“Ohio voters came out in droves to protect abortion rights” links

Every time abortion is on the ballot, there is a historic turnout for people wanting to protect reproductive rights and abortion rights. This week, Ohio Republicans learned that lesson. I honestly do not believe that Republicans understand the anger women feel about the Dobbs decision. [Jezebel]
Sean Penn took his new girlfriend to Giorgio Baldi. [Just Jared]
Just Bill Nighy, sitting in a cafe, reading Joan Didion’s Miami. [Go Fug Yourself]
The WGA & SAG-AFTRA strikes won’t end anytime soon. [LaineyGossip]
Noah Schnapp talks about coming out. [OMG Blog]
LOL, Dustin is right – And Just Like That is going to have Carrie Bradshaw break Aidan Shaw’s heart again. So dumb. [Pajiba]
Chris Noth speaks and no one is listening. [Socialite Life]
Heidi Klum’s tomatoes look amazing. [Seriously OMG]
Millie Bobby Brown reads her own book. [Egotastic]
Stories about mean and nice celebrities. Where does Aston Kutcher fall? [Buzzfeed]
I can’t imagine the kind of delusional hatred this woman spreads in every aspect of her life. This is disgusting. [Towleroad]
Florence Pugh is doing a Tiffany & Co campaign. [RCFA]

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51 Responses to ““Ohio voters came out in droves to protect abortion rights” links”

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  1. Jais says:


  2. DeeSea says:

    HECK YEAH OHIOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Proud Ohioan today after the voting turnout was so strong,was especially proud to see my 20 daughter so eager to get out and vote.Republicans are such clueless monsters!

      • bettyrose says:

        Thank you!!

      • Yvette says:

        @Spice Cake 38 … Yes, me as well! The Polling place traffic was so heavy yesterday when I voted, I asked one of the volunteers if it had been like that all day. She said yes! 🙂

  3. Schmootc says:

    I like that ‘crawl over broken glass’ bit. Catch a clue GOP (and SCOTUS), the people don’t like what you did! At all. I just hope they keep losing like this.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Schmootc, I do too!!! It’s actually fitting when you look at it from the perspective of fighting for the freedom of women keeping the Repugnant’s out of their choices and uterus!!! This has me made me feel nothing but excited to giddy!!!!

      But when I watched the news yesterday, the legislation of Repugnant’s in Ohio had altered the threshold of an amendment by requiring a 60% of votes, not the previous 50%+1…. So I’m confused as they only garnered 57% of the votes needed.

      Anyway, I am just happy as hell that Ohioans were willing to crawl over broken glass to keep abortion legal!!!!

  4. H says:

    Way to go, Ohio!

  5. Dee says:

    Hopefully politicians will learn not to limit women’s choices over their own bodies and call is “Freedom!”

    • Normades says:

      They won’t. They’ll put it on the ballot EVERY SINGLE time they can. We cannot become complacent ever.

  6. Spillthattea says:

    Nah. If they’re smart, which is highly debatable, they’ll flip the script and Aidan will screw Carrie over. Something went on between him and Seema and both are lying to Carrie about it by not telling her, so Carrie will have the perfect chance to act like the perpetual victim again. Ugh. Even hate watching this mess isn’t fun.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I have to thank CB for including the post on Pajiba with his articulate and a truthful review of everything regarding AJLT. The entire fiasco of this series reboot, (should be regret.) is just a mixture of failure and desperation.

      Now I will admit that I refuse to watch this money grab from SJP, but Dustin Rowles commentary was spot on!!! Such a breath of fresh air and brilliantly written!! Thank you Dustin!!

    • manda says:

      did something happen between seema and aiden? or is that a fan theory? I would love that, I think. although seema smokes, and aiden is anti-smoking. I didn’t like aiden and carrie together before and I don’t like it now, but I’m not sure how I feel about aiden bc yes, carrie was TERRRRRIBLE, but he was kind of judgy at times. I just don’t think they’re a good couple, and I think it would be really creative if he ended up with someone else

  7. bettyrose says:

    The people have spoken and keep speaking. Keep this momentum going. I hate the hyperbole that every election is the most important one ever, but sadly, that’s how this is shaping up. Abortion rights are always at stake, now more so than ever, but this fire in Hawaii is calling us to attention that we absolutely cannot afford 4 years of an anti-environment administration helming the world’s biggest abuser of global resources (and if anyone doesn’t see a connection between abortion rights and the environment, happy to discuss).

