Prince Harry has arrived in Japan! He arrived in Tokyo today, ahead of his appearance at the ISPS Sports Values Summit. Harry will appear at the summit with his brother Nacho Figueras, before they fly to Singapore for their latest Sentebale charity polo match. I have no idea how many photos we’ll get from Japan or Singapore, but Harry gave everyone enough lead time, I suspect that there will be many photographers trying to get credentialed for those events.
Nacho Figueras has joined Prince Harry in Tokyo. He will also be a panelist at the ISPS Sports Values Summit after which he and Harry will travel to Singapore to play in the Sentebale Cup.
— R.S. Locke / Royal Suitor (@royal_suitor) August 8, 2023
Meanwhile, this bizarre story is circulating – apparently, the royalists’ latest cope is that Harry promised to rent an apartment in Kensington Palace as a way to make amends to his rageaholic brother?
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are hoping to repair their soured relationship with Prince William by renting an apartment in Kensington Palace, according to a report. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly keen to “make amends” with the Prince and Princess of Wales as the rift between the two rages on.
But despite their alleged gesture, Harry is concerned that the move would make him a “prisoner of the palace,” a royal insider told OK! Magazine.
“He and Meghan are offering to rent an apartment at Kensington Palace and furnish it themselves,” a source told the outlet. “He hopes that will please William and show that they’re serious about coming back. Harry doesn’t want to become a prisoner of the palace.”
Despite this, royal experts believe that a reconciliation between the feuding brothers isn’t on the cards anytime soon.
“I see no signs of that whatsoever,” Talk TV’s Royal Editor Sarah Hewson told Sky News Australia. “The damage, the wounds are so deep it’s gonna take an awful lot and an awful long time to heal those wounds. And, at this stage, I just don’t see any evidence whatsoever that there is a desire on either side, yet, to put an end to this and to forgive and forget.”
Harry and Meghan truly had their own safe and secure home in the UK, given to them by QEII and one which they paid to renovate and decorate… and they were evicted from that home by Harry’s dogsh-t father. The problem is not “where will the Sussexes live in the UK” – the problem is that Charles and William are deranged and hellbent on destroying the Sussexes.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, social media.
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry pictured leaving the Royal Court of Justice in London. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 27 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Mario Pietrangeli / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Howrah, INDIA – March 30, 2023, London, England, United Kingdom: Prince HARRY, Duke of Sussex, leaves the High Courts after attending the 4th day of the privacy case preliminary hearing against Associated Newspapers. (Credit Image: © Thomas Krych/ZUMA Press Wire) Pictured: 20230330_zip_k172_004.jpg BACKGRID USA 30 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication* Pictured: Prince Harry
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attends the Royal Courts of Justice as the lawsuit against Associated Newspapers enters its final day on March 30, 2023 in London, England. Prince Harry is one of several claimants in a lawsuit against Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Daily Mail. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 30 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attends the Royal Courts of Justice as the lawsuit against Associated Newspapers enters its final day on March 30, 2023 in London, England. Prince Harry is one of several claimants in a lawsuit against Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Daily Mail. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex BACKGRID USA 30 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Harry seems like an involved caring father. There is no way he’s going to set his kids up in KP no matter how much it may “please” his brother (I doubt this story so much I can’t stop laughing).
And while in all marriages there are compromises to be made, I doubt either Harry or Meghan are compromising on potentially being voluntarily made prisoners of the palace, subject to his older brother’s every mood swing.
“(I doubt this story so much I can’t stop laughing).”
I’m shaking my dmn head with a side of side-eye. Like really? They are desperate and may be wishing this with all their hearts b/c imagine how many articles they could write about that. Starvation is a terrible thing. Starve them Harry, starve them.
Meanwhile, Frogmore Cottages sits empty. That whole ‘get out, we’ll offering your home to uncle Andy’, was a lie – a way to humiliate them, make them homeless and to cut all their Windsor ties completely.
This story is so stupid, it probably makes the most hard core royalist
and royal gossip consumers fall backwards laughing.
One would hope. H&M have such great memories of KP that they would totally want to pay rent to his abusive brother to stay there. LOFL.
OK magazine online is owned by Dylan Howard(he also owns Radar online). The New York Post/Page Six is owned by Murdoch. You will often see Howard/Murdoch publications repeating the other’s stories. Sky News Australia is owned by Murdoch. Dylan Howard is a former employee and friend of Murdoch. They work in tandem with each other.
