Years ago, Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate did Heads Together, which was supposed to be some kind of big bureaucracy to manage all of their mental-health related work. I always sort of shrugged off the simplistic message of “talk to someone, therapy can help you.” But more and more, I really do feel like everyone in the UK needs a massive amount of therapy. Byline Times released Part 3 of their on-going Dan Wootton exposé, and this piece is all about Wootton’s “first victim,” the first guy he ever blackmailed under the alias Martin Branning. I am truly struggling to unpack the layers of creepiness, abuse, obsession and sexual pathology happening with Wootton. I don’t really want to “unpack” it honestly, because all of it is a huge YIKES. You can read the full piece here.
I’m not going to excerpt it the Byline article because it’s complicated and honestly, it’s really disgusting. Basically, in 2008, Wootton-as-Martin Branning cold-contacted the partner of one of Wootton’s colleagues. Wootton offered the guy money to film himself having sex with random people. Wootton controlled almost everything about these recordings and did so entirely online or through texts or third-parties. This guy probably made dozens of tapes, and he was paid in “sweaty wads of twenties” via courier. Wootton then used all of these tapes to blackmail the guy and his partner (who was Wootton’s coworker). The guy who did the videos tells Byline: “The fall-out from this went on for years. I literally quit my London life; I lost everything. I went into the depths of depression. I definitely considered suicide. I didn’t want to be around any more. I blamed myself for the whole situation. I am only coming to terms with it now. Now I want to get it sorted out.”
So… yeah, what is the pathology here? Wootton was getting off on all or some of this – it wasn’t just a money thing or blackmail thing, nor was it merely about power. And consider this as well – Wootton had much more conventional ways of accumulating and maintaining power within the British media. He didn’t *need* to catfish and blackmail his coworkers and their partners for years. He did it because he enjoyed doing it, because he was getting off on it.
How 'Martin Branning’ blackmailed a man into making a covert sex video later found hidden behind the washing machine of GB News star Dan Wootton.
'Branning' threatened to send compromising material to their family and friends if they refused to cooperate.
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) July 24, 2023
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, GB News.
- 119409, Dan Wootton attends Lorraine’s High Street Fashion Awards in London, England. London, United Kingdom – Wednesday May 21, 2014.,Image: 533821190, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS, DIRECT SALES ONLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN CAPTION – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: DRP, PacificCoastNews / Avalon
This guy is a sociopath and will continue on if he isn’t stopped. The question must be asked just what does he have on the royal cult and maybe those in government? Just what sick and depraved stuff? I’m waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop.
Susan, Well said. 👍 His actions are reprehensible. A deviant allowed a platform to broadcast bile into numerous households nightly. I hope he is held accountable for the pain he has caused his victims. Currently he seems intent on forever skirting accountability for his actions.
Sounds like a Jeffery Epstein ending coming…..
I often wondered about his viciousness towards his targets. There seemed so be some weird and personal hatred, antipathy and jealousy involved, especially towards the women. I thought he was infatuated with the men they had dated (Harry Styles and PH for Caroline Flack) and PH with regards to Meghan. And hence the weird need to target and take them down.
He’s sadistic, perverted, a sex pest, a liar, a terrible writer, a blackmailer, maybe an extortionist, and good pals with future king William. Why isn’t anyone in the media asking William about Wootton? I mean, we know why, but a responsible journalist would. How safe are your secrets, William? William’s association with this guy is giving me Prince Andrew vibes….
Why isn’t anyone asking why Wooten suddenly became KP’s mouthpiece and chief harasser of Meghan? Noting how in this reporting Wooten went for the partner of his colleague, it reminded me of how I always thought it was odd that KP’s former secretary Christian Jones’ partner was the one who was accused of being paid for stories from the palace. Seems curiously close to Wooten’s M.O. in this circumstance.
@Harper- “ I always thought it was odd that KP’s former secretary Christian Jones’ partner was the one who was accused of being paid for stories from the palace. Seems curiously close to Wooten’s M.O. in this circumstance.”
Agreed, Christian Jones’ partner being paid for stories always seemed odd to me, like we were only getting a tiny piece of the story. This really seems to fill in the blanks which means Wootton really has some high-level kompromat on William. As future head of state the press has a responsibility to investigate this but we know they won’t.
