As a royal gossip fan AND a tennis gossip fan, I’ve really enjoyed all of the commentary and jokes from both sides of this story. On Tuesday, the Princess of Wales made an appearance at Wimbledon, showing up at the Royal Box just in time for Wimbledon’s salute to Roger Federer. Roger won eight singles titles at Wimbledon, so Centre Court gave him a standing ovation and a seat next to his biggest fan, Kate. Of course, Roger’s wife Mirka was also there, as were Roger’s parents (they were in the second row).
Roger sat in-between Kate and Mirka in the first row of the Royal Box. Many photographers just focused on Roger and Kate, cutting Mirka out of the frame. Mirka and Roger have been together since 2000 – she’s literally seen it all, including all sorts of women fawning over her man. As Mirka watched Kate try to flirt with Roger, I’m sure Mirka thought “this again, jeez.” And Kate absolutely was trying to flirt with Rog and she was so pleased to be in his company yet again. Roger is something of a family friend to the Middletons, although who knows if he’ll bother with the rest of the broke-ass Middleton clan at this point. He attended Pippa’s wedding, and he’s gotten invitations to Kensington Palace and more. I know Mirka is tired.
Anyway, it was curious to watch the British media try to make this into a thing. Maybe it was because Roger was nice to Kate and he didn’t look like he openly loathes her, which is how Kate’s husband looks most of the time. Maybe it was because Roger is a handsome athlete and Kate’s husband… is not. Maybe Roger is the new Prince Harry: someone Kate can obsess over and flirt with and then she can Mean Girl his wife. Well, the articles have been fascinating. From the Telegraph: “Kate and Federer’s double act is stealing the show at Wimbledon. Laughing in the royal box, the pair looked like the hottest non-couple in town – but let’s not make a racket out of it.”
Leo and Kate. Fred and Ginger. Bill Nighy and Anna Wintour. History is peppered with examples of famous names that fans have wished, just wished could be real-life couples, but for various valid yet inconvenient reasons – they’re happily married to other people, their dating cap is firmly 25 years old, they don’t actually get on in real life, they’re simply too chic to ever confirm anything – will never be.
To that list we can now, tentatively, add “Catherine and Roger”. Or Kate and Fed, if you are on such terms. Last week, the Princess of Wales and the Swiss Maestro, who have been friends for a decade, filmed a video at Wimbledon to promote the work of the ball girls and boys at the tournament. They laughed, they quipped, they rallied, they… flirted? No, no, too far.
And, yesterday, they were back together, sitting side by side in the royal box on Centre Court, where Federer was being honoured by his loyal flock. She wore a light green and ivory Balmain jacket, like a beautiful cauliflower. He wore a superb taupe double-breasted suit – the kind of shade the Prince of Wales only dares choose if he’s within two hectares of an African elephant.
To the other side of Federer was Mirka, his wife and the mother of his two sets of twins, but that’s plenty about her, thank you very much. Catherine and Roger, the hottest non-couple in town, were back on show.“Whenever the Princess of Wales is with Roger Federer, she is like a giggly teenager,” one observer noted on Twitter. “Roger and Kate standing alongside each other look beautiful together. They would make [a] perfect couple,” wrote another. “Sorry Mirka and Prince William but Roger and Kate look stunning together,” went a third. And those are the clean ones.
One newspaper this morning has noted, with some outrage, that Federer even broke royal protocol by touching Catherine on the waist as he greeted her. Well, she started it: the Princess, who took over the presidency of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club last year, kissed Federer three (three! So Swiss!) times when he won a record eighth men’s singles title in 2017. Love all.
It’s so weird to talk this way about two people who are married to other people. Mirka and Roger famously have a great marriage – Mirka was known as the gold-standard tennis WAG, and she’s truly spent the past 23 years of her life watching women throw themselves at Roger. Meanwhile, they’re starting to write about Kate like she’s already separated from William and on the prowl for a new man. It’s definitely odd. It also feels like the message is overwhelmingly: “Look, a man was nice to Kate, maybe this will make William jealous!” Silly goose, William is only jealous of Harry.