I’m sure that the very first night Harry stays at a KP apartment he will be inviting Rehabber Kooks over for dinner too. /s
Oh yes, I believe this as much as I believe that William will someday be a king to be admired. (not at all) Harry will continue to live his best life far away from the palace intrigue and hatred.
Yay Harry, he looks happy and relaxed and people seem excited to see him. I’m sure we’ll get lots of pics over the next few days, between this and polo.
Harry renting an apartment in KP? LOL. They’ve been there, done that and they aren’t going back.
I wonder if the Sussexes are secretly looking for a place of their own in England and the BRF got wind of this, and this is their attempt to wreck that.
The tabs can’t stand that Harry and Meghan like living in CA. By their twisted logic, seeing H+M smiling during an evening out in Montecito must mean they want to move back to the UK.
I expected Harry to rent/buy in the UK because of his COS status.
I doubt Harry gives a (rota) rat’s hindquarters about his COS status. Charles would never call on him anyway.
Harry’s not going back except for his court cases until the security gets sorted. For starters.
Why on earth would Harry want to rent an apartment near the man who physically assaulted him and spent years smearing his wife?
Yeah, this is the British press desperate for Harry and Meghan to be in the UK. Them renting a place at KP when they had their own place in Windsor makes absolutely no sense.
@AMYBEE, yep, the rats want their meal tickets back, go hungry you slime balls, go hungry
This makes zero sense. Why would Harry want to go to a place where the staff treated them so horribly? Kensington Palace has the tabloids on speed dial.
Yep. This! Soho House for the win?
It’s horrible how many homes Harry and Meghan have had to give up between the press intrusions and the hostility of the BRF and their minions.
Why would you rent a place from the brother who hates you and father who evicted you from your last rental?
And isn’t Willy supposed to be living in Adelaide Cott? Why would he care Harry is at KP? How would that help their relationship?
Yeah, they just told us William is still living at KP.
Yes, it seems like the media are desperate to tell us that William is living at KP. They told us a week or two ago that he and Kate sleep in separate beds which with a four bedroom home (AC) and a five family household is impossible, unless William is sleeping in his own bed somewhere besides AC. The photos of him arriving late at night by helicopter to KP, tells us he’s staying at KP.
Yanking Willie’s chain, again, are you, Rota?
@Brassy Rebel good catch indeed!! They are just DYING to tell us that W&K are separated. They’re getting so close.
YES good catch! Harry living at Frogmore would be more believable in a “repair the relationship” kind of way* since William is based at Adelaide. So this is telling us he’s not based at AC, he’s still at KP. Maybe he’s lonely and bored and wants his punching bag back 🤷♀️
*for the purposes of this article at any rate, not in reality.
Rent an apartment in KP? So the staff can inform on them to the British press? Sure Jan.
The delusion is deep in the tabloids. Both British and American it seems.
Didn’t the Sussexes move from adjacent KP to Frogmore?? Away from ???
Why would they want to ruin their peace of mind by returning there?? even for a short visit??
It is time that all accept the new reality…. They are now going back to the old arrangement, even for a short while….
Things that never happened for $500, Alex.
Harry and Nacho look like they have so much fun together. I’m glad Harry has a close friend who truly has his back.
Lol: @QuiteContrary — similar thoughts, similar timing, you type faster. Bravo!
Nacho be looking yummy too!
He’s a dreamboat!
Really! Harry & Nacho have a solidarity between them that is immeasurable. Plus, they’re great to look at together. Brothers from different mothers.
“I’ll take: ‘Landlords to avoid’ for $500.”
Did NONE of these people — Charles, William, Camilla, Kate, the RR — ever pause to think about the long term consequences of abusing the Sussexes? Apparently not — but it’s crazy that the not-so-fab four and the RR can’t shift their gears to things that might actually enhance the monarchy instead of publicly highlighting very good reasons to tear it down.
Lol, yeah the Windsors already evicted them once. Who says they wouldn’t again. Landlords to avoid and never trust again.
LOL, Blithe.
They didn’t think there would be any long term consequences like this. For one, they assumed Harry (and then Meghan) would just take it and not complain like Harry did for years as the royal scapegoat.