As someone above said, it stands to reason that he has something or has tried to get something on people in government, which you’d think the security services would be looking into.
@That’sNotOkay Charles had Jimmy Savile. William has Dan Wootton. It’s the royal circle of life.
Why I am thinking of pegging videos?
Christina. Could be after all he isn’t called the Prince of Pegging for nothing.
At this point, I believe that without a doubt that DW has something on William, and he probably used that Christian Jones to help entrap William into a compromising situation. Whether it’s pegging, cheating or cheating while getting pegged. I wouldn’t put it past Jason Knauf either.
It’s simply not credible to me that, given his royal connections, he was not doing these horrible things to various royals and royal adjacents. And where did the pegging narrative start?
Yikes, yikes, yikes. In all this the blackmail is about sadism and control, and he spent so much money, time and energy to feel this power over people. A very sick man.
His columns about William were weirdly obsequious even for the British press. They read like Wootton has a crush. It’s always been creepy. Almost like he is taunting William in plain sight. It’s what abusers do.
Yes, this. I would be less creeped out if he’d been doing this for financial gain and professional advancement (although we might see evidence of this later), but to be so obsessed and to spend so much money and the time to be pestering and harassing and collecting sex tapes/trophies of his victims. There must be some serious scrambling going on at KP. And now I’m wondering if this is another reason for the William as Sexy Beast story.
In the Byline story, the victim says that he always though Wooten had a massive crush on the victim’s partner. He said he thought Wooten was obsessed. Eventually, Wooten steered the victim via threats of exposure into filming the partner Wooten was obsessed with. The focus of Wooten’s obsession did not consent to being filmed or know he was being filmed.
Never expected something this weird and twisted. Good reminder not to photograph your send naked tho
Truly terrifying
Someone I know was going on about how he had no sympathy for the victims here. they did it for money so that’s probably at least one reason this hasn’t blown up into a bigger story. Which, yeah, ok, in some cases maybe true at least initially, but you don’t need to have perfect victims to find what Wooton did to be perverted, sadistic and creepy as hell!
Not all of the people who were recorded consented.
And the victim here tried to stop but was blackmailed to continue. Then Wooton destroyed his life anyway.
Or for sure! But a lot of people read one or two lines from a story and make up their minds! Especially if they’re the type who have to blame the victim! And honestly this story should be about Wooton and what he did but of course they will try and change the narrative to Wooton being the real victim. It’s so frustrating.
Yes. One could make the argument.that his colleague’s partner should take some responsibility for filming the videos in the first place, but adults do all sorts of crazy stuff in their private lines, and good for them. But most of the blame was removed the minute DW started blackmailing him. Now it’s a criminal act. A prosecutor could put the case that DW deliberately used entrapment in the first place, specifically to blackmail the victim later.
I think DW’s employers would have heard all manner of “rumours” about his antics years ago, but did nothing because DW is a controversial hack, and controversy sells papers and gets clicks.
Welp, the person you know going on & on blaming victims is showing you who they are. When people cape for an abuser, it’s likely that they want their excuse when their abuse comes out. Just ask him what abuse occurred in his life that was excused by money.
Where did the money come from?
I ask because I can almost assure all of us here, that the cash did NOT come from Wooten.
Excellent point.
We all knew Wooton was a dangerous creep for the way he bullied and harassed women, sometimes to their deaths. These allegations of how he catfished, extorted and tortured people behind the scenes are jaw-dropping. He belongs in jail.
I saw this morning that the Culture & Media Committee in the House of Commons has gotten involved to ask the Sun what it is doing to investigate the claims. Good.
“the Culture & Media Committee in the House of Commons has gotten involved:” ooh, good scoop!
I’d like to know what the police force is doing to investigate the claims!
I still don’t understand why, when there are multiple allegations, there hasn’t been a full criminal investigation announced yet. I suspect someone (Willy boy) has told the police not to touch it.
Scotland Yard confirmed they were investigating at least one of these cases.
Considering Wotton’s MO, it wouldn’t be surprising if he had blackmail material of people in Government who could push against an investigation. The Met has proved it’s compromised in how they’ve treated all those Number 10 parties during the pandemic, so unless there’s a huge public push I don’t expect that investigation to go anywhere.