Y’all tell me you see it! And she knows what she is doing, total mean girl energy.
— Dr. Zanye (@bookedbusy) July 4, 2023
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- Roger Federer and Catherine, Princess of Wales. Roger Federer was presented to the fans as he took his seat in the Royal box at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships Day Two at the All England Club, London, United Kingdom,,Image: 787118980, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Peter van den Berg / Avalon
- Roger Federer and wife Mirka and Catherine, Princess of Wales. Roger Federer was presented to the fans as he took his seat in the Royal box at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships Day Two at the All England Club, London, United Kingdom,,Image: 787118995, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Peter van den Berg / Avalon
- Roger Federer and wife Mirka and Catherine, Princess of Wales. Roger Federer was presented to the fans as he took his seat in the Royal box at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships Day Two at the All England Club, London, United Kingdom,,Image: 787119087, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Peter van den Berg / Avalon
- Roger Federer and Catherine, Princess of Wales. Roger Federer was presented to the fans as he took his seat in the Royal box at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships Day Two at the All England Club, London, United Kingdom,,Image: 787119105, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Peter van den Berg / Avalon
- Roger Federer and wife Mirka. Roger was presented to the fans as he took his seat in the Royal box at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships Day Two at the All England Club, London, United Kingdom,,Image: 787123250, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Peter van den Berg / Avalon
- Great Britain, London, All England Lawn Tennis Club, The Championships Wimbledon 2023 – DAY 1- 04/07/2023 Former player Swiss Roger Federer honoured in the Royal Box for his career during a ceremony with The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, his wife Mirka Federer and his parents Robert and Linette Federer,Image: 787125570, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mélanie Jeusette / Panoramic / Avalon
- Great Britain, London, All England Lawn Tennis Club, The Championships Wimbledon 2023 – DAY 1- 04/07/2023 Former player Swiss Roger Federer honoured in the Royal Box for his career during a ceremony with The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, his wife Mirka Federer and his parents Robert and Linette Federer,Image: 787136764, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mélanie Jeusette / Panoramic / Avalon
- Great Britain, London, All England Lawn Tennis Club, The Championships Wimbledon 2023 – DAY 1- 04/07/2023 Former player Swiss Roger Federer honoured in the Royal Box for his career during a ceremony with The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, his wife Mirka Federer and his parents Robert and Linette Federer,Image: 787136781, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mélanie Jeusette / Panoramic / Avalon
They really called her a beautiful cauliflower. I can’t.
“Heads Together”, whoops!! One of those heads is a cauliflower.
Like a beautiful cauliflower. SNORT!
FYI. – condyloma looks like cauliflower
Just saying 😂
I stopped reading at that point.
This is so disrespectful of Mirka.
ITA. I can’t believe (I shouldn’t be shocked) by this artcle but it’s so bad.
Cauliflower… my goodness, so shady. In French, “mon chou” (my cabbage) is a term of endearment, so I was like “hang on, whaaaat?” :))
@tarte – as is “choufleur” a term of endearment – sneaky shade there by the reporter!
Prince Philip called the Queen cabbage.
I think the cauliflower reference was just a way to patronise Kate. Like when a childs dressed up in a costume, and you tell them they look wonderful for the sake of complimenting them, but you don’t really mean it, so you compare them to something ordinary, because you’re just grasping for a word to compare them to. You look beautiful. Like a..a……a….. green dinosaur
Grease – you look like A beautiful blonde pineapple.
William to Kate in yellow dress – you look like a banana.
I died at this. Fully ☠️.
This has to be satire. If it’s not, it’s super disrespectful to his wife.
It is satirical.
The British media seem to be near exhausted bullying Meghan and are now trolling Kate, most recently her lack of work ethic, sugar coated as how clever she is in keeping engagements within a 12 mile radius of her home and carrying out engagements IN her home.
My bark of laughter was so loud, it scared both of my dogs awake. What in the actual fuck is a beautiful cauliflower, as it relates to a human female????
lol…. And cauliflower is not an attractive vegetable. It is one of the more ‘fuglier’ looking vegetables imo… It’s just odd. Definitely some lowblow shade going on with that comment in the article.
