This week, Kevin Spacey was acquitted of nine sexual assault charges in the UK. The assaults ranged in years, but most of them were from the time period when Spacey was in charge of the Old Vic, a legendary British landmark/theater. Spacey has also been credibly accused of assaulting and raping men and boys in New York, LA and wherever location his movies and TV shows were filming. While Spacey has still not been convicted of a crime, he’s truly faced hundreds of accusations. Everyone knows who he is now, if we can’t prove it in court.
Once the stories came out in 2017, Hollywood cut their ties with him. It was easier for Hollywood to do that with someone like Spacey – while he was on a Netflix show at the time, he wasn’t part of some big franchise and studios (other than Netflix) hadn’t locked him into any big contract. The biggest issue, at the time, was removing him from Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World and they figured out a way to do that pretty easily. So it was a little bit weird to see, after his acquittal, a few dozen thinkpieces about “will Kevin Spacey be able to make a comeback??” I was surprised to see that Page Six mirrored my own thinking on this issue – no, Hollywood is done with Spacey, but he’ll be able to find work in Europe.
Kevin Spacey may have to stick to working in Europe — as Hollywood isn’t ready to forgive or forget, multiple Tinseltown sources told Page Six.
“It’s not a matter of can Kevin work again, but who will work with him?” one producer told Page Six. Asked about Spacey’s career future, one well-placed Hollywood source told Page Six: “Look at all these men accused of sex crimes, from Woody Allen to Roman Polanski, they’re all working in Europe. Woody’s even got his new movie coming up at Venice Film Festival.”
“All these men get a clean bill of health in Europe, but it’s harder to come back to Hollywood.” the source added.
Two movie insiders cited Johnny Depp’s return to the big screen as an example of making it back after such a harrowing trial. One movie insider told us: “I think Kevin will come back the Johnny Depp way in Europe – I still don’t think people would employ him in Hollywood.”
Yeah, I agree? No American studio will hire Spacey and no big-name American actor will work with him. But he’ll find some way to relaunch himself in Europe. Nightmare-casting: Roman Polanski hires Johnny Depp and Kevin Spacey to star in his new film set in a non-extradition country.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Actor Kevin Spacey arrives at Southwark Crown Court in London for trial on sexual offenses. Pictured: Kevin Spacey BACKGRID USA 19 JULY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Kevin Spacey seen outside the Southwark Crown Court in London. The Hollywood actor is facing charges of sexual assault. Pictured: Kevin Spacey BACKGRID USA 20 JULY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Actor Kevin Spacey was seen outside the Southwark Crown Court in London. The Hollywood actor is facing charges of sexual assault. Pictured: Kevin Spacey BACKGRID USA 25 JULY 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I agree with this too. I’ve seen the British press rally around him after he was acquitted. So he will get work in Europe.
Unpopular post alert but I’ve been here for over a decade: I was really sorry to see the Elton John quasi cover for him when he stayed at his home. And while Elton is not responsible for the crimes of another, his “I don’t remember what goes on in my home as it’s so large” testimony had, according to some, gave comfort to the creep. Makes me question Elton’s character.
As for Spacey, I will never watch anything he was associated with & I was a fan of The Usual Suspects and American Beauty.
Same. Thanks.
It’s strange; I still like The Usual Suspects because he’s such a clever slimeball in it and I think he’s actually playing himself (ditto Swimming with Sharks and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil). I’ve always thought this; these performances were always much more finely tuned than his good-guy roles (which always had a tinge of falseness).
My sister knew him peripherally when she was in HS & college and hung around with a group of theater kids of whom Spacey was a member (she had a crush on another member). He was their godhead (supremely talented even then) but she never reported anything unsavory about him. But absolute power corrupts absolutely, and “innocent” student days are not the depths of Hollywood where one’s real proclivities often emerge.
Because the US is the country of morality? You just had a rapist in the oval office. 63 million americans woted for him in 2016. The Europe hate on this site is so strange. Is it all because of the British Royal family?
Europe and America just protect different sorts of predators. In the US, it’s men who claim to be religious and uphold the white patriarchal ideals. American evangelicalism has a very strange insistence on forgiving sinners who claim to have found God again, which serves predators very well. Europe seems to be willing to accept wrongdoing in the name of artistic freedom and excellence. I’m only watching from the US, but it does seem to be a pattern. Would be great if both places just didn’t accept wrongdoing to prove their commitment to some higher ideal.
And Spacey is terrible.
I agree with this too. Europe excuses predators in the name of “art” while America shrugs in the name of religion and right wing politics.
As someone who lives in Europe I think this is an excellent way of defining it @Concern Fae!! Both places give a pass to predators, just for different reasons.
I don’t consider the US morally superior to Europe. But I think the backlash is greater here because the film industry is so powerful. And the filmmakers are terrified of anything that hurts the bottom line. If we ever thought we had a monopoly on virtue, Trump destroyed that notion.
The evidence shows that these sex offenders have been able to continue to work in Europe. Kaiser is just agreeing with the Page Six piece.
You say europe, but what you mean is Britain, France and Italy.
He’ll be back in Hollywood eventually. He’ll start in Europe and in a couple of years he’ll do something small but prestigious in America and then build back from there.
There are a lot of predators in Hollywood who are thrilled at the outcome of his court case and they want him back. There are millions of idiot Americans who will point to the acquittal as justification for why they should be allowed to watch his projects. See also the “sure he’s a bad person but ART™️ stands on its own and we shouldn’t judge ART™️ by the actions of the actor” fart sniffers.
So yeah, he’ll be back.
Would an insurance company insure a large project that has Kevin Spacey in it?
Spacey will be back. And Roman and Woody might be making movies in Europe, but do you really think there’s no Hollywood involvement?
This makes me sick. I posted previously about how Spacey stalked my friend (heterosexual, married, who together with his wife met Spacey at a reception) in Toronto for weeks, finding and showing up at their home, his office, and restaurants (meaning he was being followed). I am so tired of how there’s a different level of ‘Justice’ for celebrities and the wealthy. Spacey is a very sick man.
That is so creepy. Awful behavior!
I actually agree with this too. At first when the verdict was announced I was so disgusted I was like “watch Hollywood give him work”. But after I thought about it for awhile I feel like he will be treated very much like JD. He will get work. But no major studio in the US will hire him. And I don’t see any major actors wanting to work with him either. But Europe will welcome him with open arms. They love abusers over there.
His fellow Hollyweird abusers might hire Kevin Spacey all they want, I will BOYCOTT every work they release involving him. Not a dime of mine will reward anything Spacey has coming, because enough is enough.
Let’s remind these predators that we’re the ones making them rich. They are nothing without us.