I don’t just want this man off the air and fired, I want him arrested and for his victims to see some sort of justice. Evil evil evil.
Yes @ Jais!!! This creep spent decades creating a long list of victims, time and energy that he spent developing this long list of victims in his wake.
The victims of Wooten deserve justice and not some watered down slap on the wrist. Wooten is the BAD guy, not his victims whose lives he destroyed in his wake.
All hail Byline! Thank goodness at least one publication is going all out to bring this creep to justice. Several days ago The Guardian mentioned that they cannot 100% guarantee that Martin Branning IS DW, but at least they publish articles sporadically about this. Otherwise, you really feel as though the BM is actively protecting this creep.
@ ML, yes!!! Thank you Byline Times for giving victims a safe platform to express, expose and to share their true stories without fear or intimidation.
Journalism does not function, as intended, in a world of manipulation, machinations and deception.
Everyone in the UK needs a massive amount of therapy? Really?? Because our tabloid media (which the majority of Brits don’t actually read) is f’d up? I think that’s a bit much.
Anyway, Wootton is utterly vile and I hope he ends up in jail.
I would agree considering how long your tabloid media has controlled the public from Brexit to the Royals. The fact that Caroline Flack took her life and Meghan was close to doing the same and British people still buy those tabloids responsible. You all seem to feed off others misery and want to make sure everyone stays in their “place.” So yah, the entire isle could benefit from serious therapy.
Like I said, the majority of British people do not read the tabloids so please don’t put us all in the same category. Most people I know are horrified and disgusted by the media’s treatment of Meghan Markle and Caroline Flack. So no, we don’t all need therapy.
Do you think all Americans need therapy by the way? Because Trump got elected president weeks after a tape leaked where he boasted about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it, and he might get re-elected next year despite the overwhelming evidence of his numerous crimes. Just curious. Or do these kind of sweeping generalisations only apply to British people?
I’m American and hate to be lumped in with the plurality of people who voted in Trump, or, for that matter, the people in power in this country who seemingly condone the routine gun slaughter of children. Plus I studied abroad in the UK and while I remember the media being completely out of control and a lot of my (fancy university) classmates being shockingly unaware of their privilege, I also met some wonderful people. So, I don’t think it’s helpful to insist on being unnecessarily hateful.
Polly, Caroline, NLopez and BothSidesNow, You all have great responses and nuanced answers, which I very much enjoyed reading. As an American expat who had to explain that “not all Americans…” during 2016-2020, I completely understand these responses. How people think is not always reflected by the media reporting on them. Social media from Britain has been doing a better job than the traditional news on DW, and that might be a far better place to see how people in the UK think about what’s going on.
Latest YouGov polling of Meghan’s approval rating in the UK has her at 65% negative, so I don’t think “most” of the UK thinks she was treated terribly.
I do think Americans who voted for Trump need therapy, just like the Brits who blindly accept an abusive, corrupt media and a parasitic royal family while denying the existence of racism need therapy. I don’t understand the need to be defensive on this point. A lot of Americans and Brits are f’ed up.
I agree Polly!!. I follow Shola on Twitter and many other Brits. They do not all need therapy.
@ Polly, you make a great case as we head and read daily Brit commenters. Not all of you need therapy and we too are suffering at the hands of dangerous criminal which 1/3 is still supporting due to his conspiracies that he has touted over the years.
We all need to stand up and pull the curtain back to expose ALL of the misdeed and the criminality of every single one of them!!
Eh, blanket statements like this don’t really bother me. I live in a country where florida is teaching that slavery was actually a good thing. So when someone says the UK all needs therapy, I implicitly realize that she’s not talking about everybody in the UK and shouldn’t have to caveat her post with that. Obviously, it’s not all people but these are systematic issues. The right-wing tabloids have a stranglehold on ALL the BM. Fact. The right- wings in the us are trying to make it hard for people to access birth control so they can have a larger “domestic supply” of babies for white women that can’t have kids. Fact. Shit is dark. I just don’t take offense when someone criticizes the whole of the US and I don’t feel a need to reply but not all people. Like obviously not all people. Even if you don’t read the tabloids, the covers are in checkout lanes for all to see. After years of that, that shit seems scarring and yeah maybe everyone needs some therapy for that. Just freaking seeing those covers over years. My god. Meghan said they should come with a warning label like cigarettes and she’s right. Maybe they should be kept behind opaque glass in the stores.