That is insane! Why not pistachio ice cream?
Cauliflower because it stinks when you prepare it
Trying to co-opt someone else’s man. So on brand for Pick-Me-Kate.
This is more of a hostage situation: Kate & Pippa forced that “friendship”onto Federer, Kate being aware that Mirka was part of the package.
I doubt Roger could turn down the first invitation from lusty Caty, due to her social prominence. And Lusty Caty successfully convinced herself that Rog’s initial yes meant he found her enticing and intellectually stimulating.
Federer is already a living legend and he knows he has absolutely NOTHING to gain from such an embarrassingly clingy acquaintance.
However, he is too much of a natural gentleman to send Catherine Middleton’s unavowable fantasies crashing onto the wall of her pathetic delusions.
#Free Federer#
Surely you can see the pictures. Roger is no hostage. In fact, he looks more enamored with Kate than she does with him, but they both a definitely showing that they enjoy each other’s company.
I haven’t seen any evidence that many of these “cool” Brits are actually as cool as they project when it comes to their white royals. When the chips are down, they’re licking inbred boots just like the Daily Mail readers. Judi Dench, Stephen Fry, Roger Federer. Doesn’t matter. They’re born servants I guess.
Roger Federer is not British, he’s from Switzerland.
This is inappropriate. And it’s definitely coming from Kate. She’s trying to make Willyboy jealous.
I bet her Notebook™ notebook has “Harry and Kate” and “I ❤️ Roger” all over it.
Oh Rapunzel! You forget to mention the “Ben4me” and the little sketch of a sailing dinghy?
I’m not sure she’s trying to make William feel anything. Kate loves male attention, in particular from athletes (sailors, tennis champions, whatever). She’s thoroughly enjoying herself here.
My mouth is hanging open. I refuse to believe this is meant to be read in a straightforward way, instead of a massive insinuation that Kate is a low class tramp. Unless the cultural differences between the UK and US are truly that deep.
Oh and if I were Mirka, I would absolutely be out for blood. But what do I know I’m just an unsophisticated, aggressive American.
Me too, Gruey. This article sounds unhinged. The perspective is ludicrous. Between this behaviour and the bum-grabbing, it’s as if Kate is having a nervous breakdown or something, and the RR are struggling to come up with a spin.
Agreed @Rapunzel. This is heavy slime Middleton narrative—making Kate seem fun, flirty and desirable and putting down Wills. It’s what Keen courted with Harry, as others pointed out, when she reveled in that “flirty” imagery.
You must be 100% tone-deaf to think this is press you want to court.
Side note: I like Federer but never thought he was “hot”—he looks like the nerdy financier you cousin brings to a wedding. Maybe because I was so busy drooling over Nadal when they played? Federer always seemed like the stable dad to Nadal’s wild child, and personally, I never fantasize about a stable dad…!
Me too Luxe ,I am team Nadal and I always thought Roger was a bit bland and boring .
Not sure what to make of that article but it is cringe worthy and no matter how strong your marriage is , I would be pissed off and embarrassed if I was his wife .
Kate just loved to be the centre of attention , that’s obvious .
Kate really embarrassed herself. She was leaning into him all the time, and ignored the elderly man beside her. Roger was trying to avoid eye contact with her because he knew the cameras were focused on them all the time.
One person said that it was as though Kate was trying to sit on Roger’s lap.
Mirka is nobody’s fool and has a lot of experience with this type of nonsense and she can spot a fake and a phony a mile off.
Her mother Carole is also a fan girl. I wonder whether she will be bold enough to turn up to Wimbledon this year. If it had not been for the bankruptcy she would have definitely been there with her husband to see Roger honoured.
It must be ”Kate and Harry” and ”Roger 🧡 I”
Yeah, the press wouldn’t be writing articles like this if William and Kate’s marriage was solid.
That’s what I was thinking. I am wondering if the press is “warming up” their readers/getting them used to the fact that there may be a split or that it will be more and more obvious that Kate & William plan to lead very separate lives.
What are they going for here? It’s good Can’t can flirt with other men because she soon will be needing one? Or are they trying to make Peg jealous ( that won’t work) ? What new game is this?
