Cardi B might get charged with battery for throwing her microphone into a crowd

Wow, some of y’all were mad about yesterday’s Cardi B story! And mad at the way I covered it too. The thing is, I get the feeling that Cardi is the “BEC” for a lot of people. Granted, Cardi does some reprehensible stuff, but she also just does regular stuff and people climb up her ass regardless. And yeah, I am a fan! I think Cardi is fun and hilarious, messy and glamorous, ridiculous and cool. She’s a great celebrity in that way – she’s fun to cover, she wears fabulous clothes, she talks her sh-t and backs it up. Which brings me to the Las Vegas incident over the weekend. Cardi was performing at an outdoor concert and a woman threw her drink at Cardi on stage. Without skipping a beat, Cardi whipped her microphone at the woman. Afterwards, that woman ran to the cops. Girl, YOU STARTED IT.

Cardi B might not get away scot-free with that microphone toss in Las Vegas — she’s now listed as the suspect in a battery … TMZ has learned. The woman who was struck by Cardi’s mic when she hurled it into the crowd at Drai’s Nightclub on Saturday … went to Las Vegas Metro PD the next day to report the incident

She told police she’d been struck by an item — the microphone — thrown from the stage. Of course, the whole incident was captured on cameras during Cardi’s show.

As we reported, a woman in the crowd threw some kinda liquid at Cardi while she was performing … and the rapper snapped, immediately throwing the mic in retaliation. The mic struck the drink thrower, but ricocheted and also hit another woman standing next to her … as seen in the footage.

Prior to the altercation, Cardi and her DJ had implored the crowd to splash water on her to cool her off in the triple-digit weather — but obviously, she didn’t take kindly to whatever the woman threw later in the show.

The woman who reported the incident to cops was standing next to the drink thrower — but she claims the mic hit her too. Some video angles seem to show the mic hitting her after it ricocheted off the other fan.

[From TMZ]

Cardi can afford some great lawyers, and I would hope that the legal argument for Cardi would be: the drink-thrower started it, Cardi reacted to what she perceived as assault in the moment, everything that happened is the drink-thrower’s fault. Honestly, the speed with which Cardi instantly lifted her microphone and threw it… you could argue self-defense. Anyway, if Cardi does end up getting charged with battery, she’s going to show up to court in Las Vegas in Elvis couture and diamonds.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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54 Responses to “Cardi B might get charged with battery for throwing her microphone into a crowd”

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  1. Andy Dufresne says:

    These concert goers have now become so entitled! Why the hell would you attend a concert only to throw stuff at the performers and not expect consequences?!?

    • Whomever says:

      Wrong place. Sorry!

    • Whomever says:

      Wrong place. Sorry!

    • Elizabeth Phillips says:

      I think performers should just start walking out when things like this happen. When other concert goers get fed up with paying for a concert that doesn’t happen because of these fools, maybe people will learn to behave.

    • Tiffany:) says:

      I’m most instances I’d agree, but this makes it complicated:

      “Prior to the altercation, Cardi and her DJ had implored the crowd to splash water on her to cool her off in the triple-digit weather.”

  2. KP says:

    I think the woman filing charges wasn’t the drink-thrower, but the woman NEXT to her.

  3. Becks1 says:

    the woman who reported it was not the woman who threw the drink, per the TMZ article. the microphone ricocheted off the person who threw the drink and then hit the person who reported it.

    • Chantal says:

      I didn’t realize there was an innocent bystander who was also hit when I made the comment below. So Cardi is definitely in big trouble then. With her throwing her mike at a DJ days earlier, she might actually get arrested for this incident. And those individuals could also sue her.

      • Sugarhere says:

        Exactly what I stated might happen in my yesterday’s comment actually happened: unless you’re an uncivilized impulsive animal, you don’t retaliate instantly against your aggressor:

        1- COLLATERAL DAMAGE – You may hit an innocent bystander and miss the real jackass target. Unless you’re the finest sniper from the SWAT team, you don’t take it upon yourself to take justice into your own hands. Self-redress was banned so as to avoid collateral victims.