Polly, I would say yes, most, if not all, Americans definitely need therapy. So much. sigh.
IMO the lines between tabloid gossip & news seem to be somewhat blurred in the UK. Here in the US there’s a clear distinction between tabloid gossip & actual news. You won’t find a single news network here that reports regularly on H&M gossip, but H&M gossip seems to be the nightly bread & butter for “news” networks like GBN even tho H&M no longer live in the UK.
Polly, I get what you are saying in not lumping all Brits together but I’m not sure many people in the UK get just how deeply weird, and quite frankly messed up a lot of their systems and structures are to outsiders. My husband is from the Uk and we spend a lot of time there as well as consume far too much UK media, politics, everything. The tabloid culture is seriously, seriously horrible and far too influential, the fact that two major sources of news are controlled by dubious and crooked people (Murdoch and “Lord” Lebedev), the entire conceit of the royal family is absurd and offensive, the massive amount of money spent in the past 1.5 years on jubilee, funeral and hat ceremony, followed immediately by an increase in the sovereign grant all whilst there is a massive cost of living crisis is bonkers. And let’s not forget the inescapable class system that so effectively gatekeeps access to wealth and power, along with the Met police service, for whom there seems to be no accountability unless the officers actually rape or murder someone. So yes, a deeply odd society that is still so enchanted by its glory days that it mostly avoids proper introspection. And no, I’m not American. America is absolutely messed up in its own way but it’s failures are glaring because the eyes of the world are always on it.
Someone said it best on twitter. Dan Wootten is a work hazard.
He specifically targeted his co workers & no one should have to work in an environment like that.
I also agree with Kaiser that whole island needs therapy.
I needed a shower after reading the victim’s account of DW’s blackmail. I hope he does report this to the police because blackmail is a criminal offense. I also believe that DW has been operating this MO right until the Byline Times exposed who M Branding really is. There will be more victims out there but you can see already the victim shaming going on and that is why this man is brave to speak out.
I really want to know what this disgusting person has on Bulliam that is bad enough to live with blackmail and the damocles sword of exposure hanging over his head.
I don’t think an affair, even with another man, would be scandalous enough to live with this constant preassure.
By now I’m almost sure Wotton has some kind of dirt on Bulliam and is blackmailing him for years, not only for scoops and money but als taunting and tormenting him to show his power. Ther can’t be a more interessting victim for a sadist than a future King.
And I wonder how much blackmail was part of the breakdown of Wont and Cants marriage and their behaviour during Susexit. To see H&M breaking free when they have to stay in the cage.
I would not wonder, if the keens are abusers and abused at the same time.
I hope you’re right, I hope William is getting some of the same taunting and tormenting that he had foisted on the Duchess. I hope it’s causing accelerated hair loss, sleepless nights, and forcing him to spend more time in public with Kate, and occasionally Kate’s bag of hair. Gee Will, do you miss Harry yet?
I often wonder what the tabs have on William that is so bad he would be willing to live with the blackmail/extortion. Being gay or cheating wouldn’t do it because there have been cheaters and gay people throughout BRF history.
The only things I can come up with are 1. if he killed someone (even accidentally) or 2. he had a child before George (that would threaten the lineage of the monarchy) or 3. he’s a child molester (which I seriously doubt he is).
A illegitimate lovechild wouldn’t influence the line of sucsession and wouldn’t be a huge scandal.
I don’t think (or hope) he is no child molester.
The only scenario is him killing anyone.
Or maybe it was someting really harmless and by now he is mir affraid that the blackmail becomes public. Being blackmailed over years is also a bad look for a future head of state.
Illegitimate children do not threaten the line of succession. Unless they decide to pick up arms and wage war and well, we’re passed that era of British history.