@susanCollins, Susan that, that is the. Moment I was talking about earlier, when he touched her waist, that’s when she leant forward for a kiss and he turned to his wife! It was wonderful to behold. Now I also wonder if Rogers beautiful wife said to him “if that crazy eyed witch tries it on with you again, I’m going to show her what a tennis ball can do to a cauliflower 🤣
@ Mary Pester. But shouldn’t they have condemned her for leaning in for a kiss that didn’t happen? What are they trying to do? It would have been a great moment to throw her under the bus.
@marypester seriously!! If I were Mirka I would make it my mission to bring Kate down lol. Like, how tf dare she.
I’d love to see what a tennis ball can do to a cauliflower!!!
@susanCollins, Susan I think they ignored that part just so that they could say that Kate “, quite rudley”, told Roger to sit down
It’s hard to know what angle is being played here. Is it “Look, William. Kate’s actually charismatic and sexy!”?
Or is this all satire? I love that Kate was dressed like a cauliflower and that Will couldn’t pull off wearing a suit like Roger’s.
I find every word of this to be utterly grotesque. We need someone British to decode this for us
I thought the notion that Willy Boy wouldn’t wear a khaki suit unless he were ‘within two hectares of an African elephant’ was the writer TRYING to be creative & failing horribly. And I’m not quite sure if they were trying to insult Roger or William or both.
Or saying William only looks dapper/dresses to impress/acts flirty when he’s in Africa = near Jecca.
“He wore a superb taupe double-breasted suit – the kind of shade the Prince of Wales only dares choose if he’s within two hectares of an African elephant.”
Africa = code word for Jecca.
I was cringing so hard as I read the excerpt — I would be so f–king embarrassed to be seen as that openly flirtatious with a married men, especially one who is apparently quite devoted to his wife. But then I got to “beautiful cauliflower” and snort-laughed. That was some much needed, if possibly unintentional, comic relief.
I would die of shame.
I had twars in my eyes and snorted too. I had to read that sentence twice. I was like DID THEY JUST CALL KATE A CAULIFLOWER? Cauliflowers smell bad when exposed to heat – interpret that as you will.
They’re shipping the mother of the future king with a happily married man? I guess this paper thrives on scandals but this ain’t it. And yeah it does look like she’s snubbing his wife. Who does that? His *wife*.
Yup. His wife “and the mother of his two sets of twins, but that’s plenty about her.” I swear, this would be the point where, if Mirka was queen, that would have been the time she was “slapped.”
This article is clearly trying to pump up Kate’s desirability. Many of those male press people confessed to being attracted to Meghan on the low. Kate doesn’t elicit the same disgusting lust so they’re trying to make her sexy. As for her behavior on Sunday, she’s is absolutely disrespectful to not just Mirka but to Roger as well. I’m sure he wasn’t comfortable. Imagine acting that way with a friend of the family? She’s gross.
@girlninja, make keen sexy, 🤣🤣🤣. They would need a full personality transplantation, a melt down and remold on all the botox, a new top lip, fitted with an anti sneer device, some decent wiglets, a make up artist, some actual hips and a bustline, anti manic eyes device and, oh fell, nope sorry, never in a million years could she be sexy
I think if Kate really was as sexually desirable and she and the media want her to be, then all the Karen’s that support her would hate her guts. But they don’t, because she just doesn’t have it. She’s attractive but no matter how hard she tries be seen as ‘sexy’ she just doesn’t pull it off.
The people who think Kate is prettier than Mirka need their eyes checked. They are roughly the same age and Mirka does not have that rough cosmetic enhanced look. Or really bad straw hair.
Are they preparing to throw Keen under the bus? Because this is how it started with Diana towards the end of the first Wales’s marriage. Bizarre times are ahead.
^^ This.
They’re essentially cataloguing her problematic behaviour and family so they can side with Willy.
Yes indeed. This story, her bum patting, she agreed to “recollections may vary”……all are painting a picture of Ms. Middleton.
This is gross. And if I was his wife I would be PISSED.
