s a very hard accomplishment to have on their first try. While Williams half a$$ project is becoming a laughing stock from day 1.
It’s the jealousy and negativity of the British tabloids trying to undermine HM success continues to steal the headlines from the rest of the BRF lol . Of course not everything is going to work out perfect for HM. There’s always going to be growing pains that would need to be ironed out to solidify their upcoming brand(just like anyone trying to start a new business). Not to mention in this industry, There’s a lot of backstabbing and nastiness that comes when one is on the road to become successful and there’s always people that will talk sh$t. The facts are: Suits is again the #2 tv show on Netflix today. 😀 and a spokesperson from Netflix has mentioned they are going to continue to work with Archewell Productions. Which the BP purposely loves to omit out..🙄
I’m travelling in Belfast right now (from Canada) and we drove right through this event! Our driver said “must be a Royal”. There were barely any people there.