  8. Lady D says:

    I am jumping up and down, cheering for the Ohio voters. Way to go, Ohio.

  9. BothSidesNow says:

    Why does Sean Penn look like he’s 82 and not 62?? He’s a year older than me and he looks old. I’m talking decades older…..

  10. Flying fish says:

    Ohioan here and I am so happy and proud!

  11. IShouldBeWorking says:

    Proud Ohioan and I was so happy to vote this down! Not only was this a blatant attempt on preventing the citizen led abortion amendment from coming to a vote it was brazenly trying to steal power from the people and banking on low turnout from a (now illegal) August election. So happy this blew up in Frank LaRose’s face!

    • Rebecca says:

      Fellow Ohioan and feel the same on every single point you raised! Thank you to my fellow smart Ohioans!

  12. BothSidesNow says:

    WTF, who does Jennifer Meeks, the wife of Arkansas State Rep. Stephen Meeks, think she is???? Someone needs to press charges AND arrest this Karen Keeper stealing books that don’t represent Gods teachings. IF Meeks wasn’t married to a Repugnant representative, her ass would be in jail. Get this Karen Konvict OUT loose in the public.

    • Josephine says:

      she and her fellow bible-thumpers are grooming girls to be subservient

      • olliesmom says:

        Yep. They are going right along with it and facilitating it. They don’t really like other women and they don’t care. It’s all about control and thinking that they are holier than thou and if they stay in line with the plan their men will reward them in the end.

    • HoofRat says:

      Has she even read the Old Testament? As a (very) former Sunday School teacher, I can attest that there are passages that should never be read by children. Whatta putz!

      • SadieMae says:

        Yeah, the Bible’s got some pretty terrifying, murderous stuff in it. Much worse than most anything that’s going to be in a little free library. I’m always amazed by how many people decorate their babies’ nurseries in Noah’s Ark patterns, for instance. I don’t care how cute the drawings of little animals are – that’s a *horrible* story! And boy, does it show the Biblical God in a bad light. (As do so many Old Testament stories, really.)

    • olliesmom says:

      Are there just a bunch of awful women in Arkansas? Oh, no just like Sarah Sanders, don’t work on solving actual problems in Arkansas like illiteracy, povery, lack of healthcare, the education system……….

      If I caught her doing that to a little free library near my house I would turn my garden hose nozzle up to power wash and let her have it.

  13. Digital Unicorn says:

    I really don’t understand why GOP keep pushing this when time after time its blows up in their face which the facts that the MAJORITY of Americans from all corners of the political spectrum want abortion rights. This seems like one of the rare occasions where the minority religious extremists are bringing people together – the other crazy thing is that there is a lot of support for abortion amongst christians.

    • notasugarhere says:

      I doubt they care what the majority thinks. All the US Rethuglicans care about is winning. Right now, they’ve won by removing abortion protections at the US national level.

      Waiting for future lawsuits about abortion access being a religiously-protected act (Jewish and Islamic law) to take down the SCOTUS decision.

    • Josephine says:

      these politicians don’t really care about the outcome. it’s all performative. they have to show how dedicated they are to fascist politics to keep the money flowing from facists, bigots, evangelicals, etc. so they call for these votes but don’t actually care, because win or lose, they keep getting paid

      • SadieMae says:

        Yup. In fact, I’m sure many of them weren’t happy about Dobbs being overturned at all. They raise a lot of money and get a lot of votes from their base because of big, bad abortion. Of course they can pivot to the many other big, bad strawmen they’ve created, but still. There are true believers, but for most of them it’s about money and power.

  14. NN says:

    Roe should have been codified a long time ago.