Mirka is such a class act. The most interesting part of that “article” was that she’s a mom to two sets of twins! I wonder how often that happens. Mirka is class and sophistication and Kkkate is a former party girl with no skills, style, presence or identity of her own. I feel bad for Roger for having to humor her.
Agree about Mirka. She’s classy. And what a gorgeous dress plus style yesterday.
His wife is doing her best to look “ happy” while her husband and Kate look like they really like each other!
You obviously don’t know Roger Federer, he is very well mannered and quite shy actually.
I think he found Kate’s nervous excitement in his presence very embarrassing and was trying to avoid eye contact with her, every time she was leaning into him.
Big Willy to Kate, we must try one more time, maybe the next child will look like my mother.
Sweet Baby Jesus, this woman is a MESS.
That drivel activated my gag reflex. I swear, only the beige British media thinks referring to a woman as a beautiful cauliflower is a compliment. Does she arrive with parsley sauce?
Nah, she’s British. She’ll just be boiled for hours until she turns to mush.
@barbara, no, just plenty of cheese lol
“To the other side of Federer was Mirka, his wife and the mother of his two sets of twins, but that’s plenty about her, thank you very much.”
There is so much wrong with this statement.
B—seriously. How dismissive and nasty.
One wonders if they’re trying to make an active enemy of Mirka tbh. She’s the wife of a big celebrity associated with a hobby and patronage of Kate. She probably has stories…
That’s why I think this is satire – they’re commenting on the other coverage.
The article was trolling both Kate and William.
“She wore a light green and ivory Balmain jacket, like a beautiful cauliflower.”
I am laughing and laughing omg. This whole article is gross and ridiculous, SO SHADY to William. But that made me laugh.
It’s perfect, though, because she’s so f—- bland. No offense to cauliflower, but it’s the perfect description for her.
The BM is yanking the Wales’ chains for sure. Agree with posters above that if the Wales marriage was all good they wouldn’t write articles like this.
And Mirka probably doesn’t care because she knows Kate is not a threat. Kate gives off zero vibes. Like a cauliflower. Kauliflower?
His wife is beautiful and looks younger than Kate. I loved her energy. As in, yeah shoot your shot, do what you’re gonna do. She did not look super worried and why should she? A cauliflower, no matter how beautiful, is just no competition.
Mirka looked gorgeous and her skin was glowing.
If I were Roger, that would be the last time I’d let myself be seen in public with her.
He’d be even smarter not to be seen in private with her as well. Imagine the potential headlines. Public with his wife is acceptable. But if he was caught giving her private tennis lessons (something you know she’s probably trying to get)? Yikes.
Very good point! Neither public nor private. Surely he’ll do anything to spare his wife more of these insinuations.
@rapunzel… i read an article and it said that he was called over to give tennis lessons to George. Im sure she made sure to get them too. Not sure what he is thinking because you know she made a point to halt her shopping to be there when he gave him his lessons. Surely, he has to know how she is by now. I think he obviously was pressured & manipulated into it.
This is a nasty little piece of garbage from the British press.
Talk about making things up out of thin air.
Disrespectful to RF, his wife and family.
Shawna makes a good point. That should be the last time RF is seen with Kate.
Loving the side eyes from Roger’s mom.
Me too! 💯
It’s pretty sad when platonic acquaintances are so much nicer to Kate, it makes headlines. William can’t even pretend to like her. I wish Kate would divorce his ass and be with someone who actually likes me. Maybe she’d stop being such a mean girl when she isn’t fighting tooth and nail for affection.
Look at the smirch and side eye the blonde woman with glasses behind her has in the header photo!
She’s Roger’s mom, with his dad. She absolutely has Kate’s number. I doubt Kate would find their dinner conversations about her flattering.
Kate may flirt up a storm but there is no way she’s going to remarry because she will lose that title. Just who will Kate be without the title and of course big blue?
Unless she pulls a Georgie aka Lady Colin Campbell and tries to hang on to something she’s not entitled to use anymore?
In the meantime she will continue to paw at Roger when the cameras are on her then she’ll be off sailing 😉
I think she probably feels a bit more secure now she’s princess of wales, because if she does divorce she will only lose the HRH but still walk around calling herself a princess.