        2- DISPROPORTIONATE RESPONSE – Cardi B reacted as though acid had been tossed at her face, and threw away a solid object that is by nature way more damaging than disgusting soda.

        3- ANTITHECAL ROLE-MODEL – Now everything we sadly remember is Cardi B’s violence and absence of impulse control. Had she remained composed or even yelled abuse in her mic, she’d be regarded as the victim. Her reaction was counterproductive, adversarial to her status of mother and global star.

        4- SELF-REDRESS AND SOCIAL DISORDER – The soda tosser deserves to be fined and /or banned from public festivities (concerts, movie theaters, amusement parks…) for 3 years. But Jeez, a microphone that lands on the next person!? What will happen when a very tall, muscular, and slightly high male singer decides to pitch back some shit at the crowd, thinking he’s targeting his aggressor?! Instead of starting a conversation on pushing new legislation to penalize concert goers throwing things, Cardi B’s unfortunate response only served to reactivate the negative stereotype of the “angry Black woman”.

        Therefore, I don’t care who’s the low-wit who started first (this soynds like kindergarten tiff). What saddens me is the public disservice Cardi B’s doing to anti-racism. Being famous dies not boil down to looking good and cashing in. It is a social responsibility, like running for office.

    • phaedra7 says:

      Cardi B got SICK AND TIRED of the way the UNHINGED concertgoers are ASSAULTING performers left and right. Welp, unfortunately, her AIM was not good, as she was trying to defend herself against the HEIFER who threw the liquid in the first place/get go!

  4. Chantal says:

    I wasn’t bothered by Cardi reflexively throwing her mike until I saw clips of her basically asking her fans to get her wet before the woman threw liquid in her face (her body not her face but I’m not sure if she clarified that before the incident). Even if an artist asks fans to throw water on them, I wouldn’t -unless they were on fire. But not smart to even request that bc these days, fans are throwing things unsolicited.

    My issue with Cardi is the fact that she threw her mike at a DJ who angered her with the way he was cutting her song during one of her shows few days earlier. Which means she has anger issues and lacks impulse control. So she might not get out of this predicament although I still think she can argue self defense. I’ll bet the instigator sues her too.

    • SarahLee says:

      I agree and was fully Team CardiB until I read about and saw video of her DJ telling people to throw water on her to cool her down. Some even did it earlier in the show.

      • Ameerah M says:

        She did say that. But she also said don’t hit her in the face. Which is where the issue arose because that woman’s drink hit her squarely in the face.

      • SarahLee says:

        @Ameerah, pretty hard to aim water from a cup. Seriously.

  5. Tulipworthy says:

    If Cardi and her handlers asked for people to splash her with water , why was Cardi angry because a fan splashed her with water? What am I missing here?

  6. Lawcatb says:

    I read this as it wasn’t the drink-thrower who went to the cops, but the person next to the drink-thrower who got hit on the rebound.

  7. ML says:

    If it were just a heavy thrown microphone vs a drink, then it would be easier for me to say that Cardi was totally wrong. However, you have to be living off-grid not to know that musicians have been injured by their so-called fans and way too many idiots believe in throwing isht at performers. It has got to stop! Cardi immediately reacted, and while throwing a heavy microphone is wrong, I can understand that this was probably an automatic reaction to a possible threat. Supposedly (not sure if this is even true) she asked people to douse her in water, but something this drink thrower did was not right.

  8. teehee says:

    So let me get this straight.
    People who throw phones and items at people on stages, WONT be charged with battery,
    But someone who tries to stop them, WILL be?

    And seriously WHAT IS IT with everyone jumping on the train to do the same BAD thing that they see posted online? Seriously do you HAVE to copy everything even when its WRONG??

    • MrsBanjo says:

      She asked to be splashed with water. She got pissed when it hit her face instead of her body. She threw a microphone which ricocheted and hit the person next to the drink-thrower. THAT person – the one who had zero to do with it – is filing charges, which they have every right to do.

      • Kitten says:

        Right. And I don’t see a lot of people pointing out the difference between a plastic cup filled with water and a freaking MICROPHONE. Two very different things.