  15. Juniper says:

    Wait wait wait, the math ain’t mathin’ with Chris Noth’s wife. According to the article, she’s currently 38. They’ve been married since 2012, and it says they dated for 10 years prior to getting married. So … they started dating when she was 17? WTF?

  16. Peanut Butter says:

    Thank you, Ohio! Such heartening, inspiring news for the rest of us 💛

  17. Peanut Butter says:

    Heidi Klum ‘s veggies are gorgeous but, god, she’s so thirsty

  18. mellie says:

    I would be so pissed if I went to open one of the Little Free Libraries and it was full of Bibles! I mean seriously….what world are we living in now?!?!

    • olliesmom says:

      Couldn’t she have just added bibles with the other books? Oh no.

      My concern is what did she do with the books that that she and she alone deemed “inappropriate” that she removed? Have a big bonfire in her backyard?

      • Josephine says:

        You know she’s reading them. It’s women like this that read all the naughty stuff on the sly. it would not surprise me one bit to hear that she’s into some really sick stuff.

  19. olliesmom says:

    Well, hello Ohio! The great big blue state of Illinois waves and blows a kiss.

  20. ACB says:

    So glad to see it! We all need more of this! First, Kansas, and now Ohio!

  21. Nancy says:

    Proud Ohioan today. However this issue was about voting rights. We remain a simple majority state. Anti-abortion activists were trying to change that in order to get their agenda easier to pass when abortion rights are on the November ballot. So kind of about abortion rights but not really since this will affect all types of future legislation.

    • C says:

      It was a measure that affects politics in general but no, it was absolutely about abortion rights.

      Frank LaRose (I hate this man so much) stated explicitly about this August election that “This is 100 percent about keeping a radical pro-abortion amendment out of our constitution.” This election was held to try to keep the abortion issue off the ballot in November period. And it’s why every anti-choice Ohio organization like the different Right to Life offices throughout the state were campaigning HARD about voting Yes on 1. To the point where they were advocating people to “pray, volunteer, and vote” for its success. Happy beyond words it failed.

    • Patricia says:

      Proud Ohioans here today but we must stay committed and vigilant for the November election.

  22. AC says:

    Agree we need more of Kansas and Ohio across the country! And show that the GOP policies are archaic in the 21st century.

  23. Mrs. Smith says:

    It can be hard to find slivers of hope, but Ohio voters are giving it!! Thank you!! These are the moments that inspire people who think it’s ‘useless’ to vote. Make your voice heard!!

  24. TIFFANY says:

    My celeb encounters are pretty good. I worked in a specialty store in a mall in the teens to early 20’s and saw quite a come through. But I think my favorite was Snoop Dogg. He was early in his career when he was with The Dogg Pound, who were also with him. Snoop and the other members were absolutely chill and were okay with being recognized and loved the attention. They were able to not draw attention and control it when they did.

    The same cannot be said for Nelly who chose one of the malls busiest non holiday shopping days to demand mall security and have them close off stores while he looked around with his nose in the air.

    Michael Keaton was straight up low key and if he was recognized, he would shake your hard and say hello. Not a picture taker, but that was fine.

    Marshall Faulk was so bad that mall employees would call other stores to warn that he was there. And then had the nerve to demand discretion when he came in with women who were not his wife. Dude, we make 7 dollars a hour, we don’t care and only gotta ring you out to get you out.

    • DaveW says:

      People on this site blast Sarah Jessica Parker but friends live in her neighborhood and say she is lovely, friendly, and at worst is, at times, a little OTT enthusiastic and prone to hyperbole. I work a PT retail job and met her last summer when she was in town filming Hocus Pocus 2; she was shopping with her son (he goes to school here) for stuff to set up his off campus apartment. Again, super nice, appreciative, approachable, easy to work with, and also did not let her son have free rein with her credit card, ie no, he could get a $200 Nespresso, NOT the $2,000 Jura for coffee.

      Conversely, friends have met Kim Cattrall on several occasions and do not have anything pleasant to say.

  25. bisynaptic says:

    OHIO ❤️

  26. trillion says:

    finally some good news out of Ohio. Keep it going!