I feel embarrassed for her. How awful and sad.
“their dating cap is firmly 25 years old” Leo out here catching strays. 😂 Anywho, this whole article is hilariously shady.
Is Kate going to dress like Mirka now.
“She wore a light green and ivory Balmain jacket, like a beautiful cauliflower.”
Omg. Are you sure they aren’t trolling her at this point?
Khate’s reverting to her pre marriage behavior. Trashy, inappropriate and totally insensitive, definitely not flirty and fun. An embarrassment to the BRF and to the Federers. Totally disrespectful to Roger and Mirka Federer. Khates arrogant disregard towards Mirka was nasty.
I wouldn’t say it was only pre marriage. There are many examples of kate trying to drape herself over Harry before he met Meghan.
Whenever I read stuff like this I picture Rita Skeeter and her quick quotes quill
Does the press think this is some kind of flex? This is inappropriate and insulting to his wife and their marriage. What’s wrong with these people?
This is so disrespectful to Mirka Federer and Kate exploits this because her position as PoW. Kate is going to do this to the wrong wife one day and she may not like the outcome.
When your husband doesn’t love you and you have to bribe the press to make you seem desirable for attention. It’s pretty tacky to involve another woman’s husband in her sick, sad media plan.
“ Silly goose, William is only jealous of Harry.” 👏👏👏
Kate and royalists have this desperate need to validate Kate’s sexual desirability, whilst simultaneously slut shaming Meghan for existing. They are so desperate for Kate to be the ‘hot’ one.
Kate has literally walked a fashion show in her knickers, been photographed with her tits out, flashed her bare ass several times during royal engagements, and this week alone has been grabbing ass in church and flirting shamelessly with a married man in front of his wife. Not to mention the re-hashing of the story about how ‘all the boys at Kate’s school fancied her’ (I’m assuming kate is re-writing her own history there).
My guess is something has happened the last few weeks and kate is in need of an ego boost.
She was publicly humiliated by twitter mocking her when William glared at her, when she grabbed his ass at Ass cot. That put her in need of an ego boost.
This was Roger’s day and after 23 years it was his wife day as well. Leave it to disparate Kate to make it ALL about herself. She wants attention from William. When Kate wants William’s attention she will do ANYTHING to get it including stripping down to the barest of clothes.
This narrative makes me sick. I do not believe for a second Roger would, nonetheless Mirka is seeing this trash all over. I feel bad for her. I’m sure he’s making her feel ok about it though 😉 I love the photo of his mom side eyeing the SHIT out of Kate 🤣
This is nauseating. They have spouses, whatever we think of William.
Kate and Roger both behaved badly; or K was alone in her behaviour; or he was the one being a fool; or not a jot went on and the press had a field day out of bugger all. Whatever, not pleasant.
Wondering whether Kate’s delighted with the resultant press coverage as an ego boost/warning shot to W.
Sometimes Roger looks exactly like Joaquin Phoenix to me.
Yes! Me too.
Kate Behavior is not cute it’s really disrespectful to roger and his wife kate is always in competition mode with woman . She literally shameless flirting with a married man in front of cameras and his wife and the British tabloids are really out here trying to make seem so funny and cute . Kate is blander than oatmeal there nothing special about her or she a average looking woman who used way to much Botox . I don’t know how Roger wife kept her cool while Kate made a absolutely fool over herself flirting with her husband.
Seems like the Willy and Keen split is such common knowledge behind the scenes that the Telegraph forgot that the public hasn’t officially been informed yet. Why else would a major newspaper be shipping their future Queen with another man? When they start publicly wondering who Kate’s second husband will be, it feels like it’s time for an official announcement.
I’m starting to see Kate as quite a bully in a way I hadn’t before (I thought she was a mean girl who bullied Meghan). She keeps doing things to men when they are front and center and cannot walk away. It really is a bully who delights making someone else squirm and strategically does it when it is most public and hard to stop her without being obvious about it.
She was always a bully. She did it to Beatrice and Eugenie years before she targeted Meghan. And she was never welcoming of Chelsy or Cressida.