They never thought that once Harry had someone else to protect than himself, and an outsider (not British or aristocratic) pointed out how toxic it all was, that he would stop at nothing to secure what was important to him…his wife and child(ren) (as Sussexit happened before Lili).
He’s not going back just to have to escape again. He’s experiencing life outside the fishbowl, and he likes it.
This is lunacy!
His own mother didn’t want to live in the palace any longer. She compared it to a posh prison.
Holy cow. What is this bit of fiction they are writing about? Can’t is brokering peace. Harry wants to rent a place at KP. This is some crazy stuff. What is happening behind the scenes with the royal cult?
What’s happening is that it’s August and the entire royal fam has been on vacation all summer and won’t be back until September. The rota rats are delirious with boredom and desperate for ANYTHING that they can spin into an article so they can get their paycheck.
Even the British Press acknowledges this, and call this time of year ‘Silly Season’ because of it.
Why would anyone want to live anywhere near William? This is not a thing.
The absurdity! How gullible do these rags think their readers are? How delusional?!? Why would Harry move his family into KP when Meghan and their children are considered non-entities due to their Black blood? Let’s not forget that Dogsh*t Charlie made it clear that Meghan isn’t “family”.
The article is nonsensical.I want some of whatever these fools are smoking! There’s no way Harry will subject his family to those racist, ruthless people again.
They’ve been pushing this KP renting for ages..well since they got frogmore taken from them. I’ve been wrong before but renting KP doesn’t make sense considering how many spies would be there plus THEY DONT HAVE SECURITY!
There’s no way Harry and Meghan are talking about renting that place when the royal family continues to put them at risk. Smh
Plus they were technically renting frogmore (where they were kicked out) so why the fuck would they now go into an agreement with KP WHICH IS LESS SAFE. My God the lack of critical thinking skills with these people is off the charts.
You hit the nail on the head Polo, utter absence of CT but makes perfect sense b/c like trump and his minions, they know the truth but truth wont work for their low information readers/followers so they have no problem feeding them lies and nonsense.
No, Harry will never again risk his family evicting him. However, they might be looking for an apartment somewhere in the UK.
And his privacy…..
I read the Japanese comments and they were very negative, especially towards Meghan. It is sad to see how the British smear campaign succeeded in poisoning people’s minds around the world against the Sussexes.
And yet, if Meghan ever went to Tokyo or anywhere in Japan, I bet she would be greeted warmly by many and there would be crowds to see her.
Meghan is kawaii desu yo. 🥰🥰🥰
I wonder if much of the negative commentary is from paid bots? They’re everywhere on social media like a plague of cockroaches.
@Jais, ALL of it!! The Japanese people are not into slagging people of That they have never met, and would not indulge in this, especially with Harry there. It would be deemed dishonorable
I suspect those comments are not from the Japanese people.
The comments were from the Japanese Yahoo site, the comments were translated automatically. I was surprised at how negative they were. They are no different from the British. There were more than 700 negative comments. Daily fail Japanese version.
Trolls infiltrate any space that they can use to attack Meghan. We can’t take what is necessarily said in comment sections as true or credible people commenting. We even have that issue in this space. Regardless, the media’s continued attacks are revealing who they are more than tearing Meghan down.
They are not bots or trolls. They are Japanese writing in the native language and they believe that H&M are getting divorced and Harry is no longer a prince so he doesn’t deserve the Japanese police protection and they are glad that Meghan didn’t visit Tokyo with him.
I’m confused. How does it being written in Japanese in the native language have anything to do with whether it’s a bot or a troll? And I still maintain that Meghan would get a very very warm welcome if she went to Japan. I’m obv not Japanese but I lived there for a few years and just not cannot see her getting anything but a very lovely reception regardless of any online comments.
you are sure they’re not bots because the comments are written in Japanese? you do understand that bots are programmed and can easily be used to troll in any language, not just English, right? Also, don’t be so sure that there aren’t trolls who are fluent in Japanese and can type in Japanese too
I mean I wouldn’t be surprised. Didn’t the Japanese people essentially bully their princess and her husband out of the country?
Royalist Stan behavior doesn’t change anywhere.
His trash father made it clear when he took back the lease his gran gifted him, and having spent millions to make that hovel a home – that he was not welcome on windsor-associated properties. Harry has his pride; with his gran gone, I suspect he will never set foot on those properties again unless specifically invited. Whether he will accept, knowing how they feel about his beloved wife and kids, I think it unlikely.