    • Bumblebee says:

      The guy who threw a phone at Bebe Rexha’s face and injured her was arrested and charged. But that’s they only one I’ve heard of.

  9. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Why is the song still being song, during the incident when Cardi is obviously not singing?

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I guess we can add CardiB to the list of lip-singer category. Oh my!

      This keeps getting worse for CardiB as the days progress……girl has anger issues.

  10. Kitten says:

    People have been throwing stuff at musicians on-stage for as long as I can remember. It’s stupid AF but concert-goers get drunk and excited and do stupid shit. The right move is to call them out and publicly shame them in front of the crowd, have security remove the offender and ban that person from future shows. If the artist wants to press charges, I support that measure as well.

    The WRONG thing to do is to retaliate. Yes, artists are human and reflexes are a thing, but artists typically don’t do this precisely because understand that they need to observe a level of professionalism and because throwing shit at the people who paid to see you is poor form, and most importantly, because it can hurt someone else if you don’t have perfect aim. So yeah, Cardi opened herself up to this shit.

  11. Kokiri says:

    “Throw water at me, but only my body & not my face”

    Like, what? How can people throwing water (?!?!) upwards at someone (?!?!?!?!) control the trajectory?!
    It seems she created a situation in a climate that was already volatile & then threw a heavy microphone at a crowd of people. And the worst case scenario played out- she hit someone ELSE too.

    So it seems Cardi fafo here.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I agree, she opened the door by giving permission to fans to throw water at her then gets offended because it hit her face and not her body. That’s an uncontrollable situation when liquid comes flying in from all directions. And then she made matters worse by throwing a heavy object as retaliation into the audience that hit an innocent party. Nope. She’s not the aggrieved one here and I don’t think she should get away with this at all.

  12. AnneL says:

    Even if she was asking people to throw water (or liquid), throwing a whole cup was a bad idea. That said, a microphone is heavier than a cup of water and more likely to hurt someone. If I were the innocent bystander who got hit with a microphone because someone next to me threw a cup, I’d be pretty miffed, especially if it actually hurt and caused an injury. I don’t know that I’d file charges, but I wouldn’t be OK with it.

    She really shouldn’t have thrown the microphone. I can understand acting in the moment if I saw something flying at my face, but there should be other people in charge of diffusing this kind of situation. People do get hurt at concerts and it’s a shame, because it’s supposed to be fun.

  13. Trin says:

    I heard on the news she asked to have water thrown on her to help cool her off, so in fun and with permission a fan did that, then the news reporter looked up on ChatGPT how badly could a microphone hurt someone and the answer was not good!
    I noticed she switched hands before she threw the mike, guess she’s left handed

  14. Busy Bee says:

    I get that you like Cardi and that is okay but the article clearly states that it was an innocent bystander who reported the incident to the police. Do better with your reporting.

    • Mallory says:

      This. And the woman didn’t start the water tossing- Cardi asked the crowd to splash her because it was hot. Messy.
      Saying women are mad just because is…..not today satan.

  15. Nlopez says:

    That liquid could have anything in it. I would’ve reacted instinctively just like Cardi.

  16. Bumblebee says:

    Cardi got in a fight, picked up a weapon, and injured a bystander. If I was that woman I wouldn’t stop with criminal charges. I’d get a lawyer and file a civil suit.

  17. ME says:

    There is also video of her from the previous night throwing a microphone at her DJ on stage because she said he wasn’t doing his “job right”. She has issues…she needs anger management. I can’t believe anyone would defend her. She asked for people to throw water on her…so someone did. The microphone she threw is not equal to the water being thrown on her. Plus she had security to handle it. If it was a male celeb that did exactly the same thing, I am sure some of these reactions would be different.

  18. Imara219 says:

    Cardi getting a pass here is odd. I don’t know about the whole BEC thing but there is a segment of the Black community who doesn’t like
    a) her colorist husband
    b) Cardi (a non-Black person) causually using the n-word and feeling entitled to do so
    c) her overall violent tendency with a lot of people
    d) drugging and robbing men and gloating about it

    I don’t feel like those reasoning fall into BEC category. Personally, I don’t fight for her and I don’t really care about her either. Sometimes she says funny things, so I might laugh but she is annoyingly problematic for the Culture and she deserves to get called out when she does foul ish. In this instance she was wrong. She doesn’t deserve a pass.