Also, this was Kate’s game when Willy broke up with her. She made sure she was pictured dating other men, trying to seem desirable, and eventually they got back together.
WHOA what the hell happened to The Telegraph, this is unhinged. And giving quotes that they picked up from TWITTER, my god.
I think this article is aimed at making Kate look terrible.
“One newspaper this morning has noted, with some outrage, that Federer even broke royal protocol by touching Catherine on the waist as he greeted her. Well, she started it: the Princess … kissed Federer three (three! So Swiss!) times when he won a record eighth men’s singles title in 2017.”
Of course, it’s not hard to make a terrible person look terrible.
I think he touched her waist to push her away & keep her from coming in for a kiss.
Someone needs to tell Kate not to flirt with a married man!!
And with his wife right there too, and his parents.
No class on Kate at all. Cheap, attention seeking behavior.
Imagine, if you will,…this was Meaghan flirting on some hot handsome married man…or ANY male.
The UK would explode
I watched a video of this to see if the photos were presented out of context and OMG. Roger’s wife kept frowning and stealing glances at Kate every few seconds. Kate awkwardly hurried past Mirka to get to her seat, careful to look in the opposite direction to the point of having to be helped by her neighbor, only to steal a sharp look in her direction once she was situated. I am no body language expert but this goes beyond casual disinterest. The two appear to genuinely hate each other.
Would you be so kind as to post a link? I’ve been searching and all I can find are videos that are basically a slide show of all of the pictures we’ve seen already. Thanks!
I was on YouTube. I will try to find it now.
Here you go. You can clearly see how upset and uncomfortable Mirka is with Kate’s presence and how rudely Kate is ignoring her.
Wow. Shame on the BM (and shame on Kate).
It’s horrible that the BM gets away with this kind of crap – with impunity!
So obviously PR disgusting
Someone noted on Twitter as soon as Kate leaned into Roger , he checked his watch and moved away from Kate to be closer to his wife. It was so hilarious. Caught on camera. For Kate’s sake it was embarrassing.
I stand with Mirka and any whopping she feels a need to deliver . Kate has no boundaries and knows no shame .
Actions speak louder than words 😀
If that’s Roger’s dad in the glasses behind him, even he doesn’t know what is wrong with Kate. Like she is bang out of order
I’ve never heard of any woman being compared to a cauliflower before. I guess it is quite apt. Or she could be compared to tall, slender leek. Gosh, a whole new category of metaphor. I think it all quite amusing. And why is The Telegraph sounding like a gossip columnist?
Incredibly rude to his wife. Such crass behavior from the bitchy princess. Seriously awful.
I don’t understand what is wrong with Roger. I saw some videos and he doesn’t even look at his wife to share the happy moment. He gave more attention to kate than his own wife.
I’d say there’s something very wrong with her. RF most likely felt uncomfortable and under pressure to pay some attention to KM. And I’d say that his wife would also have been aware, she probably felt a compelling need to support her husband !
I don’t care if this article is meant to be satire, it is SO disrespectful of Mirka.
Come on, people. Obviously, very very VERY obviously, this article was deliberately written in such a way as to make middle-aged women BIG MAD at Kate. To piss off the “minivan majority” towards Kate. Mirka’s a frumpy longsuffering mom of his 2 sets of twins but enough about her! Each word is chosen to piss you off.
I am no fan of Kate or any other member of the BRF, or anyone related to or affiliated with them.
But I think this is the more interesting part. Why is this paper, and this author, trying to get middle aged women to despise Kate? Which palace is briefing here?
There is NO doubt in my mind that Kate would openly flirt with and lean into Roger with his wife beside him. Or that he would instinctively move closer to his wife. She’s like a Venus fly trap. Roger is polite, NOT mad. Kate is so desperate for attention, she mistakes gallantry for love/lust. Sad for her that she has so little experience with love and the lust fizzled out so soon that her boyfriend/husband always cheats on her. Yet she chose it all. Leave Roger alone!
So now the Telegraph is testing AI to write its articles. #BeautifulCauliflower #ICant