Yep, this. I think that if they were to rent/lease a property or apartment in the UK, it would be with the Spensers. They are never, ever, ever going back to live at Kensington Palace.
Lol, whiplash all in one article. Blah, blah, Harry’s going to rent – and then blah, blah, no he isn’t.
The straws these idiots grasp. Make it make sense. They had a lease that was broken on a whim. Why would they risk another one? If they need a UK home, they could choose Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales (maybe not Wales–cue screaming about Wales “belonging” to WanK). They can stay with friends in London. Any place they go in London would be swarmed immediately, so they will likely sneak in and out as they have done before. For now, the UK seems a place to visit, not live. Harry probably needs to see how these lawsuits play out first.
This is just wishful thinking and attempting to manifest what the rags definitely want into reality.
Can someone who understands Japanese translate what the lady was saying that they interviewed at the end of the news clip?
According to the British media Harry and Meghan are irrelevant yet every move they make is reported . The British media and the Royal Reporters are so desperate they will try any which way to link Harry to the royal family even though he and Meghan have been gone for years now . I’m sure the royal reporter are trying their hardest to get a new pass .
It occurs to me that these people got out of the shock phase quickly but are stuck in denial, dmn near three years now. They CANNOT believe that Harry would leave what they see as such a privileged life (ignore the fact he was living in a hovel and eating packaged meals, shopping at discount stores WHEN they had sales, and spending most of his time at home ALONE, scrolling his phone when Meghan found him). These people live a highly class-based society, with the ‘royals’ at the top; their life’s desire is to be in or adjacent to these ‘royals’, so why would someone at the top of the ‘food chain’ leave. They cannot make sense of it. It’s made them unable to think clearly.
They are mad as hell and cant do anything but attack. Worse, like brexit, they are realizing the consequences, they realize too late they made a mistake, that H&M are the only interesting people in that institution. Hence the cognitive dissonance, they are irrelevant but we can’t quit them. What is so sad is that they seem unaware of how petty and small they look. Second hand embarrassment for them all the time.
This is so spot-on, to deploy Britspeak. I’ve been here since 2007 and I have *never* been able to get over the whiplash effect of Brit hysteria: how they get all up in their righteousness and rage against whoever is annoying them one minute, and the second that person or continental federation says, “Okay, good luck!” and walks away, they droop like a kid whose mum has turned her back on a tantrum at the shop. It’s like… childish. But childish doesn’t cover it. It’s stunning how self-righteous these people are, there are times they put the MAGA-hats to shame, and all of it passes under the weird brand of moral license they claim as they believe themselves to be the only people on the planet who play fair, wait in line, don’t get through life with their elbows, don’t shout, etc…. All of which is well and good, those are definitely virtues, but, they’re not the only virtues. And there are times they are definitely overused. Passivity in the face of total disaster is not laudable. And insofar as they are virtues, they have a hollow ring when set against the hysteria that seems to be the flip side of their “little old me” cannon. Like, I’ve held my tongue long enough, now I can scream and stamp my feet. Rinse and repeat. It’s all …self-cycling. Other people just shake their heads and get on with their lives. They’ve had this type of bluff called *so* many times, you’d think they’d take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves what they really aim to achieve with the regularly scheduled meltdowns. But, no, that would require discipline, realism and introspection. Harry’s memoir is great because it’s a very vivid description of this phase of life, which everyone goes through sometime, when they have to reckon with things they didn’t anticipate and don’t know how to adjust to, but that’s just the way it goes. All of this coverage strikes me as a collective psychosis. Like, your economy has improved productivity by 5% in 15 years, according to the Times, where a banner headline recently asked, “When did England Become so Poor?” The war in Ukraine, the cost of living crisis, the strikes by teachers and nurses and mail carriers, all of it is proof that something is truly not working. But let’s have another headline about Harry and Meghan. I mean… Marx coined the term “false consciousness” for this brand of reporting.