    • ME says:

      Someone please explain to me what “BEC” means? I googled and couldn’t find anything. Thanks.

      • Amy says:

        “Bitch eating crackers.” There’s a link in the article.

      • ME says:

        Oh sorry I didn’t click on the link. What on earth does “Bitch eating crackers” even mean? I have never heard that term before lol.

      • ME says:

        @ Amy

        I just looked up “Bitch eating Crackers”. Ok I don’t see Cardi as a BEC at all. She gets backlash when she does f*cked up things…like hurting someone with a damn microphone. It’s not for trivial things. Unless I’m misunderstanding this.

      • Imara219 says:

        @Me I used the link provided to know what the term meant because I had zero clue and never heard of it before. However, what I gather is the phrase is a snarky way to say that a chick can be minding her bidness and not bothering anyone but people will still have a problem with her. Insinuating that these problems are baseless and empty. My point is that people have legit gripes about not like Cardi

      • Mallory says:

        BEC is a way to ignore & denigrate women’s opinions. If you have a valid criticism of someone based on facts, someone can say “oh, you’re just jealous cuz she can eat crackers & you don’t”
        It’s the old play that us women just hate each other cuz we’re catty, with the sprinkling of food & thinness (hate women who can eat crabs) bs on top.

      • ME says:

        @ Imara219 and Mallory

        Thanks for your descriptions. I get it.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’ve always heard of it as “look at that bitch over there, eating crackers like she owns the place.” I’ve never heard of it in context of hating women who can eat carbs or are thin or whatever.

        In my opinion its more about the people that you just can’t stand even if there is no valid reason for it. We all have those people. The neighbor you roll your eyes at when they gossip over the fence even though they’re technically “fine.” The celebrity that you just can’t see the big deal about (for example, Emma Stone is BEC for me.) So then every little thing the person does is just that much worse because of that base level of annoyance you have for them.

      • Amy says:


        I had heard of the expression “BEC” before today, figured it was basically just a shortened way of saying a woman (specifically) is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t,” because she’s gonna get judged anyway.

        Like many here, I don’t think that take is really the right one. At all.

      • Imara219 says:

        @Me thanks for your supportive comment. Like this whole shenanigan is proof #1000 why people have issues with Cardi.

  19. pk says:

    Does she care about her fans at all? They were standing in the same HOT weather she was. She wanted them to waste their water to cool her off? Those people needed their water honey. She’s so problematic. She does have issues controlling her anger. This is not the first incident. She should think about getting help before she really ends up behind bars.

  20. lucy2 says:

    This whole situation is a mess, but if the one who reported it was simply standing there and got hit as a result of someone else’s actions, then she probably has a good case for the complaint. I imagine there will be a payment made and the charges will be dropped.

  21. Nicegirl says:

    Hope Cardi and the concert goer as well as the innocent bystander are all ok. I bet the concert goer is sorry for their actions and mistake and I don’t think an artist performer would really want to cause injury to one of their fans. I wish we could all come together, simmer down, make it that family affair typa summer but I’m learning now that I have had entirely too much faith in humanity so I’m feeling pretty dejected about the whole thing, tbh. Hope everyone can be ok and that this fan will be singing along and dancing to Cardi’s hits again one day bc that is the way fam right, coming together in the celebration of friendship and family and music and safety and freedom. I hope we get it right. 💕 🎶 hope Cardi and this fan and the other folks will all be ok. No one is perfect and I think that gal probably is very embarrassed and humiliated and I hope they can come together and work it out. Fighting helps no one right 🖖 I prefer listening to the music 🎶 but I’m
    very imperfect so what do I know.

    💕 💃 I love Cardi NGL

  22. C says:

    The videos that I watched showed the woman next to the drink-thrower getting hit with the mic, which is unfortunate for all involved….