OK, just a thought, IF the police are investigating (and that’s a VERY BIG IF) why is this slime of a man, not being talked about on EVERY television station and in EVERY UK PAPER? or even on news cycles in every murdoch governed country. (yes in a way I know I have answered my own question there!) but, the moment it was reported that a BBC news presenter was being reported to the police, THE SUN ran days or articles about it, even though they had been told by the solicitor of the supposed victim that it was bullsht. Hew Edwards ended up in hospital and was named!! We know the name of this disgusting animal but he is allowed publicity and acrowd funding page. He must have some serious sht on some VERY HIGH people. Does he know about more suit cases? Is he a rose expert? Does he have receipts about WHO was leaking to the press about harry and meghan and who IS funding the hate campaign and the visa saga, asking for a friend, and all of us, pst Dan, stay out of Paris tunnels
I think the Sun are not covering it because they are worried about their own potential liability (and I expect that’s what their supposed “internal investigation” is focusing on) – because not only did they employ him for many years, but they paid off several people (six figure settlements) who brought HR complaints against him.
You are asking my questions @marypester!!! All we heard about was Huw Edwards for 2 solid weeks and this is so much bigger and yet crickets from the tabloids. I guess i can get the sun and the DM not responding bc they’re possibly(probably) implicit but the express and the mirror should be crucifying him right???!!!! And yet, they’re silent.
Complicit not implicit 🙄
@Jais, exactly, nothing, nada, radio silence all over the place
Not even motor mouth Morgan or his sidekick creepy Clarkson have said a word, and more importantly NOTHING from the met who from day one said they were investigating Hew Edwards. There is a large stink Coming from KP AND BP and it ain’t the drains! Wonder where camzilla is hiding!
I’m with you @marypester. The silence is deafening and fishy AF.
Reading more and more about Wooton and his crimes, I’m starting to think my theory about Pegs violently hurting or killing someone might very well be what Wooton has on him. I’ve been finding it weird that Will’s anger keeps getting mentioned, and I suspect his rage issues are the main part of what he’s hiding.
If William had done such a thing, the govt would know and this Wootten story would never have seen the light of day. Wm is fully in bed with the Tories. They use each other, prop each other up, and do not work against each other.
“If William had done such a thing, the govt would know”
O.K., but Charles, the heir to the throne at the time and now king, told his own son going against the media was ‘a suicide mission’.
What if Wootton being hung out to dry for doing their dirty work for the establishment *is* that story not seeing the light of day? Where was that cash coming from to pay people? Was Wootton being directed by someone else in choosing these targets? How high up in the corridors of power does this coercion and blackmail reach? How many degrees of separation do you need in a country that small to own them all if you target media people/politicians/law enforcement/etc successfully for the same rapacious tabloids that give no mercy to public figures? If they pin it on woo woo sex pest those other questions don’t have to get an airing at all.
@Rapunzel Yes, I am with you on this. Also I immediately thought of this story of a dead woman’s body on KP grounds.
There was the dead woman at kp and a dead 17 year old girl in the queens garden at Sandringham at Anmer, murdered. In 2012
One of those deranged types, (Lady C?)insists that Harry is abusive and ‘beats up women’.
One wonders if she’s been hanging that tidbit out in the open about W in reverse the same way the RRs insist H&M are breaking up/living apart/getting divorced/etc.
@interested gawker Yes, that projection is in place, for sure. It becomes so much easier now to interpret whats going on, since this was detected.
@Kkat True? Both in the same year?!
Regarding the question of pathology, as a therapist, while I appreciate the intention, it worries me thinking about how statements like this can negatively impact on how mental illness is perceived and further stigmatization. Dan Wooton’s behaviour is abhorrent and he needs to be held accountable. He may have a mental illness. He may not have a mental illness. Whether he has one or not doesn’t change the fact he deserves to be held accountable and his victims deserve everything they need to heal. There are many good people who have mental illnesses who would never even dream of behaving like Dan Wooton who continue to be stigmatized as dangerous or evil because of a lack of societal understanding and also from our need to pathologize evil behaviour to cope with our fear. I empathize with this fear, it’s normal to want to explain these horrific actions. We want an explanation so we can reduce our own risks of experiencing such trauma. But, just as many people without mental illness commit violent crimes as people with mental illness. We are not any safer from the likes of Dan Wooton by trying to pathologize his abhorrent behaviour, we are only contributing to the further stigmatization of people with mental illness. I’d argue, after 20 years as a therapist, it is the abuse, disconnection, lack of resources for families; trauma; lack of support and grossly underfunded programs that can push a person to behave in increasingly violent ways. Those folks who are in significant struggle do not need to be paired with the likes of Dan Wooton. Whether or not Dan Wooton has a mental illness, he needs to be brought to account. Again, while I understand the intention of suggesting pathology with Dan Wooton, you want to make the case that this was not about just money. It was a bigger problem with Dan Wooton’s own evil actions for his own evil needs, I simply ask that you take pause next time and consider the implications a suggestion like that has on the continued stigmatization of mental illness and how that stigmatization only further perpetuates suffering of those in need and does not help Dan Wooton’s victims
What a thoughtful and well spoken post, Slippers.