@YankBagHere that is a brilliant analysis. You are absolutely on target calling their constant H&M bashing a collective psychosis. It goes on and on and on so that it’s a mental condition by this point. I’ve never heard anyone link it to the Brit’s passive, line-forming, culture, but it makes total sense. It’s screaming and feet stomping all day long because they’ve been bred to stand in line and be passive, play fair, etc. And even now, everyday they still all line up. So H&M are their scapegoats for not lining up. It’s also why William and the Firm live in fear of his marriage bust-up being found out–because the passive folk standing in line will be terrifying when they find out they’ve been conned. I love it!
All the British media are packing their bags for Japan to cover Harry. He is the news and they know it.
The NYPost seriously has this up on their website like it’s happening. The amount of stories pulled out of someone’s butt about Harry and Meghan is mind-blowing; it reminds me of Twilight fan fiction. Next week the NYPost will have a follow-up saying Archie and Lili are being enrolled at Thomas’s Battersea while Meghan is hoping to get back to acting only this time as a serious Shakespearean actor on the London stage. Total wackos.
Make amends to William? What a joke. William is pissed that Harry told the truth; no where does Wm say Harry lied. The truth hurts. Harry owes no one an apology.
William needs to accept the fact that Harry has moved on emotionally and is experiencing happiness away from him and his drama.
Another day, another fanfiction by British media
Harry is now based in the USA 🇺🇸 , not the UK and engaging with people and organizations beyond UK for his philanthropy – USA, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Canada, Botswana, Lesotho, Angola, Colombia, Nigeria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and more. He is not devoting energy to the toxic royal mafia institution. Any visit to the UK will likely only be taken to address his court cases against the tabloid media and he can pay to stay at a hotel as needed for those trips.
He doesn’t need to foolishly expend his financial resources on the toxic royal mafia institution to rent a KP apartment. After all, they did evict him from Frogmore Cottage despite the vast sums of his personal finances spent to renovate what was previously a dilapidated shack, and the market rate rent he paid to lease it. The toxic royal mafia family can enjoy their numerous taxpayer funded palaces, castles, lodges, houses, cottages, stables, etc at their leisure or fight amongst themselves to live in them.
They need to fully accept Harry is gone, settled in the US and greatly appreciates his freedom from the toxic royal mafia institution. 🎊
That KP apartment article along with the Kate story is just distraction filler from Harry’s Asia trip. He looks really good, relaxed and happy with his friend Nacho, who also looks amazing. Hope they have a great match and a great week.
What I love about this is Harry arriving proudly wearing an Archewell cap in the midst of all the they are struggling, flopping, under pressure nonsense. I don’t know if he did it on purpose but for me it’s a big IDGAF about the nonsense.
Apropos of nothing: its now 3:45 a.m, on Wednesday, Aug 9 in Tokyo; and only 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug 7 in Montecito.
I expect H to be asleep but his family has only just gotten their day started on the other side of the world.
Time zone differences always fascinate me and it just drives home the point that time is not linear; that past, present and future are all occurring at the same time, only in different spaces.
*Tuesday, Aug. 8 in Montecito.
That’s funny. I lived there for a long time and with it being 16 hours ahead of California (or 8 hours behind California but the next day due the dateline), I’d be leaving work at 5pm just as California was starting its day, so I thought about that *a lot*. If you fly out Tokyo in the evening, you’ll arrive in California early in the morning of the *same date*. You live that calendar day twice. It’s mostly a revelation that our artificial calculations of time are just a way to create order in society, they don’t mean anything.
Yep – we traveled across the IDL to Fiji in 2018 and it was so trippy! We also straddled to IDL on that trip and got a photo.
I was born in Japan, and until the day she died my grandmother insisted that I was born on her birthday, even though it was technically the next afternoon when I entered the world. So I just figured that since I’m a Gemini anyway, I’ll have two birthdays lol!
Regarding Kensington rent, Meghan and Harry said they will not engage with outlets like the Sun, Daily Mail, Mirror and Express. There will be zero engagement. Just like those Murdoch-owned tabloids, New York Post is another US based Murdoch tabloid. So again this is obviously fake news.
Happy to see Harry arriving safe in Japan. He’s all over the news. Who says he’s irrelevant? Everyone is like a bad rash all over Harry.
Bombastic side eye to this KP story. Puhlease- Harry ain’t ever coming back
I called BS on this rumor as soon as I read it. Being forced to give up Frogmore is a big piece of evidence that cohabiting with the royals is a nonstarter. Meghan would have come to this conclusion. She’s no dummy.