Thank you for these beautifully expressed words.
slippers4life, I wonder how much of trying to pin a mental health label on him is because people don’t want to believe that someone without a mental health issue is not just capable for doing this, but is doing this? I’m glad that you said what you said. People are complex there’s no doubt. If there’s anything that life has taught me, it’s that people are who they are. We don’t have to understand them, we just need to know they exist. Labels can be dangerous.
Frankly, I have a feeling if this really does get some investigation, we’re going to find out that the bm knew what was happening. The real questions here is why didn’t they shut it down?
Is sociopathy, or more specifically, ASD considered to be a mental illness or is it a personality disorder?
Because for me? Depression/bi-polar disorder/schizophrenia, etc., iare mental illnesses, while blackmail, extortion, harassment of others & out right stalking are characteristics that make up a malevolent personality, rather than a mental illness.
Is sociopathy a mental illness?
Genuinely asking.
@acclaim, there is an interesting article today at CNN’s website discussing, in part, sociopaths and psychopaths. The article addresses serial sexual killers and one interesting comment made was that those that are psychopaths or sociopaths are not insane. They are psychological disorders, yes, but do not qualify for Insanity defenses in criminal cases because they are aware of the rules but choose to disregard them and don’t believe that they should apply to them. Very different from someone who, say, is experiencing delusions or hallucinations that might lead them to commit a crime. So, yes, culpability is viewed very differently between different psychiatric or personality disorders. Now, mind you, this is in the US. I don’t know if it is the same in the UK. It is a very interesting read, you should check it out!
DW needs psychiatric help, the public is unsafe with this nasty sex pest on the loose. Who will he blackmail next? Because much like a serial killer, DW can’t and doesn’t want to stop, IMO.
He doesn’t need psychiatric help, he needs to be arrested, charged, tried, convicted and put in prison for the next 50 years. That will stop it.
Apparently, he has been gathering blackmail for, at least, the last decade on anyone in authority over him. I think bosses, coworkers, police, politicians (and perhaps rf) are compromised. Scary to think how thoroughly he has done all of this.
This guy is a stalker and a sociopath who is obsessive. He’s gonna escalate someday.
Dan Wootton had already proven himself to be a psychopath.
Now Wootton has proven himself to be a pervy psychopath.
If law enforcement is getting more involved, it is dawning on people that Wootton is a national security threat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s working for a foreign enemy.
aquarius64, interesting thought. I don’t know if that’s the case, but they’ll have to stop him because if he’s not a security risk now he will become one. This publicity is letting enemies know who has the information they can use.
Wootton is a dangerous psychopath, plain and simple. He fits all the criteria:
– behavior that conflicts with social norms.
– disregarding or violating the rights of others.
– inability to distinguish between right and wrong.
– difficulty with showing remorse or empathy.
– tendency to lie often.
– manipulating and hurting others.
– displays of reactive aggression and can be vengeful.
One of Byline’s journalists had blood smeared on his car windshield and received threatening calls and emails. Peter Jukes, the executive editor of Byline, returned a missed call and whoever answered said, “Are you Peter? You’re going to regret this.” He also got an email stating “See you at the office and blood will flow”.
This is serious sh*t and the Sun and GB News have got to suspend Wootton immediately pending the outcome of the investigation. What will it take to get them to take this seriously? Someone getting killed?
Dan didn’t have to do all this. I believe he is one of those people who wants to make sure you know they are better than you. He is an exposer’. He goes for the partner for a number of reasons. One reason is it shows that the co-worker has bad judgement for being with someone that is just as sneaky as Dan. The victim was suppose to say no to filming someone without consent. The minute they agreed is the minute that Dan won.
Tree, ITA. There are people who choose to be evil.